Please let me know what you think. Write a comment or PM. Silence is golden but once in a while it's nice to hear what you all think? What questions you might have or just general comments. So please enjoy and thanks for coming back - Mssupertigz


Casey raised his eyebrows and fired back with some more questions. "General I think we need to know what Langston has done and if he was responsible for the implementation of Fulcrum and why it was developed and why didn't he want to follow through on Orion's plan. We know that Orion had Bryce steal the files to prevent the Intersect in becoming a weapon."

"Chuck has my file and I am glad to get it out of here. When I met with Chuck the other day and returned later to my office, I could swear that someone other than my own personnel were in my office. I checked the halls surveillance, but whoever was here, they knew where the cameras were located but..."

"But what?"

"They weren't CIA. I was able to catch them coming out of the stairwell. I will send you a picture."

Casey waited as the picture came through a decrypted email. Casey opened it and sat back. Nodding to himself and mouthing the words 'We got you.'

"Any idea Casey?"

"Yeah, his name is Justin Sullivan. We had him figured out that he was CIA?"

"Well not this CIA."

"So, I guess Chuck was right on this one. He's Fulcrum."

"Well that's a start. He is obviously looking for something."

"Yeah he wants confirmation that Chuck is the Intersect. We believe that Forrester was going to take Chuck as proof back with her and pass him onto Sullivan, but she didn't make the appointment. So, Sullivan must know that she is gone to. We have Ned so he can't ask him, and Mauser is dead. So that leaves you. Chuck also thinks that Langston may not have died in the explosion."

There was a slight pause.


Beckman sat back in her office.

"Condoleezza, I will be in LA in a few days and we can talk then."

Casey wasn't sure what he was hearing. Beckman repeated.

"Yes General."

Casey hung up. It made the Major uneasy. 'Well someone must have walked in or was listening.'

Casey rolled his chair back and put his head phones on. 'This is Major John Casey #5648DeltaBravoKent I am need tracking on the following number; I need to see if there were any other persons on that call and if so I need confirmation and location.'

Casey waited as the call was investigated. Five minutes later a voice came on. "Major we have one call other than yours. We have a local DC number, but the number is blocked but we did managed to get a pin on a call that this number made after."

"Would you be able to tap into that call?"

"One second Major."

Casey could hear the officer clicking on their keys. "I will send the link to your phone if you wish Major."

"Please do."

"Also Major we finally have a location on the call it's 38.9517 N 77.1467 W."

"Thank you."

Casey hung up and knew exactly what these coordinates we for. Casey just had to wait to tell Beckman and pondered walking over and telling Chuck and Sarah that someone within the CIA was listening in and that Justin was in Beckman's office.

Next door

Sarah snuggled inside Chucks warmth and dragged her fingers over his chest. Chuck laid there with a happy grin on his face. Sarah looked up. "You feel pretty good don't you!"

"Well I guess I have to owe it all to you."

"That's better."

Chuck covered them both up and laid there till their eyes were heavy and closed unaware of what had transpired next door.

Next morning

Casey and Sarah waited for Chuck to sneak out of the Buy More through the service entrance. Sarah turned to smile as Chuck got inside the van. Chuck smiled back. "So, what's the urgency?" "We want to check out the substation that Casey got wind of. He got Justin on CCTV and wants to check it out. Chuck sat back but could see through the rear-view mirror that Casey wanted to say something.

"Casey do you have something to say?"

Casey focussed on the road. Sarah leaned forward. "Well Casey, there's no time to sit on a thought or…."

Casey took a deep breath and told Chuck and Sarah about his conversation with Beckman.

"So, we have proof that someone in the CIA is looking into this as much as we are? And that Justin has been busy?"

"Yeah, so Beckman will be here tomorrow. I figured that she picked up on a click or something or someone walked in while we were talking but it was after midnight there. So, I am going with the fact that the phone was bugged."


"Yeah it had to be, depends on how long he was there and what he was looking for, he could have had time to plant a bug and if Beckman just got back from Germany, she wouldn't have time to do a bug scan of her office."

Casey turned the corner and parked down the street from the Investment Building. The plaza was busy, and it made it easy for anyone to come and go from buildings and not be seen. The three headed down the same side entrance as they did the other day, but Casey stopped and wanted to know where the substation access would be. Casey scanned the promenade and found it. "Hey, lets wait and see who shows up then head into there. There has to be access from this building to that substation."

Chuck and Sarah agreed and sat down across the street facing both entrances. Casey faced the substation and Sarah the Investment Building and Chuck sat in the middle catching everything else. Sarah recorded four men entering the side entrance and two women entering the main doors after the six of them separated. Casey watched as the same car Sarah saw in front drove around the block a few times then parked in front of the substation. Casey leaned on his elbow with a hand held telescope. "That makes 7 and he's packing."

"So, do we go now or wait till they come out?"

Chuck stood up. "We go now?"

Sarah smiled as Casey nodded slightly. "You are learning grasshopper."

Chuck followed Casey as Sarah walked ahead and picked the lock of the substation door. Chuck entered and then Sarah and Casey walked in backwards closing the door. The entrance was dark, and Casey couldn't see if it was wired or had security. They followed the under-ground tunnel that was parallel to the sewer system. They rounded a transformer and stopped as the man who had entered earlier was leaning against a table looking at papers. Chuck whispered. "He must be waiting for someone?" Chuck couldn't wait. He took a left when Sarah and Casey went right. Sarah looked back and saw that he was gone. She nudged Casey who looked to see Chuck heading closer to the man at the table. Casey called into his watch. "What are you doing?"

Chuck looked up and put his finger to his lips. Chuck scanned the room and saw that there was a beam that went the length of the area. He looked over his shoulder and saw a way to climb up. He saw a beam that was centered as a post and saw that it had a zig zag pattern all the way up and with his long legs, it would be easy to climb. Chuck hoisted himself up and climbed to the beam that he wanted. He shimmied across on his stomach and laid over the beam facing the table. Sarah looked up and tried not to react. One false move and he'd fall or get killed, but she had to trust him. Chuck laid down and figured that he was about less than 10 feet above the guy. Chuck grabbed his phone to get a pictured, but it ended up on video. He waited and extended his arms when he thought that the guy was looking up. Chuck peeked over again and kept his phone on the table. The guy looked up when, from the far wall a panel opened up. Casey and Sarah looked and slipped behind a pile of crates to get out of view. The six other people that they saw outside finally arrived. Chuck took his phone and videoed the six coming out of what looked like an industrial elevator. The six arrived and walked towards the table.

"Welcome all." Came from a voice within the group. I have word from Mr. Sullivan that our guest will be here shortly, we have been trying to find a way to meet and now that we are close to reaching our goal, in obtaining the Intersect, we can move onto our next plan." Others voice mumbled incoherently.

The man looked up as he heard the same doors that the six came through open. Chuck scanned the room when he heard the same doors open and followed the 8th person till they came into view but didn't expect to see who it was. Both Casey and Sarah looked at each other and gasped. Flashbacks from months ago blocked Sarah's view. She hadn't expected to see anyone she knew; the least of all Bryce and she didn't expect him to be in the same place as they were now. Sarah looked up and saw Chuck but couldn't read his face and being so close to the others she couldn't ask him. Casey checked his gun and waited just in case.

Chuck's inner fears and insecurities when ever Bryce came around resurfaced and now, he was less than 10 feet above him. Chuck kept his phone on the table. No matter what he had to put an end to this, even if Bryce was a part of it.

"Welcome Agent Larkin."

Bryce nodded and joined the group. The eight stood around the table and quickly introduced themselves, as the one that the three figured was the one in charge took over.

"I asked you all here to be witness to the changes that Fulcrum is making. And what the next plan of action is. I talked to Mr. Sullivan last night and it looks like Major John Casey and General Beckman were in the midst of discussing our plan." Bryce took notice. "But before Mr. Sullivan could get any intel the line went dead."

Casey smiled. 'Good girl General.'

"But don't be discouraged. Mr. Sullivan has brought us one of them. Agent Larkin has finally after some negotiating has decided to join our team. Welcome."

"Thanks. For those who don't know my story, I was the one who initially stole the files from the DNI and have kept them in a very safe place. When I found out that Orion had chickened out on allowing Langston Graham to use them as they were meant to be used, I had to do something. Fulcrum's main aim was to obtain/recreate the Intersect. We are so close, thanks to the efforts of Langston Graham who maintianed a foot hold and had open lines of communication with the CIA and NSA. I stepped in after gaining the trust of Orion and promising that I would take care of the Intersect. And that is what I have done and when we are ready to go forward then I will happily pass it on."

"Excuse me Agent Larkin but didn't you die once because you stole the files?"

Bryce turned to face the voice. "Yes, Major Casey shot me outside the DNI as I was escaping but unbeknownst to him the files had already been sent to a undisclosed server."

"I see, and where is this server?"

Bryce looked up and got a glimpse of what looked like a shoe. Nervously he composed himself. "The server is none of your business, but I promise you all, you will all get what you have been waiting for."

The man in charge spoke. "Thankyou Agent Larkin. We will meet again in a few days when Justin arrives. We will meet at the other location as we fear that this place might not be as safe as it was. So please grab your files and until we meet again, stay safe."

The six grabbed their files as Bryce stood in front of the table. Chuck kept his camera on the table and saw that Bryce was writing something down and slid it under a coffee cup. He followed the man out through the sub stations door. Chuck waited till it was quiet. Casey and Sarah came out and looked at eachother blown away at the fact that Bryce was here. Chuck came down and had a fearsome look on his face. "You okay Chuck?"

Chuck looked up. "Didn't see that one coming."

"That SOB."

"No Casey, save your comments. I still think he's on our side."

Sarah and Casey watched as Chuck walked towards the table. Chuck reached for the cup and pulled out the piece of paper. "We need to talk. 516-768-3222."

Chuck passed the paper to Sarah then to Casey.


Chuck flipped the piece of paper in his fingers as Sarah and Casey walked in. Chuck looked up. "We had our team check it out and all we got, were some schematics and some requisitions for a rental truck to be delivered to this place."

Chuck reached for the piece paper that Casey had. Chuck took a look and flashed. "Macklin Steel is a subsiderary of McTiernam Industries known as the possible base for Fulcrum."

Chuck sat up. "What else was there?" Casey put the items on the table. Sarah walked up to Chuck and rubbed his back as he leaned over the table. "Guys I think that finally Fulcrum can work for us."

"Right you have Fulcrum intel." Casey rolled up a chair as Chuck picked through the pile.


"It looks like they were more advance than we thought." Chuck turned around. "We know that Colt broke into the NSA labs to steal the cypher which was to be the new artifical brain for the second Intersect. We also know that Fulcrum was also responsible, perhaps indirectly for sabotaging the cypher; Langston Graham."

Sarah still didn't like hearing his name associated with this whole mission but she sat down and listened anyway. "So Fulcrum's ultimate goal with the Intersect is still unknown, but when we were at Meadow Branch I remember the Fulcrum operatives Sylvia and Brad saying that they believed that they would be protecting the Government and the United States by using it themselves."

"So maybe Langston thought that he was still loyal to the CIA if he sabotage the cipher from being uploaded?"

"Possibly but that still doesn't explain why Fulcrum was even created."

Sarah got up and returned with the file Chuck got from Beckman and her notes.

"Hey guys, I read the file that Chuck got from Beckman and looking at it, Langston didn't know at first that Chuck was the one who had the files. He could have sent Robbie once he heard that Bryce was the one who stole the files. Bryce continued to convince the world that he had the files on him, even as late as last fall, when he rose from the dead and Robbie was after him. And now, they still think that he still has them. He did say that he had permission from Beckman to seek out Fulcrum. So maybe this is where he has been and we accidentially end up at the same place? Then there was Pita Girl, Longstaff arriving to find Chuck. We know about Colt but maybe again it was Langston who hired him. Then months later Ned and Mauser, arrive casually at the Buy More. And I think that it was Justin that Mauser was talking to and getting orders from and when he found out from Ned, that it was Chuck, he took him."

Sarah hated that day when Chuck found out what she did. Chuck gave her a closed smile. "I believe that after Meadow Branch, Cole, the chip then Forrester and now Sullivan, its all related. Someone had to let Justin know, give him access and info on Forrester in order to make Beckman agree with the order. I am putting my money down on Merriweather. Both he and Langston were tight and very old school."

"Do you realize what your sayin' Sarah?"

Sarah put her list down. Sarah tilted her head slightly. "I know that the list is small but each person was a threat in their own way, but all fingers seem to point to Langston and Fulcrum. I also looked back at my debriefs with Beckman and I never thought anything about it till now but when we had to debrief it was just her but when we had intel on anything related to Fulcrum or the Intersect; Langston was there."

Casey and Chuck both looked at eachother. "You're right, we never questioned it because we didn't have to but like I said to Beckman how many of our missions were actually CIA and not Fulcrum influenced?"

The three looked at eachother, they knew that Chuck had to make the call to contact Bryce.

Chuck flipped the card over and grabbed the phone and a secure line. He put it on speaker and dialed the number.

It rang but no answer. Chuck looked up. "Typical." Casey rolled away and was heading towards the kitchen. Then the phone rang. Casey stopped and Chuck and Sarah looked at each other. Chuck pressed the button. "Chuck, B- ryce. We secure?"

Sarah nodded. "Yeah. We are?"

"Is Casey and Sarah there?"

Slight pause. "Yeah. They are. You said that we need to talk so talk."

"Yeah I did. I didn't expect to see you there."

"Well same at this end."

"So I guess we are looking into the same thing?"

"We might? Depends on which side your on?"

"I never left if your wondering. Can we meet?"

Sarah wrote on a piece of paper and turned it over. Chuck grabbed the paper. "Frank's café in an hour?"

"Sounds good."

The line went dead.

Casey turned and yelled back. "The vic is up and running in a half hour"

Chuck turned to lean against the table. Sarah walked up to him and unfolded his arms and slipped in between them. Chuck sat back a bit on the table. Sarah wrapped his arms around her waist. "Well? Ms. Walker."

"You okay?"

"Now I am."

Chuck closed his eyes and kissed her. Sarah leaned back. "What are you going to say?"

"Don't know, hear what he has to say?"

"Might be best, cause we still don't know if he is actually still on our side."

"So why Franks?"

"It's an old CIA hang out and the owner is also CIA, so we know that we are protected and right now Casey is calling in a favour."

Chuck looked over and saw Casey on the phone.

Chuck pulled Sarah close and held her. Sarah could feel his heart speeding up. She could put money on how he was feeling, and she hoped that he didn't slip into thinking that he was less than Bryce. She knew that Bryce had been capable of making Chuck feel less of man. But to her he was all man and much more.

Sarah looked up. "Love you."

Chuck smiled. "I love you too."

Sarah leaned in as their lips met. Chuck felt Sarah's hand move to the back of his neck, intensifying the kiss. Chuck backed off. "I hate to end this."

"Well don't."

Chuck laughed. "Tempting and there are several places that I would like to take you right now."

"We have time." As Sarah slid her hand down his chest to his belt.

Chuck grabbed her hands before they went any further.

"You two done or do you need some more time?"

"N-o, we're coming."

Chuck grabbed his jacket and followed Sarah outside.

Frank's Cafe

Bryce was sitting by the window, with a coffee in his hand when they arrived. The three sat down as Casey held up three fingers. The waitress brought three cups and filled them. They all said thanks and stare uncomfortably at eachother. Bryce finally broke up the solemn mood.

"It's good to see you guys."

Chuck nods to be friendly and as far as he was concerned they were still sorta friends.

As they tossed back and forth small talk and Chuck knew that they could trust him. He asked his questions carefully after Casey assured him that he came alone.

"So why where you there tonight?"

"Probably for the same reason you where."


"Okay, when I left you guys, I followed several leads that had me going all over the country. I started with going back and looking into Robbie and where he came from. Maybe I missed something. I also wanted to know who he had been talking to. He was very good at keeping his contact with this person quiet, but I got a number that led me back to the CIA and some guy named Justin. So, I befriended him telling him that I was interested in Robbie's deal."

"To join him?"

"Yeah." Looking at Chuck.

"I looked into other leads, but I felt that Justin was my ticket. So, for the last few months I have been gaining their trust and giving them bits and pieces to think that I still have you know what. This meeting today was to meet the eight as they call themselves.

"The eight?"

"Yeah, think of them as Elders or leaders that I believe are the eight links to Fulcrum. And Fulcrum is just one of the eight. I found a schematic of a blue print that had Fulcrum at the top of the eight and other organizations such as The Ring, Hydra, Aries, Triangulum, Fornax, Cygnus, Eurybia." Chuck flashed on all the names but diverted his eyes not to let Bryce know, just in case. Bryce continued. "I believe that these groups are up and coming and will one day will be as effective as Fulcrum as long as the Intersect and you are still out there. Though I believe that their individual goals are the same their methods and execution will be harder to shut down."

"So, the eight that where there tonight are the ones in charge of the eight?"

"I think so Sarah, Justin hasn't yet confirmed this yet, but he wants Fulcrum to prosper before he lets the others become independent."

"So where is this other meeting with Justin?"

"Friday at this location." Bryce slides a small piece of paper to Sarah.

Chuck looks at Bryce.

"Is Langston alive?"

Bryce turns to him and pauses. The three look at him. "Yeah."

Chuck falls back in his seat and all his colour drains from his face. Sarah slides her hand under the table and grabs his hand. "I heard that there was a cipher out there and that a man named Colt was hired to find it."

"Yeah we met the guy." Casey replies. "Someone hired him that he was afraid of, we recovered the cipher after it was taken. The guy who came to retrieve it for Beckman knew the password?"

"Yeah, that unfortunately was Langston, who met with Beckman and knew the password. He then sent in a Fulcrum agent to take it from you."

Casey shook his head.

"Why would he try and steal it then end up with it anyways?"

"He had to play both sides. He had to show Fulcrum that he was faithful to them but still keep his nose clean with Beckman."

"But what if we didn't get it back from Colt and Langston went ahead anyways?"

"That's the thing. I don't think he thought about that. He was just lucky that it worked out the way it did."

"It makes no sense, was he on our side or not?"

"When it was uploaded the real CIA didn't know that he survived, he went into hiding and still fed Fulcrum with intel."

Chuck sat up and took a sip of his coffee. "I found the coroner's report and saw that there were only eight that were recovered but reports state that there were nine, so that got me wondering if he somehow survived."

"The room was rigged, and it was made to look like the actual room that was supposed to be built by the real CIA but never got done. Langston just made it look and sound like it did. Beckman and others just went along. So, when the cipher was inserted and the eight took off their sunglasses, Langston put his on, the room went dark and he slipped through a panel in the floor. Then as the file uploaded, it was a trojan virus that blew up the fake cipher. But the blast was much more intense, that they figured that Langston got trapped and suffered burns and a few broke bones."

"So, who's the leak?"

Bryce looks up. "Merriweather, and Justin who is actually his nephew and a former Westpoint graduate."

"When was Langston turned?" The remaining three were stunned but Casey knew it had to be asked, and it was the question that they all wanted an answer for.

"Shortly after I met with Orion." Chuck looked up.

"After Fleming wanted to recruit you, your name was given to Merriweather who at the time was in recruiting. Beckman had been transferred to the DNI. Your dad saw your name and freaked out. He got nervous and because he was working behind the scenes as just Orion no one knew the connection. So, when he saw that you were a possible recruit and remembering the deal, he had made with Langston years ago he had to act fast."

Bryce looked at Chuck. "You know about the meeting…."

"Yes. He does, he flashed on the memory, so we are aware that Langston met with his dad years ago."

"Sorry man. So, you have to understand that he had to act fast to try and prevent you from becoming (Bryce points to his head) what you are now."

"We know the what, and why you were there tonight but what we need to know is why Fulcrum and why Langston. And where's Justin?"

"Merriweather wanted a fall guy and Langston was his target. He placed Justin inside to get as much info on this secret project."


"Yeah. I was brought in our second year at Stanford where I met your dad and we had something in common and that was you. The rest of the story we know. Orion asked me to get the files out of the DNI to protect the future of the Intersect and what it was intended for. To prevent you, from being recruited. I made the choice to send it to you because they wouldn't suspect you but when Langston found out after Robbie took me that I didn't have the files, like I said I did. Merriweather approached him, wanting to know who else other than me would have the file. He threatened his family and his job. Langston felt that he could play both sides."

"Did he hire Colt?"

"Not that I am aware of. It had to be Merriweather or one of his men."

"But what gets me is if Langston knew that the cipher wasn't ready why did he follow through?"

"By then he had no choice, no turning back. He had to prove to Fulcrum that he was faithful. And he figured that he'd get out in time and he did, but Fulcrum sabotage the cipher by tweaking the data codes."

Chuck looked at Bryce. "So is Fulcrum still working on a cipher?"

"Not really they are after you and after this meeting I think they will finally say that they know who the person is. Their going straight to the source. Mauser knew but he's missing. An agent named Forrester had her suspicions and Justin was waiting for her to show up. Then I got word that she had locked up the person. So that is when I came back to LA to find out for sure. She locked you locked up?"

"Yeah she did but I got away."

"Somehow Justin convinced Forrester that Chuck was the one that they were looking for. And because she was fired from the CIA and would do anything to get her job back, she agreed to take over my role as handler."

"What? So, where is she?"

"We figured that someone forced Beckman to accept the change and I was asked to leave so I left, and Forrester bided her time till she figured out that Mauser was right and thanks to a man named Ned, who planned a car crash last Christmas. Infiltrated a plan to get Chuck alone and was in contact with Mauser the whole time. Ned figured it out that Chuck was being guarded by the CIA and NSA. And we couldn't let that happen. So, Mauser was taken care of and Ned is locked up in CIA custody. Forrester connected the dots. She met with Ned then let Justin know that Chuck was the guy, so we got rid of her."

"She's dead."

"Dead? Yeah, she was about to kill me when Chuck."

"Chuck killed her?"

Bryce looked at Chuck who still wasn't over it. Then he looked back at Sarah. "So when?"

"A month or so ago? That is when this all started to crumble."

Chuck got up and left.

Sarah started to move as well. "Yeah it's getting late, we better…."

They got up and left the table. "Larkin?" Casey turns to him. "Meet us tomorrow. Here's the address, memorize it and burn it."


Bryce walked over to Sarah. "Hey Sarah, I came by your hotel room and they said that you checked out a while back?"

Sarah turned to face him. "Yeah I took some time off and didn't need the room and I just came back so I haven't had time to get it back."

"So where are you staying, maybe we can get a drink or something?"

Sarah looked at Bryce. "No, I am staying at Chucks."

"Oh, I see. For the cover?"

Confidently she turned to face him. "No not anymore."

Sarah's smile was quick, but it gave Bryce his answer. As, they walked out and Sarah got into the Vic, Bryce noticed the ring.

Next day

Sarah woke up to an empty bed and wondered if Chuck had heard her and Bryce's conversation last night? It wouldn't be the worse thing he could overhear. Sarah called Casey, and he told her that he was in castle and that he had arrived hours ago. Sarah got ready and headed over to Castle. Walking down the stairs she met Casey. "I got here at eight and looks like he was here like five?"

"That doesn't sound good."


"He's been thinking."

"He's in the back."

"Thanks Casey."

Sarah walked to the back and saw Chuck sitting on one of the couches. Sarah knocked then walked in and closed the door. Sarah sat down next to him. Chuck looked at her. Sarah grabbed the pile of papers and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Wanna talk?"

"Do I have to?"

"No, we can just sit here."

Chuck grabbed her hand in his. He closed his eyes, and for a short moment his mind was quiet, his breathing had slowed down and he started to relax. A short time later. Sarah looked up and saw that his eyes were closed. She hoped that he was sleeping. She tried to move but Chuck held onto to her hand. Sarah looked at his face and whispered to him. "I thought that you were asleep."

"I would love to but…"

"You want to be alone?"

Chuck looked at her. "No, but I would like to kiss you."

Sarah turned and moved onto his lap, with her legs draped over his and extending over the couch.

"Is this better?"

"Ve-r-y-m-u-c-h." As Sarah placed her lips on his. The kiss was sweet, with a mix of little and deep kisses. Just the right amount of each to make the experience interesting. Sarah rested her head on his shoulder again. Chuck leaned in for more.

Chuck and Sarah looked up after hearing the knock. Casey's silhouette hovered over the door. "Heads up Beckman and Larkin are on their way. ETA 15 minutes."

"Thanks Casey."

Chuck tried to move. Sarah looked at him and pinned him back. "He said 15."

Sarah locked lips with him and got another 10 minutes alone with him.

Sarah and Chuck headed out as Sarah tried to wiped Chuck's lips free of her lipstick. Chuck took the back of his hand and wiped fast as the doors from the Coffee Houzz opened up. Beckman and Bryce walked down together then Bryce debriefed with Beckman about what he told the three last night.

The three sat down and waited till Beckman walked back out and sat down at the end of the table.

"Good Morning team."

"Good Morning General."

"I was hoping to be here under better circumstances and hearing what Bryce has found out and what you three have discovered as well, I felt that I had to come in person. When I was taking to John the other night, I heard a click and I knew that someone had patched into my call. Luckily it was after John told me some interesting intel. I looked into the security feeds and got a visual on one Justin Sullivan. So where are we with him and where do we go from here?"

"As I told Chuck, Sarah and Casey last night, Justin is arriving to meet with the eight and myself on disclosing where the Intersect files are. So, we need to decide on how we are going to shut them down."

"General we know that Merriweather is behind this. That he threatened Langston. Placed his nephew in on the inside, who turned loyal agents against the true institution of the CIA and has been hunting Chuck down for over two years."

"I hear you Casey, but we can't just arrest them and throw away the keys. They know too much, and if they already assume that you Chuck are the only human Intersect, they won't stop coming for you even if we do take this bunch down. From what Bryce has told me there could be hundreds of agents within the CIA/NSA that are loyal to Fulcrum."

"We know a lot already, and they have been apprehended."

"Thanks to the capture of Jill and the successful capture of those at Meadow Branch. But Justin knows that Mauser was killed because he knew who the human Intersect was and now that Forrester has not checked in, and that Bryce is here. He's just waiting for the rest to know what he already knows."

"So, we get rid of Justin?"

"We could but if Justin is taken out too quickly, he could alert the other eight groups and they could pick up where he left off. Then no matter who is protecting you Chuck, it wouldn't be enough."

Sarah's heart sank. Casey got a lump in his throat and Chuck went numb.

"Team, I know that is not what you all wanted to hear but that is our reality that I don't want made possible. We need to get the seven taken care of first then take down Fulcrum. We have the list that you and Casey found Sarah, and we have several teams making sure that those people are in custody. Bryce needs to get a list of agents that are in each of those groups. Once we have them, we go after Justin."

"That could take forever?"

"It could, but I don't know how to stop this from moving forward. We need the Intersect and the files but we can't…"

"What if we got my dad to take them out?"

"Chuck!" Sarah turned to face him.

Chuck sat up. "I am the target; they want me but without the Intersect I am useless to them. We contact my dad and maybe he can get it out of my head. If he was able to put it in my head, he could take it out?"

Beckman looked at Chuck. "Chuck its very noble of you to want to volunteer to take one for the team but you are too valuable to assume that once the Intersect is taken out and if it can be taken out, that it would stop them."

Chuck sat back. "General maybe we ask his dad?"

"Orion doesn't want to be found."

"He has been General."

Beckman looked up. "Chuck found him awhile back and he came out of hiding to attend his daughters wedding."

"So, where is he?"

"Don't know but, I bet Chuck could try again."

"General we have no choice. It has to be removed and the files put somewhere else." Sarah pleading for the team and for Chuck's life.

Beckman took some time to think about the request. The three waited.

Beckman walked through the doors and sat down with an idea. "Bryce will meet with Justin. We will monitor and hopefully Bryce can get Justin to give him a list of those who are in the other groups. If we get the list, Bryce will bring in a portable drive with some files, Chuck you can put them on there?" Chuck nods. "That gives Justin a taste of the real thing. This might bide us some time. Bryce hands over the list. We contact our teams and they hunt them down and once we have confirmation that they all are found they rush in and take them down."

"Sounds like a plan but what about Justin?"

"I will take care of Merriweather. He won't go ahead today without Merriweather being there. Merriweather wants to see this happen as much as we do. Bryce you work on Justin."

"But he'll know that Bryce is bluffing when he can't produce me. No portable drive is going to convince the likes of Justin or even Merriweather for that matter, that a drive hosts the whole Intersect and its files. Not if Forrester and Mauser actually said my name. Ned is the only one left that knows that it's me, that I am aware of. Even Jill for that matter could have said something?"

Beckman adjusted herself in her seat.

"Bryce you go to your meeting, Casey you go with him as back up and see what he says. Chuck and Sarah, you stay back. At least here your safe."

Bryce and Casey headed upstairs. Chuck and Sarah watched them leave then looked at Beckman.

"Chuck tell me about your dream?"

Chuck looked at Sarah then back at Beckman.

"My dream, General?"

"Casey told me."

"Well, where to begin? The first one was a dream when I was kid and my dad was busy working in his room and a man came to visit. All I remembered was that he wore a blue suit. The second time it wasn't a dream but a memory. This time I heard them talk and when the stranger left, I walked into my dad's room and saw all the computers and gadgets and such and being curious I sat near one of the them and pressed a button and everything went dark. When I opened my eyes, my dad was there and that's all I remember."

"So how old were you?"

"Probably around 8 or so?"

"I guess your dad is the only person right now that can give us some insight on what to do next? The Intersect is his and it wouldn't be right to get rid of it even if it was our only choice. Chuck and Sarah looked at eachother.

Undisclosed Fulcrum Location North East LA

Bryce and Casey drove up to the undisclosed Fulcrum location. Casey opened his door and pulled out his gun, check the magazine and slid it back behind his back. Bryce looked at the number and then looked up at the building. "I can see why Fulcrum had been able to lay low for so long."

"Yeah they seem to have a knack in finding places that most people would over look."

The two walked in the mall's main doors and followed the walkway to the service elevators. The mall was very busy with shoppers, baby strollers and business trying to sell everything and anything. Turning the corner, they walked to gain access into the back of the service entry. Bryce pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. Inserting the key card that came with the address the elevator closed and lifted upwards. The doors opened and Casey went one way and Bryce went further into the hall. Casey shimmied up the air vents and hid out of view as the others started to arrive. Casey lifted his foot just in time as Fulcrum security made their walk through. "All clear by the elevators."

"Roger that." The voice replied over the walkie- talkie.

Bryce greeted the eight and waited as Justin came walking in. He nodded and greeted everyone. "Please sit."

The room quieted down as Justin pulled his chair up. Looking around, his face showed pride and accomplishment. Casey pulled out of his pocket a wired mic and slid it down through the vent as close as he could get to the table. Bryce looked at Justin then saw the wire spin downwards then stop.

"I am sorry that I wasn't here to meet with you the other day, but I got held up in DC. Unfortunately, I was unable to get anything on General Beckman or Major Casey so can't just wait anymore. Bryce has joined us and has agreed to share what we have been searching for all this time, and what rightfully belongs to us and to help us locate the host. Bryce please."

Bryce stood up and pulled out his portable drive and walked over to Justin's computer and inserted the drive. He turned on the projector and opened the files. He purposely showed the room the file names. Reminding himself that they were fake names. He had to thank Chuck for coming up with the fake names and files that Fulcrum would assume were real. Bryce turned to face the group. "I have downloaded a portion of the actual thing. You can see from the files the Intersect has the ability to recall Intel and key Governmental that the CIA/NSA stored in within the Intersect. Since 911 all files up to date are on here. Newer intel can be added by upgrades."

"These upgrades how to do they work?" A voice piped up.

"The files need to be downloaded through a series of delicate procedures. We know that previous attempts have been done with some success but without the right decoding and algorithms no upgrade will work."

"So we can't upload the files?"

Bryce looked at Justin. "We can but do we want to take the time to see if the downloads work?"

"We did try with Langston Graham."

"Yes and we know how that turned out."

"That was done on purpose."

Casey shifted and made a slight noise. Bryce coughed to shift people's attention back to him. "That was the plan?"

"We wanted to see if what he had put together would work. We switched some of the codes and from what our results told us, if we put those codes back in, our version will be as good or even better than the original."

"Even if your codes allow that, you still need a host."

"Yes Bryce and what you have offered to give us I bet that our technicians will be able to incorporate that and make our version even better."

"So where is Langston now? We can use him again?"

The room roared with laughter.

"Funny Larkin. Langston has been well paid and enjoying life in the Dominican Republic. We got what we wanted and Forrester."

"Forrester? Who is she?"

Justin looked up. "We had her take over as a handler working for General Beckman on a case with Major John Casey, Agent Sarah Walker along with an unidentified third party. From what we got from Mauser before he disappeared was that he was close to identifying who the host of the Intersect was and sent in to verify Mausers suspicions."

"And what did you find out?"

"Forrester was unable to report, so have to assume that her identity was compromised."

"So we are back to square one?"

Justin stood up. "Not necessarily. I still have contacts within the CIA that are looking into the name of the host."

"The host?"

"Yes Bryce, we know, we always knew that you weren't the only one who had access to the files."

"And you still want my help?"

"Yes, with what you have here and having the actual host, we can't lose."

Bryce sat down, shocked. "Team it will be a busy few days before we can move on as planned. But I promise you that we are close. The host is closer than we realize and one day they will slip, and we will be there to pick up where they left off. I will go ahead with our version and see where it takes us. Be ready to move anytime now. I will send you the time for our next meeting. This place seems to work. Please exit carefully and we will see each other very soon."

The eight got up and exited the room. Bryce walked up to the computer and unplugged the portable drive. Justin walked over and extended his hand.

"Great job and thanks for sharing."

"My pleasure."

Bryce looked up at Justin as he gave him the drive. "Would you happen to have a list of the eight and those who are Fulcrum Agents. I was hoping to see if there was a way to use those people to speed things up. I probably went to school with a lot of them and I if I knew who they were I could let you know if they would be a good host for what we are looking for."

Justin looked at Bryce as if he had just asked him an insulting question.

Minutes passed.

"Sure, I don't see why not. The faster we move on this the better." "Right totally."

Justin sat down and opened a zip file and de-cryptic zip file. Then he pressed print. Walking over he pulled out the list that was four pages long. Bryce looked up and took the list. "Protect this list."

Bryce looked up. "With my life."

Justin shook his and thanked him for the drive.

Bryce walked out with Justin and couldn't wait for Casey. Casey pulled out the wire and slithered back to a T in the venting system. Casey back into one vent took a peek and figured that if the vent was angle down it was the fastest way down. Casey went head first down the vent. He was glad that he was only on the third floor. Bryce and Justin exited the elevator and walked into the main part of the mall. "You coming?"

"Nah, I think I might get some frozen yogurt."

"Why not, see you."

Bryce waited till Justin turned the corner and his goons left his blind spot. Bryce fell back and turned to go back into the service entrance. Trying to get back into the elevator his key card wouldn't work. Bryce tried again then heard a large rattle and bang come from behind him. Bryce slipped through the double doors and saw a large vent open up just shy of the boilers. The door opened and two large hands poked through. Bryce ran to the doors and held the door open with one hand as he helped Casey get to his feet with the other.

"Man Casey, you sure know how to make an entrance?"

"It was the only way out. I looked down from where I went up and saw that the screen was locked, they somehow blocked anyone exiting the floor."

"Yeah they even blocked it from the main floor."

"So this was my only option."

"So literally what goes up must come down?"


Casey got his bearings and walked out with Bryce. "So did you get it?"

"Yeah." As he gave the list to Casey.

"We better go out these doors, I wouldn't be surprised if they have the cameras bugged as well.

Next day

Chuck started looking for his dad as Casey and Bryce and Beckman looked into the list of Fulcrum agents. Along with what Casey and Sarah did months before, it didn't take them long to go through the list.

Chuck sent his dad a cryptic email the same way he did the first time he was looking for his dad well before he knew that the person was his dad.

He got up and walked out to the stairs and not seeing Sarah with the others he assumed that she was upstairs working. Chuck quietly headed upstairs and waited to sneak inside the Coffee Houzz. He rounded the corner and there she was wiping down tables. He like the apron on her and how it draped just so over her body. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and looked fantastic. Chuck smiled as she turned and saw him. The room was quiet with only a few patrons. Chuck walked up to the counter.

"Hey beautiful?"


Chuck leaned in as Sarah gave him a quick kiss.

"How's it going?" As Sarah lowered her eyes.

"Okay. Just sent an email to my dad, so we will see if it is still active. My dad didn't leave a forwarding address or number."

"Would a coffee help?"

"You know it will."

"Go sit down I will bring it to you."

Chuck turned and found a seat in the back. Sarah busied herself making two cups. Walking over she sat down. "You look tried?"

"Yeah, who knew that working in a coffee shop would make you tired."

"Funny. But we know that isn't the the whole truth. What's up?"

"I think that Bryce knows about us?"

"What? How?"

"He asked me the other day if we could get a drink because he came by my old hotel room and I wasn't there. I said that I just got back and hadn't had time to get a room but was staying with you. Then he looked surprised when asked me if it was for the cover."

"And what did you say?"

"I said no, it wasn't for the cover."

Chuck's smile showed relief much to the surprise of Sarah.

"You okay with what I said?"

Chuck grabbed her hand. "Yes, I love you and you love me and why not let people know."

"But it's Bryce?"

"That's okay, that was then this is now."

Sarah squeezed his hand. Sarah finished her coffee and Chuck looked at his watch. "I better head back."

"You want one for the road?"

"You trying to keep me awake?"


"For something?"

Sarah dragged her finger down his shirt.

"That depends….."

"On what?"

"I stay awake?"

"Maybe you should have another cup?"

Sarah quickly poured Chuck a large cup of Americano with some cream and sugar. Then walked back around the corner. The last patron left leaving them all alone. Sarah walked back with Chuck as Chuck put his cup down and pulled her into an embrace. "We can slip into the bathroom and?"

"I wish but this will have to do."

Sarah planted her lips on his and held him close. Their lips found each other again and the intense feelings behind the kiss made Chuck a bit lightheaded. Sarah lowered her feet and slowly let his lips free. Chuck looked at her. "That will do it. And the other part."

"Later I promise."

Chuck grabbed his cup and kissed her once more and slipped into the back.

Chuck sat his computer and saw that there was a message. He clicked on it and saw that it was from his dad. His dad gave him a number to call and Chuck dialed the number. Orion/Stephen came on.

"Hi son?"

"Dad, how are you?"

"How are you and what's wrong?"

"Can we meet, it's important."

"Is it Ellie?"

"No, it me this time."


Sarah headed home from her shift to see Chuck sitting on the couch. She knew something was up. She tossed her bag, locked the door and sat down beside him on her knees. "I am assuming that you got a hold of him by the look on your face?"

Chuck looked up. "Yeah, he's coming by the Coffee Houzz tomorrow."

"So, he's close by?"


"You don't look happy?"

"I am don't get me wrong but what am I going to say to him. Sorry dad I have been found out and now they know you and they know me."

"From what Bryce said earlier, Justin still doesn't know that its you so as long as he doesn't then we are safe."

"But for how long?"

"I stopped in downstairs and they have decided by the end of the week to move in on all the eight groups. Beckman wants to make sure that what they have is legit."

"You don't think that Justin would give Bryce a fake list?"

"We can't take that chance. So that is why Beckman isn't moving till the end of the week. So that gives us a few days to talk to your dad and see what he thinks. Then by end of next week we would be done."

"I hope your right."

Chuck reached for her hand, then pulled her closer. Sarah got up on her knees and moved closer to Chuck and sat on his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder. Sarah leaned her head back as Chuck kissed her. He dragged his finger over her lips and cheek, and he rested his hand on her face.

Sarah turned and rested her feet on the floor and reached back and grabbed Chuck's hand and forced him to stand. Sarah turned the lamp off by the couch and headed down the hall to the bathroom. Sarah turned on the shower and the room filled up quickly with steam. Chuck slipped her shirt and bra off as they took their jeans, socks and underwear off. Chuck followed her into the shower. Sarah adjusted the temperature and moved together under the spray. It was what they needed, for that moment it was just them. Sarah knew how to take the pressure off Chuck, and he appreciated it. Chuck slid his hand over her wet skin building up the feelings inside her. She ran her hands through his wet hair holding him close. Chuck moved slightly as he picked her up and slid between her legs as she wrapped them around his wet hips. It took a lot to hold them there as their skin was wet and slippery. Chuck pushed her gently into the corner of the shower as the cold tiles welcomed her warm body. Chuck nestled inside her neck and stayed there for what seemed like eternity, while still pressing himself closer to her. Sliding his hand around her lower back, he held her close just a little longer as the intense building capsized. Sarah titled her head back catching her breath as Chuck slowly let her slide, her feet to the floor of the shower. The spray cooled them off as they let the water spray over them.

Chuck reached back and shut the water off and opened the door grabbing Sarah a towel. He passed it to her and kissed her, but Sarah tossed the towel and pushed him back. Chuck saw the look in her eyes that she wasn't ready to end this. Chuck moved her to the vanity and lifted her up. She dragged her nails across his dampened skin. Chuck looked at her and devoured her lips. Dragging them down her chest then back to her lips. Chuck picked her up and settled for their bed. Chuck laid their wet bodies down into the warm sheets. It was fast and intense just how Sarah liked it. Chuck didn't hold back. Sarah held onto him placing her arms under his armpits helping to keep his rhythm. Sarah held him close as they fell asleep.

Sarah and Chuck waited almost all day for Chuck's dad to show up. Chuck settled for a glass of water as the caffeine was making him more nervous. Sarah finally looked up and gave Chuck a nudge. Chuck turned around. There stood his dad wearing the same jacket and ball cap pulled down over his eyes. The hug was brief but at least Chuck got one.

"Hey dad, you remember Sarah."

"Yes, hi."

Stephen noticed the ring, then looked up. "You two, the ring?"

"Yeah dad, we're getting married, it's totally real and not a cover."

Sarah nodded.

"Congrats. Is that why you called me?"

Chuck looked at Sarah who sat next to him on his right. "No its about your project."

Stephen looked around. "This a front isn't it?"

Chuck looked at him. "Yeah the other place, was compromised."

"Chuck, we made the change after things got a bit hectic and we felt that a new place would be a safer option."

"They know who you are?"

Chuck wasn't surprised that his dad figured it out in record time. "Not yet, but they are really close."


"You heard of Fulcrum right?"

"Yes they were the ones that I was trying to keep the Intersect away from in the first place."

"Well, they have come back with a vengeance. We have managed to ward off most of the threats, but we are running out of options that don't require Chuck being identified."

"So, we discussed the options of you trying to take it out of me, cause if you were able to put it there in the first place you could somehow take it out?"

"I can't take it out."

Chuck was devastated.

"Son, I can't cause you always had it."

Sarah and Chuck looked at each other with complete shock. "What do you mean dad?"

Hesitantly Stephen began to talk. Chuck leaned forward but wanted to run.

"When you were a boy, I found you in my workroom and you had just pressed a key on my computer."

"Yeah I pressed the enter key? So, what about it?"

"Son that was the beginning of my research and what you now have in your head?"

Sarah looked at Chuck then Stephen. "You mean he always had some type of Intersect."

"Yes. I was in the middle of testing it and had downloaded a sample trial myself and was able to function quite nicely. I changed somethings, some codes and problem-solving techniques and wished that I couldn't use it the way I wanted it to be used. So, when a man named Langston Graham came and offered to use it, I jumped at the opportunity, but it took a while. In the meantime, I added data and made some changes, like I said. So, when I finally agreed to hand things over, he came by. We stepped out and you must have walked in, pressed the enter button which downloaded all the data that time. You were able to accept all that data and not have any side effects. I was amazed at your ability to hold that much data, even at a young age, more than I originally had."

"So, I always had."

"Always, well some portion of it. What Bryce sent you was the 1.0. The final one but also all the US Government's secrets along with it. Which blew my mind as to why they wanted all their files added to my project. So, when I heard that Langston was going to use it for creating super agents and not in a good way, I had to act fast. I came across your name and remembering that you had originally download a version and along with how smart you were otherwise, it helped you pass Flemmings test. And he could have you become one of us."

"But I did."

"Yes. And there's nothing that I can say to change that."

"Dad, Fulcrum wants the Intersect and all Government files back. If you could take it out. Then I can save all the files and Fulcrum won't come after me."

"What live a normal life. No offence Sarah."

"Yeah a normal life."

Sarah knew that they would never really live a normal life, and would they still be together if they did?

"Son, even if I could take it out. The very first version is still there and will never be completely extracted from your brain. The Government files maybe, If I can just remove that part then where the files go?"

"Some server maybe, some undisclosed server."

"I don't think that the Government would appreciate that happening."

"Dad they have to if Fulcrum continues to be a threat to the CIA?"

Stephen got up. Chuck turned. "I'll see what I can do, will be in touch."

Chuck blinked and he was gone.

As the week ended Beckman stood at the edge of the table and weighed all their options. It was now or never. Beckman gave the order to move in once Bryce took care of Justin. "Justin is going down and so is Merriweather. I have trusted agents that I have personally recruited to take Merriweather and his associates away. Bryce will meet with Justin as planned. Casey, Sarah and Chuck you will make sure that we get his files and whatever we can on Fulcrum. I have eight teams awaiting at the other locations to move in on those agents. Any questions?"

"No ma'am."

"Okay, good luck and be safe. Chuck and Sarah a word."

Chuck and Sarah held back as the room emptied.

"Where are we on your plan?"

"Still don't know General, but when I talked to my dad, he told me that I had accidentally downloaded a version of the Intersect when I was 8 or so. So that dream wasn't a dream after all. I have always had the Intersect in my head, and with all the upgrades and me still being able to function, it has surpassed my dad's expectations and made me the world's number one target. So, I asked my dad if he could somehow remove the Intersect from my brain and he said maybe the recent stuff but not the whole thing."

"Wow, I don't know what to say Chuck."

"Me either actually, but if it works all the Government files can be downloaded to a secure server."

"I understand that but what about you? What could happen to you mentally or even physically?"

"We don't know, my dad doesn't even know."

"Then its not worth it. We will find another way to keep Fulcrum away forever."

"I appreciate the efforts and enthusiasm but until I see it, I won't believe it."

Chuck walked off. "Excuse me General, I go and talk to him." Sarah got up and closed the door.

Beckman nodded and got on the phone.

Sarah walked castle looking for Chuck and found him sitting on the stairs looking down into castle. Chuck looked up but kept his face in his hands while leaning on his knees. "So, you don't think that your dad is going to be able to remove only the files?"

"I don't know, the Government files I have are just a part of it. There's, files on medicine, electronics, martial arts, people, places and things, voice recognitions, mathematical and scientific problem and theorems, formulas you name it, it in here."

Sarah slid her arm into his and leaned on his shoulder. "Your dad did say that he had downloaded it as well and he seems to not have the amount of information you have, maybe you can downgrade."

"Downgrade?" Chuck chuckled.

"What, if you can upgrade why can't you downgrade."

Chuck turned his head. "Why not."

The laughter was short lived. "I love you for trying to see the upside of this but until my dad figures something out….." Chuck voices softened and he didn't finish his sentence.

2 days later

Chuck heard his phone and reached for it trying not to wake Sarah up. They had just got to sleep after meeting with Beckman and Casey. Chuck tried to focus and saw the number.

"Hey, its' early?"

"Sorry, but the meeting has been moved up and it might be too late to get the other teams set up."

"Who changed the time?"

"Justin, I talked to some others and they said that he needed to move on this."

"Maybe word has gotten out that Beckman is cleaning house.'

"Maybe but it also means something worse."

Chuck sat up and put his feet on the floor and switched ears. "Worse, what happened?"

"Ned Rhyerson."

"What about him?"

"He was taken and we found his body. Casey is here with me."

"Where are you? Bryce!"

Sarah woke up and scooted over beside Chuck.

"We are….."

Chuck put down his phone.

"What is it?"

Chuck turned to face Sarah. "They found him?"


Chuck got up. "Fulcrum found Ned. He's dead."

Sarah got up and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh Chuck."

Chuck sighed deeply.

Sarah drove as fast as she could to the location and met Casey who rushed Chuck inside. Chuck walked the length of the warehouse to see Ned sitting slumped over in his chair with a needle still attached to his arm. The three watched as a forensic tech took the needle and walked over to a make shift table and tested the vial. She turned and looked at the three. "Sodium Pentothal, but a lethal dose, way too much for the size of this man."


Chuck turned to Casey. "So why kill him?"

"They only wanted to get one thing. And maybe because he was already far gone, they used a heavier dose." "Who knows, but Ned was the only other person who knew my true identity."

Chuck looked around and looked back as they carried Ned's body away.

Sarah looked at Bryce when he walked over. "What about the place where Ned was being held?"

"Someone disclosed the location."

"We had only a few agents on his capture and only a few knew where we were taking him." Casey faced the group.

"Well, we can assume that one or all were Fulcrum." Bryce looked at the group.

Bryce reached into his pocket and saw a text from Justin. "We better go, the meeting starts in a half hour?"

"Same place?" Casey started to move.

"I think so, it doesn't look like he changed it." Chuck started to move. Casey stopped him and placed his hand on his chest. "And where are you going?"

"With you guys?"

"No you're not."

"Yes I am and there is no one." Looking at the group. "No one is going to stop me."

His voice was strong, and he held nothing back.

Casey lowered his hand and looked at Chuck. "Ok."

The four reached the mall and things looked different than it did a few days ago. The mall was half empty for what time it was. Casey held onto his gun as Sarah reached for hers. Chuck walked along the side out of the view of cameras with Sarah behind him and Casey and Bryce walking ahead. They reached the doors to the elevators that they took. Bryce scanned his card and the doors opened. The four entered while Chuck kept his face low. They reached the floor and the doors opened. But Casey stopped them from going any further. Looking back. "It doesn't feel right. This is not the same floor."

"What do you mean?" Bryce stepped back to look at the number on the screen. "It says the same number as we were at the other day."

Chuck and Sarah moved slowly out of the elevator and Sarah kept him close to the wall. Bryce switched the lead and Casey and he walked into the main area. Bryce stood by Chuck while Sarah and Casey checked out the rest of the floor. "There's nothing here?" As Casey put his gun away. Sarah lowered hers then her eye caught a red light cross Chuck's shoulder. Sarah pushed Chuck back with hard push to his shoulder as the bullet whizzed by. Casey and Bryce took cover as the bullets kept coming. Bryce and Casey slithered towards Chuck and Sarah as Sarah made sure that Chuck had not been hit.

"What's going on?"

"it's a Fulcrum welcoming committee."

Sarah pulled back as Casey tried to get back into the elevator. Casey forced the doors open. Sarah headed towards them thinking that Chuck was right behind her but as Bryce and Chuck realized that the doors were open Casey and Sarah were trapped as a solid door came down and closed their access to the rest of the floor, off from Chuck and Bryce. Casey and Sarah ran to the door trying to stop it from closing as Bryce and Chuck couldn't believe that they were on their own. Sarah slammed her fist against the door. "We need to get inside there Casey!"

"I know." Casey looked around to see what his options where. He looked up. "We go up?"

Sarah and Casey pushed some desks and a few chairs and were able to open a vent and climb inside. Sarah headed in the direction of the other side hoping that it wasn't too late.

Bryce checked his gun and his back pocket. "I half a mag and a full one."

"Well hopefully you won't use them all."

Bryce stayed in front of Chuck as they walked out into the empty floor. It looked liked it had been demoed and the mall was rebuilding the floor. Windows were missing so the cool wind found its way inside blowing tarps and plastic coverings into the air.

"Nice to see where people's loyalty lies." A voice called out.


"Indeed, Agent Larkin. And I see that you brought me a present and I didn't even get you one. But this one is….."

Justin walked out into the open. "I can't believe that you were the one this whole time. I have to thank Ned for stepping up."

"More like you forced him."

"I did. The way you took care of him last Christmas and knowing that he was the last person who knew who you were I needed to know."

"Now you do now what?"

"Well we can do this the easy way or…"

"The hard way? Typical bad guy line."

"What do you want Justin?"

"Bryce you were good. You had me believing that you were the one who had the Intersect all this time and indeed you did but not that way I assumed. But to bring me the actual host, saves me a lot of hunting."

"Well you're not getting him."

"I figured that you would say that."

The room got quiet as they were now surrounded by a handful of men with guns.

"You think that these men will scare us?"

"Well your slightly out numbered and we did say that we would go after someone that was the Intersect care about. Major Casey and Agent Walker are trapped on

the other side and by the time they find a way. Mr Bartowski will finally be in the rights hands."

Bryce raised his gun.

Leaning slightly back. "You ready?"


Bryce turned to face Justin. "So let's say I let you have Chuck, then what?"

"Well he can join us quietly or we take what we want. Either way, those files are ours?"

Bryce looked around and counted five men. Chuck looked around and tilted his head trying to get Bryce to move towards the open window. Bryce saw what Chuck was looking at and moved towards the open window. The men followed non the wiser as Justin came closer. "So what is it going to be?"

Chuck looked at Justin. "So you convinced Langston Graham to do your dirty work for you. Turned Jill Roberts, Agent Forrester and who know who else, just so you could take over the CIA? How can one man change an institution like the CIA?"

"This institution is not what it can be. They have become soft and too caring. They need to go back to how they were, old school methodology, old school military tactical training."

"You're not CIA so why do you care? Unless you tried to become CIA and you weren't good enough and so you had your uncle pull some strings?"

Chuck knew that he had hit a soft spot.

"I'm right ain't I?"

"Because you aren't CIA and you figured that if you made these changes this new version would welcome you as their hero and you would become….."

Justin fired a shot.

Sarah and Casey stopped as the sound rattled their concentration. "We better hurry."

Justin yelled back. "Enough. Bryce I will let you go, and we will call it even."

"Sorry I'm not going and he's not staying."

Bryce looked at Chuck. "Now."

Chuck flashed and took out the first guy next to him and then the next as Bryce fired the shot at the other two. Justin stood there as Chuck and Bryce regrouped. Justin looked to see his men lying on the floor. "You were saying Justin. You're not going to have the Intersect and I promise that Fulcrum dies here today. General Beckman and her team are already closing in on your eight and in a short while maybe even minutes, seconds your phone will be ringing."

Sure, enough Justin's phone rang. "I think you should answer it." Chuck demanded.

Justin pressed his screen. You could hear a voice, but it was muffled. Justin put his phone down. "Was that uncle or one of the eight?"

Justin didn't say. Justin knew that his cards were running out. But he threw in his last card.

"I knew that when Mauser didn't return after he located and reported that he had with him the one who we had been looking for, we sent in Forrester to take Agent Walker out for killing Mauser, probably because he told her that he knew who the Intersect was, but because if we were right she was the one protecting this person. Forrester reported that she knew as well but for some reason she also has disappeared, so I am thinking that she's dead too, but it wasn't Agent Walker who killed her to shut her up. It was you. Now that I know."

"You will be the last."

"Oh Bryce, always got to have the last words."

"Well someone has to, and it won't be you."

"Are you sure."

Justin raised his gun firing at Bryce. Bryce fell back slamming against the cement wall. Chuck saw the gun fly out of Bryce's hand, Chuck turned quickly and grabbed the gun and as the gun landed in his hand Chuck flipped it and pulled the trigger. Justin fell back. Chuck fired again and the second bullet forced Justin to fall and the open window swallowed him up. Chuck ran to the window and saw Justin's lifeless body lying in a dumpster.

Chuck turned to see where Bryce went. Chuck ran back, slid into Bryce seeing the blood. Chuck took his jacket off sat him up putting pressure on the wound. Sarah and Casey kicked through the vent and jumped down with their guns aimed. "Chuck where are you?" Sarah yelled.

"Over here."

Sarah and Casey ran over. Casey kicked the guns away from the men that were down. Sarah reached Chuck and for a split second thought that it was Chuck lying there bleeding. But equally she responded the same seeing Bryce. Chuck pressed harder. "Call 911." Chuck looked up at Sarah.

Casey hovered over and knew that Bryce wasn't going to last for an ambulance.

"Call 911."

"Chuck." Bryce painfully called out.

Chuck lowered his head. "I was always protecting you."

"I know buddy, don't talk, save your strength. Help is on its way."

"You were the only friend I had. And Sarah."

Sarah knelt down beside him. "You take care of him, I'm sorry for everything and having the job get in the way. Don't let it do that to you two. I am glad that your two finally figured it out."

Bryce coughed up some blood. Bryce reached for Sarah's hand. "You take care of this guy, have a happy life together." Sarah nodded.

"Chuck, no matter what you will always be that guy. With or without the Intersect."

"Bryce, hang in there!" Chuck looks up and yells. "Where is the ambulance?"

Bryce looked up with faded eyes. "You will have lots of missions to go on. Your a spy. Your safe." Bryce smiled taking his last breath. Chuck falls back as Bryce's limp body falls over.

Weeks later

Sarah and Chuck return from scattering Bryce's ashes. Chuck walks into castle and sees his dad. "He was sitting upstairs, and I don't know how long he has been there, so I brought him down here." "Thanks Casey."

"Hey dad?"


"So, what's up?"

Chuck watches his dad look around castle. Though he was not pleased that his son was in this situation, he was humble and glad that his son had Casey and Sarah to protect him. "Nice place."

"Thanks, we think so."

Sarah walked in. "Sarah."

"Mr. Bartowski."

"Not necessary if we are going to be family."

Sarah smiled. "You two look tired?"

"Yeah, a bit. We just came back from Europe. We were spreading Bryce's ashes."

Orion looked up. "He's dead?"

"Yeah, Justin, Fulcrum killed him."

"Their still after you?"

Sarah looked at Chuck and Chuck at Casey. "Not that we are aware of." Casey sat down. "We were able to snuff out the eight, but we can say for now we are safe, Chuck is safe."

"Until the next time?"

Chuck looked at his dad. "What do you mean?"

"Chuck, Fulcrum was just the beginning. Remember I told you that there are others and once they hear that Fulcrum has been shit down, there are others. There is the Ring, Eurybia."

"Bryce mentioned that but wasn't Fulcrum the head of the whole thing."

"They were, but this time the head of the monster doesn't control what the rest do."

Chuck closed his eyes for a moment. "So, what do we do now?"

Orion placed his bag on table. Chuck sat up. Orion stood up and pulled out a glass cylinder with wires attached to it and a laptop. He looked around and saw the large screen above Chuck's head. He walked over and saw that the screen could be lowered or raised. So, he pulled down on the one and grabbed his wires and hooked them up to the screen then slid his laptop closer to the screen. Setting up the cylinder, he then looked at his son.


"Okay what dad?"

"I am ready to take it out?"

Chuck rolled his chair back. Then looked at Casey then Sarah.

"Dad, we just told you that Fulcrum is dead."

"Yes I heard that, but your still not safe and you will be if we take out those files?"

"Dad, we don't know when or if ever they will find me, so why would we want to jump ahead so quickly."

"To be ready?"

"Without the Intersect?"

"Why not?"

"You said that you didn't need those files."

Chuck was hearing what his dad was saying, and to be free of the Intersect files and finally have his life back. He looked around the room. Beside not having Ellie, Devon and Morgan there, these people were his family. It made sense, but why the rush. Chuck for the first time in weeks was unsure what to do.

"Okay son, you ready?"

"Chuck you sure you want to do this?"

Chuck looked at Sarah as she walked him over to the side.

"Are you sure?"

"I think so? But what about us. If I do this, we?"

"Chuck, I fell in love with you and not because you were the man with all the secrets in your head."

Chuck smiled. "You are my guy whether you have it or not. There was a reason that this all worked out. And why after all these years you still were able to function even after the first time. But it's up to you and whatever you decide I am here for you as well as Beckman and Casey."

Orion looked up at Chuck and Sarah. "Son when your ready."

Chuck sat down and stared at the laptop. "Son this is a one-man job. You will press the enter key on the laptop and then stare at the screen, when it goes black, you will have the Intersect out. Then Beckman will take the laptop and all the files and do what she needs to do. You can then go back to what your life was like before all of this."

"What if I don't want to get rid of it?"

"Son if you…"

Orion pulled out a smaller device and showed Chuck. "What's this?"

"It is a virus that will destroy the Intersect and then no one will get it. Before you press the enter key, you will insert this into the USB drive. It will destroy the Intersect once the extraction is done. No one will have the files and Beckman goes back to DC empty handed. You go back to a normal life. No more fear, anxiety, threats, you name it."

"But the Government, the CIA, NSA."

"They won't be your problem or concern anymore."

Orion closed his bag. "I better go."

"But dad?"

"Son you will make the right choice and whatever it is your family and I will be very proud of you."

Chuck gave his dad a faint smile. He tried to hug his dad but surprisingly he gives in. He walked him to the door as Beckman stopped. "Chuck your country thanks you." Then walked out with Orion.

Chuck walked back; Sarah stopped him. "What are you going to do?" Chuck kissed Sarah then walked in and closes the door and sat down at the computer screen. He stared at the laptop then the smaller device that looked like an USB drive. He sat there for along time, reflecting all the conversations, missions and moments good and bad that have come and gone these past months.

Chuck stood up and inserted the USB into the drive and pressed enter and turned.

Months later

"Chuck it's time." Chuck got up and grabbed his boots and ran after Sarah. He had just gotten to sleep after sitting up with Mable. The doctors had given her something to help her speed up the birth, but it wasn't helping. Rex paced the barn as Chuck walked in and saw an amazingly sight. Mable held her head high as one tiny colt made its first steps. The doctor checked it over. "We have a boy."

Sarah cheered and fell into Chuck's arms. Papa gave a yippe and cheered. "Good boy Rex and Good job Mable."

Sarah and Chuck walked out as Mable tended to the little colt. Papa walked back in and sat at the table. Chuck grabbed three cups and poured some coffee. "I'm sorry for this interruption and all. You two just arriving and having to sit around."

"It's okay Papa it's a good distraction."

"So how long are you two staying? You left in a rush."

"I know but we had to get back. I think we will stick around for awhile and maybe plan a wedding?"

Chuck looked up. "Yeah, the wedding."

"I think you need to take him back to bed."

"No, I'm fine."

Sarah smiled then got up and looked at Chuck. "Come on, let's go and get some sleep and when we wake up, we can go and see the horses."

Chuck walked with Sarah up the stairs and crashed.

Later that day

Chuck grabbed some hay and tossed it inside the stall for the Mable and the colt. "We need to name it?"

"Wouldn't Papa want to name it?"

"No, he said that we could."

Chuck and Sarah looked at the colt. It was brown with a white spot on his head.

"How about Junior?"

Sarah shook her head. "Orion?"

Chuck looked at her. "Really? Name it after my dad's code name."

"Why not? Wasn't it him that brought us together and wasn't he the one that you know?"

Chuck moved closer to Sarah and slid his arms along side her hips and rested his head on her shoulder. "Okay, Orion it is."

Sarah turned around and looked at Chuck. "I love you."

"I love you two. Sarah slid her finger over his chin and kissed him. Chuck held her close.

Sarah rested her head on his chest. "So, when will you tell Casey and Beckman that you."

"They can wait, they probably already know."

Chuck kissed her again then stopped when he felt a nudge. Chuck and Sarah turned their head and saw Rex and Mable and little Orion just inches away. Chuck looked at Rex and Mable. "His name is Orion."

Rex raised his head and Mable nudged Orion. Orion tried to hold his head up.

Sarah walked back holding Chuck' hand and sat down on the porch. Papa came out with his best pair of overalls on. "You going somewhere?"

"Yep, its bingo night."

"They still do that sort of thing?"

"Yeah LA they still do."

Chuck laughed.

"Have fun, drive safe."

"Will do. Don't wait up."

Papa got into his truck and drove up the hill.

Sarah looked at Chuck. "You want to go for a walk?"


Chuck got up and followed Sarah. They walked around the farm then ended up at Sarah's spot. Chuck walked out as the sun was setting. "Man, I missed this place."

Sarah started a fire then joined him. "Me too all the time? We could get married here?"

Chuck looked at her. "Here?"

"Well maybe not this exact spot but out in the garden?"

"We could."

"Maybe a late summer wedding or early fall?"

"I think that we have decided something."

Sarah smiled and grabbed his hand bringing him to the fire. Chuck sat down and saw that she had laid out a sleeping bag and had a little cooler next to them and a few bottles of wine.

"So, when did you set this up?"

"When you were in the shower. I took the quad and came back before you came down."

"It looks amazing."

Chuck opened the wine as Sarah got some food ready. They enjoyed their meal and the first bottle of wine. They watched as the stars came out and the moon started to climb. Sarah got up and climbed on top of Chuck. "It's been awhile."

"It has."

"Was this your plan?"

"Maybe?" As Sarah bit her lip slightly.

Chuck looked down and started to unbutton her shirt. As he tossed it, he laid her down resting her head in his hand, he opened her button on her jeans and helped her shimmy out of them. Chuck slipped out of his and pulled his shirt up and over his head and slid into her arms. Sarah grabbed the other sleeping bag covering them up. Chuck kissed her and held her close as they made love.

The stars shined over head and their sounds created a melodic romantic song.

Thanks for reading, please let me know what you thought etc….It's nice to hear from you all. Onto the next one.
