Hi guys, new chapter for you.
1st September 1994
The Burrow
The 1st of September was chaotic as usual in the Weasley household, and Hermione wondered in fascination how the Weasley's ever got anything done. Cedric's father had collected him from the Burrow on the day following his overnight stay, and he bid goodbye, promising to see them all today.
Hermione couldn't help herself but be slightly excited at that thought. Finally at 10:00 the Weasley's floo-ed to the Leaky Cauldron, before walking the short distance to Kings Cross.
They arrived at 10:30, running at the wall between platforms 9 and 10 to get to the now familiar Platform 9 and 3/4's.
The platform itself was crowded with students and parents as the Scarlet engine billowed steamed onto the Platform. Hermione spotted him almost immediately. His blonde head easy to spot above the crowd with his stature at 6ft 5. She walked by him on her way to stow away her trunk, and he caught her eye, she smiled and he smiled in return. What are you doing Ced? She's not even 14 yet he thought at his actions but couldn't help himself. He loosely followed her, swooping into action to help her put her luggage on the train.
"Hi" He said as they walked away from the luggage section of the train.
"Hi" She replied smiling. She approached the large group of Weasley's Cedric in tow, and bid goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley before boarding the train with the Twins, Lee Jordan, Ginny, Harry and Ron. Cedric followed them.
"You don't have to come with us you know" She said turning to him as they boarded the train. "Don't you have your own friends?"
"Trying to get rid of me Granger?"
"No, just asking"
"I'll find them later" he said, joining them in the compartment. Harry and Ron spoke animatedly and Ginny was joined by a girl from Ravenclaw in her year. The twins sat talking about the business, so that left Hermione and Cedric.
"So" She said feeling awkward.
"So, last week was intense right" He said.
"Thats the understatement of the century" She said.
"How did your parents feel when you told them?" He asked and she shrugged in reply "What do you mean?"
"I didn't tell them, they wouldn't care anyway, they're not those kinds of parents" She said.
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Don't be, I'm not, and now I have another whole year without them" Hermione said.
Hogsmeade Train Station
The train rolled into Hogsmeade station as the darkness began to fall over the village. Hagrid stood on the station platform as normal, ushering the 1st year students forward and he led them towards the boats.
Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Ron and the Twins headed for the carriages, Hermione catching Cedric's eye as they moved towards them, him now surrounded by his Hufflepuff friends.
The castle looked magnificent as always, its lights twinkling down as they ascended up the hill towards the castle.
The great hall was terrific as ever, and Hermione was still awed by the sight of it. The 6 then sat down at the Gryffindor table, Hermione seated besides Fred and Ginny. The room filled with returning students and Hermione smiled. The 1st years were sorted by McGonagal and the Sorting Hat. Dumbledore then stood from his seat at the Teacher's table and stood behind his plinth silencing the loud room.
"Good evening everybody, and welcome to another year here at Hogwarts. I want to inform the 1st year students and to remind existing students that the Forbidden Forrest is strictly out of bounds, I also would like to introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, Alastair Moody." Dumbledore said. "Now I think we're all hungry for supper, so" He raised his hands and the feast appeared before them.
Hermione tucked into the splendour before them excitedly, and watched disgustedly as Ron stuffed his gob. The feast ended with a final speech from Dumbledore before they were all released to bed.
Gryffindor Tower, Hogwarts School
Hermione, Ron and Harry climbed the stairs to Gryffindor Tower, greeting the Fat Lady, ready to receive the new password. The entered the familiar Common Room, Hermione setting herself on the plush red sofa she had missed since the last day of term.
Time passed and one by one, students retired to bed, eager to get some sleep before classes restarted the following day. Hermione didn't realise she was awake as late as she was, only realise the time when an Owl tapped against the window and she glanced at the time. Letting the creature in, it extended its leg to her.
Hope your getting settled in ok, there's whispers of some big announcement later in the week, though nobody seems entirely sure what it is.
Have a good year,
Your Friend,
Cedric Diggory.
She read smiling at the letter. Gathering her things together, she marched up the stairs to the 4th year girls Dormitories. Settling in the only unoccupied bed, she got her pyjamas out and placed the letter safely within her trunk.
Dressing in her pyjamas, she crawled under the sheets on her scarlet 4 poster bed wrapping herself in its warmth and drifting into a dreamless sleep.
Again, another short chapter, hope you enjoyed, they will get longer once we get into the story!