"I'm an Avenger," Steve shook his head, "I work for S.H.I.E.L.D," he started, never feeling so uneasy in his entire life.

"Shield?" Caroline questioned as she passed the gravy to him.

"The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division…" Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, he had no idea how to explain all of it. "I think," he added. Caroline could tell he was having a hard time and could no longer watch him struggle even though a small part of her didn't feel much sympathy for him in that moment.

"Explain why you came into my apartment," she told him.

"I saw the door ajar…" he stumbled over his words. "I had a friend of mine search for you, when the name didn't come up I thought..." he added by way of an explanation for him slamming her against the wall and everything else for that matter. Caroline laughed lightly, shaking her head and Steve let out the breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding, her ability to make him in one moment feel so nervous and then in another so confident scared him. "This is very, very good by the way." Steve told her in reference to the meal he was quickly devouring.

"Thank you," Caroline smiled, never not being genuinely happy when somebody enjoyed her food. "Why have you never trusted me Steve, since the moment we met you've looked at me like I'm up to something. The first week you were back, after we met? I caught you checking my mail and even following me to the grocery store!" Steve cringed. "I can sort of get my head around you recently finding out about my name but this was from the start?" Caroline looked at him earnestly.

"You should have contacted the police," he told her half-jokingly but realising now how scary it must have been straightened his face.

"I did!" Caroline told him. "Lucky for you the police didn't have time to look into my creepy neighbour. Besides, you stopped and then once you told me to stay away I did, for the most part." She added quietly. "Doris always speaks fondly of you and you always help people when they need it…" she shook her head to clear her thoughts and refocused. "Mister Wilson is lovely," she added. "Everything pointed to you being a perfectly normal…" Caroline struggled for the right word. "Chap?" she finally fell upon and rolled her eyes at the banality of it. "I've always tried to not judge…" Caroline found herself faltering again herself "and I've always listened to my gut and my gut told me you were a good fella. To this day I don't know what you meant? Something about anger?" Caroline looked at him quizzically and Steve felt himself getting lost in her eyes.

"Fury," Steve said after a pause, clearing his throat and shuffling in his chair.

"That's it, what does that mean? Steve, who do you think I am?" Caroline was looking at him so keenly Steve had to put his cutlery down, letting out a long sigh he looked up from his plate and into her eyes.

"I thought you were an agent sent to spy on me," he told her. Caroline's head was spinning, she was trying to keep it together but the whole thing was so fantastical. As she sat there she wondered if what he was saying was just the ramblings of a mad man and her trusting nature was finally going to see her harmed?

"An agent? Like MI6?" she asked and he nodded mutely. "I'm not," she told him plainly and Steve laughed.

"I know, I know that now." He replied.

"Do you?" she had to be sure.

"Yes, Miss Holland I do." He told her ardently. "And I'm sorry I invaded your privacy. I'm sorry I hurt you."

"Call me Caroline," she told him. Setting her own cutlery down she took a sip of her wine and then looked up at Steve, she knew that if this man was ever going to trust her completely she would have to open up to him, something she hadn't done in a very long time. "My Father was a very controlling man, I lived a relatively sheltered life, no television or magazines, he had certain books on his shelf we were allowed to read. I'd go to school and come straight home, I think I'm still naïve to many things I'm afraid but since being here I've tried to take in as much as I can. Make friends, go to parties… It's been nerve-racking and exhilarating in equal measure! My Mother, she would cook a lot. Cooking had been her way of keeping us busy, learning techniques and recipes. One of the few places he would let us go was the grocer down the road, it became one of our favourite places!" Caroline smiled at the memory and saw that Steve was giving her a reassuring smile back. Even after everything, the kindness in him that she'd seen so long ago was coming through, when his hand slowly moved towards hers she took it gratefully and squeezed.

"Is your Mother still at home?" he asked quietly.

"She became very ill and I spent my time looking after her, it was the least I could do. She had tried to protect me from him as much as she could for all those years, even up to her death but by that point he was an old man himself." she said.

"What happened?"

"I looked after him, gave him dignity. Something he had never given my Mother." Caroline wiped the tears falling down her cheeks. "She had always wanted to come here, it seemed like the right thing to do. Her name was Caroline too, hence the maiden name." Shrugging her shoulders Caroline laughed lightly. "I guess it was my way of bringing her here and getting away from him finally. He casted a very long shadow Mister Rogers, his name continued to cast that shadow over me. Have you ever wanted to be just like everybody else? Nobody knowing who you are and starting afresh?" Clearing her throat she smiled, she'd told him her story and hoped it was enough. Steve nodded and that was enough as far as Caroline was concerned. "I have some questions for you, if I may?" Steve nodded as Caroline spooned some more roast potatoes onto his plate. "Why is Captain America living in an apartment building downtown?"

"Normalcy?" he answered and Caroline laughed at the irony of his answer.

"Why would you think I was a spy?" Caroline sat back and crossed her arms.

"Because the person who lived in your apartment before you, was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"The strategic thing?" she asked and Steve nodded. "And they were here to spy on you?" Again Steve nodded. "I see, well, it all kind of makes sense now doesn't it." Taking a sip of wine Caroline smiled at Steve whose shoulders had visibly relaxed as the conversation had gone on. "And then I guess when you found out my name wasn't really my name you put two and two together."

"I am very sorry Caroline," he repeated.

"I accept your apology but I need you to answer me this and be honest. Am I in danger?" Caroline stood up and started clearing the plates and bowls off of the table, Steve's gaze went to the bruise on her jaw. A woman like Caroline Holland had never been in a fight in her life or at least never should have, he promised himself right then and there that she would never come to any harm again.

"No, you're not." He finally answered.

"Good, would you like dessert?" she asked as she picked up her plate.

"Dessert?" Steve instinctively stood up and picked up his own plate, following her into the kitchen.

"I made a crumble, it would be a shame for it to go to waste."

"I do love your cooking…" Caroline felt herself blush at the admission. "Dessert sounds great," Steve smiled widely at her. Caroline put the plates in the sink and walked up to Steve, holding out her hand she introduced herself once again.

"I'm Caroline, your new neighbour. It's nice to meet you." Steve took her hand and shook it.

"I'm Steve, it's nice to meet you too… Neighbour."

Six Months Later

Steve couldn't help but laugh when he stepped through the front door of his apartment building and saw Caroline trying rather unsuccessfully at hauling a huge brown sack up the stairs. Going one step at a time backwards with the sack thumping up each step after her the look of tension on her face made him run towards her and take hold of the bag just as Caroline lost her footing and fell back onto a step with a thump.

"What are you doing?" he asked as Caroline sat back casually on the step and wringed her hands together.

"What does it look like?! I was trying to get these spuds upstairs!" Caroline told him as she rubbed her backside with her hand. Picking up the bag and throwing it over his shoulder like it was filled with feathers Caroline narrowed her eyes at Steve. "Show off," she mumbled and then stood up herself and carried on up the stairs.

"Can I ask why you need so many potatoes?" Steve queried from behind her.

"My next class, chipping, mashing, roasting, gratin dauphinois…" she shouted over her shoulder.

"You know we use to just boil them?" Steve stopped outside Caroline's door and watched as she fished for her key. Smirking at him Caroline opened her door and walked in, knowing Steve would haul the sack in for her. "What are you going to do with them all, when you're done?" he asked watching as Caroline shirked off her coat.

"I'll bring them downtown I guess, that many carbs is no good for just one person?!" she looked to him for confirmation and Steve found himself nodding.

Caroline had found herself putting on free cooking classes at the VA and on occasion she would also volunteer in other ways. When Steve was home he would walk with her or give her a ride. She would hold her class and then sit quietly in the background whilst Steve held a group, listening to the people that sat around him until it was time to go home. Slowly, as time went on Caroline became conscious that her feelings for her neighbour were undeniably growing. He was undoubtedly attractive but she had always thought him kind, even when he didn't trust her he showed a capacity for compassion that Caroline very rarely saw in others.

She had no idea what this man had to deal with in his life other than the small part of it she was privy to. And then there was her, a cook, she liked it quiet, she liked to read recipe books and apart from moving half way round the world had never done anything spectacular in her entire life. The very idea of… anything between them was ludicrous. Still, she found herself watching him, perhaps a little too long at times and making extra batches of food as an excuse to leave some outside his apartment door. It meant usually that the next day he would return her Tupperware and they would have a quick chat in her doorway. Sometimes he'd let her know he would be away for a while and she would take in his parcels and post but other times he didn't get the chance and Caroline would find herself missing his pleasant smile and looking for him in the stairwell as she came and went.

"Alright, well, I better be going…" Steve started and watched as Caroline gave him a quick wave, thanked him and disappeared into her kitchen. Closing her door behind him Steve looked at it for a while, trying to figure out what he was feeling.

"You asked Caroline out yet?" Sam asked as the pair jogged round the circuit for the twentieth time.

"No Sam," Steve replied bluntly.

"Come on man! You two are like peanut butter and jelly!" Sam shook his head, he may have been Captain America but Steve Rogers was an idiot when it came to Caroline Holland.

"She's my neighbour Sam," Steve replied, ignoring Sam's words.

"She has a thing for you," Sam huffed out, Steve had picked up the pace in the hopes that Sam wouldn't be able to run and talk.

"How do you know she's not with some one?" He already knew the answer to that but was struggling to come up with anything else.

"Have you ever seen a guy knocking on her door, or coming out in the morning for that matter?!" Sam stopped and Steve reluctantly did the same. "She's not like other girl's Cap, she's like you." Steve creased his brow in confusion.

"What does that mean?" Sam rubbed his hands over his face and struggled for the right words.

"She bakes and feeds the old lady upstairs, she spends her time volunteering and gets excited about going to the bakery…" Steve looked at Sam blankly. "She's a good girl, I bet she's never been in trouble in her life!" Steve shook his head. "She deserves better than some bro trying to impress her with the latest trainers!" Sam took in the look on Steve's face. "Ask her!" punching his arm lightly Sam set off running again leaving Steve smiling.

Four Months Later

She'd heard his door and open and close a few days ago but hadn't called on him, letting him settle back in to normal life and catching up on, well, catching up on whatever the hell he needed to catch up on! That evening however after a very long pep talk in front of the mirror Caroline found herself knocking on Steve's door nervously. Instantly regretting her decision she looked to her own and wondered if she could get back into her own apartment before he opened his door. The sound of his latch being unlocked pulled her attention back and Caroline plastered on a smile as Steve appeared at the door.

"Hi!" she said rather loudly.

"Hello?" Steve replied bemused.

"How are you, everything alright?" she asked him a little too excitedly. Steve grinned, not knowing what to make of Caroline's nervousness.

"Everything's fine Caroline, it's good to be home." Steve answered. "And you?" he asked suddenly realising how much he'd missed her.

"Good," nodding her head Caroline wringed her hands together and when she didn't say anything else Steve found himself laughing at her.

"Was there something you wanted?" he asked expectantly and Caroline looked at him blankly for a minute before her brain kicked back into gear. Clearing her throat she gave him a serious look.

"I was wondering, if you're not busy that is. I was wondering if you… well I've made a huge vat of bœuf bourguignon?" Caroline took a breath. "Would you like to have dinner with me?" she asked him, feeling the very real fear of him saying no and telling her he never wanted her to speak to him again.

"That sounds good," Steve answered plainly.

"Really?" Caroline spluttered, a smile creeping onto her face.

"Yes Caroline, it sounds great actually." Steve could tell how nervous she was and he found it utterly endearing.

"Great!" Caroline replied, "Right, well, come over around seven? Is that too early? I know people eat at nine but I wasn't sure what time you needed to go to bed?! I mean sleep!" Caroline scrunched her face up comically and Steve couldn't help but laugh.

"Seven is great," he told her.

"Great," Caroline repeated as she turned towards her door, stopped, turned back to Steve and then ran into her apartment.

Bang on seven there was a knock on her door and Caroline smiled widely as she opened it to reveal Steve.

"I should have known you'd be on time," she said as Steve walked passed her. "Thanks for knocking this time!" Steve rolled his eyes at her and she gave him a wink.

"It smells amazing in here," he commented. His eyes skimmed over Caroline's blue dress and he found the collar of his shirt suddenly very tight against his neck. He'd been in no doubt for quite some time that as far as he was concerned, Caroline was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, chiefly when he saw her in old scruffy jeans and oversized jumpers, her uniform of choice when at home. He thought it was perfect, but the paisley blue dress she was currently wearing, well, it took his breath away.

"It does doesn't it!" Caroline agreed. "Come and sit down for a minute." She told him and the pair sat down on her sofa, Caroline tucking her legs under her and resting her arm against the back. In contrast, Steve sat upright.

"How are you?" she asked him.

"I'm good, thank you. You?" Steve asked her, relishing the fact that he was sitting in a comfortable living room lit by the warm glow of two lamps. Caroline's apartment always felt so homely and each time Steve visited he could feel the muscles in his shoulders unwind.

"I'm well," she told him softly. "I saved someone's life today," she told him nonchalantly and Steve's eyes widened in surprise.

"You did?! What happened?" he asked, turning towards her.

"One of the pans in my morning class caught fire, I bravely pushed the poor man out of the way and covered the pan with a damp cloth." Steve laughed at the dramatic tone Caroline used, as if regaling him with an old war story.

"Wow, impressive." He teased.

"Not all superheroes wear capes you know," she told him good-naturedly.

"I don't wear a cape," Steve replied knowing she was teasing him a little.

"Oh no, that's right you don't." Giving him a wink Caroline shifted her weight and settled further into the couch.

"Was he alright?" Steve asked ignoring Caroline's joshing.

"I just told you, I saved his life!" throwing her hands in the air Caroline laughed before jumping up and offering her guest a drink. Whilst she was in the kitchen Steve took three deep breaths and then shouted out to her.


"Yeah?" he heard her reply from the kitchen.

"Are you going to the dinner dance on Friday?" Steve asked her nervously. Caroline stopped pouring the two glasses of wine and tried not to let her jaw drop to the ground. Standing stock still in her kitchen she didn't know how to reply. Was he asking her or 'asking her'? Regaining her composure she walked back out of her kitchen and sat back down before replying.

"I'm not sure?" Caroline started.

"Would you go with me?" Steve asked interrupting her and stealing a look to see her reaction.

"Of course," Caroline answered instantly. Steve let out the breath he hadn't realised he was holding in and nodded his head slowly.

"So it's a date?" Caroline tried not to laugh at him, she was feeling as nervous as he was.

"It's a date," she confirmed giving him a warm smile and then sipping her wine to keep from grinning.

"I haven't been on a date for a while…" Steve laughed.

"Neither have I," Caroline replied. "You hungry?" she asked, knowing he didn't really know what to say next.

"Starving," he whispered back to her, glad she seemed to know how he was feeling at any one time.

Caroline checked her reflection in the mirror for the hundredth time and tried to stop her hands from shaking, she was desperately nervous and waiting for Steve to knock on her door so that they could walk down to the VA felt like a lifetime. She jumped out of her skin when she heard the sound of him knocking, before opening the door she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. When she opened the door and saw him standing there her heart missed a beat.

Caroline burst out laughing and Steve creased his brow in confusion.

"Hi," he said bemused by her reaction.

"Hi," she replied. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you I promise. I'm nervous," she told him honestly. Knowing she was as nervous as he was calmed his nerves somewhat and Steve found himself standing a little taller.

"You ready to go?" Steve asked, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Yes! Absolutely!" Caroline already had her coat and purse in hand and pulling her door closed behind her, the pair made their way out.

As they walked down the street Caroline's arm found itself in the crook of Steve's, it was a dry cold night but Caroline didn't feel chilly in the slightest. It didn't take long to get to the VA and Caroline thanked Steve when he took her coat. She spotted a few familiar faces, people who had joined her cooking class and a few that attended the support groups run by Sam and Steve. Giving them a small wave they walked round the edge of the hall and made their way to the row of tables festooned with sandwiches, cakes and nibbles. The both spotted Sam walking towards them, their friend eyeing them suspiciously. Giving Caroline a kiss on the cheek Sam greeted his friend warmly.

"Finally," Sam whispered in Steve's ear. "Now you kids go have fun," he told them before continuing on his way.

"Do you want to dance?" As if knowing what she was thinking Steve gave her the smallest of smiles and Caroline returned it with her own, everything else blended into the background as she watched him take her hand. Coming to stand in the middle of the dance floor the pair found their natural rhythm together and letting her head rest on Steve's shoulder Caroline wondered if it was strange to feel so close to someone who in reality, she knew little about. Steve felt her breath against his neck and looking down at her saw that she was looking up at him. Their feet stopped moving in unison and Steve slowly brought his head down to hers, seeing her lips part ever so slightly Steve placed his gently and delicately on hers. Closing their eyes the rest of the world fell away until they broke apart a moment later and they grinned at one another.

"That was nice," Caroline told him.

"It was," he replied as they started to dance again. "I've wanted to do that for a long time," he admitted.

"Well I'm glad you finally did." They continued to dance until the song came to an end, both feeling like it was the most natural thing in the world. Not letting go of one another's hands the pair made their way off the dancefloor. "Shall we go get some food? I made my famous pork pie!" Caroline laughed when Steve widened his eyes in mock surprise.

"Famous?!" he questioned. "Since when?"

"Since Captain America was seen eating it!" she teased.

"Are we going into business?" Caroline threw her head back and laughed as the pair walked over to Sam who was stood pouring cups of tea and coffee.

"I see your taking 'Love thy neighbour' to a whole new level?!" Sam joked with Steve. Steve looked to Caroline who was talking with another volunteer and smiled.

"What's not to love?"

The End

Thank you very much for reading X