Disclaimer: I do not own any of the material appearing in this story.

BGM: News (Pokemon Colosseum)

"Breaking news! The famous landmark known as DK Isle has been destroyed by the nefarious King K. Rool. According to sources, one of his men stole a Smash Ball from the Smash Mansion and used it for his weapon of mass destruction, the Blast-O-Matic. King K. Rool claimed that he would destroy other areas with his Smash Ball influenced Blast-O-Matic with such locations such as the Mushroom Kingdom, Beacon Academy, the Smash Mansion and even using it on Planet Popstar. Local heroes, Team RWBY, along with their friends had tried to put a stop to him from destroying DK Isle, but in the end, only Yang Xiao Long had put a stop to King K. Rool's tyranny when all hope was lost. Where ever King K. Rool is at now, no one truly knows. As for other news, a mysterious witch known as Gruntilda has been seen being hauled off to jail by none other than Funky Kong. Cyril has the full report on that. Cyril?"

"Thanks, Lisa. Reports of a mysterious witch-"

The TV turned off shortly after.


"Goodness gracious…" Master Hand shook his whole body. "I had no idea K. Rool would have gone off the deep end!" He said and turned to Yang. "This will not stand."

"So what are you going to do? Kick K. Rool off of the roster?" Yang asked.

"What? No! That will not certainly happen!" Master Hand said. "I may bring villains into the roster, but I'm not going to kick 'em out over something crazy!"

"He threatened to blow up the Smash Mansion just for fun. He tried to kill me. My sister is in a horrible state right now because of Dark Ruby and the Chaos Kin… what he did earlier will most likely cause her PTSD to get worse. And why even bring villains in the roster anyway? Ganondorf threatens to destroy Link and Zelda all the time when they're not Smashing! You have RIDLEY for crying out loud! RIDLEY! How do you even justify a space pirate in the roster where he and Samus look like they're about to kill each other outside of a match? He destroyed her home for Oum's sake! Don't get me started on Dark Samus! Bowser… well… is Bowser and he kidnaps Peach all the time and he and Mario kill each other all the time! What's next, are you going to bring a villain from Ness and Lucas' home world? Bring in this Sigma guy that X and Zero keep fighting from what Mega Man has told me?! Hell! I wouldn't be surprised if you brought in AKUMA!"

"Your concerns are legitimate, I get that. But villains spice up the roster and brings a freshness to the roster! Yes, some of them have a very dark past… but they would make good Smashers on the roster. While it is true that some villains are nastier than others, I will not take them off of the roster over some nasty deeds."

"What… you're just going to let this whole blow over?! Are you out of your-"

"Oh no! Proper punishment must be dealt with… and for K. Rool, his punishment will be that he will not be allowed to participate in matches for a long while… also we will tighten his leash."

"…That's it? THAT'S IT?!"

"Well… my brother had another idea."

With K. Rool

"Mmmph… why did he throw me in this dark room!" K. Rool growled.

"You ain't in just any dark room…"


Suddenly, a spotlight shined down on a figure, as it was King Dedede… wearing his mask and his hammer was revving up.

"First you hit me over my head… and then you go and decide to declare to blow up MY kingdom?! I'm going to enjoy this."

"He's not the only one who's going to enjoy this!" Another spotlight shined down on another figure… the King of Awesome himself.

"Threaten to blow up the Mushroom Kingdom with that laser of yours, huh?" Bowser snarled. "I'll have you know, that despite me having a kingdom that's the opposite of the Mushroom Kingdom, I still live in the Mushroom Kingdom too, y'know! So if you attempt to blow up the Mushroom Kingdom, I'll have you know that I'm going to clobber you, pal!"

"Heh! So there's two of you! I can take you!" He smirked, taking out his Blunderbuss… but he didn't have it. "What? Where's my Blunderbuss?!"

Dedede smirked through his mask. "Oh, you thought there were two of us? How cute."

"…Attempting to kill my daughter… sending my other daughter into further PTSD?"

A spotlight shined down on a third figure… Taiyang. He also had the Blunderbuss in his hands.

"Yeah, you messed with a father." Dedede smirked as K. Rool's eyes widened.

"Now boys… I… I was just horsing around! It's what we villains do! I would have never done something that crazy!" He chuckled nervously.

Taiyang cocked the Blunderbuss, Bowser cracked his knuckles and Dedede rolled his neck.

"Let's get 'im." Taiyang said.

Just outside the room

"Now now boys… let's not get too hasty! Let's all just be civiliz- AGH! OW! OW! OUCH! GAAAAH! OOOF! DAAAH! YAAAAAAAGH! MOMMY! OOOOOOW!"

"Heh! He'll be in there for a while." Crazy Hand said and then noticed the Piranha Plant hopping along. "Ooooh! Hey little guy! I need to ask you something."

The Piranha Plant turned around, tilting his body in curiosity.

With Master Hand

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Qrow and Taiyang are now part of the B Roster." Master Hand said. "Qrow will be filling in for Ruby, and Taiyang will be filling in for you."

"So… who's going to fill in for Weiss and Blake?" Yang asked, still sounding annoyed.

"Ah yes, well… you see… we're still working on that. But nevertheless, we will find the perfect B roster for-"

"Hey! Brother!" Crazy Hand came floating over.

"Yes? What is it?" Master Hand asked.

"Look who's on the roster!" Crazy Hand pointed to said roster on a wall.

"What? It's just the ordinary rost- OH MY GOODNESS!" Master Hand yelled and turned to Crazy Hand. "What. Did. You. Do."

"I thought he'd be a good fighter!"

"…BUT A PIRANHA PLANT?!" Master Hand yelled, as Yang snickered before she burst out laughing. "…I gotta make things right! Balance it out with a GOOD fighter! Where's that blasted bear and bird! I need to talk to them about something!" Master Hand flew off.

Yang wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh, that's awesome." She giggled and then noticed something. "Huh? Who's that next to the Piranha Plant?"


"No no no, the other one."

"Oh! Joker. Yeah, he's one of the Phantom Thieves. I think I should introduce you to them. Come on!" He suddenly took Yang's arm and took off.


"I'll also introduce you to Terry too!"


With Banjo and Kazooie

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to go home." Banjo said as they were walking away from the mansion.

"Agreed." Kazooie nodded.

"Mumbo will need vacation after that vacation." Mumbo mused.

"Wonder how we'll get home though…" Banjo wondered.

"Hey! Hey!" Master Hand called them over as they turned around to see him approaching him. "You there, Banjo and Kazooie!"

"Yes?" Banjo asked.

"How would you like it if-" Master Hand pulled out a Smash Invite and handed it over to Banjo. "-You were to become a Smasher here at the Smash Mansion?"

"Oh?" Banjo sounded intrigued. "Hmm…" He looked at the invite and then looked back at the mansion, then looked back at the invite. "I dunno about this…" He said as Master Hand whispered something in his ear. "Oh!"

"Banjo? Aren't we gonna go home?" Kazooie asked.

Banjo let out a chuckle and turned to his breegull friend. "Kazooie, we are home." He said and walked back to the mansion.


"Terrific! I'll just have to let Dyntos know about this!"

"…Mumbo will want to bring Bottles into this." Mumbo said, walking back with his friends.

On the roof of the mansion

BGM: Lazy Afternoons (Kingdom Hearts II)

"Hmm, this place is fancy, I'll give it that. Definitely a change of pace from Galar." Gloria said, dangling her feet over the edge and munching on an ice cream bar.

"Oi! Gloria!"

"Huh?" She turned her head to see Red. "Oh, hi Red. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I went back to Galar and… some people were asking about you." He said, and side stepped out of the way as Gloria nearly choked on her ice cream.

"Geez, you left Galar without even saying goodbye?"

"That's hurtful…"


"H-Hop! Marnie!" Gloria exclaimed. "…Oh… and Bede…" She sweatdropped a bit. "Look, about earlier-"

"No no… I deserved that. I wasn't myself that day." Bede admitted. "However, what was with you and leavin' us like that anyway?"

"It was… um… on impulse. This guy intrigued me!" Gloria explained.

"You could have told us. We would have gone with you." Marnie said, sitting down next to her, as Hop did the same.

"Eheheh… right…" Gloria sweatdropped. "So, what, you guys going to haul my arse back to Galar?"

"Nope, we thought we'd hang out in a cool place like this with ya." Hop said. "That and Marnie was gettin' lonely without ya." He teased as Marnie blushed a bit.

"I... I did not!"

"You hesitated."

"Did not!"

Gloria laughed. "Oh, how I missed you boneheads." She chuckled.


With Ruby

Ruby sighed, leaning her head on the arm of the couch, watching Dàhuô play with Belle while Blake was reading a book. Xena sat down next to Ruby. "Cute Pokemon."

"Thanks… their Yang and Blake's…"

"Ah." Xena nodded and turned to Ruby. "How you feeling?"

"Eh, okay, I guess… how about you?"

"…Terrible. Mewtwo is trying to get me to be one with myself… I'm just exhausted…"

"I feel the same way… without that Mewtwo part…"

Footsteps approached the two from behind. "I thought I might find you over here." A voice said as the two of them looked behind to see Byleth.

"Oh… you're that… Byleth girl, right?" Ruby asked.

"Oh? You already know my name?"

"Nora described you when we came back…"

"That makes sense." Byleth nodded. "Mind if I-"

"Go ahead." Ruby nodded as Byleth sat down near the two.

"Mmm?" Xena looked at her hair. "Strange… Nora said your hair was lighter green but it's darker now."

"Ah yes… about that-"


BGM: Palutena's Temple (Kid Icarus Uprising)

Byleth was put into a coma on a chair, while Palutena was closing her eyes and aimed her staff at her, the former was glowing. "Almost there…" Palutena whispered as a big ball of light appeared near the two. "Almost… there…" She whispered as the ball of light grew brighter until eventually, a small not-so-lost sassy child appeared before the two. "I've done it!" She grinned. "Awaken, Sothis!"

"Mmm… aaagh…" Sothis yawned. "Mmm… What in the world…?" She looked around the area. "I'm not in that dark room anymore?" She wondered and spotted Byleth. "Oh goodness gracious! Byleth, what's with you and comas! Like real-… wait, why am I awake and she isn't?"

"Hello!" Palutena waved.

"Palutena?! Wh-what's going on here?" Sothis asked.

"I brought you back… and outside of Byleth. You're yourself again."

"Holy…" Sothis whispered and then hugged Palutena. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." She smiled and then she aimed her staff at Byleth to wake her up.

"Mmm…" Byleth groaned a bit as she woke up and saw Sothis in front of her. "Wha…?"

"Morning, sunshine!" Sothis teased as Byleth suddenly grabbed her cheeks, stretching them out of curiosity. "Mmmph! Wath… wath are you doing?"

"…Just making sure you're not imaginary."

"Do I look imaginary to you!"


"Who's Sothis?" Ruby asked.

"A sassy lost child." Toon Link said as he walked by.

"I'll have you know that I'm not a sassy lost child! I'm a goddess!" Sothis yelled as she was walking after him… while her hair was dripping wet. "Now get back here, I'm not done scolding you on that water bomb you threw at me!"

"It's a water balloon!"

"You could've killed me with it!"

"Don't be so dramatic!"

"…It's a long story." Byleth sweatdropped. "But anyway, your friend Weiss has told me about you… about how the both of you having PTSD?"

"Oh…" Ruby sighed. "Yeah… we do…"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Byleth asked. "It's okay if you don't want to…"

"No no… it's okay, we'll tell you." Xena said. "You see-"

Meanwhile, with Weiss

"Hah… hah…" Weiss panted, sitting on the ground.

"You're getting better." Lucina complimented.

"Mmph… yeah, but that boost of defense that those banana fairies gave me… it must've been temporary or something…"

"There's your problem right there." Lucina pointed out. "You're more focused on your defense. While it is true that you're a glass cannon, it's not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion. If I were you, I'd focus more on your combat than your defense."

"Oh, so you want me to get my butt handed to me?"

"Not unless if you defend yourself… which is something you're improving on." Lucina said. "Though your swordplay on your other sword needs some work however… what'd you call it again, Eis… something or other?"


"Right." Lucina nodded. "Though, it is to be expected… you're more experienced with rapiers than Longswords." She mused. "However, I think with just a little more practice, you will be a great swordswoman. Who knows, you might even be a good Myrmidon!" She playfully winked at her.

"A Myr… what now?"

"A Myrmidon. Oh… that reminds me." Lucina pulled something out and tossed something to Weiss.

"Oh!" Weiss caught it. "What's this?"

"It's a Second Seal. With that, you can basically promote to anything you desire. With your battle style, it screams "Myrmidon". The more you improve in your sword play, the more likely this will activate and well, promote you to Myrmidon. Think of my mother for example, she flies a Pegasus. She used to be a Pegasus knight, but she had promoted to a Falcon Knight."

"…She rides a Falcon?" Weiss pictured Sumia riding an actual falcon.

Lucina laughed. "No no, she still rides a Pegasus. Falcon Knights are basically more experienced Pegasus Knights and can fight You might know a few Falcon Knights… the Pegasus Sisters."


"Yeah, but anyway, that's basically how it works." Lucina smiled. "Now, let's get back to training, shall we?"

Weiss got back up. "Right!" She equipped Eiskönigin as Lucina got in her battle stance.

"Alright, begin!"

Back with Byleth

Byleth folded her arms. "I see… those are some disturbing tales…"

"Yeah…" Ruby sighed.

"Hmm, and this Mewtwo is probably seeing something that no one else is, so I can't really fault him there." Byleth mused. "Still… that's horrible. Losing your family from war and changing your life for the worst… getting tormented by a doppelganger, tormented by a… Chaos Kin, nearly losing your sister from a deranged crocodile…" She sighed. "I know what it's like to lose a loved one and I also know what it's like to have survivor's guilt. I have survived fights when my companions didn't… and I was the only survivor along with my dad… and this was before I joined Garreg Mach."

"Well… good for you, I guess…" Xena sighed.

Mmm… okay, I know what to do." Byleth nodded. "I do teach at Garreg Mach, and you have your classes at Beacon… but, I think we can make this work. Xena, Ruby, I will be your therapist."

"Huh?!" Ruby looked at her. "Are you sure?!"

"Of course. I have handled many situations where my students get into fights with others, and I had them settle down and talk it out. I imagine I can work something out with you two… help you out with your troubles. I'm sure I can help you out and get you back on track."

Ruby teared up. "Byleth… th-thanks!"

"Y-yeah, what she said!" Xena teared up as well, both of them hugging her.

Byleth chuckled, wrapping her arms over the two. "It'll be okay… I'm here." She smiled, unaware of Mewtwo and Lucario watching this from afar.

"I think she'll be good for Xena." Lucario said.

"…This will not work. Byleth does not know what she's getting herself into with Xena. As far as I'm concerned, she's only going to speed up the inevitable."

"And how do you know that? I think Xena just needs to detox from you."

"No. She needs my help. If you think some teacher from another world can help Xena out, then you are mistaken."

"…Will it kill you to be optimistic? This might be a good thing for Xena."

Mewtwo turned around. "Good for Xena… or good for her dark side?" He asked and floated off.

"Sourpuss…" Lucario muttered.

Meanwhile, with Qrow

Qrow walked around Toad Town, pulling out a note from his pocket. "Meet me in the VIP Lounge of the Shy Guy Buffet - Unknown" It read as Qrow approached the Shy Guy Buffet and walked inside.

"Hello! Welcome to the Shy Guy Buffet!" A Toad Waitress smiled.

"Hey there, I'm here for someone… said they want to meet me in the VIP area."

"Oh! You must be Qrow then. Come on, I'll show you where it is." She smiled, winking at him as she guided him to the VIP Lounge. "Your secret admirer is over there." She said as Qrow turned the corner and saw who it was.

"…Oh hell no."

The person smirked at him. "Hello, brother."

BGM: Invitation to Mystery (Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age)

Qrow turned to the waitress. "You have any alcohol?"

"We do."

"I'm gonna need it…" He grumbled as he walked over to her, sitting down in front of her. "What do you want?"

"Can't a sister catch up with family?"

"They could… but family doesn't turn their back on each other just like that."

"I've had my reasoning."

"Let me guess, it has something to do with you being the Spring-"

"Shhh! You can never tell who's listening."

Qrow rolled his eyes. "So, what do you want. Salem's acting up?"

"No… there's something that had caught my attention." Raven brought out a book, putting it on the table. "Don't you think it's weird how we're able to easily access the Mushroom Kingdom? How we used to be one world and then the Mushroom Kingdom came out of nowhere and merged with Remnant?"

"I never really gave it much thought."

"That's because you're always drunk." Raven teased, earning a scowl from her brother. "Have you heard of the Subspace Emissary incident?"

"In passing. What of it?"

"When Tabuu had invaded the Smash World, everyone during the Brawl Tournament banded together to put a stop to him. Tabuu had sacrificed countless servants in order to encase the world in Subspace. When they destroyed him, it came with a… side effect."

"That being?"

"Remnant was not part of the Smash World… and now I find out my daughter is part of the Smash Roster."

"Funny how you call her your daughter when you don't visit her often."

"Hey, I saved her-"

"Once… because that was your rule… or should I say twice? You saved her from that crocodile, who I should remember you lost her aura to him. Don't tell me you're growing soft."

"I was just passing through!" Raven defended. "…I thought he was a good lightning rod."

"Well, what if I told you Yang nearly died when K. Rool shot a mega death laser at her?"

Raven's eyes widened, looking a bit horrified. "…He did WHAT?!"

Qrow smirked. "Oh, looks like the mother does care about Yang."

Raven frowned again. "Tch… so what? She survived, didn't she? She got her aura back."

"…Has anyone ever told you that you're one of the most complicated women of all time?"

"Your point?"

"Ugh… anyway, back to what I was saying earlier… Remnant was not part of the Smash World… and the Mushroom Kingdom wasn't part of Remnant. When the Subspace Emissary incident was over, things were back to normal… or so everyone thought. For some reason, it came with a side effect. It had somehow merged the Mushroom Kingdom with Remnant… and everyone acts like nothing has happened! The Angry Sun tends to visit Vacuo, ladybug creatures and Paratroopas are flying over our camp… the Grimm are patrolling the entire Mushroom Kingdom… it doesn't make sense!"

"This would explain why Ozpin is friends with Peach…" Qrow mused.

"Exactly! Ozpin doesn't think it's a big deal… no one cares about what's going on! The Mushroom Kingdom merged with Remnant and no one bats an eye? This doesn't make sense!"

"Maybe they did bat an eye one time and they decided to deal with it." Qrow pointed out.

"Mmph… anyway… I'm calling the phenomenon the Subspace Merger. Who knows what world merged with Hyrule, or Mobius, Popstar, Onett, or even the Pokemon world."

"Heh, I imagine Hyrule has merged with a world full of pretty shrine maidens, witches, vampires, swordswomen, kung fu masters, and maybe even a maiden who serves vampires. Imagine the length of their skirts!"

Raven gave him a deadpan look. "Will you take this seriously!" She scolded.

"What?" Qrow shrugged. "Can't a guy dream?"

Raven facepalmed. "Ugh… anyway, there's something else I need to discuss with you."


Raven turned the book around. "I found this in the library. Something about this seems ominous."

"Let's take a look…" Qrow picked the book up. "Some time in the future, a calamitous phenomenon will happen where monsters will suddenly forget about who they are and will attack anyone maliciously, friend or foe. When this will happen, no one will know… but it will start when a powerful shockwave is sounded throughout Remnant and the Mushroom Kingdom where it will cause a chain reaction."

Qrow looked up from Raven. "What are you getting at here?"

"Don't you recall a shockwave powerful enough that it was felt around the world?"

"Come to think of it, K. Rool put a Smash Ball in that Blast-O-Matic of his and destroyed DK Isle…" Qrow mused. "The shockwave was enough to rock the Blast-O-Matic."

"Bingo. That was the shockwave… and I have a feeling things are about to get worse."

Qrow narrowed his eyes. "How so?"

Pause BGM


BGM: Overworld, Act 3 (Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age)

"Alright, darlings~! Let's go figure out how to take down Calasmos!" A jester exclaimed.

A martial arts princess nodded. "Right. Luminary… are you ready for this?"

"Yes." Luminary nodded, turning to his friends. "Erik, Serena, Veronica, Sylvando, Jade, Rab, Hendrik… let's move out!"

"Right!" Erik nodded as Sylvando took the helm of the ship.

"Let's go!" Sylvando exclaimed as they shoved off… but as they started to leave, a portal appeared in front of them.

"What the…?" Jade wondered. "What's that?"

"I don't know… but we need to go around it." Luminary said, but they were headed for the portal anyway. "Sylvando, what are you doing? Turn it around!"

"I'm trying! It looks like that naughty portal is sucking us in!" Sylvando exclaimed.

"It's not just us. Look!" Hendrik exclaimed, as they saw various Dragon Quest monsters getting sucked in, not even the dragons were no match for the portal.

"Hang on, darlings! Looks like we're in for a bumpy ride!" Sylvando exclaimed as they were sucked into the portal.


Meanwhile, at Dreamland

"…How peculiar…" Meta Knight mused, looking through a telescope.

"Poyo poyo?" Kirby asked.

"It seems like a new planet has appeared out of nowhere and is near Popstar." Meta Knight said. "First that shockwave, then this planet that appeared… there must be a connection somehow."

At Beacon

"You're telling me that a group of individuals suddenly popped out of nowhere, and they call themselves the Future Foundation?" Ozpin asked.

"That is correct." Glynda nodded. "First that massive shockwave… and now this."

"Hmm… what could this possibly mean…?"

At Master Hand's office…

Master Hand hummed to himself, writing something up when a portal opened up in his office. "Hmm?" He turned around and saw Cuphead and Mugman walking through the portal.

"Well, golly! So this is where that magic thing took us!" Cuphead exclaimed.

"…Is that a floating hand? Oh dear…" Mugman timidly said.

"Well now! I was just about to fetch for you!" Master Hand said as the portal closed. "You must be Cuphead."

"Yup, that's me!"

"Listen, I want to ask you something."

In the training room

"Hiyah!" Marth quickly slashed at Akira, currently as Joker, who blocked with his dagger.

"Come on, honey! You got this!" Caeda called out.

"You got this, Joker!" Ann called out as his teammates were watching.

Marth readied his Falchion. "I have to say… you're pretty good with a dagger."

"You're too bad yourself." Joker smirked.

"Heh… but I'm going to win this duel!" Marth said as the two charged at each other… right as a portal opened up, and they heard screaming… followed by a thud.


"What the…?!" Marth screeched to a halt, as did Joker.

"Ow… what the hell! I was talking with Yukiko and Chie when all of a sudden-"

"WAAAAAH!" Chie landed on him.


"Oh! Sorry Yosuke!" Chie exclaimed, and then Yukiko landed on Chie, and then Yu, Teddie, Rise, Naoto and Kanji… all on top of Yosuke.

"Nnngh! Guys… can you get off… I can't breathe… you're… too heavy…!" Yosuke groaned.

"…Huh, that man has the same voice as you." Joker mused.

"Really? I don't see it." Marth said.

"What on earth?" Caeda wondered.

"Ah, so that's where you ran off to." A voice said as they turned to see an old man and older woman approaching them.

"Sis?!" Makoto yelled.

"Sojiro!" Futaba happily exclaimed.

"So… where the hell are we?" Sojiro asked, the portal closing behind them.

Somewhere else at Beacon...

Velvet walked along the grounds, humming to herself. "Hey... baby!"

"Huh?" Velvet turned around to see a drunk squirrel approaching her.

"How about you and I go back to my home and... fix a problem? That portal is still - hic - open!"

"Um... who are you?"

"C-Conker! So what say you we try and go save my home, you sexy fox?" He winked.

"I... uh..." Velvet sweatdropped.

"Come on, it'll be fun!"

"I'll... i'll pass! I'll go see what Coco is doing!" Velvet took off running.

"Aw, come on... it'll be great!" He said as he took a swig of alcohol.

"Excuse me, you have a problem?" A voice asked as he turned around to see a group.

"Who the devil are you...?"

"I'm Anthony, and these are my friends Mona, Camrin and Jen! We're team MAJC." He said.

"Eh? You don't look like you have magic..."

Mona laughed. "It's a team name. We heard you need help. Mind if we come with you?"

"And also help out your drinking problem?" Jen asked.

Conker rubbed his chin in thought and then nodded. "Sure."

"Excellent." Anthony smiled and turned to Camrin with a nod as Camrin pulled out his scroll. "Hey, sis. Get yourself and our cleaning lady over here. We're going to help someone else."

"Okay! We'll be right over!"

"Thanks." Camrin nodded and hung up. "Chloe and Zoey are coming."

"Excellent." Anthony chuckled. "We'll help you out!"

"Alright. Thank you!" Conker smiled.

Back with Qrow and Raven

Resume Invitation to Mystery BGM

"You honestly believe something like this will happen?" Qrow asked.

"Yes. I do. A chain reaction will follow… where everything will appear out of nowhere." Raven said. "And the calamity will happen."

"Heh, that sounds like something happening out of a science fiction novel. Forget about it, sis… it ain't real."

"And yet, the Mushroom Kingdom merging with Remnant isn't?"

"…You got me there. So let's say this does happen… what do you suppose will happen?"

"Well, I suppose it will catch Salem's attention… or Dry Bowser's."

"Well, if it does happen… let me know." Qrow rolled his eyes as he flipped a few pages. "Oh, and I suppose this will happen to? A mysterious entity of light, called Galeem, will envelop everything in light and enslave them… and will have a great war with an entity of darkness named Dharkon?" He rolled his eyes. "Give me a break, sis. This all sounds fictitious."

"Fictitious or not, it doesn't matter… whether you choose to believe it or not, it will happen." She said as she walked off.

"And how do you know that?"

"…Call it a gut feeling. We're done talking." She said, unsheathing a katana and swiping down, making a portal and walked in, closing it behind her.


Qrow let out an annoyed sigh, and then heard a yelp as he turned around to see the Toad Waitress dropping the drinks in horror and looked at Qrow with some fear in her eyes. "…You might want to make it a double."

Meanwhilesomewhere else…

"Mwehehehehe! Preparations are almost complete! Fawful, is it ready?"

"Yes, it is! The humiliation of Princess Peach is ready!"

"Excellent… now, let us pay her a visit."

"Yes, your grace!" Fawful laughing. "I HAVE CHORTLES!"

The other being cackled with him. "Let's put on a show! Mwehehehehe!"

And so, the story has drawn to a close... thank you all following along with the insanity that happened in this story! And it'll only get crazier from here!

So, for the next story... well, it's something that's been long overdue since my Touhou/Mario fics, and I plan on correcting it. So!

See ya'll next time... for RWBY: Superstar Saga plus Bowser's Minions! Take care, y'all!

Oh, and MAGC's Bad Fur Day will be happening off screen, just FYI.