
Boku no Hero Academia is owned by Kohei Horikoshi and Bones

Hello and welcome to another experimental fanfic of Boku no Hero Academia, in which a new inspiration popped into my head in an unexpected way, and for the first time, I will be incorporating a combination of detective -themed elements here as I find it quite challenging, as most of my other Hero Academia fics are purely romantic and comedic, and here this is where I will put the characters to the test.

This fic came to light when I was browsing the Hero Academia site, and checked on the various characters, and did a research on Minoru Mineta, where I enjoy his personality being a naughty student, and come up with various ideas that would have him involve in creating this fic.

Another source of inspiration came when I did some research on Yokohama, which led me to do a search on Chinatown. A great source of popular belief is that Chinese merchants sell herbs that are said to strengthen a person's SEX DRIVE, and that led me to come up with the titular fic, and this is where Mineta comes in where he would CONTRIBULTE to the story.

As for the main characters, Izuku Midoriya is the obvious choice, but then I had a bit of difficulty in who will act as his partner, as I already used Ochako Uraraka and Mei Hatsume on my other fics, and scanned the Hero Academia wiki site to see which female UA Academy student would fit the bill. Given that Class 1-A has only six females, I checked on class 1-B for reference, and soon I found a perfect partner for Izuku in the form of Itsuka Kendo.

I did a research on kendo and I find her attractive despite her personality and being the BIG SISTER of Class 1-B, thus I decided to try an experimental pairing between these two.

Well then, read on and enjoy!

Ch. 1: Mineta no tōsaku shoppingu

The scene later shifts to a certain area, where business is thriving the area is frequently being besieged by customers which are a mix of adults and teenagers, and they appeared to be avid collectors, as they are looking and buying second-hand items which are technological in nature, and their reasons for patronizing the said shops are purely economical in nature - cheaper prices and practicality. You can see several shops selling HOT items for cheaper prices, such as smartphones, android tablets and even laptops, and despite being second-hand items, they appeared to be in good working conditions, and some of the customers are willing to buy them as long as their desired items are working fine as well as to save money for budgetary reasons, and the merchants are using subtle means in enticing passing customers.

"Hello...please by our items..."

"They are cheaper..."

"...they are in good working condition..."

"You can try them if you like..."

"I promise you will like them..."

"I promise you will get your money's worth..."

"Here are the items on our display..."

"Pick the one you like..."

The area in question turns out to be Akihabara, and the area is thriving and many merchants set up shops to attract passing customers and entice them to buy their products by showing the items and offered cheaper prices while assuring them that the items are in good working condition, and their marketing strategy worked as some passing customers were intrigued after hearing that so e gadgets are being sold in cheaper prices, and they began asking the merchants what items do they sell, and the merchants showed to the customers the items they are selling, ranging from smartphones to android tablets and even laptops.

Then the scene shifts to another nearby shop, where a merchant is also selling second-hand items, but unlike the other shops, this merchant is selling something else and is catering avid collectors, and the scene shifts inside the shop where you can see the items being sold, which turn out to be classic console units and games, all being displayed on the shelves, and one by one you can see the following consoles being on display, which are:

- Nintendo Famicom

- Super Famicom

- Sega Genesis

- Game Boy Color

- Game Boy Advance

- Neo Geo

- Sony Playstation

- Sega Saturn

- Nintendo 64

In a matter of minutes customers passed by the shop, and most of them are avid collectors and fans of video games, and they were immediately intrigued by the items on display and they looked at the items, as some appeared to be unaware that such classical consoles actually existed, and they began asking the merchants if those consoles and its games are really something to be owned, which the merchant nodded and assured to them that the classic games are RARE, and are fun to play with, saying that even with popular games today that are released on current consoles such as the Sony Playstation 4, the Microsoft X-Box One and the Nintendo Wii, the consoles on display are even COOLER due to its nostalgia factor.

"Are they really cool compared to today's consoles?"

"Yes...they are cool..."


"Yes, sir...they are the very first games...and they are the popular ones in its heydays...and they are RARE to find..."


"Would you like to try them...?"


"I promise you will not regret it..."

And everything went peaceful and harmonious, but little do everyone else know that something unexpected is about to happen without any warning. And with no signs of when it is going to happen.

The scene shifts in Yokohama, which is deemed the Chinatown of the area, due to Chinese immigrants, residents and even those who are married to Japanese persons, which you can see that they are getting along well with the Japanese residents there as they bore no ill-will or grudge against the Chinese people who are doing an honest living.

The scene shifts further within the Chinatown area of Yokohama, as you can see that there are lots of stalls and stores selling Chinese-made products, and many are flocking the stalls to buy the products despite some of the customers are Japanese, and they find interest in buying some of the products made from China.

As you can see, despite the stalls not being much extravagant, business in Chinatown is doing well.

"Hey, please come here!"

"We are selling very good items!"

"We are offering 70% discount!"

"They are very cheap to buy!"

"Free trial!"

"Offer goods while supplies last…"

"Please come over!"

"We will assist you!"

Perhaps the most prominent products being a hot commodity from the stalls are products that are associated with Feng Shui, and other Chinese products that are connected to fortune telling and luck charms, which eventually became the talk of Chinatown, despite the fact that the current season is summer.

The Chinese merchants began to promote selling fruits and other products and claimed that they are well-suited for any occasion of the season as they can bring good luck to those who buy the fruits and products, which attracted and piqued the curiosities of the shoppers.

"Come over here!"

"We sell any items suited for any season! Spring...summer...Christmas...you name it!"

"They are cheap to buy!"

"We offer good luck charms!"

"Good for summer and Christmas!"

"Have a look!"

"I am sure you will like it!"

"Free trial here!"

There someone came to visit the place, as he is on an errand to buy something that is meant to give it to someone. Some of the merchants were slightly taken aback at seeing a certain shopper's appearance, as they never thought they see someone whose appearance was...different.

The shopper turn out to be Minoru Mineta, and he came here at Chinatown for a certain reason. He looked around as he is looking for a certain shop, in which he researched it on the internet, and is careful not to give himself away as he is wearing a hat and trench coat, and as he passed by Mineta began asking some of the merchants about where to find this store he seeks.

The merchants he asked honestly gave him a right answer and told him which directions he should go, and Mineta politely thanked them as he went on his way, and the merchants watched him leave and wondered what kind of person Mineta is, seeing that he appeared to be a little boy, unaware that he is already 16 years old, and the merchants suspected that Mineta seemingly have an ulterior motive for seeking out this shop.

"Look at that…"

"Is he a boy?"

"Maybe he's a teenager having weak growth spurt…"

"Maybe he's an IMP…"

"Come on…he's human. Maybe he's a dwarf…"

"Not too loud…he might hear us…"

"Why would he be looking for THAT shop…"

"I have a bad feeling about this…"

As Mineta walked by, some other merchants glanced at the boy, and they could not help but wondered what is he doing here, as this was the first time they saw someone THAT small came here, and felt that he might be a tourist or someone who is doing errands, but then one merchant called Mineta and offered him a herb which he claimed would give him HEIGHT.

Mineta glanced at the merchant and thought about it, and he politely declined yet thanked him for the offer.

"Hey there…"


"Would you like to buy this herb?"

"Um…what does it do…?"

"It can stimulate your growth spurt."


"You can grow taller."



Meanwhile, the scene shifts at the entrance of Chinatown where Itsuka Kendo happened to came, as she is looking for a shop that sells Qipao clothing that might go along with her Hero costume, and as she walked by, some merchants could not help but admire her beauty, and they began offering her their products in the hopes that she might be enticed and interested to buy.

"Young lady…"

"Please buy our products!"

"It will benefit you!"

"Try my beauty products!"

"How about this one?"

"I'll give you a huge discount!"

"Free trial!"

"what do you say about this one? It gives you enhanced memory!"

Kendo smiled and wave her hand, saying that she is not interested, and went on her way, and after a few minutes she blinked her eyes as she saw Izuku Midoriya standing among the stalls, carrying a basket and he looked like he is doing some shopping, and she approached and greeted him, which Midoriya smiled and greeted her as well, surprised to see her here.

Kendo asked what is he doing here in Yokohama, particularly here in Chinatown, and there he told her that his mom asked her to buy some Chinese food products, as she wants to cook some Chinese cuisines, and he happened to heard about this place and came here, and he asked her what is she doing here, and Kendo told him her reason for coming here.

"Oh, looking for a stall or shop."



"so, Kendo-san…what are you planning to buy?"

"Some qipao…I might need some since my recent battle with a villain was wrecked. I guess it does pay a price after getting our provisional hero licenses…"

"Well…that's true…say, why not go see Hatsume-san…she might upgrade your hero costumes…"

"Hmm…I might consider that…thanks, Midoriya."


As the two teens chatted, they did not notice that some men in tuxedos are walking past them, and they appeared to be heading to the same direction that Mineta is heading, and as the men (about four of them) are walking, the leader instructed them to find THAT ITEM and take it no matter what, which the other three men nodded and vowed to get it and take out anyone who gets in their way.

"You know what to do. Find that item…take by any means. And get away from here. Kill any who try to oppose us."

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

"We must accomplish our task…that is what our boss ordered us to do!"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

What the four men in tuxedo did not notice is that Mineta is ahead of them as he is heading towards the shop he seeks, and he found it, where he appeared to be excited as he has a reason for going there, and walked a bit faster as he wants to find this particular item before someone notices and recognize him, as Mineta is wearing a hat and trench coat.

The four men then glanced at the map and then at the shop, where they realized that they are nearing their destination, and the leader told his men what to do, and they nodded, saying that they understand what the instruction is, and they will accomplish it no matter what.

"Okay, you know the drill. Find that item…take by any means. Kill the shopkeeper to prevent him from calling help. Then make a quick get away. Kill any who try to oppose us."

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

"Once we accomplish our task…we will be rewarded…and we will be praised…that is what our boss ordered us to do!"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

To Be Continued...

Hope you liked this opening chapter, as it served as an introductory prologue on the venue of this story, particularly Yokohama. Mineta is having a somewhat shady purpose for coming here at Chinatown and while the purpose remains unknown, it will be revealed in the next chapter.

Izuku and Kendo meet up and get into a friendly conversation, and happened to be near where Mineta is…and trouble is right next to them as some minor villains are there following Mineta…


The next chapter results in a minor battle as Izuku and Kendo came to Mineta's aid…unaware of what Mineta is up to while inside the said shop…

See you in November…

Reviews are welcomed, but needed…