Author: I really should've put a poll instead of reviews to tell me which Courier would've been better. Too late now. As agreed, I've changed the previous chapter for the older version.

Kingdom of Mistral, Kuchinashi - 1 month later

"This is Six, audio log number 3, 7 in the morning according to this Scroll. My last audio was around a couple of weeks ago, mostly about me ranting on the bastards in the gang, so might as well consider this one as an update from my first audio log.

What to say, what to say first... How about the discovery of having running water through the pipes? CLEAN water. Having purified water at all times is an absolute blessing in the Mojave, with the changes that I did everyone could get a couple of bottles of water, not enough for a bath but good enough for the family to survive. Speaking of bath... I've been keeping my promise to my brain and started having regular showers, at first I started with just a towel and dipping on it before wiping myself to save water. I think I started to have a real shower two weeks ago, it felt nice though it was only cold showers, the boiler was busted. Need to fix it, but it's not on the top of my list for now.

Lately, I've been fumbling around with the aforementioned Scroll. It's... quite interesting. It seems to be connected to a network like my Pip-Boy was, but it has more uses for gathering information and such. I've been using the voice mode to search for stuff, mainly the alphabet of this world. I'm steadily learning it, right now I'm at a fifth grade level, using my free time to put down notes for me to remember. I've prodded around with other information as well, mainly about the second race that this world has apart from humans.

They are called Faunus, a group of people with animal accessories, or maybe it was a mutation, heck if I know. They are constantly getting racism from people or simply not being treated the same way as others, basically they are below in human standards. Which is kinda stupid to me, so far they've been protesting without resorting to violence. Reminds me of Jacobstown, they rather not resort to violence, even though they had the weaponry to push people back.

Anyways, their voices are going to deaf people, because they don't wanna give the same rights to them. I don't know what beef they have, but their making a bubble grow, and it will burst someday.

Made a few visits to the pawn shop owner, guess who's making a killing with Legion coin now? Never, EVER, I saw Legion coin being sought out like that guy. Granted, he actually wants the precious metal of silver and gold, which I'm fine with that. If it means I can get myself 500 Lien every pouch of Denarius and 1250 Lien for a small handful of Aureus. Though, I ain't dumb enough to sell these things like an idiot. I'm only doing it when I REALLY need money, it would be easy to get the materials that I need if I bartered with him, but that's just digging my grave if people start suspecting that I have more of these coins.

A shame really, finally I found a way to sell these coins and now I gotta hold on to them for my own safety. Ain't that a kick, huh?

Speaking of materials, I've been skulking around the town, getting my bearings around the place. I've purchased another duffel bag, while leaving my real one hidden in a hole that I made in the basement, it's practically invisible so I'm not too worried about being found, also found the key of the house in the garden, or what could've been considered a garden at one point with all the weeds, so locking the place up is a go, unless someone tries to pick the lock. Might wanna consider a better lock.

Back on track, people throw away junk that they don't need anymore, and I'm the kind of guy that grabs that junk and makes something useful out of it. There's been also some important parts that I needed to make my workstations, so I stole some unused pipes around the place, took some things that can be easily lost, maybe took a gander at the rival gang called the Griff's, which is eerily close to the Van Graff's name, except they don't use energy weapons, just the standard thug guns. I stole one of them when they weren't paying attention for me to look at, you'd be surprised on how careless that they can be. Maybe it was a new recruit or maybe I got lucky.

The gun was weird to be honest. It could switch modes by the press of a button, from a combat knife to what could be considered a slick 10mm gun. The ammunition was weird as well. Instead of traditional gunpowder, they use this colored powder, amply known as dust rounds which have different proprieties from their colors. The ones that the gun had made the impact zone freeze up with ice, a cryogenic round of sorts.

I tried testing the round in one of the guns in my arsenal, transforming the bullet casing to a .44 round with my newly made reload bench that I made. When I fired, the bullet hit, but the kick wasn't the same as before, it was much weaker. Enough to hurt but not enough to give an exit wound, which means the acceleration of the round was reduced in order to apply the effect. I tried another test, this time mixing with my own gunpowder from another bullet, the effect wasn't really what I expected. The kick still wasn't the same, but it held more power than before, so success on that part, the other part? The effect was greatly reduced. Before it had made my makeshift target freeze up all over, now it was more centralized, meaning that the cryogenic effect was reduced to a smaller zone, maybe enough for a fist.

So I have to find the right ratio to make this new kind of bullet, my setback? I have less of these dust rounds than I'd like to. The guy must've wasted some because I have around 4 more dust rounds to play with. My gunpowder ammunition is stronger, but the effects of freezing my opponent in place is also a good play, if it means capturing them for questioning, or freezing them to death or by suffocation. Tests can be resumed when I get more rounds to play with.

I'm starting to lack medical supplies, which is concerning me greatly. The amount of patients in the city is larger than I originally though. Since Topaz started giving people a heads up that a doctor is now working in his shop, I've been getting around 20 patients everyday. From people that were sick from a regular disease to gunshot or stab wounds.

I seriously need to create that greenhouse very soon, otherwise I won't have enough stimpaks for my own use, or for me to create super stimpaks. Those are the ones that make a difference in the life or death situations, since they make the body increase the healing factor. My morphine is getting low, I might need to resort to buying that chemist set earlier than expected. I can sterilize my medical equipment with boiling the water, so that's good. Though people might get attracted to the smoke of my fireplace on the yard. Damn it, if only I had spare alcohol, but buying vodka in this town is expensive. I might want to get ethanol from one of the pawn shops owners contacts soon. 10 liters of Ethanol should do for a good while.

I think that's it for now. I need to get going to Topaz's store, but not before some breakfast at the local diner. I've become a regular there nowadays, I just love how the coffee and the food there is better than what I had in the Mojave, tastes better. Since the kitchen was ransacked, I've spent my Lien there to eat all my meals. More business to them, I suppose. This is six, signing off."

Topaz's store - Six's medical bay

Six was doing the usual against the members of the gang, not letting their insults get the best out of him, but it was VERY hard to concentrate on his job when they were talking with him as he was treating two of the gang members wounds, one had a large cut on his forearm, luckily it wasn't deep, so it was an easy enough patch it up with some alcohol to disinfect the wound and then just wrap a bandage on him.

The other one however was in a much dire situation. Multiple cuts, and a gunshot wound on his shoulder. For him to have this many wounds he must've had a tussle with another rival gang member. He most likely wouldn't survive the day with that many wounds, and if he did he'd barely had the strength to fight it off.

"Come on, you big pansy! Tough it out. You had worse." The guy that said that towards the wounded guy, was the guy that was annoying the courier to no end. He had a tough guy look with his attire, and was fit enough to just intimidate a guy. He wore a biker leather jacket with ripped blue jeans and a pair of black sneakers. He had a tattoo on his left arm that was like flames running upwards to his shoulder.

"N-not like this, Moss... Those Griff goons got me good- AGH!" He hissed as Six was cleaning the wound and inspecting if the bullet fragmented inside his right shoulder, so far there wasn't nothing, but he didn't want to risk it by being careless. His cuts were treated accordingly to the multiple medical procedures that he's done on many and himself.

"Can't you hurry up, you little freak? We have to get going already. Just patch him up and-" He was slammed against the wall hard with a kick to the chest before a hand snaked around his neck and hoisted him up.

"I'm about 2 shots away from sewing your mouth shut and putting a cap on your skull. Because if your small brain can't understand that your buddy over there is in a delicate condition, then you might as well leave this place. And before you start spewing shit all over the place, I don't give a shit what you think! Now if you wanna shut up and be quiet, you can stay, otherwise, I might just kill your friend because you kept distracting me as I slice open a vein by mistake. We clear?" From his tone, Six was not having a good day, at all.

The gang member kept quiet, albeit with a glare on him before pushing the courier off and walking out the door of his medical office with his hands on his pockets, but not before grumbling something about breaking someone's arm.

"H-hey go easy on the guy, he-"

"I'm gonna sew yours up as well, if you keep talking." He threatened him before he could finish his sentence, to which the man closed his mouth shut and let the doctor do his work. As he was giving a one over the gunshot wound, now with silence, he grabbed a forceps and slowly plucked out the pieces of shrapnel embedded on the flesh. He discarded the pieces to a metal tray that he found in the store, it was in his medical office so now it was his. He cleaned the wound, sew it shut, applied a bandage and then did a once over on the rest of the patients body.

"I think I'm done. That took longer than it should've." He commented before taking a stimpak and ejecting it on the man's arm. "That should give you an edge on getting on your feet. I'd advise on not getting into anymore fights, have plenty of rest and eating well. Oh and no booze. I'd give you painkillers, but I'm starting to lack medical supplies."

"No booze and no painkillers, just great..." His patient groaned as he stood up with his help, just like how Doc Mitchel helped the Courier once. "Thanks for patching me up, doc... How much was it again for one of these?"

"We're part of the gang, pal. But if you wanna pay, how about giving a good word to the boss about me." He spoke as he cleaned up his hands that were now bloody, thankfully he was using his wasteland wanderer outfit, but he was still wearing his helmet, that became his trademark symbol, since he always wore it everywhere. His Riot Gear is in his duffel bag, the one that he uses to scavenge the place.

"Hey Courier, how bad was it?" Topaz asked as he knocked on the door to get his attention, but he was already cleaning his medical supplies with his supply of vodka, since he didn't have ethanol nor boiling water in the ready.

"It was bad. Deep cuts on his arms, a stab wound to his left side next to his kidney luckily it missed any vital organs, and then a gunshot wound on his left shoulder. He was bleeding bad, and since I don't have any blood bags on my person, I couldn't give him a refill. Best I could do was patch him up as best as I could, tell him to take it easy and eat well to get back his lost blood cells." He explained as he grabbed a piece of cloth and washed his used up tools. "I doubt that he'd survive at the end of the day."

"You got that right. We're lucky that you're with us to treat up our boys." He said as he looked at the reclining chair that was used for the patients. It amazed him that the doctor was able to scavenge it from the city, when he asked him where he found it, he just shrugged and set it up in the first week.

"I commit to my job, no matter the problem, I'll try to find a way to fix it. But maybe you should talk with that Moss fellow to lay off of me for a while. I'm at my limit with him, up here!" He put his hand above his head. "I'm gonna need him to be around here." He lowered his hand just below his chest.

"I'll talk him up then. Still surprised that you went a full month before complaining about him. He's only been in the gang for a year or so." The shop owner said casually.

"I'm a patient man, but I'll tell you this much. If he pushed just a bit more, you'd lose a gang member." He spoke with a casual tone as well, but it sent a cold chill onto Topaz.

"You wouldn't really do that, right?" He asked just to get confirmation that he was joking.

"I'd be a fool to just off someone like that, what am I? 15?" He responded before cracking his neck. "No, I'd do something else to make sure he'd stop barking at the wrong tree. That's all. Killing is a last resort for me or when I'm having a really bad day." He reassured the shop owner a little, though the last part did put him on edge. "Those Griff's... I've saw them before when I made a few trips around town on a few of my breaks. I know something about them, but not a whole bunch. Care to elaborate me about them?"

"The Griff's and Roughers have been at each others neck for a long time now. Both made themselves known at the same time around 20 years ago, which kick started this power hungry war we've been having, since more territory equals power, and more control over the goods that pass through the town.

We the Roughers are known for our intimidating factor and stealing when we see a target, you can easily know it's us because of our leather bikers outfits. The boss is the toughest son of a gun you'll ever meet, heck he was stabbed 20 times and shot ten more times by the Griff's and came through like nothing.

The Griff's however are more of the killing part of the town. The top dogs wear shrouded gear, meant for assassinations, the ones below are basically wannabe ruffians that are under their banner, stealing from passerby's or our own to offer tribute to the boss of the Griff's. He's a sneaking rat that only a few lucky guys ever saw him, but from what we heard through the rumors, he's NOT normal. Doesn't make a sound or even show his presence to anyone, he's just there before stabbing you in the back and returning to the shadows. A real ghost if anything." Topaz explained to him as Six sat down on a wooden chair that was part of the room.

"Twenty full years and neither of them backed down yet. Interesting..." It was like the Legion and the NCR all over again, but this time it was much more centralized, and there weren't many rules that bound them together. His logical mind started to click together a plan.

"Let's say that the Roughers won, what would happen to the city?" He asked to buy time a cunning plan to strike both of them at the same time.

"If we won, then the Griff's would just leave the town and we'd be ruling it like the top dogs that we should've been all those years ago. We'd make sure that we'd rack up the Lien and start offing people that we didn't like, while ensnaring the people that we'd like."

"Kinda like me? You think you've ensnared me?" He hummed in humor to the man, which unnerved him.

"Maybe I didn't said the right words... What I meant was that the people that would benefit us, would be close to us! The rest would just have a hard time, that's all."

"By rest, you mean the citizens that are laying low here, and hard time means that if they don't cough up some Lien then you'd beat the living out of them, either until they cough up or they die."

"We wouldn't go so far as to kill someone like the civilians, we'd do it against the Griff's if they ever come up." He tried to act defensively on that train of thought, which wasn't lost to the Courier.

"Sounds like someone doesn't really know what the members of the Roughers really do to people that they don't like. To illuminate you, when there's a guy that they REALLY don't like, they don't care if they're a Griff or not, they'll kill them without a second though. I've saw it before happen." He technically wasn't lying, the guy was basically beaten to a sliver of their life.

"Wait, what? That doesn't sound the Roughers that I know... They wouldn't go that far."

"Partner, out of all of my customers, how many were here because they were beat up by someone? I know you look at them, they have to pass by you to reach me. Or are you trying to feign ignorance right now?"

"...Are you telling me that the Roughers did those attacks? All of them?" His tone reeked of disbelief, so he wasn't on par with the recent happenings.

"Not all of them, but a good part were their doing. You see, the Roughers use these brass knuckles with a symbol of a diamond in the middle." He pointed to the pair sitting on his desk, forgotten by one of the thugs that he just healed up. "I'm a very perceptive guy, and each wound had that mark imprinted. It was faint, but it was definitely there. Question is... why were you not informed of this?" He asked as he was close to Topaz.


"I know why, it's the same reason why the thugs don't tell you these things. Quite easily." He spoke up before turning away to head to his Riot Gear and bringing out his .45, took out his magazine and threw his gun to Topaz, he fumbled a bit before he grabbed the gun awkwardly.

"It's because you don't have the same beliefs as your gang, don't you. Or maybe the beliefs that you had back then were abandoned and you're the only one left that still upholds them. Even holding onto a gun without bullets you were caught off guard. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me you guys started rather peaceful. When shit hit the fan when the years started catching up and interactions with the Griff's got out of hand for you lot, so the boss grabbed the toughest guys and started taking things into their hands."

As he finished talking, the shop owner looked down at the gun. It seemed heavy in his hands, despite being rather light. It was rather hard to believe that his gang would change their beliefs, no, his beliefs of the future of the gang.

"We would just keep doing what we were doing before. Just stealing and getting Lien always from high targets, and just spend the cash in drinks and food, it was a simple plan and everyone in the gang would be happy. We basically would get free food from strangers, what's so wrong with that line of thinking?" He asked as he put a hand on his head to rest and the other let the gun fall down on the floor.

"Nothing wrong with that line of thinking, but that's too shallow." Six spoke as he grabbed his gun from the floor and gave a small swipe to the side before returning it to his duster. "Your boss wants to get things down the violent path, using intimidation and violence to rack in the dough and being very greedy. But if you're too greedy, you're bound to fall down faster than a speeding bullet. That wouldn't be the way I'd do things."

"And what would you do? What would a medic do in this case?" He was a bit skeptical to him speaking like he knew a thing about taking care of things.

"Well, I'd first like to hear both sides before coming to a conclusion. I'm a guy that listens first before deciding, otherwise, it's a bullet to both sides. Take out the big bosses then nominate the new bosses. The cycle would continue, though a bit weaker then before. That's option A.

Option B would be trying to negotiate a cease fire, having half of the town to them and the other half to the others. At least the guys wouldn't discuss things about territory because it was already establish.

Or option C, which is the most beneficial to them and for the town."

"What's option C?" The previous options looked like the thing that would actually happen, so this option would be the one that the store owner didn't expect.

"Unite both gangs into a solid foundation. Make both the Roughers and the Griff's turned into a single gang, owning the streets as they both wanted, but without a guy to tell them what to do. No, that would never work, there would be revolts because of the supremacy of power.. What they would need is a group of them to decide what the next course of action to take, it would be by votes and whatever got more votes the gang would do so. Course, the guys that are against would be able to speak up and the guy with the most influence would give advice as well.

To me, option C would be for the good of all. As there would be less disputes between the gangs, there would be in fights yes, but that's why we gotta discipline them. I'm also thinking that maybe we could use the gang to fight off the motherfucking Grimm outside for protection, because I've had to deal with two stray bastards during my month here."

"That... might actually be for the best. Or do you have one last option, doc?" He asked though what came out of his lips made Topaz froze on the spot.

"Just one. Eliminate ALL of them. One bullet at a time." He said it quite normal to him, like it was almost second nature. The cold stare that was thrown at him and the way he cradled his gun was enough to know that he was serious. "It's possible, albeit time consuming. Still, some planning would be needed for striking key points and kill certain targets of interest. But I've already threw it out the window, because it doesn't benefit me at all killing both gangs and because my resources are already sparse."

"Please don't say those things. For a moment I thought that you were really going to do it." He nervously responded to him, while the good doctor was putting the tools onto the tray(clean) that he always used for such operations, in orderly fashion.

"This gang war and the gangs themselves aren't doing the city much favor. Sure, we're racking in Lien and favors, but if you keep this up, the people will most certainly give you guys a piece of their mind, with a gun or a weapon in hand. After all, this is the city where the people are the lowest, murder isn't out the table for them and thieves will most likely try to steal from your supply caches. When that happens, I won't be of much help for you guys, because I'm basically cut off from resources as well."

"You'd abandon us? That's harsh, even for you." He sounded hurt, but it was nothing more than a farce.

"I've only been in your gang for a month, and I don't see much point on staying close to you guys if shit hits the fan. I'd rather keep having resources, than to cut my already limited supply even shorter. You know, it's just business." He casually said before sitting on his chair, awaiting for another patient. "If you're done talking, then you'd better head back on the counter, my medical bay is still open."

Topaz grumbled, but nevertheless retreated back to his shop, having more than a few things to think about. About the gang, about the things that they've done so far and about how much the Courier was able to figure out in no more than a month what he needed a few years to see. A perceptive guy indeed, and his resourcefulness is something to not scoff at.

Topaz's store - 18:30

"Hey, it's closing time." Topaz warned as the Courier was already packing up for the day.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm basically done here." He replied before putting his duffel bag on his back and moved slowly to the doorway. "Here's your cut of the deal." He handed him 550 Lien while he kept 250 for himself.

"A little light today, don't you think?" Topaz asked as the money didn't seem to correspond to the amount that he got.

"You're really gonna dis me for taking 10 Lien extra? I gotta buy new supplies or do you want this medic to stop healing because a lack of supplies?" He asked with some irritation on his side, before moving past him. "Plus, it's my food expenses. I'm heading to my favorite diner, see you tomorrow." He waved a lazy goodbye as he left the shop, stretching his strengthened back hearing a crack from it, which was odd to him. "That better not made an internal cut." Referring to the metal bits that were on his spine.

His feet automatically moved towards the predesignated track towards his favorite place to eat, mainly because he'd rather waste his money for already made food than buying the ingredients to a home without a kitchen. He really needs to either make the kitchen or buy the god damn pieces.

As he was walking, he felt like three pairs of eyes were looking at him and from the footsteps meant that he was being followed by some unsavory people.

"Just my luck... and I wanted a peaceful dinner before heading back home to catch up with my studies." He thought in his head, sighing in the process. He made a turn in the next corner and went through an alleyway, leading his pursuers towards this restricted place. Thankfully some smoke from a nearby ventilation cloaked him, seizing the opportunity to hide near a dumpster quietly.

The three individuals walked with stride through the smoke inspecting the place to find their target. They followed him for quite a bit and studied his actions carefully, since he was the new doctor of the place they wanted to seek him out. However, they didn't seem to find him right away which was annoying the leader.

"Marengo, Khaki. Search the place up, he couldn't have gotten far." The leader ordered behind them. The two goons were dressed in the same matter as Obsidian, except they wore their masks, except they had their arms visible. The leader was closer, except his mask had more ornaments and the weapon that he used was more of a tool than a weapon. A sickle, though it seemed that there were veins pulsating on the hilt.

They slowly walked around and inspected the place. Nothing new on the alleyway, apart from more garbage than before and a few extra cracks on the buildings. They were surprised that their target seemingly vanished.

"Cooper, he's gone!" Marengo spoke up in disbelief.

"What do you mean, he's gone? He couldn't have disappeared out of nowhere! Khaki, you found anything?" He asked by he didn't get a reply. "Khaki? Yo I'm talking to you, idiot!" He walked towards the man that somehow was lying down. "Khaki!? What the hell!" He immediately went ahead to remove the guys mask to see him out cold. He pressed his ear on his chest and heard his heart still beating. "Shit... when the hell did that bastard have the time to get Khaki? Marengo, come over-"

But his ordered was cut short as he saw his goon was being strangled with one arm while the other arm was aiming a .44 revolver at him. Khaki's weapon had been thrown away and by how tight the Couriers grip was on his throat, he was being kept quite tame. Cooper was taken aback at how this guy was able to turn the tables on his side.

"Evening. Now what could you three be doing following me? Trying to mug me? Maybe trying to kill me right here and now? Or is it something else?" He asked as he cocked the gun. His eyes glowed red as he looked at the leader of this merry band, making him more intimidating then what he was before. "You better explain things very well, partner. I'm not in the mood today."

"Okay, okay... easy there... We didn't mean to alarm you, sir-"

"I'm giving you three to spill the beans, before I splat your friends head off." He pointed the barrel of the gun to his captives head forcefully, making Khaki's head tilt to the side. "1."

"Woah, woah! You don't need to do that! We were sent here to talk with you. We're the Griff's, heard of us?"

"Tell me something that I don't know. 2." The Courier could feel his sleeve becoming damp by the tears that were falling through the mask of his captive, he tried to reach out to his friend by using his strained voice, except only a grumble came out.

"The big guy wanted to talk with you." He calmly spoke, much like an assassin would do with his target.

"The leader of the Griff's? That's odd. I don't remember painting myself that fancy to be noticed. What does he want." He stopped counting, which relieved his captor.

"We don't know. We were just ordered to tell you that." After he said that there was a tense moment between the two before he released his captor and pushed him towards their supposed leader.

"I'm guessing that he didn't told you where he could talk with me and I'd rather not be in the lion's den. Tell him to meet me at Garnet's Diner. We'll talk there. He has an hour to meet me there." He informed before putting his gun away. "You got lucky, remember that." He pointed to them with an aloof finger, then passed through the smoke backwards, still his red eyes looking at him, and then he disappeared, his presence gone.

"T-that guy is no doctor..." Marengo choked out, taking in deep breaths.

"No. He's more of a killer than anything." The killing intent he felt from the Courier was of such magnitude that he didn't dare to move. Those red glowing eyes, the way he gripped at Marengo, the nerves of steel that he had towards the situation and how he was able to jump them quicker than anything they've seen before. More than a killer, and more than a doctor. It was the perfect art of assassination if Cooper made a wrong turn.

"I-I'll go get Khaki and bring him back to the nearest hideout. I think you should hurry and warn the boss." Marengo caught up with his breath and moved to the unconscious body of their teammate. With a nod, Cooper ran up on the rooftops of the buildings and moved as quickly as he could.

Garnet's Diner

Strange on how the city of thieves had a Diner, but it wasn't unwelcome to it. Thieves and murderers need sustenance, and where do you go to spend the easy gotten Lien? Well, it has to be on a small restaurant. Inside the building, the decoration was easy on the eye. Not too much and not too little. Nothing valuable was on the walls, the seats were clean and the temperature was at a comfortable zone.

The floor was marble white, the couches were a soothing red and the light coming from the light bulbs had a faint red tint to it. Behind the counter there was always two staff members, the cook Gilroy that rarely speaks a word and when he does it's only simple words, and the owner of the establishment, the ever smiling and ever optimistic Garnet.

The diner always had customers, mainly because the food was decently priced and with the added bonus of actually being good. A good business in the bad side of town, though the town itself was bad already.

Passing through the door, the bell above rang signifying another customer appeared, catching the owners attention. She was delighted to meet the man that has yet to miss a day from her diner.

"Well if it isn't the Courier! Back again for one of Garnet's meals I see." She stated with a cheeky grin. Garnet herself was an interesting woman, she had a great body, usually wearing sleek clothes to accentuate her form. Though what caught most of the attention was her hairstyle, as it was a red afro. Strange but oddly inviting.

"What can I say, you have some good food. Is my table available?" He asked with a kind tone. As a regular there, he has scored some points in her book and had now a table for him.

"Sure is! What would you like today?" She asked as he moved slowly to his seat.

"I've had my eye on the Little Frenchie for a while now. How long do you think it'll take?" He sat down while resting his head on his hand on the table.

"That'll take 30 minutes or so, hun. You think you can wait it out?"

"For your food? I'll wait till the night sky comes around and the sunshine rises." He replied with a flirty tone to her.

"Oh my. Easy there sugar, I might fall for you." She replied back with the same flirt. It was all in good fun because this was how they talked. Just a joke to spice up the evening.

As he waited, he pulled out his scroll and started examining the properties of the thing. He had been using it the whole month that he bought it, recharging it when he could and putting down notes. He had a few ideas on what he could do with it. He looked at his Pip-Boy, while it's use was to monitor his condition and his current supplies, the map function had been non existent at this point.

"Maybe I could somehow combine the two? It'd be hard and i'd need a new casing for it... Maybe this should be a project to reconsider. Instead of being big and clunky, maybe small and compact would be much more useful. Able to connect to radio stations, have the map function back maybe and all of that while being easier to use. I do have the tools back home and the know how of my Pip-Boy. All I have to do is break apart the scroll, combine the both to be more slick, reprogram it, upgrade it and it'll be a new technology made by yours truly. I'd be the jealously of the Think Tank and any pre-war scientist." He thought to himself as he mulled over the wonders that he'd create. Something that not even Father Elizah would thought doing, or maybe he would if he was still alive, which was very unlikely. Being trapped in a safe with nothing but a terminal, and some small air reserves would kill someone rather slowly, days at best. Didn't stop the Courier to take the gold ingots that weighted a ton, still worth it for emergency caps.

"Maybe for when I got more resources..." He mumbled to himself as he kept a steady eye on his scroll and tapping on the news video for today.

"Those are easy to come by, if you got the Lien for them." A familiar voice spoke up, which Six slowly looked up to see Obsidian looking back at him, mask on his shrouded face and gun most likely on his hip, though he could also have it under the table pointing at him.

"Well... Ain't that a surprise. So the guy that I helped was actually the big guy of the Griff's. Can't say that this isn't the first time this has ever happened." He casually spoke as he closed his scroll and pocketed it on his duster. "So... What does the 'Ghost', want to talk with me? Can't be because you wanted to thank me for back then."

"You're working for the Roughers." He stated to him with a neutral tone. "Do you realize on how much of a target you just painted yourself on my group? Or how many people you've hurt with your sudden business with them?"

"Business is business, Obsidian. I'm just doing what any doctor would. Patch up the folk and do whatever you can so that they won't die. This isn't my first rodeo with people that want to take my head. Not to mention that the Roughers were kind enough to give me a place for me to stay, after some persuasion." He replied back while speaking rather casual for a person that might be at gun point.

"Six, your name has come around on our contracts list. At least ten times in the last month. So far, my group has been listening to me, but the bounty on your head is starting to become apparent that it's going to cash them a big one. I'm down for taking a big target, but a medic that patched me up out of their kind heart? I'm with doubts on that regard."

"I'm touched, bud. There's only a handful of guys that I know, that had the same line of thought of you. Someone helped you and now you're conflicted on what to do, since they've become a target that you can cash." Garnet came around and put a glass of water in between them, to somehow break a bit the tension that was rising before leaving. "So, how are we gonna do this?"

"I don't know. Honestly speaking, you didn't do anything wrong, not giving me a reason to actually go after you with my group. The guys that wanted to kill you are mainly the guys that want to get your medical supplies and that house of yours. If only you were on our side instead of theirs." He spoke with some regret in his words.

"Heh. You think I'm on the Roughers side?" He asked while chuckling for a bit. "Mate, if there's a side I'm on, it's my side. The Roughers are just for safety reasons so that they won't start shit against me. I'm not surprised that your gang wanted to start with me, what did surprised me was you wanting to talk with me." He slowly started to unhinge the hook on his helmet.

"..." Obsidian was silent as he saw Six take out his helmet for the first time against the prying eyes of others. If he and the Roughers boss were seasonal warriors, then this guy is most likely two steps ahead of anyone else. A veteran doesn't even describe him through his facial features, but it was close enough.

Scars riddled his face, the biggest one crossed between his left eyebrow to his right cheek, a claw mark that deep imprinted on his face, must've hurt like hell. But looking at the other features on his face, didn't do him much favors. Gunshot wounds, stab wounds, burnt marks... It's like he's been to war and back for the past 20 years. Though his hair has grown a bit with the month, his bangs reaching his eyes, the surgical cut on his forehead just shy being covered made Obsidian pause.

"Let's talk business, partner." He reached into his pocket in a rather relaxed manner, despite Obsidian still aiming his gun at him. He saw him take out a rolled up cigarette, put it on his mouth and lightening it up with an intricate lighter. "I'd rather appreciate if you lowered your gun now. This is a dinner, one that I rather enjoy to eat my fill after a days worth of work. We're both civilized people, unless you want to make this ugly."

Maybe it was the way he casually threatened, maybe it was the sight in front of him of a man that has fought countless battles, or maybe it was the look that he was being given.

Obsidian has seen many looks. Terrified ones, angry ones, shocked ones, even accepting ones. The look that Six was giving was by far the most perplexing one he could describe. This man wasn't being threatened, wasn't even scared or angry or shocked or accepting his demise. He was looking him in a serious kind, yet... his senses urged him to lower his fire arm, that whatever aggression he would do against him, the man would've returned tenfold in a minute. He lowered his gun as advised and holstered it.

"That's good. Wouldn't want to step that minefield either. So... if you're okay with talking, how about you and I speak of things that should interest the both of us?"

"...I'm listening."

"You'll find it interesting when I'm done, don't you worry." A small chuckle with a smile that most likely held a plan behind every word. With a card equivelant to 100 Lien, he called Garnet and handed her the money. "Keep the store quiet okay, doll? We're gonna have a very long chat."

"Certainly, tiger." She went off and closed the dinner for the night.