Cresting the last hill, the group scanned the land before them. Just at the edge of the hill, they could see the joining rivers. The setting sun glinted off the waters, creating an ethereal glow. The view was inspiring to the eye.

"Do we know where this Grace is?" Dagen asked as he stared out along the vast rivers.

Marek shook her head. "Gojun said it was where they meet."

"That's a large area to search," Thane pointed out.

"Then we best get started," Daena said, making her way down the hill. Qole followed.

Marek sighed as she brought up the rear of the group. She wished Gojun would have given her more help in locating the Grace. She had this nagging feeling that they were going to reach it too late.

When the party reached the bottom of the hill, Daena's ears were twisted in different directions, twitching slightly.

"What is it?" Marek asked as she stopped beside her.

Daena tilted her head. "They're close."

The sounds of the Golgotian army echoed around them. Warhorns blared nearby. Shouts of a charge were faint but it proved the point that they were running out of time.

In the distance, barely visible through the trees before them, the party could see some Orcs running through the forest toward the rivers.

Without saying another word, the party rushed through the forest in pursuit of the Golgotian army, racing to the rivers.

Dagen removed his bow and nocked an arrow. Carefully, he aimed and fired his arrow as he ran. The arrow zipped through the woods, hitting its target. The Orc fell to the ground with a thud. As Dagen ran up to it, he snatched the arrow from the felled beast.

Thane removed his sword as he neared another Orc. As he gained on the creature, he swung the blade, bringing the Orc to the ground with a squeal. Thane didn't stop running.

Marek hobbled in the back of the group as they ran for the rivers. Movement above her caught her attention. A swarm of black crows flying overhead had caused her to smile. She knew that Gojun was coming to their aid.

Daena and Qole led the group. They spotted the familiar glinting off the water as they neared the river's edge. The two pushed themselves harder to reach the rivers first.

Sliding to a stop, the two glanced about the raging rivers. They weren't sure what they were looking for exactly. The rest of the party stopped behind them, out of breath.

"Does anyone know what we're looking for?" Dagen asked, glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one was behind them.

Marek shook her head. She couldn't remember. Before she had a chance to think back over her conversation with Gojun that day, the swarm of crows whirled around before them, summoning Gojun.

A smile broke out on Marek's face. "Gojun!"

Gojun offered a small smile before turning serious. "You don't have much time, Marek."

Dagen blinked at Gojun. "Did he just...Wasn't he a flock of birds a moment ago?"

Marek ignored him and focused on Gojun. "What are we looking for?"

Gojun glanced passed the group. He could sense the Golgotian Army nearing. He stated, "The Grace is in a glass light-"

"You mean, we've been running around looking for light?" Dagen muttered.

Gojun ignored Dagen. "I'll hold off the Golgotians as long as I can but Marek, you must hurry. If Szorlok finds the Grace before you do, then we've lost."

She nodded that she understood before turning to face the others. "We should split up. We have to find the Grace quickly."

"What do we do once we find it?" Thane asked, looking at Gojun.

Gojun replied, "You protect it until I can rejoin you."

Thane nodded and followed Marek and Dagen, while Daena and Qole went the opposite direction.

Gojun prepared himself for the oncoming army. He knew that he wasn't destined to die this day but the fear still crept up in his gut.

Marek led her group along the river's edge. Stopping every few feet to scan the immediate area, she hoped to see the Grace.

"There has got to be an easier way of doing this," Dagen complained.

Thane asked, "Is there some kind of spell or something you could do?"

Marek thought for a moment before remembering one of the newer spells Gojun had given to her. She fumbled around on her belt where a couple of pouches hung.

Once she found the pouch she was searching for, she pulled it free from her belt. She quickly opened it and poured the contents into her hand. She mumbled a few words before tossing the handful into the air.

Within seconds of her tossing the mixture into the air, it transformed into a ball of light, almost the same size as the pixies from the dell.

Dagen asked, "What the fyke is that?"

"It's a guide," Marek said proudly. She stared at the light in anticipation and wonder.

The three watched as the light bounced around them for a moment, almost as though it were studying them. It lifted into the air above them and flew off down the river bank.

"Come on!" Marek shouted. "We have to follow it!"

"Great," Dagen sighed. "We're following another puffball."

On the other side of the river, Daena and Qole ran down the embankment. They could hear the sounds of battle from where they had left Gojun moments before.

As Daena sprinted ahead, Qole slowed to glance over his shoulder. He could see some of the Orcs pursuing them.

A startled hiss came from Daena. Qole whirled around to see what had happened. He slid to a stop as he watched Daena swinging by the ankle up in the air.

Qole's eyes darted back to the path before him. Emerging from the forest was the shaman who claimed ownership over him - the man with the yellow eyes.

The man gave an amused smile. "I've been waiting for you."

"You do not control me, Kishkumen," Qole told him.

"The only way you can be free," Kishkumen said. "Is to kill me."

Qole's eyes narrowed at the necromancer. He knew that he had tried once before and failed. He wasn't sure he'd be able to succeed by himself. He also worried about Daena as she dangled above them like meat to the lions.

Kishkumen taunted, "Come Qole. Let's kill the half-breed and take the Grace back to Szorlok."

Qole's hands wrapped around his javelins. He told himself to wait patiently. He knew that if he were to attack too soon, he'd lose the element of surprise.

Kishkumen took a step forward, drawing his sword from his sheath. He glanced up to the dangling Tabaxi half-breed. "It's a shame to let someone as unique as you go to waste but... my army has to eat."

Daena's eyes widened as she glared down at the necromancer. She couldn't believe what he was suggesting. Her eyes darted over to Qole, who hadn't moved from his spot.

As Kishkumen's sword arced back, preparing to strike her where she dangled, she watched as Qole moved quickly, javelin in hand, blocking the blow.

The metal joined against one another with a clank. Kishkumen laughed as he pulled away. "So, you don't want to kill the half-breed?"

Qole's jaw tensed as he stared the shaman down. "Leave her be."

Kishkumen grinned. "Perhaps you can take her place!"

The necromancer lunged forward, slicing his sword through the air as he attacked Qole.

Qole blocked the attack before returning the attempt. His javelin swiped through the air.

Kishkumen whirled around, swinging his sword toward Qole's back. Qole blocked the attack but didn't see the dagger in the man's hand. The dagger's blade sliced through his leg.

Qole shouted in pain, falling to a knee. He hissed as the pain engulfed his leg. As he glanced up to see the blade of Kishkumen's sword nearing his head, he rolled forward, dodging the blow.

Back on his feet, Qole spun around to block the next attack. Forcing himself to forget the burning pain behind his leg, he swung his javelin to try and keep the necromancer at bay.

"You'll never win," Kishkumen told him. "I will kill you and then I'll kill your friend."

"I won't let you," Qole stated, readjusting his grip on his javelin.

Daena glanced along the river. She could barely make out the others on the opposite end. She hoped they'd find the Grace without their help. She hoped that all they needed to do was distract Szorlok's minions long enough to succeed.

As Qole and Kishkumen resumed their duel, Daena reached up to the rope around her ankle. She could feel the rough fibers of the rope digging into her flesh. Pulling a hidden blade from her sleeve, she started working on freeing herself.

Qole swung wide with his javelin. Kishkumen leaned out of the way before bringing his forward. Qole couldn't get out of the way in time and raised his arm to block the attack. The blade sliced through his forearm with ease.

Blood dripped off of Kishkumen's sword. Qole grimaced as he glanced at his arm. The blood seeped through his clothes, dripping down to his fingertips.

Kishkumen laughed. "Give up."

Qole shook his head, swinging the javelin once more. Without letting up the pressure, Qole pressed his attack. Kishkumen seemed taken aback as Qole swung at him relentlessly.

The yellowed-eyed man stumbled and fell onto his back. Qole smacked the sword out of the man's grip. As he prepared to land the final blow on his old master, he stared into the man's eyes. Kishkumen was afraid.

Qole pulled his javelin back, ready to strike the man down. Searing pain engulfed his side. Blinking the confusion away, he stared down to spot an arrow sticking out of his side.

One of the Orcs stood off to the side, crossbow lowering from its side.

Qole grimaced. Throwing his javelin as hard as he could, he watched as it met the Orc's chest.

Kishkumen took this moment to try and stab Qole with his dagger. He leaned forward to bury the blade to the hilt.

The dagger was blocked by another. Kishkumen's surprised gaze glanced over to see Daena on the other side. She sneered at him before grasping his wrist with her free hand. With her armed hand, she plunged her dagger deep into his heart.

The man's yellow eyes flashed red as he released a gasp of pain and surprise. She sneered at him as she pushed the blade as deep as it could go. She watched as the last bit of life fled the necromancer's eyes.

When she was satisfied with the results, she pulled the blade from his chest. She released a short exhale, wiping the blood off onto the man's chest, replacing it into its secured location.

Qole collapsed onto the ground. Daena rushed to his side. She glanced at the bolt sticking out from his side. Worry washed over her face as she reached for it. He grasped her hand, stopping her.

She blinked at him. "You cannot die on me. You promised you'd help me when we were done here."

Qole swallowed. "I tried..."

"You've got to hold on," she said. "Just a little longer."

He shook his head. "I don't think-"

Daena put her finger on his lips. "You don't get to say that. You're going to be fine..."

He reached up to touch her cheek. "I'm sorry."

"Not as sorry as you're going to be if you die on me," she stated. "Come on." She lifted him to his feet. "You can hold on a little while longer."

"I'm tired, Daena."

"You can rest when you're dead. You're not dead yet."


"No," she interrupted, voice stern. "We're finding your healer friend."

Qole grimaced as they hobbled through the forest. He wanted to tell her that it was too late for him. He wanted to tell her that Teela was too far away to help them. Instead of pointing out what Daena already knew, he gave her the luxury of hope - something that was a rarity these days.

As they slowly made their way through the forest, Qole felt his legs give out from under him, bringing them both to the ground.

Daena pushed herself up off the ground to check on him. "Okay...Okay...hold on..."

He grabbed her hand. "Just stay with me..."

Her heart broke a little as she forced herself to stay with him.

As the two stared into each other's eyes, movement caught Daena's eye. She grasped her dagger and prepared herself for another battle.

Qole whispered, "Go...leave me here."

"I'm not leaving you," she told him.

Once the words left her lips, the life from Qole's eyes had faded. Daena clutched his hand tight, shaking her head, willing the tears away. She had failed him.

Sniffling, she stood up. She realized there was still hope for him yet. She had to find the Grace, turn back time, and save his life. Turning on her heel, she rushed for the river. When she arrived, she spotted the others still searching the waters and nature's debris.

Marek lifted her eyes and spotted Daena. Glancing about, she asked as the half-breed approached, "Where's Qole?"

"He's dead," Daena told her. "Kishkumen killed him."

Marek released a short gasp. She couldn't believe it. Her heart raced and the pit in her stomach twisted into a knot. Swallowing hard, she turned her gaze back to the debris of sticks and logs. She decided that she would use the Grace to save her friend. She knew that Gojun wouldn't be happy with her if she used it but she couldn't allow this life trail to be true.

With each stick Marek removed from the pile, the closer she felt she was getting to the Grace. When the faint blue glow began to emerge from the rubble, she knew she had found it. Before pulling it from the place it was hidden, she glanced around at her friends. They were still searching, paying her no mind. Reaching deep into to hole, she felt her fingers wrap around the bottle. She pulled it carefully out and examined it. It looked completely intact.

Closing her eyes, she whispered, "Please...I must change what has been done."

A woman's voice spoke to Marek in a melodic tone, "Fear not, my child...I shall help you turn the tides of time."

Marek opened her eyes and watched as the world around her slowed to a stop. Then ever so slowly, she felt the river waters running backward. She watched as her friends moved in reverse. It took Marek a moment to realize what was happening. The second it finally clicked within the recesses of her mind, she turned and ran toward the direction Daena had emerged from earlier. She knew that in order for Qole to live, she'd have to be there to help them.

The moment Marek had joined her friends at the place where the battle had taken place, she watched how his death happened. He had been attacked by the Orc. Had that Orc not attacked him, he wouldn't have been killed. Determined, Marek positioned herself to take care of the Orc so he wouldn't be struck by the bolt.

Once she had made her decision, time slowed once more before returning to normal speed. The Orc raised the crossbow to take aim. Marek took the dagger she had and slammed it into the Orc's neck. The Orc released a short howl before whirling around on Marek, knocking her onto the ground. Marek stumbled back, looking for something to defend herself with. She began to wonder if she should use the Grace once more. Within moments of the thought occurring to her, she watched as a familiar javelin blade erupted from the Orc's chest, bringing it to the ground.

Glancing up, she spotted Qole - healthy, unharmed, and very much alive - looking down at her. "Are you all right?"

Marek's eyes darted over to the body of Kishkumen. She watched as Daena wiped his blood off of her dagger. She smiled wide. "I am now."

Qole extended a hand toward Marek, pulling her to her feet. "Did you find the Grace."

Marek nodded, pulling the vial from her pouch. "I did."

A familiar dark voice echoed within her mind, "Very good, Marek...bring it to me..." Marek shook the voice from her mind. She knew that Szorlok had some hold over her but she refused to let him win. She wondered if he knew that she had used the Grace and it did exactly as he hoped it would. Marek knew that she needed to hand over the Grace before she felt consumed by Szorlok and the power of the Grace.

Sounds of footsteps approaching alerted them. Turning around, they spotted Dagen and Thane nearing. Dagen's eyes flitted to the vial in Marek's hands.

"Is that it?" Dagen asked, staring at the vial in her hands. "Doesn't seem like it's worth much."

"We need to find Gojun," she said firmly.

"If he still lives, you mean?" Dagen replied. "Last we saw him, he was taking on the entire Golgotian army."

A voice behind them stated, "I'm alive."

When they turned around, they spotted Gojun standing there. Some blood lined his clothes but the man was unharmed. Gojun added, "It's not my time to die yet."

Dagen blinked at him. "You know when you're-"

"You did a good job today, Marek," Gojun said, ignoring Dagen. "Your mother would have been proud of you."

Marek bit her lip. She wanted to ask questions but she knew that it wasn't the right time. She walked over to Gojun and placed the vial into his hands. "What will you do with it?"

"Take it someplace where Szorlok will never find it," Gojun stated. "This will win some favor with the Gods."

Marek offered a small smile. She hoped he wouldn't ask her why she used the Grace. "When will I see you again?"

"I'll come to you when the time is right." He gave her a silent lecture behind his gaze. She shifted uncomfortably. She knew that he knew what she had done but was thankful that he chose not to make a bigger deal out of it, especially in front of the others.

"I miss you," she told him softly.

"I know," he said. "Soon."

With that said, he dissolved into that familiar wave of crows and flew off.

Dagen sighed as he neared her. "Are you all right?"

Marek nodded aimlessly. "Let's go home."

"Now that," Dagen started. "Is a plan I can get behind completely!" Thane smirked as he followed the two.

After the party rested and began to make their way home, Daena and Qole had parted ways from the others. Qole vowed to follow through with his promise to Daena. They would hunt down the poachers and free those within the entertainers' guild. He owed her his life and would stay by her side until the end of his days.

Teela, Thane, Dagen, and Marek wanted to return home where a nice mug of ale would be waiting for them. Marek knew that her part in the world wasn't over yet. She just would have to wait until Gojun returned to give her the next piece of the puzzle. Until then, she wanted to go home and relax with her new family. Marek never told the party what she had done to save their lives. She kept it a secret from them. She questioned if they would even understand.

Gojun knew that he would have to call upon Marek once more - it was her destiny - but for now, he wanted to give her some time to bask in her victories until that day came. She deserved that much.

The world was safe from destruction now that the Grace of Time had been found and stashed far away from all evil. Gojun made sure to keep its location secret from all, the Gods included. Szorlok would never find it for as long as he lived. The Darkspore, on the other hand, would be a different matter entirely.