Symphony of Sorcery
After successfully making the centaurs and centaurettes fall in love with each other, our heroes were set for the main event: The Wine Festival. They've learned that the festival serves as tribute to Bacchus, the god of win and parties, and is considered to be the biggest celebration ever. Everyone would be there, and the Equestrians were planning to miss it either. For helping the cupids, they even gained a special title.
"I can't believe they declared us 'honorary cupids'," Octavia said.
"Neither do I," Spike agreed.
"There was no need for that," Rainbow said, plainly. "We just help centaurs fall in love with each other. No biggie."
"This is a big honor, Rainbow Dash," Twilight points out.
"Agreed," Jiminy replied, sitting atop Fluttershy. "Now we can enjoy the festival."
"I'm so excited!" Pinkie said. "Who's excited?! I've never been so excited! You know what I'm most excited about? Meeting Bacchus!"
"From what I heard, he sounds like quite the party animal," Spike said.
"Well, logically he is the god of parties," Jiminy points out.
"Fair point," Spike nods.
"Should we wear something chic?" Rarity asked.
"I don't think so," Jiminy shrugged.
"Why don't you ask them to be sure?" Vinyl asked.
Vinyl points to a group of fauns, centaurs and centaurettes passing by while carrying baskets, sacks and plates filled with grapes.
"Wouldn't hurt to ask," Rarity said, approaching a centaur. "Excuse me, sir."
"Yes, Miss Rarity?" The centaur replied.
"I was wondering if we have to wear something elegant for the festival," Rarity said.
"Usually, there's no need for that," The centaur said. "But you can if you want to."
Applejack joins alongside Rarity, wrapping an arm around her.
"Ah think we don't need to wear fancy dresses this time," She replied, much to the fashionista's disappointment.
The cowgirl pony noticed some of the fauns struggled with the sacks and baskets with grapes. The centaurs had no trouble since they're big and strong, so Applejack approached.
"Need any help, sugar cubes?"
"Oh, there's no need, miss," One faun said. "It's very nice of you, but we can handle it."
"Are ya sure?" Applejack asked. "Cause it don't look like it."
The faun thought for a few minutes and nodded.
"Maybe we could use some help, after all."
"Ah thought as much," Applejack said. "Let me carry a few and you help the others."
"Okay, sounds fair."
The faun puts down the sack, as Applejack grabs it with her teeth.
"I gotta warn you, miss, these sacks are very…"
Before the faun could finish, Applejack threw the sack on her back, carrying it like it was nothing.
"… Heavy."
Both the fauns and centaurs couldn't help but stare at the Earth pony's amazing strength holding not one, but three sacks/baskets filled with grapes, one atop the other, on her back. She trots ahead without feeling the slightest bit of exhaustion while the other creatures stood speechless.
"She makes it look so easy," One faun said.
"I know," Spike nodded. "That surprised me too."
"Come on, ya'll!" Applejack calls out. "Don't wanna be late for the party!"
"Maybe we can help too," Twilight advised.
"That's very sweet of you," Another faun said, pointing behind. "There's still a few more sacks and baskets over there."
"Okay, each of us can carry one, because neither of us has Applejack's strength," Twilight instructs.
"I could carry two," Rainbow bragged. "Maybe three."
"Didn't you and Rarity carry a giant boulder once?" Spike asked Twilight.
"Yes, and we both ended up with backache the next day," Twilight said.
The little dragon nods understandingly, as the Equestrians each took a sack or basket, carrying them on their back and following the creatures. Rainbow took two, while the fauns help each other with carrying, even Spike helped out. They all travel through the forest and end up in a glade where a big tub stood. Wine emerged through a wooden pipe, creating a small stream on the ground.
The centaurs, centaurettes and fauns walk merrily toward the tub to empty the baskets and sacks, filling it with grapes. Sometimes they even dance joyfully while preparing the festival. Some fauns sat on the back of the horse part of the centaurs while playing their flutes.
"Boy howdy," Applejack said. "They're more excited for this festival than a bunch o' chickens at feeding time!"
"No doubt it'll be one heck of a party," Vinyl said. "I can play some of my beats to make it greater.
Twilight chuckles and places a hoof on the DJ's shoulder.
"No offense, but I don't think the inhabitants are quite ready for dubstep."
"Hmm… Alright," Vinyl said, without arguing.
"You can drop the grapes in the tub," One faun said.
The Equestrians approach the tub and empty all the baskets and sacks. Peering toward the bottom, they see a few fauns stomping the grapes with their hooves while playing their flutes. Applejack admires the sight.
"Hey, mind if ah lend a hoof?"
"Sure, if you want to," One faun said. "Come on in!"
The farm pony jumps inside the tub, stomping on the grapes.
"You know how to stomp grapes?" Another faun asked.
"Sure! Mah little sister and I sometimes do it to make grape juice. Especially during the Sisterhooves Social."
"What's that?"
"It's an annual event where ponies team with their sisters to compete against others in various contests."
"That's sweet!" The previous faun said.
"Now as Granny Smith would say, 'Move your caboose!'" Applejack said.
Soon, they all begin to stomp the grapes. One faun fell in the grapes and when he came up again, he blows wine through his flute. The others couldn't help but laugh. It was then our heroes saw the other guests appear from the forest and the sky. Many they recognized from earlier: Paris and the unicorns, Tim and a few other fauns, even Helen and her Pegasus family. They were happy to see their Equestrian friends, who went up to say 'hello'.
Pinkie Pie, on the other hoof, was distracted by the wine coming out the pipe.
Uh oh…
"Ooh, that looks juicy!" Pinkie admired.
"Wanna be the first to taste it?" One faun said. "Should be good by now."
"Don't mind if I do!"
The faun fills a cup with wine and gave it to her. She takes a small sip, smacking her lips for a better taste.
"Mmm… A bit sour, but still fruity," Pinkie said. "I love it!"
"The grapes have some acid in them," The faun explains. "But I'm glad you like it."
"Well, I am a Tutti-Frutti girl myself!"
"Enjoy, there's enough for everyone!"
The faun walks away while Pinkie drank the cup empty, filling it up to the brim this time. During which time, the other Equestrians spent some time with their new friends.
"Paris!" Twilight called out.
Twilight ran towards him and gave him a hug. The unicorn couldn't help but blush.
"Gee Twilight, it's not every day I get a hug from a princess."
"Fluttershy, dear," Helen greeted, with a loving smile. "So nice to see you and your friends again."
"Hello, Helen!" Fluttershy said.
Both used their heads to give each other a hug. The Pegasus foals surround both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, wagging their tails like puppies.
"Hiya, squirt!" Rainbow said to Peter, rubbing his head. "How's your flying?"
"It's going great!" Peter said. "Dad even taught me a few more tricks. I want to thank you again, Miss Dash."
"Just call me 'Rainbow', kid. Everypony does."
"Are you planning to do the Sonic Rainboom you talked about?" Anjelica asked.
"You bet I will," Rainbow nodded. "But let's enjoy the party first, alright?"
The foals nod understandingly. It was then another faun approached our heroes, holding a tray with cups of wine.
"Would you like to have some wine, miladies?" He asked.
"Oh, thank you!" Twilight said.
She lifts one with her magic, as the others grab one for each other. Then they clink their glasses together.
"To finding all the sheet music!" Twilight said.
"And making awesome memories!" Rainbow added.
They all smile in agreement and they all took a sip of the strange drink.
"Say, this is not bad," Twilight said.
"Are you kidding?" Rainbow said, taking another sip. "This is delicious!"
"It does taste good," Applejack agreed.
"Hmm… A little sour, but still fine," Rarity said.
"Just don't drink too much," The faun warned "Or you'll end up…"
Before the faun could finish, a loud shout made everypony jump in surprise and turned. Pinkie Pie strolled toward them in a wobbly fashion, holding her cupful of wine while sometimes taking a sip or two.
"I hope you've got sugar in ya *HIC* because I certainly feel *HIC* sugary!"
"… Like that," The faun finished.
"Pinkie?" Twilight approached, worried. "Are you okay?"
"Okay?!" The pink pony said. "Of course, I'm o*HIC*kay! Never felt better in my life!"
Pinkie accidentally bumps into Rarity and looks at her in a relaxed way. While Rarity looked a slight uncomfortable.
"Wow, Spike's right," Pinkie smiled. "Your eyes do sparkle when you look at them up close. Yep, *HIC* she's a keeper buddy *HIC* boy! Whoo!"
This was quite embarrassing for the little dragon. Spike blushed very hard, his cheeks turning, in Rarity's words, the most delightful shade of red.
"I think somepony's had a little too much wine," Vinyl remarks.
"A little?" Octavia asked, raising an eyebrow. "Look at her! She's completely out of this world."
"Hey!" Pinkie calls another faun serving wine to the guests. "Can I have two more *HIC* rides on the *HIC* rollercoaster, please?"
"I think you should take it easy," Twilight said, trying to calm Pinkie down. "You're quite drunk."
"Take it easy? HA! In your *HIC* dreams!" Pinkie said. "After a few drinks, I'm tots *HIC* totally gonna give *HIC* Bungus *HIC* the time of his la *HIC* life!"
"You mean 'Bacchus'?" Jiminy asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, yeah. Totally what I *HIC* mean."
"How much is a few?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh… Hmm, let's *HIC* see? One *HIC*, dos *HIC*, trois…"
"Nineteen," One faun said.
"WHAT?!" Twilight yelled, wide eyes.
"Nineteen full cups, all the way to the brim. I saw the whole thing!"
"Pinkie, are you insane?!" Jiminy said. "It's dangerous to drink that much wine!"
"Ya should see how much apple cider she drinks," Applejack said.
"Good thing you can't get drunk from that," Jiminy said.
"Well…" Applejack grinned, sheepishly.
"Oh brother!" Jiminy slaps his head.
"Pfft! You're all actin' *HIC* acting like I'll gonna *HIC* do something *HIC* looney!" Pinkie slurred her words again.
"I wouldn't be surprised," Octavia said.
She remembered the night of our heroes' first Grand Galloping Gala. THAT was a disaster.
"Relaa*HIC*aax, Tavi-Wavi! The only stoop *HIC* stupid thing I would *HIC* wouldn't do is *HIC* roll in poses *HIC* roses!"
"Rolling in roses?" Twilight asked. "Why would you—"
But Twilight stopped and shook her head remembering just how drunk Pinkie is.
"Just try to be careful, okay?"
"Careful is my middle name, Twinkie *HIC* Twilight. No wait! Actually, it's *HIC* Diane. Or, is it *HIC* Walter? Or *HIC* Pumpkin?"
It got so bad Pinkie belched that last word, while walking toward a few centaurs and centaurettes, talking to herself in trying to remember her middle name.
"And don't drink too much!" Jiminy shouts, before facing his friends. "We better keep an eye on her just in case.
"Agreed," Twilight nodded. "She can be a little… Unpredictable at times."
"We'll keep a watch on her too," One faun said. "Bacchus is known to do silly things too."
"And he's drunk all the time!" Another faun said, following his companion.
"Guess this festival will be somethin' alright," Applejack said.
Rainbow took another sip of wine until someone tugged her tail. She immediately turns around and sees the five Pegasus foals looking up to her.
"Excuse me, Rainbow," Eugene asked. "I know you said you'd show the Rainboom after the festival, but do you suppose you could show some new flight tricks?"
The blue Pegasus couldn't help but smile, seeing an opportunity to show the foals and all the inhabitants how awesome she truly is.
"Sure, I'd be glad to! Hey Spike, watch my cup till I'm back, alright?"
"Uh… Sure?" Spike said, taking Rainbow's wine cup.
"I gotta warn you kids, the stunts I'm going to do will totally blow your mind!" Rainbow explained. "Like the 'super speed strut' and the 'fantastic filly flash'. But wait till you see the 'buccaneer blaze'!"
All the foals listened with excitement, as they took to the air while the other Equestrians stay on the ground. They chat with the other creatures or play with them regardless if their adult or a child. During which time, Pinkie, who didn't listen to Jiminy's warning, drank a few more cups of wine while talking to a centaur and his mate. Her drunkenness got the better of her.
"Okay, *HIC* so Octavia and Vinyl came along with us because *HIC* Tavi over there is searching for inspire *HIC* inspiration for a concert *HIC* back home."
"Sounds fun," The centaur answers, casually.
"Yeah, we're besties. *HIC* Usually, there's seven of 'em *HIC, I'm sorry 'eight' *HIC* okay fine *HIC* 'nine'. It's the 'mane' ones you need to worry about *HIC*: Twilight, Dashie, cowgirl Dashie, Miss Dramaqueen, Lizard Boy, the one who talks quietly, and the party freak!"
Pinkie named her friends by pointing her hoof multiple times, before placing an arm around the centaur. She points at him with a crazy look on her face.
"Oh… How I loathe her! HA-HA-HA!"
Now it maybe the wine talking, but that glare she gave the centaur made him very uncomfortable. Suddenly, she felt dizzy and fainted on the ground.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," The centaur shook his head. "Shouldn't have drunk so much wine."
"Will she be okay?" A blonde centaurette asked.
"As long as she stops drinking and sleep on the floor the rest of the day," The centaur replied. "We'll be fine. Want a dance?"
"Gladly," The blonde centaurette said, as they walked off together.
Meanwhile, Twilight and Fluttershy conversed with Helen.
"Your princesses sound very nice," Helen compliments.
"Oh yes, you'd totally get along with them," Twilight said.
"Maybe you and your family can visit Equestria someday," Fluttershy said. "You and the other inhabitants would be more than welcome."
Whoa now take it easy. My request list is big enough as it is.
"I'd love that, dear," Helen replied. "But, if you don't mind me asking, how do you get there?"
"Through a portal summoned by the magic storybook," Twilight explained. "It usually appears when we start or finish the story. I'm still trying to figure out how it works."
"So, if you collect all the sheet music, you're going back home?"
"Yes, but we promise to still visit you. Or… You can visit us like Fluttershy suggested. We've made so many new friends and we'd love to see them all again."
Helen couldn't help but smile until she heard some explosion in the air, she and the ponies look up and were nearly blinded by light. They could hear the Pegasus foals cheer with joy for Rainbow Dash.
"What was that?" Helen asked.
"That must be Rainbow's Buccaneer Blaze," Twilight said. "Apparently, it's an amazing stunt. Too bad we were too late to see it."
Suddenly, the sounds of trumpets bellowed from the forest and Spike came straight toward them.
"Guys, he's coming!" He yelled, excitedly. "Bacchus is coming this way!"
Helen, Twilight, Fluttershy and soon everyone else turns around and see fauns and centaurs frolic out the woods. Two fauns played the trumpet, while two centaurettes held baskets with flower petals, spreading them around. Some centaurs carried more baskets with grapes.
Rainbow and the Pegasus foals flew down to the ground to watch the parade. It didn't take long for the other equines to join the rest as well along with Paris, Tim, Hector, Brudus and Melinda.
"Ah, the life of the party has arrived!" Brudus declared.
"This is it, everypony," Jiminy said, sitting atop of Fluttershy's head. "We're about to meet a god."
"Alright!" Vinyl smiled.
"Now I'm just as excited as you, Pinkie," Rainbow said, but couldn't find her friend. "Hey, where's Pinkie?"
"Taking a nap," Tim answered. "She drunk a few more glasses and passed out."
"Urgh, Pinkie!" Twilight face-hoofed herself. "I just hope she wakes up soon or she'll miss the whole party."
"Technically, she can't wake up that quick after drinking so much wine," Jiminy stated.
"You don't know Pinkie Pie," Applejack said. "You can expect everything from her."
A small black centaurette, similar to Sunflower, appears from the forest too and made a special announcement.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Mares and stallions! Please give a warm welcome to the one and only god of wine. The master of merriment: Bacchus!"
Everybody, including our heroes, cheer and clap their hands and hooves. And then came him. He was an obese man dressed in a white robe and red cape. He wore a holly crown with purple grapes and no shoes on his feet. He was assisted by two black-skinned centaurettes with the lower body of a zebra. One carried a big fan to cool the god off and the other carried a jug of wine. Four cupids carry a green canopy decorated with purple grapes above Bacchus for shade. One of the strangest things the Equestrians saw was that the god rode a donkey. But not like any donkey they've seen.
"Is that… A donkey with a horn?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.
"The correct term is Mulicorn," Tim replied. "He's called Jacchus."
"I've seen many ponies and creatures in my life," Fluttershy said. "But I've never heard of a mulicorn before."
"I wonder what Zecora would think if she sees those two centaurettes," Spike wondered.
Like one faun said, Bacchus is very drunk. So drunk, he lost his balance and almost fell off his mulicorn. Four fauns had to push him back up while he kept drinking wine from his cup.
How the horned donkey could carry the heavy god is a miracle and a mystery.
The centaurette with the jug refilled the god's cup every time while he laughed and giggled. The little centaurette saw it and couldn't help but shake her head until someone called her name.
"Otika! Over here!"
It was Sunflower waving to her. The centaurette named Otika smiles and ran toward her for a hug.
"Sunflower, how nice to see you again. How do you do?"
"I'm doing great!" Sunflower said, introducing her boyfriend. "I've finally met somebody."
"That's amazing, Sunflower!" Otika said, happy and surprised of her friend.
"It's all thanks to my friends," Sunflower said, addressing the Equestrians waving to them. "Including some new ones."
"Oh, hello! I've never seen any of you here before."
"They're from another world," Sunflower explained. "They've been helping the others too."
"Other world, huh?" Otika said. "That's neat!"
The Equestrians smile at the compliment and look toward the drunk god again, as he poured some wine into Jacchus' mouth. The mulicorn licks his lips, hiccups, brayed in excitement and flaps his ears joyfully. Bacchus almost fell again, but the fauns made sure that didn't happen. Both the silly god and the mulicorn were very drunk, Bacchuss himself had to adjust his crown and jiggled his chubby cheeks. Some of the creatures couldn't help but laugh.
"Boy, the people sure love him," Jiminy replied.
"He is something," Twilight nodded.
"Not the most handsome I've seen," Rarity said. "But he is very funny."
"He's a real party animal alright," Otika said, worried. "Sometimes I don't know what to do when he's drunk."
"You're doing a good job, Otika," Sunflower said, cheering her up. "After all, you're his most faithful servant."
"That's true."
Meanwhile, the four fauns struggle to get Bacchus off his pet. One of them slips and the god fell with his whole weight on top of them. He was too drunk to know what happened, looking around and gave a shrug while taking another sip of wine. The inhabitants couldn't help but laugh.
"Otika, a little help please?" One faun gasped, underneath Bacchus.
"Please excuse me, I've gotta take care of something," The little centaurette said. "I'll see you for the rest of the party."
"Do you need some assistance?" Twilight asked.
"That's very nice of you to ask," Otika said. "But I can handle it. Enjoy the party."
They watch Otika take off to help Bacchus and the other foals.
"Poor Otika," Sunflower said. "She really needs a break from time to time."
"You mean she never rests?" Fluttershy asked.
"Oh, she does. She just takes her job very seriously and she's so worried about Bacchus' drinking so much that he'll do something dangerous… Or stupid."
"Guess she's not the only being who gets stressed about things, huh Twilight?" Rainbow nudged her.
Twilight sheepishly smiled but didn't deny it this time.
"Well, if she's in need of help," Twilight offers. "Either she or you can let us know."
"That's very sweet of you, guys," Sunflower smiled.
Suddenly, one centaur couple approaches the Equestrians.
"Hey, we're about to dance," The centaurette said. "Wanna join?"
"I'd love to," Twilight smiled.
Need I remind everyone she loves to dance.
"I'm definitely in the mood to party," Vinyl said.
The others agreed and, with the other centaur couples, approached the dancing grounds. While this happened, a faun woke up Pinkie Pie. She was still a bit drunk, but otherwise she's fine.
"Uh, what happened?" Pinkie asked. "And why does my head hurt?"
"You drank a little too much wine and passed out," The faun explained. "I'm surprised you woke up so quick."
Pinkie began to think then gasped loudly.
"Did I miss the party?!" She asked, bringing the faun's face close to her.
"Nope, it just started, and Bacchus arrived."
The pink pony gasps again with a smile, as stars appear in her eyes.
"Bacchus is here?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Well… Now you know?" The faun said, without blinking.
"I better hurry up!" Pinkie said. "I promised I'd turn this party into a paaartay! But first…"
Pinkie found another cup of wine and drank it in one gulp.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The faun cried, waving his arms. "You just woke up and you're drinking?! You better stop or you'll be as drunk as Bacchus."
When Pinkie finished her drink, she threw the cup away and acts with a bit of a slurred tone again.
"That makes it even bat *HIC* better. You know what they *HIC* say: Birds of a feather should *HIC* together! Hee-hee!"
Pinkie ran wobbly towards her friends. The faun watches her for a few minutes, then shrugged and walked away. During which time, Otika busily helped Bacchus off the fauns.
"I'd like to have another *HIC* ride on the clouds, please!" The wine god yelled.
"Maybe a little later, sir," Otika said, pushing him up. "You need to go to your throne first."
The fauns managed to get up and help the centaurette with Bacchus.
"Oh, goodie-goodie!" Bacchus claps his hands, merrily. "Then I can announce to everyone and have more *HIC* wine."
"Come on, guys!" One faun said, struggling. "Put your back into it!"
"I think mine's broken!" Another faun said.
It was then the mulicorn decides to help. He looks at his horn, which gave him an idea. He gives his master a light stab, causing him to yelp in surprise and stand on his two feet instantly.
"Thanks, Jacchus!" Otika said.
She then walks up some stairs, rolling out a long red carpet leading to a small throne. Behind it were two small trees with grapes and two huge barrels with Bacchus' name above it. Two fauns lead the god to the throne while playing their trumpets. Three others pull him by his robe and Jacchus pushes him from behind without hurting him with his horn. The master of merriment kept drinking, oblivious to what's going on. After Otika clears the dust off the throne and walks behind it, the mulicorn gives one hard push causing the fauns to fall on the ground. Bacchus didn't fall but instead stood on one leg, his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Suddenly, he falls toward his throne, the fauns quickly pull him by the robe to prevent him from falling backward. Otika pushes him, but it causes him to spin around his throne and fall from the stairs. The fauns and mulicorn couldn't help but watch as the wine god crashed against a tree, destroying the throne in the process. Even Otika covered her mouth with her hands in shock. Yet, the god cheered, laughed and drank from his wine while sitting on the ground.
It's a complete surprise not a single drop spilled from that cup during the fall.
While he cheers, the centaurs began to dance. Our heroes haven't started since they saw the god fall and bump. They approach him to check if he's alright.
"Are you okay, Mr. Bacchus?" Applejack asked.
"Oh, better than okay," Bacchus said, taking another sip. "There's music, dancing and, best of all, lots of wine!"
"Yup, definitely the kind of guy Pinkie would hang out with," Rainbow states, bluntly.
Bacchus faces the Equestrians in an observing yet relaxed way.
"You look really adorable, you know that? Cause if I were *HIC* wasn't so drunk, I'd say I've seen any of ya *HIC* you before. Coochy-coo!"
The god pinched Fluttershy's cheek, making her blush while she rubbed it.
"Uh yeah, anyways I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduced. "My friends and I are residents from Equestria."
"Ecu-westria?" Bacchus slurs his words.
"Uh, no… Just 'Equestria'," Twilight articulates.
"Don't ring any *HIC* bells," Bacchus shrugs, smiling. "But sounds like a fun place!"
Suddenly, Pinkie appears out of nowhere before the god of wine.
"That's because it is a fun place…" Pinkie smiled, with a squee. "As long as there aren't villains trying to take over the *HIC* world. I'm Pinkie Pie and I've waited forever to meet you!"
"How could you wait forever?" Rainbow asked. "You only knew about Bacchus today."
"Oh, Dashie-Dashie-Dashie," Pinkie said, booping her muzzle. "You still have lots to know about *HIC* me. Heh-heh!"
The Pegasus rubs her muzzle with a raised eyebrow, as if saying 'What the hay?!'.
"I like her," Bacchus smiled.
"There's lot more you'll like!" Pinkie yelled, pulling the wine god with her. "Come on, you drunk teddy bear! Let's dance!"
The other Equestrians couldn't help but watch as their friend danced wildly with the god along with all the centaurs and centaurettes."
"That wine really did a number on her," Rainbow said. "She's acting more random than usual."
"Yes, but look how happy she is to meet Bacchus and enjoying the party with him," Twilight said, watching. "Let's just enjoy it as well. Come on, everypony! Time to hit the dance floor!"
All the Equestrians danced with the group. The centaurs sometimes switched partners, as did the group. The girls dance with the centaurs, even Spike dances with the black-haired centaurette who hugged him when they met. Eventually Spike got to dance with Rarity the first chance he had. The biggest party animals were Bacchus, Pinkie, Vinyl and Twilight.
Yes, Twilight Sparkle, dancing like the crazy pony she was at Fancy Pants' Garden Party and the Fall Formal at Canterlot High.
Many of the centaurs and centaurettes watch her with awkward expressions, some of them laugh, but she didn't mind. After all, she loves to dance, no matter what others think. Surprisingly, some of the guests actually enjoy it.
"Alright!" Bacchus cries. "That lady's got the moves!"
The God of Wine ran beside her and danced along in the same manner.
Meanwhile, Pinkie danced with several centaurs while Bacchus dances with some of the ponies and several centaurettes. Even Jacchus joined the party, hopping merrily around his master. Rainbow was doing a moonwalk, impressing the other dancers.
"Yeehaw!" Applejack yelled, excited. "You show 'em, RD!"
Bacchus dances with another centaurette, while Pinkie danced with a centaur. Both centaurs made their partners spin around, causing them to bump each other while they spun about. Suddenly, they stop and look at all the creatures and the Equestrians bowing before the god himself.
"All hail Bacchus!" One centaur said, as everyone cheers.
Bacchus himself bows before his guests, while holding his cup of wine, causing his cape to fall forward.
"Yeah! Uh-huh! That's right!" Pinkie cheers. "You're the *HIC* god! You're the *HIC* god! WOO-HOO!"
Pinkie fires her party cannon into the air, dropping confetti on everyone.
"Thank you, thank *HIC* you!" Bacchus said, bowing. "But you should also give a round of applause for Pinkie Pie: The *HIC* goddess of parties."
This surprised the pinkie mare completely, while everyone, even her friends, cheer.
"Me? A goddess?"
"You betcha, little *HIC* grape," Bacchus said, offering his cup of wine. "You totally deserve a title; have a drink."
"Thanks, Bacchus," Pinkie smiled, accepting the cup.
Pinkie drank from the cup, making her more drunk than before.
"WHOO! Keep 'em *HIC* coming, ladies!" The party mare shouts, making everyone cheer.
"More wine, please!" Bacchus said.
His zebra centaurettes hand him another cupful of wine, even refilling Pinkie's. All her friends can do is watch, shaking their heads.
"Unbelievable," Twilight frowns. "I tell Pinkie not to drink and she still does it."
"What's more unbelievable is Pinkie's the one praised as a goddess," Rarity pouts. "I wish it was me."
Applejack rolls her eyes with a smile, reminded of the day they saved the Crystal Empire from Sombra and her desire for her crystal fur to be permanent.
"But… Good things are better when they're a rarity," She reminded, with a wink.
"Aww, Applejack," Rarity laughs. "You flatter me so."
"Pinkie probably loves wine so much, she's become addicted," Jiminy points out.
"You probably won't agree if I fill another cup for myself, do you Twi?" Rainbow asked.
"As long as you don't get as drunk as Pinkie, it's fine," Twilight assured.
"No sweat," Rainbow said. "I'll be careful."
Rainbow flies off toward the big tub, while Pinkie and Bacchus held each other by the shoulder while bowing.
"Thank you," They both said. "Thank you."
Suddenly, a black-haired centaurette, hiding behind a stone pillar, smiles and softly waves at Bacchus. The wine god noticed while he took the cape away from his eyes and smiled. The centaurette walks away with a veil in her hands, seducing him in a playful manner. It totally worked, as the god smiles with an open mouth and ran towards her.
"Excuuuuuse me!" He said to Pinkie.
Bacchus ran passed the Equestrians until he suddenly lost his balance and falls on the ground. He stood up in a sitting position, his holly crown covering his eyes like a blindfold.
"He must be quite a ladies man," Jiminy remarked.
"Like yourself?" Applejack teased, with a smirk.
Jiminy's cheeks blushed as he rubbed his neck.
"Well, uh, I…"
"Just messin' with ya, sugar cube."
Applejack gives Jiminy a tiny playful nudge with her hoof, making him smile.
Pinkie looks at Bacchus and the centaurette, as it gave her an idea. She whispers something in another centaurette's ear, making her smile and nod in agreement. The centaurette whispers to another centaurette, who also agreed, thus spreading Pinkie's idea. Many centaurettes ran past the equines toward the blindfolded god with Pinkie following.
"Come on, girls!" Pinkie calls out. "Wanna do something *HIC* fun?"
"What is it?" Twilight asked.
"Well, Bacchus is *HIC* blindfolded, so I'm thinking to let him try to catch and *HIC* kiss us while we run away!"
The equines cringed a little, even Spike was nervous of being kissed by a guy.
"I know what you're all thinking," Pinkie smiled. "But I promise it's all in good *HIC* fun!"
"It doesn't include me, does it?" Spike asked. "I'm not that kind of dragon."
"Even better!" Pinkie said, her face close to Spike's uncomfortably.
The pink pony stuck a hoof inside her mane, pulls out a red cloth and covers Spike's eyes with it.
"There! Now you and Bacchus will be blindfolded, just *HIC* try and catch us!"
"Hmm… Well, that sounds more like it!" The little dragon smiled.
"Maybe I'll join in as well," Jiminy offers, putting a blindfold over his eyes.
As he does so, Pinkie lifts the cricket and places him on Spike's shoulder.
"Best to ride along Spike; don't want anypony to step on you."
"Oh, definitely don't want that," Jiminy replied.
Then the pink mare spun Spike around, while Jiminy hung on, until she stops them so the dragon, with the cricket on his shoulder, can walk on his own.
"Remember: No peeking," Pinkie said, as she and the mares ran. "Come on, everypony!"
The centaurettes prance around the wine god while dropping flowers over him. The god was drinking more wine before spilling a lot on himself while the ponies approach.
"Oh, Bacchus!" Pinkie teased in a sing-song tone. "Catch me if you can!"
The blindfolded god smiles, raising himself from the ground and tries to follow the source of Pinkie's voice puckering his lips.
"Don't forget me!" Rarity played along, causing the god to follow her.
"Over here!" Vinyl yelled.
"This way!" Octavia said.
"No, here!" A blond centaurette said.
Bacchus walks around like a fool listening to the various voices. He then runs over a small stream of wine towards a green-colored centaurette, who dodged before he could catch and kiss her. Suddenly, a red-haired centaurette with a black tail gives the god a playful shove towards Applejack. Bacchus tries to catch her, but she dodged and shoved him into another direction.
"Better luck next time, partner," She replies.
During this time, Spike and Jiminy did the exact same thing as Bacchus. Unfortunately, it's a little bit difficult for them.
"How can I walk if I can't see?" Spike said, finding his way. "I'll probably hit something hard or fall in a hole."
"Just follow your senses," Jiminy instructs. "Use your ears to follow the voices."
"Over here, little dragon," A black-haired centaurette called, in a sing-song tone.
"There, follow her voice!" Jiminy said.
Spike walks in the direction of the centaurette, who ran away.
"This way!" Another called, so Spike goes there.
"No, here!" Another said.
Spike couldn't decide where to go because of the many voices.
"So many voices, Jiminy," Spike said, feeling unsure. "I don't know where to go."
"Oh, Spiiiiike! Over here!"
Spike knew that angelic voice anywhere, from the first moment he heard her. Rarity's voice stuck in his head and refusing to leave. He never wanted it to leave, not in his lifetime, like a warm blanket providing comfort and rest.
"I know who that is alright," Spike said. "Even when I'm blind, I would know."
Spike follows the voice of the mare he loved more than life itself.
"I wouldn't run that fast if I were you, sonny," Jiminy advised, holding on.
But Spike kept running until he bumps against a tree and falls on the ground, along with Jiminy.
"Ow…" The dragon groaned.
Jiminy removed his blindfold, looking at Spike in shock and hops on him.
"Spike? Spike, wake up little buddy!"
Rarity gasps on sight, rushing toward him. A few centaurettes noticed and follow the white mare. Rarity lifts his head for a better look.
"I think he's unconscious," Jiminy said.
The centaurettes gasp, while Rarity was concerned.
"Spike? Oh, please be okay."
"Rarity?" The dragon slowly whispers.
"Thank goodness," The unicorn sighs, smiling. "You're okay."
"Rarity?" He whispers again, without opening his eyes.
"Yes, Spike?" Rarity asked.
Rarity brought her face a slight closer to Spike.
Rarity went closer still until the dragon gave a small peck on the lips. It totally surprised the mare causing her to cover her muzzle with her hoof and blush, as Spike grins with an open eye.
"Gotcha," Spike said.
The centaurettes giggle, but Rarity felt upset.
"Spike! I thought you were hurt!"
"It does hurt on the nose, but otherwise I'm fine," Spike said. "It did give me another opportunity to kiss you before I caught you."
"Oh, you sly fox," Jiminy smiled, with an accusing finger.
The centaurettes still giggle, while Rarity was upset because she thought Spike injured himself just for that. However, she couldn't stay mad at him and had to admit it was a clever move. She knelt down and caressed Spike's head, rubbing his green spikes back and forth.
"Well, I suppose I can forgive you," She said. "But next time… Don't scare me like that, okay?"
"Okay," Spike smiled.
"Now let's get you back on your feet. But no cheating this time."
"Alright, alright."
Spike raised himself from the ground, with Jiminy hopping onto his shoulder covering his own eyes with his blindfold again.
Apart from that, the game went on, as a brown-colored centaurette passed by and Bacchus caught her by the tail. But the centaurette walks around the god, spinning him around toward the Equestrians.
"Watch out, every pony!" Twilight shouts.
Twilight steps out of the way, as the others allow the god to pass. Two fauns and Jacchus see him coming toward them, screaming and running away. During the moment, Rainbow returns with a full cup of wine. She drank half of it and smacks her lips.
"Aaaah, this stuff's just as good as apple *HIC* cider. Only stronger."
She wasn't paying attention to the wine god, who spun in her direction. By the time she sees him, it was too late. The god bumps into her, catching her in the process as they spun around the ground until they stopped. Rainbow looks at him in surprise. Bacchus may not see who it was, but he smiles without a care and kissed the blue mare straight on the lips, as her eyes went wide. Everybody watches and laughs, as Rainbow struggles against the god's grip on her.
"Aww, isn't that cute?!" Pinkie said.
The pink pony pulls out a camera from her mane, aiming at Bacchus and Rainbow as the kiss is still locked.
"Watch the *HIC* birdy!"
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Rainbow yelled mid-kiss.
SNAP! Pinkie clicks the camera, takes out the picture and waves it around looking at it.
"You know, I always hoped you would *HIC* kiss Grumpy," Pinkie teased. "But this is even better."
After a few attempts, Rainbow breaks away from the kiss, spitting in disgust. Bacchus still held on, nuzzling his cheek against her. Rainbow's face said it all: Angry, embarrassed and humiliated.
"Pinkie Pie, if you dare tell or show that picture to the Wonderbolts or any pony else, you'll know how it feels to spend an entire month in a hospital bed!" The blue mare threatens.
"Easy, easy, RD," Applejack said. "We ain't tellin' no pony or showing that picture. Right, Pinkie?"
"Well… I was *HIC* thinking Spit *HIC* Spitfire or Borin' *HIC* Soarin'," Pinkie slurs her words. "Maybe your parents…"
"PINKIE!" Rainbow shouts, begging. "I'll be a laughing-stock for all eternity!"
"I'm kidding, I won't show it to anypony…" Pinkie said, smiled. "But we're still making fun of you! Dashie and Bacchus…"
"… Sitting in a tree," Applejack joins in, singing together.
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes baby
In a baby carriage!"
"Second verse, same as the first!" Pinkie shouts.
While they sing and laugh, an angry Rainbow, with all her strength, finally frees herself from Bacchus' grip. The god tries to reach for her while he sat. Rainbow, completely disgusted, looks around and sees his mulicorn Jacchus. She quickly grabs him and hands him to the party god. When he felt Jacchus, he thought it was a girl and kisses the mulicorn's muzzle. But unlike Rainbow, being as drunk as his master, Jacchus didn't mind as he flaps his ears and nuzzles his cheek. Everybody laughs some more while Rainbow quickly flew away, clutching her muzzle as if about to barf.
"Joke's on you, Dashie," Pinkie yelled. "See how you like being kissed by someone other than me!"
"Oh, I am so glad I'm not in her shoes," Rarity said, amused.
"Real mature, teasing Rainbow like that," Twilight giggled. "But… It was still funny."
"Are you really keeping the picture?" Fluttershy asked.
"Of course, silly!" Pinkie said. "This is great for my new *HIC* scrapbook."
"New scrapbook?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah look!" Pinkie pulls a scrapbook from nowhere. "It contains pictures of all our visits through Disney."
Without a doubt, the title read 'Disney World Adventures' with stickers on the cover, including one with the Book's symbol in the center. Opening the book, Pinkie shows pictures of their previous adventures. For example: Snow White dancing with Dopey in a long coat and the picture where she caressed Fluttershy. Then, there was one of Pinocchio, Jiminy and the Blue Fairy and even the previous musical realms, including a selfie with Mickey. Somehow, she even managed to take photos of their battles with the villains.
"When did you have time to make this?" Twilight asked.
Pinkie looks straight at Twilight with a serious look.
"Twilight, visiting worlds with your buddies and making new friends is like spending time with family. You always make the time."
There was an awkward pause between the two, till Pinkie smiles and sticks her new photo in the book. Suddenly, as she takes another look, the sunlight disappears.
"Can you not stand in the light please, Applejack?" Pinkie asked.
"I'm not doing anything," Applejack said, raising an eyebrow.
"Neither am I," Rarity said, looking up.
The centaurettes still laugh at Bacchus and Jacchus, but soon the laughter died as they look up when the light disappears.
Huge dark clouds block out the sun, shrouding everything in darkness. Everyone knew dark clouds predict bad weather, like rain. But this something different… Very different.
"Storm clouds?" Twilight said.
At that moment, Rainbow came back. She wipes her mouth with her hoof, sometimes scratching her tongue.
"Yuck! I can still taste him."
"Rainbow!" Twilight said.
"Did you do that?" Twilight points to the sky.
"Come on, Dashie," Pinkie whined. "It wasn't that bad."
"Hello? I was too busy getting god germs outta my mouth to…" Rainbow complains, then looks up. "WHOA! Okay, I totally did not do that."
"I'm beginning to think Pegasi aren't responsible for that," Applejack said, worried.
"Helen told me the Pegasi in this world can't control the weather," Fluttershy said.
"So, clouds move on their own?" Twilight asked. "Like the Everfree Forest and other worlds?"
The centaurettes run away, their hands over their heads. Bacchus, who readjusted his crown, was going to kiss Jacchus again. But when he opens his eyes, he was totally surprised to see who he kissed. Before he could say something, he felt a raindrop land on his head as they both look toward the sky.
Octavia and Vinyl, who spoke with some unicorns and fauns, felt the raindrops and look at the clouds above. Even Spike and Jiminy, who were blindfolded still, felt them, too.
"Hey, what gives?" Spike said, removing his blindfold. "Uh oh, looks like bad weather approaching."
Jiminy took off his blindfold, as they both look toward the sky.
"We better get to Twilight and the others and find shelter!"
Spike nods, as they both went on their way. More rain falls from the sky, while the centaurettes and centaurs begin to walk away. They cover their heads with lily pads, veils, anything they could use. The fauns, who were refilling the tub with more grapes, felt the rain and looked up, deciding to get away. The ponies notice the creatures run away; some look frightened.
"Why are you all running away?" Twilight asked. "I know rain is unpleasant, but it's not that bad."
"We're not so fond of what comes after it," A centaurette said.
"Thunder and lightning?" Twilight asked.
"Worse… It's the one who creates them."
The frightened centaurette runs away, as that last sentence made Twilight and Fluttershy confused and worried.
"Twilight!" Spike yells, as he and Jiminy approach. "I think there's a storm coming."
"Whatever the centaurette meant with this," Twilight said, fearing what's coming. "It's bringing back bad memories."
"You mean the Storm King?" Spike asked. "That's ridiculous. If he were here, we'd see his airships by now and he doesn't even have that staff anymore."
"Or it could be something else," Jiminy said, in fear.
"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked.
During this time, Brudus and Melinda hid beneath a tree.
Never a smart idea during a storm, but it'll do for their sake.
"Don't worry, Melinda," Brudus said, lovingly. "I'm with you."
There was even a unicorn mare letting three foals hide underneath her, as she braved the oncoming strong winds. The foals cuddled together in fear.
"Jiminy, what do you mean?" Twilight asked, eager to know. "What else could create a storm besides the Storm King and Mother Nature?"
Fluttershy looks up and screams.
"What is it, Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked.
Suddenly, Rainbow looks up and her eyes widen. Everypony looks up, staring in shock and fright. They couldn't believe what they saw, as the clouds were pushed aside by a giant figure.
"Y-Y-Ya'll seeing this too, r-right?" Applejack shuddered, fearfully.
Everypony slowly nods, their eyes focused on the big figure. In a flash of lightning and rumble of thunder, the figure reveals himself to be a huge blue muscular man with white hair and beard garbed in a blue robe with a single strap. He smiles deviously at all the inhabitants beneath him. As soon as the creatures saw him, they ran faster. The centaurs and centaurettes jump over a big hedge, one centaurette used a reed as a crop to hit her hind legs that didn't seem to work properly so she can jump over the hedge. The Equestrians were in total awe and fear, even Bacchus and Jacchus felt the same as if the former is sober for the first time.
"W-who is t-that?" Rarity asked, shivering fearfully.
"It's Zeus!" Jiminy said, pointing to the enormous god. "The King of the gods!"
"K-king?" Vinyl shivered.
"Swell, like the T-Rex wasn't enough!" Octavia moaned.
"Ooh, is he friendly?" Pinkie ask, shifting from fear to her usual self.
"It depends," The cricket replied.
"On what?" Applejack asked.
"Well, he's usually portrayed as good-natured and cares for humans. In some other versions, he's mischievous. But seeing him smile like that can't be a good thing."
"So, you're saying in this world… He's evil?" Rainbow asked.
"Possibly," Jiminy said, hoping he's wrong.
The god king of the realm stroke his beard, keeping watch over the creatures. Seeing them run away gave him a devious idea. He motions someone behind him to join in. In another part of the cloud, another big figure is seen. The Equestrians notice him, revealing himself to be another god. He was muscular, orange-skinned with auburn hair and beard, and a periwinkle loincloth and set of cuffs. The blacksmith, Vulcan, held a huge lightning bolt in his hand, placing it on the anvil in front of him. With his hammer, he hits the lightning bolt three times, sparks flying in several directions and creating thunder in the process. The Equestrians couldn't help but stare at everything that happened. When he was ready, Vulcan hurls the lightning bolt toward his king. A stream of lightning follows, as Zeus grabs it just in time. He looks toward the Equestrians and Bacchus, throwing the lightning bolt toward them.
"INCOMING!" Twilight shouts.
The Equestrians ran out of the way, while Bacchus, trying to get on Jacchus, got hit to the shock of the ponies. Surprisingly, neither the god nor his mulicorn were harmed.
Perhaps because he's a god and can't be harmed.
The funny part was Bacchus in a crater with Jacchus' head. It didn't take long for his real head to pop out, as the god, mulicorn and the Equestrians look up at Zeus, who is ready to throw another lightning bolt.
"Did I say 'possibly'?" Jiminy asked. "I meant 'DEFINITELY'!"
Zeus throws another bolt toward the ponies, dragon and cricket. They scream loudly and run away, causing the bolt to miss them.
"He's playing darts with us!" Twilight yelled, running beside Bacchus and Jacchus. "Everypony find shelter!"
"Wow, you're fast for someone obese and drunk," Spike remarked to Bacchus.
"Don't mind me!" Bacchus shouts, urgently. "Just keep running!"
While they ran, Zeus threw lightning bolt after lightning bolt either to hit or torment them. But each one missed its mark, leaving crates in the ground.
"Quick, in there!" Rarity said, as they dive in a bush near a tree.
But one lightning bolt hit the tree, destroying it. The creatures hidden in the bush came out in panic along with Bacchus, Jacchus and our heroes. They scream with fright, much to the thunder god's enjoyment. He urged Vulcan to forge more lightning bolts and the blacksmith did exactly as asked. Zeus throws them in separate directions, stirring chaos and panic.
If Discord were still evil, he'd enjoy this.
The inhabitants ran around like fools, seeking shelter to hide from the storm and avoid the bolts.
Friendly advice: The smartest thing to do is zigzag. Believe me.
Two bolts almost hit Rarity, one in front of her and one from behind when she turned. She screamed before they could hit her. Another bolt zooms toward her, causing her to scream louder. But before it could hit her, a certain dragon shoves her out of the way, taking the blow instead.
"AAAAAAAAAHHH!" Spike screamed, his skeleton showing.
"SPIKE!" Rarity shouted.
Suddenly, Spike stood still covered in black and smelling like baked dragon.
"Spike?" Rarity asked. "It's not another trick, is it?"
"You can say it was…" Spike said, before coughing smoke. "Quite a 'shocker', urgh…"
Spike falls backward on the ground, while Rarity looms over him.
Meanwhile, Bacchus, Jacchus and Pinkie try hiding in bushes, beneath rocks and even open-air temples. But everywhere they go, they are destroyed by lightning. Eventually they bump into Twilight and Paris.
"This is madness!" Twilight yelled. "We have to stop him!"
"Sure, we can fight him like every other villain," Pinkie suggests. "Maybe Bacchus can help us."
"What, me?" Bacchus asked, fearfully. "If you need the god of war, you're talking to the wrong guy. There's only one thing to do… No, two things: Run and hide!"
"But the inhabitants," Twilight said, desperate.
Paris placed a hoof on her shoulder, making her face him.
"Twilight, there's no other option here. Technically, it's impossible to fight a god. Let alone beating one."
The lavender unicorn/alicorn looks at all the panicking creatures, chased away by the god king who kept throwing lightning bolts.
"No, there has to be a way,' Twilight thought. "There's always a way and I will not fail like before."
In the meantime, Rainbow Dash protected the creatures from the lightning with her super speed. All of a sudden, she got struck on the butt and made a painful girly scream. She stops to look at her rear and, to her shock, found a scar on her right cheek straight across her beautiful cutie mark. This made her glare toward the gods above.
"Okay… That does it!" She said, in a threatening undertone.
Rainbow flies toward the sky, as many creatures stare in awe seeing her confront Zeus. Even Twilight, Pinkie, Bacchus and Paris took notice.
"Has she gone mad?" Paris yelled. "She'll get zapped like a mosquito!"
"Rainbow!" Twilight shouts.
The blue Pegasus flew higher and higher, dodging lightning bolts along the way. It didn't take long for her to finally come face-to-face with the father of gods himself.
"Hey, you!" She shouts, getting Zeus' attention. "Yeah, you! Look what you did!"
The mare shows Zeus her butt, along with the scar on her flank.
"I mean, hitting a girl's rear end with lightning? Seriously?! What's even worse is you're hurting and terrorizing innocent creatures for your own enjoyment! Well guess what, Thunder Guy, you're messing with the greatest flier in all of Equestria! I ain't scared of some big blue bearded dude who hurls lightning bolts for a living. Either you stop right now or you're really gonna get it!"
The god king looks at the tiny Pegasus in confusion, as she put her hooves up ready to fight. But then he laughs in a loud, booming voice pointing and mocking her.
"HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! What's this? A little mortal winged pony has the nerve to challenge the king of the heavens?! What harm can a weak little thing like you do?"
Rainbow glares at the giant god, especially for being called 'mortal' and 'weak'. Nobody deserves to be called that way.
"You're about to find out," Rainbow threatens.
Zeus stops laughing and grabs another bolt.
"Listen pony, it's unwise to challenge me. Why don't you fly toward the rest of the weaklings?"
"Because I am the Element of Loyalty," Rainbow stated, loud and clear. "I never let anypony down! Not my friends and definitely not these creatures!"
But the god wasn't intimidated in the least, growing very bored.
"I grow weary of this; leave me be, you're spoiling my fun!"
Zeus points a finger at the mare, as a stream of lightning appears from the tip. In slow motion, Rainbow Dash quickly dodges. Immediately seeing a challenge, she grabs a cloud and used it to fire lighting at the god. He got hit in the chest, grunting as a result. It took him completely by surprise.
"You're not the only one who uses lightning as a weapon," Rainbow smirked. "As long as I bring a storm cloud with me or find one, I can do it too!"
Zeus felt insulted and yet impressed for the Pegasus' bravado and special abilities.
"So, you wish to die fighting?! So be it!"
Zeus throws a lightning bolt at her, which she dodged. Then he hurls another and another, but every bolt missed her. Rainbow made funny faces to mock him, the god did not like it and became furious.
"Vulcan! More thunderbolts!"
The blacksmith obeyed his king, assembling more in mere minutes.
"You'll regret the day you challenged me!" Zeus shouts.
Zeus throws lightning bolts at her, while she dodged and fired lighting from her cloud. On the ground, everybody watched the lightshow in the clouds above, in awe and shock. Some even forgot to run away.
"Things are getting real up there!" Pinkie observed.
"She better be careful," Helen said, her foals underneath her. "One wrong move and it's over."
"She's right," Spike said. "Getting shocked by Twitter-Mites is like getting a doctor's shot compared to those lightning bolts… Believe me!"
"She needs help," Applejack said. "I don't know if she can keep this up on her own."
"Impossible to beat a god," Paris repeats.
Though she too was worried, Twilight noticed something that gave her an idea. Zeus wasn't throwing lightning at the ground being too busy with Rainbow Dash. She looks around, then back at the sky.
"Listen every creature," Twilight announced. "Seek shelter and stay there till it's safe."
The creatures look at her, not doing anything.
"DO IT!" Twilight shouts.
Soon all the inhabitants finally start running and hide.
"What are you doing, Twilight?" Paris asked.
The unicorn/alicorn spread her wings, ready to take flight. Paris jumped in surprise, as Twilight looks back.
"Impossible or not, we can still distract him!"
"What?!" Paris cried. "WAIT!?"
But it was too late, as Twilight took to the sky. She may not be Rainbow Dash fast, but she made sure she could reach her friend in time to aid in the fight against the god king.
Meanwhile, Zeus attacks the blue mare with thunderbolts, but she still manages to dodge every time. She fires another stream of thunder from her cloud. But this time, the god caught it with one hand and turns it into a ball of lightning surprising Rainbow. With a mischievous grin, he hurls the ball with lightning speed toward her. With not enough time to dodge, she screamed. But before it could hit her, the thunder-ball was destroyed. Both the mare and the god were surprised, even more by the one who destroyed the ball. Twilight's horn glows a bright lavender light, reader for whatever Zeus hurls next.
"Zeus!" Twilight shouts. "I will not let you hurt my friends!"
"An alicorn?" The god said, astonished. "That's impossible!"
"Ha, not so tough now, huh?!" Rainbow taunts, angering the god. "Not only are you dealing with the Element of Loyalty, but the Element of Magic as well!"
"Who do you think you are to challenge a god?!" The god shouts.
"I'm the Princess of Friendship and I want you to cease your storm and leave the inhabitants alone!" Twilight demands.
"Do you hear that, Vulcan? A pony princess asks a king to stop! HA-HA-HA-HA!"
The god king laughs, even the blacksmith laughed along from his cloud.
"You two really hurt my funny bone, yet you have earned my respect. But as I said before, I won't let anyone spoil my fun. Not even tiny, girly, colorful horses! You will never defeat me!"
"We don't have to beat you," Twilight states, as she and Rainbow stood ready. "But we will fight you!"
"You really are laughable, Princess, but now you're getting bothersome. If you really must fight, then DIE fighting!"
Zeus stretched his arm forward, as a bolt of lightning appears from his hand. Twilight quickly conjures a magical barrier to protect her and Rainbow, causing the bolt to bounce off the barrier. Zeus hurls more lightning bolts and they all hit the barrier.
"He's not giving up," Rainbow asked. "How do we beat him?"
"I don't know," Twilight said, focused on keeping the barrier. "They say it's impossible to defeat a god."
"But there has to be a way," Rainbow said. "Even gods must have a weakness."
"For the moment, we don't 'need' to beat him. We need to distract him, so the inhabitants have a chance to find shelter and be safe."
After throwing a few more lightning bolts and other lightning-based attacks, Zeus began to boil over.
Out of the clouds, one with two heads appears. It flew very fast, blowing wind at the two equines. The winds were so strong, it blew the barrier and the equines away, the two screaming while they did. With that taken care of, the god of wind flew down toward the valley to help Zeus with his storm. After being blown away, Twilight and Rainbow regain themselves and flew back toward Zeus.
"Whoa, what was that?" Rainbow asked.
"He called it 'Boreas'," Twilight said. "It must be another god."
"They're both super powerful. Zeus uses lightning and the other controls wind. This is almost like the time I went to the weather factory to stop winter."
"If we want everypo—Ahem, 'everybody' safe, we have to be quick and extra careful," Twilight said. "Come on, I have a plan!"
"Alright, T-Sparks is back!" Rainbow said.
"Really, Rainbow?" Twilight asked, bluntly.
"What?" It's a cool nickname. Trust me, it'll stick."
Twilight rolls her eyes, as they both flew further. While the two battle the god king, all the other creatures and the Equestrians ran away to find shelter. Fluttershy flew along with the Cupids inside a pavilion. There they'd be safe until the storm is over.
"This is dreadful!" Fluttershy said, frightened and worried.
"Don't worry, Fluttershy," One cupid comforts her. "It'll be over soon."
"I just hope Twilight and Rainbow Dash are okay."
"I hope so too. They'll need a lot of luck to survive this."
Another lightning flash appears, with a thunderous noise and they both stood quiet. The others ran through the valley, while the rain kept falling and Boreas reappears blowing a powerful gust of wind. Almost everyone was blown away by the strong breeze.
"Keep running, everybody!" A centaur yelled.
A baby unicorn, standing on a rock in a creek, neighs for help. Luckily, a centaurette approached the water toward the helpless foal and lifts him up. She looks up at the sky, as she kept running.
Suddenly, another lightning bolt fell from the heavens and almost hit one inhabitant, creating another crater behind them.
"He's attacking again!" A centaurette yelled, in panic.
Before anyone else panicked, they hear the bellow of a horn. They listened and saw it came from a centaur with a ponytail, standing atop a rock with an opening leading into a cave. He blew a horn calling everyone to get in.
"There's a cave over there," Applejack said. "Let's go!"
They all ran in that direction as fast as their legs could carry them.
"Come along, Tavi!" Vinyl calls out to her friend.
Before Octavia could join them, another sound stops her right in her tracks. She points her ears up to listen and knew that sound too well. To her shock, she found the source: Another unicorn foal, his head stuck beneath a thick branch. He tries to get loose, but its no use. He kept neighing for help and in that moment, Octavia dashes as quick as possible toward the foal. Vinyl looks behind her, seeing her friend running.
"Tavi! What are you doing?!"
Several lightning bolts fell down, as Octavia avoid them as best as possible. Eventually, she reached the little foal.
"Don't worry, little one. I'll get you out!"
Octavia tried to lift the branch, but it was too heavy for her alone. But she wouldn't give up.
"Come on… Come on!"
The branch budged, but not enough. She uses all her strength determined to free the foal. Suddenly, the branch moved slightly more. At first, Octavia thought it was her own doing until she turns to her right and saw Applejack pushing it with her great strength.
"Need some help, sugar cube?" She asked.
"Thanks!" Octavia smiled.
Finally, the foal was free, and the mares drop the branch. But before they can run away, a thunderbolt struck a tree, causing it to fall forward. The mares saw it and tried to protect the foal while closing their eyes. But the moment they thought the tree would hit them, they open their eyes and saw it engulfed with a magenta glow. It was Vinyl Scratch using her magic to hold the tree.
"Get away! Quick!"
Octavia grabs the foal by the scruff, running along with Applejack toward the cave. Vinyl drops her magic on the tree and ran away while it fell. After dodging a few more thunderbolts, they finally get in the cave. In the cave were many centaurs and centaurettes, also a few fauns and unicorns. Now that they're safe, Octavia released the foal from her mouth to let it join its parents, who gave it a loving hug.
"Oh, my baby," The mother said, facing Octavia and the other mares. "Thank you. Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome," Octavia bowed.
Another thunderous roar is heard, a lightning flash follows, causing everybody to huddle together. Outside the cave, the other inhabitants ran in search of shelter. A few unicorns and fauns hid beneath a rock. Rarity and Spike ran together, with Jiminy latching onto the dragon's shoulder.
"Hurry!" Spike shouts. "Get to the cave!"
But before they could reach it, Boreas appears again blowing heavier wind.
"Look out!" Rarity said.
They both fell on the ground to duck. But the wind was so strong, it blew Spike and Jiminy away while Rarity rolled on the ground. She watched as her friends screamed in fright and blown high in the air.
"SPIKE!" Rarity cries, reaching her hoof for the dragon.
"RARITYYYYYYY!" Spike yelled, reaching with his claw.
In the sky, Anjelica the Pegasus filly struggles against Boreas' winds but fails and got blown away. Luckily, Helen was more resistant against the heavy winds and flew in to rescue her. She grabs her by the tail and flew toward her nest in the tree. But not long before that, Spike and Jiminy flew past her, screaming for their lives while the thunder kept roaring. The Pegasus' eyes went wide and quickly flew to her next to put her foal with the others.
"Stay close to each other," Helen instructs her children. "I'll be right back."
Helen flew as fast as she could toward Spike and Jiminy. After being blown away for miles, Spike and Jiminy began to fall, screaming at the top of their lungs. Jiminy opens his umbrella to slow down his fall when the dragon grabbed him.
"HEY!" Jiminy shouted.
Due to Spike's size, they both fell toward the ground. Helen dove down with great speed and caught the dragon by the tail before they crashed. Surprised they didn't fall further, Spike and Jiminy look up to see the mother Pegasus who saved their lives. They were so happy, they thanked her and whoever could hear them multiple times. Helen brought them safely to her next, protecting them and her foals with her wing.
After Twilight explains her plan, she and Rainbow were ready to attack the god again.
"Hey, Lightning Butt!" Rainbow teased. "Over here!"
"You again?!" Zeus shouts. "Why don't you just leave me alone?!"
Zeus threw a lightning bolt at her, which she dodged successfully.
"When I catch you, I'll swat you like flies!"
It was at this moment he summoned a few storm clouds around the two equines. With a snap of his fingers and a grunt, lightning shot out the clouds. Twilight used teleportation to save Rainbow and herself before they got hit.
"Rainbow, now!" Twilight shouts.
The Pegasus flew close to the god, flying around him as fast as she could leaving a rainbow streak behind her. It irritated him so, as he tried to smack her way. This proved a problem as she was so fast, he almost couldn't catch her. In a moment of slow motion, Rainbow dodged his big hands while she kept flying.
"Get away, you little pest!" Zeus shouts.
Suddenly, he finally managed to grab her. He brought her close to his face, as she struggles against his grasp.
"Now I've got you! I'll squeeze you like a pimple!"
"Not… Before you… Get a burn!" Rainbow smirked, while struggling.
At that moment, Twilight fires multiple magic lasers from her horn toward Zeus, causing him to yell in agony and release Rainbow. Twilight fires one magic beam straight toward his chest, making him grunt and clutch himself in pain.
"Such… Raw… Power…" The god king groaned.
Rainbow flew close to his face again, turning around and shaking her rear.
"Ha-ha! Kiss my cutie mark!"
Zeus' eyes filled with rage, clapping his hands together to crush Rainbow with a thunderous boom. He opens his hands for a better look, but to his shock and surprise Rainbow was gone. Then he sees the Pegasus appear beside Twilight thanks to her teleportation spell.
"What's the matter, old man?" Rainbow teased. "Scared of little ponies?"
"Your magician tricks are strong," Zeus admits. "But not enough to stop me."
"We're still better than you!" Rainbow boasts. "That gust of wind from that windbag of yours is nothing more than a light summer breeze!"
"SUMMER BREEZE?! Now you go too far! I'll show you the true power of a god!"
Zeus grabs two lightning bolts and crossed them together. It creates violent sparks of electricity, as the two equines prepare themselves. He used them to shoot lighting into the air, causing sparks of lightning to fall toward the equines. If that wasn't enough, he puts the bolts together to shoot a powerful electric beam. Twilight quickly conjures a force field, so the lightning takes different directions before hitting them. The lightning was so powerful she had to struggle to maintain the force field.
"I don't know if I can hold on much longer," Twilight grunted.
"If only there was a way to use his power against him," Rainbow said.
For the first time, Rainbow comes up with something smart and it gave Twilight an idea.
"Rainbow, you're a genius! I can try a spell on my force field to bounce that attack back at him."
"Well, get on with it!" Rainbow said.
"Here goes!"
Twilight casts another spell around the force field and, to her surprise, it worked. The lightning bounced off, charging directly at Zeus. The eyes of the god king went wide and blocked the attack with his bare hands, but some lightning hit him, making him yell. It completely surprised the equines. He may not be damaged, but it hurt him, and the pain caused him to growl in anger.
"Uh, Twilight?" Rainbow asked, worried. "Not that I'm afraid or anything, but can we go to the others now?"
"Yeah, I think we bothered him long enough," Twilight nods. "FLY!"
They both fly down to the surface, as Zeus looks on.
Zeus throws more lightning bolts at them, plus a blast from his hand. The two equines try to escape the god's wrath, flying as fast as they could and dodging the bolts. When they almost reach the ground, they see two familiar beings.
"Look!" Twilight points out. "It's Pinkie and Bacchus!"
In the meantime, Pinkie, Bacchus and Jacchus were still trying to run away.
"Come on, Bacchie!" Pinkie shouted.
"I'm trying! Come on, Jacchus, work along!"
Bacchus struggled to pull the mulicorn along with him, using a rope as a leash.
"Pinkie, help me!"
The pink pony and god pulled, but Jacchus won't cooperate. That is until another lightning bolt almost hit them, causing all three to run for the hills. Another lightning bolt missed them, but before they could reach some trees, Boreas appears again, blowing heavy gusts of wind from their two mouths that blew the pony, the mulicorn and the god away. Bacchus manage to grab onto a tree while Pinkie held onto him. But the wind was so strong, Bacchus let loose and both rolled on the ground. The wind god tried to blow them further away, but this time the wine god and the party pony fought against it. When they finally manage to run further, the two of them and the mulicorn hid underneath the big wine tub. But then, another lightning bolt appears and destroys the tub, releasing all the wine and flooding a big part of the valley.
"Pinkie!" Twilight shouts.
The two of them watch, shocked and scared they lost their friend. The wine spilled through the woods and open-air temples, as Twilight and Rainbow searched desperately for a sign of life. The only thing they noticed was Jacchus standing on something white while floating along the stream. There was no sign of Pinkie, making them worry more until…
The pink mare appears, surfing on the wine with a piece of wood.
"Phew, she's okay," Rainbow said, happily.
"All three of them," Twilight added.
Pinkie surfs toward the mulicorn, jumping off the wood.
"Whee, let's do that again!" Pinkie said, excitedly. "Did you see me, Bacchie? Did ya, did ya?"
Apparently, Bacchus was the white thing Jacchus stood on. He stood up and gently shoves the mulicorn away.
"You truly are a goddess, Pinkie!"
"Aww, you old charmer, you," Pinkie felt flattered, waving her hoof.
Then they both look at the stream of wine. Bacchus dips his finger and puts it in his mouth to taste it.
"How does it taste?" Pinkie asked.
A smile appears on the god's face.
"This is the best wine I've ever tasted!" He laughed with joy, scooping some in his mouth a few times.
"I want some too!" Pinkie said, taking a straw from her mane. "Good thing I brought Fernando with me."
She puts the straw in her mouth, lowers her head and sips some wine, smacking her lips.
"Mmmmmmmmm-mmm, still tastes great!"
"I could stay here all day," Bacchus laughed, clapping his hands. "And I want to!"
Bacchus happily splashed the wine like a child, as Pinkie scoops up some wine and throws it in the air, letting it rain. Then the two of them splash wine at each other, immediately forgetting the danger. Even Jacchus joins in, catching drops of wine with his tongue. Twilight and Rainbow were relieved they were fine but roll their eyes at what the god and the party pony were doing.
Up in the clouds, Vulcan made another lightning bolt, considering it his best one yet. He calls his master showing his work, but the god king waved it off. He kept a hand over his mouth and yawned, all the fighting and hurling lightning bolts tired him, and he had enough for one day. Now the blacksmith wondered what he should do with the bolt he made, scratching his head in thought. Then something came to mind, something he never thought before. He walks and looks down from his cloud with a smile and hurls the bolt toward the ground. When it made a boom, he covers his mouth, fearing Zeus would be insulted and angry. But the god king was too tired, as he pushed a lightning bolt away with his foot, making it impact the ground with another boom. As he lies down, he jumps up in surprise. He reaches behind his back and found a smaller lightning bolt. He threw it away like it was nothing and takes a small glimpse to see if he hit anything to his liking.
The God king looked to see if the ponies were still there. Even though these blasted ponies ruined his fun and would like to teach them a lesson… He was not above showing respect to those of great power.
"You would've made a great god, Twilight Sparkle," He spoke, to himself. "But you chose the wrong side…"
Finally, the king laid down, removing his sandals and pulled the cloud over him like a blanket.
In between, the two equines jump in surprise when they heard the impact of the lightning bolts. They turn around, searching the clouds as if prepared for anything.
"He's at it again!" Twilight said.
"Does that guy ever give up?!" Rainbow asked.
While they looked around for danger, they listened carefully and heard nothing. Not even felt a drop of rain.
"Say, the thunder…" Rainbow said. "It stopped."
"And it's not raining," Twilight added.
Rays of light shone on their face, causing them to face the sky. That's when they notice the storm clouds float away revealing the pleasant ray of the sun again. How they've missed it, even for an hour or two.
"The clouds are moving away," Twilight said, joyfully. "We did it! Zeus is leaving!"
"Yeah, we did it again!" Rainbow cheered.
The two ponies hug each other, laughing triumphantly. From atop the cave opening, the ponytailed centaur appears and watches the clouds fade. He blows his horn, spreading the news. The sun shone its light along the entire valley, revealing all its beauty again. It was like nothing happened at all, apart from a few craters and scattered trees on the ground. Brudus and Melinda emerge from under the tree, stepping back into the light.
"It's over," Brudus sighs, relieved. "The rain has stopped."
"Thank goodness," Melinda said, smiling.
The two both walk out hand-in-hand. From a hole beneath another tree, two fauns crawl out. They looked at the raindrops that fell from the tree. They each got one on their nose and smile at each other.
The cupids flew out of the pavilion along with Fluttershy, happy to bask in the light of day. Helen and her foals, still in their nest, see the sun again which puts a smile on their faces. The same thing went for Spike and Jiminy, after crawling out from underneath the mother's wing to see the view.
"Phew, am I glad it's over," Spike sighed.
"So am I," Jiminy nods.
All the other creatures and Equestrians come out of hiding, overjoyed that the storm is over. Some fauns and unicorns prance in and around the puddles left by the rain.
When Twilight and Rainbow land on the ground, they immediately got flooded by the inhabitants who cheer for them. Helen, Hector and their foals also land on the ground with the little dragon on the mare's back.
"Spike!" Rarity yelled, happily.
Rarity ran towards him, as Spike dismounts Helen, the fashionista hugs him like there was no tomorrow.
"I thought I lost you forever; I was so worried about you."
"You were?" Spike asked, surprised.
"But, of course, Spikey-poo. Who else can help me find gemstones and do a good job assisting me in the boutique?"
"Oh…" Spike said. "Well, that's what friends are for."
Spike expected her to say something differently, but he paid no heed for now. The other Equestrians hug Twilight and Rainbow.
"I'm so glad you're okay," Fluttershy said, looking around. "Where's Pinkie?"
"And Bacchus?" Applejack added.
"Don't worry, they're fine," Twilight said. "Let's say they're having a private party in the woods."
As Twilight faces the other creatures, they all gaze upon her and Rainbow in amazement.
"You two were fantastic!" One faun said. "We saw everything."
"Well, as much as we could see that is," A centaur said.
"Still, you saved our lives!" A cupid said.
"You're heroes!" A unicorn said.
"You are, what's the word, cool?" A black-haired centaurette said.
"Yeah, you two fought and defeated a god!" Tim said. "Nobody has ever done such a thing!"
"We didn't exactly defeat him," Twilight said, humble. "We merely distracted him."
"Are you kidding?" Rainbow boasts, pridefully. "We were totally winning."
"Well, whatever you did, you saved us all," Paris smiled and hugs Twilight. "Thank you, Twilight. I was wrong to doubt you."
Twilight smiles and returns the hug to the young unicorn. Twilight and Rainbow weren't the only ones praised for their heroism. Applejack, Vinyl and mostly Octavia gained the same attention. The gray cellist had the honor of spending time with the unicorn foal she saved.
Suddenly, somewhere from the horizon, a rainbow appears. But this was no ordinary rainbow and it didn't take long for the inhabitants and Equestrians to notice.
"Hey look, a rainbow!" Spike said.
"A rainbow that moves on its own?" Jiminy asks, looking closely.
"It's Iris," Tim said, smiling heartwarmingly. "Goddess of the Rainbow."
She truly was a sight to behold. A light-skinned woman wearing a golden crown and light blue strap dress. She was enveloped by a rainbow, her violet hair making up the top stripe. Coming down from her hair, the indigo, blue and green stripes seem attached to her back, trailing behind her. She carries the yellow stripe in her right hand, pulling it across the sky. In her left hand, she held the orange and red stripes. They flew across her skirt, trailing behind her.
"She's so beautiful," Fluttershy said, staring at the goddess.
"I know," Jiminy said, amazed.
Rainbow couldn't help but smile, the goddess' presence gave her an idea. She leans close to the Pegasus foals and whispers:
"I think it's time to show you what I promised."
In the blink of an eye, she flew up in the air as the foals kept watch on the blue Pegasus. Rainbow flew toward the goddess, who was minding her own business. Then she flew past her, going high in the air and getting the goddess' attention.
"What is she going to do?" Melinda asked.
"You'll see," Twilight replied.
Once high enough, she began to fly down with great speed. The faster she went the more tears emerge from her eyes. She felt the energy engulf her, the same energy she felt during that Pegasus race when she was young. The same energy she felt when she saved Rarity during the Best Young Flyer competition. All of a sudden, all that energy released a rainbow shockwave, causing the Pegasus to fly faster leaving a rainbow streak behind her. Iris was totally surprised, as were all the inhabitants on the ground, dropping their jaws at the sight. Hector and Helen watch in amazement, but the ones most excited were the four little foals, especially Peter.
"WOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!" The foals said, wide-eyed.
Jiminy couldn't believe what he saw. True he's seen it used to get rid of the Pteranodons, but this time it was more beautiful than before.
"So… That's a Sonic Rainboom!" Jiminy said, smiling. "It's radiant."
After Rainbow Dash created her own rainbow, she flew next to the goddess.
"Sorry about that, ma'am. Just showing every pony a cool trick of mine. Not trying to take your job, heh-heh."
The only response Iris gives is a gentle, understanding smile.
Just like everyone else, the cupids on the pavilion roof were completely surprised by Rainbow's Rainboom and look at the two Rainbows.
"Two rainbows!" One said. "Who would've thought that?"
"Very unusual!" Another said.
Then the cupid looks at a puddle, seeing the reflection of one of the rainbows with a smile. He jumps in it, making a splash. He makes a few more splashes by stomping his feet.
The other inhabitants were in the mood to play, especially after they were saved by the ponies. They dance and sing, while splashing in rain puddles. Even the foals were having fun in the puddles after witnessing something so… Well, awesome.
Meanwhile, Bacchus, Jacchus and Pinkie look at the reflection of the rainbows in the wine, smiling at each other.
"She did it again!" Pinkie smiled. "Another great Sonic Rainboom."
"Sonic Rainboom, huh?" Bacchus said. "I like it!"
Bacchus then fills two cups of wine, giving one to Pinkie. The god raised his cup and begins a toast.
"To Iris and Rainbow Dash, for making beautiful rainbows on this day. Bottom's up!"
With a clink of their cups, they drank their cups empty. A rainbow of wine going down their throats.
During the moment, Iris disappears, leaving Rainbow alone in the sky. But it wouldn't take long to be filled with cupids. Even the Pegasus foals take to the air to join their newest idol.
"Hey, squirts," Rainbow calls out. "Did you notice me?"
"You were amazing!" Lindy said.
"Terrific!" Dennis added.
"It was astounding!" Eugene said.
"You were totally awesome," Peter said.
"Told ya you'd like it," Rainbow rubbed the foal's head.
"You think we can do the Sonic Rainboom too?" Anjelica asked.
"Who knows?" Rainbow shrugs. "I first believed it to be an old mare's tale and look now."
"Would you like to fly and play with us?" Eugene asked, cutely.
"Well, I usually have a ball with me," Rainbow replies. "But we can do whatever you want."
"Yay!" The foals shout with joy.
"I got an idea," Lindy speaks up. "Let's use one of the rainbows as a slide."
"Sounds great!" Rainbow said.
Together, they flew above Iris' rainbow and slid down from it. A cupid saw it and wanted to join the fun, flying toward them.
"Hey, can I join you?" He asked.
"Of course!" Rainbow said. "The more the merrier!"
They flew to the top and slid off the rainbow again.
"Wheeeeee!" The cupid and Peter shouted.
Then both of them, along with Rainbow, flew around the rainbow. They soared past the various colors from left-to-right, as the cupid grabs Peter by the tail and lets go after a few seconds. After a few rounds behind the rainbow, Peter and the cupid dove down in the lake where the rainbow continues further underwater. The other Pegasus foals play in the water as Rainbow also dove down in the lake. Surrounded by bubbles, they flew through the rainbow and swam toward the surface. The cupid held on the foal's tail and climbed on his back. Once they got a breath of fresh air, the cupid rode the foal while he kept swimming. It didn't take long for Rainbow to emerge as well, spitting water out her mouth and swam toward some of the foals.
"Nice idea, Lindy," Rainbow admits. "This is so much fun!"
"Thanks!" The filly replied, playing further.
Seeing the foals and cupids play in the water gave her an idea. A cupid was swimming and accidentally bumps against the blue Pegasus.
"Oops, sorry Dash," He said.
"It's okay," Rainbow replied. "Say, want to do something really fun?"
"Uh, yes?" The cupid asked, curious. "What are we doing?"
"Grab my tail."
"Just grab it and hold on very tight."
The cupid grabbed onto Rainbow's tail, as the blue Pegasus prepares her wings.
"Got a good grip?" Rainbow asked.
"Uh-huh," The cupid nods.
"Remember, don't let go."
"What do you MEEEEEEAAAAAN?!"
The cupid screams as the Pegasus flew with great speed over the water. The cupid held her tail very tight, as his feet skimmed over the water. Eventually, he realized what Rainbow was up to and enjoyed it. Rainbow had introduced him to water skiing.
"Yeah, alright!" He shouts, joyfully.
The other cupids and foals saw it, enjoying the view.
"Wow!" One cupid said. "I wanna do it too."
"Me too!" Eugene said.
While Rainbow, Eugene and the two cupids waterski, Spike, Jiminy and Rarity watched from the shore.
"It's good to see them having fun," Jiminy said.
"I could use a swim myself," Spike said, getting up. "Wanna join, Rarity?"
The white unicorn thought for a moment then made her decision.
"Oh, I don't see why not."
With that said, both of them, including Jiminy, step into the water. Rarity's mane had gotten wet for nearly the entire adventure, but in this case she didn't mind. As she and Spike swim around, Jiminy relaxed by using his umbrella as a seat on the water while a faun plays his flute on a tiny island.
With the storm completely gone and everyone having a good time, Paris ran through the various creatures and steps before Twilight.
"Hey Twilight. Wanna come with us to the cliff? We're watching the sunset and I think I found something you definitely should see."
"Sure, I'll come," Twilight nodded. "You best tell the rest; I'll get Pinkie and Bacchus. They're probably still in that wine pool.
As Twilight ventures through the woods, she finds them in the funniest, embarrassing state. The wine god, party pony and even Jacchus held onto each other's shoulders, cuddling close while holding a cup of wine in their hand/hoof high in the air and singing in a drunken way.
"Rainbows are visions
But only illusions
And *HIC* rainbows have nothing to hide (Heehaw heehaw)
So we've *HIC* told
And some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong, wait and see (yo-de-lay-HEE-hoo!)
Someday we'll *HIC* find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers, and *HIC*
Who said that every wish
Would be heard and *HIC* answered
When wished on the morn*HIC* star
Somebody thought…"
Twilight's eyes roll upward, as she shakes her head.
"You two are unbelievable. You better come along to the cliff; Paris invited us to watch the sunrise."
Instead of Twilight, Pinkie's drunkenness made her see a bottle of wine talking to her. The pink mare licked her lips on sight.
"That sounds *HIC* great, talking wine bottle," Pinkie asked. "Can I drink *HIC* from you while we walk?"
When Twilight heard that, she was both uncomfortable and frustrated.
"That does it! When we get back to Equestria, you're going to rehab!"
"Oh no, no, no," Pinkie whines, slurring her words. "I won't go, go, go!"
"Yes, you are, are, are!" Twilight said, tugging all three with her magic.
"Party pooper," Bacchus muttered.
"Let's sing further," Pinkie advised.
"Who said that every *HIC* wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on *HIC* morning star"
While they kept singing, Twilight cringed and used her magic to put earplugs in her ears, as a smile appears on her face.
Meanwhile, Paris calls every creature and Equestrian to the cliff. Watching the sunset is a perfect event for them all, even more beautiful for the centaurs and their girlfriends. After a relaxing time in the lake, Rarity combed her mane to make sure its fabulous again. Even the Pegasus foals and some cupids hung out more with Rainbow Dash. The same went for Octavia and the little unicorn she saved. With everyone assembled, they wait a few meters away from the edge.
"Shouldn't we go a little closer?" Rainbow asked, confused.
"We're waiting for Twilight," Paris explained. "Because there's something she and the rest of you must see."
"See what?" The blue Pegasus asked.
She hovers in the air for a better look. A look of surprise appears on her face.
At last, the unicorn/alicorn appears with a drunk pony and drunk god caught in her magic aura. Everyone let her pass until she reached Paris and the rest of her friends. She releases Pinkie and Bacchus from her magic grip. The god lands on his back and the pink mare fell on top of him.
"Too much drinking again?" Applejack asked.
"You have no idea," Twilight said, turning to Paris. "What is it you wanted to show me?"
"Weren't you looking for that?" Paris points toward the cliff edge.
Twilight turns and was totally surprised. At the edge of the cliff, the pink sheet music stood before them.
"The missing sheet music!" Twilight said.
"Can we finally take it?" Rainbow asked.
"I think so."
Rainbow lands on the ground, walking toward the sheet music. With every step she takes, nothing happens. She expects it to do another trick, that the sheet music would fly away like before and yet, it stood still. Twilight said the sheet music didn't want to be caught, if the inhabitants needed help which they definitely needed. But now with the problem solved, they could finally take it. She reaches out her hoof, hesitating a bit. Then she quickly grabs the paper with no trouble.
"We got it!" Twilight declared.
Everyone cheered and clapped, some laughing a bit.
"That's five," Spike said. "Only a few more left."
"By counting the songbooks," Rarity estimates. "There should be two left."
"Now that you found the sheet music, guess this means you're leaving?" Paris asked, disappointed.
"Sadly yes, Paris," Twilight said. "But we'd love to watch the sunset with you guys."
A small smile appears on the unicorn when she said that.
"You and your friends are truly amazing. You saved us from a god."
"You helped us girls find love," Melinda said, hugging Brudus.
"You can say the same about the boys," Brudus replied.
Some centaurs grabbed the hand of their lover, gazing deep in their eyes.
"We also want to thank you for these beautiful accessories," One centaur mentioned.
The female centaurs showed the flower shawls, necklaces and different kinds of hats they wore during the matchmaking.
"And you saved my baby," The unicorn mother said.
"And helped my Peter to fly," Helen said, nuzzling the little foal.
"Thanks for helping me, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy," Peter said. "I'll never forget that awesome Rainboom."
"You sure are lots of fun," Tim said. "You even made Bacchus happy."
Tim points to Bacchus, who was listening to a little story Pinkie was telling along with some of the creatures.
"And so, mom said, 'Pinkie, you've seriously got to *HIC* destroy the rock you said you didn't get *HIC* to breaking with your pickaxe'. But I told her, 'But, mom! I can't *HIC* destroy the rock'. She asked me, 'Why not?'. And I told her *HIC*…"
But she stops afterward, giggling because she felt she could barely say it. But the centaurs and satyrs were too curious to let her story go unfinished.
"What?" One centaur asked. "What did you tell her, Pinkie?"
Pinkie giggles a bit more, before mustering the strength to tell the group.
"I told her *HIC* that it was because the rock was in the shape of a koaaala!"
The centaurs and satyrs gathered around her suddenly burst out laughing, some even clutched their bellies, rolling on the ground, or both. Even Bacchus himself couldn't hold his own laugh.
"Oh, Pinkie!" A faun said, while laughing. "That's priceless!"
"I know, right?!"
Pinkie laughed along with the others because of the memory her drunkenness brought out. The Equestrians were completely moved by the words of these inhabitants, they even shed a few tears of their own.
"You are all amazing too," Twilight said. "From the very moment we stepped into this realm, we already felt right at home. Seeing all of you, standing together, warms my heart. I hope someday all creatures in Equestria learn about friendship and get along the same way."
"I hope that happens one day too," Paris said.
Spike approaches Helen, hugging the Pegasus.
"Thanks again for saving me and Jiminy, Miss Helen."
"It was nothing," Helen smiled, hugging him back.
"I'm happy to have a mare like her," Hector said.
The stallion nibbled on his wife's neck, making her blush and giggle.
"Sweetie stop it; we're in public," She giggled.
Some of the inhabitants and Equestrians couldn't help but giggle too. Then it was Bacchus turn to say something, even in his drunken state.
"Screw Zeus! You are the real gods! No matter what you think or what others say!"
"Shh, not so loud, sir," Otika whispered. "You might anger him."
"Aw, who cares?! I've been taking his beef all my life and I say… Enough's enough!"
"He's right," A centaur steps forward. "What's Mr. Lightning Bolt gonna do? These girls fixed him well and proved to us we don't have to fear him anymore."
Meanwhile, another faun looks at the sun and sees something.
"Speaking of gods, look over there!" He points forward.
They all turn toward the sun, as chariot pulled by horses with manes and tails of fire appear. Driving the chariot is a man in a toga and a flaming cape, using a whip to lash at the horses.
"Wow!" The Equestrians say, in awe.
"That's Apollo, right?" Twilight asked.
"Yup," Paris said. "The god of the sun and music himself."
Apollo stops lashing and waves at the inhabitants with a smile. Everybody, including the Equestrians, wave back and watched the sun slowly dip behind the horizon.
"So beautiful," Rarity said, hugging Spike.
"It really brings a tear to mah eye," Applejack said, wiping a tear.
Once the sun was down, everybody felt tired.
"Well, I'm done for today," Tim yawned. "Let's all go to sleep."
"Yeah, I think we better go too," Twilight said.
"Will we ever see you again?" A little unicorn asked.
"We'll visit you all again someday," Twilight assured.
As Octavia looks on, she felt a nudge and turned to see the little unicorn she saved.
"Thank you for saving my life, miss," The little unicorn said.
"You're welcome, little one," Octavia replied, rubbing its head. "Now run along to your mother."
With a small nudge, Octavia coursed the little unicorn as he reunited with his mom. She smiles proudly as a tear falls down her cheek.
"Thanks again, Twilight," Paris said, almost crying. "For everything…"
Then, to his surprise, Twilight hugged him which he did in return. Rainbow started to hug the little foals, while Fluttershy hugged the parents.
"You and your friends are always welcome here, any time," Helen said.
The rest gave a hug to the other creatures. Even Pinkie gave a hug to the drunk god, which he happily accepted. Despite being drunk herself, she'll surely miss him as he misses her.
"Till we see each other again, Bacchie," Pinkie said.
"I can hardly wait," Bacchus replied.
Once they release their hugs, our heroes were ready to leave.
"Wait!" Tim said. "We have something for you."
Two centaurs approach with two big jugs, placing them in front of the Equestrians.
"Two jugs of wine, specially made for you."
"Did somepony say 'wine'?" Pinkie said, excitedly.
Both she and Bacchus ran toward the jugs. Before they could reach them, Applejack reels them both with her lasso.
"Ho there, you two," The cowgirl pony said. "Ah think you had quite enough for today."
"D'OH!" Bacchus pouts.
"Sheesh, and they say 'I' have a drinking problem," Rainbow Dash remarked, shaking her head.
"Thank you very much, Tim," Twilight said.
Using her magic, she placed the jugs inside the backpack with infinite space.
"Good luck with finding the rest of the sheet music," Hector said. "Have a safe trip back home."
Our heroes smile as they all went to their homes to sleep. One centaur couple stayed to watch the horizon for a while, before they too left.
"Goodbye," They said, waving. "Come back soon!"
The centaur couple dragged Bacchus with them, who also waved.
"We will!" The Equestrians waved back.
"Such good company," Octavia said.
"Yep, they sure are," Vinyl said.
Then, they look up at the sky as a huge man with a cloak shrouds the sky with darkness.
"Whoa, would you look at that!" Rainbow said.
"Is that another god?" Fluttershy asked.
"Yes, Morpheus," Jiminy answered. "The god of dreams and sleep, who brings the night when the day is over."
"Just like Princess Luna," Twilight smiled.
"Yeah… Exactly."
After Morpheus brought the night, they walked further.
"Funny, the sky is still missing stars," Twilight observed.
"Don't worry, they'll appear soon enough," Jiminy replied.
As they walk through the woods, they notice everybody was asleep. Underneath a tree by a creek, Brudus and Melinda slept together along with two fauns and a cupid. Our heroes already miss them, hoping for one day to visit them again.
The foals in Helen's nest were fast asleep, their mother draping them with her wing. Morpheus blessed little Peter with dreams of him, his siblings and Rainbow Dash doing stunts and making Sonic Rainbooms together. The little colt yawns, twitching his legs. Helen nudges him and he stops. It didn't take long for her to close her eyes, while up above her husband rests on a branch.
Up in the sky, the cupids were sleeping on the clouds, draping a big piece over themselves to get cozy. The Equestrians stop atop a hill with an open-air temple.
"You know, I wonder if that portal arrives by itself," Applejack wondered. "Or if we have to look for it ourselves."
"Normally I'm all for being on the go," Rainbow admits. "But… I honestly don't want to leave just yet."
"We can always enjoy the view while we look," Twilight said. "There's no rush."
They look up at the sky again and see something appear on a cloud near the crescent moon. A woman in a see-through dress and tiara, along with a small deer, holding the moon like a bow, preparing an arrow to fire.
"Hey, there's a woman next to the moon!" Spike pointed.
"As I live and breathe, it's Artemis!" Jiminy said. "The Goddess of the hunt and the moon. In Roman Mythology, she's called 'Diana'."
"Isn't Rome and Greek Mythology kind of similar?" Rainbow asked.
"Well, 'yes'… And 'no'… I'll tell you later."
"She's just as beautiful as Iris," Fluttershy admired.
They all watch silently as the goddess shot an arrow in the sky, spreading stars everywhere. Now the night was truly complete, as the Equestrians got to see the landscape at night. Just as beautiful as it was during the day."
"It's so gorgeous," Rarity said, the stars reflecting in her eyes.
"Nice *HIC* lightshow," Pinkie hiccups.
Our heroes watch the night sky until a light appears behind them. The portal that leads them back to Deems.
"Well, there's our ride," Rainbow said. "Guess that means time's up."
"Come on, guys," Twilight said. "Let's go."
But before they stepped into the portal, they took one last look over the Greek landscape, a warm smile on their faces. Even after all the bad luck in the Rite of Spring realm, the Pastoral Symphony filled their hearts with happiness and hope again. As each pony stepped back through the portal, Twilight was the last to look on, thinking of all the new friends they've made. And sure enough, Twilight soon had an idea she'd reserve for later.
"See you real soon, Paris," Twilight whispered.
Then, the Princess of Friendship steps into the portal before it closes, leaving the entire valley to sleep peacefully.
The Orchestra Stand
Deems paces for a while, as he and the other musicians wait patiently for the Equestrians' return.
"It's taking just as long as the previous realm," A flutist replied.
"We must be patient," Deems advised. "Finding sheet music is harder than you think."
Suddenly, the light of the pink songbook glows brightly revealing the Equestrians. Deems walks toward them.
"How did it go?" He asked.
Soon, they all start randomly talk happily, a huge contrast to the previous realm.
"Oh, Mr. Taylor, the land was so beautiful!" Twilight said.
"It felt like we were back home," Octavia said.
"It was so peaceful," Fluttershy said.
"We've made many wonderful friends," Spike said.
"We even fought against Zeus to protect them!" Rainbow said. "Can you believe it? We fought against an actual god and won!"
Deems and the other musicians couldn't believe what they heard, the master of ceremonies was most glad they had a good time and feel happy again. They truly needed this.
"Not to mention I became friends *HIC* with a god," Pinkie said, leaning against Deems.
"Did you just say you fought a god?" Leopold asked, in disbelief. "That's impossible!"
"It shows there's more to these little ponies than meets the eye," Deems replied. "I'm glad you're all in a good mood. Won't we talk more about it later?"
"Sounds splendid," Rarity said. "I'm a little tired for the moment."
"Yeah, me too," Spike said.
"I need to use the bathroom," Rainbow said. "Anypony have mouthwash."
"I do!" Pinkie said.
"Thank yo… WAIT A MINUTE! Pinkie, why didn't you say something before?!"
"You never asked."
Then Pinkie takes out the mouthwash from her mane. Before she gives it to Rainbow, she looks at it and licks her lips. She opens the bottle, about to guzzle it down, before Rainbow quickly snatched it.
"Thank you."
"Um Rainbow," Twilight said. "The sheet music?"
The blue Pegasus hands the sheet music to Deems.
"Here you go. I gotta get rid of something in my mouth. It's an emergency."
Suddenly, she felt as if she were about to barf.
"Oh no! The taste is still there!"
She quickly flew straight toward the bathroom, as Deems looks on curiously.
"What was that all about?" Deems asked.
Twilight whispers in his ear, making him laugh.
"Oh… Ha-ha-ha! I see. Well, rest a little my friends. You can tell the rest later."
Twilight nods in agreement, as she and the others took a seat for a well-earned rest after such an experience. Deems smiles at the equines, looking at the sheet music as Leopold approaches. The whole time he's been intrigued by the bravery these ponies have shown.
"I still can't believe they battled Zeus," The composer said, stroking his chin.
"Yes, it sure is a miracle," Deems said. "They've done many amazing things in those realms."
But then worry crossed his eyes as he turned to a sinister green colored songbook.
"But I wonder if they'll have that same luck… When they face him."
"You don't mean… The Sleeping Village?" A cellist asked, fearfully. "Nobody ever returns from there… Alive."
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of," Deems said.
Ever since these heroes arrived at their stand, Deems grew fond of them. These Equestrians went far and beyond, offering help to find the sheet music. Granted, they still have one realm to enter before they enter the green songbook. The portal to a world everyone in the room fears most. What kind of threat lurks within those notes? Will our heroes be prepared for it?
That my fellow readers is a story for another time.