Fuyuki, Japan, 2005

In the city that had served as the grounds for many supernatural events throughout history, we can see a young man with auburn hair and golden eyes standing near a young woman with blond hair and green eyes,

"Looks like this is it huh? Saber" the young man said,

The woman turned around to face him with her beautiful green eyes as her golden hair swayed in the wind, combined with her royal clothing and aura, she looked like a beautiful goddess that had descended to the world, she gave a sad smile as she said,

"Shirou, the time I had spent with you were the happiest of my life, I love you," she said as she slowly started to disappear in motes of golden light,

Shirou sighed as tears started to leak from his eyes, he had waited a long time to hear those words from her, the one for whom he had fought so hard, he knew, that as a servant, she would one day, disappear from this world, but he made his resolve, he would continue to search for her for his entire life, he would become a hero so that he would rejoin with her when his time of passing came,

But even with such a resolve, he could not help but think,

'I wish, that you would not leave me, that we would be able to live together, to have a family' he thought to himself as Saber almost completely disappeared, but suddenly, her eyes widened as she reached out to him with her dispersing hand,

"SHIROU LOOK OUT!" but she was too late a golden light covered him along with Saber who had returned back to her normal form,

'Your wish shall be granted, victor'

A voice that sounded eerily similar to Illya said to Shirou as he and Saber disappeared into a Kaleidoscopic portal,

The moment the both of them had disappeared from the world, a small fragment of a device which was once known as the Holy Grail came out of the ground as it started to disintegrate into nothing,

In the chaos of the Kaleidoscope, two bodies drifted in silence, both of them were unconscious, however, they still held on to each other,

Normally, the Holy Grail would have sent them to the destination world where they were supposed to go using the second true magic, but because its mystery was already small to begin with because of its destruction, it did not have enough mana to open a gate into a different world, hence they were stranded in the dimension gap that existed between worlds

Suddenly, a portal opened near the two as an old man with red eyes and fangs wearing a suit came out of it, This was Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the wielder of the second true magic and the wizard marshal, he looked towards the two floating bodies that were surrounded by a strange energy that was changing then on a fundamental level, his normally joyous expression was gone from his face as he neutrally said,

"What are you trying to do to them?"

suddenly, a strange pressure fell in the dimension gap as even Zelretch felt a little threatened, then a voice that was neither a man nor a woman came,

'Why doth thou care apostle?'

"I care because the boy is the friend of my future apprentice and the girl is someone that has already suffered much and the lover of the boy"

'never worry apostle, i shall not harm him or the girl, for he is mine descendant after all' the voice said with a slight warmth in its voice when it spoke of Shirou,

Zelretch knew that he could not fight the entity unless he wanted to destroy the entirety of the Dimension Gap with Shirou and Artoria in it, so he could only put his trust in the entities word and ask,

"What are you doing to them?" he asked again,

'I am giving 'em memories of some of their alternate selves and i am awakening his true heritage, i canst not hast him becoming the pawn of the creatures 'i mine world after all' the voice said to which Zelretch had an Incredulous face as he understood what the entity was implying,

"Wait, you are telling me that the kid is actually a Demi-" 'yes' the entity said with impatience, it had long since completed the process of implanting the memories but it could not leave because it was wary of Zelretch, he may not be as old as it was but he was still almost on par with it in terms of power,

"Very well, I will help open the portal to your world, but make no mistake, I will also be dropping in now and then to see how they are doing, I may not care much about what happens in your world but what you just did was something that is in violation of the Cosmic Law, if he really is who you said he is, then you have not broken the law once, but twice when you threw him into my side of the Multiverse, and just so you know, next time I find something like this, I will kill you" he said as he struck his staff into the empty space below his feet,

And the dimension shook as unimaginable power flooded the place, pushing back the Entity,

'Thou hast made thy point apostle, now i shall take mine leave' the entity said as it disappeared into a portal taking Shirou and Artoria with it,

Zelretch sighed and mumbled,

"I hope this is the last time I have to deal with a fellow guardian again, goodby Chaos"


In the rural state known as Vermont, a state where very peaceful and humble folk lived,

In the forest nearby the area, a strange portal suddenly opened up from which two people were suddenly thrown out,

One was a young man that had tan skin and pure white hair, he also a muscle structure that looked as if it was sculpted from rock,(author notes: Imagine Archer with Shirou's clothes)

The other was a young buxom woman with golden hair that looked like it was made from liquid gold, she wore a royal blue dress and was lying on top of the man,(author notes: Think Lancer Artoria)

Nobody knew that at this moment, a force that would decide the fate of both man and God had arrived on this world,

The Wrought Iron Hero and The King of Knights had arrived