A/N: Took a break from writing the last chapter of The Prime Number Preference. This one-shot features scenes from S6E14 the Cooper/Kripke Inversion and is set during S9E2 The Separation Oscillation.

During their break-up, Amy points out to Sheldon that she had spoken to him more in the last two days than in the last two months they were together. Later that day, he comes over to her house with a box of her things.

This is my – adult-themed – take on what could have happened during the "Whose bra is this?" scene.

This turned out darker and more dramatic than I expected.


The Break-Up Intimacy

Sheldon was determined to win Amy back. He had called her over Skype earlier, and she had been rather cold with him. He was surprised at first – who wouldn't want to make an episode of Fun With Flags with him? – but later thought over her comments over a cup of tea.

Boy, she had a said a lot to him. Not only in this conversation, but also in the Skype call two days ago. The Skype call. Had it only been two days? Never before had he felt like this: the pain cut him deeper than any physical pain he had ever had. It wretched him. His heart constricted in his chest, like it was pierced with a thousand small needles.

He felt so conflicted, because he didn't understand why this had happened. They were in a good place, Amy and him. But apparently, she didn't think so. How could two brilliant people like themselves have such a different point of view on the same situation? There he had been; mentally planning a way to ask her to be his wife – his wife – for months now. How happy his mother had been when he called her and asked for the ring.

And she… she had said that it was 'challenging' to be his girlfriend. Both emotionally and physically. What did that mean? Why would it be emotionally challenging to be his girlfriend?

Oh, if only Leonard were here. Leonard would be able to explain it to him. If Sheldon thought long and hard, he could try to figure it out. He had two doctorates after all. But social situations were not his strong suit. During all of his adult life he had often made the wrong move, resulting in awkward social situations and tedious apologies. Because of his eidetic memory, Sheldon could recall all the times Leonard had told him – exasperatedly most of the time – that he had been either rude or inconsiderate, and would have told him to apologize.

Sheldon tried to rack his brain to see what he possibly could have done wrong to make Amy say such a thing to him. He couldn't think of a single thing.

Perhaps he could figure out the other thing then. It was a physical challenge for Amy to be with him.

Hmmm. He pondered.

He had never asked her to do anything physical at all. Manual labour, lifting things, moving things? Anytime he needed help in that department, he always asked Penny to help him. Her strong Nebraskan farmer skills came in quite handy at those times.

Other times, Sheldon avoided anything physical altogether. He disliked touching. He was afraid of germs. If he could, he would avoid human contact at all times. His attempt at living as a robot turned out to be unsuccessful though.

He could not for the life of him figure out why Amy found it physically challenging to be with him. There was nothing physical to begin with. Well, almost nothing. They had spent quite some time kissing for the past year. But, she had liked that. Wanted it. Wasn't Amy's idea to add kissing to the relationship agreement?

So, that couldn't be it. Sheldon racked his brain again. In his imagination, his fingers moved swiftly through a file cabinet, filled with memories. Anything to do with Amy. Conversations with her, conversations about her, skyping sessions, articles in Neuron, jewellery, Fun with Flags, cosplay in Star Trek uniforms – do not go there.

Conversations about Amy took up a rather big drawer. Maybe the clue as to why was to be found there?

Conversations about Amy + 'physical' only gave a few hits. He replayed one of them in his mind.

Penny and Leonard sat across from him. They were discussing the horrendous conversations he had had with Barry Kripke, whose work turned out to be much better than his. He had been upset, and that was putting it mildly. And then, the best thing had happened. Kripke had handed him a solid excuse for his poor work; it was suffering from 'all the laid he was getting'.

Sheldon had asked Leonard and Penny to play along with the web of lies he had spun. Penny had interrogated him about his lack of sex life.

"Sheldon, can I ask you a question. Are you ever gonna sleep with Amy?"

And after that. "Be serious, you guys have been going out a long time. She would clearly like a physical relationship with you. So, what are you doing?"

It was a conversation from some time ago. Two years, seven months and three days to be exact. He hadn't really thought about it much after this.

Should he have? Was this 'physical challenge' Amy spoke of to do with a lack of physical contact?

She had wanted more, perhaps. Penny certainly suggested it. But this conversation had been from before they had integrated kissing in their relationship. So, he would have to assume she was happy with that development.

What more could Amy possibly want?

More kissing? Sheldon scoffed. That was preposterous.

If it was more kissing Amy wanted, she wouldn't have stopped him on their last date night. So, that wasn't it.

"Are you ever gonna sleep with Amy?" Penny repeated in his head.

Sheldon froze. Could that be it? Could the reason Amy ended things with him be that they didn't have coitus? Was she really that single-minded? Oh, how he longed back to the Amy he met in that coffee shop. All physical contact was off the table. And yet, here she was, ending things with him because she wanted that same physical contact. The hypocrisy. True, things had changed between them. But he wasn't there yet. She should have respected that.

Although. It wasn't as if he had tried to move their relationship forward on that level. Should he have? It was too late now. She hadn't even given him a chance. And… she hadn't even made it clear to him that this was what she wanted. He had to figure it out himself.

So. Amy wanted something physical, then? He would have to look into that.

Sheldon had gone online to freshen up his knowledge on sexual matters. It turned out to be rather interesting. After looking at porn – which seemed to be more about pleasing men than pleasuring women – he had almost given up on finding the information he wanted. But then, he stumbled upon some forums and learned quite a lot. He also did read some interesting articles on the website of women's magazine Cosmopolitan. About getting your way with sex (it was written for women to get their way, but he could turn it around in his head), about break up sex (interesting to say the least) and getting your man to pay more attention to you instead of himself.

After that, he skimmed through the book Penny and Leonard had once given him.

Satisfied he knew enough about the subject, he set off to confront Amy about this nonsense. But first, he needed to make a stop at Penny's for a certain article of clothing.

He had a solid plan. There was no way this would fail.

Turns out, Amy did not appreciate him visiting her. He was at her door with a box of her things – and one of Penny's.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Sheldon asked.

Amy rolled her eyes, but opened the door nonetheless. She stood next to the kitchen table with her arms crossed. Closed off, protecting herself, Sheldon deduced.

"I have come her to perform some break-up rituals, Amy. I am sure you are familiar with them," he spoke clearly and full of confidence. Confidence was key in this. "It consists of three parts. I assume this not a bad time. Or do you have somewhere to be?"

Amy looked at him blankly. "What do you mean, break-up rituals?" She heaved a sigh. Was she tired? That wouldn't do. He needed her to work with him.

"First, we'll start with our Facebook statuses," he began, pulling out his phone and logging on. After a few clicks, their relationship had vanished from the 'About' section on his profile. Amy's phone dinged with a notification.

Amy just looked at him. "Go on then," Sheldon implored her. When she didn't move towards her phone fast enough, he continued.

"This was your decision, Amy. Not mine. You know how I am, I need closure. And for me to reach closure, we will need to perform some rituals. If we don't, we won't be broken up according to society," he took a deep breath, "and, for society to accept our break-up, the first step is to change our Facebook relationship-statuses."

Amy sighed again, but grabbed her phone anyway. "Fine," she swiped on her phone and clicked a few times.

Sheldon regarded her. The articles on that Cosmopolitan website had given him some great insights in the female psyche. He should really have started reading them years ago. It turned out, women could be really fragile and insecure about their feelings or their bodies. Who knew? Sheldon always thought Amy was above that, but it turned out she could be one of the women the magazine wrote about. Women in need of confirmation about their intelligence, their feelings, their bodies.

And, Sheldon had concluded, for Amy to be happy with him again, he would have to rid the reasons she thought being with him was challenging. He would handle the emotional challenges later, when Leonard and Penny were back from their shotgun wedding in Vegas. The physical challenges however, could be dealt with now. She wanted something physical. She could get it.

Cosmo had handed him the best excuse to suggest being intimate,: break-up sex.

Amy put down her phone and looked up at him. She looked sad and apprehensive. Or at least, that's what Sheldon thought it was. Really, it could be anything.

"Well, I guess that's that. What else?" she asked.

He would have to play his cards right on this one. One wrong move, and getting back together with her was off the table. Sheldon cleared his throat. "The next ritual consists of giving each other a box of the other's personal belongings," he indicated towards to box on her couch, "but since you had no idea I would be coming over, you probably would need some time to gather all my things."

Amy raised her eyebrows at him. "You really don't have a lot of things around here," she pursed her lips, "and if you'll only use that as an excuse to come over here again, I'd rather you wait while I get everything now." She went over to the cabinet under the sink to grab a plastic shopping bag.

"Oh, there's no need," Sheldon stopped her, his hand on her arm, "you can just give it to Penny once you have gathered everything."

They were standing close together now. Amy's back to him, Sheldon behind her. His hand on her upper arm. She was warm to the touch and Sheldon had trouble remember the last time he had consciously touched her. It troubled him that he might have unconsciously touched her. It used to bother him to touch people. Had the last time been on their last and final date night? They had been necking on the couch like a couple of randy teenagers then. Had he held her then? Yes, he thought, he had one of his hands – his right – on her back, the other had been on her leg. Her leg of all places! And yet she still complained about a lack of intimacy.

The air around them spiked with sudden tension. Amy trembled in front of him. Could it be arousal? Anger? He never removed his hand from her upper arm, but started to move his thumb slowly back and forth instead. Her breath hitched.

That was good, right? Shallow breathing? Trembling? Maybe this whole intimacy ordeal was not such a good idea after all, for he had trouble reading her bodily clues. But Sheldon was a good student, he had studied before he came over. Now he just had to ace the test.

He took a tentative step closer. This was fine, they were almost touching. It was like hugging – something he was used to by now – only from behind instead of the front. He could do this. He moved his other hand to the kitchen counter in front of him, moving himself closer still. His chest now flush against her back.

Amy froze and held her breath.

She hadn't pushed him away. That had to be a good sign. He repositioned the hand on her arm to her side. His hand closed around her ribcage, almost brushing her breast. He could feel her heartbeat pound against his palm. Elevated. Definitely elevated.

"Sh-Sh-Sheldon," Amy breathed, "Wha-what are you doing?"

He pressed his body even closer to hers in response. His head descended into her neck. He pressed a kiss to her pulse point there. Amy whimpered in response. That had to be a good sign. She smelled nice. Familiar. He had missed it.

He turned her around, twirling her like in a dance. Sheldon caught hold of her jaw quickly and moved his mouth to hers. She had gasped when he turned her, and his mouth fit over hers nicely. He kissed her like he had never done before, open-mouthed and urgent. Her lips were indulgent under his. Good. Sheldon pressed his lips to hers insistently. Pressing, pulling, suckling. Both his hands clutched her hips now, and she didn't seem to mind.

He pushed her into her kitchen counter with his hands as well as his hips. The momentum caused her mouth to open in a gasp, and Sheldon slid his tongue across her open mouth. That was different. He wasn't sure what he thought of it. He tried it again, only this time he brushed against what could only be Amy's tongue instead of her lips.

Curious. He couldn't say he didn't like it. He would have thought the act of 'French kissing' would bother him greatly – because of the germs of course – but it actually felt quite alright. More than quite alright if he were honest. It was his turn to breathe in deeply now, through his nose. The act of kissing like this caused his blood to flow lower. Usually, Sheldon took care of his morning erections in the shower. It was a necessity, occurring once a week on Sunday mornings after Doctor Who. It kept his body healthy, and kept his body in check when he saw Amy.

He could be honest and admit it now.

It was her he thought about in the shower. Her smile. Her soft, innocent, uncertain touches. Those eyes, looking at him, filled with – with what, actually? Love, desire?

He pressed his lower body into her, without really meaning to or thinking it through. Amy moaned into his mouth, but also pulled her head back from his.

"Sheldon…" she gasped.

He just pressed with mouth against hers again. Devouring her, consuming her. His hands moved from her hips to her breasts. She wanted him to find second base, didn't she? She had told him years ago. She mewled under his touch. His hands cupped them, but there were too many layers of clothing for him to actually feel anything. Especially for California standards, Amy always wore too many layers of clothes.

Sheldon pulled away from her, taking of his windbreaker first. Amy was breathing deeply in front of him. He moved into her again, his hands going for the buttons of her sweater vest. Amy gulped and stared at him. Sheldon looked away from her eyes, focussing on the task at hand. At the final button, he pulled the sweater vest from her shoulders. His hands moved back and started unbuttoning her blouse. He could see the top of her breasts now. The white lace of her bra.

She pushed at his shoulders, breathing heavily.

Sheldon's eyes met hers. She looked so uncertain. Confused. Quickly going back to the article from the magazine inside his head, Sheldon sought to do damage control. Uncertainty. About what? It couldn't be her intelligence. Her body? Emotions?

Or worse. Had he drawn the wrong conclusion? Did she not want this?

"Sheldon," she said, "what are you doing?"

He breathed in deeply. His fingers moved to the newly exposed skin of her décolletage, skimming over the tops of her breasts. "Isn't it obvious, Amy?" he responded breathlessly.

Her breasts moved with every breath she took. Sheldon couldn't keep his eyes of them.


He looked into her eyes again. Still uncertain. Compliments! Women liked to be complimented.

Sheldon swallowed. "You're lovely, Amy," he murmured. He pressed a kiss to her mouth again.

She yielded quickly. She held onto his forearms as she kissed him back enthusiastically. Sheldon moved his hands back to unbuttoning her blouse and removed it hastily. Amy shook in his arms while he touched the bare skin of her tummy, slowly caressing her sides and skimming over her breasts.

The symptoms of her arousal were all there. Shaking, trembling, moaning, sighing. And, when he thought about it, the symptoms were also present when he catalogued his own physiological responses to touching her. He was also quite fond of this French kissing thing. Sheldon realised they couldn't keep this up in her kitchen. Why had he kissed her there? He should have done so in her bedroom. Now, he had to think of a way to get her there. Or perhaps the couch would be sufficient?

He counted out the steps to her bed inside his head. Twenty-two. But only twelve to the couch. He was distracted from his calculations and contemplations when he felt Amy's hands on the back of his neck. She held his face close to hers, like she didn't want him to move away. She wanted him.

Sheldon repositioned his hands and groped her posterior. Amy squeaked in his mouth. Her skirt was in the way. He easily found the zipper on the back and pulled in down swiftly. Pushing the skirt down, Sheldon went on to caress the back of her upper thighs. Amy still wore tights, but he could feel much more of her already like this.

Suddenly, it wasn't enough. He needed to feel her naked skin. He moved his hands up her clothed bottom and squeezed lightly. The moment he pushed his hands underneath the tights to feel the bare skin of her ass – did Amy seriously wear thongs? Penny really had to worst influence on her – Amy pulled her head away from his.

She was breathing heavily. Sheldon was a little out of breath himself.

It was important not to lose momentum now, he figured. What if she stopped him, suddenly came to the realisation that she really didn't want him anymore? That mustn't happen. He was going to convince her. He lowered his head to her neck and kissed her there. He nibbled and kissed, sucking on the tender skin there. It would leave a mark, and that was exactly his intention. Amy moaned at his ministrations.

The whole world would be able to see the mark on her neck. It filled him with a strange sense of pride.

"Amy," he breathed in her ear, his hands still kneading her buttocks. "Come with me." He pulled away from her, his hands left her bottom and grasped both her hands. She seemed in a daze and was easily pulled towards her bedroom. Good.

Once he had her where he wanted her – at the foot of her bed, her facing him – he kissed her again. The journey to her bedroom had cleared the dazed expression on her face a bit, and he needed her back in the mood she was before. He pressed a hard kiss to her lips and then pushed her onto her bed. She fell gracelessly on her mattress, looking up at him in bewilderment. He quickly pulled his shirts over his head, standing bare chested before her.

Amy gaped at the sight of him. She closed her eyes, and shook her head – as if to clear it. She regarded him wearily. "Sheldon," she said, "what is this?"

Sheldon looked down at her. He quickly thought back to everything he read in Cosmo and the forums. Was it not clear what he was doing? Or, maybe it was clear but was Amy doubtful of his intentions? Or he should use a different set of 'moves'?

Instead of answering her right away, he kicked his shoes off and climbed onto the bed. The towered over her, Amy fully reclined on the bed, him above her, resting on his hands and knees.

"Is this not what you want?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.

Amy was silent as she seemed to try to understand his question. "What?" she whispered.

It took all it had in him not to roll his eyes at her response. He bent down and pressed his lips to hers again. He lowered himself on top her of, resting on his forearms instead of his hands. While kissing her deeply, he lowered his hips as well. Amy had instinctively pulled up her knees, and Sheldon used his hand to push them apart to nestle his lower body against her centre.

He thrusted against her. She felt warm – no, hot – against him. He couldn't help but groan at the feeling. Pulling back from her mouth, Sheldon kept moving against her.

Amy moaned underneath him, and moved her hips against his in a way that made Sheldon suspect she wanted him to hit a certain spot. "This is what you want, isn't it?" he asked, urgently. One of his hands had moved to one of her breasts, and he manipulated her nipple through her bra. She gasped. "Tell me you want this, Amy."

"Sh-Sheldon," she murmured. That was all she seemed to be able to say. He had rendered her speechless. She didn't exactly say 'yes' but she didn't say 'no'. Does this count as consent? He should think so.

Sheldon continued his assault on her body. He kissed her again, open mouthed and urgent. He kept pressing against her hot centre, Amy responding underneath him was turning him on greatly. Good, good, he thought, this will work out just fine. I should have done this years ago.

They were still wearing too much clothes for this though.

Sheldon pulled back from Amy, panting hard. He looked down at her. She was breathing deeply as well. A flush spread from her face to her neck to her breasts. Her nipples were poking through the thin fabric of her bra. Never before had Sheldon thought she – anything really – could look this desirable to him. Sexy, even. Something primal awoke inside of him, he wanted her.

He would really have to take a moment later to think about all of this.

He stared into her eyes as he moved his hands to the waistband of her tights. Amy inhaled sharply when his fingers grazed the skin underneath as he hooked his fingers and started to pull them down. Sheldon raised his eyebrows at her in question: if she didn't want this, now was the time to stop him.

Instead of stopping him, Amy lifted her bottom of the mattress to help him remove her tights. Sheldon sat back on his haunches as he pulled the garment of her. After throwing the tights on the floor behind him, he grasped hold of her ankle, and slowly caressed her calf, her knee, her thigh. She lay trembling before him, in just her underwear now. If you could call it that, that thong left little to the imagination.

He pushed her legs open further, and moved his body between them again. Amy appeared nervous and insecure. Sheldon rested his left hand next to her head, and grabbed her hip with the other. He lowered his head to hers, looking into her eyes all the while. "Amy," he breathed, brushing his lips over hers.

Amy met him halfway; kissing him first. Her hands had moved to his shoulder and his bicep, she trembled and was unconfident in her touch. Should he compliment her again? It seemed redundant.

Or… he could let his actions speak for him? That was something the internet forums had suggested.

He moved the hand on her hip slowly towards her centre, all the while softly caressing her skin. It was a good thing he had read up on this, he thought. Amy actually held her breath when he brushed his fingers over her panty-clad womanhood. Sheldon moved his hand to inside the tiny scrap of clothing, noting with gratitude she still went to those waxing appointments. Had she hoped something would have happened on their anniversary? She must have.

He knew it must come off as teasing, just grazing her softly now. Sheldon moved his hand lower, to her wet and aching centre. His fingers slipped easily through her folds. Amy moaned loudly at the first contact. So wet. He marvelled at the feel of her, mapping out her most intimate of places.

Amy shot up with a yelp when he brushed his hand over the hardened nub he was almost sure was on the location of the clitoris. Sheldon grinned at her response. Jackpot. He continued stimulating it with his thumb while he slipped his index finger inside of her, moving it inside and out slowly. He hadn't really thought about what it would feel like, the inside of her. She was soft, wet and hot. Inviting. He wondered what it would be like to have something else of his inside of her instead.

Amy was panting now, having stopped kissing him some time ago now. Sheldon kissed her neck instead, lapping at the hickey he had left there earlier. He inserted a second finger. Noting her body wasn't as compliant as it was with the one finger, he stilled his movements to let her adjust a little. Soon, her hips began to move against him again. He took the cue and began pumping his fingers. His thumb kept up with its caresses on her clit. Amy seemed to love it. "Oh, ooh, Sheldon.." Amy moaned.

Sheldon watched her intently, seeing what caused her breathing to quicken, her inner walls to spasm around his fingers, the sounds she made in the back of her throat. She was moving toward a release, he could tell.

He removed his hand from her, and started to unbutton his pants. He had been hard for quite some time now, and the sounds Amy made had only worsened his condition. He quickly stood up to remove his pants altogether. Amy watched him from her place on the bed, her breathing shallow and an annoyed look on her face – he had just denied her release. He knew that, but was planning to make it up to her real soon.

"Take that off," he said, nodding his head at her crotch. Amy gaped at him. Sheldon wasn't sure if it was because of what he told her to do, or if it was because he had just underdressed completely in front of her. She was staring unabashedly at his member. Sheldon had never been insecure about his privates, and wasn't about to start now. After that one night in the North Pole with his friends, he had been fairly certain that he had nothing to be ashamed of.

She still hadn't responded to him. She looked frightened. "Amy," Sheldon said, standing at the foot of the bed in front of her, "I thought this was what you wanted. At least, used to want. Do you not want this?"

She swallowed thickly. "No-No, I-I-I-I do," she stuttered. "It's just…" She trailed off, and looked away. Sheldon watched her take a deep breath and release it slowly. Then she pulled of her panties quickly and unclasped her bra behind her back in succession.

They were both naked now. Amy's now bare chest moved up and down as she breathed in and out in an increased rhythm. Sheldon pushed apart her legs again and lowered his body between them slightly. He was careful to keep their privates from touching yet, so he angled his hips is such a way his penis touched the back of her thigh instead.

He pressed a kiss to her lips again, to keep her mind from wondering. She was way too nervous, he thought. Why? Had she not wanted this for years now? Was she scared it would hurt her? He had aroused her sufficiently, he thought. He had spent an adequate time preparing her for what was about to come.

Sheldon realised he wasn't nervous at all. He always counted on a good preparation and his literature-filled afternoon had prepared him just fine. Now, it was just about following through.

Amy appeared to be distracted by his kiss. He touched her there again, testing to see if he hadn't misinterpreted her earlier responses. Amy moaned when he pushed two fingers inside her again, her body seemingly welcoming them.

Sheldon pulled back from her mouth. "Amy," he muttered, "are you still on birth control?" She had started taking pills years ago, to regulate her cycle – at least, that had what she had told him. Now, Sheldon wondered if there had been an ulterior motive.

She nodded quickly. "Yes," she whispered, breathless. She must know why he asked her this, and her earlier anticipation returned. Humming to himself, Sheldon kissed her again. He moved his fingers inside of her slowly, and brushed his thumb over her most sensitive part doing so. Her nervousness disappeared quickly, Sheldon's ministrations causing it to be replaced by a burning desire instead. He could feel it, hear it.

Shifting his hips, Sheldon removed his hand from her and grasped his throbbing member. He was rock-hard. He moved it through the slickness of her sex, lubricating the head of his dick as well as a part of the shaft. This already felt so good. The warmth, the wetness of her. He groaned at the feeling.

Once he had positioned himself at the entrance of her sex, he stilled and looked Amy in her eyes. She was looking at him intently. Sheldon tried to decipher what she was feeling. Her eyes were almost black, her pupils had dilated fully. He had to be sure though, there was no turning back after they did this.

He would have to ask her if she wanted this.

"Tell me you want me, Amy," he muttered, his fingers caressing her cheek softly. That came out differently then I planned, he mused. He had intended to ask her if she wanted this, not him. Quite the Freudian slip.

She breathed steadily underneath him, her eyes suddenly filled with tears. "I love you, Sheldon," she whispered. She lifted her head, intending to kiss him again. Sheldon complied, albeit reluctantly.

She hadn't answered his question – not really. It pissed him off, that she wouldn't admit to him she wanted him back. All the signs pointed to her wanting him back, right? If not, then this would turn out to be break-up sex after all. The anger he had felt the last few days returned. He kissed her back fully now. Brushing his tongue against her closed lips, willing her to open up to him. Literally. Their tongues met, and slid against each other.

Simultaneously he pushed his hips forward slightly. He felt the resistance of her body almost immediately, the girth of his member too much for her inexperienced body to handle. Amy pulled away from his kiss and gasped at the intrusion. Her hands tightly squeezing his arms. He kept pushing forward, until the head of penis was inside of her. The hot wetness was tight around him and caused Sheldon's eyes to roll back in his head, the feeling so intense.

He stared in Amy's eyes. He held her gaze as he pushed forward slowly, his entire length filling her completely. Amy winced and the tears that were already in her eyes fell down her cheeks. Sheldon breathed out deeply once he was fully sheathed inside her. He was squeezed so tightly by her warm and wet body, he had to be careful not to lose it directly.

He pressed kisses to Amy's cheeks, her chin, her mouth. She was quivering as she let out a deep breath. Her hands still had a firm grasp on his arms and she squeezed them momentarily.

"Are you alright?" Sheldon asked. He was genuinely concerned; she appeared to be in pain. At this moment Sheldon didn't know anymore when it was physical or emotional. It was exhausting.

Amy looked at him and nodded. "Y-yes," she whispered still breathing deeply, "I feel so full… It hurt for a bit, but I think I'm okay now." Sheldon regarded her, trying to see if she was lying to him or not. He couldn't read her face at all.

He kissed her again and slowly pulled his hips back halfway and then entered her again. He grunted. She felt exquisite. He thrusted again. And again. He felt her body give way, it seemed to accustom to him slightly. Amy moaned softly.

Sheldon lay down on her more, their upper bodies rubbing against each other now. Resting on his forearms, he bracketed her face and kissed her deeply. His hips moving shallowly in a lazy pace. Why had he not done this before? She felt amazing. Now she was accustomed to his size, her hips had started to move with his.

He continued his languid pace of thrusting into her, pulling back and thrusting back again. Amy let out breathy moans with every thrust, her inner walls fluttering around his length. He wanted to speed up, needed to, the desire to come was so great. Instead, he tried to keep his body under control and continued the slow pace, wanting to please her. Was this what 'making love' was?

Sheldon felt the pull in his belly, telling him his arousal was reaching its peak soon.

Amy was moaning underneath him, her earlier pain forgotten. The sounds drove him insane. "Amy," Sheldon called, "Amy, look at me." She did and the look in her eyes was bittersweet. She still looked a bit hurt, but almost melancholic.

He suddenly realised this was break-up sex after all. That's why she didn't answer him when he asked her if she wanted him. Because she didn't.

It was like a slap in the face.

Sheldon choked as he suddenly felt the hurt return full force. He wanted it to be over as soon as possible now. Determined to end this quickly, he moved his right hand to where their bodies were joined and rubbed her clit in strong circles. Amy mewled at the touches and threw her head back. Her eyes rolled back in her head.

She was close. Sheldon increased the speed of his thrusts, never stopping his manual ministrations. "Aaah," she groaned. She was panting, and Sheldon felt her clench around his length inside of her.

"Amy," he spoke urgently. "Look at me, Amy." She did. She had a sad, pitying look in her eyes. Sheldon felt hurt and angry. Why were they doing this, if this was not what she wanted? He was doing this for her. At least, that's how it started out – now he was doing it a bit for him as well. Did she just give in to this, so she would know what it would be like to have him? It certainly seemed like it now.

Sheldon felt an unexpected surge of possessiveness wash over him. She was his.

"That right, look at me," he murmured, "I want you to remember this…. How it was me who was your first…How I made you mine…" He was thrusting hard now, and Amy moaned aloud.

"Sheldon," she whimpered, never looking away from him. He could feel her coming. Her moans were louder than ever, and he felt her clenching around his member. She shuddered under him, her nails leaving marks in his arms as she clasped them firmly. He succumbed to his own orgasm, his mind had no power over her inner muscles milking him dry. He groaned in her neck. The waves of pleasure started at his toes, and moved upwards rapidly, and crashed like waves upon the beach with great force. He slowed down his movements, emptying inside of her.

His mind was always peacefully blank at the moment of orgasm. For someone who was always thinking and overthinking everything, he welcomed the nothingness.

They were both breathing deeply. His head was in her neck still, and their bodies stuck together by their combined sweat. Amy still spasmed slightly around him, stimulating Sheldon still. He was too sensitive now after orgasm, and he pulled away from her entirely. Sheldon felt dirty, sticky with both of their bodily fluids. He would have to shower, get cleaned up as soon as possible.

He sat at the edge of her bed, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. That was it then. Break-up sex.

He got up and pulled on his briefs and sat down to put on this pants. He moved methodically. He stood up and bend down to grab his shirts for the floor, as well as his shoes.

"Sheldon?" Amy questioned softly from the bed. He looked at her. She looked dishevelled: her hair was tangled, her glasses askew. She was glowing in post-coital bliss, it seemed. Is this what is meant with looking 'freshly fucked'?

"Yes?" he answered, in usual brusque tone. He needed the distance. When he concluded she only wanted this to be a one-time thing, he decided he had to get away as soon as possible afterwards.

"Are you leaving?" she asked, her voice small. Sheldon raised his eyebrows at her and he pulled on his shirts. He sat next to her, but didn't face her as he put on his shoes.

"I see no reason to stay, Amy," he said. "We've gone through every ritual now. The third being break-up sex."

He stood up and looked at her. She had tears in her eyes again. He couldn't phantom why, she didn't want him did she? He was finally giving her what she wanted. He would leave her be. He had given her the desired intimacy now, and she still didn't want him. So, that was it. He had no time for her tears. He would leave and focus on his work, become like he was before this entire ordeal with Amy Farrah Fowler.

Amy sobbed. Sheldon regarded her. "I'm giving you what you want, Amy. I don't see why you're sad about this," he snarled.

She laughed derisively. "Yeah, right," she scoffed. She pulled the sheet from her bed around her and walked up towards him. He towered over her. She looked up at him. "I've wanted to be intimate with you for years, Sheldon," she whispered, choking on her words, "but not like this."

Sheldon looked at her quizzically. "Not like this? What do you mean, 'not like this'? Did you not achieve orgasm just now?" he demanded. And when she was silent, he continued, raising his voice.

"There is no pleasing you, Amy. I was prepared to give you everything." He paused to calm himself down. There was no need to tell her about the ring. "You don't know the half of it. And I thought being with you physically would surely persuade you to be my girlfriend again, but I can see that I was wrong."

Amy opened her mouth to speak but no sounds came out. "What do you mean, give me everything?" she whispered.

"It doesn't matter now," he said dismissively. "None of it matters when you don't want me. And you've made that abundantly clear."

She didn't contradict him. She just looked at him with that same sad look. He bend down and pressed a final kiss to her cheek.

"Goodbye, Amy." And with that he left her standing there, naked in her bedroom, wrapped in the very sheet they had just lain on.