Disclaimer: I do not own anything relating to Harry Potter though I wish I had that kind writing genius.

The Prologue to Invisible

Lily's P.O.V------

She sat beside the lake with her back against a tall ancient oak tree that had stood on the Hogwarts grounds for centuries. Lily loved trees. If she hadn't been a muggle born and people had known who she was they would have wondered if somewhere along the line someone in her family had had a fling with a dryad, because Lily had a petite delicate figure, and a strange affinity for trees, she could even communicate with them in a way. In her first year at Hogwarts Lily had received her first and only detention when she had been found asleep in the branches this very oak tree after hours. Today though she hadn't come to commune with her tree.

Silent tears ran down Lily's face. Imagine that after six years at the same school you were invisible. That no one aside from the teachers knew your name even though you were top of your class, a prefect and was always helping others with their school work. Imagine that finally in your sixth year one person finally made the effort to learn who you were. Imagine that that person was the cutest, most popular guy in the entire school. Imagine that he never dated but seemed to show some interest in you, and you fell in love with hem. Imagine that your walking down a hall and see him kissing some other girl. Now you can sympathize with how Lily was feeling.

The bright May sun shone down on her. It was a beautiful mid-spring day. Lily however could definitely not be more miserable. He had unintentionally hurt her with out ever meaning to. He had never really given her any real reason to suspect he liked her it had only been wishful thinking. So ultimately the pain she was know feeling was caused by her presumption. Lily at that moment cursed the day she had first spoken to James Potter.

James' P.O.V------

He sat on the parapet of the tope of the astronomy tower. the golden sunshine of a beautiful Saturday afternoon in May shone down around him, but it did nothing for his mood. He looked down at the grounds of Hogwart school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. By the lake he caught a glimpse of red. He realized it was the hair of a girl who was sitting beside the lake with her back against the great oak tree. He knew who the person was because for the last six months she had been a person whom he was very interested in. Now she was the cause of his fool mood.

Imagine you were the most popular guy in the entire school. Imagine girls threw themselves at you as if you were the key to salvation. Imagine that you had no wish to date any of them. Imagine you discovered a beautiful amazing girl who no one had ever seemed to notice. Imagine you fell in love with that girl. Imagine an air headed bimbo attacked you in the hall ways pined you to a wall and began to kiss you for all she was worth, without your consent. Imagine that the girl who catches you is that beautiful girl whom you love more then anything. Imagine you see the tears and hurt in her beautiful green eyes just before she turns and runs from you. Now you can understand James' predicament.

He looked down at the tree were Lily sat with her head on her knees. She was so beautiful, he realised also that she must be in so mush pain. James at this moment cursed his populairity and good looks. Most gurs would have loved the attention even he hadn't minded it before now. Now he didn't want all those air heads clinging to him. Now he only wanted Lily, and Lily alone, for she was the only woman he could ever love. Now he would have to go to her and explain not only how he felt but why she had caught him kissing another girl.