Chapter 1

A/N: Please let me know what you think as I go along. If you haven't already, please read "It Takes A Man" It's the first part of this series. Thank you for reading! I own nothing.

Jim Rockford woke the next morning wondering if all of it had been real. Did Janessa Becker really tell him he was going to be a father? Then, he recalled their conversation in his car, and the smile he couldn't wipe off his face. He also had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach because tonight they were going to tell Dennis and Peggy the news. Jim hoped that his friend would take the news well, but his gut was telling him that Dennis wasn't going to take the news of his impending parenthood very well.

Just as Jim was stepping out of the shower he heard the phone ring, "Hello?". Janessa answered on the other line, "Hi, Jim, it's Janessa. I talked to my boss today. I told him that I'm keeping the baby and he said that I can work as long as I want to and that my job will be waiting for me after the baby is born." She heard Jim smile through the phone, " Hey, that's great. I know you were really worried about that. How are you feeling about telling your aunt and uncle tonight?" Janessa took a deep breath, " Jim, I'm so nervous. I've thrown up a couple of times and I'm not sure if its nerves, or the baby, or both." Jim replied, "Hey, listen, don't get yourself all worked up over this? I told you I'm not gonna let you do this alone, and I meant it. How about I pick up around 4. We can go to the store and pick up some things we need for tonight, then come back to my place and get things ready for when everyone gets here."

Just as he promised, Jim picked Janessa up at Dennis's. The ride to Jim's trailer was spent in nervous silence. Neither person knew what to say to the other. What do two people who barely know each other talk about? Jim knew that telling Janessa that everything would be okay over, and over wasn't going to help things. The pair spent the next couple of hours making the salad, cutting up lettuce, onions, and tomatoes for the burgers, and thinking about how they would tell their family members that they barely know each other, but are welcoming a baby in seven and a half months.

The closer to six O' clock it got, the more Janessa paced the floor and bit her nails. "So, what's your story, Jim?" Janessa asked as they sat at the table waiting for the Beckers and Rocky to arrive. "Well," Jim said, "I'm a private detective. I've been doing that since I got out of jail, but don't worry I was pardoned. Umm, I'm a Korean war veteran. I guess, other than that, there's not much to tell." Janessa's eyes went wide, "wow, my baby's dad is a pardoned criminal. I wasn't expecting that. I guess if you got pardoned, you didn't do it, right?" Jim rubbed the back of his neck and winced, "yeah, that's what that means." Janessa reached over and laid her hand over his, "I'm sorry Jim. I didn't mean it like that. I know if Uncle Dennis likes you, you're all right." Jim gave her a half-smile, "Aw, its okay. I know I'm not exactly who you expected to be connected with for the rest of your life, but I promise I'm gonna take care of you two."