
Chapter Four

When Kawaki spotted his favorite professor walking into the club he was in from the second floor, he thought he was lucky as fuck. That didn't last long at all. It seemed Boruto had come out on a mission. He wanted to find someone that wasn't him. Kawaki had never felt so many different things at once. He was pissed, but he was even more so hurt. He didn't know what to think as he leaned against the railing and watched Boruto dance with the man he'd taken it upon himself to approach. All he knew was that he hated it.

Part of him wanted to forget the blonde ever existed and a bigger part of him wanted to storm down there and raise hell. Instead, he was just drinking, watching, brooding. Everything else was tuned out, the music, his friends. All he saw was those two and his skin crawled more and more with each passing second. They were too fucking close. They were touching too much. Kawaki didn't understand.

It didn't make sense. Yes, Boruto was his professor, but he was an adult and he didn't get why Boruto couldn't see that. He'd been so sure that he had a chance—that Boruto would want him. But now he wasn't sure of anything anymore. Maybe he'd been wrong all along. Maybe he needed to forget and move on… but he just didn't want to.

"Kawaki, what the hell?" Iwabe huffed, elbowing him in the arm as his eyes followed the direction of Kawaki's and he sighed. "Damn. That's surprising."

"Is it?" Kawaki muttered. He didn't know if it should be, but he agreed. He didn't expect it. He didn't expect his reaction to it either. He wasn't prepared.

"Don't let him get to you, there's too many other options and besides… we're here to enjoy ourselves with our team before shit gets serious."

"I know." Kawaki grumbled. He knew, but he wasn't interested in enjoying himself anymore. "I just… can't." He needed to leave. Kawaki didn't trust himself when he felt like this. Not at all.

"Ignore it. Let's take a shot." Iwabe suggested, trying to pull Kawaki away from the banister.

Kawaki couldn't move. He couldn't look away. And he was getting angrier by the second. This was what Boruto wanted? What was so special about that guy? Why wasn't he enough? Kawaki could have made him happy… he knew it, because he was damn crazy about that blonde. But it didn't matter what he did, how sweet he was or how much he tried. Boruto didn't want him because to him, Kawaki was just a kid. It was the biggest load of shit Kawaki had ever experienced in his life.

"Kawaki, shots!" One of his teammates called from the couch he was sitting on. They'd reserved the VIP section and had been having a great time up until Kawaki's mood took a nosedive.

"Bring it over." Kawaki muttered, because he wasn't moving. If he was, he was going downstairs and if he did, he knew he'd be putting his entire future at risk.

He wanted to beat the fuck out of that white haired bastard.

For the next several minutes, Kawaki drank and drank, letting himself get more and more in his head. He was so mad. But he hated how much his heart ached. It was the worst feeling he'd ever experienced before and because of it, he couldn't hold off any longer. He'd be damned if he let Boruto be with someone else. It was too late. He was too invested. He couldn't let him go.

Kawaki finished his beer and shoved his way through his teammates who tried to stop him from leaving the VIP section. There wasn't a soul alive that could hold him back. He jogged down the stairs, sights locked on Boruto and the intruder who were now standing next to each other at the bar. He wouldn't hurt the guy as long as he didn't run his mouth. The most important thing was for Kawaki to confront Boruto. Because he wanted to know why.

Boruto's back was to him, so he didn't notice Kawaki approaching. He came up quickly, laid a hand on his shoulder and spun him around to face him so quickly Boruto lost his footing for a moment.

"What the fuck, Boruto?" He asked, not bothering to mask the pain he felt. But he fucking hated it. He hated this night.

"Wha—Kawaki?" Boruto voiced in shock. It seemed his black and blonde haired student was everywhere. "What are you doing here?"

"You know him?" Mitsuki asked, eyeing Kawaki suspiciously.

"You… shut the fuck up." Kawaki growled, fists clenching as he tried to keep himself from lunging at the asshole.

Mitsuki blinked, as if to confirm that Kawaki was addressing him, and then scowled. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to, huh? How about you take your ass and-"

"Don't talk to him like that." Boruto suddenly snapped, surprising them both. Then the blonde turned back to Kawaki with a sigh. "Let's just . . . how about we talk outside?"

The fact that Boruto defended him did help to calm him down, though only slightly. "Yeah, lets." He huffed, grabbing his hand and quickly leading him towards the exit. The cool air felt nice, but Kawaki couldn't enjoy it. As soon as they were outside, he turned to Boruto with a look that mirrored his aching heart. "Again, what the fuck?"

"I can ask you the same thing, but I already have an idea." Boruto said and shook his head. "Kawaki, you really have to get over this. Over me."

"Why?" He asked quietly, trying hard to understand. "Why am I not good enough for you?"

"That's not . . . I'm not rejecting you because of that." Boruto clarified. "Think this through. How would this end up if it got out? Don't you know what would happen to me and to you? Our reputations would be ruined, people would come up with crazy stories and theories . . . it's not a pretty picture."

"You think shit like that means anything to me? Stories and theories… really?" Kawaki snapped. "You won't even give me a chance… because you're worried about people finding out?"

Alright, so maybe Boruto wasn't a stickler for the rules. Maybe he wasn't the type to care what other people thought. But he wasn't interested in Kawaki, he was just sexually frustrated . . . right?

"All you want is someone to fuck, you're not looking for anything more." Boruto countered. "Am I wrong?"

Kawaki ran his hand through his hair and laughed so he didn't punch something. "Is that the vibe you've been getting?" This night couldn't possibly get any worse.

"Yes?" Boruto said, confused. "Isn't that what you told me in the beginning?" He was sure he confronted Kawaki's motives early on and Kawaki never denied it.

"Well… I can't say that I don't want to fuck you. I've wanted it since the first time I saw you. But if you think I'd be coming at you so hard and doing all this fucking shit just to have you one time and let you go, you're crazy as fuck." He couldn't believe it. Had he not done enough?... when he'd done more to win Boruto over than he had for anyone else...

Boruto gaped at him, unable to grasp it all. Kawaki really had been serious? He hadn't been imagining things? "Y-you . . . you . . . fucking hell." Himawari was right, he was slow. "So if I said I wanted a relationship . . . that I wanted a boyfriend . . . you would agree to that?"

"I've been trying to make you mine for all this time. Yet you keep shooting me down and… fuck. Nobody has ever made me feel so low. Then you just… you come here and… you don't even care? I did all I could, every day to try and win you over. And you just fucking… goddamnit." Kawaki took a step away, beyond frustrated.

"You weren't supposed to be serious!" Boruto exclaimed, not knowing what to do with this new information. "You were supposed to be just like all the others . . . not . . . not this. I thought you might be playing me, I didn't want to take you seriously . . . I didn't want to be left behind as you moved on to the next one that caught your eye." Boruto wasn't the type of person to go messing with other people's feelings and yet here he was. He felt like shit.

"Yet I told you several times that I was only interested in you. I've turned down so many people since school started, because you were the only one I wanted. I showed you so many times that I was sincere and you stomped all over me. I was damn serious." Kawaki said, looking down into those blue eyes that had always so easily pulled him in. "You're the only guy who's ever made me feel like this. I wouldn't have… I would have never made you feel like this."

Boruto frowned, looking, truly looking at Kawaki. "I'm sorry, I . . . I'm so sorry."

Kawaki nodded solemnly, moving his eyes aside before taking a step back. He needed to distance himself. "Yeah… me too."

Boruto wrapped his arms around himself, suddenly feeling cold inside and out. "So . . . so what now?"

"I gotta go. I'm not in a good place right now." Kawaki sighed, trying to relieve his frustration. It didn't help. He peered back at Boruto's face against his better judgement and immediately looked away. "See you." He muttered before turning on his heel. He had to leave, it was for the best.

Boruto's body moved on its own and before he could think, his hand reached out and grabbed Kawaki's shirt. Kawaki stopped mid-step, jaw tensing.

"What is it?"

Boruto didn't know and his mind was racing a million miles a second, but he did know that basketball season was starting and he would barely see Kawaki aside from in class. "I um . . . well, I . . . you see . . ." What the hell, he was an english teacher for heaven's sake and he couldn't even speak. "When you come back. When you come back, I'll . . . I'll woo you." He got out and flushed at how pitiful he sounded. He was such a disgrace.

Kawaki was taken aback by his words and he turned around, laying his hand on top of Boruto's head. "Don't look like that. You don't need to worry about me."

"You were right. I never gave you a chance." Boruto said thoughtfully. "I want to change that . . . if I may."

What Boruto was doing, what he was getting himself into, was crazy. He hadn't even sorted out his feelings yet, but he couldn't just stand there and do nothing. Something told him that if he did then he would be the one without a chance. He didn't want to lose his chance. That was something Boruto could say for certain.

"So you've really been brushing me off this whole time, just because you thought I'd walk away after fucking you? Seriously…?" Kawaki was really surprised. He thought all along it was because of their age difference. Because Kawaki was Boruto's student.

Boruto's face flamed. "Well yeah. It's a good enough reason. Don't make me sound so silly, I was protecting myself."

"Then wouldn't it have been smarter just to make me want to stick around? Instead of trying to push me away…"

The blonde paused, thinking about it and realizing he was being silly, but he didn't want to admit it. "Never thought of that." He mumbled, holding onto Kawaki's shirt tighter.

"Maybe you should have thought a little harder. You would regret missing out on me." Kawaki would make him happy, it was ridiculous that Boruto even thought otherwise.

"Okay, I'm an idiot." Boruto relented and stared at the ground, feeling put out.

"Yeah… but at least you don't deny it." Kawaki laughed lightly, feeling much better about the situation now.

"I can admit it when I fuck up." Boruto insisted, he had matured since his younger days. High school Boruto would have rather dropped dead than say he was wrong.

"So then… you do like me?" Kawaki asked, wanting to hear him say it.

Boruto didn't answer right away, deciding now was as good a time as any to get to the bottom of things. What was Kawaki to him? How did he feel about him? Boruto thought back to everything that had happened. He thought about what had become their morning routine, their date, the gifts and the way Kawaki treated him. The way Kawaki looked at him and smiled, all the attention he gave him. It was really all too good to be true and Boruto had been sure it wasn't. Now though, he was going to be completely honest. He kept every stuffed animal. He kept the mug and put it in his cabinet. Doctor Buns had a permanent place next to Little Oreo. He never took any serious actions to force Kawaki away, him being hot was just an excuse.

"Yeah." Boruto said softly, a tender smile on his lips. "I like you."

Kawaki sighed, slowly wrapping his arms around Boruto's waist and pulling him into a hug. "I like you too… since I haven't been clear enough before now, I thought you'd want to know."

"I'm just dense." Boruto chuckled, but he saw it now. He saw what his sister had meant. "You made one hell of an effort." He said as he hugged him back.

"It was a first for me. I've never had to work so hard to have my heart broken." Kawaki admitted though in a teasing tone.

"I've never been broken. You're the first to have gotten through to me." Boruto said and then added, "But I am sorry."

"I'll forgive you… since you're my baby." Kawaki smiled and dipped down to kiss him on top of his head.

The pet name reminded Boruto of just how much he struggled. "It wasn't easy for me, there were so many times I almost gave in." He confessed. "But thank you."

"I couldn't tell. I was sure I'd get through to you eventually, but you were strong all the way through." Kawaki smiled as he rubbed Boruto's back soothingly. "So, you gonna tell me how often you come out on the weekends so I'll know how worried I should be?"

Boruto laughed and shook his head. "Easy, I'm not a party animal. I came here to get something . . . and I think I found it."


"Bastard." Boruto grinned and buried his face in Kawaki's chest. "I'm talking about you."

"And if I hadn't been here…" He frowned, hating the thought of Boruto choosing someone else instead.

"I would have taken Mistuki's number and gone home alone." Boruto said truthfully.

"Mitsuki." Kawaki grumbled. He despised even the bastard's name. "What a load of shit."

Boruto peeked up at him, heart fluttering. "You're cute when your jealous." He said and raised his hands to cup Kawaki's jaw. "But you won't have reason to be." He told him before getting on his tippy toes and crashing his lips against the other mans.

Boruto was initiating this kiss. Kawaki couldn't believe it. His heart soared and his mind raced, but he had no trouble caressing those lips that he craved so much with his own. He didn't get carried away, something had shifted in him, calming him and he was amazingly able to pull away without much trouble.

"You're not gonna fight me anymore." Kawaki voiced his thoughts, blinking down at Boruto. It was hard to believe. He'd been trying for so long.

"Well not all the time." Boruto smirked, but gave him a real answer. "I'm all in now . . . I want to give us a shot. Get to know you better and show you what it's like when I'm serious."

"You've been serious this whole time… I was hoping for something a little lighter."

His professor shook his head. "I mean serious about you. If you don't know what that means, then I need to teach you some things."

"Damn… I'm open to private lessons. Though I have some skills of my own I plan to teach you." Kawaki grinned, getting excited just thinking about it.

"We'll get together and compare notes." Boruto smiled and brushed his thumb over Kawaki's cheek.

"How soon can we schedule it?" Kawaki smiled back, wanting to spend as much time with Boruto as possible.

"Tomorrow morning." Boruto offered. "I'll come by your place and bring you to mine. Maybe you could spend the night."

Kawaki's pierced brow raised and he hummed. "I'm happy that you want to keep me so long. Though I worry my lesson might end up draining you."

"What exactly are you planning to teach me?" Boruto chuckled playfully. "I might be the one draining you, ever think of that?"

"Oh, I hope so baby. I'll be looking forward to it." Kawaki laughed and leaned down to give him a quick but sweet kiss on the lips. "Will you be safe getting home?"

"I came with some friends and they'll drop me off at my house." Boruto assured. "You better be safe too. It's dangerous at night."

"Which is why I'd feel better if I drove you home myself." Kawaki grumbled. "But… if you don't want me to, I'll understand."

Boruto's smile went soft and he ran a hand through Kawaki's hair. "I'll leave right now if it worries you that much, but if you take me the lessons might start early."

"Oh? I mean… I'm not gonna turn down an opportunity to learn from my favorite professor." Kawaki said, licking his lips before adding, "Let's get the fuck outta here."

Boruto hadn't intended on agreeing, but Kawaki made a strong case. "Once I have you, I'll be a pain in the ass to get rid of. Especially if we sleep together." He warned and scratched his nails against Kawaki's scalp.

"That's fine." Kawaki breathed, eyes closing as he enjoyed the feel of Boruto's hands. "I'm not gonna let you go."

Boruto gave him a wide and cheeky grin. "Then let's go study."

Kawaki grabbed his hand, not giving a damn about telling his teammates goodbye. He was too happy to get away from there—to have Boruto by his side. They walked to Kawaki's car and got inside. Boruto gave Kawaki directions and they held each other's hands along the ride. Kawaki felt so at ease now, things were finally settled between him and Boruto. He finally had his chance and he wasn't going to waste it.

Boruto's house was located on a very populated street. It was a nice size, more than a single guy needed, but about the same as Kawaki's. He had a nice front porch and a fenced in yard. Kawaki parked in front of the garage and looked over at the blonde he was so damn crazy about.

"Are you drunk?" He asked, though he didn't think he was… he was sure Boruto wouldn't lie about it.

"Hell no." Boruto answered, amused he would think that. "Are you? You better not be after I let you drive."

"Uh… I mean I did have a good bit but I'm not drunk. Totally not." Kawaki shrugged. "You sure you want me to come in?"

Boruto took off his seatbelt, hand on the door handle. "We can take things at whatever speed we want and I won't wake up tomorrow and change my mind. There's no pressure, Kawaki. I'm going to go inside and if you want to follow me then you're welcome too. If not, I'll still be at your house in the morning." He said, hoping to put his student's mind at ease. Then he got out of the car and headed for his porch.

Kawaki smiled to himself as he cut his engine and got out of the car, slipping his keys in his pocket as he made his way behind Boruto. He met him just as he unlocked the door and Kawaki followed him inside, taking his shoes off by the door. Boruto slipped off his own as well and then went to the bottom of the stairs, pausing at the bottom to curl his finger at Kawaki, expression teasing and eyes bright.

This was a whole new Boruto and Kawaki wasn't sure how to take it, but he was definitely excited about it. He didn't wait around, happily following behind Boruto and taking his hand once he reached him. Boruto led him up to the second floor and into his bedroom, turning on the light. He let go of Kawaki's hand to move Doctor Buns and Little Oreo out of the way before he tugged Kawaki to him by his shirt, taking joy in fisting the material.

"How do you want me?"

Kawaki shuddered, hearing Boruto ask something so sexy just made him crazy. The question went straight to his dick. "You're not wasting any time, huh?" He murmured, raising his hands to cradle Boruto's face. In the beginning, Kawaki wanted to wreck his ass. But now… he wasn't sure he wanted that anymore.

Boruto sensed the vibe Kawaki was going for and let go of his shirt to rest his hand on Kawaki's chest. He gently pushed, getting the grey eyed man to sit on the bed and straddled his lap. Then he rested his hands on Kawaki's shoulders and trailed kisses all over his face. Kawaki's hands rested on the blonde's hips, letting him do as he pleased.

"So sweet." Kawaki whispered. He was so soft for this guy. He just couldn't help it.

"Yes, you are." Boruto smiled against his skin and leaned back, taking Kawaki in for all he was. He had been so blind, he should have realized it sooner. Kawaki was never like anyone else.

His kisses went down to Kawaki's neck and soon reached down to the hem of the taller man's shirt. He pulled it over his head and pushed his chest once more, having Kawaki lay flat on his back. His eyes greedily looked over the toned body, but he did nothing more than bring his lips back down and continue his kisses to every inch of skin.

The feel of those lips all over him was almost too much to take. Kawaki loved it and couldn't believe he was actually lucky enough to be able to see this side of Boruto. He was loving every second of it and unable to make a move, too happy to take whatever Boruto was willing to give him.

The blonde added his hands to the mix when his lips went dry and he licked them, fingers dipping into fine muscle. Boruto was indeed pent up and sure he was feeling lust, but it was much more than that. What was silent and hesitant in the beginning was now loud and present. He was ready to give Kawaki the attention he deserved. His eager touches soon turned into a sensual massage, his hips leisurely rocking back and forth.

Kawaki was officially hard as fuck and already on the verge of losing it. He let himself concentrate on every little thing Boruto was doing, but a part of him did want to snap and go a little crazy. He just wanted to take things slow and easy a little more. That and the soft look on Boruto's face was what kept him laying still.

"I'll take care of you." Boruto whispered before moving down to the floor, resting on his knees between Kawaki's legs.

His hands undid his fly and he pulled down Kawaki's pants, grateful when the man raised his hips to help. A soft moan escaped him when he pulled down Kawaki's underwear as well, licking his lips again as his cock was freed. He didn't hesitate to lean in and kiss his balls.

Kawaki was sure this was all a dream. Or either he'd died and gone to heaven. His hands fisted the covers at his sides and he breathed in as he stared down at Boruto. How had this become his reality? He was going to go crazy.

Boruto's kisses continued up along Kawaki's member until he reached the head, wrapping his lips around it. He took his time going down and taking more and more into his mouth, tasting Kawaki slowly and savoring it. His hands went in opposite directions, one fondling Kawaki's sack while the other went to his hip and thumbed his v-line. Boruto went all the way down to take all he had in his throat and sucked on his way back up just as slowly as he had came.

"Fuck, baby. That feels good." Kawaki hummed, worried that he wouldn't survive this night. But he wouldn't mind his last moments being spent like this with Boruto.

Boruto's determination grew at the praise, wanting even more to make this good for Kawaki. He kept his slow and steady pace, only sucking on his way up and increasing the pressure on Kawaki's balls bit by bit. A couple minutes later and Kawaki was twitching in his throat, his tongue picking up and swallowing every drop of pre-cum. On a particularly hard suck, he squeezed Kawaki's sack.

Breath hitching, Kawaki released the covers to move his hands down and fist Boruto's hair instead. His cock was throbbing and he was more aware now of how long he'd been without sex than he had been since the day Boruto entered his life and he forgot everything else. It was a damn shame to get worked up so easily… but then, this was Boruto and Kawaki had been wanting him for too long.

A few moments later and Boruto pulled off, switching to long and wet licks. It was starting to get messy, but Boruto didn't mind in the least. He lapped at Kawaki's dick as if it were his favorite treat and swirled his tongue whenever he reached the tip. He was ready to blow Kawaki's mind, but he couldn't make up his mind between what he wanted. In the end he took Kawaki back in his mouth for one more suck, his nails scratching down his thighs before he let his student make the choice instead.

"Do you want to come in my mouth or on my face?" Boruto asked. Either way he was going to taste him.

"Fuck," Kawaki rasped, the question and that seductive tone making him convulse. He wanted to come so bad, but he wanted to fuck him. That's how he wanted to come. But shit… he could definitely go more than once. "Whatever you want, baby."

"I was asking you because I couldn't make up my mind." Boruto chuckled, but came up with a solution. "I can do both."

"B-both?" Kawaki floundered in disbelief and slight worry. "No. Don't."

Boruto smirked, getting ready to take him in again. "Don't take your eyes off me."

There wasn't a chance in hell of that happening. Kawaki watched him eagerly, fearing for his health. Boruto went down on him and this time sucked over and over, speeding his pace and working his tongue. His eyes held Kawaki's gaze, showing how much he wanted him, how much he wanted him to come. He bobbed his head skillfully and was soon rewarded when Kawaki groaned and his hips raised off the mattress. Boruto moaned as the taste of him increased ten fold and couldn't resist closing his eyes, hoping Kawaki made sure not to do the same with his.

He pulled off sooner than he wanted to and brought his hand over to replace his mouth, stroking Kawaki's cock as the man continued to come and paint his face. His hand moved fast and his wrist twisted over the head, pumping every last drop. He could feel the hot substance coat his features and didn't bother to hold back, licking at the come that had landed around his mouth. Boruto could be such a slut and he was well aware, but he didn't give one single fuck about it.

"Fuck, you're a hot mess." Kawaki shivered, body trembling after having such a wonderful release. Seeing his come all over Boruto's pretty face threatened to make him come once again, who was this guy? He just realized that he didn't know him at all.

Boruto let go of Kawaki's member and wiped the come away from his eyes, bringing his fingers to his lips to lick that as well before he opened them. "Mmm. Did I scare you off?" He asked, amusement coming through in his tone.

"No fucking way." Kawaki panted. He only wanted him more. Those bedroom eyes were killing him. His dick didn't have a chance to go soft.

"Good. Hang in there, I'm not done with you yet." Boruto pointed out and cleaned his face off with the bedsheet. He was going to wash it anyway. "Grab the lube for me? It's in that night stand." He said as he stood up, unbuttoning his shirt.

Kawaki sat up and leaned over, opening the drawer in the nightstand and finding the lube. His eyes were quick to return to the blonde—his professor. Kawaki was all for learning a few lessons and more than happy to return the favor. He was shaken, Boruto wasn't what he expected at all. He assumed so wrong. He didn't know anything.

"I think I have a lot to learn still, Mr. Uzumaki." Kawaki admitted teasingly.

Boruto paused, the name having the opposite affect it should have had. "Now you address me properly, so damn cocky." He said and let his shirt fall to the floor. "I'll teach you everything I know and quiz you on it later."

"Yes, sir." Kawaki nodded once as his grey eyes trailed over Boruto's newly exposed skin. He was as perfect as Kawaki expected. Appearing so soft and unblemished. One of those were subject to change.

"I love an eager student." Boruto grinned and went for his pants next, slipping them over his hips and stepping out of them. He was hard, really fucking hard, but he wouldn't break the flow they had going. Not yet at least. "Help me get rid of these?" He asked, tapping the hem of his underwear.

"No problem." Kawaki smiled, grabbing Boruto by his hips and pulling him closer. Kawaki's hands slipped under his briefs and slid over his backside, getting a good feel of him before Kawaki pushed his underwear down and out of the way. He was beautiful. Every inch of him. "Goddamn. You're killing me."

Boruto blushed, but didn't shy away. "I'm glad you approve." He skirted past Kawaki and got on the bed. Then he laid down on his stomach and propped his head on a pillow, gazing over his shoulder as he spread his legs. "Finger me."

Kawaki groaned and moved to crawl over him, hungry grey eyes soaking up the perfection of his flawless body. His mouth watered and he swallowed hard, having the lube nearby. He took his time lubricating his fingers before moving them to Boruto's entrance. Kawaki used his free hand to spread his cheeks apart farther, fingers teasing the tight hole Kawaki was so desperate to get into. How could anyone be so perfect?

"Kawaki." Boruto sighed in content and reveled in the way the other man looked at him.

"You're so damn beautiful." Kawaki told him softly, pushing his index finger inside him slowly while he leaned down over him to run his tongue between his shoulders.

The words only made Boruto blush harder and he could feel his body going weak. "Just like that." He moaned softly and couldn't help clenching a bit around him. "So perfect."

Kawaki's jaw tensed at how tight Boruto was around his single finger. Just imagining his cock buried inside of him was enough to have him leaking precum, beyond ready to go. He pushed his finger deeper, placing open mouthed kisses over his shoulders and the back of his neck as he pressed his finger against Boruto's prostate, finding it easily.

Boruto's hips raised and he cried out. "Shit!" He was too worked up and the touch hit him hard. "Oh, Kawaki . . ."

This was definitely a dream come true. Kawaki had pictured this moment too many times. Of course, it was different when he imagined it, but the reality was even better. His lips trailed kisses up the back of his neck and over his cheek, finger rubbing continuously against that sensitive spot inside Boruto.

"Kiss me." Kawaki murmured as he moved his lips closer to Boruto's.

The blonde moaned again, rocking back against him and more than happily leaned up to kiss the man bringing him so much pleasure. Boruto lazily moved his tongue, caressing Kawaki's in messy and lingering motions. He didn't have to teach anything at the moment, Kawaki had him in the palm of his hands.

Kawaki pulled his finger back to enter two instead, pushing them in firmly while he took Boruto's lower lip between his teeth. He was a little more firm than he meant to be, but he was so filled with desire now that he couldn't control himself anymore. His fingers pumped in and out, stimulating that bundle of nerves inside of Boruto again and again.

Boruto's head dropped, unable to concentrate the more Kawaki prepared him. Sounds fell from his lips over and over and his own desire was getting the better of him as well. "More, give me more." He breathed. "Want it."

Kawaki spread his fingers inside of him and twisted them, stretching him as his teeth nipped at Boruto's ear. "I can't wait to fuck you, baby."

Boruto clenched hard around him at his words. "Fucking hell. I need you in me so bad, let me take it all. I'll fucking take everything."

"Shit." Kawaki growled, losing his patience and removing his fingers abruptly. His left hand grabbed Boruto's right hip and pulled, quickly having him move on his back. "I can't hold back anymore." He said as he crawled over Boruto's small frame.

His professor bent his knees and wrapped his arms around Kawaki's neck, welcoming the change in pace. "Let me have you. Make me yours."

Damn. Kawaki could only wish he would have had this so much sooner. But he would enjoy it all the more for having to wait. His hand wrapped around his cock and he lowered his hips, pushing his tip against that entrance that he was dying to breech. Kawaki lost all restraint, entering Boruto without hesitation.

"Fuck," He drawled, biting his lip at the feeling of being surrounded so tightly. His member was already throbbing but he wasn't too far gone to not savor everything about this moment.

Boruto was indeed beautiful, the picture of perfection. Kawaki hooked his arms under his legs, spreading them wider, just to his liking as he forced his thick length deeper and deeper until he was completely sheathed inside of him. Kawaki cursed again, nothing comparing to what he felt now. Still, he wanted to take things slow so he rested his forehead against Boruto's as he breathed deeply through a groan and remained still while the two of them adjusted.

"Ah," Boruto voiced high in this throat, practically whining. "So much. So good." He held onto Kawaki tighter and mouthed at his ear. "Mmm, you're amazing."

Kawaki groaned yet again and pulled back, thrusting forward slowly, deeply. "You make me so damn crazy." Kawaki admitted breathlessly, turning his head to steal Boruto's lips in a kiss. It was filled with passion and longing, much more urgent than the way Kawaki moved in and out.

Before long, Kawaki broke the kiss to lean up, staring down at the blonde who was like the most collectible of prizes to him. They way his cheeks were flushed, his swollen lips parted and his blue eyes glazed over with such a look of pleasure and longing on his face.

"I like you." Boruto was suddenly saying. "I really, really like you."

"I've been working towards that." Kawaki breathed, accidentally slipping up and thrusting a lot harder.

Boruto shouted in surprise and bliss, feeling as if he would burst. "Oh, fuck. Please."

"God, yes." Kawaki moaned, starting to rock his hips at a steady rhythm.

It was better than anything Boruto had ever experienced before. It was as if he had been waiting all this time for this moment, for Kawaki. He couldn't understand why it felt like that, why it felt so right and came over him so strongly. Kawaki was giving him something beautiful and Boruto would make sure to treasure it.

"I'm close." Boruto warned. "Can't help it. Damn it."

The fact that Boruto could come just from being fucked and his words were more than enough to put Kawaki on edge. "Fuck, me too." Kawaki growled, moving faster, deep and firm. Precise.

"Yes!" Boruto arched and scratched down Kawaki's back. "Kawaki!"

Kawaki smashed his lips down on Boruto's, kissing him hard as he rared his hips back and then slammed them forward. Nothing had ever felt better. He loved the sweet moans that Boruto made for him, which only helped drag him closer to the edge. He couldn't stop moving, drunk off the blinding pleasure washing over him. The kiss was broken as Boruto clenched around him and Kawaki cursed, groaning as his cock pulsated.

"Fuck, I'm coming." He said, tone deep and breathy as he was pushed in to the hilt, hips grinding slowly, trying to draw it out.

Boruto was right behind him, head thrown back and voice cracking. "H-Hnn!"

There wasn't a more beautiful sight in the whole world than Boruto's pleasure stricken, flushed face. Kawaki was in deep. Real deep. In more ways than one. He groaned, unable to help himself or hold back. His hips pulled back and slammed forward as he reached his climax, coming hard at the same time that Boruto cried out, his own come shooting out over his stomach.

"Damn…" Kawaki drawled, running his index finger down Boruto's chest, collecting a bit of his come and bringing it up to his mouth. He licked it off, humming at the taste of it as he stared down at his thoroughly fucked professor. Kawaki already wanted him again. "I could fuck you forever."

"God." Boruto panted helplessly. "Promise?"

"Fucking promise." Kawaki breathed, completely mesmerized by this blonde. He leaned down over him and kissed him softly, meaningfully. "I'm not letting you go."