
Chapter One


I had been called many things in my profession, most of which had been shouted in anger or slurred in a sad attempt for seduction. Although that's what led me to my current job, flirting. I flirted with anyone that caught my eye and one silly joke and stupid dare later I was working as an escort. Now I was getting paid for playful and seductive banter. I even got to pick and choose who I escorted, it was honestly my dream job.

To clear up any misconceptions, I wasn't anything ranging from a prostitute to a sugar baby. Men paid for my time and that was what they got. A few dates, a few smiles and no strings attached. Did I ever have sex with any of them off the clock? If they were lucky. My life consisted of dates with strangers, regulars and one night stands. It was great, but it wasn't my only source for cash.

I was also the manager for my best friend's band, 'What a Drag'. Shikadai had started it way back in high school and now stood up there with all the big boys. Head line show, number one hits, the bassist had it made. It was another easy job considering the amount of talent and success the band possessed. Metal, Sarada and Mitsuki thrived under Shikadai's leadership and had a great chemistry. Aside from scheduling and making sure the band members were where they needed to be when they needed to be, I didn't have to do much else.

Though that wasn't just because Shikadai had it under control, my influence was due to the friendship I had with all of the members. I was grateful to be apart of something so awesome and it wasn't even about the money. Their music was surprisingly political, but done in such a laid back manner. They made this fucked up world and it's problems seem like a minor thing in life, something that could be overcome and not worth stressing over every second of every day.

Calling out people's shit had gotten them a lot of hate mail in the beginning and still to date, but the fandom was huge and ever growing. Tonight was the last concert before the band went on tour, though that hadn't been released to the public yet. There were still preparations to be made and sadly I would have to put my escort gig on hold until we got back. Regardless, I knew it would be worth it and had high hopes that it would be just as fun as last years.

I stepped out of the changing room and made my way to the paycheck desk. I still had enough time to get paid and head to the concert despite my latest date taking longer than expected. The redhead had been handsy and tempting, but I had places to be besides the baseball field. The man was one of my regulars as well as a player, in more ways than one. Watching him swing the bat was nice, but I wasn't missing the concert for anything.

"Hana!" I greeted as I leaned over the polished desk. "Did you miss me as much as I missed you?"

The brunette shook her head with a smile. "Always with the compliments. It's too bad we're both gay as fuck or else I would make a move on you."

I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows. "Right back at you. Do you have my check for this week?"

"Ready to cash and dash." Hana said as she handed over the slip of paper. "Give my love to the boys tonight and tell Sarada my offer still stands."

"You never give up, do you?" I chuckled as I pocketed the check. "I'll tell her. See you later?"

"You know it. Have a good night, Boruto."

I waved before taking my leave and exiting through the lobby. This place was pretty classy, but it had nothing on Hana. We connected as soon as I started here and she was the only one aside from the boss that knew my real name. Being an escort wasn't all fun and games, there were some obsessive clients that turned into stalkers. Having an alias was a safety precaution and while they know what you look like, they didn't get any other personal information unless you gave it to them. I was smart and kept my distance and any 'sleepovers' I had were never at my place or theirs. Hotels were the way to go.

Once I was in my car, I pulled out my backstage pass from the glove compartment and put it around my neck. I reached the concert within the hour and could hear the cheers as I went to where the band was getting ready. A smile was on my face as I walked and I knew the others were just as excited as me, the energy was always high before a performance and would only grow. I found Metal and Sarada talking in the prep room and they halted when they say me.

"You're late!" Metal scolded. "What kind of manager is the last one to show?"

"Hey now, I check in and knew you'd all be on time so I went ahead and took care of some business." I told him.

Sarada pushed up her glasses with a sigh. "You're still doing that? It's not like you need money, I don't understand why you keep going out with strange men."

"Cause I like the attention." I smiled. "Oh, and Hana is as ready as ever to jump your bones."

"I just don't get it." Metal mumbled. "Boruto gets the guys and Sarada gets the girls, but my power of youth is useless. It's plain unfair."

"I do not get the girls!" Sarada blushed.

Metal twirled his drum stick and raised a brow, but he didn't call her out. I couldn't blame him. Our lead vocalist was quite the screamer. Mitsuki and Shikadai entered the room and I sensed that something was up. While Mitsuki had a damn good poker face, his shoulders were tense. As for Shikadai . . . he was paler than usual. His expression was as clear as day to me and I could see something was bothering him, but he was quick to school his features.

"Boruto. It's about time." Mitsuki said and draped his arm over my shoulder. "Lookin' good."

"I always look good." I returned and leaned against him. "Well, well, someone's been working out."

"It's all for you, babe." He winked and then we both laughed.

Metal gagged and Sarada sighed, though they should have been used to our antics by now. Mitsuki wasn't my type and I wasn't his, but we never passed the opportunity to hit on each other.

"That's enough of that, we've got a show to do." Shikadai spoke up and cracked his neck. "Mitsuki. Play that guitar like never before tonight."

Some hidden message passed between them and I was more suspicious than before.

Mitsuki gave him a single nod. "And you better do the same."

"What's with this super serious vibe?" Metal asked. "We'll go out there and kill it like we always do."

"Right, there's nothing to worry about." Sarada agreed. "After this show, it's onto the tour."

"Aw yeah!" Metal cheered.

I felt Mituki stiffen, but there was a smile on his face. "Let's focus on tonight first. Our fans are waiting for one hell of a show."

"It's about that time, let's get to it." Shikadai said and held the door open. "Time to kick some ass."

The other three filed out of the room and I frowned when Mitsuki patted him on the back. Something was definitely going on and it seemed that only those two were in on it. Shikadai avoided my gaze as I passed him and I grabbed his arm before he could follow the others, determined to straighten this out.

"What's up? Talk to me."

He shook his head. "I need to focus on the show, we all do. I'll tell you after."

The tone of his voice had me even more concerned. "Shit . . . did something happen? Shikadai. Look at me."

"After the concert, Boruto." He insisted, bringing his eyes to mine. They were suddenly clearer than earlier and he looked enough like his usual self to lessen my concern. "I'm giving my all into this set list."

I studied him for a moment and then let him go. "Alright, fine. As long as we talk after. I was going to give you some corny pep talk, but you seem better now."

He gave me a smile, a real one. "The last thing I need is to give you an excuse to talk more."

"Fuck you, I can say some insparational stuff." I laughed. "Okay, no more chit chat. Go out there and lead the band."

I sent him on his way and and took my place on the side lines backstage, watching the band get ready. It wasn't long before the curtain raised and the crowd erupted. Shikadai and Sarada didn't even greet the crowd like normal, the band just kicked it off with the first song with Metal starting it in a way that only he could. I listened with pride as the pros did what they did best and realized that tonight was different. There was a raw yet refined energy that hummed in Shikadai's bass, something the lazy man rarely let out. Mitsuki was right there with him, adding new riffs that weren't in the original arrangement, but it fit in perfectly.

Sarada and Metal supported them without hesitation, feeding off their energy and shooting it right back at them. 'What a Drag' was on fire tonight and I was screaming along with the thousands of fans having the time of their lives. It never got old. I might not have been on stage, but I felt every bit a part of the experience. Being a manager was something I never thought would suit me, but I loved it. I loved being along for the ride and getting closer to music despite not being able to play an instrument to save my life. The thrill and excitement on a concert were addicting and I was a happy addict.

They rocked the show all the way to the end and after Sarada closed it with a few words, Shikadai added in a little speech. He spoke about the journey from the past to where they were now, telling the fans how much they meant to them. Then he ended it with a lame joke that had me and the band members rolling our eyes. I passed out water bottles to them as they came off stage and went back to the waiting room. Everyone sat down, tired but satisfied with how the night went.

"I have to say, that was one of your best performances yet." I said and leaned against the wall.

Metal let out a breathy chuckle. "The crowd was good, the company was good, and you better believe the music was good. That's a recipe for success."

"It's a night that'll stand apart from the others, one I won't forget." Sarada smiled.

"None of us will." Mitsuki promised, glancing at Shikadai.

It was really starting to get to me, especially since Mitsuki knew before I did, and I went ahead and brought it up again. "So . . . you gonna tell me what's bugging you?" I asked and all eyes curiously fell to the raven.

Shikadai took a deep breath and crossed his arms. "I wanted to bring it up sooner . . . but I couldn't find the right time. I guess the best way is to just come right out and say it . . . I'm sorry . . . but I'm leaving the band."

I stood up straight, not believing I heard him correctly. "What?"

"But you can't!" Sarada protested. "Shikadai! Why would you . . ."

"We're supposed to be going on tour." Metal reminded. "And more than that . . . things are good. We've always gotten along. We work hard and . . . and . . . how can you leave? Out of nowhere?"

"We have to accept it." Mitsuki interjected. He knew the whole time . . .

"How can you accept it?!" Metal yelled.

Sarada didn't take long to figure it out. "He told you he was leaving."

"What the fuck, Shikadai?" I cut in. We were supposed to be best friends, but I had no idea he wanted to quit. What the hell was this?

"It's not like I want to." Shikadai told us. "I have to . . . it's my dad. He's taken a turn for the worst and mom can't take care of him on her own anymore."

I nearly fell over. "Shit. Fuck. Why didn't you say anything? Shikadai . . . I'm so sorry."

He gave me a sad smile. "Yeah, it sucks. But my old man means the world to me. I didn't want to worry you all before the concert and then Mitsuki cornered me . . . it's not easy, but I have to choose my dad over the band."

Sarada got up to sit beside him, taking hold of his hand. "We understand. He's been fighting for a long time and he needs you."

"It would have been okay if you said so from the start. You know we have you back, always." Metal said and ran a hand through his short hair. "God . . . but I don't think we can do this without you."

"Shikadai can't be replaced." Mitsuki stated. "And it'll be impossible for us to work with another bassist. I know I couldn't stomach it. Until further notice I think . . . we should disband."

"No." Shikadai quickly shot down. "Don't start with that shit again. Everything we have, everything we've worked for, it can't all end because of me. No way in hell."

I hated to say it, I hated to admit it, but . . . "Nothing is ending. It won't go away because you all disband, the fans will never forget. I think Mitsuki is right."

"Boruto!" Shikadai stood, shocked. "You agree with that? Seriously? No. Just, no. I'm not-"

"If we don't want to do this without you then we won't." Sarada cut him off. "That's our decision."

Metal sighed. "Well . . . if we do this we do it together. So what will it be? Are we all on the same page?"

"Damn it, why'd you have to bring that up Mitsuki?" Shikadai hissed.

The man in question wasn't at all offended or regretful. "No one else could fill your shoes as the leader and I sure as hell won't take orders from anyone else. Like Metal said, we started this together so we'll end it together. It's not 'What a Drag' without every one of us in it."

I swallowed hard. "So that's it then. The band is disbanded." I said and the others nodded. I never thought I would see the day and the words were bitter in my mouth, but it was what it was. I couldn't imagine 'What a Drag' without Shikadai.

"You stubborn bastards." Shikadai cursed quietly, but it was obvious he was breaking. "Yeah. So be it."

It didn't take long for the news to spread and the population was left in shock. There was no warning and I knew exactly how they felt. We were blindsided. Though no one blamed Shikadai, at least no one that mattered. I handled the official statement that was given to the press for release, the record label giving it a once over before approving it. They didn't fight the band on their decision and I was glad for that. I wasn't sure what everyone would do now, but we had promised to stay in touch. Shikadai had even gone as far as to send me a list of other bands in need of a manager. He knew what it meant to me and didn't want to see me give it up.

At first I wasn't sure what to do with the list. How could I be a manager for anyone else? It had become a big part of my life just as it had theirs, but was it right to move on? A month passed before I could make up my mind. A good part of my life was spent with the band, I was there every step of the way. I didn't know if I could have anything like that with another group. Could I really just go in like that? With strangers? It was a lot to think about and I was still dealing with the loss of 'What a Drag'. I was so unsure and hesitant, but Shikadai kept pushing me. The least I could do was try it out and set his mind at ease. After all, he had enough to stress about.

That left me with a list to narrow down and some of them I had never heard of before. Going off of names alone ruled out a few, but the descriptions were what I had to focus on. I did my own research of course and checked out the fandoms. However, some of the rumors and scandals were more than I was willing to deal with. I wasn't going to walk into a lost cause. Although what was really important to me was the music, the band had to be passionate and dedicated. If the music didn't speak to me then I was out. I checked out first albums, the beginnings were important and said a lot about the members.

A fellow pop rock group caught my attention and not just because it was the genre I preferred. It was a rebellious style album, the classic 'stick it to the man' theme. The first song, 'Cornered', had me laughing my ass off. The lyrics were witty and sarcasitic as hell, but with a very clear 'fuck you' in the chorus. The music itself was solid and had me wanting to hear more. I went on to their second to most recent album once I finished the first and I was more than startled. It was the same band, I was sure, but damn.

The gap in skill was so great it was scary, it was like they were some kind of evolving monster. By the end of the first song I knew this was the band I was going to pick. It was there, that same fire I felt with 'What a Drag'. The album was centered around staying true to yourself and telling everyone else to piss off. Every song pulled me in and while I knew there were other bands as good as Shikadai's out there, it was different hearing it first hand. I could definitely get behind this group, though the thought made me feel guilty. Trading one band for another . . . but I couldn't look at it that way.

I decided not to look into the members, I didn't want to be influenced by the media. The label on the other hand I did look at and it seemed promising. Further digging revealed that the band was actually the most well known and popular one on my list. I was beyond curious as to why they needed a manager, but seeing as what happened with Shikadai I knew that sometimes the unexpected happened. Resolving myself, I reached out to the company and told them I was interested. With my track record and references from both the members of 'What a Drag' and their label, my chances were good.

I let Shikadai and the others know after I got a response. They were supportive and that meant a lot to me, I didn't want them to feel like I was abandoning them. The deal was that I would have to meet with the band first like all the others that applied and then the band would make the final decision. I respected that and cleared out my escort calendar for the week of the meet, I didn't want to get distracted. Hana was a bit worried for me, saying I should tone down my flirting, but I shrugged it off. Either I got the job or I didn't, it was that simple. Pretending to be someone I wasn't wouldn't do any favors for the band.

I showed up at the record label right on time despite my blond hair giving me a harder time than usual. I was dressed in dark blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt, the hot pink a nice contrast to my blue eyes. A staff member led me through the building and into the meeting room, but the band members weren't there yet. I had no other choice than to wait and hoped it wasn't a recurring habit. I knew they were busy, but they weren't making a good first impression. Sure I was late too from time to time, but not for something like this. I wasn't worked up over it though. There was no telling what was holding them up and I wouldn't hold this one time against them.

In fact, I wasn't waiting long before the door opened and I came face to face with the band for the first time: 'Karma'. 'Karma' was a five member group, a five member male band, and maybe I hadn't thought this through. One after another good looking guys stepped in and I had to say that if I wasn't on board before, I sure as hell was now.

The first one to walk in was around my height, he had light brown hair, deep blue eyes and wore a black mask over his nose and mouth. That was . . . interesting. He was what I would consider cute, but I quickly took in the next guy who was right behind him. He was about the same height as the first, maybe an inch shorter, with pale blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. He was cute too.

The next guy looked like he had a bad streak, narrowed green eyes that showcased he had an attitude. His dark brown hair was a mess and he was covered in tattoos and piercings. I was admittingly drawn in, he was hot. The guy beside him was tall, tan and had a toboggan covering his hair. He had some tattoos but not nearly as many and dark brown eyes. He was in the middle of saying something to the hot guy beside him, elbowing him in the side and receiving a glare in response. Then I noticed the guy behind them all.

My breath hitched and I tried not to squirm. The man was fucking gorgeous, it wasn't even fair. His black hair was styled in an undercut, black on top and blond underneath. He had a few piercings and tattoos from what I could see, but my attention was snapped to his dark grey eyes. His gaze was lazy but guarded, bringing an air of mystery. I found myself looking away when he looked back at me. It was ridiculous, but I couldn't help it. How was I supposed to know Karma held the god of all that was sexy? I would escort him anywhere.

"Ah, Mr. Uzumaki." Some rep greeted. I hadn't noticed him come in. "Good, good. Everyone is here. I apologize for the late arrival, the fans were swarming us in a matter of seconds. I'll let you all go ahead and get to the interview."

I wasn't given the chance to respond before the man left, having said his piece. It was a little concerning how fast he made his exit, but I had other things to think about. Five things that were all staring at me expectantly. Time to see if the band's personality was as good as it looks.

"Well, I guess we'll start with introductions." I said and motioned for them to take a seat. "I'm Boruto."

"You managed 'What a Drag'?" The gorgeous god asked. "Really?" He moved closer to me, those grey eyes looking me over in a way that made me shudder.

It turned out I was wrong, his eyes were lighter than I first thought with a blue tint to them. "Believe it. I'm good at what I do even if it doesn't seem like it." I told him, trying not to look away. "So who are you?"

"Where the fuck is the application?" He snapped and the masked guy quickly handed him a piece of paper.

"I only tried to give it to you ten times already." He muttered before turning to me and extending his hand. "I'm Hōki, lead vocalist."

And the mask was to protect his voice? "Nice to meet you. I have to say I'm a fan of your ballads." I said and shook his hand. I was caught up on all their albums, including their solos. No one could call themselves their manager without knowing that much at least.

"You should be." He laughed.

I grinned at his cockyness. "Oh yeah? Do you write the lyrics too?"

"Kawaki and I do. He's my back up." He told me, smacking his hand on the arm of the grey eyed sexy god.

"Really? He's your back up?" I taunted, taking his words from before and throwing them right back at Kawaki. My grin widened at Kawaki's glare. "Well, I like what I've heard from you so far, Hōki. You can sing me a song anytime."

"Well if Kawaki let's you work with us you'll be hearing a lot of me." He chuckled. So he was the leader, huh?

Kawaki crumbled up the application in his hand and dropped it on the floor. "This is some bullshit. This kid's not fit to manage anybody."

"Kawaki!" The brown eyed guy with the toboggan scoffed. "You're being an ass. He's the fourteenth applicant."

"I don't give a fuck." Kawaki sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "No."

I raised a brow at him. "Listening to your music, I didn't expect you to be so judgmental. Maybe it doesn't matter to you since you've got managers applying left and right, but let me tell you. Your tantrum is not cute at all."

"Whoa. Whoa!" The green eyed guy with all the tattoos finally spoke up, quickly moving between Kawaki and I. He held onto Kawaki's shoulders who was scowling at me right over the guys head. "Calm the hell down, he didn't mean it."

I rolled my eyes. Why did the good looking ones always have to be such assholes? "The truth hurts, I'm just telling you like it is. If you don't like it then you can check the no box after the interview. So what's your name?" I asked the short blond.

"Inojin." He answered with a worried look on his face. "I play bass."

"Just sit the fuck down." The other guy was still arguing with Kawaki who eventually gave in and took a seat at the large table in the room.

"He's just frustrated." The toboggan guy told me with an apologetic look. "I'm Iwabe. Guitar."

"It's fine, it's not like no one has ever blown up at me before. I've seen a lot." I told him with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Iwabe. That solo you did in your third album was killer."

"Thanks man. Guess you've been doing your research."

I shrugged. "Trying to manage a band whose music I haven't heard would be stupid."

"See Kawaki, this guy is prepared." The guy trying to calm him down said before turning his eyes to me. "I'm Shinki. I play keyboard."

"I'm impressed, not many bands keep their keyboard player nowadays and those that do don't last." I said. "I'm glad to meet someone proving otherwise."

"I'm good at what I do." He shrugged. "You have a good bit of experience and don't seem like you're too annoying. Our leader here is a bit on the difficult side which is why we're out of a manager right now. He doesn't like to be bossed around but it's taking a toll on us with him doing all our booking and shit."

That wasn't hard to believe. Seeing how it was the last piece missing, Kawaki must be the drummer. Everyone here was talented and he was no exception, in fact he was amazing. Having an attitude was fine, but having a bad attitude all the time wasn't going to help anyone.

"I can't promise I won't be annoying. My methods are pretty unusual and a little unorthodox." I admitted, wanting to be honest. I wasn't the typical manager. "While I've got years of experience, I don't have variety. 'What a Drag' is the only band I've ever managed and in the beginning it was a fluke. I'm not uptight or anything and definitely not as professional as I should be, but I can get the job done and you won't be disappointed."

"See, Kawaki. We can at least give Boruto a chance. He seems legit to me." Shinki said almost pleadingly.

Kawaki looked past him to me with a torn expression. "I need somebody to work with me, not cross me. If you cross me I'll kick your ass."

"Damn it, Kawaki. He's not the last manager. We've been over this!" Shinki snapped.

It wasn't hard to connect the dots. "Well I'm not gonna tell you what to wear and what to eat, but if you've got a concert and are still sleeping in bed an hour before, I'm waking your ass up."

"So?" Kawaki looked around to his band members who were all nodding quietly. "Fine. We will give it a shot. But if he pisses me off, none of you fuckers are stopping me."

Damn. It looked like this wasn't going to go well, but I wasn't going to back down from the challenge. "If it's settled then I'm happy to be working with you. I'm ready to see how you guys roll."

"Then you'll get a kick out of our next tour starting next week." Hōki beamed.

I was taken aback by the news, I had no idea a tour was in the picture. "Shit. Didn't see that coming. It should be fine though, I'll just have to clear the dates with my other job." I said and shook my head with a smile. "A tour first thing . . . you guys aren't messing around." Throwing me right into the deep end.

"What the fuck? I'm not competing with another job. No." Kawaki's mood soured instantly.

"Oh my god." Inojin groaned.

"He said he would clear his other job so relax. Damn." Iwabe went off.

"We will give him a try and if he doesn't show for the tour, fuck it. I'll help you out like I've been trying for the past three months." Shinki said, taking a seat next to Kawaki but he got up as soon as his friend sat down.

"I need to smoke." He huffed, forcefully putting his chair back under the table before storming out of the room and every one of the guys sighed loudly.

He was certainly a handful. "Well that went well." I mused. "Don't get so discouraged, guys, I don't scare easy. Time will tell and if you don't like me then you can send me packing, you know? No hard feelings."

"We like you fine. Kawaki is the one that's so hard to please." Hōki mumbled. "Just try to ignore him. He really is stressed out. He's not always so pissy."

"The bastard hasn't slept in three days. I better go check on him." Shinki said, getting to his feet. "Nice to meet you, manager." He gave me a wave and walked out. It seemed Kawaki was also one of those guys, the ones that worked too much. I was beginning to see how things would go down.

I hummed to myself before looking back at the other band members. "Let's get down to business."

The first thing I needed to know was the tour dates and destinations. They told me the details and said I would be sent the necessary paperwork and other tour related information. I would have to help finish setting it up as well, but things like that never took me long. People wouldn't know it unless they saw it for themselves, but I flew through paperwork and bookings. It sounded like Kawaki had taken care of most of it though. The main things I would have to worry about were things I was used to as well. It was far from my first tour, I was more than capable.

Keeping track of tickets, plane, bus times, hotels, concert halls and most importantly band members. It would go differently since this wasn't 'What a Drag', but I didn't doubt my capabilities.

"Alright, I think I've got everything I need. Thanks guys."

"Just one thing." Hōki said, voice higher and almost nervous. "You'll be fine with us and with Kawaki too, as long as you don't even think about saying anything to him about him smoking."

"For fucks sake, yes." Iwabe snorted. "That's what landed the last manager in the hospital and out of a job."

Inojin just nodded along while I frowned. The hospital? Any questions I was about to ask were cut short when Shinki returned with Kawaki. The smell hit me right away, Kawaki was a smoker alright. He smelled like a whole weed factory. I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to stop the laugh building up inside of me. Seriously, this band was something else.

"We're leaving for rehearsal. Now. Do you want to come or not?" Kawaki asked me, voice much colder than necessary.

I cleared my throat and stood along with the others. "Wouldn't miss it for anything."

There was a practice room right in the building which I assumed they would be using and I followed them out of the room. I hadn't expected to get the job like this, surely I wasn't the last applicant, right? Either I was just that impressive or the other fourteen applicants had worn them out. Regardless, I was given a shot and now I was going to hear 'Karma' play in person. I was with a new band and while I was nervous, I was mainly excited. Shikadai was right, I would have really missed this if I had given it up entirely. I may have only gotten started and I couldn't know for sure how things would unfold, but I was full of anticipation.