Hello all Storm here with a new story! Now this is another Naruto/Harry Potter story only this time rather than using on source as the third crossover, I'm using two! One for the power Naruto will get and the other is the girl I'll be pairing him with and to anyone that has any complaints, to bad! You don't like it then go read something else! Also this story was inspired by another story "The Girl Who Survived" by "Winxclubrocks" so go check that out it's great story. So, without further ado.
I own nothing.
Time is such a fragile thing; all it takes is one small crack to shatter all of time and space. To meddle with time is met with grave consequences, unless you know exactly what it is you are doing and seek to accomplishment. Whether it be preventing a disaster from happening in the future or to change your own present life by altering the past.
But of course, to change the past, you are at risk of erasing yourself from existence or even setting in motion the very events you sought to prevent.
All it takes is one single change that can cause untold devastation.
In my time, I was merely one part of a much greater being, I was a god with power over time itself. But I was not at my full power, having been separated between my conscious and my power, all by those lowly humans who believed they could harness my power.
But then I was sealed away for ten years, I was sealed away by Shadow the Hedgehog. It was ironic that I would then be reborn through his own shadow and giving to him what he gave to me, a one-way ticket to oblivion.
I then set in motion the events that would release my other half that had been sealed away, but was released in the future. Unfortunately, my other half had already taken on his own form by then and we could not merge. But I was able to trick that fool Silver into hunting down and killing the one that would result in the release of my other half, Sonic the Hedgehog.
But my plan was continuously halted until I finally stepped in and did it myself. At last, I was able to merge with my other half and restore our true form, Solaris the Sun God. I was going to show the humans my power, the power they desired to control, and use it devour all timelines, thereby erasing them.
However, I underestimate just how quickly the feeble cling to hope. Using the power of the Seven Chaos Emeralds, the Hedgehog's friends managed to revive Sonic, and together with Shadow and Silver, they managed to destroy my consciousness. It was then that Sonic and Princess Elise went back in time and blew out Solaris when he was just the Flame of Hope and they all believed that was the end it.
Fools! All of them!
They may have destroyed Solaris, but they could never destroy me! When they destroyed Solaris's physical form, I was able to break away and save myself from destruction. Sonic and Elise may have saved their future by blowing out Solaris, but they did not erase me.
Neither of them realized the consequences of their actions, they didn't stop the tragedies that unfolded, nor did they save the future that fool, Silver, came from! All that they did was create a new timeline, where Solaris, Iblis and I didn't exist, nothing more, nothing less! I guess that saying I learned was true, the Multiverse Theory really is a bitch!
Though even with my freedom I now felt… lost. Solaris was gone, Iblis was gone, I could never assume by true splendor again. And despite escaping destruction, my body was damaged.
I no longer had a goal, a purpose for my existence. I still possessed power great enough to destroy this world, the power to travel through time, and the cunning to manipulate my new host into doing my bidding. But what would be the point of it all, destroying everything until nothing remains. What then?
I prided myself on always being five steps ahead, but now I have no set path, no destination. And if I don't gain a new body soon, my escape from destruction might end up being in vain.
But perhaps this boy, Naruto Uzumaki, can provide me with the body that I need, while I search for a new purpose.
Only Time will tell.
Azkaban prison was originally built in the 15th Century by the Dark Wizard Ekrizdis to practice some of the Darkest Arts and lure unsuspecting Muggles to his island to be used as test subjects. After his death, the numerous protections he kept on the island faded, allowing the Ministry of Magic to locate the mysterious island.
It wasn't until 1718 that the Minister of Magic at the time, Damocles Rowle, turned Azkaban into a prison using the Dementors located on the island as prison guards. Since then, Azkaban has housed the worst criminals of the Wizarding World, or really anyone that was accused of a crime that the current Minister didn't like and simply threw them into Azkaban.
There were no Wards or Charms put in place to prevent prisoners from escaping. In fact, most prisoners weren't even required to stay in their cells, as with the Dementors presence, most were already trapped within their own minds. There were also no human guards, with the only visitors being high ranking Ministry officials or the Minister, himself.
Most of the current criminals residing within Azkaban consisted of Death Eaters, followers of the Dark Lord Voldemort, from the previous war and Pure-Blood Supremacists that, while not officially Death Eaters, did agree with Voldemort's goal of Pure-Bloods ruling the Wizarding World and killing Muggles.
Of course, there was one prisoner who didn't belong to either of these groups.
The prisoner in question was a fifteen-year-old teen with bright spiky blonde hair, lightly tanned skin, dull blue eyes, three whisker marks on each cheek, and wearing the standard Azkaban prisoner clothes.
This was Naruto Uzumaki, a former Fourth Year Gryffindor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Now he was locked away in what's basically hell on Earth for a crime he didn't commit.
Naruto could take in his surroundings, while once again cursing everything that happened that lead up to this point.
When he had first received his Hogwarts letter, Naruto had been excited and eager to enter a world he that only thought existed in fairy tales, one that he learned was actually real and he was part of it. He had been sorted into Gryffindor, where he had met and befriended Bloom Potter, the adopted daughter of James and Lily Potter, and known by everyone as the "Girl-Who-Lived".
Unlike the rest of the Wizarding World, Naruto didn't see Bloom as some great hero or savior because of something she did as a baby, he only saw her as Bloom, something the fiery haired girl had been thankful for. He had heard about all the adventures Bloom, Hermione, and Ron had gone on during their time at Hogwarts, Naruto himself didn't go on any with them since he knew what he was capable of; he wasn't smart like Hermione, didn't rush into situations recklessly like Weasley, and he definitely didn't have the power that Bloom had. The most Naruto had been able to do was stick by Bloom's side when the rest of the school would turn their backs on her, whether it was when she was accused of being the Heir of Slytherin or in Third Year with the Dementors and Sirius Black, who at the time everyone believed to be a deranged lunatic, until Bloom managed to prove he was innocent.
It was in Fourth Year when everything went straight to hell.
He supposed it started when Bloom's name came out of the Goblet of Fire as the fourth Champion of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Most of the school believed Bloom put her name in, including Weasley, but Naruto knew Bloom didn't, simply because she just wanted a quiet school year for once. It wasn't until after the First Task that mostly everyone started believing Bloom didn't in fact put her name in the Goblet, then things continued on in a semi-normal way. Then the Third Task came, and things just got worse.
Naruto wasn't really sure what happened, but just before the Third Task he had been knocked out and then taken somewhere. When he had finally came to, he was at the starting area for the Third Task, with Bloom panting and hold the Tri-Wizard Cup, while Cedric Diggory, the original Hogwarts champion, lying dead next to him, and no less than a dozen Aurors pointing their wands at him with the Minister shouting for him to be arrested for murdering Cedric.
He had tried telling them what happened, but no one would listen, they all simply believed he had killed Cedric, and no one gave him a chance to defend himself. The only one that actually spoke in his defense was Bloom, but they just passed it off as him Confunding her, completely ignoring the fact that he had been unconscious!
After that, he had been carted off to Azkaban and thrown into a cell with the Dementors surrounding him. With Naruto noticing that the Dementors seemed to target him more than the other prisoners the more time he was here. Unknown to Naruto, members of the Ministry had made sure to order the Dementors to target him more, given he was a Muggleborn and there were plenty Pure-Blood supremacists in the Ministry, who'd enjoy making him suffer under the Dementors.
A chill then went up his spine, pulling Naruto from his bitter recollection and he looked up to see a group of Dementors entering his cell. That wasn't all, as he heard the jeers, laughing, and taunts of the other prisoners who treated this like a show, and to them it was watching a Mudblood suffer. Thankfully, Naruto's been able to block them out, unfortunately he couldn't block out the Dementors as they moved in closer and began sucking out his happy memories and emotions, leaving behind only bad ones and the voices.
"He killed Cedric!"
"Give him the Dementors Kiss!"
"Throw him through the Veil!"
This what he hears every time the Dementors show up, everyone condemning for killing Cedric, shouting for him to either have his soul sucked out or thrown through some Veil.
After a few moments, Naruto could no longer remain conscious as the Dementors continued feeding off his memories.
Opening his eyes, Naruto saw he was no longer in his cell or surrounded by Dementors. He was now in what looked like an endless black void with ankle deep water.
'Wh-what… what happened? Where am I?' Naruto thought, while looking down and saw he was still wearing his prisoner clothes.
'Is this… the inside of a Dementor?' Thought Naruto, wondering if a Dementor got over eager and ate his soul, with this being where souls that are eaten by Dementors end up.
"Huh?" Naruto muttered as he heard a voice call out for help.
Hearing it again, Naruto started walking in what he hoped was where the voice came from. While normally it wouldn't be smart to walk towards a strange voice, but if Naruto's soul really was eaten by a Dementor, then what exactly did he have to be scared of?
After all, he's already dead.
Soon, Naruto arrived at the source of the voice, but rather than seeing another human or even a magical creature, it looked like an anthropomorphic black hedgehog with bluish-grey streaks in its quills, wearing gloves and shoes, had reptilian green slitted eyes, and no mouth on its muzzle. Naruto also saw that it's body seemed to be dissolving into black goo.
"Hey are you alright?" Naruto asked worried, both for the creature and the chance that this could happen to him.
"Help…me…please…" It said weakly.
"Who, what are you? What is this place?" Naruto asked, wanting to figure where he was.
"My name…is…Mephiles…and I was…trapped here…" Said Mephiles as his body continued dissolving, showing he didn't have long.
"Trapped here? By who?" Asked Naruto.
"By those…who wished to…erase my existence…to understand why…you would…have to know…my story." Mephiles replied.
"Your story?" Said Naruto, with Mephiles nodding slowly.
"I was once part of…a god…Solaris the Sun Deity…I watched over…and protected time…and space…until humans sought to…control me and take my power…but they couldn't control me…and so they ripped me apart…my mind, conscious, and will became… what you see now and my power became my other half…Iblis…I desired to merge with Iblis and become Solaris…once more… but I was sealed away by my enemy…Shadow the Hedgehog… for ten year until I was freed and wished to complete…my quest to find and…free Iblis…so that Solaris could be reborn…but I was stopped by three Hedgehogs…Sonic, Silver, and Shadow…along with their allies…they wanted to stop me…seal me away again…but I was able to…free Iblis and merge into…Solaris…but Solaris was… eventually destroyed by…the three hedgehogs…with Sonic and the Princess Elise…going back in time to erase Solaris…when he was just the Flame of Hope…but all they did…was create…a timeline where…Solaris never existed…and now I have traveled through timeline after timeline…through universe after universe…until I found you…Naruto Uzumaki…" Mephiles said, while looking up at Naruto, who looked at him in shock at hearing his story.
"Me?" Asked Naruto, confused that Mephiles would want him for.
"Yes…I have seen your life…how you were imprisoned…and vilified for a crime…you didn't commit…left to rot…I can help you…give you the power to escape…and get justice for yourself…" Offered Mephiles, feeling that he was nearing his end unless he did something soon.
"How?" Naruto asked, wanting to hear how Mephiles could help him escape Azkaban.
"Merge…with me…and together we can have…our revenge…on all those that wronged us…" Said Mephiles, while holding out his hand for Naruto take.
Naruto was tempted to take the offer, but he was hesitant since while Mephiles seemed to speak sincerely, his appearance alone just screamed "DON'T TRUST!". But at the same time, Naruto saw Mephiles as a kindred spirit. Someone who just wanted to return to his true form, but was stopped by those who feared and hated him, just like how Naruto is hated and imprisoned for something he didn't do.
Just because he was a convenient scapegoat.
And his offer of power, freedom, and revenge, it was too tempting to pass up. Especially since Naruto knew if the Dementors didn't kill him, then the other prisoners will, or worse, if Voldemort does return and breaks out his followers.
In the end, it wasn't really a choice.
Taking Mephiles's hand, both Naruto and the evil Hedgehog were engulfed in a dark aura as they merged together. When the aura faded, it revealed only one figure who looked at themselves in surprise.
"Hm, how strange. The boy's willpower was stronger than Mephiles originally believed. Rather than simply taking over his body to get one that wasn't damaged, we have truly merged into a single being." The being said, before narrowing his eyes.
"The part of me that is still Naruto Uzumaki is angry at Mephiles for tricking and nearly killing me, in a sense, but is also thankful. As now we have access to all of Mephiles's power and a new more powerful body. It may have just cost me my magic, but what is magic compared to the power of a god." Said the being as he smirked, since while Mephiles was only half of Solaris, he was still more powerful than any Witch or Wizard, past or present.
"Hm, I suppose I will need a name. I'm no longer Naruto or Mephiles, but at the same time I am both…" Said the being, while cupping his chin in thought, before smirking again.
"For irony's sake, I will call myself Naruto, and I will keep the name Mephiles as an alias. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for the humans just yet. But for now, I believe a demonstration of my power is in order, and I have several sheep all locked away and ready for the slaughter." Naruto said, while chuckling darkly as he vanished from the void.
Meanwhile, a dark aura had begun surrounding Naruto's body before it exploded off of him. The other prisoners could only look on in shock as the Dementors surrounding him gave out shrieks of agony as they melted away into black smoke. All while the souls that the Dementors devoured remained, before fading as they moved onto the next life.
This obviously shocked them all, even the deranged Bellatrix Lestrange, at seeing the supposedly unkillable Dementors being killed. The only spell they knew of that could actually work on Dementors was the Patronus Charm, and even then, it only repelled Dementors, not kill them, no matter how powerful the Patronus was.
The prisoners then turned to the one who managed to kill the Dementors and several them looked in fear at what they saw. A figure where Naruto once was now stood in his cell, his head hung low and arms hanging loosely in front of them.
(Play-Mephiles Whisper)
The figure walked slowly forward and seemed to phase through the bars as everyone looked at them warily, and even some fear at its appearance.
The figure looked like a corpse with their deathly pale skin, while also having jet black hair with bluish-grey streaks. The figure then lifted their head up slightly and looked at the prisoners, who flinched away at its green slitted eyes, eyes like a reptile, that looked at them. In fact, the only feature that told them all who this was, were the whisker marks on their cheeks.
Naruto looked at the prisoners silently, none of them daring to move or make a sound both from the fact he was able to do the impossible and kill Dementors. But his presence and the power he was radiating, it felt like smoke filling their lungs, their blood freezing in their veins, like they were looking into an endless dark abyss, only now something was looking back at them.
Even the Dark Lord, for all his mastery over the Dark Arts, his power was still magic. But now this boy, it wasn't magic they sensed, it was just pure darkness.
For a moment nothing was said or done, until finally a fanged smirk formed on Naruto's face, one that radiated darkness and evil.
The next moment, the only thing that could be heard for miles was the screams of pain and agony from both the prisoners and Dementors alike.
*Timeskip-Five Days*
Standing in Azkaban was the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, with Lucius Malfoy, his Senior Undersecretary, Dolores Umbridge, and the Head of the DMLE, Amelia Bones. While throughout the prison, the Aurors were at work, collecting the deceased prisoners and what was left of the Dementors.
Fudge looked particularly squeamish at seeing the mutilated corpses being carted out, even more so for the prisoners that were unlucky enough to be left alive. The ones who were left alive however probably wish they were just killed, their hands looked to have either been cut off or forcefully ripped off, depending on the wounds, their tongues cut out and the wounds cauterized so they wouldn't choke on their own blood, and their heads looked to have been bashed into several times, to the point any memories extracted to find out who did this would only be jumbled messes. They also had to be restrained, since they kept flailing around and trying to speak, but were only able to get out choking sounds.
That's not even mentioning the blood covering every inch of the hallways and cells, along with the prisoners who had been torn apart to the point they couldn't even be recognized.
Lucius looked into one of the cells with a sad expression when he saw the mutilated corpse of Bellatrix Lestrange, her expression forever frozen in horror, fear, and agony. It was sad, both at losing one of the Dark Lord's top Death Eaters and Narcissa's reaction when she learns of her sister's death and how she died.
As he looked at Bellatrix's body, Lucius could see that the only recognizable part was her head…the rest of her skin had been flayed and all her internal organs removed, which had then been forced fed to… Lucius quickly shook his head less he release his stomach's content at recounting the more gruesome details.
'The Dark Lord will not be pleased when he learns of this.' Lucius thought, knowing Voldemort had planned a mass breakout for all his imprisoned followers and to recruit the Dementors, when the opportunity presented itself.
Now that plan was dead in the water, before it could even be finalized.
Meanwhile, Umbridge was silently fuming as her plan to send Dementors after the Potter girl, either to have her soul devoured or expelled for using magic outside of school, was ruined with all the Dementors now dead.
How is that even possible?!
Amelia walked up to the Minister after she had gotten a complete list of the deceased prisoners and the ones still living.
"Minister, all but one of the prisoners have been accounted for." Amelia said, with Fudge flinching at the fact a prisoner was missing, likely the one who was the cause of this.
"Wh-who?" Fudge asked, fearful of what prisoner could have escaped and was dangerous enough to do this.
"Naruto Uzumaki." Amelia answered, with Fudge paling dramatically at the name.
Now the Minister was beyond terrified at learning who was able to escape. Not even Sirius Black, someone who they all believed was You-Know-Whos right-hand man at the time, was able to do this when he escaped Azkaban. And yet now a Fourth Year Hogwarts student, one who didn't have a wand, didn't graduate, and had been suffering under the Dementors for nearly three months, wasn't only able to escape, but slaughter all the other prisoners and the Dementors to boot.
Not to mention the fact that it's likely the boy will want revenge for them using him as a scapegoat and locking him away, because of Fudge's refusal to believe Dumbledore that the Dark Lord was back.
Fudge would have happily gotten the Daily Prophet to put all the blame on the boy, but he couldn't. Everyone was already on edge with Dumbledore's continuous proclamations of the Dark Lord's return. If people found out a fifteen-year-old boy, a Muggleborn at that, managed to kill every prisoner in Azkaban, along with doing the impossible and kill all the Dementors, it'd throw the entire Wizarding World into chaos and put his term as Minister in jeopardy.
Once Amelia had walked away, Fudge turned to Lucius and Umbridge, knowing she'd raise a fuss at what he was about to do next.
"Lucius, Dolores, I need both of you to find the Uzumaki boy as soon as possible! Get anyone you need to help with the search, just find him and make sure he can't reveal what's happened here, under any circumstances!" Fudge whispered loudly, not caring how they kept the boy silent, as long as this incident wasn't leaked to the public.
Both nodded, more than eager to hunt down a Mudblood and not be stopped. Sure, they'd planned to do so anyway for their own reasons, but now the Minister had unknowingly helped make sure they couldn't be charged with killing the brat.
He did after all say, silence him under any circumstances.
*Unknown Location*
Meanwhile, miles away in a moonlit forest, Fenrir Greyback choked and gagged as a stranger had their hand wrapped firmly around his throat. Given who he was, it would be amazing to anyone to see the fearsome and bloodthirsty werewolf at anyone's mercy, it was even more impressive and alarming that this was happening when the full moon was out.
Along with there being several dead werewolves surrounding them, all whom have been torn apart, while a few remained alive. But none of them made a move to help their Alpha, as they kneeled in fear and submission of the stranger.
The stranger in question was wearing a full-length black coat with a hood that was currently pulled up, shrouding their face in shadows and a waist-high slit going up the back. It also has a large silver zipper that fastens at the top and zips down to seal the coat, with the zipper currently been pulled down to just below their waist. Along with having silver drawstrings for the hood decorated, with a large silver bead hanging from the end and a silver chain ornament adorned with four large cylindrical silver beads that fastens to a loop on either side of the collarbone region.
"And here I was hoping you'd prove to be a challenge Fenrir, given how you were considered the most fearsome werewolf of your time. But right now, all I see is a rabid animal brought to heel." The stranger said, while Fenrir snarled and snapped his jaws at them, wishing he could tear into this runt.
"I'll kill you! I'll kill you and everyone you love; I'll devour and defile their bodies over your corpse!" Fenrir snarled, being able to talk even in his wolf form, but the stranger merely scoffing at his words.
"Empty threats from a dead man." They said.
The strangers shadow then extended off them and grabbed hold of Fenrir's own shadow, before proceeding to absorb it, increasing their own power. No longer needing Fenrir, the stranger clenched their hand around the werewolf's throat crushing it, before tossing Fenrir's corpse to the side, as if it were trash. They then turned to the still living werewolves, who all whimpered in fear of them being next.
"I'm the Alpha now." They stated with their eyes glowing under their hood, showing they were green and reptilian.
Looking at the gathered wolves, the stranger smirked at seeing they were properly cowed into submission. Now to turn them into something he can actually make use of.
So, what did you think, good. Yep Naruto has been sent to Azkaban as a scapegoat for Cedric's death, met and merged with Mephiles, killed all the prisoners and Dementors, and now he has escaped and killed Fenrir along with taking control of his pack. Not only that but now Fudge is working to keep the incident at Azkaban secret and given Lucius and Umbridge free reign to hunt down Naruto, oh those poor unfortunate souls they think they stand a chance. Along with that Naruto is friends with Bloom Potter, and yes it's the same Bloom from Winx Club, got a problem to bad my story my rules. Also for how Bloom acts please refer to the story that inspired this one, "The Girl Who Survived", since I really like how Bloom is portrayed in that story and before anyone says anything, the author gave me permission. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.
Storm out