Niles was watching his fellow retainer, Odin, perform some sort ritual. He was leaning against a wall, arms folded over his chest. His singular eye follows the blonde dark mage as he draws lines and symbols on the stone floor in chalk. He had no idea what nonsense Odin was up to this time, but Lord Leo had asked him to assist Odin if the blonde needed it. Seeing that Odin was finishing up the chalk, Niles pushes off the wall and approaches the magic user.

"So Odin... What utter nonsense are you up to this time?" Niles asks, arching a white eyebrow. Odin just grins.

"Why, I am going to summon the Greatest Being of Unholiness-" Odin starts.

"You're summoning King Garon? What a waste of time" Niles interrupts with a grin. Odin huffs and smacks Niles in the head with his tome.

"No you fiend! This being is the stuff of legend, and only a legendary dark mage such as myself could manage to bring forth something so dark and devilish!" Odin proclaims. Niles sighs.

"I'm surprised Lord Leo is letting you do this," the outlaw comments. Odin scoffs.

"Lord Leo is a glorious user of the dark arts! Of course he'd allow me to summon such dark and powerful allies!" Odin says.

"Very well Odin. Continue on. I won't keep you from your summoning any longer," Niles says, taking a step back. Odin nods and he starts his chanting. Niles watches as the chalk starts to glow and a dark glow forms in Odin's hands. Niles frowns as nothing appears nor did any portals appear. He crouches and inspects the chalk on the floor. His eye widens upon seeing that part of the ritual chalk lines had been broken. "Odin stop!" Niles calls out , but it was too late. The dark glow from Odin's hands had shot out and latched onto Niles, covering him. The outlaw let out a yelp as he felt his body start to warp. The last thing he saw before blacking out was Odin's shocked face.

When Niles came too again, he noticed was very dark and very cramped. He stretches his arms forward and touched a sheet of cold metal. Frowning, Niles moves his hands along the metal and finds hinges on one side and then gives a good shove on the metal sheet. He tumbles forward and onto an equally cold floor. Pushing himself up, Niles takes a good long look at his surroundings so he could gather information about his surrounds. The Nohrian was very confused by his surroundings as they were nothing like what he was used to. He was able to gather that he had been stuffed into some sort of metal box after having been accidentally sent here. Additionally, the room had funny looking desks and chairs that were lined up in rows and columns. He tilts his head when seeing a box protruding from the ceiling. He then notices a few other open metal boxes and he assumed he was not alone in this strange foreign land. Niles reaches behind him and scowls when not feeling his bow or quiver on him. Upon hearing the door open, the white haired male snaps his head over and watches as two people enter the room and approach them. One was a blonde female and the other was a male wearing a baseball cap.

"Hi there! I'm Kaede Akamatsu! I'm the Ultimate Pianist. This is Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective," the blonde woman says.

"Hello. May we ask who you are?" the male, Shuichi asks.

"Who are you? The welcoming committee?" Niles snarks. "But if you MUST know I am Niles," the outlaw answers, eyeing the two in front of him.

"What's your Ultimate?" Kaede asks curiously.

"I beg your pardon? But what's an Ultimate?" Niles asks in return.

"You don't know? Hmm... Well it's essentially a talent that you have that you're the best at. Like for me, I played piano so much that I eventually started winning contest after contest and gained the title of Ultimate Pianist," Kaede says, hoping her explanation made sense.

"I see... Well, I'm afraid I don't know what mine is," Niles says.

"So you're just like Rantaro then.." Shuichi hums.

"Well, why don't you come with us and we can go meet up with everyone else?" Kaede offers.

"Very well. Not like I know what's going on or where I am for that matter," Niles says. He then follows the two out of the odd room. As Niles follows the two Ultimates, he starts creating a mental map of where things were so that he could escape later.

"Niles, was it? What do you last remember before waking up in the locker?" Shuichi asks. Niles takes a moment to think of how to describe what happened without giving it away that he wasn't from this world.

"I remember being taken away from a friend," Niles answers. It wasn't a complete lie.

"So you were kidnapped like the rest of us then," Shuichi murmurs.

"At least there's that as well as all of us being Ultimates for commonalities," Kaede says.

"But why would someone gather 17 college Ultimates and trap them in this place?" Shuichi ponders.

"Ransom perhaps?" Niles offers. Shuichi looks at Niles.

"That is a possibility. But we're in a school, albeit a weird one, but a school nonetheless," Shuichi says.

"Well since we're all college students, who's to say that our captors aren't just trying to lull us into a false sense of security? Make us believe we're safe and then if people refuse to comply, they have a way to strike us down without us even seeing it coming?" Niles counts. Shuichi blinks buts nods.

"Good point. And are you sure you don't know your Ultimate talent?" Shuichi asks.

"Positive, why? Got an idea?" Niles asks, quirking an eyebrow. Shuichi stops for a moment, causing Kaede and Niles to stop as well.

"I have suspicions to believe that you're either an outlaw or a criminal. You easily were able to come up with sinister reasonings a criminal would come up with, you have a key ring on your hip and you also look like a rogue from an rpg," Shuichi answers. Niles had to refrain from snorting since that was his class.

"Fair enough. Though don't go calling the authorities on me mister detective~" Niles smirks, teasing Shuichi. The black haired male blushs and hides under his hat some more.

"Well, let's hurry to gym!" Kaede says, deciding to save Shuichi from further teasing. Niles pouts but he follows Kaede again.

"Awe, but I was just starting to have fun!" Niles huffs. The three hurry to the gum where they were met by fourteen other students.

"Oh, you guys found another guy? Nice!" says a tall purple haired male. He goes to introduce himself but Niles puts a hand up.

"Save the introductions for later. I've got a feeling that something is about to happen..." Niles says, cutting him off. As soon as NIles finished speaking, five small bears, all half-white and half another color, pup up/

"You just had to be right..." Shuichi sweatdrops.

"Oh goodie! Everyone is here now! Time to start the show!" the half-white half-red bear says.

"HELL YEAH! LET'S GET STARTED!" the half-blue bear shouts.

"Alright you nitwits! Listen up! We're the MonoKubs! I'm Monosuke!" the half-yellow one says.

"I'm Monotaro!" the half-red one says.

"Hi there! I'm Monophanie!" the half-pink one waves.

"I'm Mono- wait.. What's my name again?" the-half blue one starts.

"Monokid. Your name is Monokid," Monotaro sighs.

"HELL YEAH! I'M MONOKID!" the now dubbed Monokid shouts.

"And the green idiot over there is Monodam. No one cares about that loser," Monosuke says, gesturing to the half-green more robotic MonoKub.

"Alright! Let's get the rest and the best part of the show moving!" Monotaro says, jumping down with his.. siblings. The students and Niles just stare at these strange bears, confusion written upon all of their faces.

"Oh! Guess that's my cue, isn't it?" another voice rings out. Soon enough a larger half-white and half-black bear appears on the stage where the MonoKubs had once been standing. The MonoKubs turn around and look up.

"Daddy!" they cried out happily.

"That's their dad...?" Kaede asks, sweatdropping.

"Upupupupupu~! That's correct! And I'm Monokuma! Your headmaster for the rest of your lives!" Monokuma proclaims.

"I have to be stuck here with all of these.. these degenerate males for the rest of my life?!" a chick with odd, light brown pigtails exclaims.

"Ah! But there is a way out of this!" Monokuma says.

"And what might that be? Something... sinister?" Niles asks with his arms folded over his chest. He ignores the stares that he received for his questions. If the evil looking grin on Monokuma's face could get any more evil, it just did.

"Oh why yes... Very, very sinister indeed!" Monokuma starts. "In fact, you guys have to murder a fellow student and get away with it!" he exclaims before laughing maniacally, the MonoKubs joining in.

"What?! No way! No one is going to do that!" Kaede shouts.

"Yeah! We ain't going to give in! No way, no how!" the purple haired male from before shouts in agreement.

"I'm afraid you both are quite wrong there," Niles says, everyone's eyes on him now.

"Niles? What are you saying?" Kaede asks, her eyes widening, not believing what the one eyed man said.

"Tell me Kaede... How well do you know everyone? You only know my name and the fact that I don't know my Ultimate talent," Niles says.

"Not very well," Kaede admits, looking down and her face falls.

"So as much as I would LOVE for nothing more than to agree with you, I just can't. Anyone of us could be plotting murder right this instant, with you as the victim," Niles says. A small and slightly sadistic smirks appears on his lips as he watches Kaede's face.

"Ugh! Such a thing for a degenerate male like you to say!" the brunette from before says.

"Oh wow! I haven't even given a motive and you guys are spicing it up! Not trusting one another right off the bat!" Monokuma says, fanning himself, appearing all hot and bothered. Once he recovers, he looks to the MonoKubs. "Oh lovely kiddos of mine! They need something beary important!"

"What's that daddy?" Monophanie asks cutely, tilting her head.

"Awe, such a little cutie~" Monokuma coos to his daughter, getting distracted by her. After a moment, he snaps out of it and whips out the Monopads. "As I was saying! All you young adults will need these to get around!"

"What might these be?" a girl dressed in a spider themed maid outfit inquires as she receives a Monopad from Monosuke.

"These are the Monopads! They have all the necessary information you'll need to live here! Maps of what's available for you, information about your classmates and rules!" Monokuma answers. Niles takes his and was startled by how this... odd slate came to life. He hesitantly pokes a bottom and stares at the options on the slate. He then pokes the student records and was pleased to see it work. The Nohrian finds his profile and taps on it. He reads through his profile to see that it had his name, height, weight, what ever blood type means, and his Ultimate title. Likes and dislikes were empty but he shrugs at that.

"Wait, he's an Outlaw? So we have a criminal among us..?" a small girl dressed as a magician says tiredly.

"I knew it! I had you pinned for the degenerate male I knew you to be!" the brunette from earlier exclaims.

"Whoa dude, what the hell?" the energetic purple haired male says, taking a step back.

"Nishishi~! Well, criminal or not, he was right~" a shorter purple haired male says.

"Well now, you all know I'm not going to commit any murders. It would be far too obvious," Niles says. He wasn't planning to commit murder anyways.

"It's true. Niles, who we know to be a criminal, wouldn't commit a murder here as he would be immediately framed. So that's one person we don't have to worry about," Shuichi speaks up.

"Besides! We have to work together! We can't let this horrid place get to us!" Kaede says. "We must escape!"

"Niles could provide assistance in that..." A green haired male says thoughtfully.

"Well I suppose I could try," Niles says. "Provided you all don't try to hurt or murder me or whatever do-gooder nonsense you might pull."

"Of course. It wouldn't do well to have you risk your life for all of us, only get thrown into jail afterwards," the maid girl says. "I will personally see to it that no one tries such a thing."

"Enough with this touchy-feely stuff! Get killing!" Monosuke shouts before disappearing with the other bears.

"While we can all see each others names in the Monopad, maybe to help prevent this killing nonsense from happening, we can all introduce ourselves," Kaede suggests.

"Yes! I agree! Atua says that that will help!" says a girl with a bizarre yellow jacket on. "I will go first! I am Angie Yonaga. I am the Ultimate Artist!"

"Very well, I am Kirumi Tojo, Ultimate Maid. Please call upon my services at any time," the maid girl says.

"Kaede Akematsu! Ultimate Pianist," Kaede says.

"Uh, I'm Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective," Shuichi says before hiding again. The energetic purple haired male steps up.


"The hell's your Ultimate?" Niles asks.

"Ultimate Astronaut of course!" Kaito says proudly.

"I see... Niles. Ultimate Outlaw," the white haired male says, just to get it out of the way even though everyone knew.

"Kokichi Ouma! Ultimate Supreme Leader!" the purple gremlin grins. "Or is that a lie~?"

"What a degenerate.., Anyways, I'm Tenko Chabashira. Ultimate Aikido Master!" the brunette says.

"I'm Himiko Yumeno, The Ultimate Mage.. Though it says Ultimate Magician.." The small magician says, not very enthusiastic.

"Gonta Gokuhara! Gonta is Ultimate Entomologist!" says a VERY large male.

"Step aside plebs! The amazing and gorgeous genius is coming through!" says a busty blonde as she shoves past Kaede and Shuichi. "Miu Iruma, Ultimate Inventor!"

"Greetings. I am K1-B0, but please, call me Kiibo. I am the Ultimate Robot," said a male who was indeed a robot. Ouma steps up to him, hands on the back of his head.

"Heeeeeeey... I got a question for you," Ouma starts. "Do robots have dicks?" However, before Kiibo could say anything the shortest person speaks.

"Ryoma Hoshi.. Former Ultimate Tennis Pro," the midget says, surprising some with his deep voice. Niles had to hold back a snort upon hearing the name.

"I am Korekiyo Shinguji, Ultimate Anthropologist," a tall male with a mask says. "I look forward to observing you all."

"Rantaro Amami. I'm not sure what my talent is and the Monopad didn't inform me, but I promise I'm not the bad guy," said the pretty green haired male.

"...Maki Harukawa... Ultimate Child Caregiver," said another brunette with pigtails. She plays with one of her pigtails. Niles eyes Maki up, sensing something... Off.

"Oh I guess that just leaves plain old me. I'm Tsumugi Shiroane, the Ultimate Cosplayer!" the bluenette says, finishing up the introductions.

"There, that torture is done. Now if you'll excuse me... I'm going to go attempt to find a way out," Niles says before turning on his heels and walking away. He leaves the gym before anyone could stop him. It was time to get out of this hellhole and return to Lord Leo's side,