Izuku accidentally walked into Momo, who was holding Jirou's hand to pull them both to safety inside Kurogiri's mist bubble. Right when they collided Kurogiri warped them, Kaminari who was next to them ended up being warped to the worst place for him…

In the mountain zone:

Izuku came back to his senses he felt a large weight on his chest that was strangely soft and cushioned, then he felt two hands land on his chest and pushed down on him. Izuku opened his eyes to assess their danger and noticed that Yaoyorozu and Jirou were both getting off of him, it was at that moment, when Izuku realized what the soft feeling was, and blushed so brightly that he resembled a strawberry. Then he heard a voice behind him and Izuku turned to look.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? One girl who we will definitely save for later." The voice said as he licked his lips.

"A girl who is skinny and won't put up a fight." Another goon said smirking imagining the fun they will have.

"And a scrawny looking kid. This will be easy." Another goon said while looking dead at him. Izuku knew OfA would be very ineffective so he should study them and help the girls identify key targets.

"Yaoyorozu, Jirou, buy time while I think of a way through this, I will call out anyone who tries to attack you from behind got it?" Izuku whispered to his teammates.

"Yaoyorozu make both of us a weapon, sword for me. Better make a plan quickly, I don't want to find out what will happen if we don't." Jirou said glad he was at least making himself useful with planning.

"Got it!" Yaoyorozu said as she moved her leg closer to Jirou to allow her to quickly grab the sword.

Both girls stood with their backs to the wall, while Izuku was observing, all parties waiting for the first move to be made. The villains made the first move as they charged, Jirou blasted many onto their knees and even knocked some villains out. Izuku was noting their abilities and deduced that they all lacked any real skill to fight seasoned fighters. Noticing their plan was to overwhelm them with numbers, Izuku came up with a counter play.

"Yaoyorozu can you make a stun baton?" Izuku asked her as he started to get into the fray.

"I'm not sure. I'll try." Yaoyorozu responded backing up.

"Jirou let's protect Yaoyorozu!" Once they both backed up Izuku whispered. "They are just common thugs, none of them are using their quirks to the best, so keep an eye out for their squad leader, he will obviously know how to fight."

"Got it." Jirou responded and they knocked out a few criminals before Jirou heard Yaoyorozu speak.

"I got it!" Yaoyorozu said holding a baton.

"Ok make me four! Make some for yourselves too." Izuku responded grabbing the one out of Yaoyorozu's hand.

Izuku now had four batons on him, one in each arm, and two in his utility belt pouches. The group of students then launched a counter assault using their own batons and other weaponry to tear through the swarm of villains, leaving every one of them unconscious.

"Ok, now that we have survived that, I want us to go check out the plaza, see if we can't ease EraserHead's burden." Izuku said as he started to make his way towards the central plaza.

"Agreed, Aizawa definitely would have bitten off more than he can chew with the plaza group. Then again we aren't in much better shape then he would be." Jirou said agreeing with Midoriya.

"I know, which is why I said take on only a couple of villains, if they were stronger villains, then I wouldn't have even considered going to the plaz...a, that doesn't look good." Midoriya said seeing Aizawa on the ground pinned under a beast that definitely had multiple powers. Izuku started analysing the monster's possible powers.

"Oh-oh my god." Jirou held her hand in front of her mouth to try and prevent herself from losing all her stomach contents at the disgusting scene, then she noticed Izuku started having small sparks appear around his head.

"What the heck happened." Yaoyorozu said quietly as she stared at the ground, thinking on how they were too late, it was then she saw a mini green spark appear in her peripheral. Momo then decided to see where it came from and noticed the U.A athletic uniform was attached to the sparking limb. Momo looked to Jirou and saw her staring at Izuku's head which was also sparking.

Then before either could do anything Midoriya turned on his two batons and leaped a distance away from them and made one clap with his hands to draw the leader's attention. The leader turned and saw a kid armed with stun batons and sparking, he laughed.

"Hahaha, kid do you seriously think you can beat us, when your own teacher was beat by this Noumu?" The leader asked with an evil smirk, only for it to fade when he noticed the lack of fear on his face.

"You mind explaining why I can't beat it?" Midoriya asked simply although it didn't quite sound like Midoriya.

"That thing right there is called a Noumu, this variant is what we call the Anti-Symbol of Peace. It is biologically engineered to kill All Might. What now little hero?" The leader asked sweetly.

"So it isn't human anymore?" Midoriya asked wanting to make sure.

"Nope. It will only respond to certain people's commands, take this as an example. Noumu kill the brat."

Izuku was unaware that he was using OfA at about 4% on his reflexes, perception, and legs. So to Izuku he could see the beast get up and charge at him, Izuku only charged towards it in response. Once Izuku was within striking distance, he barely dodged a blow from the Noumu, and he slid underneath the Noumu and launched above it, and proceeded to jam the first two batons into its brain, stunning it. Izuku landed onto the ground as the Noumu reached up to remove the batons, he quickly pulled out his backup batons and jammed one into the beast's crotch, only for it to have no effect. So he quickly turned off one baton and put it away, and he grabbed one of the discharging batons ignoring the pain of the shock, and yanked the head down to quickly finish it off by jamming the third one in.

Once the third baton was in, the beast spasmed, and fell to the ground dead. Now that the beast was dead, Midoriya turned towards the leader who now had Kurogiri with him, Midoriya then started having a rainbow of sparks popping off of him. However before he could taunt the duo, the entrance doors blew open and All Might stood in its wake.

"Well, we aren't a high enough level to beat the final boss, the Noumu was supposed to have weakened him, if not killed the boss. Let's retreat for now Kurogiri." The leader said as he turned around.

"Yes Shigaraki." Kurogiri said as he warped both himself and Shigaraki back to their base.

Back with Yaoyorozu and Jirou.

"Wow that was a jump." Jirou said before immediately clutching her ears in pain at the sudden clap by Midoriya.

"That doesn't fully sound like Midoriya…" Yaoyorozu said nervously, hearing Midoriya speak in a distorted tone had the hairs on the back of her neck standing on edge.

"No, he isn't seriously thinking of taking on the thing that beat our teacher." Jirou said with extreme worry as both Yaoyorozu and herself listened into the conversation.

"He isn't planning on just fighting it..." Yaoyorozu started but drifted off as she was entering extreme worry for her classmate and former class rep.

"He is planning on killing it. I am torn about how to feel towards this."

"Heroes don't kill, unless it is necessary. That is one of the rules for being a hero, and he is planning on breaking it."

"It isn't against the law if it isn't sentient though, and he just got given the green light to try to kill it." Jirou said to correct her classmate, only to be stunned by the events that followed. "WOAH, they moved so fast I didn't see them move." Jirou was so wrapped up in witnessing the murder of the beast she didn't hear someone approaching.

"You're welcome." A masculine voice that lacked any emotion said startling both girls. Jirou and Yaoyorozu whipped around to deal with whoever it was, only to be relieved it was Todoroki.

"Jeez Todoroki you startled us. Why did you say 'You're welcome.' by the way?" Yaoyorozu said while trying to calm her heart after that freak out.

"Because I took out a villain that was sneaking behind you two, he was in the zone I assume you three were in." Todoroki said as he pointed to a spot behind the trees.

"The monster is dead," Jirou flatly said while covering her mouth to prevent vomit from surfacing.

"Oh, where is Aizawa?" Todoroki asked the two girls. The girls were about to explain when they saw a rainbow of sparks surround Midoriya.

"What the hell?" Jirou said confused as to why Izuku had turned into a rainbow. However before they could question further, All Might busts in.

"All Might!" Yaoyorozu cheered, happy All might finally showed up to beat the villains, only there were...no…villains. As their small group emerged to go and check on Midoriya, he suddenly stopped sparking and collapsed.

"Midoriya!" Was a shout shared by four people as they saw Midoriya fall forward...