Okay so here is some information we have about characters and their quirks, here I will also give you more information about some characters, these characters will specifically be from the government's "black listed" quirks!

Number: subject 1

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Nationality: Japanese

Religion:? Possibly Shinto

Age: 4 (currently 15)

Eye colour: green

Pupil type: slitted, reflects light like a cat

Height: 3'4 (currently 5'5)

Sex: Male

Birthday: July 15th

Skin colour: pale with freckles

Hair colour: green/black, curly, short (currently to shoulders)

Quirk: 1. His first quirk is the ability to destroy atoms, studies have shown that his ability to destroy atoms can either be on a large scale e.g a building or a small scale e.g turning stable O2 into H. His quirk backlashes are that he sometimes loses parts of his body, they come back after a while, depends on the severity of the wound. He can not recreate atoms, only destroy them. Quirk is highly dangerous, more atoms he destroys the more unstable the world will become, he could change the world as we know it. Without suppressants he would only need to touch a certain place to destroy another e.g if he touched the pavement of a city he could destroy a whole town near by. With suppressants he needs direct contact with object to destroy it e.g he needs to touch a cup to destroy that cup

2. Second quirk is rather odd, any attacks towards the subject has led to a dark green 'shield' to form under his skin. His skin is naturally hard, unless strong they could not puncture skin, resistant to flames. Samples taken from shield prove it to be organic, appears like a scale, shield does not disappear, just hides in a different part of his body.

3. Third quirk he claims is a voice in his head, voice tells him to kill everyone and to eat their flesh, other than that the voice is apparently like an annoying friend. Voice only appears after shield use, believed to be related to the shield quirk but we have no certain evidence of this, possibly a coincidence or is the shield more than it appears to be.

Quirk name: 1. dismantle

2. Protector/bulwark

3. The Tacenda Noceur (was provided by said voice)

Worries: the subject is very naive and innocent, he is unaware how powerful Dismantle is, we fear the subject may release too much power and flatten a city, the subject will be provided quirk suppressants in the form of clothing/jewellery. Killed a whole room of researchers by changing air to hydrogen peroxide when scared. Destroyed a researcher's torso.

Number: subject 2

Name: Amiri Amare Airell Elijah Solstace

Nationality: Sunuainian (from Sunuania)

Religion: pagan

Age: 4 (currently 15)

Eye colour: golden rings on outside of iris, next ring is sky blue, next ring in gold, then blue, then gold.

Pupil type: tiger like, has second pair of eyelids, slightly colour blind, has more tiger-like eyes rather than humans, six times better night vision.

Height: 3'2 (currently 5'2)

Sex: Male

Birthday: June 20th

Skin colour: tanned with golden freckles

Hair colour: golden, long, to ankles (currently at knee)

Quirk: god absorption/possession. Each inheritor is blessed by a god at birth, this god then shall be the main god that the quirk user can connect with. Once user is connected with a god they will share similar features, e.g possession of Apollo leads to glowing eyes, more muscle definition, glowing hair like sunlight, glowing tattoos that depict tales of Apollo, ability to summon Apollo's bow and shoot arrows that release high amount of light. Setbacks are that if another god suddenly shows up, he will be susceptible to possession, after God has left, must wait 30 mins to use again, can leave lasting effects on the body. Can be possessed by any god the quirk inheritor has made sacrifices and has a connection with. Fundamental god for this user is Apollo. Can summon gods when subject gets out of control or feels like needs protection or gods get 'overprotective'

Quirk name: Kalopsia

Worries: he blinded a group of researchers, burnt one researcher to a crisp, once summoned god Ares who killed over half of our researchers. Shall need quirk suppressants in the form of earrings, quirk therapy, not near any shrines.

Number: subject 3

Name: Kaito Kobayashi

Nationality: Japanese-Korean

Religion: Shinto

Age: 4 (currently 15)

Eye colour: clotted blood red on the outside ring, fades to blood red then has a golden ring around pupil

Pupil type: slitted

Birthday: October 31st

Skin colour: death pale with scars over face

Hair colour: black, fluffy, long (currently short around sides, long and bouncy on crown, down to his eyebrows.

Quirk: his quirk allowed him that at a touch he can get rid of a whole object, unlike Dismantle, this quirk literally allows user to delete the object, no evidence of it existing except in memory or pictures, no rubble, no sign of it physically being there. Quirk does not have a limit, it is worried that this quirk could rip a hole in time and space. User needs to know majority elements in object. Extended usage has caused subjects sclera to permanently be stained black, has black stains on fingers and a black tongue. Subject can rip a portal between places that can heal up by deleting the portal in the first place. Can create a whole between another dimension, dimension is similar to our own but with a black sky, a big red cross in the sky with a fallen god (explained by Amiri) that is hellbent on destroying the world except quirk user.

Quirk name: Nihility/void/oblivion/abyss

Worries: subject almost let the god escaped its world. One cut off a researcher's arm by using quirk. Subject has been shown to not be entirely human, no either species has been identified though. High surveillance, destroyed quirk suppressants, bad attitude, only calm around subject 2. Must be kept around subject 2. Subject 3 is an orphan, shall stay with subject 2, will go to the same schools. Worried about lack of sympathy and quirk control when bad attitude.

Number: subject 4

Name: Wyatt Floortje Havelock

Nationality: English

Religion: pagan

Age: 4 (currently 15)

Eye colour: looks like staring at the ocean, they change depending on attitude. Stormy sea for anger, calm sea for usual, bright sea for happiness etc etc.

Pupil type: human although eyes are capable to look comfortably underwater

Birthday: June 8th

Skin colour: pale, covered in freckles, has long elf like ears that more around when whilled or like dog ears

Hair colour: Dark dark blue at roots, fades into turquoise, ends in blonde.

Quirk:ᚒᚒᚐᚈᚓᚏ ᚁᚐᚄᚓᚇ ᚊᚒᚔᚏᚊ ᚆᚐᚄ ᚈᚆᚓ ᚐᚁᚔᚂᚔᚈᚔ ᚈᚑ ᚉᚑᚅᚈᚏᚑᚂ ᚂᚐᚏᚌᚓ ᚁᚑᚇᚔᚓᚄ ᚑᚃ ᚒᚒᚐᚈᚓᚏ ᚐᚈ ᚒᚒᚔᚂᚂ ᚃᚑᚏ ᚓᚎᚐᚋᚚᚂᚓ ᚆᚓ ᚑᚅᚉᚓ ᚉᚑᚅᚈᚏᚑᚂᚂᚓᚇ ᚈᚆᚓ ᚑᚉᚓᚐᚅ ᚈᚑ ᚉᚐᚂᚋ ᚒᚒᚆᚓᚅ ᚆᚓ ᚒᚒᚐᚄ ᚆᚐᚚᚚᚔ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚒᚒᚆᚓᚅ ᚆᚓ ᚒᚒᚐᚄ ᚐᚅᚌᚏᚔ ᚈᚆᚓ ᚑᚉᚓᚐᚅ ᚁᚓᚉᚐᚋᚓ ᚉᚆᚑᚚᚚᚔ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚐᚅᚌᚏᚔ ᚔᚈᚄᚓᚂᚃᚈᚆᚔᚄ ᚊᚒᚔᚏᚊ ᚆᚐᚄ ᚂᚓᚐᚇ ᚈᚑ ᚌᚔᚂᚂᚄ ᚐᚚᚚᚓᚐᚏᚔᚅᚌ ᚒᚒᚆᚓᚅ ᚆᚓ ᚔᚄ ᚔᚅ ᚒᚒᚐᚈᚓᚏ ᚃᚔᚅᚄ ᚈᚑ ᚐᚚᚚᚓᚐᚏ ᚑᚅ ᚐᚏᚋᚄ ᚁᚐᚉᚊ ᚉᚐᚂᚃᚓᚄ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚃᚑᚏ ᚆᚔᚋ ᚈᚑ ᚆᚐᚃᚓ ᚒᚒᚓᚁᚁᚓᚇ ᚆᚐᚅᚇᚄ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚃᚓᚓᚈ ᚒᚒᚆᚓᚅ ᚔᚅ ᚒᚒᚐᚈᚓᚏ ᚆᚓ ᚐᚂᚄᚑ ᚆᚐᚄ ᚒᚄᚓ ᚑᚃ ᚓᚉᚆᚑ ᚂᚑᚉᚐᚈᚔᚑᚅ ᚄᚓᚈᚁᚐᚉᚊ ᚔᚄ ᚈᚆᚐᚈ ᚆᚓ ᚉᚐᚅ ᚅᚑᚈ ᚂᚔᚃᚓ ᚒᚒᚔᚈᚆᚑᚒᚈ ᚁᚏᚓᚐᚈᚆᚔᚅᚌ ᚔᚅ ᚒᚒᚐᚈᚓᚏ ᚐᚃᚈᚓᚏ ᚐᚒᚒᚆᚔᚂᚓ ᚆᚓ ᚒᚒᚑᚒᚂᚇ ᚇᚔᚓ ᚒᚒᚔᚈᚆᚑᚒᚈ ᚐ ᚇᚐᚔ ᚑᚃ ᚁᚓᚔᚅᚌ ᚔᚅ ᚈᚆᚓ ᚒᚒᚐᚈᚓᚏ

ᚆᚓ ᚉᚐᚅ ᚉᚑᚅᚈᚏᚑᚂ ᚃᚂᚑᚒᚒᚓᚏ ᚌᚏᚑᚒᚒᚈᚆ ᚁᚒᚈ ᚑᚅᚂᚔ ᚃᚂᚑᚒᚒᚓᚏᚄ ᚆᚓ ᚉᚐᚅ ᚌᚏᚑᚒᚒ ᚈᚆᚓᚋ ᚑᚒᚈ ᚑᚃ ᚚᚓᚑᚚᚂᚓᚄ ᚁᚑᚇᚔᚓᚄ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚐᚅᚔᚒᚒᚆᚓᚏᚓ ᚏᚓᚐᚂᚂᚔ ᚁᚒᚈ ᚑᚅᚂᚔ ᚃᚂᚑᚒᚒᚓᚏᚄ ᚄᚓᚈᚁᚐᚉᚊᚄ ᚐᚏᚓ ᚆᚔᚋ ᚉᚑᚒᚌᚆᚔᚅᚌ ᚒᚚ ᚚᚓᚈᚐᚂᚄ ᚆᚓ ᚆᚐᚄ ᚆᚐᚔ ᚃᚓᚃᚓᚏ ᚒᚒᚆᚓᚅ ᚆᚓ ᚌᚓᚈᚄ ᚓᚋᚁᚐᚏᚏᚐᚄᚄᚓᚇ ᚃᚂᚑᚒᚒᚓᚏᚄ ᚄᚚᚏᚑᚒᚈ ᚔᚅ ᚆᚔᚄ ᚆᚐᚔᚏ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚆᚓ ᚐᚂᚒᚒᚐᚔᚄ ᚄᚋᚓᚂᚂᚄ ᚑᚃ ᚃᚂᚑᚒᚒᚓᚏᚄ ᚆᚓ ᚆᚐᚄ ᚒᚒᚑᚊᚓᚅ ᚒᚚ ᚄᚒᚏᚏᚑᚒᚅᚇᚓᚇ ᚁᚔ ᚚᚓᚈᚐᚂᚄ ᚆᚓ ᚉᚐᚅ ᚄᚑᚋᚓᚈᚔᚋᚓᚄ ᚌᚓᚈ ᚈᚆᚑᚏᚅᚄ ᚌᚏᚑᚒᚒᚔᚅᚌ ᚑᚒᚈ ᚑᚃ ᚆᚔᚋ ᚄᚑ ᚆᚓ ᚚᚒᚂᚂᚄ ᚈᚆᚓᚋ ᚑᚒᚈ ᚁᚒᚈ ᚆᚔᚄ ᚓᚋᚑᚈᚔᚑᚅᚐᚂ ᚄᚈᚐᚈᚓ ᚐᚃᚃᚓᚉᚈᚄ ᚃᚂᚑᚒᚒᚓᚏ ᚌᚏᚑᚒᚒᚈᚆ ᚃᚑᚏ ᚓᚎᚐᚋᚚᚂᚓ ᚔᚃ ᚆᚓ ᚔᚄ ᚆᚐᚚᚚᚔ ᚆᚓ ᚒᚒᚔᚂᚂ ᚁᚓ ᚔᚅ ᚉᚑᚅᚈᚏᚑᚂ ᚁᚒᚈ ᚔᚃ ᚆᚓ ᚔᚄ ᚆᚓᚐᚏᚈᚁᚏᚑᚊᚓᚅ ᚆᚔᚄ ᚊᚒᚔᚏᚊ ᚒᚒᚔᚂᚂ ᚌᚑ ᚆᚐᚔᚒᚒᚔᚏᚓ

Quirk name:ᚋᚐᚏᚋᚑᚏᚔᚄ

Worries: n/a