And here another chapter of the Cold Dish! Hope you enjoy it!

Aurane was stocking the Pipefish when he noticed his old friend´s presence in the docks. Jaeherys, for his part, was there to see his friend off and making sure his own ship was getting ready. After all, he was making a trip of his own in a few days. He hasn´t talked much about his own trip, mainly because he didn´t know he was going to do it until he received an invitation from Dorne, which was sent directly to Driftmark. The young king had to admit it, he was impressed by Prince Doran´s spy network. Only a highly skilled one could have located him so quickly after his departure from the Wall. But this was also worrying, as he hadn´t been as secretive as he had hoped with his movements.

"Are you sure this is the best idea?" the legitimized bastard asked as he approached the boy, keeping an eye on the drunk guards near the piers. If one of them remember at least a bit of this conversation… no, they were as drunk as barrels, the real danger was other. "Jon, it´s the bloody Martells. They hate you, no matter what your brother and sister might have felt for you."

"I have to do it" the other answered, knowing full well that he was going to walk into a viper´s nest. "Someone needs to negotiate for Dorne´s loyalty and Prince Doran refuses to do it with anyone but the so called king." He sighed. "I know he considers me a grabby bastard, but I have to at least try… we need more men and resources, without them, we are nothing."

"Your plan to capture Dragonstone…"

"Still leaves us with nothing" Jon continued, sending him a glare. "We already have the Lords of the Narrow Sea and they aren´t enough to start a war with houses as strong as Lannister or Stark. Besides, the Stormlords would never bow to me. Even if I am successful and we got Shireen Baratheon, they would try to betray us." He bit his lip. "I can try to negotiate with the Tyrells, but, without a strong hold on the Throne…"

"You believe the Queen of Thorns would deny her rightful king?" Aurane was in disbelieve. House Tyrell owed everything to House Targaryen, there was no way they would reject their call to war.

"They want a crown and if House Targaryen can´t give it to them… well, I wouldn´t risk it. That´s how I know she wouldn´t. At least not until we have a stronger position" not for the first time, Jaeherys cursed Catelyn Stark and her influence in his relationship to his cousins. If he had managed to bring the North and the Riverlands… well, Ned Stark would never have given him his armies, but perhaps Robb would. "That´s why I have to bring in Dorne."

"I see" Aurane said, still worried. The Red Viper and Prince of the Sun were people to take lightly. If the king didn´t give them what they wanted, they would dispose of him and search for another way. "Just… don´t do anything stupid. And remember that you are not safe there. Doran and Oberyn Martell were your siblings´ family, not yours."

"See this?" he showed him a leather bracelet he had in his arm with a sun and spear. "Rhaenys gave it to me when I was eight namedays old. It was the first time I asked about her and Egg´s skin colour being so different to mine. She explained to me that it was because of their Martell heritage" he covered it again. "It was the first time I realised that we were more different than I thought."

"And why did she gave it to you?"

"She did because she wanted to remind me that we were still a family. And that, believe it or not, I was of Martell blood too… from Queen Mariah Martell. My blood was more diluted than theirs, but I was still part Martell. And dornish" he caressed the thing. He decided to wear Rhaenys´ armband, which he recovered from the bottom of his little coffer of memories, as a reminder to the Princes that he was still their blood, but it still brought a few memories. "You know how was I raised?"

"With your siblings? Did Jon Connington raised you as Targaryens or should I star to worry about you having education from the Stormlands?" joked Aurane.

"Oh, no, Septa Lemore was in charge of that. She was an old friend of Princess Elia… she raised us as dornish" he smiled at the image of his foster mother, remembering her affectionate embrace and voice. "She didn´t knew much of the North, so I ended up not knowing practically anything of my maternal family… in fact, the first House words I learned after my own were the ones of House Martell" he chuckled to himself. "Unbowed, Unbend, Unbroken" he did that again. "Egg found that funny, as I always seemed to forget House Stark´s words when I was little."

"What was so difficult about Winter is Coming?"

"Try to pronounce that at five namedays old" someone came to announce that the Pipefish was ready to sail. The young men looked at each other and embraced before letting each other go. "Remember, I will still be here for a few days. If you find any useful information from your informants in King´s Landing…"

"I will send a raven right away" the silver haired one assured the other. "Remember what I said about the nest of vipers. Rhaenys and Aegon could have considered you Martell enough, but they surely won´t."

"I know" Jaeherys assured, seeing his friend off. He then returned to Driftmark, keeping his head down to hide his Valyrian features. It apparently wasn´t enough, because soon a couple of port guards started to follow him. The boy speed up, ready to run if that was needed to lose them, when someone else pulled him out of the main street, making the guards ignore him. he looked up at his saviour. The man was definitely a knight, given by his family sigil embroidered on his clothes, but also nothing like any knight he had seen. Except maybe Duck, but Duck had been a Reachman. This man seemed like a Crownlander.

"Almost caught you, no, boy?" the man said with a strong accent that definitely wasn´t Valyrian. "Damn those abusive guards to Seven Hells, they are always preying on the weak and vulnerable people. Haven´t they suffered enough?"

"They probably believe that not" Jon answered, pulling his hood higher to obscure his face. If this man was one of Stannis household knights, it was in his best interest not to be recognized later. He bowed, showing the respect noblemen usually appreciate in those they consider inferior. "I thank you, Ser…"

"Ser Davos Seaworth, my boy, and you can drop the formalities" the king cursed inwardly. Not only a knight in Lord Baratheon´s service, but his most loyal advisor. This was having bad luck. "Where do you live? I can take you home if you want."

"It´s no problem, Ser, I am servant in Driftmark. I can get to the castle from here without getting into more troubles" he patted his pack, as if there was something there. "Lord Velaryon is waiting for me, I should better hurry." He turned to make a dash for the castle, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "Something else, Ser?"

"Your name, if that isn´t much to ask"

"Jace" answered Jaeherys. Jace was a diminutive of Jacaerys, a name much used by the Velaryon lords, so it was common enough in the smallfolk for it to pass as a servant´s name. "If that´s all, Ser…"

"Go ahead, I wouldn't want Lord Velaryon to admonish you" Jon bowed to the knight and run ahead towards his safe refuge. Once in Driftmark, he entered through the servant´s door, leaving his cloak in one of Lord Monford´s most trusted servants. He then went to his bannerman´s solar, where he found him with Adrian Celtigar.

"Stannis is planning something" he announced, very serious. "I had an encounter with Ser Davos Seaworth in my trip back from the port" the two men suddenly became very worried. "Don´t worry, I managed the situation, but his presence here is worrying enough. He wouldn´t be here unless he was called by Stannis himself. The Stag must be planning something, I´m sure of that."

"The same can be said about the Old Lion, your Grace" the Lord of Driftmark said, handing him a letter. "One of our few spies in the Westerlands announced that Ser Addam Marbrand was sent to Essos to look for the remain of the Shy Maiden" the all got silent for a second. "That was the ship you and your siblings lived in while in Essos, no, your Grace?"

"Yes" he answered, not particularly worried about that. Before he left for the North, he made sure to leave some counter measures, to make sure no one can find him through that way, but… "He must have talked to someone from the Golden Company. Someone who was there the night it happened. They were the only ones who knew of me. A soldier, a cadet… Maybe Harry Strickland himself."

"The commander that assure King Aegon´s death?" he nodded. "Should we worry about that?"

"No" Jaeherys stared at his hand, eyeing his ring again. "When he comes back, Ser Adam will bring Lord Tywin the news of a child´s body dressed in Targaryen colours found in the Shy Maid. He will bring back the bones of a boy approximately the same age as King Aegon when he died" he chuckled. "The Old Lion will never feel more victorious in his life… or been more deceived."

"That´s brilliant, your Grace" said Lord Monford, surprised by the extent of the measures taken by the young man to secure his security. "But that doesn´t fix the problem of your encounter with Stannis Baratheon´s favourite knight."

"I don´t think he can identify me as more than a servant boy in Driftmark, as many others. Jace… the little messenger he saved from being attacked by the city guard" he grabbed his dark curls, for once cursing his lack of silver hair. "Maybe it can even work on my advantage… once it´s time to infiltrate Dragonstone´s court." He sighed, letting it go. He looked Valyrian enough with the adequate hairstyle to fool anyone if he needed. He would think about it later, now he had more pressing matters to attend. "But first, we need to focus on my visit to Sunspear."

"Your Grace, I´m going to be frank" Lord Celtigar finally talked. "They are going to ask for a betrothal in exchange of their spears. Yours with Princess Arianne."

"Under other circumstances" Jaeherys began, sighing. Jon Connington has talked about this once, of Doran´s ambitions to put Martell blood on the Throne. That´s why he was giving his support to his exiled nephew and brokered a betrothal for his daughter with Prince Viserys, to reinforce the blood bond. But with him… everything changed. "I would accept the betrothal" that was true. If his brother had lived and his uncle proved unsuitable, he would have accepted to marry the Princess. "But right now, I can´t give them that. The spears of Dorne wouldn´t suffice, I need the Reach and we know what Lady Olenna will demand in exchange of her son´s swords."

"I believed you said the Reach wouldn´t join us" Celtigar looked surprised.

"Not right now and not without a price, but eventually they will" Jon answered, imagining the movements in a cyvasse board. "The tricky part will be making the Martells give us their spears" he bit his lip, trying to think of another way… "Someone will never forgive me for this."

-In King´s Landing-

"Hello, I´m searching for a seamstress that would sew some red silks to my cloak. Can you help me?" Aurane said, showing his black cloak to the girl, who immediately motioned for him to come inside her shop. Daenera was one of the best seamstresses in King´s Landing and a fierce but secret Targaryen loyalist. She usually was commissioned new dresses for Queen Cersei, despite being a valyrian descend that came from Dragonstone, and she used those moments she was allowed to enter the Red Keep to gather information about the royal family from the servants. "What do you have for me today?"

"Not much" she answered dutifully. She has done this for the Velaryons for years, she knew exactly what to search for. Such a good little spy she was. "Lord Stark has been looking into Jon Arryn´s death. He wasn´t so sure that it was natural" she made a sound with her tongue. "He enlisted Petyr Baelish to trace Lord Arryn´s last steps… as if someone can trust that snake of a man."

"I´m aware" the Velaryon did the same sound, remembering the time he saw Baelish dragging some maidens from an orphanage to one of his… establishments. Maidens too young to be deflowered. He was nearly caught by one of the man´s plots once, as he was collecting information for Jon. Daenera too, but they managed to get free. "Another thing?"

"He suspects the Lannisters according to the maids, but doesn´t have evidence, so he asked to talk with Ser Hugh of the Vale, the hastily knighted former squire of Lord Arryn" she stared at him. "Lord Stark is also making some enquires about the whereabouts of his runaway bastard. Lady Sansa´s handmaiden told me that the boy was last seen in Eastwatch by the Sea, boarding a merchant ship with Velaryon sails."

"Really?" now Aurane was really interested. What else did Lord Stark know? Was he aware of Jaeherys presence in Dragonstone? "Did she said something else?"

"Nothing of importance. The maids gossiped about Queen Cersei being unusually interested in the Lady Sansa, but nothing else. The guards could know more, but I didn´t managed to get them to talk" she frowned "His captain of guards is participating in the Tourney of the Hand. Maybe you will have more luck getting information out of him."

"Another thing?"

"King Robert has been more vocal about the execution of the remaining Targaryen children since he heard about Princess Daenerys being wed. Lord Stark didn´t like it. He refuses to be part of a girl´s murder."

"That will surely create friction between them" the Velaryon rubbed his chin. A little bit of friction between those two might be beneficial for them. "We have to do our utmost to take advantage of that. And to make it grow" yes, separating the Riverlands and North from the Stormlands would be beneficial for them. "Anyway, you should keep your eyes and ears open for new information."

"Of course, my lord" she said, receiving a small purse of gold for her efforts. For his part, Aurane walked towards the Red Keep. The tournament was beginning, so there were knights in colourful regalia everywhere, along with some servants and squires among who Aurane could camouflage himself. He thanked the Gods he dyed his hair before coming, as most of them were brunettes. The only bad thing was that Lord Stark´s household knew Rane, his brunette cover for the North, so he needed to be careful.

"Rane?" and, as if he had invoked the knight, Ser Jory Cassel appeared in front of him. The legitimized bastard recovered quickly from the surprise, smiling innocently at the captain of guards. "What are you doing here?"

"I was making a stop to trade some skins in King´s Landing when I heard about the tourney and decided to take a look" he answered, playing innocent. Jory didn´t buy it for a second. He knew Rane, that one was as tricky as Arya Underfoot, being his principal accomplice along with Jon in many of her adventures. "Are you going to participate, Ser?"

"Why so interested?" asked the knight, glaring at him. "Or better, did you have anything to do with Jon´s disappearance from the Wall?" Rane opened his mouth to counter, but the other started to talk first. "I couldn´t help but to notice that you have Velaryon sails stocked on your ship" they stared at each other until Jory sighed. "I wouldn´t blame you if you did. Jon didn´t want to go to the Wall and if you offered him a position in your father´s crew…"

"He is not here, if that´s what you are asking" Aurane said. "He is on another ship from my father´s merchant fleet. He and I decided it´s best to keep clear of the Stark family for a few years, until his Lord Father decides to let it go"

"Good" the knight turned his back to him. "And, Rane, it would be better if you don´t try make contact with the Stark family while you are here. I know you were familiar with them, especially with the Lady Arya, but any contact with someone of your birth would reflect negatively on the young ladies' reputations…"

"Don´t worry, Ser Jory, I´m here to reunite with one of my father´s associates, not to tarnish anyone´s reputation with my baseborn presence" he answered with a bite. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to search a standard of Gulltown. Good day, Ser, and my best wishes. Hope you win and crown one of your young ladies."

"Good luck in your business too" Aurane bowed, muttering asshole low so he doesn´t hear. He then went to the Vale section of the tents, searching for a particular set of colours. The he saw a particularly rich armoured knight exiting from a battered tent.

"Ser Hugh?" the Velaryon approached the former squire of the Hand of the King, catching him unaware. "Care to join me for a few cups? I heard around that you have quite the tale to tell." The knight looked like a deer on the other end of the bow. "Were you really there when the Hand of the King died?"

"No, I…" the man looked around nervously, as if someone was ready to jump on him with a dagger on their hand. Maybe it was accurate, considering the kind of place they were in. "Look, I don´t have anything to say. I already told Lord Stark that I don´t know anything, so please, stop pestering me."

"Lord Stark?" this was curious. He knew the man was investigating the possible murder of Jon Arryn, but he hasn´t taken it seriously until that was mentioned. So, Ser Hugh knew something, but refused to talk about it because of fear. Or perhaps it was because he was bribed, as that armour certainly wasn´t bought with his personal wealth. And perhaps the death of that falcon wasn´t as natural as it seemed. Anyway, it was worth investigating.

Covering himself again, he slithered towards the Tower of the Hand. He entered Lord Stark´s private solar, barely passing the guards. He then looked around the place, finding a book about the lineages in Westeros and some notes about the King´s bastards. Now that was interesting, why was Lord Stark showing interest in the King´s Bastards? He picked up the book, opening it in a page. The Baratheon family tree? Wait, there was an inconsistency in the last generation. Why were Prince Joffrey and his siblings blonde when all the Baratheons before them were black of hair? Even those with Lannister blood…

He exited the Tower of the Hand a few minutes later with more questions than answers. Wondering what was happening, he sat down in the stalls full of smallfolk, watching the matched as he tried to make sense of what he had found, when a murmur of disgust extended through the people around him. He raised his head, only to see Ser Hugh go against the Mountain, only to end up dead. Then Aurane understood. Ser Hugh was silenced, so the greatest clue to solve Jon Arryn´s murder was buried. The Lannisters were the main suspects, as Clegane was their man… but he couldn´t cross out anyone, as the brute often sell his services as a hired knife. But there was one thing Aurane was sure of. Jon Arryn has been murdered to keep a secret hidden, the same as his squire. The questions to make after those statements were: Were the Lannisters guilty? Not sure, need more investigation. What have Robert´s bastards to do with it? Definitely need more investigation. Did the secret have anything to do with the Throne? Investigation, investigation, more investigation…

"This doesn't have an end" muttered Aurane before pulling out a paper and writing a letter. "Jon needs to hear about it."

Well, Jaeherys is setting off to see the Martells and Aurane is keeping an eye on King´s Landing for the time being. Will he be able to reveal the plot Baelish made to kill the Lord of the Vale? Will Jae be able to convince Doran Martell that it´s in Dorne´s best interests to help him in his Conquest? Or will he fail before he is even tried? Review!