December 24th 2018 8:00 PM:

(Courtney & Duncan were at a restaurant celebrating their 3rd anniversary getting back together, they were the only ones at the restaurant. Courtney was wearing a green long dress & Duncan was wearing a suit with a blue tie, & they were eating spaghetti together)

"Mmm! This is so delicious!" Courtney stated

"I know right? It sure is a great time to celebrate our anniversary on Christmas Eve" Duncan said

"Of course it is Duncan. I love you & I always will." Courtney giggled

"I will always love you too Princess."

(Then Sierra showed up at the restaurant she was wearing a short yellow dress & she sits on their table)

"Sierra? What are you doing here?" Duncan asked

"I just wanna say congrats on your 3rd year anniversary of you getting back together."

"Aw! Thanks! How's Cody been with you all these years?" Courtney asked

Sierra clears her throat & says "Well.. Um... He's been doing fine lately. After All-Stars ended & when we were free from the balloons-"

Duncan cuts her off & says "You mean from Owen's stink?"

"Yeah, that too. But I'm so glad that we've been free from the balloons without getting injured. And i've even added to my blog called balloon madness."

Courtney was getting confused & says "Really? Balloon madness? Is that all you can name it?"

"Yeah, I should've made other names of it, but balloon madness is all i've got." Sierra said

(Long pause)

"And why do you call Cameron Cody-Cam?" Duncan asked

"Because I was an idiot for all these years. Everytime I see some people short like him. I always call them Codies."

"Really? You call them Codies?" Courtney asked when she was confused

"Yes I do.. But now.." (Long pause) "I'll show you something special to you guys."

Courtney & Duncan were both confused about what she's doing & Duncan says "What do you mean?"

"Well one thing. I support Gwuncan." Sierra said

"What's Gwuncan?" Courtney asked

"It means Gwen & Duncan. I wished you were back together with Gwen."

"Sorry Sierra. She broke up with me 5 years ago. And besides, I'm still friends with her."

"Yeah, that make's sense.. Until I show you THIS!" Sierra brings a gun out now which makes Courtney & Duncan gasp in shock

"SIERRA! ARE YOU *bleep*ING CRAZY?!" Courtney screeched

"I 'AM' crazy enough you filthy bitches!" Sierra yelled

"Uh Courtney?" Duncan said

"What Duncan?" Courtney whimpered while she was shaking in fear

"RUN FOR IT!" Then they both ran out Hanna-Barbera style to the kitchen

"GET BACK HERE!" Sierra yelled when she was trying to chase them

1 hour later...

(Courtney & Duncan were both hiding behind the counters, they saw someone with a gun, they were thinking it was Sierra)

"Well.. This is it babe." Duncan said

"If we die, Promise that I'll love you forever, right?" Courtney cried

"I will always love you too Princess."

(Then a person showed up between them revealing it was MacArthur)

"Are you two ok? What's wrong?"

"Sierra has gun & she tried to kill us!" Courtney stated


To be continued. Sorry if I left you hanging... :(