A/N: Piper has never met Leo. Andy and Prue are alive but they are just friends. I started this a while ago on another website but I decided to post it all at once. I've been having some writer's block but I will try to post another chapter soon. I would love comments good or bad. Enjoy the story!

The sun shined down, giving her body a more radiant glow than usual. The wind rustled her gorgeous chocolate hair. Her beauty never ceased to amaze him. Sweet, gentle, and caring, but also quite mischievous and powerful when caught in the right setting. She was a mystery he yearned to solve. He had been watching her for a long time. Learning as much as he could without getting caught. It was the little things that caught his eye, the things even her sisters probably didn't notice like the way she kiss a picture of her family before she went to sleep, or how she fiddled with her hair when she was nervous, the way she always put another's feelings before her own. They took her for granted. They didn't deserve her. But he did. He had waited for the perfect moment, and there it was. Soon he would have his beloved.

The cool water tickled her toes, coming up just enough to touch her, but retreating before she could really feel it, almost teasing her. She looked over to her sisters and laughed. Phoebe was busy burying a sleeping Prue. Phoebe stood up covered in sand, and surveyed her work. The mischievous glint in her eye lingered. She reached down and grabbed a ball of sand and water, giving her a drippy sand ball. Before Piper even had time to react there was a splat, and she was covered in the sandy mixture. Phoebe dashed into the ocean followed closely by her sister. Piper tackled her little sister (the best you can in the ocean that is) and dunked her under the water. Neither girl saw the huge wave plunging towards them.

Prue had just woken up and was trying in vain to dust the sand off her body. She was completely sure that Phoebe was the one that had buried her, but she knew she would have to wait for her revenge. It was not that she was still afraid of water, because she had gotten over that, but that didn't mean she was going to jump at the chance to be cold and wet. She looked up just as the wave pummeled her sisters. Phoebe was still under water at the time so she didn't feel the full brunt of it. She was propelled forward as the wave carried her back to the safety of the sand. She sat up coughing and sputtering. Prue raced to her baby sister, wrapping her in a towel as she pulled in for a hug. They sat there for a moment in the security of each other's arms, when Prue noticed something wrong. She pulled back and scanned the area. "Prue, what's wrong?" "Where's Piper?" "She didn't float up next to me gagging on salt water?" "Oh god Phoebe I don't see her anywhere!"

The water engulfed her, throwing her to the ocean floor, into a bed of reeds. As if they had minds of their own they began to intertwine themselves around Piper. Panicking, she struggled to break free, but to no avail. She was their captive. Another force shoved her back. A sharp pain shot through her shoulder as she was scraped against the corral's jagged surface. The water around her tinted red. Her eyes were stinging and her lungs burned begging for air. She held her sister's faces in her mind before being slammed against a rock and her world turning black.

"Prue, where the hell is she?" "I don't know, I don't see her anywhere" Phoebe started to choke up "Prue we were by a lot of corral she could be really hurt. I'm going after her" she started back into the ocean but Prue grabbed her arm. "The waves are getting wild, I don't want you hurt too." "But it's my fault. If I hadn't gotten her to chase me." "Phoebe it is not your fault, you were just having some fun." "What are we going to do?" "I don't know, I'm going to call Andy maybe he'll know." Prue walked back to the area they had been occupying. She reached into a blue bag and pulled out her cell phone. "Hello?" "Andy?" "Yeah, Prue? Why are you calling me? I thought you were on vacation in San Diego with your sisters." "I am." "What is it? You sound really nervous" "Well you see Phoebe and Piper were playing in the water, and I was sleeping. But I woke up and saw this really big wave coming towards them, and it threw Phoebe on the beach and I went to see if she was ok and she was. But we started to look around and realized Piper wasn't there and Phoebe said they were near corral so she could be really hurt and now the waves are all wild so we can't go look for her and we don't know what to do." "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there. Listen, I'll catch the next flight out there and I'll help you find her. Try calling a search patrol or something." "Ok thanks Andy. Oh and stop by the house and bring the book." "Ok, bye." Phoebe looked at Prue inquisitively, "You think it's demon related?" "Well, you never know with us. Plus the waves did kind of start suddenly." "Oh god Prue."

Pipers head thunder and her whole body screamed. She struggled to open her eyes, but finally managed to. She tried to survey the damage, but it was too dark and she couldn't see anything. She could hear the ocean crashing so she knew she was somewhere off a beach. Which didn't really help since they were on the California coast. Her tiredness caught up with her, as she tried to lie down. Her back was raw and bleeding though, so she did her best to get comfortable leaning up against a hard wall. Somehow she had managed to survive, and at the moment she wasn't sure she was entirely happy about it. Her entire body cried whenever she moved. She closed her eyes, afraid of what was coming tomorrow.

Andy slouched into his seat in the airplane. The pilot was babbling on about some safety procedures, but he couldn't hear it. He loved all the Halliwells. At one time he loved one a little more than the others, but that time had passed. They were just friends now, and he was content with that. Actually he had started to think about a different sister. But he wasn't sure how she would feel. He tensed up, wishing he could get there faster.

He stared at her. Even battered and bloody she was beautiful. He looked at her, wanting nothing more than to rip off the black bikini covering the small amount of her body. Her eyes fluttered and opened. She looked around disoriented then saw him. "Who the hell are you?" "Is that any way to talk to the man that saved your life?" "Yea well when I wake up in a." she surveyed the area "a cave? You brought me to a freaking cave?" "This isn't just any cave my dear, this is our home." "Look, I don't know what you're playing at buddy, but I already have a home." "That was your old home, with your sisters. They didn't appreciate you there. But you will be a queen here." "Wait, you know about my sisters? Who the hell are you?" "Yes I know about your sisters Piper. I know everything about you. You wake up every morning and make breakfast for your sisters who rarely give you so much as a thank you. Then you drive to Quake where you work your ass off but get no credit. Then you go home and make dinner, assuming you don't have to fight any demons. Yes, I know about that little aspect of your life. I also know you often cry yourself to sleep. Do you really miss that?" Pipers eyes widened, there was obvious fear there. He started walking closer to her. She threw her hands up to freeze him, but nothing happened. He grabbed her head and forced his lips upon hers. She tried to pull away, but he had a good grip and she was to weak. She let out a small whimper as caressed her with his free hand.

"Hello?" "Prue." "Andy hi" "I'm at the airport. Where are you guys staying?" "Oh, um, Valencia Hotel, room 211." "Ok I'll be there soon." Andy arrived at the hotel 15 minutes later. "What the hell happened here? It looks like a disaster area." Clothes and other things were strewn about the room. Phoebe sat on the bed. There was a small pile of assorted things next to her. She would pick up something, close her eyes, wait a moment, then open her eyes and discard it. "What is she doing?" "Oh, I'm trying to call a premonition, but this damn power never works when I want it to." Phoebe replied, exasperated. Andy reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver bracelet. "Here, try this." Prue gives him a strange look. "Oh, Piper accidentally left it at my office a few weeks ago." "And you just carry it around?" Luckily, Phoebe is pulled into a premonition so he evades the question. "Did you see anything Pheebs?" "Oh I saw plenty." She replied giving Andy a lop sided grin.(And no it isn't sex, get your mind out of the gutter) "But nothing that will help us find Piper." Phoebe reached down and grabbed the sunglasses next to her, a familiar dizzy feeling washed over her as she was pulled into a premonition.

Piper leaned her head against a wall as a tear rolled down her already damp cheek. He had all but raped her. She could still feel his hands on her body, even though he had left a while ago. She just wanted to take a long hot shower, but she could barely move without crying out and there obviously weren't any showers near by. She thought about her sisters, wondering if Phoebe was ok. All she wanted to do was be in their embrace. She wanted to be in her own bed, and she wanted to see Andy. She winced, but not from pain this time, but from the footsteps signaling his return.

Phoebe's eyes shot open. "What is it?" Prue asked nervously. "Oh god Prue, it was awful." Andy could see the worry and pain in her eyes, and his heart sank. "What did you see?" Prue asked again. "It was weird. Like I was watching her on some TV screen. She was under water, it must have just been when the wave hit us. She was ripped against the corral, and the water was turning red from her blood.she was thrown against a rock, I think it knocked her out.or the lack of oxygen." Prue winced as Phoebe relayed what happened. "This warlock or something blinked in and grabbed her.then blinked out again.then they were in this cave.it was visibly later. He was staring at her.you know.really staring.undressing her in his mind.she woke up.she started asking him stuff.he knew all the little details of her life.even that she cried herself to sleep.I didn't even know that.and then.it was so awful.he began kissing her and she couldn't push him off." Phoebe began bawling. "Oh god he didn't." his voice trailed off. "No, he didn't rape her. But he came pretty damn close. I think he would've if she wasn't hurt so badly." Prue and Andy went to give Phoebe a hug. Their bodies went limp on her and their eyes closed in an all to familiar position. They opened their eyes at the same time with the same expression. First shock and then anger. "Did you guys.just have a premonition?" Prue shook her head, coming out of her trance. "No, I think you gave them to us. Your powers must be growing." Phoebe got a sudden flare. "Andy, where is the book?"

The warlock threw something at her. She examined it and found a red tank top, but one of the shoulders and the bottom half of it were cut off. There was also a short skirt. "Thought you might want to get out of your blood stained bikini." "No.I'm ok." "That wasn't a question!" he barked, "here let me help you." He began pulling off her straps. "I can do it myself." She said, grabbing the shirt he had given her. He put his hand down but didn't move away. She turned away from and began to pull off her bathing suite top. She could feel his heat radiate off her back. She tried to pull the shirt on quickly. She bit her lip as pain seared through her body. She reached down and pulled the skirt over her legs. "There. Happy?" "Almost" He replied with a devilish grin.

"There has to be something in here!" Phoebe screamed, tearing threw the pages, so quickly you could barely read what it said. "Pheebs, do you even know what you're looking for?" Phoebe shot her a glare. "Thanks Prue that really helps. Damn it Grams, why don't you help out a little, I know you probably followed us." She stared at the book, but nothing happened. "Fine! I will figure this out myself since no one else seems to care." "Phoebe honey we do care. Maybe you just need to calm down a bit." "Jeez Prue, I would think you of all people would be just as angry if not more than me. Our sister is stuck in some cave with a psycho warlock that's molesting her! She's always been there for me, I'm sure as hell not going to let her down this time." Prue stuttered, she hadn't seen Phoebe this angry since she left for New York, and even then it was different. Suddenly Phoebe stopped and began to read out loud. "Dante. Dante is a warlock. He was once a warlock but became so obsessed with this woman he turned to the dark side for powers to help him watch her. In a jealous rage her killed the woman. He has the ability to blink and control certain elements, like water. He also has a book of potions. Not much else is known about him.great we are dealing with some deranged stalker, and they don't even tell us how to vanquish him?!" They all sat there quietly, deep in thought. Andy stood up, "well maybe since he used to be a human we can kill him like one?" "What like shoot him? Where are we going to get a get a gun, Andy" he blinked at her and waved his around. Prue turned red. "Oh, right, forgot." "Now all we need to do is find a map."

Dante pulled a small vile out of his pocket. It contained a musty gray liquid. He snatched Piper's bikini top off the ground. "Ah, the final touch." He pulled the top off and pulled a knife out of his pocket. Piper closed her eyes tightly waiting for the impending pain, but it never came. She carefully opened her eyes and saw he was scraping her dried blood into the bottle. She didn't want to know what it was for. He noticed the fear in her eyes. "Don't worry my sweet," he said reaching up to touch her face "it will take a while to settle. Meanwhile." His fingers ran down her body. She knew what was coming and began zoning out. She had just figured out how to do this last night. Becoming oblivious what was happening to her. Thinking about being home with her sisters.

It had gotten quite late. The group of three was so busy they didn't even notice. "Well, I guess I should go see if they have any rooms." Andy said looking at the clock. "No, Andy, you can stay here. Prue and I will just share a bed." Prue shot Phoebe a look. "What?" Phoebe asked defensively. "No, it's okay I can get another room." Andy said noticing Prue's look. "It's alright Andy. Phoebe just kicks." "I do not!" Phoebe exclaimed. "Oh yes you do, I still have bruises from last time." The group laughed and talked for a while longer. Finally Phoebe asked, "Andy, do you like Piper?" This uneasy look washed over his face as he eyed Prue. "It's okay if you do, it isn't like we are dating anymore. Besides she said she liked you." His face changed to a look of relief. "Really?" "No, sorry I couldn't resist. I had planned on asking her in our traditional Halliwell Truth or Dare.but." Prue's voice trailed off. The other two got a little uncomfortable. "Maybe we should go to bed now, so we can go looking early." They all got changed and did their other nightly routines finally lying down in their respective beds. "Night Prue. Night Andy" "Night Pheebs." "Night girls."

He was still there, on top of her. She slowly opened her eyes when she felt a dead weight on top of her. He had fallen asleep. A glimmer of silver caught her eye. The knife was sticking out of a pocket. She lay there for a while, contemplating her thoughts. If she could get away, she had no idea where she was, or if she had the strength to escape. But she had to. 'I am either going to use this on myself, or him. Anything to escape' she resolved. Slowly, shaking, she reached down until she could feel the cold metal in her hand. It was now or never. Ignoring the pain in her shoulder she lifted the dagger above her head. The rage filled her, all that he had done to her, everything he had taken her away from. All her energy flowed into her arms as she plunged the blade down. He didn't even flinch. He looked up at her, his eyes vowing revenge as he blinked out. Her body screamed and cried as she tried to stand up. Her mind shut down, blocking out all pain or realization. One leg in front of the other towards the light. She didn't even feel the sand between her toes; she just kept going one leg in front of the other. She wasn't conscious when her body hit the ground.

The trio arrived at the beach just as the first sunbeam of the morning broke through, They had decided to start searching for her in the same place they had left her, hoping the warlock was that stupid. They set off in different directions a cell phone in hand. Prue was the one that came across the tattered body. She looked down half praying it was her sister half hoping it wasn't. She reached down and felt a week pulse. Her heart started beating faster as she subconsciously turned the persons head up. Through the bruises and scratches she saw a glimpse of Piper. "Oh god, guys!" she screamed. "Get your asses over hear. Phoebe got there first, being closer. She stopped when she saw the body. She looked to Prue who was on the phone with 911. "No! It isn't her! That isn't our sister, it's.it's someone else." Prue wrapped her arms around her baby sister's trembling body. "Shhh, It's okay sweetie." "How is it okay?" "We found her, an ambulance will be here soon and they will help her." Andy ran up he looked from them to the body and then back to then. He wrapped his comforting arms around the two crying sisters.

Back in the cave Dante blinked in. There was a big bandage on his chest. Humans were so stupid. He knew all he had to do was show up at a hospital and they would help him. He looked to the vile from earlier. It had turned blood red. His lips curled into an evil smile. "I will get revenge on all of them. But first I want the final taste of her, before she dies."

Phoebe shuddered in her big sisters arms. Two hours they had been there. Two hours of uncertainty and tears. Two hours and not a damn word to reassure them that there sister was at least going to make it. Prue absentmindedly stroked her baby sister's head. She was scared and she hated it. She didn't even avert her eyes when she heard the footsteps, assuming it was Andy pacing again. "Miss Halliwell?" Both girls jumped up. "H-how is she?" Phoebe stuttered. "She is going to be alright, but she has a nasty list of injuries." Prue let out a sharp breath she wasn't aware she had been holding in. At least she was going to be okay.physically. "How bad is it?" "There are stitches across her left shoulder and a few spots on her back. Her ankle is broken which will keep her on crutches for a few weeks. It appears she hasn't eaten or drunk anything for a few days, which could be the reason for her concussion. Other than that it's minor cuts and bruises." Prue shuddered, "Can we see her?" "Sure, down the hall and to the right. Room 207. Family only," he added eyeing Andy. A wave of emotion hit her. She couldn't go in there. She couldn't see her sister like that. She had to leave. The ghost white walls were already closing in on her. The reassuring hand of her eldest sister squeezed her shoulder. She took one fleeting glance at the glowing exit sign that was calling to her. It took all her strength not to run out the door, tail between her legs. She had to be brave if only for her sisters. Slowly she pushed down on the cold metal handle and stepped into the room. The first thing Prue noticed was a whimpering sound. It took her a moment to realize that it didn't come from the sister in front of her, but from the one on the bed. Her frail body was trembling in a restless sleep. A look of terror and pain was visible on her bruised face. Phoebe pulled herself out of her cowardly trance. It was her time to be there for Piper. Gently she placed a hand on Piper's and stroked her forehead lovingly. "Shh sweetie. We are here now. We won't let him get you."