Author's Note:

I was PM-ing ChubbyUnicornMama about her review of Tales Of Plagg: Plagg Bumps Into Nooroo, in which I happened to make Master Fu end up being the true villain and becoming the New Hawk Moth. So, I decided to write this one about him being the villain from the very beginning. It's a little on the short side for one of my stories, but it'll leave you second guessing Master Fu's motives.

I do not own any of these characters.

Nearly two centuries ago, a young boy was torn away from his family in order to become a guardian of the miraculouses. He continued to grow bitter over the months until one day, he was left alone with a miracle box. This particular miracle box not only housed the miraculouses of creation and destruction, but also great power over time, reality, and control of others. The young boy finally saw his chance to not only take revenge on those who separated him from his family, but to obtain absolute power.

Taking the Peacock Miraculous, he created a sentimonster to consume all of the other miraculouses. He placed the amok in the staff he had been given to help him guard the miracle box. The sentimonster destroyed the temple and consumed all of the other miracle boxes. The boy knew he was close to having not only the powers in the miracle box he was guarding, but in all of the other miracle boxes.

When the sentimonster met him outside the temple, instead of returning the other miracle boxes, it consumed the staff with the amok. No longer able to control it, the young boy was now forced to fight it to keep it from not only consuming the remaining miraculouses, but himself also. The sentimonster lashed out with its tongue, nearly grabbing the miracle box. The young boy, being inexperienced in all of the powers he truly had at his disposal, fled.

Being pursued, he dropped his transformation and tried to return the Peacock Miraculous to the miracle box. But, because he was still running, the Moth Miraculous bounced out of the miracle box. He stopped and tried to retrieve it, setting the items in his hands down. Before he could get the miracle box reopened, the sentimonster was upon him again and latched onto the Peacock Miraculous. The sentimonster bit down on the miraculous and it snapped off a piece. Leaping back in shock, the young boy lost his grip on the miraculous and hit a tree with such force that the snow on the branches fell and covered the book and the two miraculouses that were on the ground.

Clutching the miracle box, the boy began to run again. The sentimonster was once again chasing him as the scent of the multiple miraculouses was stronger and more appealing than the scent of the two miraculouses that laid buried under the snow. The young boy leapt over a ravine, crashing hard on the other side. He turned in horror, expecting the sentimonster to consume him as it had done all the other guardians. Instead, the sentimonster misjudged the distance and fell into the ravine and was buried in lava.

The young boy looked back the direction they had come, seeing fresh snowfall filling in his tracks and the tracks of the sentimonster. He tried to retrace his steps, but was unable to follow them back to the missing miraculouses. He searched for days, and was still unable to find them. When he saw people rushing to the site of the destroyed temple, he fled Tibet with the miraculouses he already had.

Over the course of the years, Wang Fu would return and look for the missing miraculouses, only to come up empty each time. He talked with each of the kwamis still under his possession and eventually learned all their powers. He even tried using Fluff once to go back to the morning of the temple's destruction to follow his younger self. As he watched, he saw where the miraculouses had been lost.

However, the sentimonster, sensed his presence, attacked him, and forced him to retreat into the future. He searched the area, but could not find the miraculouses at that point in history. Not realizing that, in his haste, he had traveled over a century into his future, he returned to his own time. Defeated once again, he decided to wait for them to show up on their own. He knew he could get them back and learn from Duusu how to defeat the sentimonster and get the remaining miraculouses back.

As often happens, he fell in love with a young woman. he shared with her the secret of the miraculouses and the powers they could bestow. Again, time was not on his side. The Nazis invaded and she begged him to stay and use the miraculouses to defeat them. He fled instead. He vowed that he would never again talk to another person about the secrets of the miraculouses. Even after the war, he stayed away from Paris and the young lady, fearing she might want to take the miraculouses for herself.

Time marched slowly, until he began to hear rumors of impossible things occurring in Paris. He knew the lost miraculouses had resurfaced. He debated returning to Paris because he might cross paths with her again. But, the temptation to retrieve the lost miraculouses, and by extension all of the miraculouses, was too great. By time he moved back to Paris, the rumors had died down. He feared he might've been too late and that they had moved on from Paris. But, having no other leads, he decided to stay in Paris until he heard more rumors.

One day, his personal kwami, Wayzz, informed he that he could feel the Moth Miraculous had a dark aura around it and that it was close. Knowing that something must've happened to one of the pair that were using the lost miraculouses, he felt that this new dark aura could work to his advantage. Instead of hunting down the lost miraculouses, he was certain the individual had heard about the wish and would be after the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses. Instead of being the villain and trying to steal back the lost miraculouses, he could get some unknowing kids to become his heroes. They would retrieve the lost miraculouses for him, and they'd never know they were returning them to the one person who wanted them all for himself.

Wang Fu set out to find his unsuspecting puppets. He knew that using teenagers would be beneficial as their physical bodies were more mature than their life experiences and they'd only be able to use their special powers once per transformation. He knew the first day of school was that morning, so he stationed himself nearby. He saw a young girl rushing out of a bakery and nearly ran right into oncoming traffic. He tested to see if she would risk herself for him, and was not disappointed. As he swiped a few of her baked goods and noticed how hard she was on herself about being clumsy, he smiled brightly, knowing he had found his first patsy.

The second teen that showed promise showed up late for school, but seemed to be running away from his guardians. They wanted him to stay out of public school, but he wanted freedom. Wang tested his desire for freedom against his compassion for other people and was not disappointed. The boy had given up his high ground to help a stranger, causing the kid to be forced to abandon his hope of attending school. He watched the car pull away with a bright smile. He had found his second patsy.

After careful consideration, he decided the girl would be best for the Ladybug Miraculous as she appeared to have bad luck with her clumsiness, but was willing to act with her heart. The boy had a rebellious streak he yearned to express, but was stifled. Having the appearance of good luck from the family he came from, but was truly unlucky, he was perfect for the Black Cat Miraculous as he was used to being let down.

He snuck into each of the teens rooms and left the miraculous for them. It wasn't long before the newly embittered holder of the Moth Miraculous was creating his first supervillain instead of the superheroes he had been making previously with the Peacock Miraculous holder, who was now missing in action. The first battle went as expected, the new Ladybug had forgotten to capture the akuma, ensuring another battle would not be far behind.

He watched as the teens fell for each other, but for opposite alter-egos. As the boy got in his car and the girl holding his umbrella walked home, he stroked his beard at how well he had chosen his targets. He made sure to instill in Tikki and Plagg the need to not share identities. While that would make them stronger, it would also give them a chance to speculate about who had given them the miraculouses and what his motives were. Separation is the key to control.

It was a few months later when the miraculous book had been discovered. He had to give up his identity to the girl so that he could get the book. He knew he could read it... or at least most of it. Once he obtained an electronic copy of it, he allowed it to go back to the previous owner... who happened to be the father of the boy that was chosen to be Cat Noir. Wang Fu knew that there was a possibility that the book was found separate from the lost miraculouses, but kept an eye on the elder Agreste, hoping his luck was such that he had chosen the son of person keeping the last two miraculouses from him.

Marinette ended up being a great choice for Ladybug. not only did she foolishly trust him implicitly, she actually helped him discover the missing ingredient on the kwami power ups. Unfortunately, the fact that she was protecting his identity was beginning the strain the partnership she had with the boy. He was forced to reveal his identity to the boy so that his plan would not blow up in his face. He needed these two teens as they really were a great partnership. It wouldn't be long before they would finally retrieve the lost miraculouses for him.

One day, in his weakness, he decided to reach out to his lost love. Seeing the two teens pine for each other seemed to bring back his old feelings. It ended in disaster as the girl was truly a klutz and ended up given the wrong letters to the wrong people. His love had been akumatized, and now feared that the she could potentially be used to find him. Once again, they parted and Wang Fu breathed a sigh of relief as he watched her walk away. He decided to refocus on his goal and to not allow his emotions to get in the way.

Not long after that, he was shocked to find that the sentimonster from his youth had been recovered. He knew the Peacock Miraculous was being used again and that it could revive the sentimonster. He decided to flee... and just in time, after making Marinette believe he was an innocent child that didn't realize what he was doing. Being chased by a larger version of the sentimonster, he realized they had figured out that Hawk Moth could control it even if Mayura couldn't. He finally relented from the chase as his two marks had proven to be even more loyal to him than he expected. He double downed on the girl's emotional attachment my promising to make her the next guardian.

Unfortunately, he had bigger problems that resurfaced because of the sentimonster's defeat. The temple and its inhabitants had been restored. Thankfully, none of the other guardians knew he was responsible for the original destruction of the temple. But, now he needed a new plan to get ahold of the other miracle boxes. Maybe it was time to take his protégé to Tibet. After all, she believed every story he ever told her...