Hi, so here is another story to this wonderful fandom that I absolutely love writing for. This story is a massive AU that I thought of when watching and reading Deathly Hallows (for the tenth thousand time) and deals with the birth of James Sirius Potter abet a bit earlier.

I just want to reiterate that Ginny is sixteen when this story starts and the sex while not graphic, between her and Harry IS Consensual.

This story should take about twenty seven chapters to get through and takes place from the Wedding to the end of the book. I really hope that you all enjoy this chapter and that you enjoy this story.

Please Read and Review and let me know what you think.

Most of this story will be in Ginny's Point of View.

Disclaimer-Nothing is mine just this little plot bunny.

Beat Your Heart Out

AU of Book 7 and the birth of James Sirius Potter. Ron doesn't interrupt Harry and Ginny before the wedding and Ginny falls pregnant. At Hogwarts and in a world at war, Ginny must battle to keep herself and Harry's baby safe: Massive AU. Mostly Ginny's point of view.

Chapter 1-On The Day Before.

In which Ron doesn't interrupt Harry and Ginny. Ginny goes to her brother's wedding and the world falls apart.

Ginny had not intended to take Harry Potter up to her room and snog the life out of him. She had listened and a part of her had understood when he had told her that they needed to break up. She had understood that Harry had a target on his back, she had understood that Voldemort would try and use anyone close to him.

She had understood that in it's entirety.

It didn't stop the break up from hurting like hell. Ginny had held out on hope for so long that she would get Harry Potter as her boyfriend but she had never really expected it. She had certainly not expected those glorious weeks in the grounds where she'd been the girl that Harry had loved. She had understood in some way. Had hurt like hell though.

And she had told herself before Harry had arrived here, fresh on the doorstep of tragedy, that she was going to be dignified. Ginny had her pride after all and she was not going to pitch herself at his feet and start crying and begging for him to take her back. She was also not going to moon about like a lovesick girl. She was very aware that she had just under two years before she became of age and went to fight in this war. Even if what she couldn't take part in anything yet Ginny knew that she wanted to fight.

Nor had she been stupid in that regard either. Everything that Voldemort had done had been to get at Harry and now Dumbledore was gone…Harry had never been one to shy away from a fight either. And she supposed as well that he had known that there was always a chance this could end with his death. He had never denied the rumours that he was the Chosen One…and everyone from Lupin to her father seemed to know that ultimately the destruction of the darkest wizard of all time would have to be down to Harry.

It was just the day before when he had told her that he wanted to get started on the hunt for Voldemort instead of making stupid place settings or whatever it was that they had been doing, had shook her more than she was prepared to let on. She found that she had ended up in her bedroom shaking uncontrollably and that night she had burrowed under her covers and had wrapped her arms around her stomach and had tried to block out the images of Harry standing in front of the darkest wizard of the age completely alone and prepared to die.

Would just be the kind of thing that he would do, she thought somewhere around three am.

That night she had not slept a wink. The next morning was Harry's birthday and Ginny spent a long time watching the light become brighter. Tomorrow was the wedding. The day afterwards Harry would go and her brother and one of her closest friends—the closest thing she had ever had to an older sister would go with him and then Merlin only knew when she would see him again, see any of them again.

She refused to think of it as an IF.

That morning she spent a long time in the bathroom fiddling with her hair. She had never been that type of girl, six brothers had limited her bathroom time to a good ten minutes and money had never been easy for the Weasley family meaning haircare products or make up were hard to come by. Hermione had given her a load of stuff last Christmas both magical and muggle and again for her birthday and Ginny had spent a memorable afternoon with Hermione and Luna in which they had tried everything out in the dorm rooms and taking the piss out of Lavender and Ron.

She used some of SleekEasy's Shine Serum to make her hair straight down her back and then she used the eyeliner that Hermione had given her to make her eyes a bit wider and a bit greener. There was a pause where she stared at herself in the mirror and she let out a few choice swear words courtesy of six older brothers. Harry had never took notice of her make up before. She wiped her face off and threw her wand into the sink where it sparked.

Ginny waited until she had the courage to do what she thought she wanted to do. And she did, she couldn't rid the urge of Harry dying out of her mind. She loved him, truly utterly loved him. She suspected from the age of ten she had loved him even without seeing him. Last year alone had proved that he was still there, Dean and Michael had been nothing compared to Harry Potter. He had she suspected utterly ruined her for any other man and when she had told Hermione this in tears one day after he had come back from that maze with Cedric Diggory's body, Hermione had told her very sternly that weeping over a man was not helpful. Something which Ginny had told Hermione herself last year though she supposed she might have been a bit more blunt.

This was her choice, this was her birthday gift…oh no she couldn't say that to him he'd run a mile…no…she wanted to do this. Providing nobody interrupted them she couldn't see why she couldn't have this…though with six brothers, two parents, Hermione, Fleur, Bill's in laws and a eleven year old French girl all staying in the house she supposed that she and Harry didn't have much time. She handled the vial in her hand and then downed it in one.

"Harry can you come in here for a minute?"

Thank Merlin for Hermione. The older girl shot Ginny a look that spoke of some kind of disapproval of the hurt that Ginny knew she was inevitably letting herself in for and then dragged Ron out of the way and downstairs. Providing Hermione could keep Ron occupied for a bit then there was nothing getting in the way and considering that Ron could barely keep his eyes of Hermione when she was in full flow she thought that she might just get away with what she wanted to do with Harry.

Harry came inside and they had some inconsequential conversation about Veela's and presents and the view from her window which saw Ron deep in conversation with Hermione who seemed to be telling him what decorations she wanted to do to the trees for the wedding. If she was honest with herself later she couldn't remember a damn thing that was said between her and Harry before she turned and said the one thing that she could think of.

"Well that's the silver lining I've been looking for"

And then she was kissing him and he was kissing her back his hand in her hair and her hands around his back the bridge of his glasses cutting into her nose and she found in that moment that nothing mattered other than the fact Harry was here with her. For a few glorious minutes she was with the man that she loved and not with the Boy Who Lived or the Chosen One. She was with Harry. And all the pain and all the heartache and all the knowledge that this was a bad idea that would lead to more pain and heartbreak didn't matter to her.

He was here.

She led him back to the bed and he started backwards looking adorably panicked.


"No" she said feeling that for once she was going to put her foot down. "Harry I want this, I want us. I want us to be together before you leave. Harry…please let me have this, let us have this."

Harry stared at her and Ginny was aware that her hair was all over the place and half her buttoned shirt was undone and that she was breathing heavily. Harry's eyes behind his glasses were blown and he seemed to be having a rather intense discussion with himself. Ginny could have hit him. She knew exactly what he was thinking. She shook her head placing her hand on the side of his face and forcing her to look at him.

"Don't overthink it Harry please. Just be with me. Just me…let's have this moment before the world takes it away"

But before she could finish his mouth was on hers again and she was back on her bed Harry's arms around her and what followed was one of the best moments of her life.

And for once she was not exaggerating.

Hermione caught her the next morning. Ginny had changed her sheets, took a bath and washed her hair and yet nothing could stop the small smile and the tendency to burst into giggles at random moments, she felt alive in a way she had never done so before. Nothing that Hermione was going to say was going to ruin this glorious, golden day even as she helped lace Ginny into a gold dress that was actually really pretty—gosh she had to give Fleur her due didn't she?

She remarked this to Hermione who stared at her from underneath the towel her hair was in. Hermione stared at her for a second and then sighed. "Oh Ginny…what did you do?"

Ginny stared at her for a second and then before she could stop herself she found herself telling Hermione everything. Hermione was silent for a minute and then…

"Why…what…Ginny why would you do that to yourself. You were heartbroken when he ended things even though you told me you got it. Why would you sleep with him if you know he's going to hunt down Voldemort, if you know that he is going to leave eventually…look…" she said quickly when she caught the look on Ginny's face.

"Ginny I'm not judging you. Your old enough to know what you're doing and It's your body and I suppose it's your heart but Ginny…I don't know how long were gonna be gone…what happens if It's ten, twenty years before you and he see each other again?" The what happens if this is the death of him was left unspoken. Hermione too couldn't speak of the death of the man she had known for nearly eight years who was surely walking into a battle he was only halfway prepared for at best.

"Then I will have had this" Ginny said firmly. "I will have had this moment with him. My first time with the first man that I love. The only man that I have ever loved. The only man that I think I will ever love. Don't Hermione, please I argued this back and forth with myself since he came here. I wanted to do this, and he wanted to do this…"

The memory of Harry's face as he looked down at her last night was always at the back of her mind and she shook her head. If she thought about that delicious secret now then it wouldn't just be Hermione who would know that she had lost her virginity to Harry Potter and he had lost his to her.

Hermione sighed. "Ginny your one of my best friends and I think I do understand it. But…Ginny please tell me you were careful. Did you do a contraception potion?"

"Yes" Ginny said nodding. "I did, I spent three days on it and I made sure it brewed correctly, I even ordered in the ingredients though that was bloody difficult and I nabbed the boomslang skin out of Moody's bag when you no doubt smuggled the whole Polyjuice potion out of it as well.

"And you checked all the ingredients were in date?"

Ginny had only a fraction to pause and think. The boomslang skin she had not checked and that was a fundamental part of the potion but she suspected that there was no way someone as hyper vigilant as Mad-Eye Moody would keep potion ingredients on him that were out of date.

"Of course. Didn't you check the Polyjuice potion? This is Moody were talking about after all"

Hermione said nothing for a second and then nodded.

"Ok well, at least you were careful. Was it…did you…did you enjoy it? And please Ginny…Harry's like my brother so…don't be graphic just a yes or no answer will do."

Ginny thought about it, the way Harry had felt and the look on his face, the pain that had turned into a pleasure the likes of which she had never known before. She could understand why her parents were still devoted to each other, why Harry's parents had gotten married straight out of Hogwarts, why Tonks looked so thrilled whenever Lupin was around. She could understand things she'd had no clue on before…even why Fleur was so devoted to Bill and vice versa. Things changed when you took the next step in your relationship. So much of it she had never known before.

"It was the best moment of my life" she said honestly.

Hermione nodded and then she held out her arms and Ginny stepped into them. They hugged each other, the fabric's of their robes rustling against the other and then there was a knock on the door and the distinctly broken English of Gabrielle Delacour asking if they were nearly ready.

Hermione replied in French. It shouldn't have been surprising but Ginny rolled her eyes anyway.

"Come on" Hermione said reaching for her beaded bag. "Let's finish getting ready and then go and see your brother get married"

Ginny nodded wiping her finger under her eyes and then turning back to the mirror so she could reapply her eyeliner before she finished getting dressed. She should be happy she told herself. She'd been with Harry in every way imaginable. She hoped it would help when he did eventually leave her. Most of her family was here, they had all come through the battle of the Seven Potters alive if not whole. She had one more glorious day with Harry.

She shook her head to herself in the mirror. Of course, Mad-Eye would keep his potion ingredients up to date. To suggest otherwise would be ridiculous.

She reached for her lipstick. It was time to go to the wedding.

And there you are. I hope you all enjoy.

Next Chapter-The Wedding descends into chaos and Ginny and her family come under threat. Harry, Ron and Hermione disappear and the Weasley's spend an uneasy week or so waiting for the other shoe to drop.