This is a story idea that I had one day, and it seemed like it could be fun; what if, alongside the daily problems that yo-kai cause, Nate also had to deal with having a harem?

This story isn't exactly serious, nor is there going to be an overarching plot. While there will be continuity between chapters, it's a theoretically endless story that I'll write chapters for when I feel like it. This doesn't fall into my main or side story categories, it would be closer to one of my Infinite Loop compilations, aside from the fact I'm writing this alone.

Speaking of my main stories, I've finished the next chapter for a Grimm's Aura, I just need to do some proofreading before I can post it, so hopefully I'll get to that soon.

Anyway, though this chapter is rather basic in how it just introduces the concept of the 'harem,' expect some other chapters to combine typical harem nonsense (well, toned down from some of what would be considered 'typical' harems, these are kids) along with yo-kai interference.

This is primarily based on the anime, though the personalities for the classmates aside from Nate, Katie, Eddie and Bear will be mostly based on the games, since the anime doesn't really… give them any personalities.

This story isn't about how or why Nate suddenly has a harem, and that will likely never be explained, it's about how he deals with it now that he does have a harem.

Hope this nonsense I wrote is somewhat enjoyable.

Chapter 1: I have a Harem!?

Nathan Adams kicked a rock to the side as he walked along the sidewalk, leading to Springdale Elementary, where he would have another ordinary day at school (hopefully without yo-kai interference), followed by his ever-loyal yo-kai butler; Whisper.

Though at this moment, young Nate wasn't focused on school, rather, his focus was directly on one of his schoolmates…

"I just don't get it… what can I do to get Katie to notice me?" the boy muttered with a shake of his head.

"I don't think you should be so focused on this, Nate," Whisper interjected as he floated up to his master's side. "Katie isn't interested in you. You disinterest her, perhaps you should just accept that?"

The ghost's happy tone, along with his comments, irritated the boy with the yo-kai watch, "We don't know that for sure, she just… hasn't noticed I like her yet, but she also hasn't rejected me!"

"Because you've never asked her out," Whisper pointed out blandly, before a thought crossed his mind. "Oh, there's an idea; just ask her out! Get rejected and be done with it!"

"What!?" Nate's face went red as he kept glaring at his butler with defiance. "I can't 'just ask her out!' And besides that, what makes you so sure I'd be rejected!?"

"First of all; yes, you can," Whisper insisted bluntly. "Second of all; I think you may just need to face facts, Nate; Katie just isn't interested in you," the ghostly butler shook his head as he kept up with his master. "You simply haven't developed any traits at this point in your life that the girls in your age group would find appealing, you're boring. It's nothing to be down about; you're still young, you'll meet a girl who likes you someday!"

Whisper's attempt at encouragement did little to brighten the boy's spirits. "Thanks Whisper, that was really helpful…"

The yo-kai was quick to pick up on the sarcasm, "Nate, you just need to accept that Katie doesn't like you as anything more than a friend; a boy your age shouldn't be so focused on dating anyway! The sooner you give this up and just enjoy your childhood, the better off you'll be."

Nate halted in his walk briefly, turning to look at his butler with an annoyed expression.

"Hey, Nate!"

The sudden shout of a female voice stopped Nate from giving any possible piece of his mind to Whisper, looking across the street to where the voice had come from, the boy's eyes met with those of a girl he recognized, "Meg?"

On the other side of the street stood one of Nate's classmates; Megan Jones. The pigtailed girl gave an excited grin when Nate's eyes met hers, her cheeks reddening a bit, she waved enthusiastically before looking both ways, and rushing across the street when she was sure no cars were coming.

Nate and Whisper both watched with confusion as the girl came over.

"Hey, Nate!" Meg repeated, giving a bright smile, her hands behind her back as she stood, shuffling her feet a bit shyly as she kept her eyes on the boy. "I'm glad I managed to run into you!"

"You are?" both Nate and Whisper questioned at the same time, though only Nate was heard by the bashful girl.

"Yep!" Meg giggled, clasping one of Nate's hands unexpectedly and looking at him with sparkling eyes and a prominent blush.

Nate's face turned a bit red too at the sudden contact, while Whisper just stared with a blank expression.

"I really, really, really wanted to see you Nate!" Meg's smile widened as she kept hold of the flustered boy's hand.

"Y-You did…?" Nate took a step back, completely unsure on how to handle the sudden attention. "But… we don't really talk that much."

"We don't?" the brunette girl tilted her head ever so innocently. "Well, I suppose so, but I can't really fathom why; you're such an interesting guy Nate."

"… I think she's making fun of you, Nate," Whisper finally suggested, looking a bit relieved to have found a 'logical' explanation, in his mind at least, for this sudden turn of events.

Nate sent his butler an aside glare, before internally letting out a groan at the likelihood of that being what was going on, Nate looked towards Meg to question her, only to be stunned into silence by the pure look of adoration she was giving him. "Ah…?"

"I think we need to spend more time together, Natey-kins!" Meg released the boy's hand as she smiled charmingly. "Oh, is it okay if I call you 'Natey-kins?'"

Nate just stared in silence, unable to find any words with which to speak.

"She's making fun of you, Nate! Snap out of it!" the yo-kai butler hovered around the boy's head, trying to snap him out of his stupor, but to no avail.

"I'll take that silence as acceptance, Natey-kins!" Meg laughed as she did a short cheer, with a fist-pump into the air. "So, what do you think about spending a bit more time together? We can start by walking to school together, what do you say?"

Finally shaking himself out of his stunned silence, Nate said the only thing he could think to; "Um… sure…?"

"Yeah!" Meg clapped her hands with a look of pure bliss, before she jumped forward and latched onto Nate's left arm, hugging it tightly and nuzzling her head on his shoulder. After a moment, she paused, giving the still-stunned boy an embarrassed and slightly apologetic look, "Oh, sorry; is it okay for me to do this?"

"I… um… fine?" Nate was still having trouble speaking.

Giggling a bit at the vague confirmation, the pigtailed girl continued in her hugging of one Nathan Adam's arm, before the two continued on the walk to the school, walking in tandem.

An uncomfortable silence filled the air as the human pair, plus one ghostly follower, continued on the path towards school, only occasionally broken by the sounds of a bird, bug, or one of Meg's sighs of content.

"What's… with her?" Nate muttered to himself as he glanced at Meg, thankfully she was too lost in her own world to hear him.

"I'm sure this is some kind of prank; I'd be on the look out Nate!" Whisper warned urgently, looking a bit panicked as he looked over Meg with suspicion.

"Would you knock that off," Nate hissed quietly, swatting at the yo-kai with his free hand, though he missed. "Maybe she really does want to be better friends with me, did you ever think of that?"

"Oh, Natey-kins, what are you whispering about?" Meg shuffled a bit as she finally came back to reality, lifting her head from the boy's shoulder and looking at him with a mix of curiosity and playfulness.

"Er… nothing," Nate nervously chuckled, trying to wave off the girl's curiosity, while also subtly glaring at Whisper from the corner of his eye.

"Oh, well, if you say so," Meg grinned, giving a wink before she tightened her grip on the boy's arm.

Nate gave a slightly nervous gulp.

"Oh, N-Nate…?"

A small female voice had the two humans stopping, the boy looking over with curiosity, while the girl looked annoyed at the interruption.

"Shelly…?" Nate questioned at the appearance of another one of his classmates.

The shy, glasses-wearing girl stood a few meters behind Nate and Meg, looking nervous, her eyes turning to the ground as she seemed to be working up the courage to speak, "H-Hi, Nate…"

"… Hi, Shelly?" Nate returned with a bit of a quizzical look.

"Yeah, hi Shelly, what are you doing here?" Meg asked in an uncharacteristically nasty tone, her grip on Nate's arm tightening a bit more, becoming almost possessive in nature.

"Meg?" the boy looked at his current companion with a bit of shock, since when did Meg talk like that?

Whisper seemed to sense some sort of impending danger, as he backed off from the scene as silently as he could.

"I was… walking to school," Shelly managed to say, looking frightened under Meg's scrutinizing glare, and a faint blush appearing on her cheeks when her eyes briefly met Nate's, before she looked to the ground again. "And… I saw you and wanted to ask if we could… w-walk together…?" the last of the shy girl's words came out as barely a squeak.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Nate asked curiously, his expression shifting between confused and concerned as he looked between Shelly and the increasingly irritated Meg.

"I think she said she'd like to enjoy her alone time on the walk to school, so we should hurry up and leave her to that!" Meg insisted, pulling on the boy's arm, trying to lead him away from the other girl.

"I don't think that's what she said," Nate tried to protest, though he quickly found himself being pulled along by the newly aggressive female.

"H-hold on!" Shelly manage to speak up in a louder tone, shuffling forward in an attempt to catch up. "P-Please, can I walk the rest of the way to school with you, N-Nate…?"

Nate looked back over at the black-haired girl, a bit confused; he did sit next to Shelly in class, but they still didn't interact all that much, though he didn't see any reason to deny. "Um, sure."

Nate barely noticed as Shelly's face turned bright red as she gained a tiny smile, nor how Meg looked at the other girl with what could only be described as a snarl.

And so, the walk continued, though Meg kept a firm grip on Nate's arm, and the aura of possessiveness she seemed to be emitting left the still-nervous Shelly to walk a few paces behind the two.

Whisper watched from a bit ahead on the path, his expression a mix of fearful and befuddlement, "Just what is going on here…?"

From her position walking behind the two, Shelly gave a slightly jealous look towards Meg, whom turned back to look at her and stuck her tongue out, flaunting her position by pressing her head onto Nate's shoulder.

Shelly let out the subtlest of growls, a trembling fist forming in one of her hands.

Nate, completely oblivious to the micro war brewing between his two female companions, looked up at the sight of Springdale Elementary as they stepped passed the front gate.

"Well, we're here," the boy announced, bringing the two girl's attentions back to him, Nate gave an awkward smile as he focused on Meg. "So… you can let go of my arm now, right?"

"Aw, come on Natey-kins, can't I hang on just a bit longer?" Meg pleaded as cutely as she could, while also being sure that Shelly had heard her new pet name for the boy.

The slight twitch in Shelly's posture was evidence enough she had heard it…

Nate looked away with a bit of embarrassment, gently pulling his arm away from the disappointed girl, "Sorry, Meg, but I don't think I can walk to class like– " Nate had started to walk forward as he spoke, but stopped when he felt himself bump into someone, "Oh, sorry!"

The person Nate had bumped into was a grinning Zoey, standing beside an identically grinning Lina; both girls stood directly in the path that lead to the school. Nate could have sworn they were not there a moment ago…

"Hi, Nate!" both spooky girls spoke in unison, grinning eerily as they seemed to stare straight into the boy's soul (well, Zoey at least, with Lina it was… a bit harder to tell…)

"Uh, yeah… hi…" Nate greeted nervously, subtly going for his yo-kai watch and shining the light around, having grown just a bit suspicious of what was going on today, though he could find no yo-kai, aside from his butler, whom was still keeping a bit of distance between them. "What… what are you two doing… standing here?"

Both Zoey and Lina's grins widened, "Why, waiting for you Nate, what else?" the two giggled in unison, sending a shiver down Nate's spine.

Meg glared at the two spooky girls, crossing her arms with a huff, "You know, that 'spooky twin' thing, doesn't really work if you aren't twins!"

"We aren't trying to be 'twins,'" both Lina and Zoey stated calmly, turning their grins Meg's way.

The pigtailed girl suddenly found herself wishing she had kept her mouth shut.

Shelly had wisely chosen to retreat, giving a longing glance towards Nate, before she took advantage of her less noticeable presence to skitter around the pathway, without drawing the attention of the two spooky girls.

Nate gave an uncomfortable cough, "Look, we need to get to class, so– "the boy's words were cut off when Lina and Zoey moved to his left and right respectively and each grabbed one of his arms.

"Yes, we do need to get to class, so why don't you escort us there?"

"Hey, that was my thing!" Meg whined as she shook her fists but was silenced again when the other two girls looked at her.

"Hey, Nate!" another voice interrupted, before Alex ran over after entering the school gate, grinning brightly at the freaked-out boy, not seeming scared by Lina and Zoey's stares, as Meg and Shelly were, in that she grabbed hold of the boy and yanked him away from the two spooky girls without even a second thought, "After class, let's head to the park and hang out, I've been wanting to talk to you about some soccer strategies for a while!"

"Wha…?" Nate just stared blankly, his pupils shrinking when he noticed more of his female classmates were starting to gather.

"He can't go with you to the park, Alex! He's going to go to the bookstore with me, right Nate!" Sarah smiled at the boy as she shoved Alex aside and grabbed his shoulder.

"W-Wait, hold on…" Nate tried to protest, his face burning red as more girls surrounded him and all began arguing over whom he would be going with for whatever reason, it didn't take long before he couldn't take it anymore, "I-I HAVE TO GET TO CLASS!" the brown-haired boy shouted in a panic, before he broke free of the crowd of girls and rushed off to the school…

Nate gave a few heavy breaths, his hands to his knees, as he hunched in the hallway, "What… what was all that!?"

"I'm sorry to say that I can't even begin to fathom what all that was about," Whisper, whom had caught up to the boy along the way, commented with a shrug. "This definitely goes beyond the scope of a simple prank, or wanting to be better friends, that's for sure…"

Nate groaned as he stood up straight, holding up his wrist and tapping the device strapped to it, "I even tried looking for a yo-kai, but I didn't see any…"

"Well of course you didn't see any, there's no yo-kai that makes girls act crazy, Nate," Whisper huffed in indignation at the very idea… before he subtly turned away and started swiping through his yo-kai pad frantically.

Nate gave his butler an unimpressed look, before sighing and continuing to class.

"Hey, Nate!" Bear waved, standing with Eddie in front of the door to their homeroom. "What's got you so out of breath?"

Eddie gave the yo-kai watch holding boy a strange look, "Yeah… you also look a bit sweaty, did you run here?"

"Yeah, I…" Nate looked to the side, his face going a little red along with a frown coming to his face, internally debating if he should even attempt to explain to the two what had happened to him, "I… got caught up in a swarm of girls for some reason, I had to run away…"

Eddie and Bear both stared at their friend in silence for a couple seconds, before they burst into laughter.

"Oh man, 'swarm of girls,' that's a good one Nate!" Bear wiped a tear from his eye as he laughed harder.

Nate looked annoyed at his male friends' reactions, immediately regretting his decision to tell them. He gave a huff and crossed his arms, "Well, I'm glad to see you two are normal…"

"You can't exactly blame them for being skeptical," Whisper pointed out, but was silenced by the glare his master sent him.

"Hey guys," a brown-haired girl greeted as she stepped over, just as Eddie and Bear calmed down. "What's so funny?"

"Katie!?" Nate jumped in surprise at the appearance of his crush, he almost excitedly anticipated her behaving in a similar manner to the other girls… but she seemed completely normal, just giving him a smile and wave like she usually would.

"Oh, nothing much, but Nate seems to think there's a swarm of girls after him," Bear chuckled mischievously, only to be jabbed by Eddie's elbow. "Ow!?"

"Don't just tell her that," the intelligent boy hisses quietly.

"Swarm of girls, what?" Katie blinked in confusion, looking towards Nate questioningly.

Nate looked like he might die of embarrassment at a moment's notice, his face turning bright red as he held out his hands, "It's nothing! Really, it's nothing!"

Katie looked skeptical of the denial but didn't press the issue before she entered the classroom.

"Nice save," Bear grinned, only to be jabbed by Eddie once again. "Ow! Come on man!"

"We need to get to class too, let's go," Eddie said, gesturing to the classroom. "And don't worry Nate, I won't tell anybody about your delusions, and I'll try to make sure Bear doesn't either."

Nate grumbled a bit as he glared after the two other boys as they entered the class, before he grumpily followed, his yo-kai butler not far behind.

'I don't know what to think about this…' Nate thought with a groan as he took his seat in class. 'Maybe Eddie and Bear were right to laugh at me, but still… why were all those girls acting like that?' glancing over, Nate noticed that Shelly had already taken her usual seat next to his.

"H-Hello again, Nate," the bespectacled girl greeted with a nervous smile, a slight hint of pink on her cheeks.

"Oh, hi Shelly," Nate gave a confused greeting, trying his best to smile at the shy girl.

Shelly let out a dreamy sigh, hiding her face in her hands as she looked away from the boy.

"Huh…?" Nate stared blankly at Shelly's reaction, pulling up the yo-kai watch, he shined the light around Shelly, but found nothing. 'What is going on here…?'

Eddie and Bear looked similarly confused as they observed the abnormal interaction between their two classmates, from their seats lined up behind Nate's.

"Yahoo, Nate! I missed you on my way to school!" one of their other classmates that had gotten there before them, Maya Skylar, called out from her seat to the aforementioned boy, despite her position being the complete opposite end of the classroom from his. "Let's hang out after class!"

Eddie, Bear and Katie all looked blankly towards Nate, the other two students whom had arrived before them, Andy and Lucas, also gave the boy odd looks.

Nate suddenly felt like sinking into his chair; he didn't know what was going on, but he had the distinct feeling that he didn't want this kind of attention…

"Whew, finally caught up!" Meg suddenly exclaimed as she charged into class, before she immediately scanned the room and zeroed in on Nate, and Shelly… "Shelly! That's not fair, why do you always get to sit next to Natey-kins!?" the aspiring pop-star rushed over to the shy girl's desk and slammed her hands on her desk, startling Shelly in the process.

"NATEY-KINS!?" all the boys in class, as well as Katie, all shouted with varying expressions of disbelief and confusion.

"Wait, Natey-kins!?" Maya stood up from her seat, glaring towards Meg with an intense expression. "Meg, where do you get off calling my Nate 'Natey-kins!?' If anyone should be giving Nate a cute pet name, it should be me!"

That exclamation tore Meg's attention away from Shelly, and on to the new challenger, "Excuse me, did you just call my Natey-kins; 'your Nate!?'" Marching over to the fashionista's desk, Meg gave a fierce glare.

"Why so mad, Magen? Is it so hard to believe that Nate would prefer me over you?" Maya scoffed as she glared back, the tension between the two girls increased, and several of the other students could have sworn they saw lightning spark between their eyes…

'P-Prefer her? 'my Natey-kins,' 'my Nate?' W-What is going on here!?' while Nate was already aware that things were off, now everything was coming to a head, and though he had been confused on what exactly was going on, something was becoming clear to him… those girls weren't talking about just being 'better friends' with him…

A tap on the shoulder snapped Nate out of his slightly panicked thoughts, turning over to Eddie whom was giving him a very confused look, with Bear sitting behind him with a similar look.

"Er, Nate… are you… two-timing Meg and Maya…?" Eddie's voice didn't sound accusatory, despite the nature of the question, he sounded completely befuddled, and desperately seeking a logical explanation for what was unfolding right before him.

"What, n-no! I haven't even been dating anyone," Nate had to restrain himself from yelling as he spoke to his male friends, glancing over at Maya and Megs continued confrontation, as well as all the strange looks that were now being sent his way by the several other boy's that had entered the class in time to hear a bit of the two girls' argument, as well as the ones already here, and Katie… 'Why is Katie the only girl acting normal today…?'

"Well, I believe you Nate," Bear assured before Eddie could speak again. "There's no way you could have been dating both Maya and Meg without anyone noticing, plus, they're both kind of out of your league,' the large boy let out a bit of a chuckle as he said that.

Nate just gave Bear a deadpan look.

Eddie gave a similar look, before focusing on Nate again, "Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that, but I also believe you, since it really wouldn't make any sense, but…" the intelligent boy looked over to Maya and Meg… whom had now resorted to shoving and pulling each other's hair, he cringed slightly. "That doesn't explain the sudden behavioral change, or why they're focused on you?"

"It because Nate's the coolest…"

The three boys were surprised by the sudden, quiet comment from the shy girl seated beside Nate.

Shelly shuffled a bit in her seat, smiling softly towards the boy next to her, looking down in an attempt to hide her reddened cheeks.

Nate own cheeks reddened as he gave his neighbor a completely stunned expression, "Shelly, did… did you just say I'm the… coolest…?" though his heart still belonged to Katie, Nate had never noticed just how cute Shelly was until that moment…

Shelly nodded with a bit of a squeak, "Y-Yeah, I did…"

Eddie and Bear could just stare in wide-eyed silence as this exchange took place; considering the most amazing thing about Nate, at least according to his peers, was that he was 'amazingly average,' the idea of someone calling him the 'coolest' was not something they had ever expected to hear.

Maya and Meg both stopped in their conflict when they looked over and noticed the way Nate and Shelly were looking at each other, with fire in their eyes, both girls rushed towards the target of their affection. "Stop right there, Shell! He's mine!"

"What's happening…?" Katie just stared at Nate's desk from hers directly across the room, unable to fathom the sort of behavior she was seeing from two of her own classmates.

The sudden rushing in of Alex and Sarah took Katie's attention for a moment, looking towards her two friends for possible help.

"Hey, guys, something's going on with– "

"Nate!" Both girls suddenly shouted, rushing towards their target's desk, leaving Katie completely ignored.

"G-Going on with… everyone…?" Katie muttered blankly.

"Nate should sit by me today, Shelly switch with me!" Alex shouted in a fiery matter as she shoved aside both Meg and Maya to look directly at the shy girl.

"Huh?" Shelly shrunk under the intense aura that Alex was giving off, but a quick glance towards Nate had Shelly taking a deep breath, before doing her best to hold her ground.

"Now hold on, I got to Natey-kins first, so you all should just back off!" Meg growled, looking at Alex with anger for both shoving her, and demanding to be the one to sit next to Nate. "Eddie, switch with Nate so I can sit next to him!"

"Huh!?" Eddie just gawked at being suddenly dragged into the argument.

"Hold on, we can't just force Shelly or Nate to switch seats," Sarah tried to speak rationally, grabbing both Alex and Meg's shoulders. "We should just sit through class first, then Nate can decide who he wants to sit with at lunch," at that last bit of her sentence, Sarah sent and expectant look towards Nate, along with a wink.

"I… what…?" Nate shrunk back, barely able to process what was going on.

No calm could be maintained in the situation, as the remaining batch of students entered the room, with all of the girls immediately focusing on Nate and rushing over to find some way to sit next to him, or preemptively claim his attention for after class.

All the boy's, along with Katie, just stared as the conflict continued, with many of the girls starting to shout. The expressions of the boys ranged from blank, gawking looks, to looks of anger and/or jealousy.

Luckily, before either Nate could have a panic attack, the girls ripped him apart, or possibly the boys did the same, Mr. Johnson chose that moment to enter the classroom, just as the bell rang.

"Hello class, sorry I'm a bit late, I…" the teacher started, but trailed off when he noticed the large cluster of girls focused towards the upper right corner of his class. "Um, what is going on here? Everyone, please take your seats!"

The call of the teacher forced the various girls to part from Nate's desk, though not without a few longing looks, smiles, or winks, before they left behind a boy whom felt like his face was on fire.

Shelly gave a tiny smile of triumph over having kept her advantageous position.

"Well, I'll settle for second best," Meg managed a grin as she took her seat next to Eddie.

Nate looked over with a desperate look, Eddie shrugged. Nate looked further back and noticed Lulu take her seat next to Bear, giggling a bit when she noticed he was looking at her and blowing him a kiss.

Nate's pupils shrank at the blatant action of affection, before he turned his focus to Bear, and shrank back at the glare he was giving him. Nate knew Bear had a crush on Lulu… he probably wouldn't be able to count on him to help with this situation…

Nate took a look towards Katie's desk for a moment, he noticed she looked towards him as well. Nate tried his best to smile as he waved… only for Katie to quickly look away without a second to spare. The boy with the yo-kai watch felt an icy chill flow over his body.

"Well… this is certainly a strange turn of events…" Whisper muttered while scratching his head as he floated over to his master's side.

"There… has to be a yo-kai behind this, I've never been popular with girls," Nate almost hated himself for admitting that, but he was desperate for answers, and completely overwhelmed. Frantically shining the yo-kai watch's light one last time, the boy could only whimper as his search yielded no results.

"Nate, I know it's hard to believe, but no yo-kai is doing this," Whisper shook his head apologetically, holding up his yo-kai pad. "I'm actually serious, I tirelessly searched the yo-kai pad for some kind of explanation, but there are simply no yo-kai capable of this, at least not at this scale, or without being around you."

"That can't be…" Nate glanced around the classroom again, shuddering a bit at a few glares he noticed from his male classmates, and nervous at the various looks of affection from their female counterparts. "If it's not a yo-kai, what is this, Whisper…"

The yo-kai butler let out a solemn sigh, patting the boy on the shoulder, "I'm sorry to say this Nate, but… it seems you have a harem."

Nate stared at the ghost in silent for a couple moments, before his words hit him like a train, "HAREM!?"

"Nathan Adams, why are shouting?" Mr. Johnson looked towards the boy sternly at the sudden interruption to his class.

"N-Nothing, it was nothing, sorry…" Nate whimpered as he sunk into his seat, noticing how the glares that some of the boys were giving him had grown in intensity, and how a few of the girls let out a few giggles. 'What… why… yo-kai stuff is hard enough, why is this a thing now!?'

And thus, without any warning, the life of one Nathan Adams got just a bit little more complicated…

Well, that's the beginning of that.

As I said; this story is theoretically endless, and I'll update it when the inspiration strikes me, though I do already have a few chapter ideas.

Oh, and if anyone is disappointed by a lack of Hailey in this chapter, don't worry; I have plans for her.