Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny all appeared suddenly in the middle of a London road, having to jump out of the way of a double-decker bus heading straight for them. The muggles turned at the sound of the horn and stared strangely at the foursome.

"Bloody watch where you are going" One onlooker shouted as they walked past, though they just ignored him.

"Where are we, Hermione?" Ginny asked as she gripped onto Harry's arm as they began to walk down the street, still in their wedding clothes.

"Tottenham Court Road, I used to come to a theatre here with Mum and dad. I don't even know why I was thinking about it. "Hermione shook her head as they continued to walk, she looked around at all the muggles staring at them and knew they had to get changed.

"We need to get a change of clothes. " Hermione said to the others as they looked at her, Harry was the one to speak up.

"Hermione I have left all of my things back at the Burrow. "

All three watched Hermione look down at her bag. "I have had all the essentials packed for days," Hermione said casually, leaving the rest to look at her.

"Oh no." Ginny stopped abruptly and caused Harry to be held back with how tightly she was clinging to his arm.

"What's wrong Ginny?" Harry asked his girlfriend with some concern.

"Your birthday Harry," Ginny said softly as Hermione put her hands over her face.

"Oh no. Harry me and Ginny made a cake, we were going to bring it out after the wedding. " Hermione said with sadness evident on her face.

"Listen I appreciate the thought but considering we were just almost killed by some death eaters at a wedding, that is the least of my worries. "

"Harry is right, we need to get off the streets," Ron said. Hermione looked around and spotted a coffee shop.

"Over there, we can stop for a little while and catch our breath, we need to think about our next move. " All of them nodded and made their way to the coffee shop.

The four of them each took a seat, Ron sitting next to Hermione and Harry sitting next to Ginny. Harry smiled softly as he felt Ginny lay her head on his shoulder. He turned his head and kissed the top of her head, taking her hand in the process so he could rest it on his knee under the table.

"So whats next?" Ron asked the rest of them at the table.

"First we need to change, come on Ginny, we will go first and get changed in that bathroom. We won't be long " Hermione stood and Ginny huffed at being separated from Harry. She turned to him and gave him a sad smile as she let go of his hand. He watched her walk away and turned to Ron.

"How are you holding up mate?" Ron asked Harry softly.

"I am fine, I guess I just never expected them to attack the wedding. I thought the wards would have kept the death eaters at bay. "

"Our wards are good but none are unbreakable. Besides, we got away, that's all that matters." Ron said in return.

"I am worried about those I left behind though, they might die because of me" Harry looked down at his hands as they rested on the table.

"Mate listen to me right, they will be fine. They are all good fighters in their own right, let's just focus on our main mission yeah?" Ron turned and saw the girls walking towards them.

"We are up," Harry said as he and Ron stood and proceeded to make their way to the bathroom. Once they were changed into comfortable muggle clothing, they made their way back to the table and retook their seats. They were about to get down to business when a waitress interrupted them.

"Coffee?" She asked in an accent that indicated she was not from England.

"A cappuccino please," Hermione replied as the waitress turned to the rest of them.

"You?" She asked the 3 of them.

"The same as her, They all said in unison and the waitress walked off.

"Merlin, what is a cappuccino?" Ron asked, causing Hermione to laugh softly.

"Its a type of coffee" Ginny answered for Hermione. "So what's the plan?" Ginny asked quietly.

"I guess we go to Grimmauld Place," Harry said to the three of them.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked.

"Positive I think its the only place Voldemort can't find "

They all nodded but they looked up at the sound of the bell on the door ringing. They watched as 2 men in boiler suits walked in and stood at the counter. Harry continued to stare at them and saw one of them pull out a wand. He took Ginny's arm and pulled her down with him as he yelled to Ron and Hermione. "Get down!" They did as they were asked and luckily avoided the spells fired straight at them.

Harry and Ginny were up first and they both fired a stunner at the 2 men, causing them to dodge the spell, which resulted in the wall behind them to take a lot of damage. One of the death eaters went to fire back but Harry and Ginny managed to hit him with a stunner, knocking him against the wall, causing him to go unconscious. They were about to fire at the last one but Hermione beat them to it.

" petrificus totalus" Hermione yelled as she froze the death eater and sent him falling to the floor. Ron looked at her with shock on his face before saying.

"You are amazing, you know that?" Hermione just stared at him, it was clearly not the time for being sweet.

"Get the lights and lock all the doors. " Harry said as he looked at Ginny. "Are you okay?" He asked her as she responded with a nod of her head.

"I got Dolohov here," Ron said with a sneer on his face.

"I got Rowle, he was on the Astronomy tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore. " Harry said as he looked over the fallen death eaters.

"What do we do with them?" Ron asked as he pointed his wand at Dolohov.

"We should wipe their memories," Harry said as Ginny took his hand within her warm one.

"You do it, Hermione, you are the best at spells." Ron wiped some hair out of her face as she pointed her wand at the fallen men.

"Obliviate," she said softly and started to twist her wand. Once she was done, she turned to the rest of them as the waitress came out.

"Leave now!" Hermione said in warning, the waitress only nodded and ran out of the cafe.

"So Grimmauld Place?" Ron asked.


They all took Hermione's arm and off they went to their next destination.

So, guys, I am back with this story and I am sorry for such a short chapter but this one is mostly to slow down the story a bit. Basically, in previous chapters, I have been told that I have been rushing the story and I am not actively working on that. I apologise for how short it is, I wrote this on barely any sleep due to not having a lot of time to actually write it. If there are any typos whatsoever, Please let me know and I will fix them. Until next time!