Finally... The chapter where Elsa x Alison actually begins...


Alison paced her room, small flames sprung up around her before quickly disappearing. The blue light illuminated the room, someone could surely see the commotion through the window. She was extremely anxious and worried.

She couldn't stop thinking back to yesterday, when Elsa had officially made her a guard. This was an extremely bad idea. What if she had to fight to protect Elsa? Her powers would definitely be exposed.

"You worry too much." Olaf snickered as he sat on the bed, occasionally jumping whenever a flame got too close, "You're gonna set the castle on fire if you're not careful, missy." he waggled one of his wooden fingers at her.

Taking a deep breath, she stopped walking and closed her eyes - trying to calm herself down.

"Conceal." she said, closing one of her fists, "Don't feel." she added as she closed the other.

The flames were gone.

She opened one eye, praying that it wouldn't come back.

Well... She was wrong.

A fire erupted on the table in the corner, "Oh, no no no!" Alison exclaimed, her eyes opened wide.

"Wow." Olaf sighed as he leaned forward, admiring the blue flame, "It really is beautiful."

"No! It's not!" Alison said, frustrated.

Olaf leaned back on the bed, he watched Alison try to put the fire out with a cup of water she forgot to drink earlier. A sigh of relief escaped her as the fire disappeared.

"Queen Elsa will have my head..." Alison muttered, looking down at the the clear burn mark spread across the table. She groaned, "This whole idea is a disaster!" she put her back to the wall and slid down it, her knees came up to her chest, "I should never have come to Arendelle."

The snowman jumped from the bed and walked over, "It's okay, Alison." he said, trying to reassure her - he reached to put a hand on her knee but quickly retracted once he realised the heat she was emitting, one of his fingers caught fire.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Olaf!" she exclaimed, "I-I didn't mean to burn you. I-

He smiled trying to keep her calm, not wanting more fire to appear, "It's okay!" he quickly shook his hand to get rid of the flame, "See! All better!"

Another sigh of relief escaped Alison, "I can't do this, Olaf." she buried her head into her knees, hugging them with her arms.

"Sure you can!" he encouraged, "Elsa will help you if you just tell her about-"

"No." she replied, sternly, "She can't know." she looked up at the snowman.

He moved to sit next to her, but not too close, "I have to ask... Why?"

"Fire... Is dangerous. A lot more dangerous than ice and snow." she smiled at Olaf, "She can make things like you. Happy and joyful." her smile was replaced by a frown, "And all I do is cause damage and destruction. I can't control it. I never will. People will fear me. Elsa won't trust me."

"I'm sure she would love to know that she isn't alone."


He nodded, "She talks to me, you know? She talks to me about things she can't talk about with anyone else. She knows that she has family. But she still feels alone. Being the only one with powers makes her feel... different."

"But..." Alison started, "But it's a good different."

"She doesn't think it is. She always tells me how she wishes she knew someone else who was like her."

Alison looks down, her arms tightened around her legs - pulling them closer to her chest, "I... I can't, Olaf..." she whispered, "Fire melts ice. Please... Promise me you won't tell her."

He nodded, jumping to his feet, "Your secret is safe with me. But you..." he pointed at her with a stern look on his face, "Will promise me that you will tell her yourself."

Gulping, she nodded, "I will. One day."

A knock at the door caused the pair to look towards it, "Hey, Ali! It's me: Kristoff!"

"Kristooooff!" Olaf exclaimed as he ran towards the door, he jumped up to the handle and pulled the door open.

"Hey, Olaf!" he chuckled before looking over at Alison who was still sitting on the floor, "Hey, you okay?" he wondered.

Alison quickly stood, moving to stand in front of the table to block the burns from his sight, "Y-Yep! Just thinking about some personal stuff, you know?"

He nodded, "Good. I brought someone here to meet you." he stepped aside to let a woman walk in.

Alison soon forgot about the burn on the table as she knelt down, "Princess Anna." she began, "It's an honour to meet you."

She giggled, "Oh, please! You don't need to do that! I'm a lot more laid back than my sister!" a questioning look soon replaced the smile on her face as she eyed the room, "What... happened?" she asked, walking pas Alison towards the table.

Her eyes widened as she stood, "I-I'm sorry, Princess Anna! I erm- I knocked over a candle by mistake. Please forgive me." she spoke fast, her voice filled with worry.

"Hey, it's okay." she said raising her hands, "Accidents happen. No need to get all worked up over it."

Kristoff nodded as he stepped forward, "You've been acting really nervous since you've been here. There's no need to be worried."

Anna agreed, "Yeah! It's nice to have someone else here my age! Who knows? Perhaps we could become friends? I heard Elsa hired you to be our personal guard."

"P-Personal guard?!" Alison stuttered. This was news to her.

"Yep! You'll be spending a lot of time with us, so..." she grabbed Alison's hand and proceeded to pull her towards the door, "I thought we could go on a stroll and get to know each other..." she trailed off, "How do you keep so warm during this time of year? What's your secret?" she giggled.


Anna interrupted her, "Come on! Daylight's burning!"

"See you later, Alison!" Olaf called after her.


Alison followed close behind Anna as they walked through the streets of Arendelle. The sun set made the place look even more beautiful. Alison could feel the slight chill from the wind, but it soon disappeared as the fire within her kept her warm.

Anna sighed, happily, "It's really nice at this time in Arendelle..." she said as she admired some flower stalls. There was hardly anyone about, it almost seemed deserted.

Alison nodded in response, looking up at the buildings, "It is..." she remembered the days where she would head up one of the mountains to look down at Arendelle's beauty - she used to dream about coming here.

"I'd like to apologise if my sister acted... cold towards you."

"Oh, no. She was fine. Wonderful. I just never expected to be hired as a personal guard for the two of you. Kind of caught me off guard."

She turned and stopped in her tracks, "Well... She must trust you. She wouldn't give that role to just anyone. Apparently you know the trolls."

Alison nodded, "I've known them for quite some time. Living on my own was hard... so they kept me company from time to time. Just like Olaf did."

"How did you meet Olaf?" Anna wondered, grabbing Alison's hand to pull her towards a nearby bench.

As they sat down, Alison replied, "I saw him running about... Without a head. I honestly thought I was going crazy. Turns out a wolf had stolen his head. I managed to get it back without hurting the wolf."

Anna smiled, "That sounds like Olaf."

"I never expected him to be so... smart." Alison laughed, "He's always so goofy and happy. But he's there for you when you need him."

The Princess nodded in agreement, "He's great to have around. I always forget to thank Elsa for making him."

Alison forgot to thank her too. She would have to do that the next time she saw the Queen.


Kristoff had informed Elsa that her sister and Alison were getting to know each other out on the streets of Arendelle. It was getting quite late and Elsa was worried that the two had not returned yet. So she decided to go out and look.

Thankfully, not many people would be out at this time of day. It was getting dark so the cold was more intense. The residents of Arendelle would all be curled up in their homes by the fire.

Elsa turned a corner, walking past a few fountains. She checked in the stables but she came up with nothing. A laugh caught her attention.

Another corner was turned and there they were. Anna and Alison. Sitting on a bench, talking.

Elsa's fist clenched hard when she saw Anna clutching onto Alison's arm, giggling non-stop. Snowflakes started to fall around Elsa's head. They suddenly stopped once she shook her head, quickly ridding the anger that was coursing throughout her body.

She wasn't jealous. Was she? Why would she be? Anna was with Kristoff for one thing - so there was absolutely nothing to be jealous of. She shouldn't even be jealous in the first place. She only just met Alison less than forty eight hours ago.

There was just something about Alison that caught her attention. She didn't know what it was just yet.

"Oh, hey, Elsa!" Anna called, waving her over.


Alison's jaw opened just like it had when she first met Elsa. She was thankfully aware of the situation so she quickly shut it, "Y-Your maj-"

"Alison." Elsa sighed as she came closer, "What have I said about formalities?"

Scratching the back of her neck, she replied, "Ah, sorry... E-Elsa." she gulped, "I was just getting to know your sister here. I think you should ban her from touching chocolate ever again, though..."

"How dare you!" Anna huffed.

"You have a problem." Alison laughed.

Elsa couldn't stop herself from smiling, "She's right, Anna."

Alison quickly stopped smiling before standing from the bench, suddenly becoming nervous as she felt the heat rise in her hands once again, "I-I'm sorry if I offended you, Princess. I-"

"Alison." both Elsa and Anna said.

"You really don't need to apologise all the time!" Anna assured, "We're just having fun!"

Alison still bowed towards the two sisters, "I still must show respect. I owe you everything for allowing me to stay here in Arendelle."

"It's no trouble." Elsa replied, "Please. Treat us like your friends. Because we are going to be living together for quite some time now."

Nodding, Alison spoke, "Of course your m- Elsa!" she quickly corrected herself.

Elsa giggled before clearing her throat, "Anna... Do you mind if I borrow Alison here? I would like to talk to her in private."

"Sure, sis!" Anna agreed, standing from the bench, "Take it easy on her, though. I know how you can get..."

"I promise." Elsa nodded.

Alison really didn't like where this was going. Her hands had been getting hotter and hotter.

Elsa placed a concerned hand on Alison's shoulder, "Are you okay?" she asked.

And then... The heat was gone. Gone as if it never existed in the first place. So, Alison simply nodded, "Yeah. Thanks."

"Good." Elsa nodded back, removing her hand, "Please. Follow me. I will speak to you later, Anna."

Anna raised an eyebrow at the pair as the began to walk away.

A knowing smirk then plastered across the Princess' face.


"So... you're telling me that Hans asked Anna to marry him... As soon as they met?"

Elsa nodded, "Yes. It was extremely ridiculous." she laughed as they looked out over the clear waters that surrounded Arendelle, being illuminated by the stars and moon in the sky, "But..." she sighed, "I guess if that never happened. Then I wouldn't be standing here today. Perhaps Anna would still have no knowledge about my powers."

There was a few moments of silence. The only noise came from nearby rustling trees and the low sound of running water coming from the source in front of them.

"Do you think I should give Anna and Kristoff my blessing?" Elsa wondered, sounding unsure.

"That's up to you, Elsa." Alison said, "If you trust Kristoff, then why not?"

"I just want her to be happy."

"I understand." Alison nodded, "I definitely know that she's happy. She wouldn't stop talking about him earlier."

Silence fell upon them once again.

Alison decided to break it this time, "Elsa... What did you really want to talk to me about?"

Elsa shook her head, "I'm... not sure, honestly. Something's on my mind... but I don't know what." she paused, trying to think, "I just feel... Like there's something different about you."

"M-Me?" she started to internally panic.

Elsa waved her off, "Don't mind me. Just worrying over nothing."

Gulping, Alison nodded, "Well... you can talk to me about anything you want, Elsa. I'll be happy to listen."

She smiled, "Thank you." she took one last look out across the fjord before nodding, "I think it's time we head back. It's getting quite late."

"Yes. You're right." Alison agreed. She decided to show respect and offer her arm to the Queen. Elsa bit her lip before linking her arm with Alison's.

"It's nice to talk to someone." Elsa sighed as they arrived at the giant doors to the castle.

"Yeah, it is."

Alison didn't expect to open the door and then promptly trip and fall into the castle, landing flat on her back. She let out a groan before she quickly realised that she had been linking arms with Elsa. Her eyes flew open to see Elsa's face, quite close to hers.

Oh, she prayed that her temperature wouldn't shoot up at this very moment.

"E-Elsa?" Alison said.

"Are you okay?" Elsa asked.

She gulped and nodded, "Yes. I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Elsa's eyes unintentionally flicked down to Alison's lips before locking with her eyes, "Yeah..." she breathed out.

The pair suddenly scrambled away from each other once a voice echoed throughout the room, "Well, well, well... Am I interrupting?" Anna laughed.

"Anna." Elsa groaned.

I quickly stood and offered her a hand, she took it and Alison pulled her to her feet, "I'm extremely sorry, Elsa. I had no intention of pulling you down with me."

She nodded, "Really. It's okay. No harm done."

Well... Apart from the harm done to Alison's back. Hitting a cold hard floor wasn't exactly on her bucket list.

Anna suddenly became serious, "Are you sure you're okay, Alison?" she wondered, seeing her pain-stricken face.

"Yep! Nothing I can't handle." she groaned in response, "I'll sleep it off. It was a pleasure spending time with both of you today." she then went to move away... but soon realised that her hand was still interlocked with Elsa's.

Elsa's eyes widened before she cleared her throat, pulling her hand away, "S-Sorry!" she stuttered.

Anna was completely shocked. Elsa never acted like this. Never.

Alison nodded, "Well... I'll... see you two tomorrow? Okay? If you need anything. You know where to find me."

"Goodnight." the two replied. Alison nodded before heading off down one of the halls.

A smirk slowly formed on Anna's face as she slowly turned her head towards Elsa.

"Wh-What?" Elsa asked, confused. Anna wiggled her eyebrows. The Queen rolled her eyes, walking away, "Not a word of this to anyone."

Anna's smirk simply turned into something mischievous.