Chapter 10: Wish

A/N: Final chapter and it's been awhile since I sat down and did much in regards to this story until I had my mental breakdown. I won't expound heavily, the brief synopsis is posted on my bio and the few people who read the chapter I posted on ff net before I took the last three weeks where I haven't touched Social Media and won't again. No Twitter, tumblr, ect. If you can learn anything from me, those places are cancer you don't need them. But it's your life I won't preach considering my own failings. So hopefully there's some spirit somewhere that isn't buried under my mountain of issues.

Thank you for those who did reach out to me, I do appreciate your kind words. It's hard to show gratitude to you all but I'll just keep writing to show you that I can give you something back in return.

The deep bellowing cry made Chi-Chi and Goku both recoil slightly. The heavy pounding of feet and smashing of the land all around them caused their blood and auras to rise up. Though Goku was more shocked as he tried to realize just what was going on. Bulma…. You said that I transformed into a giant monster… was that a lie? There's no moon out, what is going on?!

Chi-Chi not knowing any of Goku's hidden conversation let her white ki aura snap around her as she powered up. "Come to find me again," She spat angrily, "Don't worry, I won't be caught off guard this time!" Looking to Goku who seemed more baffled, but she took his confusion as for why the monster was here not for the reasons he had hidden from her.

"Come on Goku, let's put this thing down together! I can avenge my village, you can avenge your grandfather and we can both put our pasts to rest here and now!" The huge behemoth neared them. Its red eyes and brown furred body only growing in size.

"R-Right." Goku said looking to Chi-Chi who blasted off and he could only follow after her. Nothing about this was feeling right, but as much as he would like to try and slow down and process all of the information coming out there simply wasn't any time.

A massive fireball exploded out from the creature's mouth as it neared the two of them. Goku and Chi-Chi split with her coming right around and fearlessly charging the creature matching its war cry with one of her own.

Banking right she dodged the heavy paw that swiped at her, cutting along the length of its arm and not allowing it to strike her as she flew up the side and smacked it on the side of the head knocking its jaw slightly offset. "I learned last time, I'm not getting into a punching match!"

Flipping back around, she threw up a quick barrage of ki to scatter up dust and blocked its view. Switching her angle as she did so, the massive brute swatted through the debris ready to catch her on approach but wasn't ready for her attack from below. Blasting up from below its waist, Chi-Chi caught it with a savage uppercut knocking it backwards.

But the beast wasn't going to give Chi-Chi her advantage for long and smashed her with its tail. Whipping upwards and catching her from the front. Her guard barely coming up in time as she was sent backwards impacting hard into the ground.

Goku was still hesitant to just jump right into things, shoved down his gut instincts and shot forwards. This thing had come to attack Chi-Chi and Goku again. "I'm right here!" His voice shouting loud enough to catch the giant brown behemoth's focus.

Its head turned towards Goku, a low reverberating growl slipping outwards from its huge maw which dripped with fresh saliva. "Heyah!" Goku's fist met the same one thrown towards him. Despite the size difference, Goku's hand connected back with a near equal amount of force. The two began exchanging more blows, each one becoming heavier and more deafening.

Blocking the massive palm with both of his hands, Goku's arms strained as it tried to smash him like a person would a fly. The focus on their duel was interrupted as Chi-Chi streaked back in and landed a hard kick right across their opponent's face. Targeting the same spot over and over again. Wanting to cripple a visible vulnerability after so many blows. It had been something she had been wanting to do to Goku when they had a possible rematch, but that had long since changed.

Flipping right back around turning her entire body into a cannonball she slammed right into the beast's temple toppling it over.

Landing beside Goku she gave him a proud smirk, "Not bad, right?"

"Well… you could work on your guard. You've been opening up your right side whenever you-" Their banter was cut short as a burst of fire shot over the ground that they once were standing together at. "I'll correct you later, but this thing is really resilient." He remarked, watching as it recovered quickly from their attacks.

"So do you have a plan or," She looked at the beast righting itself properly. "Are you going with just hitting it harder?"

"I don't know… something about this feels off. Like all of this is wrong, why is it here, how did it find us?" His mind was trying to process what the situation was from before but he just ended up empty handed each time.

"Goku, let's focus on beating this thing first, you still have the last dragon ball?" Goku nodded in response as he had pocketed it earlier. She gave him a smile, words unable to convey what she felt right now. A whole tornado of emotions were all over her, she wanted revenge against the beast yet at the same time she felt an urge to fight the creature to prove that she was stronger and that was thrilling her.

The newest emotions he felt though was one because it was Goku who was beside her, he was the one with her. Fighting alongside her… 'Goku… you really are incredible.' She thought smiling at him for a few brief seconds before taking back off towards her target.

Goku missed the deeper context of her emotions but he was happy to have her here. Breaking off the two taking alternate avenues of attack, for a beast so large they didn't need to fight for surface area. But when Chi-Chi would strike high Goku would go low, when he would back off she would swoop back in, the vice versa as the brown monstrosity was capable of fighting one of them.

But two?

It roared in pain as Goku landed right on its back and drove a hard kick right into the monster's spine right above its tail. The cry startling Chi-Chi as its maw shot open, forcing her to duck down. But the pain was only momentary and making it angrier and it seemed to be feeding off that.

Chi-Chi was backhanded, her body skipping across the ground several spots as it whipped back around and proceeded to claw after Goku. Forcing the world champion into desperate dodging as it swung fists and hurled whatever ground and debris it could after it missed at Goku's position creating a storm of dirt, dust, and rock that was almost choking to be around.

Its form towered over the dust cloud and with a heavy palm strike downwards slammed Goku into the ground, the impact creating a meter deep crater and several more across as it raised up a foot and brought it back down.

Goku cried out in pain as the heavy appendage hit him again and again. Gritting his teeth, he threw up a volley of ki which caught directly into the beast's foot searing it and making it pull back as a painful cry escaped its jaw.

It wasn't given another moment as Chi-Chi fired her own blast straight into its back, the explosion sent it forward and slamming its massive body through several trees and digging up a small trench as its body was drug along the ground.

Goku was still mildly incapacitated, he'd taken that heavy beam head on while trying to charge up for his own devestating attack. He was laying on his back with several long bloody streaks running off of his face and shoulder. Wincing in pain, Goku saw the dragon ball which had been pocketed now rolling away from him as it hit a small snag of trees, branches, and other foliage.

"Goku!" She cried out, her voice cracking with worry as she saw how he wasn't exactly springing back up.

He waved her off, "I'm fine!" He said though feeling more like he'd been run over by a truck one that was capable of being driven by the giant behemoth. This wasn't close to how bad he felt after the first fight but it still hurt like hell.

'I'm not going to keep doing this. I am ENDING THIS!' She slammed both of her palms together before splitting them apart with gaps between her once interleaved fingers. "It is over!"

The creature just roared slamming his fists together in front of his chest while bellowing and vocally belting out other loud cries.

"KA-!" Chi-Chi's hand's burst with blue light as she focused and charged up her most powerful attack in her life. The creature just snarled at her, the two forms about several hundred yards away. "ME-HA-!" The glow from her palms began to expand and the light began to spiral around her fingertips.

Chi-Chi's dark eyes glowed and watched the way its mouth began to glow red again just like it had done with Goku. "Not this time!" ME-!" Her voice leaving a heavy deep reverberation as her hands were shaking as the tremendous pressure was tearing up the ground and creating a smooth patch from around her as the force flanted the ground and debris around her.

The brown monster's mouth filled with bright red energy, the orb beginning to form and swell into another devastating attack.

WIth a thunderous roar, "HA-!" Her hands shot forwards and a huge ball of blue tore from her hands and curved as it slightly shot towards the giant. But in response the giant creature unleashed its own devastating attack.

Blue streaked past the red attack as both beams shot right alongside each other. The surprise that both missed took only a moment of realization but the distance apart left no time to react or throw up a guard.

The giant brown monster's chest was pulped by the impact, a massive hole tore through its stomach the size of a semi truck and blasting apart the end of its tail. The garbled scream came as it toppled forward. Chi-Chi however, was struck all the same. The blast seared her body as the pressure overwhelmed her. Her right arm vanished as she could only scream before everything turned white… then dark.

Goku watched in muted horror until his voice returned and the pained cry exploded like a shockwave. "NOOOOOOOO-!" Scrambling to right himself Goku watched as Chi-Chi's body fell downwards and splattered over the ground. Her right arm landing meters away and blood fountained as her body was twisted collapsed onto the ground.

It was too late even though he reached her in less than a few seconds from when she landed. Chi-Chi's eyes were closed and her heart had stopped beating. The blast had torn apart her internal organs even if not directly destroyed. It had been painful but only its brevity was its blessing. "No… No!" Goku's panicked cries reaching a fever as he touched her face.

The memory of his grandfather coming right back to hit him full force, except he was with someone who was also very close to him. Someone he'd come to enjoy being around, more than a friend. Her bloodied features, broken limbs made him throw his head back and scream to the heavens.

"CHI-CHI! NO!" His voice bellowed his power flairing for only a second until the warrior collapsed over her body and sobbed. Kissing her cheek, Goku rocked back and forth unable to contain his pain. He just didn't know how-

Another scent, one he knew. The blood was just as potent as the blood that covered his fingers and body.

But… no… It… Why?! WHY?! WHAT?! "AHHHHHH!" Goku screamed, his mind overloading with the newest information that his body was telling him.

He could smell… smell... his son.

Laying Chi-Chi back down, his eyes soaked with tears, his cheeks still flowing the same crystal rivers as his head turned towards where the beast had been hit. The huge frame had shrunk down into a small body, one that was shattered and a far cry from the shining symbol it had been before.

Gohan's face was cold, his eyes gray and appearance just as horrific as his mother's. A lung was missing, his heart had exploded, and the death had been instantaneous as his tail was half a bloody stump. "What is this?! TELL ME WHAT THIS IS?" Goku screamed, pulling back a fist and slamming it into the ground, his emotions spiralling all out of control as he beat the ground.

'Gohan?! The monster?! NO-! NO THIS IS ALL WRONG!' He grabbed the sides of his face and hammered his head down into the ground but it wasn't doing anything. His heart was screaming at him and not letting the pain subside. The tears were falling but the anger wasn't abating. He knew there was something wrong with how the creature had a tail like his and Gohan. Bulma told him it was him who transformed in the moonlight and yet, his son had become the giant monster that had killed his own village and crippbled both him and Chi-Chi in the process.

"This is fucked up!" Swearing, he grabbed a thick piece of wood the size of a man's thigh and about as long as a tree branch and smashed it into the ground. "What the fuck is this, why my son, why Chi-Chi?!" He continued to smash and break the stick until there was nothing but toothpicks. But even that wasn't enough. He wanted to break something, if Piccolo, or hell, anyone he disliked showed up right now he could rip them to pieces and maybe alleviate the ache in his heart.

But there was none of that, so he just threw his hands back and screamed, the echo carried by the winds startling wildlife which panicked and fled from the sound. With nothing but his lungs Goku kept screaming until his voice was harsh and nothing but a dry rasp. Coughing and hacking he dropped down to his knees as the sun began to make its rise on the new day.

Grabbing his face with both hands, Goku found his face had dried up. But as his despair faded Goku looked up and spotted the familiar orange shine off in the distance… "Shenron…" My family… Gohan and Chi-Chi I won't let it end like this!' His face pushed into a serious line as he picked up the body of his dead son and carried him to where his mother's body remained.

"Why didn't I see it? How could I not have seen it?" Goku muttered to himself, feeling each step he took with heavy thuds of his feet, feeling the reverberations deep within his body even though he was trying to be as gentle as he could.

The lifeless body of Gohan, it just made his heart want to explode except far worse than what his own child's had gone through when both him and his mother had simultaneously killed each other with devastating strikes. Neither side was able to raise a defense and were struck by mortal blows.

Taking a knee, Goku laid his son next to his mother, the once crimson blood now a darker maroon. The promise of resurrection made him yearn to see their faces again to know that he would be able to reverse this tragedy. It didn't make him feel any better for the situation he had caused by his own ignorance. Maybe if I would've said something, I could've told Chi-Chi we could've worked through it together. We didn't… I didn't want any of this, I just…' He just wanted a family… the same thing that he had lost all those years ago when he had killed his grandfather. Goku was to blame for both of his family's deaths.

He couldn't touch Chi-Chi's severed arm. He knew he would break down again if he did, he left it as it was for now and went to retrieve the dragon ball…

It took maybe another twenty minutes, finding the other scattered dragon balls hadn't been as easy as the dragon radar was busted thanks to the sprawling battle, but they weren't too far. The capsule house was now a demolished mess, he could see that Gohan had transformed inside and broke through the ceiling though he still could not understand why. There hadn't been any moon or sign as to what had happened. Goku could only guess that his son had inherited his father's ability to transform differently -that was the only way this could make sense to him.

So just meters away from his dead family, Goku raised up his hands as the golden light flashed from all seven dragon balls. "SHENRON! I HAVE A WISH!" His voice cried out and with a crackle of thunder the body of the eternal dragon sprang forth, dwarfing the sides of the area with his sprawling serpent body.

"YOU HAVE SUMMONED ME, STATE YOUR WISH!" The eternal dragon bellowed, its deep rumbling voice and red eyes looking squarely at Goku.

"SHENRON!" Goku shouted, his hands clenched tightly into fists in front of his chest, "I wish that Gohan, Chi-Chi, that my family was alive and unhurt right now with me!" His declaration clear, that he was ready to have what he'd lost back.

A rumble escaped the massive dragon's jaw. The glow of his crimson eyes began to swell and burn brightly. "ALL EXCEPT ONE CAN BE DONE! YOUR WISH SHALL BE GRANTED NONETHELESS!"

All except one? What did he mean? "Shenron what do you mean? Is my son or Chi-Chi not capable of being-"

"I HAVE GRANTED YOUR WISH!" The dragon bellowed drowning out Goku's words. The red glow of the eternal dragon's eyes fading back into a low dull red. "FAREWELL!" It said as a glow began to envelope its body.

"Wait! Shenron!" Goku called out again but the small massive crash of thunder shook the area. Like a great gust of wind Goku had to raise up his arms to shield his eyes which were forced to squint as the seven balls raised up into the air and blasted apart. Their task fulfilled and the dragon granted his chance to rest once more for another year.

Goku was left stunned in silence, his mind already rattled by the day's events now were forced to deal with the pressure that his family may not be brought back? 'Kami, what do I do? Grandpa, anyone?' His head turned though towards what had once been Gohan and Chi-Chi's bodies… his heart jumped in jubilation. "CHI-CHI! GOHAN!" He screamed in joy.

Chi-Chi lifted herself up from the ground, her body unhurt but her mind foggy like she'd been in a long sleep. Vague memories of being a white fluffy cloud standing in line to get approved to go to heaven or hell.

But Gohan who barely was able to lift himself up, his body drained and tired, his tail now gone as the half saiyan just released a weak gurgle. His mind was unable to focus other than he was just so tired.

Goku skidded to a complete halt, his hands wrapping around the two of them. "Oh thank Kami." He kissed Chi-Chi's head, "You're okay… you're both alive." He was almost to the point of tears that he just held them close.

"G-Goku? What happened?" Chi-Chi felt Goku as her black mess of hair was pressed into the side of her face. They had started fighting the giant monster… and then she couldn't remember.

"Oh, Chi-Chi I-"

"What the fuck?" A thick crass voice said startling Goku. His head shifting over his shoulder towards the voice as Chi-Chi was still in a daze and didn't really notice.

"Are… we alive?" Another voice, more feminie and softer in its tone spoke next.

Standing just meters away, was him… or someone who looked almost exactly like him, and a woman smaller in size but wearing the same outfit and sharing similar features. Goku looked at them, they looked right back.

The other version of him squinted, blinked his eyes, brought a hand to rub his eyes than blink once again. "Shit… is that… Kakarot?"

"EII-!" The woman squealed almost delighted, "By planet Vegeta! It's! It's our son!"

Goku's wish… it certainly had been granted.


Months later, Goku also known as Kakarot by his birth parents was enjoying himself with his parents in the forest where Goku had grown up with his now 'adoptive' grandfather. Of course it wasn't just his parents, but he was joined with Gohan and best of all Chi-Chi. The new and strange family of five had quite the interesting meeting and gathering.

"This certainly beats that hellscape on Vegeta, that's for sure." Bardock said tearing off a piece of large boar meat from the rotisserie spinner that Gine had going. The former planet purger and saiyan warrior had taken to his resurrection rather well. A clean world, with plenty of game, a son to spar with, a mate to… mate with, and an abundance of local food this place was a paradise by comparison to anything in the past.

Gine just laughed, "Yes, it is. I just still can't believe we're alive again and by pure coincidence." She cut into the boar with her own makeshift cleaver. "Come on Chi-Chi, Gohan food's ready!"

Goku was, much like his father, already salivating at the prospect of a new meal. Chi-Chi had taken herself to look after Gohan and his studies since they had this newfound peace and life. The knowledge that her child was half alien, Goku an alien sent to destroy all life on the world when he was but a child had taken time to let it sink in. But considering that everything had worked out, she had decided that it wasn't worth making this anything bigger than it needed to be.

She was alive, Gohan, was alive, and Goku was with her. Even though she wanted to still revive her village she didn't fault Goku for in a moment of panic wishing that they were both resurrected and fine. Goku had blamed himself for a bit after simply not telling Chi-Chi the truth, but the truth didn't help that Gohan's transformation had been a complete fluke. There wasn't anything they could've done to prepare for that. Even if Goku had told her, she wouldn't have known about the rare lunar occurrence that had caused it. Most people didn't even realize it, she wasn't psychic or able to see the future so there was only so mad she could get about it.

They had been given a second chance, a new beginning as a family with Goku's own parents now resurrected to help them start over. That and their own knowledge of what they were helped guide not only Gohan on how to control his powers but Goku as well.

Chi-Chi realized the signs now that there was obviously something much different about Goku at first glance thanks to hindsight. His strange hair, tail, mannerisms, and strength. All of them were subtle hints that Goku wasn't human.

That and when she'd had the chance to speak with her new in laws about Goku's behavior everything became clearer and clearer. Bardock told her that a saiyan without full control over his primal Oozaru form. The one that her son had shifted into became feral in thought and action. Gohan was just rampaging due to his nature, not out of any sort of hidden aggression. In addition it also showed up in Goku, whenever the full moon appeared Goku himself became more feral. It was also why he acted on baser instincts and claimed her that night. Had it not been a full moon none of it would've transpired the way it did.

If that wasn't even enough, Chi-Chi's own body had clearly assimilated saiyan traits. Bardock noted that few hybrid species that came from saiyan unions often took portions of saiyan power as the added mixture of saiyan blood mixed with her own in a small fashion. Her increased strength, agility, focus, and senses were all thanks to her now partial alien blood.

Truly this had to be some kind of messed up fairy tale, but this was in fact real. She was an alien's mother… and had taken Goku back as her lover and emotional support.

But it was food for thought another day. Chi-Chi came over to help set up and eat the meal Gine had caught, seasoned, and cooked all in an afternoon. It was the only family she now had until the dragon balls were restored down the road. But until then…

"Come on, Chi-Chi!" Goku said, waving her over to come and sit beside him. His smile hiding some of the guilt and regret to this day. But accepting his faults and failings had only made not only him, but both of them stronger.


"Smells good." Chi-Chi complimented, taking a seat while a bouncy half saiyan jumped on the edge of a large tree stump fashioned into an outdoor dining table. "Come here you little hyper ball." Bardock said, taking control over his grandson. The saiyan gleefully laughed as Grandpa put him on his knee and let him bounce even faster as super speed was way better.

Gine laughed, serving up the portions, commenting on how alike Gohan was to his daddy and granddaddy. Goku and Chi-Chi turned to each other, their eyes saying what their mouths did not have to.

Leaning in the pair kissed, gently, tenderly. They had their new beginning and intended to make the best of it.

The End