
So I have a reason for writing this and I'll explain at the end. Also please everyone let me know how this is!


Warning: Bully/ sexual themes


Being able to forgive is the same as being able to fight.

You need courage to do both.

If anyone knew the true story of his origin they would have showed disgust and pity. Both were usually towards him or his perpetrators. For none knew the true effects of being bullied than himself experiencing it first hand.

Because not all men were created equal and Izuku knew that well.

He stared wide eyed and confused at the girl in front of him. Her silver medium lengthed hair touching the ground as she bowed in front of him.

"I AM REALLY SORRY FOR ALL THE TERRIBLE THINGS I DID WHEN I WAS YOUNGER!" She yelled with fierce conviction. Head still pressed against the ground as she spoke.

Izuku looked wearily of one his former bullies besides Kacchan and his followers. Tetsutetsu was one of the few during elementary that bullied him relentlessly after finding out he was quirkless. How she pinned him to the ground calling him weak and not a true man. Before that he remember how the girl was super shy and insecure about her appearance. How she hated her eyelashes because they were weird and kacchan calling her out on it. Izuku was the first to actually befriend the steel user and forming an actual bond before he the spread of quirkless nature.

Their first year of middle school was where things got a little more hectic. With Tetsutetsu having the most prominent growth spurt along there peers. The girl going from 5'0 to almost 5'9 over their summer break. Her facial features becoming more firece and intimidating with her now permanent glare and shark like teeth.Though most guys were intimidated it didn't stop upperclassmen from approaching her for the more well endowed body she now held.

Those upperclassmen didn't last long as she beat them to almost bloody pulps for their advances towards her. Izuku being smart to avoid the now delinquent girl was a risky task since they had the same class.

Though her bullying wasn't of physical nature towards him the intimidation was still there. Until the end of their first year.

He had found her randomly at the park they played at as kids. She sat by a bench that overlooked the empty park. He was going to rush home before he saw the state she was really in. Her uniform slightly damanged and she had a few scratches along her face with a slight bruised cheek.

The same scowl was on her face,but the look in her seemed...dulled slightly. Mustering as much courage as he could he walked over to the bench careful not to spook her.

"A-are you ok?" He questioned timidly. Tetsutetsu looked up from staring at the ground her tanned eyelashes still looking intimidating, but she still had a solemn look in her eye.

"Yeah." She grunted out. Their was no valor or spirit in her reply. It seemed to strange for him not to see her acting fierce and bold. Instead at this moment she looked...Vulnerable.

Sensing a strange shift he sat down next to her in worry, but not to close im fear of her shouting at him. In his gut he knew he should have went home,but something was drawing him to this place and towards her. Something in his mind telling him to stay.

"Izuku." She broke the silence still staring dully at the park unblinking. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes nervously at the seriousness of her tone.

"Y-yes?" He squeaked weakly. Instead of her scowl her lips were curved into a light frown.

"I'm...n-not a villain right?" She questioned her obsidian eyes burning fiercely into his. Maybe it was her intimidating appearance that made it more frightening, but her voice sounded desperate.

Hearing her say this he remembered how insecure and frail she was when they were younger. He wanted to say so many things, but his sincere heart won in the end.

"No...your not a villian."

Blinking slowly her head turned back slowly tonthe park, a now comfortable silence between them.

"Izuku..." Her voice a bit more meek than usual.He looked at her again seeimg she had a slight pink dusting her cheeks.

"Am...I pretty?" She questioned slowly scooting closer to him. Her height overwhelming him slightly as she leaned closer to him.

Blushing her chest pressed into his arm as he stared at her rather supple lips.

"Y..yes" His lips quivered slightly as he felt her hot breath against his face.

"Am...I attractive to you?" She spoke slowly as she straddled him on the park bench pressing her body firmly against his. Izuku mind racing as her lips barely touched his. When he was younger he had the biggest crush on her...now here she was a few years later almost leaning in for this kiss.

Instead of answering his hormones took over and firmly pressed his lips against the surprised her girl. It wasn't a deep kiss ,but not a chaste one either. She tasted of blood and mint, which he should have figured with state she was in when he found her.

It would have been romantic if it didn't end horribly.

Though he kissed her she made no attempt to kiss back her blushimh face morphing into one of shock. It only lasted a minuted before shifting to anger as she jumped from him lap with a scowl.

"What the fuck was that?! " She shouted loudly baring her sharp teeth in rage.

"W-what...I t-thought..." Confused and startled Izuku panicked as a hand grabbed his shirt lifting him up from the ground.

"You thought what?!? That I liked a Quirkless weak shit like you!?" She screeched tossing him back onto the ground.

Landing on his back he looked up at the furious girl whose skin now turned to a silvery tint.

"Tet-" He barely stammered out as a iron first smashed next to the ground right by his head.

"Your bothing but a weak deku..." She said furiously walking away from him and that was the last he saw her.

Until he enrolled into U.A. and was confronted by a swarm of students after the U.S.J incident. The silver hair and eyelashes being a dead give away as she declared war on class 1-a. For a brief second her eyes made contact with his as her scowling face turned into a look of shock and...horror? Just as quickly as she appeared she ran away after the the appearance of Shinsou.

After that...things became strange.

During the sports festival she outright avoided him. Even the calvary battle she made sure to avoid his team. Even weirder was that durduring her second match with Kirishima in arm wrestling she had made eye contact again with and lost her focus swiftly giving kirishima the win of the match.

During the first few days of the summer camp she watched him carefully and cautiously. A few time she was about to approach him,but his friends either got in the way or the training became too intense. Even after the villians and whole thing with kacchan he still felt the intense eyes of hers following him and his every movement.

It was the weekend up so he decided to spend the night at his mother's to spend some quality time with her. At night he became a little restless so he decided to take a walk down memory lane and returned to the same park he use to go to when he was a kid.

And surely enough there she was...at the same bench he saw her at that day.

Now they were here back at the same park near Izuku's home with her bowing before him in forgiveness.

She wore a simple black tank top along with a grey pair of jogging shorts.

He wondered if this was Ironic fate of meeting one of his former bullies and bearing the hatched of years of abuse.


AND JUST ME BEING A MAJOR BITCH I'M SORRY!" She kept shouting from the ground. It was uncomfortable seeing someone do this...especially out in public.

It was night and yes the park was empty,but still embarrassing. A blush crept against his cheeks still taking in her position and her form. She had developed even more the last he saw her. He knew she had muscle,but she still had a rather big breast that rivaled both Mei and Momo. Not to mention her curvious body out classing Ochako by a long run.

His bully/crush/ Ex-friend had truly becoming something else over the years. He heard of her actions at the summer camp and was surprised by her sudden friendship of Kirishima and evem mina.

"H-hey it's ok! P-Please stand before anyone sees you!" He rushed out as she was on the ground for far too long in his opinion. Lifting her head she looked at Izuku with surprise her eyes wide. This didn't help for when she lifted the upper portion of her body the tank top dipped low showing a vwry dangerous amount of cleavage for Izuku to see.


"It's like dealing with a female kacchan fused with Kirishima..."

"O-ok! But please stop shouting! " He whispered yelled tonthe kneeling girl.

"OK!" She yelled,but quickly smacked her hand against her mouth in embarrassment.

Signing Izuku looked over at the swing set gesturing for her to follow him over. Reaching the swings both sat in awkward silence trying to make out yje situations.

"I'm sorry..."She said after a few minutes of silence. Her voice barely a whisper. He looked at her before taking a deep breathe and looking back up at the night sky.

It was clear of any clouds and stars only showing the full moon above.

"I use to really like you." He stated calmly as her eyes widen at his words.

"Back than...we use to be good friends. You, kacchan and me...than I was misdiagnosed as quirkless." The last part he lied about trying not mention One for all.

"Than you both changed like I was nothing less a worthless Deku. Than middle school came and you both got worse." As he was talking he clinched his fist tightly amongst the chain of the swing.

"Than that day happened." He didn't need to remind her as she flinched in her swing indicating she remembered.

"I...I really thought you had mutual feelings. That you actually liked me back. I might have misread it,but...I never forgave myself for kissing you." He said sincerely causing her to gape at him. "For years I thought I had messed up, that I had took advantage of you...that I made you feel disgusted. That I was the one...that caused you to leave and not come back." He didn't look at her,but he felt tears slip down his face.

To be honest he had felt horrible after that.He blamed himself constantly for that as his already fragile mind at the time thought...it was a wrongful thing to do.

"No...No! Izuku you didn't...you didn't do anything wrong!"She wasn't good with emotional as she never could find the right words to say. After the kiss her family had to move, because her mom had gotten a better job offer. She transferred to another school were zhe made great friends! She had joined sports clubs and became friendly.

When she enrolled into U.A. she expected to see Bakugo there,but seeing Izuku...it brought back a past she wanted to forget.

Seeing him every day almost was eating her alive on the inside. To apologize for all her wrongful actions,but something always came up!

It didn't make it better that he was stronger than she remembered. How he grew strong and heroic day by day.

It also made it worse when he did kiss her...for she felt the same way.

She wasn't the best at expressing her feelings, but she didnt know how to exactly talk to him. So she did was good at and ridicule him like she did back in elementary.

Now he was strong hero...better than everyone else in every way.

"I know...but I also realized that I should blame myself for it. Both you and kacchan did some really horrible things to me." Hearing this her chest tightened uncomfortably as his bright emerald eyes gave her a more hardened look.

"I'm sorry..." She looked away in shame clinging in her fist in anger. Anger towards herself for all her past actions.

"Even after all of that...I still forgive you." He finshed shocking her. Her black eyes staring at him in surprise.

"But I will never forget." He stated simply rising up from the swing. He looked at her once more before giving her a gentle smile.

"I'm glad we were finally able to talk this out. I'll see you again at U.A. Good night...Tetsutetsu." He said walking away leaving a conflicted girl by the swing.

She watched him leave as the tight feeling in her chest swelled around her heart.

"No this isn't what I wanted..I..!"

Jumpimg from her own swing she reached Izuku grabbing his.arm in the process. Turning Izuku stared in surprise as the girl leaned un pressing her lips against his. It was rough, but he eased into as he tasted the same mint the last time this happened.

The kiss this time small before both separated with bright red blushing faces.

"I WANNA START OVER!" She yelled as her blush intensified.


He blinked once, twice...three times before he smiled.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, I'm also apart of the hero course. I Like heroes and katsudon. It's nice meeting you Tetsutetsu." He said happily bowing as well.

Lifting up he saw that she still had a blush on her face.

"C..call me Tetsu-chan and...I'LLSEE YOU AT SCHOOL!?" She yelled the last part running away leaving Izuku at the park.

He smiled widely staring at the moon before touching his lips absentmindedly.



Ok! This took wayyyyyyyy longer to write than I planned. I had to restart twice because the first drafts didn't make sense. Also.this was a challenge because some people believe not all characters would be good gender-bent.

So my ass decided to take the challenge! And who do I get? TETSUTETSU!

I hope you guys like it, thank you reading, and please review!!!! pretty please!!