Tobirama storms the next day into the rudimentary Hospital Konoha has, with one thing in mind and its related to one Uchiha who has been the hot topic of many of his men's ranks. He can sense the whole village buzzing with anxiety once the news broke, and when the speculation hits its course until Tobirama had to order his men to placate their exaggerating and disproportionate rumors.

He keeps walking (well marching is the correct word anyways) until he ends up on the second floor, and glances at the small office at the end of the hallway. All while hearing the nervous comments from the nurses and a few medic-nin running up to meet him, probably to inquire him what made him visit the Hospital. But that doesn't matter, at all.

He has a job to do.

The hallway has as much personality as the rest of the Hospital; its crammed with patients on trolleys, some tended by strained relatives and some alone. They lie on their back, with their eyes towards the fluorescent tubes that flickers.

Because even while they built the village to avoid death, it doesn't mean that they don't get hurt. There are bandits and nuke-nins organized to steal and decimate village and while Konoha is strong, it's still struggling to stand after a few months after its founding.

Not to mention that in the last three months, there has been a rise in accidents with every ninja squad they have sent. Making it entirely possible that they're being target by a neighbor's village. He glances at the groaning man in his late twenties and the IV in his arms, probably to drug him so he doesn't feel pain, before walking to his next destination.

In his hands is a thick green folder, with sensible information he wants to discuss with Madara's doctor. Normally he wouldn't bother at this early hour, but time is ticking and he doesn't have much time to spare before Hashirama realizes his absence and comes to retrieve him himself.

A thing that he cannot risk before he confirms his suspicions.

He knocks twice and waits for it to answer, before greeting the woman who's sitting at her desk. A woman in her in his late forties and who has many scars on her arms and face, not hiding her Kunoichi past. A Nara, his mind supplies going back to the file Hashirama gave him, once Madara was first referred to and validating it when he sees the Nara logo stitched on the front.

"Hello Tobirama-san," She said, wrinkling her eyes. "While it's always a pleasure talking with you, I wonder what has prompted you to come here,"

"It's about a friend of mine who was attended by you," Lies but the medic doesn't need to know about that. He doesn't hate the Uchiha entirely but has more of a deep distaste for him. A feeling that ever since they founded Konoha, Tobirama has vowed to keep it at bay.

Not that it made a difference in the first months. As much as Hashirama had always said they were too alike, Tobirama has a different opinion on the matter. It was one of the many reasons why Tobirama had wanted his brother to be elected Hokage. Either it was a bill proposal, adjustment to the tax ratio, or even the public funding for the Hospital, Madara was always contradicting him.

Making him lose his composure more than once.

But if there's one thing Tobirama can acknowledge from the Uchiha's existence is that he plays a major role inside the village. His absence is affecting everyone, and they need to solve it before Konoha's enemies realize that he's ill.

And targets them.

Now, in the few days, Tobirama's been investigating there are a lot of options regarding Uchiha Madara's condition. Ranging from autoimmune disease to a chronic illness he's been hiding from them. The conclusion he reached is the same one as his brother, that one can't get this ill from one day to the other. Making it entirely plausible that the strange behavior Uchiha has been displaying over the past couple of months could be related to this condition.

"While I value your honesty and the desire for your friend's recovery, I do respect my patient confidentiality," The Nara stated with a smile. Tobirama sat, and look her in the eye, thinking about a change of strategy that could help him.

"I want to discuss his condition," He started placing the folder with all the pertinent information he'd gathered in the past couple of days on the desk, hoping that would be enough. "Because I found some evidence that could help him in his recovery,"

The medic-nin narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms. A distinct behavior whenever Nara was interested.

"Well Tobirama-san," She said and gave him a lopsided grin. "I'm all ears,"

Tobirama took a sip of the Matcha tea the medic had ordered one of her apprentices to fetch, savoring the taste before speaking, while not breaking eye contact with her.

She was a Nara, after all.

"The reports you sent to my brother said about a blockage in one-third of his chakra coils in his lower member, and a few around his head," He said while pushing the reports into her hands. "Could you mind explaining?"

"Of course," The Nara said with a bow, "On the first day I had to attend him, it was discovered that the impair mobility came from two sources, one-" She raised a finger and pointed to the Chakra Pathway System's map she placed there.

"From his stabilizer Muscles, sure. But that's not the main problem. It's most importantly," She pointed near the ear. " Here,"

"The vestibular system?" He voiced out, eyebrows raised. It made sense that Madara would have the system involving the sense of balance and spatial orientation affected. But how, exactly? That was a question Tobirama was dying to know.

"Does he have some sort of damage there?"

"The structure is fine, but it's the chakra coil that's placed next to the vestibular nerve and the one that's around the semicircular ducts that are giving us the trouble." She paused for a breath and eyed him with narrowed eyes. "Instead of producing chakra, they're doing the opposite"

"They're draining him," He said, finally realizing what he had overlooked. "His chakra coils located there, are draining all the cellular's structure inside the vestibular system, making it entirely pausable that the's lack of coordination comes from damage inside his ear"

"Exactly," She said. Probably relieved to have the chance to argue with someone who could understand her. "Now when I first saw the results I thought that the chakra drainage came from a poison, a high chakra demanding technique or even a side effect for overuse of his Sharingan. But then I remember that while the vestibular system can sense angular and linear acceleration, the way that our brain can guess the relative velocity comes from the-"

"Eyes," He finished, surprised. That would explain the use off the Sharingan's advantage in battle. "It's thank to our eyes that we can guess the velocity since we don't have a system or an organ that can sense it"

"It's a theory that I have. That maybe Uchiha Madara's eyes did something to his brain for his Chakra Pathway System to start malfunctioning. But that's when I came to check his eyes and I noticed something else, Tobirama-san"

She finished taking out one of the scans and showing it, and that's all the color drained out of his face. Because in both orbits two massive black spots were surrounding Madara's eyes.

What have you gotten into Uchiha, to end up like this?

He raised his eyes and locked his with the medics who then added.

"There's something in both of Uchiha Madara's eyes that's majorly draining his reserves and altering his other Chakra coils" He pursed his lips and his jaw tightened. "Either it's a tumor, a secret technique of the Sharingan, or something else. But it's what I think, prompted this whole ordeal,"
