Decided to play with the 100 prompt things... Have fun reading! This chapter contains my very own shipping for the Sonic fandom, Infinite X Knuckles, and if you have a problem with it or decide to hate it... Then leave, I'm not dealing with it... Because I will be doing more in later prompts...

Give me a follow and fav, for more content like this...!



The wind was blowing softly in the trees that infested Angel Island, all the vegetation made it seem untamed and chaotic where no creature could live in but there was at least one inhabitant of the floating island. The last living and guardian of Master Emerald, Knuckles the Echidna, was simply relaxing atop of his giant jewel he swore to protect as the nice summer breeze flow through the land. He hummed, like the quiet that bestowed on the island.

That doesn't mean though that it's peace hasn't been disturbed before...

"So how're red locks doing..?"

Knuckles sighed but don't bother to open his eyes and face the floating jackal in front of him. "Was doing fine till you showed up..." the echidna answered still not opening his eyes. "Now don't be like that Knucks... You know you love my company~" the once mad jackal stated before he gently placed a kiss on the echidna forehead. Finally, Knuckles opened his eyes and smiled softly, a soft blush coming on although it was hard to tell. "Your such a tease..." he commented as he slowly sits up as the other male floated down to sit next to him. "I'm aware of that. You don't seem to mind it though..." Infinite replied as he smiled to his hot-headed boyfriend. "After hanging around with Sonic multiple times on his adventures, I've learned to tolerate it..." Knuckles stated as he stretches from his nap.

The jackal scoffed at the mention of the blue speedster, just because he has been rehabilitated doesn't mean he enjoys the company of the rodent. Knuckles rolled his amethyst colored eyes in response, "I can tell your still holding that grudge against Sonic...". "It isn't that I continue to hold my anger out for him, it's simply that he is an annoyance in general..." Infinite tried to deflect but he knew Knuckles wasn't that of a dimwit. "Sure, whatever... Now, why are you on my Island? You must want something..." Knuckles asked as he turned his attention to the edgy mammal. "Isn't visiting my beautiful boyfriend a good reason for me to be here~?" Infinite asked teasingly, chuckling when Knuckles looked away in a flustered manner.

"Just answer the dahm question..." he said as his muzzle began to burn red much like his fur, "I've figured I give you a gift for my special gem~." Infinite replied to which Knuckles scoffed himself. "I swear if it's yourself, I'm dumping you off this Island..." Knuckles joked. "Mm, good guess but that's for another occasion..." the monochromatic predator smirked as Knuckled choked a bit at that statement. "Anyway, it's a gift... I've figured you'd want something SOMETHING that's you'd like to claim..." said the older male.

"I do have something in my possession..." Knuckles hissed back, he may seem calm in stressful situations but whenever it came to the Master Emerald, that was a different story. "You're guarding it... Something that your kind has been doing for generations, I wouldn't count it as... "Yours"," Infinite said as he air quoted the last word. The echidna snarled quietly but crossed his arms, "Well then give it to me... I don't have all day..." the hot head retorted as Infinite rolled his eyes. "You're going to have to leave the island first, love..." the jackal replied to which Knuckles look over.

"This better be quick..."

"I already don't like this..." Knuckles said as the jackal hold out a blindfold to the red echidna. "Love, don't make this more difficult... Besides, if I were to kill you I would've done it on the island." his edgy bf joked though that didn't make Knuckles ease in the slightest. "Just trust me..." Infinite sounded sincere which Knuckles knew in his heart that he could find comfort in. "O-Ok..." he stuttered before slowly and hesitantly putting on the blindfold over his eyes before his hand was held by the jackal. He lets his boyfriend lead him through the city for a while, he was getting restless and it seemed his stomach spoke for him on that behalf.

"Aw hungry Knuckles?" Infinite poked at his buffed boyfriend to which the echidna blushed in embarrassment.

"No, my stomach was complaining about how long we've been walking... OF COURSE IM HUNGRY!" He yelled before his nose caught on a smell. "What is that..?" Knuckles asked as he sniffed the air again and it was getting stronger the farther they walked, "A little batty told me you enjoy fruit... Especially one particular kind..." Infinite said as he smiled at Knuckles's expression. "Is it what I'm thinking..?" Knuckles asked curiously but know what the jackal was getting at, he was beginning to tug the blindfold a bit impatiently.

"Let me get that for you Red..." his boyfriend said as he helped untied the blindfold, Knuckles looking around to see they are in a park with a lake next to them. "Out of all places to hide my body, here?" he joked as Infinite chuckled softly. "I'm much more discrete excuse you..." the monochromatic jackal said as they walked along the bank, soon they sat down on a nice spot where the stars were visible as they glittered the sky. "The stars are nice tonight..." Knuckles softly spoke as he looked up the sky in admiration, he took a deep breath and exhale, he felt relaxed like on his homeland. "Especially if my mate is accompanying me this night..." Infinite said as he pulled his echidna by his waist to which Knuckles blushed again.

"How many times you're gonna make me blush tonight..?"

Infinite chuckled, "It's best if I don't tell you..."

"Haha..." Knuckles dryly laughed.

"I won't lie... Your certainly a unique creature..."

"Because I'm the only echidna left..?"

"Because of your strength... Your loyalty... your courage..."

Knuckles glances over to Infinite, feeling his chest tighten from the compliment. The jackal brought out a fresh vine of grapes on their stem, to which Knuckles happily took and ate out of hunger. Though despite it's a similar color, he spots the amethyst necklace that was hidden between the juicy fruit. The amethyst was surrounded by silver casting on a nice silver chain, it sparkled beautifully under the moonlight.

"It's..." Knuckles started to speak but seemed to lost his voice as he continued to stare at the gift.

"I figured it would compliment your red fur, just like those captivating eyes of yours..." Infinite smiled as Knuckles muzzle began to glow red again.

Knuckles smiled as he hugged Infinite who returned it, the jackal passionately kissing his precious gem.

His amethyst...