So I was really disgusted and PO'ed after watching School Days. I tried to read some good ass Naruto crossover as a pick me up and the High School DXD ones are trending. So I try a couple that I haven't already read and then drop them. Then as I am writing a constructive review I realized how I wanted a certain overdone scene to play out which gave birth to this.


Life throws curve balls.

That has always been the case and always will be.

For one Uzumaki Naruto those curve balls came in the form of giant fucking bulldozers.

Ending up in a completely different world then yours after winning the freedom of said world would definitely mean that life had not stopped throwing those your way.

A blonde teenager sighed while completing another monotonous day at school. Oh how he loathed this word 'school'. To top it off he had to be in one of the most crappy ones in the entire town.

"Are you going home for the day Uzumaki-kun?" a girl asked Naruto. She was blonde herself with kind eyes and a very easy going personality. She was also wearing the girls School uniform which resembled a sailor's outfit a little.

"Why do you ask Rin-chan?" After he had slung his bag over one of his broad shoulders and held it there with a hand, he raised an eye brow at the girl.

"Well..." the girl fidgeted a little on the spot, "I was wondering whether we could walk home together." She immediately got flustered, "Only if you want to that is! No pressure."

"I would love to Rin-chan but I have to get to my part-time job. I just got an extra shift and I don't want to lose it. Rain check?"

The girl just nodded and smiled while both walked out of the school and went their separate way.

Nonohana Karin was a sweet teenager with green eyes and blonde hair. She had started coming to this school at the start of this school year after a week or so had passed. Naruto himself started middle of the last year and didn't really get along with his classmates due to his slightly delinquent-esque looks, clueless-ness in class and thick accent. He just had a bad initial impression. The new girl didn't know that Naruto was basically the class pariah and they sort of hit it off. He helped her get used to the new school and she sometimes helped him study, which he sorely needed. Good girl.

When the lost hero had arrived in this world, he had nothing on his back but a few storage scrolls. After the initial shock of being in a completely different universe with several metallic transportation running on strangely paved roads, Naruto had decided that enough was enough and tried to find out information about the place he was in.

He could not thank his lucky stars enough. After digging up information on this place Ninja style, Naruto had figured out some basic history, geographical locations and the society at large. He was thankful because he landed in a place where he could speak, read and write the language that the natives used somehow. After he found out that this world had hundreds of countries and thousands of languages, he did feel like Karma had thrown him a bone for throwing him away from his world.

He tried. For a year he had tried.

He integrated himself in the society. Even though it had advanced technology which made sneaking around a bit difficult. Still, he had managed to conjure up some basic backstory for himself which actually involved around him being an orphan and just getting updated in the system after a government screw up. It took a lot of clones, some blackmailing, some impersonating and he was able to get it done.

After trying everything that he could possibly think of short of throwing Biju-damas left and right in order to rip a hole in space and time somehow he had given up on going back.

However, getting integrated in society in order to get a decent enough job to pay for his basic needs also meant getting registered in a world where kids his age went to school. Naruto had seen two invasions and a world war. Hell he had actually had a hand in winning all of those conflicts one way or the other.

The Japanese didn't care about that. They cared about their teenagers getting proper high school education and becoming productive citizens.

He won't say that it didn't have merit, though. Most of what he had learnt about this world had come from going to class and paying as much attention as his attention deficit mind would let him. Before when he had done some odd-jobs he had just been winging it. His mannerisms and overly athletic disposition had gotten him some unnecessary attention and sometimes fired. After getting enrolled in the only school in his district he was able to identify the parts that he did wrong.

Getting acclimatized to his new surroundings was one thing. Finding out that most people here had next to nothing when it came to Chakra was astounding. Yes he would sense people who had abundant physical energy or spiritual energy but nobody had the right mix for it being accessible chakra. Heck even the chakra coils seemed to be severely underdeveloped. Naruto had learnt about something in school called Evolution. Apparently living things evolve and humans not using chakra for a long time, if they even did in the first place, would result in the chakra coils becoming obsolete.

After feeling like he had walked enough distance away from the school, he started sprinting towards his destination at a considerable speed. He was just a few minutes from losing that precious shift after all.



Naruto heard his partner's voice. In the first couple of months when he was spiralling after not being able to find his way home and adjusting to the whole new world thing, Kurama was his saving grace. The Nine-tailed fox guided him when it came to dealing with the people in the new place, his strategies of trying to find a way home and he was just an all around shoulder to lean on when he felt he had nothing in this world.

'What buddy? I have to get to the restaurant. The old man will give my shift away to somebody else?'

"I sense some energy signals nearby. I think it will be wise to check out."

'Eh, Kurama! I have checked out so many "energy signals" on your advice that it is getting ridiculous. You know it isn't going to help us get back home!' Naruto replied a little heatedly.

"No idiot! I mean I sense someone actually using energy that feels supernatural. We haven't encountered that yet." Kurama said with a huff. Sounding a little indignant with the blond.

Naruto's eyes lit up at that. If that was true, maybe he will find something. Anything that could lead him back to his world. Even a clue would do at this point.

As Naruto got closer to the park where Kurama sensed the energy spike, he saw a massive spear of light being thrown at something. Well impaling really. He witnessed a brown haired guy going down while trying to clutch at the scantily clad women that had apparently just nailed the dude with a freakin' light saber. He was too slow as after the woman noticed him running towards them, she gave a deranged smile, created some kind of portal and vanished through it. Kurama could still sense the woman but she was nowhere near.

He could have gone after the strange woman if a guy wasn't totally dying in front of him. Not risking activating the whole cloak, Naruto's hand started to glow an ethereal gold as he tried to fix the guy before the light in his eyes went out. He felt the boy move his own hand in his pooling blood and mutter something. Naruto had to say that the boy had will power.

'Can you sense it?' Kurama asked as he watched his partner work his magic.

'Yeah, now that you mention it, there is a faint sort of foreign energy that feels attached to his spiritual energy.' Now that Naruto was channeling Kurama's chakra through his hands, he was able to actually feel it.

'I think that black winged woman may have attacked this human because of that.'

'I won't know the whole story until I track that bitch down.'


It felt like he was going to be late as even though he had managed to close up the wound and heal the damaged organs it seemed the boy had lost a lot of blood. He cut off Kurama's chakra as it wasn't going to help anymore. Just when Naruto was about to call it in to the emergency services, he witnessed an intricate circle made out of strange seals appear in thin air and two women walking towards him.

Naruto immediately went on the defensive. He observed the two with a critical eye. One was a woman with beautiful long crimson hear with lose bangs on the forehead and other was a brunette with equally long hair which she had some of in a pony tail. Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno. There were two similarities between the two. Huge racks and same school uniforms. Make it three similarities.

"Not one step," Naruto warned, "I have already had some bitch kill this poor SOB. I don't know what is going on but I am not going to let you take his body." Naruto knew that there was some residual energy in the mostly dead guy behind him but he also knew that there could be people who could harness said energy. In the ninja world, a plethora of secrets could be uncovered from dead ninja.

If Rias noticed the loose yet tight defensive posture and the energy wafting out of the boy she didn't pay it any mind. Instead she just waived her hair out of the way and tried to reason.

"Look, you can do what you want afterwards but I assure you that I am here to save the boy. No harm shall befall him, I give you my word." Rias gave a small grimace of a smile while Akeno had a surprisingly easy going expression for the tense situation.

Naruto observed for a few seconds and after a silent conversation and an inward nod towards his partner, Naruto loosened his posture and let the girls through.

As he saw the red headed one move closer. He was shocked to see the woman take what he would call a chess piece out. It was a game similar to shogi that his world had. It was popular enough for him to know what it was. Then he saw the woman try something with the chess piece and when nothing happened he had to say something.

"Oi, what are you doing? This is not some board game. Are you fixing him or playing doctor?"

Rias gave a slight glare towards the blonde which made him raise his hands and she tried more pieces. When she finally settled on using eight chess pieces together something happened. As she was doing this weird incantation, this time the pieces started to glow and he could sense something kick start in the brown haired fellow. It was like his soul was returning to him but it was tainted. Come to think of it, it felt like the soul of the woman who had actually resurrected him.

"Naruto be careful! There is something dark about the souls of these women that I can't put my hand on. Be on guard."

"What did you do?" Naruto asked the woman with a slightly worried look on his face. He had also seen the red headed one perform the spell for the portal and he wanted to ask her some questions. She seemed to be the one in charge.

"Before I say anything on the subject...what did you do?" Rias asked of him as Akeno picked up the brown haired boy to see if he was breathing alright.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked incredulously.

"What I mean, is that his injuries are almost completely healed. I can see that he lost a lot of blood and signs of a stab wound from a Light Spear but no injuries. The one who killed him got away but you did something. I want to know." Rias had a gleam to her eyes as she got a good look at the blond.

He was muscularly built but not overly. Like a pro Olympic athlete. His blond hair and strange whisker marks gave him a feral and exotic appearance. Last thing she noticed was his incredibly blue eyes. The bluest she had ever seen to be honest.

"I tried to heal him but he had lost a lot of blood. I can patch the wounds but I can't produce blood." Naruto explained as he tried to play along. He wanted answers. For now he would exercise caution and refrain from doing anything rash. Experiencing world war and trying to adapt to a new world would do that to you.

Rias Gremory was taken aback by the fact that the blonde boy in front of her had such capability. However, she did not sense any sacred gear from him and she doubted his powers would work with Devils. Even though he had abundance of energy he wasn't peerage material. Seeing as though he was clueless about the supernatural world, Rias decided to do the humane thing and erase the memories of tonight's events.

"The fuck are doing, I answered you now answer me!" Rias's hand recoiled in shock and even Akeno seemed to bewildered.

Naruto was getting impatient. He had even been nice enough to answer her question even though he was the one who questioned first. He had dibs damn it!

Then he sensed the red haired girl try to do something weird with her hand and push her energy on to him. He blocked it. But now he was angry that she would try something on him.

"What! How did you do that?" Rias was still baffled.

"I noticed you channeling some of your energy to my brain. I suck at genjutsus but I can't get away from them it seems. I know how to break whatever pathetic thing you were trying to do. Now answer me or we are about to throw down. I am grateful that you saved that boy but I won't let you take him without an explanation. I would cut a bitch."

"Ara ara, seems like foxy-kun has some hidden talents." Naruto heard the raven haired woman for the first time through her slightly covered mouth.

Rias had another calculating look in her eyes and decided that not telling this guy won't be an option.

"I am waiting..." Naruto said, tapping his foot.

Maybe this boy was peerage material after all.

Naruto was just lamenting the loss of his shift on top of everything.


Okay tell me what you guys think about it in the Reviews please.

I don't have detailed knowledge about Highschool DXD. I have only seen the first season, some odd youtube clips and whatever I had researched on wiki pages as I read other crossovers to get some background info. If I missed something or had something wrong let me know. Surprisingly, I do have some loose ideas and even a plausible ending in mind so If you guys do like it I will think about writing more. Other wise I will just concentrate on other projects.

LOL. It is 7.30 am now and I will only have 3 hours of sleep before I go to work.
