Chapter One:

Remnant. A world of unbelievable technology, wonder… and danger. It has endured quite the few events that caused massive collapses. The first of these was the event known to the remnants of the world before it as The Great Collapse. The entire world turned into a traitorous wasteland, including the city that has become known as the city of Vale, but was known as Vein at the time.

Within Vein a new species evolved from the remnants of humanity. Revenants. Immortal creatures that only need blood to survive and maintain their sanity, essentially vampires, but not exactly vampires. They carved their place into the mythology of the world that came after theirs, and some people believe that these Revenants still walks the surface of Remnant, even today. Some believe that the Revenants constructed a new society of their own underneath the planet's surface. And some simply believe that they are nothing more than a fairy tale. But as the very old saying goes: The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.


The streets of Vale can be seen, bathing in the pale light from underneath the shattered moon of Remnant. Wandering down these streets is a person who appears to be a relatively buxom teenage girl, but who in reality is much older than she looks. Her clothing consists of light and flexible, but still durable clothes. Leather pants and boots, made for traveling. Her hair and face are shrouded by the hood of her crimson hood that appears to be attached to what can be best described as a form of hooded scarf, which was a matching shade of red as the hood. Attached to her lower back, via a small set of belts and a magnet, was a rather complicated looking item. The best description of the item was that of the sheath for a complexly built sword combined with a very technologically advanced and beautifully decorated rifle, which could have its barrel length shifted between two positions for when and when not in use.

As the girl continued walking, she eventually stopped and looked up towards the moon, revealing her face in the process. Which was the face of a beautiful young woman who had relatively pale skin, black hair with crimson tips and a pair of silver colored eyes with slitted pupils. Her mouth however was covered by a gas mask of some sort. The mask had an interesting design, a design that resembled an opened mouth with extra long canines and a pair of red cylinders attached to the cheeks, which was without a doubt the air filters.

"No matter how many times I look at it, the moon is as beautiful as it was back then, despite being shattered." Said the girl to herself in a tone of remembrance, unhindered by the fact that she was wearing the gas mask. After staring dreamily at the moon for a few minutes, a sudden sound of shattering glass snapped the girl out of her apparent trance. "*sigh* some things never change. Ah well, might as well go and check what's going on." And with that said, the girl started heading towards the sound at a more rapid pace.


The robbery had been going rather smoothly, that is until the young huntress-in-training Ruby Rose decided to intervene and try to stop it. Which was why she was now standing outside the store, surrounded by practically identical goons. She was about to retaliate against the goons when they started rushing at her, but she didn't get the chance as a loud bang sounded from behind her and something crimson flying past her at very high velocity, straight into one of the goons' chest, revealing that the crimson something was a blood red spike made out of some sort of crystal. Turning in the direction the stake came from, Ruby saw a girl that quite frankly looked like a slightly older version of herself, who was aiming a very beautifully decorated rifle in her direction. Without a single sign of emotion, she pulled the trigger, making the rifle flash crimson and release a loud roar of gunfire, downing another goon in the process. A few more shots, and all of the goons were down for the count.

"You were truly worth every cent, weren't you?" Asked a man wearing a bowler hat sarcastically as the last goon fell backwards, and he didn't seem to be breathing. "Well Red and… Red? I can definitely say that it has been an eventful evening and as much as I'd love to stick around… I'm afraid that this… is where we part ways." As he said this he dropped the cigar he had in his mouth on the ground, and squashed it with a rather fancy looking cane, before pointing the cane at the two nearly identical girls, like he was aiming a gun at them, activated some form of mechanism, which caused the end of the cane to pop up, revealing sights. Before finally pulling the trigger and firing a projectile not dissimilar of a firework as he finished his sentence. The two girls dodged the projectile with ease, before giving chase after the criminal up onto a nearby rooftop, using very different methods.

Ruby used her weapon's heavy recoil to propel herself onto the roof, while the other girl seemingly disintegrated, before rematerializing on the rooftop next to Ruby, appearing to be completely fine as if she hadn't just seemingly disintegrate and rematerialize again seconds ago. Something that made the eyes of everyone nearby widen in surprise. The very second that she rematerialized, she whipped out her rifle and started shooting at the criminal. However, the rifle started clicking after only three shots, indicating that she had run out of ammo. That didn't really seem to bother her as she reached for a small pouch on her belt and pulled out what appeared to be a bunch of red pills, which she quickly inserted into a practically invisible slot in her mask and seemingly swallowed the pills. As soon as she swallowed the pills, she reopened fire with her rifle. Catching everyone nearby by surprise as none of them saw her do anything that could have suggested that she reloaded her rifle.


About two hours later, the two nearly identical girls found themselves inside of a dark room. The only source of light being a bright lamp hanging from the roof at the center of the room. And there was a woman who was apparently giving the two girls a lecture, but the older one wasn't paying attention to it. The woman was interrupted when an apparently quite important man walked into the room, with a cup of coffee in one hand while balancing a tray in the other, that had a plate filled with chocolate chip cookies and small jar filled with- Is that Blood Beads!? As the man placed the tray on the table in front of the girls, both of them almost immediately went for one of the two things on it. The younger girl went for the cookies while the older one went for the jar of Blood Beads.

The man raised an eyebrow at the older girl's choice of snack, but decided to attempt to acquire some information instead of questioning her preference in snacks.

"Ruby Rose… and…?" Asked the man, hoping to acquire the name of the older girl.

"Rouge. My name is Rouge Io Karnstein." Answered the older girl, now identified as Rouge Io Karnstein.

"I guess that your name simply confirms it that you and Miss Rose here aren't related, despite being practically identical in terms of looks."

"I seriously doubt that too old man, but the possibility of a very distant relation isn't something that I'd throw out the window just yet." Exclaimed Rouge in a tone that fitted a person at the age of her physical appearance, either nineteen or twenty, before taking another Blood Bead. "Where did ya find these anyway? From what I've heard during my travels, these things are quite difficult to get your hands on. The last few places I knew had these have been lost to the Grimm or simply the clutches of time."

"Hm… miss Rose, Professor Goodwitch… if you would be so kind and leave me and Miss Karnstein, so we may speak in private? If you'd please?" Asked the man, which caused the woman, now identified as Professor Goodwitch, and Ruby to temporarily exit the room. "… you're a Revenant aren't you, Miss Karnstein?"

"What makes you believe that?" Questioned Rouge while taking another Blood Bead. "For all you would know I'm just a vampire bat Faunus or a human with a really odd preference when it comes to snacks."

"That may be a possibility but it was mainly your comment about you having a very distant relation to Ruby and the fact that you took the Blood Beads rather than the cookies, and that's something that pretty much everyone, regardless of age enjoys. Besides, we've met before. I believe it was about a century ago." This was something that surprised Rouge, who was several millennia old, and had an Eidetic memory. Meaning that she couldn't forget something even if she wanted to, and she didn't recognize his face.

"That's preposterous! I have an Eidetic memory. I can't forget anything even if I wanted to! And I can say for sure that I haven't met you in the most recent centuries!"

"Perhaps I should correct my statement. You didn't meet me about a century ago, you met the host of my soul at the time. And I firmly believe that you haven't forgotten about that favor you owe me, or at least my soul."

"Hm. Say I do believe you… what would that favor entrail?"

"For now? That would be a job as an undercover bodyguard for Miss Rose, if she accepts my invitation to my school."

"So your favor would have me protecting that girl from harm to the best of my abilities while going undercover as a fellow student? Meh. Why not? Sounds kind of fun. It's been far too long since the last time I had something like that. Besides it'll help me catch up on what has happened to the world."

"… does that mean you accept the offer?"


"In that case… welcome to Beacon Academy, Miss Karnstein."