One Kantonian Assistant

Disclaimer: I do not own

There was blue for miles. The soft trickles of waves speeding past his vision as they arrived closer and closer to his destination.

Ash admitted that this was the last possible thing on his mind at the moment. After Kalos, after the tower, after Serena and Greninja, he needed a break. He craved to be alone, with all his Pokemon to ground him to reality. If they had just let him camp with his Pokemon for a month or so, he'd be fine.

So how had he ended up in the situation?

Ash let out a heavy sigh, shimmying in his seat to get comfortable, careful not to jostle his two Pokemon very much. He let out an unthoughtful hum, absently brushing his finger through brown fur.

He was only doing this for Professor Oak and his mother, just so they knew he was going to be alright. And that he was getting some "helpful experience with children."

Yeah, right.

How was being a teacher's pet going to be of any use to him? He'd be stuck in a closed off classroom with Pikachu forced to stay at their temporary home while he dealt with stuck up children filled to the brim with entitlement.

Maybe he was being a bit mean and heavily biased, but Ash had never met any student who wasn't stuck up in the beginning.

It would be a great opportunity to learn about the Pokemon of the Alolan Region. Maybe he could even convince someone to teach him the standard language of Alola. He doubted everyone there was going to be able to understand Kantonese.

There was a jostle in the plane, people and small pokemon grumbling as the lights slowly lit up. His two Pokemon, Pikachu and Eevee, let out hisses of annoyance, burying their faces into the comfort of his shirt.

"Brats," He muttered in amusement, rubbing their backs gently.

Well, time to see the Alola region.

The plane landed smoothly enough, yet he was forced to wait as people scrambled to get out of the flying machine. He patiently waited before getting out of his lane, opening up his compartment and dragging out the single suitcase he had.

He gave it a week tops.

By the time he exited the plane mostly everyone had dispersed already. Which he found to be a blessing in disguise.

Today he would get to rest and tomorrow he would have to go to the school to be formally introduced.

Ignoring his impending responsibilities, he casually walked out of the airport, glancing around and heading to the direction he knew the hotel was going to be at.

Well...He was following the other tourists who had mentioned a hotel…

He slowed to a stop and stared out onto the beach, smiling as he saw some kids with Pokemon he had never seen before. The island was surprisingly peaceful compared to other places.

And with a chill down his spine, Ash knew he fucked up somehow.

"Satoshi!" Ash turned quickly to look at Pikachu who was standing in the sand looking at a sand castle. "Someone left their shovel here, can I have it?"

"No Pikachu, they probably left it behind to go into the water, you can't have it." Ash sighed, raising an eyebrow at Pikachu.

The mouse huffed, pouting as he kicked some sand at the shovel.

"Mom would let me have it."

"No she would not." Ash scolded quickly, earning a giggle from the Eevee in his pocket.

Pikachu turned his back from the shovel to glare at him, a pout already forming on his lower lip.

Suddenly the small mound of sand grew eyes, piercing red before it let out a yell.

Pikachu jumped back in shock, Ash mimicking his movements.

There wasn't time to process much as the earth shattered around Pikachu, a blanket of steam throwing him and sand upward and launching him into the air.

"PIKAPI!" Pikachu screamed, waving in shock before he was blindsided by a shadow ball.

Ash watched in shock as his best friend, his brother in all but blood, was launched across the island.

"Son of a rainbow sherbert." He groaned, eyes screwing in shock.

He turned to the little Pokemon in the sand who was glancing at Pikachu's direction in mild confusion.

"I had to jinx myself." He groaned, looking at the odd Pokemon who was now staring at him. "Do you know any pokemon nearby that can fly? I'm hoping they can help out."

The little Pokemon gurgled, looking towards the trees lining the forest.

"There is a Toucannon that may help you out, but I can't be sure if she'll do it." The pokemon wiggled as if shrugging. "For all it's worth sorry about your friend, I've never thrown a Shadow ball so hard it threw some'mon across the island."

With a heavy sigh he waved off the pokemons apology, an uneasy smile on his face.

"No, don't worry too much about it. We have our difficulties every region, and I'm sure he was asking for it joking like that." He let his Eevee onto his shoulder, were the runt pokemon quickly scrambled underneath his hat. "Thank you for the help!"

With a backwards wave he sprinted towards the direction where Pikachu flew.

"Big Brother is an idiot." Eevee's muffled voice crooned. "Doesn't he ever learn his lesson?"

"I think Pikachu and I have a big idiot disease cause the answer to that is a big old no." Ash huffed back, earning a soft laugh from the normal type.

This was already shaping up to be a long vacation.

When Pikachu crashed, he expected many things.

Pain for one, and the unending anger for letting a baby do this to him.

And hate, special hate for Arceus cause the dumbass god probably did this to him for calling them a dumbass last week.

He got up groggily, shaking his head. His body wasn't in that much pain if he was honest. The worse was his tail which took the brunt of his fall.

Pikachu immediately glanced around, glaring at the objects that moved.

He was in a decently lit place, which meant he hadn't fallen into a crevice, and the light shining meant he was still relatively outside and not in a home of some sorts. But there were bags and knick-knacks, too different to be outside but still fairly uniform.

Then he heard it.


"What was that?"

"Was that a pokemon?"

"Was it an attack?"

"Is it okay?"

"Alright class," a strong male voice rang out, causing Pikachu to tense. "Settle down, everyone stay in your seats, I'll check it out."

He let a small burst of electricity build up in his cheeks. Ash would be more than disappointed if he shocked anyone unconscious.

Pikachu carefully watched as a green hat begin to appear, tail kept low for the sake of keeping a small advantage.

Warm, comforting brown eyes met his own they were rather similar to Ash's in a way that held both strength and openness.

They were still very different from his Satoshi's.

"A pikachu." The man hummed giving him a gentle smile. "I don't know how you got here, but let's take you outside, is that alright with you?"

And that's all it took for the mouse to readily agree. The human radiated warmth, not as comforting as Satoshi but no one could ever beat Satoshi on that.

He motioned his head back and let the man fall back, quirking a brow at the lab coat and that fact the man had no shirt. Pikachu was sure the man was a native, but that was a bit odd.

He crawled down the ladder, keeping his tail leveled as to not irritate the bruise forming on the base of his tail. He watched as the man walked to an open part of the room, easing off the ladder and onto the floor. A quick glance at his surroundings told him that he was in a classroom. Without even crawling forward, he could see the fauna outside with flying types peeking out the trees.

Making a quick decision, he hopped on top of the desk in front of the children and laid down, letting out a yawn as he curled on the corner of the desk.

He could almost see the confusion on the mans face.

"Maybe it wants to be caught by you professor!" A small voice rang out, his ear twitched in irritation at the noise.

"Maybe so." Pikachu could hear the pokeball enlarge, having heard that noise time and time again from his own trainer.

He waited to hear the ball whistle as it sailed towards him. Without opening his eyes he curled his tail forward, grimacing slightly at the strain before he cocked it quickly to the side, slapping the ball towards the first voice's direction.

There was a yelp and he snuggled deeper in satisfaction.

Now all he had to do was wait.

Ash grumbled, glaring at the native who collapsed to the floor in disbelief.

Why did trainers still believe in the - our eyes have met we must battle- gag?

He swore that one show was going to be the death of him.

He walked past other trainers and straight into the forest, glancing around to look for someone to help him out.

Almost instantly, he saw a little berry move around, green petals swirling. That had to have been a pokemon.

He crouched low, Eevee leaning forward on his shoulder to look at the unknown pokemon. He gave the little Pokemon a poke, the berry-like creature jumping up with a shrill and turning around with its face puffed up angrily.

"Hello, sorry about that." Ash apologized quickly. "I was wondering if you could help me find someone called Toucannon? A Pokemon on the beach told me I could find her here."

The pokemon gave him a blank stare, before sighing and began to exaggerate its movements dramatically.

"She- is- over- there!" It-she? Announced loudly and slowly, extending their leaves towards the left. "Why- do- you- need- her?"

The pokemon scoffed, almost as if wondering why they even asked the second question.

"I need the help of a flying type to find my partner." Ash answered easily. "You see, a Pokemon on the beach with a shovel on its head accidentally blew him across island. I was hoping that she could help me look from up above."

The pokemon blinked, leaves dropping.

"You...Heard me?"

"Yeah." Ash grinned sheepishly. "I tend to forget most pokemon aren't used to me understanding them. But if you mind, could you lead me to Toucannon? Id follow your directions but I have a very poor sense of direction."

Eevee gasped on his shoulder, eyes widened dramatically.

"You finally admit that you can't find your way out of a bathroom?" the Eevee turned his face towards the sky, anime tears falling down his face. "Papa was right!"

"I'll only admit it to you guys, not my companions so-" He jabbed a finger at the Normal type's stomach, earning a squeal of delight. "Shut!"

He turned back to the berry pokemon, who glanced curiously at Eevee.

"I'll help." the Pokemon, nodded. "I'm afraid it'll be pretty slow cause I'm very short."

"If you'd like I could carry you?" Ash crouched with a smile. "I don't mean to be pushy but I do want to find my partner soon."

The pokemon turned its head before nodding very slowly.

With the confirmation, Ash reached over, gripping the small Pokemon on its underside and let them crawl on his free shoulder.

"Lead the way- uh-" He paused, flustered at the fact the pokemon was still unknown to him.

"Bounsweet." Bounsweet smiled. "And you two are?"

"I'm Eevee!"

"The name's Ash, it's nice to meet you, Bounsweet."

The berry pokemon grinned, leaves swirling in satisfaction.

"Likewise!" With a determined look on their face they quickly pointed left once more. "Alright Ash, let's go left!"

Without a doubt in his mind, he quickly followed the Bounsweet's direction, leading into a deeper part of the forest.

Finally they arrived onto a nest like area. The nesting grounds were relatively close to the ground, however, it seemed as if the trees were made so you could crawl towards the area.

He saw plenty of tiny bird like pokemon peek at him, round baby eyes staring at him curiously. Another bird Pokemon, much taller and slightly larger than the babies appeared. Puffing out its chest in a show of dominance.

"Why are you here!" She shrieked loudly. "Leave at once, I will not allow you to catch my brethren."

Ash smiled and waved, easing the two Pokemon on his shoulder.

"As much as I would like to capture a Pokemon I'm not exactly here for that." The smile on his face dropped into a worried frown, his eyebrows creasing slightly. "I was wondering if I could get the help of someone names Toucannon, a Pokemon on the beach."

"A Sandygast." Bounsweet piped up quickly.

"Thank you, a Sandygast on the beach told me that if I need help I could try to ask Toucannon for help."

"And why would you need my help?" Ash started at the pleasantly elegant and deep voice echoes around the forest.

A large Pokemon with a big beak appeared, small eyes glaring at him.

Ash didn't let the look bother him as nodded at her.

"Well you see the Sandygast had actually blown my Pikachu across the island on accident. Pikachu was bugging him without knowing and Sandygast reacted." Ash shrugged. "I know the general way he went but it'd be great to have some aerial support as well. I'd get my Pokemon to help out, but they're all back in Kanto where its currently one in the morning."

The Toucannon raised her brows, flying down to level him a look.

"If he is yours why did you not simply return him to his confinement sphere?" She rounded around him, keeping her stare.

"Never," Ash responded seriously, "He absolutely hates his pokeball and I refuse to put him in there so long as he continues to be uncomfortable in it."

"And my help is strictly aerial support?" She stopped in front of him, puffing out her chest similar to the other bird earlier. "You will not catch me nor my young while I help you?"

"Never will I ever." Ash nodded his head, startling the large bird. "I love Pokemon, and I would love to have a new team in this region, but I will not capture any of you without your consent. I want your help, I do not want to capture you at this point in time."

"But you will eventually."

"With your consent I might try further down the line, but at the moment no. If you do not want to come with me, I will not bother trying." His serious look fell a little desperate. "Please, I just need help finding my friend."

"You are awfully noble for one so young." Toucannon preened, a warm feeling flicking her chest.

"I'm not that young." Ash shrugged with a smile. "I'm currently 18 turning 19 soon."

"Tiny." Toucannon smugly crooned out, before turning to her young with a chirp. "Come along, loves, Trumbeak be a dear and watch the young."

"You got it, Ma'am!" Trumbeak saluted.

The older of the baby Pokemon proceeded to fly down, already circling above Ash's head.

Toucannon turned to Ash, spreading her wings and flying at eye level.

"We will help, please lead the way and tell us everything you know."

Ash grinned, nodding his head.

"Follow me, I'll show you which direction he flew once we get closer to the beach." He turned to Bounsweet. "Would you like to come with or would you rather stay here?"

"She is not yours?" "I'd like to stay awhile longer if you don't mind."

The two Pokemon stared at each other, Bounsweet growling slightly.


Without another thought Toucannon nodded her head at the small berry pokemon.

"They." she confirmed.

Ash paused, glancing at the two Pokemon before turning to run out of the forest.

"Come on, this way!"

"No you need to go right to leave the forest!"

"I meant this way!"

Both wild Pokemon gave the trainer a fond look, before trading glances at each other.

What an odd trainer he was.

He was done with waiting, where the fuck was Ash.

"If you touch me one more time I will slaughter you." Pikachu hissed at the small round boy.

"Sophocles, please stop harassing the Pikachu." the man, a professor according to the children, sighed.

"But professor!" The ginger boy whined. "You never see a Pikachu like this around, they're all so shy! Its surprising to see one around humans and be comfortable enough to sleep! And look at Its tail! It doesn't have a flat or a heart shaped edge, It's curved!"

"May I remind you that Pikachu's, and electric types in general, can and will electrocute you once their patience has run thin." The professor raised an eyebrow at him.

"You think I'm just gonna electrocute him? Professor my ass, go back to school yourself, I'm gonna push him around until he learns to not fucking touch- PUT THAT HAND AWAY YOU BRAT!" Pikachu swiveled, snapping his teeth at the boys hand.

Sophocles let out a yelp, falling back to the group of students huddled around him. The group of five leaned farther back, the light blonde girl giving a shrill of fear.

"And that is reason number one you never touch a wild mon." The Professor lifted his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. "One of the reasons I haven't grabbed onto it myself. For all we know it's trying to claim its territory here, or it's waiting for us to leave so we don't follow it back to its actual home. Pikachu are social Pokemon, they are often in packs, grabbing one without its permission can lead a pack here to protect it."

Okay maybe the professor didn't need to go back to school, he was rather smart. But he couldn't understand Pikachu, and Pikachu was spoiled because his brother understood him just fine.

He pouted, ears falling back. Where was Satoshi anyway? Maybe he cant find him because he's not on the Balcony?

That's ridiculous, Satoshi could feel his soul-

A comforting warm feeling wiggled across his chest. There was a tinge of worry before it relaxed around his body, almost like an internal hug.

And like that, Pikachu let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Satoshi found him.

"Hey, Pikachu looks calmer!" the green haired girl called.

He twitched before turning to face the students. He gave them a nod, sitting up to stare outside.

"It can probably feel the electricity from it's pack, its providing it comfort."

Well, you weren't wrong, professor.

He tilted his head up, hearing the flap of wings as a small bird rested on the balcony. It wasn't one Pikachu himself recognized.

"Hey look, a Pikipek!" one of the girls whispered in awe.

"Are you Pikachu Ketchum?" The small bird chirped at Pikachu.

Pikachu couldn't help but feel the smug warmth that curled in his chest. He hadn't heard anyone call him his full name in so long.

"That's me!" Pikachu grinned. "Is Satoshi here?"

The bird tilted its head but nodded.

"I don't know about a Satoshi, but Ash is looking for you." The bird turned and screamed. "MAMA, I FOUND PIKACHU KETCHUM!"

"I think the other Pikachu's found Pikachu and asked Pikipek for help." The blonde girl in white gasped. "How amazing!"

Pikachu rolled his eyes, staring in anticipation. He heard yelps of shock when he saw a larger bird appear from nowhere. From the corner of his eye he watched the children and professor move towards the back of the class, farthest from the balcony, with the professor blocking the children with his body.

What a good professor.

He didn't have time to really say anything when he saw his Satoshi hop over the balcony, standing tall with an unknown Pokemon and Eevee on his shoulders.

"SATOSHI!" he screamed, slamming into Ash's chest and sobbing dramatically. "YOU FINALLY SAVED ME, THEY WERE GONNA DISSECT ME! HOW DARE YOU TAKE SO LONG!"

He continued to fake cry as he clung to Ash who simply laughed and held him tight.

"It's nice to see you too, buddy." Ash grinned, rubbing his head affectionately. "I'm glad you're safe!"

"My tail hurts so I'm not safe." He stuck his tongue out childishly. "By the way-" He glanced at the big bird and the...Berry? On Ash's side. "Who are they?"

"Oh!" he cradled Pikachu with his left arm, careful to avoid his still sensitive tail. "This is Toucannon and Bounsweet, they helped me find you! The little birds are Pikipek and this lil guy is Rowlet," He pulled down his zipper to show the small sleeping flying type. "They're Toucannon's young."

Pikachu gave them all a look, smiling at them while giving a half bow.

"Thanks so much for helping my idiot find me!" Pikachu grinned. "I hope it wasn't too much of a bother."

The Toucannon waved a wing.

"It wasn't an issue at all." She turned to Ash and nuzzled her beak against his hair. "I'm glad I could help, just please remind Rowlet to come home tonight."

Ash giggled, rubbing the side of her beak affectionately.

"I will, fly home safe!"

With a call to her young, the tall pokemon and her young flew off, nearly a dozen of them flying back towards the forest.

The Rowlet, a round and plump bird crooned a soft goodbye before snuggling deeper into Ash's jacket.

"Uh- Hello?" Ash perked up, noting an adult and a couple of kids slowly crawling up to him. "Is that your Pikachu?"

Ash nodded, rubbing Pikachu's head affectionately who crooned back in delight.

"Yes sir, sorry about the chaos Pikachu caused, he was launched across the island by a Sandygast." he smiled at the annoyed cry. "I'm sorry for scaring you all, I didn't really think when I heard Pikachu was in here."

The man nodded, straightening out his jacket.

"That's a decent repertoire of Pokemon you have." The professor noted, shooting a look at his students. "That Toucannon of yours looked especially strong."

Ash and all the Pokemon at his side blinked. He couldn't blame the man for giving the kids that look, it was kinda odd he appeared out of nowhere for a Pikachu, but-

"Oh the only Pokemon that are mine are Pikachu and Eevee." Ash smiled. "This Rowlet and Bounsweet are wild, and Toucannon only helped me out to find Pikachu. She's really cool and strong but she isn't mine."

The man looked stumped, eyes going wide as the kids gasped in surprise.

"Ash, he's a professor and that's his class." Pikachu looked at him. "I think we interrupted their class."

"Who are you?" A dark skinned boy nearly yelled, already falling into a fighting stance.

"Oh, sorry about that!" Ash bowed, keeping sure that the pokemon him didn't fall. "My name is Ash Ketchum. These are my partners Pikachu and Eevee, and these are some friends I made Bounsweet and Rowlet."

The four pokemon chorused out happily, Pikachu giving the students a smug look. The look was noticed by Ash who placed a hand over Pikachu's face.

"Pika!" "Don't mind him too much, he's being a brat." Ash grinned.

"Ash Ketchum?" The Professor looked at him with eyebrows scrunched. "As in, Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town? The Ash Ketchum Professor Oak recommended?"

Ash glanced in the professor's direction.

"Yeah, that's me." He tilted his head. "Is everything alright, Professor?"

"You know the professor!" the green haired girl blinked in shock.

"Eh, not really." Ash shrugged, motioning to Pikachu, who shoved his hand off his face. "Pikachu told me."

"Oh Tapu." The Professor rubbed his face in disbelief, before waving one hand towards Ash's general direction. "Class, this is Ash Ketchum. He's going to be my assistant this year."

Ash blinked in surprise, his eyebrows shooting past his hairline.

What luck…

"Arceus did this." Pikachu glared at him. "There is no other mon who could."

"I agree," Ash breathed as the kids gathered around him. "I'm gonna kick them next time I see them."

"How old are you anyway?" the short round boy looked at him. "You don't look even look like you could be a teacher's assistant. A student, yeah, but not someone old enough to help."

Pikachu shrieked in glee as Ash deflated on himself.

"I'm 18 turning 19." He grumbled unhappily, rubbing the stubble on his chin.

His hair was dark Arceus-dammit why couldn't anyone see it!

"You look young despite being older," everyone turned to stare at the blue-haired girl who was looking intensely at Ash. "You can talk to Pokemon and wild Pokemon seem to trust you immensely. You have two loyal adorable Pokemon and you're working under someone much older."

Ash raised a brow as the dark skinned boy looked at her in equal confusion.

"Lana-" her name was Lana? "What are you talking about."

Lana looked up with a mischievous sparkle in her eye.

"Don't you guys see?" She threw her hands up in excitement, smiling widely. "We have a real Disney princess as our teacher's assistant!"


Hey Everyone!

Thank you for reading this! And as you figured this is a teacher Assistant! Ash AU.

I know I still have Rise of the betrayed to finish but I promise I am working on that one.

Just a note this is also posted on my AO3 under Maiden22

Again thank you all!

- Maiden out.