Hey guys, so I am back with another story I have been working on this while I was finishing up my last story but didn't want to post it until that one was complete.
This chapter is more of an introduction to the story plot and I also wanted to give you some context to the story: in this story Lucas, Nathan, Peyton and Haley grew up in Tree Hill and went to school together there. After that Lucas, Nathan and Haley went to college (met Brooke here) in New York and are now beginning their adult lives there.
Unlike the tv show, Nathan and Haley in this fic grew up as best friends throughout school and I'm going down the route that Nathan is Karen's son and Lucas was the one who grew up with Dan just to change it up. (like the episode of One Tree Hill where Nathan has the dream him and Lucas switch lives, that's the friendship he and Haley have in this fic).
Ok, I won't ramble on too much, the rest will be made clear as the story goes on. Enjoy and here is Chapter 1.
Disclaimer: I own nothing affiliated with One Tree Hill.
Chapter 1
'Come on Natey…pretty please.' Haley said joining her hands using her puppy dog face which almost always guaranteed she'd get her way at least when it was concerning matters with her best friend.
Nathan just rolled his eyes from the couch across from her. That look wasn't working on him today. No way. Not a chance.
It wasn't going to work.
'Don't give me that look and you know I hate it when you call me that Hales.' Nathan huffed out as he stood up and started pacing across the living room of the apartment.
'Thank you.' Haley squealed then as she watched him scratch the back of his neck while he continued pacing.
Nathan abruptly stopped then looking at her like she was crazy which really shouldn't surprise him because he knew full well, more than anyone that she was in fact crazy!
'Thank you?' He got out squinting at her confused as though he'd actually mislaid to her that he was actually going to go through with this.
'Yea.' Haley quipped confidently. 'You're pacing and you're scratching the back of your neck and when you do that you're thinking hard and if it was an outright no you wouldn't have to think about it.' Haley rambled out brazenly.
'You're crazy.' Nathan spat out then. 'Like you've actually gone mad Hales.'
'No, I will go crazy if I have to go through this alone, come on you so owe me for all them dates I've saved your ass on.'
'What?' Nathan said shaking his head. 'Dates Hales…they're dates which you only have to save my ass for like 5 minutes…you're asking me to come and spend two weeks saving yours…'
'It'll be like a holiday.' Haley mused trying to inject some humour into the situation. Truth be told she was actually full of dread about the whole thing and she wasn't even sure if asking Nathan along with her was the right idea but it was the only way really she thought that she could pull this off, it was the only believable one.
He was pacing again. Haley smirked, that was a good sign.
'Come on, remember when we were 8 and we made that deal that you'd be my pretend husband….'
Nathan scoffed. 'Yea if you weren't married by 25 Hales which by the way you've just turned 23 and we were 8!'
He noticed her twiddling with her fingers then a little apprehensively and he sighed as he sat down facing her again. Nathan knew Haley better than anyone and he knew she wouldn't have asked or she wouldn't cover up like this to her family unless she really had to.
He also knew Lydia James and her daughter Taylor; a force to be reckoned with. Lydia was always pushing Haley, nothing was ever good enough, whether it be school or her personal life, in Lydia's eyes Haley was a failure if she didn't have a degree, a job, a partner; basically, she placed all happiness and success on external things which ironically were the exact things Haley didn't place her happiness on.
His best friend, she found joy in the littlest of things; morning walks, coffee runs, outdoor cinema, mini golf, creating ridiculous cocktails….it was the very thing he had always adored about her, her ability to keep her childlike vision of the world; her happy heart.
Being around her family, it seemed to quash that completely.
It's not like they were horrible people, they were nice at times but Lydia's love for her daughter was misplaced, it always came down to how it reflected back on their family, it was all about pride. Jimmy James was a very different man altogether, much more like Haley but his influence never seemed to reach them under the throes of their mother and so his vision was quashed and Haley lived under the scrutinising vision of her mother and her pretentious sister.
Taylor. Just her name made Nathan roll his eyes, she was Haley's oldest sister and the queen of the family. She didn't treat people well and it didn't seem to bother her. Lydia seemed to worship her and Nathan knew that was only because she was marrying a well to do lawyer. How petty.
'You know what you're right, this isn't even fair to you…it's too much, I don't know what I was thinking…hell I wasn't even thinking because I can't even think straight these days…this is just all so last minute, I thought I had more time…I mean I don't have a teaching job yet so maybe mum will be so focused on how much of a failure I am there she won't even notice there's not a guy and I'm trying not to care but after the way she rattled me for showing up to Aunt Bessie's second wedding, might I add, as single as ever I just don't think I can handle it again and….'
'Hales…' Nathan interrupted her incessant rambling with a smile on his face.
'God you'd think I'd get used to it.' Haley huffed off before she felt Nathan grabbing onto her hands.
'Hales..' Nathan said again as he got up from his position on the couch and moved over sitting beside her, he gently took her hands which were pulling through her blonde locks and brought them to his lap breaking her from her rambling. 'You done?' He chuckled as Haley almost choked on her words with the speed she was going.
Haley smiled sheepishly huffing out a breath. 'Yea..sorry.'
'Ok, let's just talk this through.' Nathan said calmly then. 'I get it ok. Haley I know your family better than anyone, I can see why you asked me..'
'I can sense a big but coming…' Haley mumbled as she pulled her hands away from his and turned to face him sitting with her legs criss-crossed on the couch.
Nathan smiled knowingly. 'But we're talking almost two weeks here, not a weekend..two whole weeks and they know us Haley, how many times have we argued against them that we were ever going to be a couple? They'll see right through it!'
'This is my mum Nathan; how many times has she badgered us on this? If she thinks for one second it happened she'll accept it, she won't even look for a reason not to.'
'Maybe..' Nathan hesitated. 'I'm just….I'm worried about you Haley; I know you and you're going to find it really hard to lie about this and what happens after when it's all said and done..'
'So, what we just use what all best friends who hooked up do…we say it didn't work out and we work better as friends?' Haley shrugged. 'Nathan, it's only a little white lie, just for this wedding…its easier this than have mum on my back over everything, I just don't want to deal with it all especially since its Taylor's wedding, that only makes everything worse.'
'Well this looks deep.' Brooke commented brazenly as she floated into the living room and plonked herself down on light grey couch adjacent to Nathan and Haley. 'Oh, you told him.' She squealed.
'She knows…' Nathan let out towards Haley wondering when Brooke had even come into their apartment.
'She has a name Nathan…and yes I know seen as I sort of gave your Haley the idea.'
'Brooke was just helping me decide what to do.' Haley reasoned.
'Ok I sort of gave Haley the idea because we thought why not make a holiday out of this? You two go out for the wedding, complete your acting roles to perfection and me and Lucas were thinking of heading out and joining ye for the last five days…the 4 of us could have a hol, god knows we deserve one after the last 6 months.'
They had all finished college in the last 6 months and were just settling into their adult lives in New York. Both Nathan and Lucas had secured employment in their line of work, Nathan was working in finance while Lucas was working as an editor. Brooke was undertaking a fashion internship. Haley meanwhile was struggling to get a suitable teaching contract, she knew she was being a little particular and was holding out for the right job.
'You know what that's actually not a bad idea.' Nathan said coming around to the idea.
'Yea Brooke and we will need a holiday after dealing with my family for a week.' Haley reasoned then. She was joking about it but Nathan could tell she was filled with dread about it all and his decision was made up there and then. Even if he didn't go he would spend the entire week worrying about his best friend anyway so he was better off being there.
'Ok count me in.'
'Really?' Brooke and Haley both squealed.
'Yea.' Nathan said. 'Why not? We may as well make the best of this messed up situation.'
'Come on, it will be so easy for you guys…you practically act like a married couple anyway.' Brooke goaded.
Haley and Nathan just rolled their eyes. They were used to this from Brooke, she hadn't grown up with them to understand just how platonic things were between them even when they were playing around with each other. There was nothing more to it.
'What about Jake?' Nathan questioned then.
'Jake and I aren't even official so hardly time to introduce him to my crazy family and he said if it was any other guy but you this wouldn't be happening.' Haley mused.
Nathan smiled. That sounded like Jake alright. They had been friends since high school and they recently only met up with him again when he moved to New York after going to Boston for college. He was working alongside Nathan now in his company.
'So, did you and Jake ever date in high school?' Brooke said then.
'Nah he was with Peyton then; it was pretty intense but then Peyton and Lucas..'
'Yea I heard about that.' Brooke smirked. 'So much dirt in Tree Hill I still can't believe you two never..'
'Ew no..not again Brooke.' Haley teased as she draped her arm across Nathan's shoulder. 'He's my Royal aren't you?' She mused.
Nathan shrugged her off. 'I told you to never call me that.'
Brooke just raised her eyes at the pair. 'Yea you might want to cool down the eww reaction next week and brush up on your acting skills.'
Nathan just ran his hands over his face. What had they gotten themselves in for?
'Ok so are we saying graduation night or the night we won the championship?' Nathan questioned then. The plane had literally just taken off and Haley had begun her intense planning into how they were actually going to pull this off.
Not that he was surprised, this was Haley after all and he was half expecting her to whip out a mind map of how this ruse between them was going to play out in reality. Nathan smiled at the thought,
'Wat are you smirking at? I know that smirk and that's the you're taking the piss out of me in your head smirk.' Haley goaded as she rummaged through her rucksack on her lap. 'Dammit I forgot my paper and pen.'
'You're writing this down?' Nathan said flabbergasted.
'You sound surprised.' Haley quipped back. 'Ugh phone notes will have to do.' she mumbled to herself as she whipped out her iPhone and started tapping away.
'Hales…' Nathan chuckled. 'What are you doing?'
'You won't be laughing when you're blindsided by questions and you can't remember the story.'
Nathan sighed at her; Haley was a planaholic at the best of times but the way she was behaving now coupled with the anxiety bubbling within her over what was to come he was pretty sure she'd break into pieces before they even got there.
'Hales…hey…look at me.' Nathan said seriously then as all his jokiness abated.
Haley dropped her phone back into her bag defeatedly as she turned to face him letting out a soft sigh.
'You're going to fall apart before we even get there, come on don't let them do that to you, you're better than that.' He reasoned softly.
Haley closed her eyes momentarily trying to calm herself before she opened them again smiling back at her best friend. He always knew how to make her feel better. He was so in tune with her that it actually scared her sometimes because she couldn't pretend with him, she couldn't say that this wasn't getting to her because he would see right through it. He always did. 'I'm going crazy aren't I?' Haley joked flatly.
Nathan just smiled at her. 'We both know you're crazy Hales but this is next level.' He teased. 'How about we just go with the flow on the story about how we got together, I mean we can read each other pretty well I'm sure that will be pretty natural..'
'Are you sure? Won't they notice we don't know what we're talking about?' Haley all but panicked.
'Nah they won't trust me; I'll take the lead if you're worried alright?'
Haley nodded then as she dropped her bag down by her feet and rested her head on his shoulder. 'Thank you.' She whispered softly.
'Now get some rest ok, I've already had enough of you and we've got another hours flight and two whole weeks to go.' Nathan goaded.
'You're mean.' Haley pouted.
'But I'm your only friend.' Nathan mused.
Haley rolled her eyes; she heard this comeback all the time. She didn't even bother responding.
'You know I'm right.' Nathan said then as he rested his head back and closed his eyes too.
'Just go to sleep Nathan.' Haley smiled with her eyes closed as she heard him chuckle beside her.
Haley didn't know when she last felt this nervous, even giving her valedictorian speech, her first day of college, interviewing for jobs…nothing came close to the nerves she was feeling now as they turned off the road for the Julian's Estate house and gardens where Taylor was having her wedding. They would all be spending ten days booked in here. It was one of the most stunning and renowned spots in Italy and notoriously popular for weddings. Haley wondered how Taylor had got in here seen as this engagement and wedding had all happened in the space of 3 months but she figured her soon to be husband had a certain part to play in that.
She needed to distract herself from the nauseating sensation of the moths that were currently swarming around her tummy.
'Ok we need to clear the air on some things.' Haley said then as she glanced across at Nathan who appeared annoyingly relaxed about all this.
'Absolutely no kissing whatsoever on the lips…'
'Absolutely not..' Nathan said not overly keen on the idea of kissing his best friend anyway. 'But we do need to make it believable..'
'Yea so forehead, cheek if you have to but I might jump away..'
'Hales you can't jump away that's going to make it obvious.' Nathan scoffed.
'Oh, you know what I mean …' Haley reasoned. 'Just don't pounce on it on me, give me a warning.'
Nathan just shook his head at her, she was so silly. 'Holding hands…'
Haley nodded. 'Touchy feely but not overly touchy or else it will just get weird.'
Nathan chuckled. 'Like this isn't already weird.'
'This is Taylor's big day so really she'll want all the attention on her, I think once we get over the initial 'oh look we're dating' now it should be ok…'
'Right..' Nathan agreed wondering who she was trying to convince more, herself or him.
'Anyways my family know I'm not big on PDA so I can really hone in on that…and'
'Haley..' Nathan interrupted her then as their taxi pulled up outside of the beautiful estate. 'Relax, ok. It'll be fine, me and you taking on Taylor and your mum it's nothing we haven't done before right?'
Haley smiled back at him then. 'I really needed to hear that.' She gave his hand a squeeze then. 'Ready to do this?'
Honestly, Nathan was usually the calm and collected one of the two but even he was feeling apprehensive about this but he had to brush away that voice in the back of his head that was shouting at him that really what they were about to do was going to change things for them forever. But he couldn't try and figure out the reasoning beyond those doubts now because Haley, his best friend, she needed him and he would never let her down. They would get through this and hopefully come on relatively unscathed from it all.
'Let's go.' Nathan said then as they hopped out of the cab and thanked the driver for getting their suitcases from the boot.
'My baby…'
'Hi daddy.' Haley smiled as she wrapped herself in the arms of her father and allowed the serenity she always felt when it was the two of them wash over her for she knew in a mere matter of seconds it would be gone and lost amongst the noise of the events to follow.
'Mr. James.' Nathan came up smirking as he shook his hand.
'Ah how many times do I have to tell you boy none of that Mr. James crap with me especially if you are going to be my future son in law.' He teased slapping Nathan across the shoulder.
Nathan looked towards Haley a little taken aback and her face practically mirrored his.
'Well don't look so surprised you two, Quinn practically shouted it to everyone when she heard you were taking Nate as your date.'
'Of course, she did.' Haley muttered.
'I'm glad it's you son.' Jimmy said happily then and Haley saw the sparkle in his eyes and there it was; the first stab at her heart.
Nathan swallowed thickly as he too felt that very same stab to his chest and this was just the beginning. 'Thank you.' He said directly as he caught Haley's eye and she quickly looked away from him. He could tell she was a little rattled already.
'Well come on in, you don't want to keep the queens themselves waiting.'
'Is that my youngest, baby girl I hear?' Lydia shouted from the lounge area that was adjacent to the reception.
Haley grimaced when she noticed a lot of her family members seated around smaller tables and chairs in the lounge area, some had suitcases adjacent to them, it seems everyone had just or were about to arrive.
She felt Nathan encase her hand in his then and tried not fixate on how odd it felt, as close as they were they had never really held hands, it was something so simple that felt way too intimate but really this was only the start and she needed to push those disconcerting thoughts aside. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze then. 'It's going to be ok.' He whispered to her just as her mother bounded over to them.
'OH, my baby girl, you are looking beautiful.' Lydia said as she enveloped Haley in a hug admiring her emerald green swing dress and beautiful blonde waves before pulling back and smiling at Nathan. 'Come here to me, do you know how long I've been waiting for this?' Nathan just laughed awkwardly, a sound that was probably believable to anyone else's ears but Haley knew better. She pulled back then marvelling at the two of them. 'Well it's about time you both came to your senses.'
'Mom can we not do this..'
'Oh, honey you can't rock up here with the boy you've secretly denied loving for years and then downplay it off, come over here to the family…' She pulled Haley along with her then as Nathan followed after them.
They spent the next few minutes greeting some of Haley's aunts, uncles, cousins, some Nathan knew from before, some he had never met. They now found themselves sitting side by side directly across from Lydia's seat of interrogation much to Haley's dismay.
'Baby James you get more stunning by the day.'
Nathan smiled as he noticed the second genuine smile grace Haley's face that day, the first having been reserved for her father.
'Brenda, oh my god I'm so glad you're here.' Haley hopped out of the seat giving her a hug
'What and miss this wedding, how could we?' The lady mused sarcastically to which Haley giggled. Nathan just smirked at the two, he too had known Brenda for years. She was Haley's minder and for all the days he had spent at Haley's house when he was younger she was practically his too.
Haley dropped back down on the sofa then as Nathan stood up giving Brenda a big auld hug too. 'You are looking mighty fine.' She goaded as Haley admonished her.
'What, I'm not the only one who thinks it. All those years you spent denying it and now you two are together.' Brenda teased as she sat up on the armchair of their sofa.
Haley tried her utmost best not to grimace but god the reaction she was getting out of her family was causing her to stiffen up beside Nathan and she was positive he could feel it and she hoped no one else could notice.
'So, have you two slept together or what?' The malicious bride to be goaded as she plopped down onto the couch beside her mother. She was every inch the bride to be too in her tight strapless white mini dress, white heels and white nails. Nathan couldn't help but think how ironic it was, that colour on Taylor, she was anything but. He held back his scoff though because sure enough that would generate a bad reaction.
'Taylor..' Haley warned crossing her eyes at her.
'What it's usually how it happens, friends with benefits….I always knew you wanted to pop my sister's'
'Taylor enough.' Lydia scolded.
'We haven't.' Nathan simply answered crossing his eyes at Taylor refusing to give her anymore.
'And it's a damn shame if you ask me.' Brenda commented which seemed to lighten the atmosphere around them as Lydia, Quinn and Haley's aunt started chuckling.
'So how did it happen then?' Taylor interrogated refusing to give up. 'Seen as Nate here is the king of getting girls into his bed and well Haley is the opposite..'
'Taylor enough..' Haley started actually feeling her temper flare now. Even when they were growing up Taylor was always throwing digs at Nathan , Haley figured it was because he never got with her and it pissed her off.
'I am kind of curious how did you two cross the line..' Quinn pipped in then.
'There's not a lot to tell, it kind of just gradually happened in the last year..' Nathan started only to be interrupted by Lydia scoffing.
'Oh Nathan honey it happened long before the last year, I'm sorry I saw the way you were looking at my daughter on prom night' Nathan felt Haley stiffen beside him again if that was even possible and he groaned inwardly, this was killing him. Why was Lydia bringing things like that up? He had expected their joy over this relationship, hell he even expected their jokes but what he hadn't expected was them to go rehashing different moments in the past which was only going to make himself and Haley begin to look at them in a different light and that was definitely going to do more damage than good
'And don't think I didn't see you sneaking out the window that next morning.' Lydia teased.
'Mom…' Haley began again actually feeling the nausea rise in her tummy, she didn't think she could take anymore of this.
'Ok enough teasing little sis, what time is this white party kicking off at?' Quinn said winking over at her sister as Haley shot her a thankful look. Her stance relaxed a bit then as she tucked in closer to Nathan, she could tell from his stance he was as rattled by all of this as she was now and it was only day 1, wait not even day 1 it was hour 1.
'Oh god, oh god…' Haley mumbled to herself as she dropped her bags down and belly flopped on the king size bed.
'Would it look obvious to ask for separate rooms?' Nathan joked as he dropped his suitcase down by his side.
'Oh come on you've shared a bed with me before.' Haley mumbled from where her face was planted in the cushion.
'It wasn't that bad.' Nathan tried to interject.
'If one more person tells me that I was denying my love for you one more time I'm going to slit their throat.'
Nathan just chuckled at that. 'Come on, I know you love me Hales.' He gloated.
'Real funny.' Haley said as she lifted up to her elbows and crossed her eyes at him.
'I think we are over the worst of it.'
'Oh no they haven't even started drinking yet god knows what stories of our childhood mum is going to conjure up then.'
'Hey, the most important thing is we know the truth about our past and about right now, we're in this together.'
'How can you be so calm about this?' Haley said softly then.
'Honestly Hales I was bricking it a bit back there.' Nathan joked to which she smiled. 'But we're Nathan and Haley remember, we've survived crazy ex's, a flat tyre on prom night, vodka style beer pong, our college finals,….we've got through everything together, we can survive one fake relationship right? And we've came up against your family loads of times so we've already got armour there..'
Haley chuckled feeling her heart swell at his words. 'You make it sound like we are going into battle.'
'Oh we're going into war.'
Haley laughed at that as she pulled herself off the bed and went over to the mini fridge. 'Well then I guess we're going to need to liquor up.'
'That's my girl.' Nathan smirked as she tossed a little bottle of gin his way.
'And did you …did you see her face…she was all like how did it happen? I swear it kills her you never hooked up with her.' Haley shook her head as she tossed the remnants of her drink down. The two of them were sitting on the carpet with their backs against the bed sharing two mini bottles of gin between them feeling slightly buzzed.
Nathan grimaced at that insinuation as he too knocked back the gin.
'It's so Taylor.' Haley said with an eye roll as she went to grab Nathan's gin bottle.
'Oh no, no you don't…you need to stay semi-coherent.'
'Eh I can handle another one thank you very much.' Haley argued back.
'Haley no you can't and I'm afraid of what you might say if you have another one and go out there.'
'You think you know my drinking limits but you don't' Haley said as she gave him a playful shove.
Nathan just smirked. 'Ok let's play a little game of am I right or am I wrong?'
'I don't like this game.'
'The night of Lucas birthday when you promised me you would make it out but I had to put you to bed am I ..'
'Hey that's cause Brooke made that special cocktail.'
'Ok well what about the night you jumped that pole on the street thinking you were a..'
'Ok ok…you're right I can't handle my drink do we really need to rehash some of my worst moments.' Haley groaned at him.
'They were some of my best.' Nathan chuckled.
'Real funny Natey how about we talk about the night you came to my dorm room instead of Becky's and you…'
'Alright fine, please don't go there.' Nathan said grimacing at that memory. 'God I hated that girl.'
'Natey, Natey…' Haley laughed.
'Shut up Hales.' Nathan said but he couldn't help but laugh along with her.
Nathan didn't date, aside from one short romance he had in high school, since his senior year when things got rocky for him he never let anyone get close to him. His college years were spent seeing girls on and off but always letting them know he never wanted anything serious. Becky was one of them girls that he had to cut within two weeks, the nicknames and the neediness was all too much.
'Look we better get down there.' Nathan said then as he gulped down the rest of his gin.
'Yea, we're in this together right?' Haley said feeling the effects of the drink on her now which was helping to dampen the anxiety quelling within her. She gave Nathan a little fist pump then and he fist pumped her back and they both stood up.
'Woah..' Nathan chucked as he steadied Haley.
'I'm fine, we were just sitting on that floor for a really long time!' Haley smiled as she eyed him up and down. Nathan was wearing a three-quarter length crisp white shirt with more casual style white shorts; his hair was styled purposefully messy.
'You checking your boyfriend out?' Nathan teased and Haley just pushed him.
'Shut up.' She said. 'I practically dressed you so I'm admiring my handy work.'
Nathan smiled back at her as his eyed her up and down too, Haley was in a little white strapless dress which hugged her body, he knew himself it was out of his friend's comfort zone and he didn't know why, he wished she had more confidence in herself. She was gorgeous, Nathan had always known that.
'You look hot Hales.'
Haley just rolled her eyes at him before turning around and walking towards the door, that was the usual compliment she got from him and she by the look on his face now that he knew it winded her up.
Haley tried her best to relax as Nathan rested his arm across her pulling her back against him, they were standing at one of the high tables alongside Haley's parents. The tent where the white party was held was facing out towards the stunning Lake Garda, it was truly a beautiful place and Haley couldn't help but feel like its beauty in a way was wasted on Taylor who really had only decided to have her nuptials here for the name of the place as opposed to anything else.
'You know I was thinking when our Haley told me that you two were going living together that something had happened?'
Once again Nathan felt Haley stiffen up beside him and he sighed inwardly. Although really he should have counted himself luckily, they had successfully dodged any further interrogation for most of the night as they got to know Taylor's husband and some of his family, thankfully they were people that didn't know Nathan and Haley's back story so they could relax a little more around them.
'Mom friends can live together you know, me and Nathan planned that before anything happened.'
Nathan took a sip of her beer letting Haley take the lead on this one.
'Sure, honey but you know it's usually in situations like that where one thing does lead to another, that's how your uncle Tim eventually married Beth, they were friends for years, moved in…had sex on the kitchen counter one day…'
Nathan started choking a little on his beer at her words breaking the two ladies from the conversation.
Haley rubbed his back softly. 'You ok?'
'Yea.' Nathan said as he calmed himself down. 'Mental image.' He grimaced as Lydia smirked unabashedly. 'My apologies but those two were the best of friends and now they're so in love.'
'I'm just going to get another beer, you need anything?' Nathan tried to get out in his normal voice. He could tell from the way Haley was looking at him that she knew something was up and he hated that she could read him so well.
'I'm ok, thanks.' Haley gave him the look and he knew that look meant come find me so we can talk later.
'You two are adorable.' Lydia gushed as Jimmy just rolled his eyes.
'So, you keep saying.' Haley mumbled to herself as she glanced after Nathan.
Nathan got up to the bar immediately ordering himself something stronger than a beer. He ran his hands over his eyes and down the bridge of his nose trying to knock some sense into himself as he waited.
Where in the hell had that image come out of? As soon as Lydia had mentioned the sex and the kitchen counter he had pictured him and Haley in their apartment, what the actual fuck? Between her talking about that couple who were best friends and moved in together and then the sex his mind just seemed to go there, this had to be some kind of sick joke because he never thought of Haley in a sexual way before. Sure, he thought she was hot and maybe as a horny teenager he admitted to her he'd had a few dreams but that was years and years ago.
He was surprised he didn't choke himself to death when that mental image came into his head.
Clearly their words were messing with him and getting to him more than he realised? He couldn't let this happen. Or maybe he was just being a typical guy and of course his mind went there.
That's all it was, he was being ridiculous.
He knew where he stood with Haley. She knew where she stood. They were strong enough for this.
'Honestly I thought it was going to take another few years before you saw sense.' Quinn teased as she popped up beside Nathan ordering herself a cocktail.
'Hey Quinn.' Nathan smiled genuinely, she was one of Haley's family members that he had always gotten on with and in a way he had to be even more careful because it felt like it would be easier to divulge to Quinn that this was all a ruse. And he also felt like Quinn may possibly see through their white lie more so than anyone else.
'I'm happy for you Nate and for my sis, you know when you two didn't hook up senor year and then in college I was beginning to think you were both right all along.'
Nathan just nodded his head; this was the second stab to his chest today. Lying to Quinn.
'Are you ok?' She glanced at him curiously.
Dammit. She was already seeing through the cracks. 'I'm just worried about Haley.' Nathan admitted. He knew this would work because it wasn't a lie, he was worried about her.
He glanced behind him then noticing Haley chatting still with her parents and two other people he didn't recognise. She had that tight, strained smile on her face and it made him sad.
Quinn smiled at him as she followed his line of sight, it always tugged her heart how deeply Nathan cared about Haley, it was something rare in a person, in fact what they shared was something you didn't often come across between two people. 'She'll be ok , she always is when she has you by her side.' Quinn admitted as she patted Nathan's shoulder before walking back over towards the table Haley was at.
It was all getting to him then. Quinn's words coupled with the intrusive thoughts he was having earlier were messing with his head.
Haley needed him and he needed her. It's always how it had been, they faced the world together and they always came out on top.
She was his best friend; she was his everything. What were they thinking? Were they about to jeopardise that? Nothing had happened and Nathan knew himself that there was no way he could possibly develop feelings for her because if he was to he knew it would have happened by now yet at the same time the twinges of regret were beginning to rise within him, the trepidation over their white lie was beginning to taunt him and he couldn't rationalise why but he had this awful, shaky feeling that this wasn't going to end well for them.
Glancing behind him again Nathan noticed Haley was gone and he sighed. He needed to talk to her about this now.
'Hey, can I grab you for a minute?' Her voice rang through his ears then and Nathan turned towards her and let out a sigh of relief. 'I was just coming for you.' He looked at her oddly then when he noticed her lip trembling. 'What happened?'
Haley grabbed him by the hand leading him out of the tent back towards the estate house. She rounded one of the corners to the side of the house leading them into a little pretty alcove that was empty.
'Nathan…I feel like this is all going to be my fault and we're going to fall out over this or even worse' Haley choked back a sob then as the days event began to weigh heavily on her.
'Hey….' Nathan said coming to comfort her as he rested his hands on her shoulder. 'Where is this coming from Hales?'
It was odd how in tune they were with each other, it seemed like similar doubts were plaguing her mind.
'You just bolted Nathan and you were acting weird and you didn't come back..' She began to ramble.
Nathan couldn't help but chuckle despite himself and paused when Haley glared at him.
'How are you finding this funny?' She got out pathetically.
'I'm not I just bolted because your mum was freaking me out with the whole sex on the counter thing.' He admitted and saw the beginnings of a smile twitch at the corner of Haley's lips. 'And I didn't come back because I thought if I wasn't there we'd both get a break from the interrogation which by the looks of it you need because…'
'I'm a mess.' Haley supplied as she wiped at her watery eyes.
'You're a very pretty mess.' Nathan responded and smiled when Haley have him a small smile despite how torn up she was feeling.
And he knew in that moment that they were strong enough for this. And he needed to be strong for her, to hell with the doubts that were plaguing his mind.
He was just being ridiculous. Nothing was going to change.
17 years of friendship up against one fake relationship and one crazy wedding. The odds were forever in their favour.
'I guess I'm just scared that this will hurt us somehow, I don't know if that even makes sense…I'm just worried and I don't know why.'
'Hales look at me.' Nathan said resolutely. 'I promise, this won't change a thing.' He said and he felt relived as when he looked her into her yes he could see it, she truly believed him and he needed her to for him to believe it himself.
Please let me know your thoughts and if you're interested in reading this story and I will be back with chapter 2 soon, there is lots to come! 😊