Hey I'm back.

Just a quick thanks to Ricardo753 and Jurassicdinodrew whose ideas have helped me improve this story.

Also to True Master maybe if more people are interested in that cause I have some ideas on that let me know if you think so.

After losing his gym battle to the Viridian city gym leader Giovanni, he received some advice from a mysterious stranger to work harder and so he is now going to training his Pokemon in battles with the help of his companions- Serena and Ritchie. They were now at the Pokemon center where Ash was calling Prof. Oak to fill him in on everything that happened. Serena was gathering food supplies and Ritchie was asking about the gyms and where their locations.

"Hey Professor!" said Ash. "Ah, Ash my boy. How are you? I heard from your mom that you where, in Viridian city so did you challenge the gym leader?" asked Prof. Oak. "Yeah, I did, but I lost. The gym leader was so strong." Said Ash. "But, once my Pokemon are healed I'm gonna train and challenge him again." "That's the spirit." Said Prof. Oak, "You know Ash, Gary passed through Viridian city before you and is already in Pewter city." "No way!" exclaimed Ash. "Yes. And he has already sent over some of the Pokemon he caught." Responded Prof. Oak.

Ash was upset to hear that Gary had caught more Pokemon than him and that he was ahead of him. "Hey Ash!" ash looked over and saw Serena walking over to him with Pokeballs in her hands. "Nurse Joy said that your Pokemon are good to go now. So, I brought them over for you." "Pika!" exclaimed Pikachu as he jumped onto Ash's shoulder. "Hey Pikachu. Feeling better buddy?" asked Ash. "Pika! Pi!" Pikachu responded. "Well, it's good to see Pikachu's doing well." Said Prof. Oak bringing attention back to him. "You to Serena."

"Hi Professor!" said Serena, she handed Ash his Pokeballs. "Oh! Seems like you have quite a few Pokemon now Ash. Well, done. How many Pokemon do you have now Serena?" asked the Professor. "Oh…. well I just have Bulbasaur. I haven't caught any Pokemon yet." Responded Serena sheepishly. "I see. Well don't work about it for now try getting closer to your Bulbasaur." Responded the Professor, and serena nodded, "By the way, where is Ritchie?" "He's still doing the research on the gyms, so he should be back soon." Said Serena. "Alright then. Well I have to go now so take care of yourselves and good luck." Said the Professor. "Bye!" said Ash and Serena in unison, as they waved Prof. Oak off.

"So, do you know where Ritchie is?" asked Ash. "I'm not sure. Maybe we should wait here for him." Suggested Serena. "But I wanna get to training so I can battle the gym leader!" whined Ash. "No!" said serena sternly, "you'll have to wait for Ritchie before we can do anything like that." "Aww!" cried Ash, even Pikachu looked down depressed. "Okay, then. We'll just go and start training without him." "Pika!" exclaimed Pikachu excitedly. "ASH!" scolded Serena.

While Ash and Serena were arguing about what to do Ritchie walked into the Pokemon center and seeing his two companions he rushed forward to stop them. "Whoa guys! What's going on." Said Ritchie, they looked over to him. "Hey Ritchie! Let's go!" said Ash as he rushed forward and tried to pull Ritchie out of the Pokemon center. "Wait Ash." Said Serena which stopped Ritchie from following Ash. "What is going on?" asked a confused Ritchie. "Ash wants to go and train his Pokemon and he wants you to help him." Explained Serena. "Yeah!" "Pika" agreed Ash and Pikachu. "I'd love to but it's getting late. Why don't we find a place to stay for the night, then do the training in the morning?" Suggested Ritchie. "That's a good idea." Agreed Serena. "But I wanna start now. "Whined Ash, then a loud grumbling sound came from him and he held his stomach. "Well maybe we can stop to eat." Conceded Ash. Everyone laughed, "So how about we stay at my house? My Parents would be glad to welcome you guys." Said Ritchie. "That sounds nice." Said Serena. They all agreed, and they left the Pokemon center and followed Ritchie. "So, Ritchie what do your parents do?" asked Serena. "My Mom is a Pokemon breeder and my Dad is the head of the Pokemon Rangers in Kanto region. But he's probably busy so we might not see him." Explained Ritchie. "Wow! That's so cool!" said Ash, "Your dad is the head of the rangers and your mom is a breeder. You must know a lot about Pokemon." Said Serena. "Yeah. I do. And I hope I can use what I know to become a Ranger like my dad someday. That's why I decided to go on a journey to meet and trainer with different types of Pokemon." Responded Ritchie. "I can't wait to meet them." Said Ash.

After walking to the edge of town they came upon a house that border the Viridian forest, as they came upon the house, they could see a group of small Pokemon running around the front yard playing. They were a group of different but Pokemon; Venonat, Caterpie and Weddle's all playing about near a little pool of water. As they approach an Arcanine jumped the fence and tackled Ritchie to the ground and growled in his face. "Ritchie!" cried Ash and Serena in alarm. "Pikachu!" said Ash, as Pikachu was about to attack Arcanine started licking Ritchie's face and he started laughing. "Huh?!" they said in unison even Pikachu stopped and looked confused.

Arcanine had been licking Ritchie for about five minutes before Ritchie managed to get himself up from under Arcanine then he explained, "Guys this Arcanine is my Dads. He stays at the house to help my mom protect the Pokemon here. His name is Flare." "Wow, so that's your Dads? Cool!" said Ash. "Pika!" exclaimed Pikachu as he ran up to Arcanine. Arcanine looked down and sniffed and licked Pikachu, causing Pikachu to smile and laugh. Serena pulled out her Pokedex and scanned Arcanine, [Arcanine A Pokemon that has been admired since the past for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings.] "He's coat is so shiny." Said Serena with admiration. "Thank you, young lady." Said a new voice causing them all to look over to the house and see a woman, wearing a green apron with blue jeans and a white shirt with matching gloves and a green scarf covering her brown hair.

"Hi mom! Good to see you." Said Ritchie as he ran forward to hug his mom, "These are my friends Serena, Ash and his partner Pikachu. Guys, this is my mom." "Nice to meet you, I'm Ritchie's mother, my name is Mary." Said Ritchie's mother, Mary. "Hi!" said Ash, "Nice to meet you too." Said Serena. "Mom we were wondering if we could stay the night here. If that's okay with you?" asked Ritchie. "Of course, dear. We have plenty of room in the house. Now why don't you all come inside, and I have dinner." Said Mary. "We'd love to." Said Serena, "Definitely!" said Ash and Pikachu nodded in agreement, causing everyone to laugh.

She then showed them into the house, "Hey mom. Is dad around?" asked Ritchie. "He should be arriving soon," responded Mary, "He said he wanted to arrive before you left and see how your new Pokemon. You can bring them out to eat in the garden." Mary showed them to the garden where she was growing flowers and berries.

There were rows of bushes with different types of berries growing. There was a picnic table in the garden where they sat to eat, "Now why don't you bring out your Pokemon to eat." Suggested Ritchie's Mom. "Sure!" said Ritchie, "Okay, come on out everyone!" Ritchie released his Kakuna, Rattatta, Sparrow and Charmander. "You come out too!" said Ash as he brought out his Pidgeotto, Metapod and Nidorino. "And now, you!" said Serena as she called out Bulbasaur. "Wow! You all have such wonderful looking Pokemon." Said Mary. With the help of Serena, Mary served the Pokemon while Ash and Ritchie set the table. When all was done, they sat and ate, Ash and Pikachu started racing to see who could eat the most food and a few seconds later started choking. "Ash!", cried Serena as she patted Ash on the back and handed him some water while Ritchie helped Pikachu, "You guys shouldn't rush your food." Cautioned Ritchie, but Ash and Pikachu weren't listening and they both started choking and coughing before they drank water to ease their throats.

"Told you!" said Ritchie and Mary chuckled "You have some very energetic friends Ritchie." "Heh, we'll try to take it slower next time, Mary." Said Ash rubbing his hair. "Pika!" agreed Pikachu.

After they were done eating Ash decided he wanted to try having a battle with some of the Pokemon that stayed at the house, "But Arcanine is the only one that is trained to battle." Said Ritchie. "That's true. Most of the Pokemon here just help take care of the plants so there aren't any that are battle ready." Agreed Mary. "Good thing I'm here then." Said a voice coming from the house, we turned to look and there was a man standing there with hair the same color as Ritchie's wearing a red jacket and matching red pants with black gloves and boots with a red beret on his head with what looked like a diamond symbol on it. And standing next to him was a Growlithe happily barking and wagging its tail.

"Dad! And Growlithe, you're back!" exclaimed Ritchie, as he ran forward to hug his dad "Guys this is my dad. Dad these are my friends, Ash and Serena." "Nice to meet you. I'm Ritchie's father you can call me Jack. And this is my Growlithe his name is Fang." Said Ritchie's dad - Jack as he shook hands with Ash and Serena and Fang sniffed them and licked their hands before going over to meet the other Pokemon. Ash pulled out his Pokedex and looked up Growlithe and it said [ Growlithe it is very protective of its territory and will bark and bite to repel intruders from its space.]

Mary walked forward and hugged him, "You're just on time we were just having a stroll around the garden." Said Mary. "That's great. So why don't you kids spend the night here and leave in the morning since it's so late already. That will give us tons of time to talk before you go out on your Journey," responded Jack. "Okay! Is that okay with you guys?" asked Ritchie to Ash and Serena "Sure!" they both responded. They went inside the house with their Pokemon and they began telling Jack where they were heading and what Ash was going to do, challenging the gym leaders and competing in the Pokemon league to become the champion of Kanto and Ritchie trying to learn more about Pokemon by catching and battling them. Serena was unsure what she wanted to do yet and said she was on this journey to figure it out.

"Why don't you give them some advice about handling Pokemon and battles Dear." Suggested Mary. "That's a great idea. How about we have a battle and you can show us how strong you are and how you battle." Said Ash excited by the Idea of a battle, "Pika!" agreed Pikachu. "Ash are you sure you want to do that?" asked Serena, "Don't worry about it, it's going to be fine." Responded Ash. "Okay then let's do this outside, I'll use Flare and you can use as many Pokemon as you want." Said Jack.

"What!" Exclaimed Ash, Ritchie, and Serena in shock at the challenge. "A-Aare you sure Dad? And it's pretty late already." asked Ritchie surprised by his Dad's decision. "Don't worry.", said Jack as they walked outside to use the garden clearing in the front yard for the battle, "Incase you forgot I'm the Top Ranger in charge of the Kanto region. And besides there's no time like the present." Jack stood on one side and Ash stood on the other side "I'll act as the referee for this match." Said Mary. Both trainers nodded and got their Pokemon ready.

"The battle between Ash and Jack will now begin Jack will only use one Pokemon and Ash will be allowed all his Pokemon and the battle will be over as soon as all of one trainers Pokemon are unable to battle. Ready?" said Mary, "Flare I chose you!" said Jack and Flare jumped forward. "Pidgeotto I chose you." Ash sent out Pidgeotto. "Battle begin!" said Mary, "Pidgeotto use quick attack!" said Ash, Pidgeotto zoomed at Flare quickly. "Flare use extreme speed." Said Jack, Flare disappeared in a gust of wind, Pidgeotto flew surprised on where Flare went before getting knocked out of the sky and crashing into the ground and Flare reappeared behind Pidgeotto. "What was that?!" asked Ash shocked, "That was Extreme speed the fastest move a Pokemon can use. Which means your quick attack is too slow to catch up with Arcanine." Explained Jack, "Which means you need to find another way to catch Flare." "Wow, Flare is incredible. "said Ash in Aw, as Pidgeotto flew back into the air, "But we still have a chance, Pidgeotto use gust." Pidgeotto whipped up a strong wind at Flare. "Use flamethrower." Flare fired a stream of fire from its mouth that blasted through the wind and burned Pidgeotto. "Pidgeotto!" exclaimed Ash, he was worried that Pidgeotto was out, but he kept flying which relaxed Ash, "Alright! I have an idea use mirror move!" Pidgeotto's body started shining and it blasted flames from its mouth like Flare. "Use flamethrower!" Flare countered the attack with its attack and to two streams clashed and Flare's overpowered Pidgeotto's and knocked Pidgeotto down to the ground unconscious. "Pidgeotto is unable to battle the winner is Flare." Announced Mary.

Ash returned Pidgeotto, "You battled great now get some rest." Said Ash. "That was a good use of mirror move but just because you can use the move doesn't mean you can match Flare's power and when you can't use power you have to make up for it with creativity. "advised Jack. "Creativity…" mumbled Ash as he looked at his next Pokeball, "Okay! Metapod I chose you!" Ash sent out Metapod. "Why Metapod?" asked Serena confused, "Maybe he wants to try out his other Pokemon first?" wondered Ritchie. "Battle Begin." "Metapod use harden!" said Ash, Metapod's body started glowing. "Use flamethrower." Said Jack, Flare shot the attack at Metapod. "Use string shot on yourself." Said Ash, shocking everyone. Metapod fired its strings and wrapped itself in a cocoon. When the flames crashed into it Metapod but Metapod was fine. "Alright it worked!" exclaimed Ash happy about it working. "So that was his plan." Said Ritchie. "Amazing!" exclaimed Serena. "I have to say that was impressive but that won't work against this! Use Thunder fang!" said Jack. Flare generated electricity in its mouth and ran at Metapod. "Use Harden!" Metapod used harden again and Flare struck it and Metapod was shocked from the attack. "Metapod use Harden again!" "Use extreme speed!" before Metapod could do anything Arcanine struck it fast and the force knocked Metapod down. "Metapod!" cried Ash, "Now Use thunder fang!" "Harden!" Metapod tried to defend itself as it was struck by the attack then its shell cracked and broke releasing bright light and emerged a new Pokemon- Butterfree. "Cool! Metapod evolved," said Ash then he pulled out his Pokedex and it said [Butterfree in battle it flaps its wings at high speed to release highly toxic dust into the air.] "Metapod evolved!" exclaimed Serena, "Awesome! Way to go Butterfree!" said Ash. "Interesting. Now let's resume the match." Declared Jack. "Yeah!" "Flare use flamethrower!", Flare blasted a stream of flames at Butterfree while, Ash looked up Butterfree's new moves, "Okay use confusion." Butterfree's eyes glowed purple and it stopped the fire and redirected the attack at Flare striking it with the telekinetic powered flames. "Not bad, try and stop this, use flare blitz." Flare's body generated blue flames and it charged at Butterfree. "Use confusion and stop it." Said Ash, Butterfree held Flare back with the confusion but Flare broke through and struck Butterfree out of the sky unconscious.

"Butterfree is unable to battle the winner is Flare." Announced Mary. Ash returned Butterfree, "You battled great now get a good rest.", said Ash as he sent out Nidorino next, "Nidorino! I chose you!" As soon as Nidorino landed on the field it looked at Flare and cried in fear and ran into Ash's hands scared. "Its okay Nidorino." Ash reassured Nidorino. "What's wrong with him? "asked Serena, "He must be scared after what happened in it's last battle with the Nidoking." Said Ritchie. "If its okay maybe Nidorino won't fight." Suggested Ash, "That's fine, you can bring out your next Pokemon." Responded Jack. Ash returned Nidorino, "Alright its all up to you! Pikachu! I chose you!" "Pika!" Pikachu jumped forward excited to fight. "Battle Begin!" said Mary.

"Flare use flamethrower!" Flare fired a stream of flames at Pikachu. "Pikachu use thunder shock!" Pikachu fired a bolt of electricity and the two attacks clashed and the thunder shock was overpowered, "Dodge Pikachu!" cried Ash, Pikachu jumped at the last second and nearly avoided being hit. "Now use electroball!" Pikachu charged a ball of electricity in its tail and threw it at Flare. "Use iron tail and strike it back!" Flare's tail turned silvery and it slammed the electroball right back at Pikachu knocking him back. "Now use extreme speed." Flare surged forward at Pikachu knocking him around, while Ash struggled with what to do. "Now use fire fang!" "That's it! Pikachu swing your tail at his mouth." Said Ash shocking everyone even Pikachu, who looked at Ash, but he smiled and nodded so Pikachu did it and Flare bit Pikachu's tail, "Now use electroball at point blank." They realized what Ash was planning and before Flare could do anything Pikachu blew the electricity from its tail in Flare's mouth. "Not bad. Now let's see how you handle Flare's strongest attack." "Bring it on! Pikachu use electroball!" Pikachu fired electroball at Flare. "Use Burn up!" Flare fired a massive blast of fire from its mouth which overpowered the electroball and blasted Pikachu creating a huge explosion of fire that had so much heat they all felt in. When the smoke cleared Flare was lying on the ground exhausted and Pikachu was knocked out from the attack. "Pikachu is unable to battle which means the winner is Flare and the victor is Jack!" announced Mary.

"Pikachu!" cried Ash as he ran out to help Pikachu, "You did great buddy, now have a good rest." "That was an excellent battle Ash." Said Jack as he approached Ash, "With creativity like that and some more training you and your Pokemon will get a lot stronger." "Thanks Jack." "That really was amazing Ash." Said Ritchie. "Yeah! It's a shame Nidorino didn't want to fight." Said Serena. "Well why don't you give your Pokemon to me and I'll have them treated and by tomorrow morning they'll be good as new." Suggested Mary. "Thank you." Ash then handed her his Pokeballs and Pikachu. As they went inside Ash started asking Jack a tone of questions about how to train your Pokemon and teaching it new moves and they talked until they later had to go to bed.

I am back, sorry it took so long for me to return but I took some time off to improve my writing so I hope this chapter is better. I'll try to update as soon possible and I also want to know your ideas on the next chapter and I need to know if you all want Misty cause I'm still on the fence about adding her to Ash's friends. Let me know what you think Serena should do with her life cause I have some ideas. Also let me know if any of you want this to be a harem story cause its very possible. And remember these guys are ten year old kids so crushes will come and odd nonsense is come in their lives.
