

"I know she's hot, but it's just… weird walking in on your sister doing that, you know? I don't mean that I blame you. It's just weird."

Naruto was usually a blabbermouth himself, but he found his assistant's replacement a bit more annoying. It wasn't great having his intimate moments interrupted by the Raikage, and he perhaps understood the removal of the lovely Samui-nee-chan – just think about her brought spittle to the side of a goofy grin – but her replacement was an awful choice.

Her brother Atsui spoke about her more like a girl he was crushing on, mentioning how hot she was and how amazing her breasts were… as if Naruto didn't have firsthand experience with them.

"Man!" Atsui's eyes turned upward, recollecting the sight of his sister's uncovered breasts snuggled around Naruto's prick. A sinful tug pulled at his loins. "She's usually so frigid! She always keeps them under wraps!" He smirked at the blond sitting up, poking at the new bowl of ramen in front of him; Naruto pursed his lips and noticed how the appeal of this bowl paled compared to the one set in front of him by the buxom beauty. Not only did she give him something special, the presentation was far more luring and she even fed him. Now, he'd rather struggle with his left hand than ask for Atsui's assistance.

"You're something special, no doubt!" Atsui exclaimed with a nice wink. "A hottie like my sister! Wow!"

Naruto laughed awkwardly. Really, this was the sort of conversation he expected to have with Kiba, not the girl's brother. Kiba liked hearing the details – like when Naruto had spied a phantom girl dancing naked in the water – and wouldn't press as hard as Atsui did on the subject.

Naruto normally was more chatty than this, more outspoken and boastful. Maybe it was the gravity of his recent victory or bringing Sasuke back from the darkness, maybe it was the loss of his right arm, but the most likely reason of all was that he felt unsatisfied with how things ended with Atsui's sister. The buxom blonde certainly wasn't lax, and her efforts had taken all the stress from his body… but that'd only be enough for a regular teen. Naruto was a Jinchuriki and one of near-insatiable desires. He hadn't gotten enough of her.

Yet now he had to settle for her loudmouth brother as a companion; a cruel joke for the savior ninja.

"I guess it'd be pretty weird to ask what they felt like," Atsui went on constantly. He wasn't particularly discrete about his taboo lusts.

Naruto rolled his eyes. If only he would shut up, Naruto could at least roll over and dream of the bodacious Samui of Kumogakure.

All at once, there was a sudden stillness in the air; Naruto felt it on the periphery of his consciousness. Something – ephemeral or otherwise – entered the room, but because it lacked malicious intent, he could not instinctively sense it. It was perhaps like an owl, swooping in on soundless wings before wailing a droning hoot. And just as suddenly, the feeling was gone, the deed done, and the quietness their own.


Naruto looked around at the rafters, seeing nothing even in the furthest corner. Whatever that phenomenon was, it was no longer – or had never been – inside the room. Curious, Naruto started to ask Atsui, "What was…?" But then he stopped. Quiet? Atsui hadn't stopped jabbering since coming into the room. A phantom spark would've surely put his mouth into high gear. Now looking at the bowl-haired man, Naruto saw the aftermath of the phenomenon, as well as its target.

Atsui sat taut, his eyes wide like a ghost's finger traced down the back of his spine. Then he relaxed, a deadened glazed look taking his now-dilated eyes. He slumped, unseeing, unable to acknowledge anything in the room, as if his brain had been put on pause. Some type of Genjutsu, Naruto wondered. But then he though of how he wanted Atsui to shut up. "Ah!" The impressionable boy wondered if he'd reached a level after defeating Kaguya that allowed mere willpower to control those around him.

If so, then this zombielike state of Atsui was his doing. Gulping and hoping the effects were reversible, Naruto reached out a hand and tapped Atsui's shoulder. "Are you okay?" Just that single tap had enough force to break Atsui's hypnotized balance. He teetered forward and fell from his chair to lie halfway on Naruto's cot, over his blanketed legs. Naruto exclaimed, almost thinking that he was dead, but for the ensuing snores that followed the plummet.

Asleep? Naruto leaned over and saw that Atsui was indeed dozing, nocturnal slobber already creeping out of his mouth. And while he wanted to make sure that the spit didn't soak to his legs, the spiky-haired Jinchuriki was quite puzzled. To fall asleep so randomly was normally the act of Genjutsu, but no caster had been present. And the only ones capable of distorting the mind in such a way were the…

Breaking his sleuthing, the door opened, soundlessly but with a certain air of audacity. Perhaps the cause of Atsui's behavior? Naruto looked to the door quickly and saw the blonde woman; not one – to his knowledge – who could affect the mind, unless by way of sight. She certainly put Naruto in a trace when he saw her at the door, closing it behind her, once again taking a risk by not locking it.

The Raikage was away; far away. The rounds of the attending nurses were set, and Naruto wasn't due for nourishment or a checkup for another two hours. Perhaps it wasn't a lot of time, but Samui wasn't one to complain, working with what she got.

She approached, prowling, perhaps knowing how tantalizing she look as she sauntered with curvaceous hips swaying side to side like a hypnotist's pendulum. Her breasts, supported only in her mesh armor and deep-vee shirt, wobbled almost freely, though Naruto could swear that was intentional; the Cloud's traditional flak jacket was customized to squeeze her midriff and accentuate the heaviness of her endowments.

"S-Samui-nee-chan," Naruto stuttered with a dry tongue. He smacked his lips together, trying to accumulate moisture, and swallowed with an arid throat.

Samui came up to the foot of his bed, and then leaned, observing the imbecile snoring on the hero's legs. If there was an enemy attack, how was Atsui to fare now? "Hopeless," she said to him, and then cleared him from the way with a pull to his shirt. However hard he thudded on the hard floor, she didn't care; if he woke bumped and bruised, it'd be fair punishment for his ineptitude to counter an unseen assault.

Now for Naruto.

Her cold eyes got him, and he swallowed rough nothingness again. She was an intense specimen; not like Baa-chan, who could flare on command. Samui had the air of chill that was near suffocating and intoxicating.

"I hope he wasn't a bother to you," she said formally.

Naruto waited a moment, and then realized she was talking about her brother! It'd escaped him for a moment that there had been more than just them two in the world. Laughing and recalling the girl advice Ero-Sennin had given him once upon a time, he said that Atsui was no trouble at all. Make friends with your girlfriend's family and show that you like them, Jiraiya had said, but now Naruto wasn't so sure that applied here. After all, it wasn't like this casual thing was building to a relationship.

Naruto could only imagine how jealous Sakura-chan would get to see a woman of Samui's caliber on his arm…

"Raikage-sama entrusted Atsui to continue your care," she went on, dismissing the topic of her brother, though giving him a nonchalant glance, "and I will follow his orders. However, as the predecessor, it's a stab to my honor if my service was insufficient."


"Uzumaki Naruto," she addressed him formally, "is it your wish that I continue your care?"

Naruto considered her words. A wrong answer, and he might end up like Atsui – whatever had happened to him… But the choice and honest answer were not difficult to decide. Seeing Samui's tits wobbling in his face was far more preferable to hearing her brother gush about them.

His index finger scratched idly behind his ear. Slowly, a blush came up underneath his downward-cast eyes, his lips unable to hide a bashful smile. "I… I would like that," he confessed.

At once, Samui's hands went to work, un-strapping her bodice and leaving it on the floor with her sandals. Nothing else followed; she crawled on the bed, catching Naruto between her stalking arms, underneath her dangling tits.

"I'm honored to be of service to the great hero," she breathed to him, mint on her warm breath.

Before Naruto could fumble with a response, he tasted mint over his tongue. Samui was not an aggressive kisser, but her lips did not take no for an answer. She cradled the back of his head, steeling him in place as she drew on him. Naruto's eyes bulged, though his tongue answered the call and slipped to hers to twirl and twist about. His hand came up and grabbed a fistful of her shirt, not having the space between them to grope at her breasts again.

No nonsense about her, she indulged him swiftly. She disengaged his lips, leaving him gasping and then breathless when she did away with her top. Both cloth and mesh came off in a single, swift tug, and her glorious tits came out for him. Her nipples stood at eyelevel, pointing out at him, waiting. Naruto did not wait, scooping Samui by her midsection to shove his face to her sternum, acting very Jiraiya-like as he nuzzled the insides of her tits, wiping his smiling face against them before going cheek-to-nipple against her left.

Subtly was Sasuke. Naruto was boisterous and went for what he wanted and shoved all of what he could of Samui's breast into his salivating mouth, starting with her nipple. Certainly enthusiastic, Samui noted, tossing back her hair and easing it behind her ear. She wanted to satisfy the hero, but if this suited him… It wasn't like she was going to complain.

She hitched a little, sought Naruto's shoulder for stability when his anxious hand struck underneath her skirt. She had straddled his hips, and that left an open path to her groin. The heat in that area was felt before he even touched the cotton of her underwear. He zeroed in and reached the mark, by chance or by experience – unlikely – his thumb shoved directly against her button and was the cause of her hitching. Her lips remained sealed, but the soft moan still vibrating from her throat. His zest for her breasts, for he switched from one to the other, this time flicking the pink center beforehand and then sucking on it, was undeniable; perhaps a longing of an orphan, she thought, and then cradled him to her.

His left hand's fingers fumbled, but he was successful in tugging the crotch aside to let her smothered quim breathe. The heat doubled, and Naruto's fingers blitzed to it, squirming rigorously through her folds until they sunk in; a full pair, up to the knuckle.

"Ah…" Samui let out an airy moan, her troubled snatch finding some promise as the boy shoved up into her. They continued to wiggle and sift around as if to map out the whole structure of her tunnel. He pressed on and on until she felt his palm come up against her mound, cupping it as his digits dug determinedly. Her fingernails bit at Naruto's shoulders, but not in warning.

Sloppily, with his lips coated with his own spit, Naruto detached from her plentiful breasts to turn his gaze down to where his fingers worked. Not much to view; her gray skirt was still in the way. Well, they'd become a nuisance now, and if she was really here to pledge her service – though the abundance of her heat hinted that she had more of a score to settle – she'd oblige him when he awkwardly drew his pelvis up.

She felt it against the bottom of her thigh; his own readiness. Time for all sorts of activities, but she'd grant him some haste. She purposely dragged her hips, letting him hear the wet movement of his fingers leaving her prepped body to shiver in cold abandonment. Her skirt didn't come off, but Samui had made plans. Shifting herself accordingly, one knee at a time, she brought back the covers and exposed Naruto's lower half. His cock shoved out against his froggy boxers, and he felt a little foolish wearing them, though Samui had no comment on his tastes. What mattered to her was the piece that jutted skyward when she drew them down. It jumped as if attached to a spring, sailing from beneath the elastic band to swat at his lower stomach. His balls, heavy with pent-up tension, had started to draw up with a tightened scrotum.

She touched there first. Moisturized fingers carefully brushed over his sack until she lifted the contents and tightened her hand around them. Naruto made a worried noise, like he was afraid she'd squeeze them for no reason. She did not. She just stroked them, thumbed them, did everything to make them feel good until the tension eased and his shoulders dropped. "That feels good, Nee-chan," he slurred, his blue eyes upward and crossing.

As was her duty to tend him; she had more ways. She moved back, granting herself some room between them, and them went down as if to curl up on all fours. Her face nestled between his legs, resting the side of her head on one thigh. Her tongue resumed stroking then, her hand needed only to keep his testicles elevated.

At once, she felt his hand slink into her hair, unconsciously making a fist and drawing. She responded by inhaling one orb, slurping it into her mouth with perhaps the most lewd noise she had yet made in her presence. Above her, he stammered and choked and marveled. His cock twitched, and she saw a drizzle of his pre-cum steer down his engorged, veiny underside.

A sample; a treat. She left his scrotum to catch the outpour of premature ejaculate, licking all the way up to the source before heading him. If he had two hands, he'd already stuff her mouth full of his dick. As it was, he just settled with bouncing her a little; kindly, considerate thrusts, focused only on his tip.

He tasted fresh; a recent sponge bath perhaps. The soaps weren't too chemical, more herb-based. Tsunade's suggestion; helps with the healing.

Samui deep-throated him, welcoming him all the way down the curve of her esophagus. She coughed and gagged, but kept him down so that her accumulated saliva could drip down his length. He yanked at the roots of her hair, but she did nothing more than wince. She pressed down harder, opening her mouth wide as her lips reached his pelvis. Her eyes misted over and her lungs stung and her throat convulsed, but she stayed on for a good sixteen seconds before coming off with a relieved and sloppy "Ahgh…!"

She sat up, brushing her moist lips with her thumb, and saw that his cock was nicely glazed with her spit; not that he needed accommodations, as she was already prepared for this part for the past day.

The space she had put between them was taken up again; her swaying her way onto his lap and his arm reaching around her to keep her in place. He was shaking. She felt it. Nervous, though he had faced down the demon goddess of chakra without flinching; an odd and intriguing boy. Samui did not regret this.

"Nee-chan," he breathed, staring down at their pelvises. She carefully rolled up her skirt until he saw the pink lips separating the flaxen meadow. His cock looked so serene, bunched up against her heat, not yet directed to go inside. She lifted and moved, and he held his breath as she warmly invited him in. He penetrated her, though his gasp was silent. Nothing more than haphazard, nearly-inaudible gasps came from his throat; she was silent but for the hastening and erratic pace of her breath, as well as the sound of her drenched folds – long neglected of male intimacy – stretched around his insertion.

Involuntarily, he bucked, plunging the final inches that she intended to savor up into her. He won a grunt from her as he thudded at the back of her tight vagina. Her body rocked from his impulsion, her breasts swinging with the ricochet. Her composure had not gone, but she was interested when Naruto shoved himself against her, hugging and burying his face to her chest. He moaned across her plump nipple, teasing it by doing nothing more.

So he didn't want to lie back, she discovered. She almost lost a smirk. She could handle that. Her two hands more than made up for his lack of one.

Pressed snugly in her wet sheathe, Naruto cuddled against her bosoms still, a dreamy look on his face as her muscles sporadically tightened and flexed. He called out her name in a droning voice and thanked her. The pleasure intoxicated him; he turned his face and shoved an endearing kiss up against her breast fat.

Hmph… He shouldn't be thanking her just yet.

Samui carefully brought her legs around, trapping him between them as her feet planted themselves at his pillow. Though it was difficult to pry away from him – he would not easily let her tits leave his vicinity – she managed to lean back, supported on her hands, and start pumping her hips. Naruto yelled, his voice wavering with a burst of pleasure. All about her tantalized the senses: her reclined position left a canvas of her full body, which included the soft bounce of her tits and the subtle exposure of his prick splitting her vaginal lips; he smelled all of her, mint and sex; when his hand reached down to put his thumb against her clit, the touch of her hair and the hot stickiness of her nectar greeted him. He wanted to taste her, that crisp sweetness on her tongue or the slight lavender of lotion applied to her skin. But more than that, he decided as he snagged her hips and rammed up to meet her pelvis, he wanted to hear her, to confirm that he was not alone in these feelings.

He jolted, and his haste knocked her from her bearings. Ninja mobility and endurance saved her from toppling, but it was harder to apply her own methodical pace when he was jamming his cock into her himself. It wasn't hard for her to distinguish the cause of this ambush. He had a chance to make her cum before, but had been interrupted by Raikage-sama. She could give in, let her feelings sing, but the hero would be dishonored with such charity.

Without warning, he tackled her, putting her beneath him as he drove as best as he could against her; tricky without his dominant hand, but he was determined. His left arm supported his weight, his legs trapping hers between, closing the space to her apex. His balls dragged against her smooth thighs with each stroke. "How is it, Nee-chan?" he grunted out, his endeavors showing on his scrunched-up face. He was holding back, probably focusing on things other than how deep he shoved into her.

She didn't answer him. It felt good, and a soft, hitching gasp stole from her slightly-parted lips when he drove in deep and ground his pelvis to hers. Even so, she remained for the most part silent and let him have his way with her. Hard for him to resist those breaths, though, when they sloshed back and forth right beneath him, waving with those delectable pink tips. Dammit! He surged his mouth onto her, biting at the closest one, trapping it between his teeth while his lips closed around it possessively.

"Ahh…" Her moan was low and husky, drawn out as she put her hands behind her head, wordlessly offering her body to him. His thrusts ceased as he took advantage, content enough to feel her hug his erection while feasting on her breasts, one after the other and back again. Every once in a while, as if to remind himself, he'd curl to her core dab her cervix with a bit of precum, but she found herself wanting. She wanted him to fuck her, and there seemed to be only one way for that to happen.

He whined when they separated, his cock bobbing as if swearing to release if she just came back. But she did not. The bed was no longer the place for them to lie. Instead, she directed him to his feet to come up behind her as she leaned over the cot.

Naruto had almost forgotten Atsui was there until he saw that Samui stood right over him, her hips right above his face; a clear shot underneath her skirt and a passable view of her tits as they hung from her slant. Was this really alright? Well, he hadn't stirred and was still noisily sleeping. Naruto knew he would probably look back at this with some shame, but right now, Samui-nee-chan's riskiness was just too enticing to refuse.

He stepped across Atsui's body, putting it between his feet, and lined up with his sister as she drew her gray skirt up over her ass; another supple grace of hers. Her hand came back underneath one cheek and spread, daringly showing off both of her holes to Naruto as he coordinated himself. Her pussy stretched open and flashed the glistening pink inside. He saw it and immediately covered it with the thick head of his cock. He went in, and the hand that had opened the slot slipped away to brace her weight.

Yes, this was her position; she moaned right away and let her eyes close as the boy crawled deep inside. He moaned louder still, holding her waist, cementing her as he came against her womb once more. He rocked once, the arch dragging against her insides with delectable effect.

"Harder," she told him, and he obeyed. "Faster." He complied. "More." Of course.

Naruto made his rhythm, and Samui loved him for it. The tightness of her lips loosened, and a slew of appreciative words and elated noises echoed. His hips smacked her rump, rippling the generous flesh. Each collision with her cervical wall sent pleasure coursing through the both. Naruto promised he wouldn't last much longer, yet it was Samui who – releasing reservations – beat him.

Her back curved in a deep U when the explorative teen jammed his hand between her thighs to seek out her pearl. He'd learned of its significance and put it to use now. The results had him bunched up inside, his testicles tingling and his cock surging. The woman's crevice caved in, holding him tight as hot fluid surrounded him and soiled his crotch, running out along his balls and down his thighs. One of her hands dove down to cradle the assailant of her clit, stalling him when the sensation of relief intensified. She could not scream. It was not cool.

Yet Naruto fought to make that happen. He pulled out of her clutches and rubbed at her pussy more eagerly than before. "Nee-chan…!" he called her in warning.

The door opened, and a curious head popped in for just a peek. Once again, they'd been caught, just as Naruto's cock began the procession that spilled white over Samui's inner pink.

