New Adventures

Disclaimer: I don't own HP or LotR.



(With Albus Dumbledore)

Albus Dumbledore was pissed. He had told the ministry about Voldemort. He even tried to show them proof. Instead of looking at the evidence they called Harry and himself liers. They said the evidence was fake. Now they had the newspaper to slam them. They were intervening with the school. They forced him to hire Dolores Umbridge, a foul woman.

"I won't let them do this." He vowed. "And I know just the thing."

Albus grabbed a piece of paper and quill. He began writing a letter. It was to his cousin Gandolf. He sent it off. Now all he could do was wait.

(With Gandalf)

"Hmm. Oh a letter from Albus. How wonderful." He grabbed the letter.

Dear Gandalf,

I am in need of your help. The ministry refuses to believe that Voldemort is back. They have a vile woman coming to be a teacher. Do you think you could come to the school? Having an extra pair of eyes would help me better protect my students. I also need Harry Potter trained and I don't think I can do it. Please get back to me soon.


Albus Dumbledore

Gandalf frowned as he read the letter. Albus had told him about Harry before. He felt for the boy. He grabbed some paper and wrote back.

The wizard exited his house and went to inform the others he would be gone. He went to the Shire first since it was closer.

"Gandalf!" Frodo was the first to see him and immediately ran over.

"Hello Frodo."

"Is something wrong?" The hobbits asked in concern.

"No. Do you remember me telling you about my cousin Albus?"


"Well he asked for my help. I will be gone for awhile."

"Oh. I see."

"I just wanted to let me go." He told Frodo.

The brunette smiled. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. You know what you all should come with." Gandalf suggested.


"Yes. I believe you will be of great help."

"Okay." Frodo was thrilled he was going to help.

"You tell the other hobbits and I'll talk with the others."


Gandalf left and told the others. They all agreed to help. Gandalf sent a second letter.