Chapter 5

Classes and Extraordinary Aptitude

Classes began the next morning and Harry was excited. He had already realized that he would not be a normal wizarding student but how extraordinary was yet to be seen. Due to the rather intricate subject that was magic, classes were on a house rotation with each course being shared with one other house. A notable exception was History of magic, as it was taught by a ghost who never took roll and the material was simply on repeat for each week, making it matter very little what class you went to, and electives chosen in third year, as those were scheduled based on number of students enrolled rather than house numbers. Classes would start for Harry with Charms.

The class began simply as Professor Flitwick lectured on safety and responsibility as all teachers were apt to do on the first day with a new class. He then began on the conceptual and theoretical aspects of casting in general planning to demonstrate the levitation charm near the end of class. "Charms, like most other fields of study, is nearly entirely intent based. Proper pronunciation and wand movements are important to honing your skill with casting as well as obtaining proper magical efficiency, however the basis of any spell is the will of the witch or wizard casting. This has been proven time and again over our long history dating back to the time of Merlin a time before magical study was institutionalized and magical academy or acadamaidh dhraoidheil were born. At this time staff magics were still studied and wandless, or focus-less magic as they called it, was more widely practiced despite its notable lack of potency. Who can tell me why the staff fell out of use over a thousand years ago?" The professor didn't have to wait long for a hand to shoot up in the Ravenclaw section of the class. He nodded to the young boy who stood and stated "Staffs fell out of favor due to their unwieldly nature conflicting with the growing need for secrecy and hiding a mages nature. Muggles began to fear the witches and wizards and blamed them for every malady or hardship they faced thus leading to the hunting of mages in general." He smiled smugly as he sat. The professor on the other hand smiled at the boy's participation rather than his answer. "A partially correct answer. What I was looking for however was the fact that staffs, being large unwieldly but undeniably powerful foci, were ill-suited for everyday use. You see, at the time of Merlin when staffs were at their highest popularity the world was in a constant state of flux and battle. This led to the further development of battle magics like those you will learn about in your upcoming defense classes. Staffs while more powerful than wands were also much more dangerous both to the caster and his enemies. You see, it is much easier to overpower a spell when using a staff to cast and thus, harder to control the magic. We use wands to learn control over our power and eventually become more efficient and precise with the magical energies we control, thus allowing us to use more delicate forms of magic. I believe a demonstration is in order. Wands out everyone." There was a flurry of movement as everyone took out a wand. The professor continued without interruption. "Watch closely as I demonstrate the levitation charm, Wingardium Leviosa. The image one should keep firmly in their minds is that of the object lifting into the air. You can imagine supporting it as you will, be it magic supporting it, air supporting it, or it supporting itself, it matters little in the long run so long as you find something you can firmly hold in your mind. The movement is a swish and flick, like so." The professor pulled out his own wand and with slight exaggeration and slowness he did not normally use in the charm he swished his wand and flicked it at a feather laying on his desk. "Wingardium Leviosa" He incanted clearly and loudly for the benefit of the class. His feather lifted gently off his podium and flew gracefully into the air. The feather swirled and danced in the air at the whims of the professor, even tickling a boastful Slytherin student who did not quite pay enough attention to the lesson being taught. Harry watched in fascination as the magical currents in the world supported a feather forcing it to dance and sway by the motions of the professor. The feather eventually landed on the desk again, only to duplicate itself enough that each student got one and they all shot out to the individual desks of the students. "Now then. I will be walking the classroom to assist with your casting. Please begin and feel free to assist your peers once you have mastered the charm. I will announce the end of the class so you are not late for your next course."

The classroom erupted into such a cacophony of noise and action. Harry felt like he was being physically assaulted. His vision blurred and he was once again back in the prison of the Dursley home. He silently shook in terror and pain as he relived one agonizing experience after another. Silent tears streamed down his cheeks as he sat unmoving in his seat near the back of the Slytherin section of the classroom. As suddenly as the flashbacks began they stopped as Daphne grabbed his arm and dug her nails into his bicep, the real pain dragging him forcibly away from his tormentors and into the real world where a few students seemed to sense something was wrong. The room quieted into hushed whispers highly unusual for first years first attempts at magic, cluing the observant professor that something was amiss. He scanned the room with a calculating gaze before he landed on the terror struck student in the back of his classroom. Flitwick immediately noticed the tear tracks tracing over some of Harry's more prominent scar lines, creating a haunting image that would stick with the teacher for many years to come. He rushed as quickly as he could up to the top row and stood next to Harry inquiring in the usual professional manner a teacher learns over years of experience, just enough care to be taken seriously by the student but not enough that they feel pitied. He then noticed the panic start to fade and coherency regained its hold within the young man's mind. Harry simply looked at the wizened teacher, picked up his beautifully crafted Elder wand, wordlessly preformed the charm perfectly, and asked to be dismissed from the lesson nearly inaudibly. The professor nodded his agreement and assured Harry he could speak with him anytime if he needed. Harry nodded, packed his notebook and pens, and left. He knew he would need to explain to Daphne what happened as she would demand information from him as soon as they were relatively alone. Blaze would understand but Tracy and Daphne would just look at him with pity again. He didn't need pity. He needed silent support. As he reached the door he turned and looked at Blaze meaningfully, a look only another tortured soul would catch. Blaze nodded. Harry left, whispers followed in his wake. Blaze managed a shaky levitation a few minutes later and nearly ran from the classroom to catch his newest friend. Harry and Blaze walked silently to their next class, taking comfort in the support the others presence provided.

By the time the other students began to gather the transfiguration classroom the rumors had somehow already spread to the entire school. One group had decided that Harry feared magic, another decided he had somehow become traumatized by a flying accident and couldn't stand the sight of anything floating unassisted. A select few even thought he might be a squib scared of everyone knowing and had Blaze cast the charm for him. None of them were correct of course, it was the noise of the classroom. Harry knew he couldn't continue his classes like this and began to plan a way to ensure that this disadvantage would not interfere with his schooling. He remembered reading somewhere that one should never let school get in the way of their education. He would have to talk to his teachers about it but he was sure most of them would understand when he approached them, and if they didn't he would just need to show a few of his worse scars. He would prefer it didn't come to that, as he didn't like the idea of guilt tripping his professors, but he knew he couldn't do what he did in primary school and just cover his ears. There were more students in these classes and the noise of incantation was a cacophony not to be ignored. As the last student left the transfiguration classroom he quietly asked Blaze to block the door for a few minutes and walked into the room. He was surprised to note that Minerva was not in the room. Then he noted the cat relaxing languidly on her desk. He smiled as he noticed the cat's aura was the same as when he looked at Minerva when she introduced him to the wizarding world. He approached the cat on the desk and quietly stated "Professor. I need to speak with you regarding a… difficulty I am having in class. It may take a few moments to explain." The cat looked at him curiously and nodded, before leaping off the desk and changing mid air into the familiar Scottish woman he knew her to be. "You have only had one class thus far Mr. Potter. What could be such a problem that you felt your second teacher needed to be informed before even experiencing the differenced in the class?"

"You know about my… treatment at the hands of the Dursley's correct? Or at least the after affects visible on my skin for everyone to note." Minerva nodded and he continued, "I learned from a very young age that making noise lead to pain. This later evolved into a deep set connection between noise, and pain. In my previous class I experienced how… hectic a classroom of students all attempting to cast a spell is. During the first casting exercise in Professor Flitwick's class I had the unfortunate experience of a regression so to speak. I feel it would be unsafe for my mental health to have a repeat of this every class of every day for the next nine months."

"Yes. I can see how that would be detrimental to you. I will teach the lesson normally and once the casting practice begins I will place a silencing charm over your desk. Would that be acceptable?"

"That sounds perfect professor, however could I request one other thing before I have Blaze let the rest of the students in? Could I make an appointment with you to learn the silencing charm early? I do not want to have to have all of my professors going out of their way to make up for my deficiencies."

"I believe I will have some time after dinner tonight as I have no plans on assigning homework on your first day. Meet me here after dinner Mr. Potter. However, before I release you I would ask you to see Madame Poppy after our lesson. She is a trained healer and if you approach her and tell her about your past it may help. Do we have an agreement?"

"Of course Professor. If you trust Madame Poppy I will attempt to trust her as well. Thank you."

"Then please take a seat Mr. Potter and try not to tell anyone about my Animagus. We still have a few minutes to class and I want to at least attempt to keep to tradition." Minerva stated with a smile before a cat sat in her place and jumped back onto the desk. Harry ran over to the door and knocked quietly once letting Blaze know it was ok to let people in again. He opened the door and followed Harry to a table. Daphne and Tracy joined them a few moments later and they waited patiently for class to start. Just after everyone was settled a familiar redhead burst into the classroom exactly one minute late for class and seemed to sag in relief before sauntering over to another Gryffindor and loudly stated "Man that was close. Could you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if she caught me late on the first day? That would blo…dy…" He trailed off as the cat once again jumped off her perch on the well crafted and worn desk at the front of the room and transformed into the previously mentioned professor. "Is there a particular reason you are late for my class Mr. Weasley?"

"I.. Uh.. I got lost after looking for Scabbers. He jumped out of my pocket between classes and…." The redhead trailed off awkwardly as he noticed the unimpressed look he was receiving from Professor McGonagall.

"Then perhaps I should transfigure your rat into a map, so that you may be on time to my next class?" Her rhetorical question was met with silent shame and a hint of fear. "Have a seat Mr. Weasley so that we may begin class." She stated with a sigh before starting her lecture for the day. As Harry took notes he began to notice subtle similarities between charms and transfiguration. He made a few notes in the margin and when there was a question asked by a fellow student he grabbed his charms notebook and made similar notes in the margin of that book as well, neatly labeling them and writing sideways to ensure he had enough space. Once he was finished he realized a few key things. Magic was entirely based on intent and will to use, not a major discovery as that was simply the overlap between the lessons. This however did make him understand that due to his rather tragic upbringing he was able to "ask" magic to do what he wished because it was the only thing he knew he could control, and knowing magic would do whatever he desired of it made his will and intent one and the same force. He quickly scratched out any note that stated he could not do something with magic, as this would only weaken his connection with magic, and vice versa. On a whim he looked over one of the major laws of magic, one surprisingly close to a physics law he remembered reading about in his muggle school, "Magic cannot be created or destroyed. Only changed." He looked deeply into himself completely tuning out everything around him and searched for his magic. He knew there was a reason for the connection wizards had because he has seen it before. He began to feel the magic around him, a subtle tingling on his skin and warmth in his chest. No. Not just his chest. In his entire being. He opened his eyes again and looked at his hand as if seeing it for the first time. Little lights swirled and danced around him as it usually did, but he could see small bits of the energy dancing its way into his body, flowing with his blood and spreading into and around him. He could also see similar amounts of magical energy seeping out of him changing color and form to match the magic ambient in the air around him. He looked curiously at the magical energy leaving him and attempted to will it to stay within him. Slowly the magical motes began to abate their journey out and only seep into him. He held on to the thought of keeping the magic inside him and looked at himself once more. Satisfied that magic was indeed staying inside him he looked into himself again and attempted to feel the flow of magic in his body. He noticed a few things different this time. The magic never stayed still in a "core" like the magical theory stated, but rather moved within him similarly to the blood in his body. He also noticed that the magical energy seemed to want to fill him, as if finding a home within his body. He shrugged at the odd way magic showed him its content and refocused on the lecture, as the teacher had finished with the questions and was demonstrating how to turn a matchstick into a needle. Harry missed the words of the spell but was unconcerned, he had never needed words before why should he now? Matchsticks were passed out to the class shortly and Professor walked over to Harry's table and cast a spell with a flick twist and flourish of her wand. The sound died around them and she nodded to Harry. The class erupted into motion, but the noise was entirely canceled by the pearlescent barrier around Harry and his three companions. At least it looked pearlescent to Harry.

"So that's what you were talking to McGonagall about. Clever solution to your issue with noise." Blaze stated with some appreciation. Daphne looked rather pleased with Harry's solution as well, adding on "Looks like you do have some Slytherin in you after all. I was starting to think you belonged in Ravenclaw."

"How about we just start on the spell so we can get to lunch. I'm starving." Tracy stated before making her first attempt. The matchstick took on a slight metallic hue, but other wise was unchanged. Daphne and Blaze had similar success, or rather lack there of. Harry looked at his match stick, and began to visualize the change he wanted. Before he could even lift his wand, his matchstick was a perfectly sharp silver needle. He merely raised his eyebrow in silent surprise. His three friends on the other hand were much more vocal about their surprise. "Bloody hell man, are you gonna make us look bad in every class now? I didn't even see you do the incantation and movements!" Blaze complained bitterly in a low tone of dismay.

"Magic just likes me I guess." Harry stated with a completely serious face, distracted by a dozen different theories as to why magic responded even faster to his will than before. Blaze and the girls started to laugh before awkwardly stopping when they realized it wasn't a joke. Daphne's blood boiled with the perceived insult and nearly growled in an uncharacteristic display of emotion "What exactly do you mean by that."

Harry suddenly was drawn from wilder and wilder hypothesis by an overwhelming sense of danger. He turned to his female friend and gulped before shakily stating "I didn't mean to insinuate you are weak. I just mean that the collective entity of magic likes me. It understands me, and I understand it. Nothing more." This time it was Daphne's turn to be confused and concerned. "Collective entity? You make it sound… alive."

"It is alive. Don't worry it likes you to Daphne, you just don't understand it like I do." Harry stated before adding on as an afterthought "I don't think anyone understands Magic like I do."

Class continued like normal after that. Harry attempted to explain how he changed the matchstick into a needle but seemed unable to get his perception of magic to match his friends and was unable to help them very much. He instead changed what he was thinking about and tried to change the shape, metal, and even weight of the object. Everything he imagined seemed to work for him, but he did learn a few things. First, if he held the image more clearly and use his wand to direct the magical energy, it took less energy to obtain a greater affect. Specifically, when he wanted to change one aspect such as weight without adjusting the size, or vice versa. Second, as he used magic it was not only the magic in his body, he used but the magic around him. The last thing he learned, or rather had pointed out to him by Daphne, was when he used neither hand nor wand to cast, his eyes would glow a vivid gold tinted green for a moment as the magic was cast. It concerned him that there was an outward appearance of his magic, despite none of his friends ever hearing of anything similar, but Harry decided it was not important. Class ended fairly soon, and Harry nodded to Professor McGonagall before leaving. He decided he was not hungry and wandered toward the medical wing, occasionally asking a portrait or ghost for some directions. He eventually arrived at a large room with a few dozen beds equipped with side and end tables, as well as wrap around curtains. A lady with pristine white and red robes stepped out from an office nearly as soon as he passed though the small ward over the threshold of the large doors. "Ah. Mr. Potter. I hadn't realized you would be coming directly after class. Minerva just told me you would be coming after all. Come into my office."

"Yes ma'am." Harry muttered, walking calmly into the small but cozy room. There was a normal teacher's desk in one corner with a few chairs and a couch across from it. The other wall was taken up entirely with a well labeled potion cabinet. Large glass doors were locked together with what looked like wards to Harry, giving the appearance of a glass mosaic to his sensitive eyes. Just as he began inspecting the ward for similarity to the wards he wrote in his notebook last night, Madam Pomfrey sat and offered Harry some tea, biscuits, and chocolate. It served as an effective distraction as he had yet to eat lunch. As he sipped his tea and quietly nibbled a biscuit Madam Pomfrey stated clearly and softly "It is my understanding you may need someone to speak with whom you can trust implicitly to either work with you or simply listen to you in the hopes that you will be better able to cope with the past. I want you to know that if these meetings become a regular thing as I expect Professor McGonagall wishes, I will not divulge any information you present to me unless it is absolutely necessary for medical related emergencies. I have taken a magical vow that will hold me to that promise as have all other trained mediwitches. That being said you never have to tell me anything you do not want to. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am. It is the same thing the non-magical Phycologist told me, as well as the other specialists I have seen."

They sat in silence for a few moments before Harry suddenly stated "I won't be a normal case for you. At least I hope I won't be. I wouldn't wish what I have endured upon anyone." He noticed a kind of change in the mediwitch's demeanor before she nodded at him, a kind sad smile gracing her otherwise passive face. "I will think no differently of you for the actions of others Harry. I just want to help." And with that, Harry began to explain.

Harry did not leave the hospital wing for nearly an hour once he began talking. He tried to explain the past in a detached tone. Speaking as if it was distant history rather than actions that ended only two years ago, but no matter how he phrased it the story haunted him, and he walked to the great hall with a proverbial cloud hanging over his head. His bright eyes were dulled with sorrow and pain once thought buried only to reappear at the slightest mention as if a fresh wound. He sat silently among his peers and ate with robotic detachment as he once again began to bury his pain and fear. The hall was eerily silent since he came in, harsh whispers carrying far in the large space as few young students learned that a whisper carries much farther than a softly spoken word. He could hear what they had to say but cared little, he had been called worse, and consistently punished for other's actions before. Rumors no longer brought him worry as the pain was an expected old friend now. Unwelcome, but expected all the same.