I... didn't want to make this... well... um, I'm going to write it! I hope you enjoy this little thing I made. Whatever the characters say in this story were inspired by other people on YouTube. (Because I watch a lot of YouTube. And wisdom teeth aftermath) this story is told as a flashback from Undyne's POV
"Why weren't you at the anime premiere this Friday?" Alphys asked undyne as they were casually playing a game of "exploding humans" undyne made a face and Alphys cringed. "Oh, did I even tell you? Dang. I can't believe I forgot to tell you." Undyne then burst out laughing and then started to pound the table with her fist. She finally stopped laughing and Alphys stared at her. She never laughed, what had happened to her? "Oh my god. You should have seen her. Her face! Her words! WAHAHAHAHAAAAA" Alphys looked to the left. "Seen who?" Undyne then grabbed Alphy's hand and squeezed it hard. "Grab some food my love, we have a story to tell. Come." She lead Alphys to the kitchen where she grabbed some food and then proceeded to the couch. "Ok. Comfy?"
"Uh, yes?"
"Good. Now listen here."
It was a Friday morning, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and a child had to go on a diet of no food for 24 hours. "NO FOOD? FOR 24 DAYS?" Toriel shushed her. "No, my child, 24 HOURS." frisk looked at the clock. "Well that's even worse!" Toriel shrugged and took a tiny nibble on her donut, which she had hid from her child's sight. If you are wondering why little 11-year-old frisk had to go on a diet, well, she had to get her wisdom teeth removed (and at a very early age too) the monster family had never experienced a ACTUAL surgery before so this was a learning experience to all of them.
"I'm still hungry..." frisk groaned as they walked into toriel's grey SUV. "It's alright my child. I brought something to keep you at bay." She walked back into the house and then came back with a handful of some strange cubes. Frisk narrowed her eyes and noticed that the cubes were actually blocks of ice. Toriel smiled as she handed them to her. "Just suck these and you'll be fine. Plus, they'll keep you busy. I invite the whole gang to join us." She smiled again and frisk groaned. This wasn't a band concert, why do we need everyone to watch this? Frisk thought annoyed. Maybe a game of "I am scary" will keep her at bay. She loaded up the game when Toriel snatched the phone from her hands. "Hey! What gives?" Toriel put the phone in her purse. "No video games, my child, we don't want to overstimulate your brain before surgery. Toriel began stroking her legs which made her not feel like arguing.
The songs of a Disney movie fill her with determination as papyrus and undyne quietly argue about whoever was the most important person in Egypt. (Personally, Cleopatra was pretty cool.) when the debate ended, Toriel asked if she was nervous. "Aw, don't be nervous! PUNK." Undyne said forcefully, "SHE'LL BE FINE. RIGHT?" She hollered as she slugged frisk on the arm. She rubbed her arm. "I'm not nervous!" She said bravely. "Well, time to put that to the test. WE'RE HERE!" Undyne announced as she stuck her hand out the window to point out the sign. "Grayson's dental surgery and cleaning."
Frisk waited patiently as papyrus happily started to use a coloring book, making the teeth in the picture green. He started humming. NEHEHEHE. MY HUMAN IS GONNA GET HIS TEETH PULLED OUT, HE WILL NOT SCREAM CUZ HES FILLED WITH DETERMINATIONNNNNNNNN. frisk rolled her eyes as she watched Toriel hand a woman several sheets of paper. She then sat down with a sigh. "Whew! Those papers were exhausting. But all in a days work, I guess." She smiled at frisk. Frisk then heard a familiar cackle, and then a young spider girl came up to them.
"Well isn't it my favorite dearie!" She approached frisk and pinched her check. "Ahuhuh! What are ya in for? Cavity's?" Sans, who hadn't said anything in the past few hours, finally said: "she's getting her wisdom teeth getting out. They must be smart if they graduated college THAT EARLY." Frisk fell on the floor laughing and papyrus rolled his eyes. "Ahuhuhuh! You must be excited then huh? I thought you might have brought a camera." Toriel looked puzzled. "Is this an important moment in her life? Should we document this?" Muffet laughed. "Seriously, you guys are silly. Ahuhuhuh!" Toriel looked even more confused now. Muffet pulled out her phone and then showed a video of a guy cursing and yelling in a dentists chair. Toriel covered frisk's eyes, "stop poisoning her mind! She is already nervous!" Muffet took a breath, she looked like she was about to laugh. "Very well then, dearies. Good luck to you all! AUHUHUHU." She then curtsied and walked towards the door. "It's alright, my child. That won't happen to you. I promise" deep down, frisk didn't even know who to trust.
Frisk was eventually called into the surgery room and walked in. The doctor who was very kind explained everything that was about to happen to frisk. Toriel looked like she was about to cry. "Oh my baby, About to do her surgery. You're getting so big now." She patted her head affectionately. Papyrus pretended to hold a microphone to her mouth, "any last words before surgery?" He said. Frisk opened her mouth and pointed inside it. "These teeth caused me to miss by breakfast. Prepare to get extracted!" She then whispered: "and thank you too. Toriels stuffing is delicious and seconds just made my day." Toriel wiped a tear from her eye. "Be good kid." Sans said. "We're rooting for ya." He pointed to a poster talking about root canals and frisk laughed. "FU HUH HUH HUH." Undyne cackled, "here it comes!" A doctet held a large mask for frisk's mouth. "Ok honey, just breath in and out, out and in." She listened. As fog clouded her vision, she found herself dreaming about lucky charms and chocolate milk. Until..