~19 BBY, Pantora, Pantoran city of Chulal, Yil Estate~

The chrono chimed noon, its electric face of digital numbers seemingly glaring down at the sleeping being still laying in bed beside it's resting place on a wooden nightstand.

The lifeform stirred, before standing and stretching before acknowledging the chrono's chimes.

Leave had clearly had its toll on Nitsu.

He stood and made for the bathroom, the whites of his eyes slightly bloodshot from his late night studying reports of Seperatist activity, not to mention slightly wet and crusty from discharge in the corners. No doubt to a human he would look quite sickly with his yellow pupils in addition to the other blemishes to his looks.

Appraising his appearance, he tisked at the stubble.

'With this, I can hardly see my crest' he grumbled internally, fishing for a vibro-razor in a drawer, clicking it on with a hum as he burned the facial hair away. As he did, he noted how glad he was that his leave ended tomorrow, rather than today. The facial hair obscured the circular collection of dots making his lower crest, while his two upper family crest-marks stood out with excess clarity due to the dark circles under his eyes.

The two marks at the base of his neck was just visible through his uneven hair, the sloped neck hair beginning to swallow them. Nothing a proper haircut wouldn't fix, but a minor issue.

Of course, he would be lying if he did not enjoy looking a disheveled mess, before completely transforming into the cleanly cut Isik First Class Nitsu Yil of his defense fleet.

Soon to become an assault fleet, if the war continued on like this.

The outer rim sieges were an unmitigated mess, by no fault of the Republic, or even the blundering Jedi, but just by pure circumstance. The Wookies, with their entrance into the war, would aid in blunting the invasions through the major hyperspace lanes that the Wookies now offered to the Republic. No doubt, Nitsu and his Captain would be ordered to one of these battlefields to stop the bleeding.

And he could not wait for the chance.

A chance to prove himself.

The room's comm chime broke him from his revelry, and he left the bathroom to answer it.

"Nitsu speaking?" he said by way of greeting.

[Mr. Yil, Lord Yil wishes to speak with you at your earliest convenience.] A feminine droid replied from the speaker.

"Tell him I will be there in five minutes." He replied, reigniting the vibro-razor.

[Very good, sir.] the droid replied before cutting communication.

Tattoos were not a means of expression or mere self decoration, like with the Twi'leks lekku stripes or the Human flowers and skulls and letters. Every stripe, every dot, has a meaning on Pantora.

The houses of Pantora were all obsessed with history. House Yil of the city of Chulal near the equator of the planet, was no exception. Such history was expressed in possessions, artifacts of the ancestors, but the most common way to tell the history of a member of the Yil family was a member of the Yil family, was their tattoos.

A single central disk dominated the chin, representing a shield for defending their people from danger, and dotted lines under the eye, representing many years of military service. Taken together, they alluded to the family's strong ties to the military of the world, and the near-hereditary role as minister of defense in the Pantoran Assembly, often occupied by the head of the house.

And Lord Yil was certainly not an exception from the rule.

He was waiting with a small crowd at the front of the uniquely designed mansion of the Yil Estate. To say it was built in the Pantoran style of unique spires and towers was a nerf faced lie. The large dome looked more like a giant shield laying on the ground, with a thin wedge cut out of it with just enough room for speeders to enter and for people wander the shadowy front garden of the mansion.

Wearing a specifically tailored uniform with the colors and shoulder-cape of the Pantoran Army, yet with the rank plaque and style of the Republic Navy, he cut a dashing figure with the crew-cut popular with military personnel in the Grand Army of the Republic as he stood beside the golden fountain with his retinue in the center of the wedge shaped impression.

At his jaw, dozens of thin bars with small dots crowning them were upon his jaw like small teeth, showing for all to see his many years of military service.

Nitsu subconsciously scratched at his own jaw, noting his own lack of tattoos there.

It was common for members of the Pantoran Fleet to have this style of tattoo the moment they took their two years of mandatory military service. Often tattooed on as soon as the first year of training was finished and the year of active service on a ship or working customs began.

Nitsu had declined to have one.

After all, mandatory service was not true service, but simply fulfilling a social contract with the state. Checking cargo, stamping documents, frisking travelers, or firing warning shots at spice traders that entered the sector's eastern reaches was not honorable in his eyes.

Serving for three years as a part of the Pantoran Guard of the Assembly however, and earning the three unique strokes on his upper brow and nose, was an extraordinary honor.

He approached his father and bowed slightly, inclining his head with his right forearm across his midsection and his left hand resting on his ceremonial - yet quite functional - heavy blaster pistol.

His father smiled and nodded, acknowledging and bidding him to come close with the simple gesture.

Nitsu noted that his father was not alone. There was his two bodyguards wearing the traditional livery of the organization, who in turn gave a stern nod of recognition and acceptance, both as a fellow Pantoran Guard and as the tenth son of Lord Yil.

Beside him were two other men; the first was his aide in the traditional magenta and light grey of the Assembly, a datapad in hand with stylus at the ready to take notes or make an appointment on command. Beside him stood a smartly dressed servant in the traditional black suit with a gold trim in order to blend into the darkly styled rooms and offices of Pantoran architecture. In his hands he held a silver platter, upon which a small hologram projector stood, projecting a pair of small figures no larger than a child's doll, whom his father was conversing with.

It was the final person in this group that made him pause. Standing at his father's side was his tall and imposingly dressed step brother, Rencoril Yil, heir to the title of Lord in rich regimentals. At his sides - other than his heavy sideburns, hiding his lack of military service - there would normally be a pair of Pantoran Guards, as befitting of royalty. But curiously, there were a pair of what seemed to be offworlder mercenaries, a Rodian and a Weequay, if he was not mistaken.

As he approached, Rencoril seemed to notice him and tried to get his father to shut off the projector, but his father waved him off.

"Renn, it is fine. I called him here." He heard his father say, dismissing his heir.

Rencoril huffed before storming off, the two mercenaries following suit.

"Just you wait, I'll be right in the end! Dark clouds are ahead!" He said over his shoulder.

Lord Yil sighed before beckoning Nitsu over.

The leftmost figure said their farewells and severed communication, but he could have sworn he recognized the voice.

The remaining figure was very familier.

"Your majesty." Nitsu greeted, placing a hand to his chest.

"At ease, Isek." the aging man said with a smile, giving a playfully dismissive 'shoo' with his right hand.

The two houses of Yil and Papanoid were old families, and their roots were so close that, as many in both houses said, the families were like two vines always coiled together.

After all, house Yil was one of the largest warrior families, while the Papanoid house was known for its uniquely beautiful and heavy blaster pistols, one of which Nitsu had sitting in his holster.

"We were just discussing the Clone War, Nitsu. The Separatists seem to be in their final death throes, but they outnumber Republic forces greatly, and have multiple factory worlds as of yet unconquered." Lord Yil replied.

"Will the Republic call on system defense fleets to aid in the fighting?" Nitsu asked, hardly containing his excitement.

Chairman Baron Papanoida shook his head.

"No, they seem to be using special forces to greater effect, making a dozen clones hit harder than entire fleets. I do not think the war will last much longer, especially after the recent failed attack."

Nitsu frowned.

"I… Don't follow you, sir. What attack?"

The Baron looked to Lork Yil expectantly.

The nobleman sighed, rubbing his shield-crest, before looking Nitsu in the eye.

"The Separatists sent a massive armada to Coruscant, and managed to capture the Supreme Chancellor. The Jedi managed to retrieve him, and much of the fleet was scuttled, including General Grievous, who is now in hiding."

Nitsu was slightly shocked, but bounced back.

"This is good! With this defeat, Count Dooku will be forced to raise more forces to combat his losses, and in turn the Republic will need more -"

"Not so fast there, son." Baron Papanoida said patiently.

"Count Dooku was slain by General Skywalker as he rescued the Chancellor. The snake is functionally headless, and will no doubt be floundering, unable to support one another in the differing sieges. The war will effectively be over even if you were to leave to battle right this instant."

Nitsu deflated.

The war? Over? Already?

A holographic Pantoran servant approached the Chairman and whispered in his ear, the bearded elder nodding in acknowledgment.

"Very good, I will be there momentarily."

He turned back to Nitsu and his father.

"I look forward to speaking to you again. Chancellor Palpatine just called an emergency meeting of the Senate, and my daughter, Senator Chi Eekway, is unavailable; transport troubles. Another time, gentlemen!"

Nitsu pressed his fist against his chest again in salute while his father bowed his head slightly. Lord Yil then spoke to his son.

"It will be good, at least, to bring an end to the nonsense of fighting. Order will be restored, and we can finally get to the business of government; trade, infrastructure, and the likes."

He waved off the servant, who bowed and took the holoprojector and the platter away.

Sitting down on the solid gold edge of the great fountain, he chuckled as he looked up to his child.

"Perhaps you will even go into politics, become a minister of construction. That would certainly keep you out of the dangers of your brother." he said, with a surprisingly venomous tone at the end.

Some feud had once again sparked between those two.

And Nitsu, being curious, felt inclined to bite.

"Who were those offworlders he had with him? Those weren't just tourists."

His father, the definition of class and refinement, spat into the fountain.

"Filthy emissaries from the Hutts and the Pikes. Your brother worries that our military buildup on these worlds will go to waste; that we will have built small ships and hired legions of troops for nothing, and that we would be better prepared to use such a military alongside the Hutts once the war is over."

"Pantora, joining the Hutts?" Nitsu said, dumbfounded.

His father sighed.

"His worries are not ill-founded; the trade-routes, even with the Trade Federation blockade lifted, are not what they used to be. The routes that lead here are all old, and with little profit to shipping companies or smugglers. We get a fair amount of energy and raw goods from the Trade Federation, but even then they are dwindling."

His father shook his head before bowing it, showing his slightly balding head through the snow-white hair.

"I worry that he may be right, that we will need to rent our fleet out in defense contracts in the outer rim. Not for the crime lords, but for small worlds. Just enough to gather wealth for Pantora, and to entice more merchants to these areas."

Nitsu snickered.

"Why not just send them to the neighboring sectors and conquer them, use them as refining worlds for more goods and to increase both trade and our influence."

"That sort of talk will only result in you being marked for a declaration of overreach. Don't ask me to do that to my own son."

Lord Yil then sighed.

"Regardless the military will have to be scaled down. The hawks have only held sway for so long because of the war; once it is over, the doves will return to power and they will undoubtedly call for a reduction of the fleet"

Nitsu was silent for a moment, his hand subconsciously strolling his jaw and framing his shield crest with his thumb and forefinger.

Because deep down he knew his father was right. Such a large force would never be tolerated in the system for a moment once the war ended.

"I suppose we could speak to Earl Trezil on allocating funds…"

Lord Yil cut him off.

"He is the biggest dove of them all! He wouldn't have permitted a single credit chip to be spent for a dinner knife if it wasn't for pressure from the Assembly. What would he have to gain for increasing military budget?"

"Perhaps, easy windfall for him?"

He sighed.

"You will have to do better than that when you enter in the Assembly, my son."

The elder Pantoran then stood and put a hand on his son's shoulder.

"I will see you later, Nitsu. I have to have a meeting with my staff in order to process this new arrangement - without the Hutt mercenaries!" He said, calling the last part over his shoulder, causing both of the blue skinned humanoids to laugh.

That evening, Nitsu dined alone and in total silence, preparing for his return to navy life.

As a Vegter, and certainly as an Isik, he would be expected to, in battle and off of the front lines, to be the perfect example of military precision, excellence, and manners.

In the completely unprofessional opinion of Nitsu, he felt that the training and protocol of the Pantoran Military was even sharper and more harsh than the military Citadel of Anaxus, but of course, that was above his station to enunciate such things.

His meal of cold root soup was interrupted by the loud chime of the dining room comm unit.

As he wiped his mouth clean with his napkin, he strode the few steps behind his chair and activated the receiver.

"Isik Yil speaking?"

[Mr. Yil, we have an urgent transmission for you from Lord Yil's office in the capital!] the droid secretary said in a frantic tone.

Nitsu's eyes widened in shock.

"Patch him through here immediately!" He said, activating the hologram projector as an image of his father materialized in front of him.

"Father, what's wrong?" Nitsu asked urgently, stooping slightly so he could lean on the low table.

"Grave news, I'm afraid. The Assembly hall was attacked by droids; they somehow managed to get on the world. Many of our allies were killed, there is a man-hunt going on as they look for the droids. Be on the lookout; the remaining four may try to escape in any way they can, even by going to a neighboring city."

"They would have a tough time of it, the closest city to the capital from the Assembly hall is…"

Nitsu's eyes widened.

They could be heading to Chulal.

Now he understood his father's message.

"I'll get the guard out here to search the perimeter. Nothing is getting -"

With a bang and a shattering noise, he heard the explosive detonate down the hall.

"What was that?"

"Isik Nitsu going dark." Was his only reply, as he drew his pistol and stooped to a crouch, peering around the corner.

It was as he feared.

The muffled thud of their expensive motors showed their identity before he even looked round the corner.

The four remaining commando droids had breached the estate.

[Captain, we will need to find a shuttle to escape the planet.]

[We won't be able to get past the fleet without the shuttles correct codes. We need someone who would know the codes.]

Nitsu saw the white marked captain peer down the hallway to the closed door opposite of the dining room.

[Search those rooms. You, with me.]

Nitsu ducked back out of view. The only other way they would go, is either back out the window to make another breach, or more likely to search the dining room for anyone with valuable information.

He gripped the Papanoid pistol with both hands, measuring his actions.

Nitsu had read the dossier on those things. Heavily armored, and intelligent enough to compete with Clones. And damn agile, he believed was the word choice.

He switched to his dominant hand and took a deep breath.

There was no way that Nitsu, no matter all the bravery and fire he tried to emulate, could take on two advanced droids like this.

He pressed the emergency button on the receiver as soon as the first droid crossed the threshold into the dining room, firing a single shot through the head and terminating it.

Thinking fast, he keyed open the door, where he was greeted with the confused Captain trying to compute what was happening, before Nitsu pistol whipped it with his weapon, firing three powerful shots into its chest before it fell.

But now, the element of surprise was lost. The heavy retorts of the remaining droid's E-5 rifles rang through the hallway as they fired a volley towards the young Pantoran as he scrambled for cover.

Leaning over the door frame, he extended his right arm so it was sticking out enough to fire, while the only thing at risk was his arm, hand, and his face if he was stupid.

The constant heavy fire managed to breach the chest plate of one before the other quickly stormed up to the alien and delivered a harsh punch to the gut after knocking the blaster aside, shrugging off a ricocheted blaster bolt.

Nitsu coughed in pain as spittle flew from his mouth at the impact, moving to get his blaster between him and the droid.

The commando was not interested in blasters at this point. It seemed dead set on clamping its metal claws around the alien's neck and just strangling him at this point.

Nitsu pressed the barrel of his pistol against the chest of the droid and fired.

The close quarters shot tore through the machines torso, and it staggered back before he could fire a final round into the droids cranium.

And, just in time, security arrived.

"Alert Lord Yil that the four remaining Commando Droids have been destroyed."

"Yes, Isik - Sir! You are bleeding!" One of the guards said, motioning for the medic to step forward while pointing.

Nitsu looked to where the Pantoran Guardsmen was pointing to, and noticed that the Captain had not gone down without a fight. It seemed to have swung its vibroblade in a wild ark, slicing the uniform and causing the front of his tunic to become soaked in blood.

The adrenaline fading, the pain truly began to bite, as he looked down and swore he saw his own collarbone.

"Sir, sir! Stay with us sir, we will get you to the med bay! Someone, get another medic down here!"

Then, all Nitsu saw was black.

"Good morning, Isik."

Nitsu awoke to find himself in one of the richly decorated guest rooms. He barely had enough time to analyze his new surroundings before one of the servants half blinded him by opening the windows and letting the bright morning sun inside.

"Lord Yil has informed me that you are on immediate leave, sir. You should be mostly healed from your encounter with the droids, but he requests that you remain on the premises and that you do not do anything rash, sir."

Nitsu stifled a laugh.

No doubt his father felt that getting one's hands dirty in a fight meant 'being rash'. Bah humbug.

"How long was I out?" He asked the servant casually.

"You were admitted into the infirmary around eight standard time, sir. The healing process went well, and the doctors simply gave you a sedative to ensure you rest and recover. Your wound should be healed, Isik." the aid replied, bowing slightly at the bedside.

"Is there something I can get you, sir?"

"A hologram projector and access to the Holonet."

He then went a very light shade of blue - the closest thing Pantorans had to 'going pale', to compare to humans - and began to stutter.

"I… I'm afraid that will be difficult sir. Perhaps you should, lay back?" The servant offered.

Nitsu frowned.

"What, did the Republic lose a key sector?"

"No sir, its… well, you had better watch the declaration yourself, sir. All the major news outlets covered it, I will get a holoprojector."

He followed the Pantoran servant with his eyes as he left, wondering what all that was about.

What could be so upsetting about a declaration?

Did another planet declare independence? Or worse, did the Republic declare bankruptcy? Surely not. The office of the Chancellor had only just been granted control of the banks; it was virtually impossible for it to go bankrupt.

Then what else was it?

The servant returned with a small tray and stand, with the holoprojector resting on top of it. Setting it down so it rested above my lap like a table-top writing desk, he keyed it on.

A blonde human woman with a headset appeared, speaking directly into the holocam.

"We are live, here at the Republic HoloNet News, where Supreme Chancellor Palpatine has just called an emergency meeting of the Senate. We do not know what is to be discussed, but let's tune in, the Vice Chancellor has just called for order."

The echoes of the large Vice Chancellor Mass Ameda still echoed off the walls when the holocam droids focused on the Chancellor's podium.

Chancellor Palpatine was a changed man. Scarred, deformed, as if the god of time had decided to grind it's great Kris across his poor face.

And with a wretched voice, he spoke.

"Citizens of the civilized galaxy, on this day we mark a transition. For a thousand years, the Republic stood as the crowning achievement of civilized beings. But there were those who would set us against one another, and we took up arms to defend our way of life against the Separatists. In so doing, we never suspected that the greatest threat came from within."

Nitsu raised an eyebrow.

A threat from within?

The hologram continued.

"The Jedi, and some within our own Senate, had conspired to create the shadow of Separatism using one of their own as the enemy's leader. They had hoped to grind the Republic into ruin. But the hatred in their hearts could not be hidden forever. At last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures."

His eyes widened in disbelief.

Nitsu was not a fan of the Jedi; once upon a time in Pantoras distant past, they had tried to outlaw the Pantoran faith on the grounds that it was tied to a rebellious sect in their religion. But, to have the Jedi betray the very thing they were charged with defending was a crime far too egregious to forgive.

"The Jedi hoped to unleash their destructive power against the Republic by assassinating the head of government and usurping control of the Clone army. But the aims of would-be tyrants were valiantly opposed by those without elitist, dangerous powers. Our loyal Clone troopers contained the insurrection within the Jedi Temple and quelled uprisings on a thousand worlds."

At that, Nitsu sighed in relief. At least this had been dealt with cleanly and quickly. If only they had glassed Geonosis so long ago, they would have finished the Seperatist rebellion in a matter of weeks. With this, the Clones had cleaned up the Jedi traitors in mere hours!

"The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated! Any collaborators will suffer the same fate. These have been trying times, but we have passed the test. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger. The war is over. The Separatists have been defeated, and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society, which I assure you will last for ten thousand years. An Empire that will continue to be ruled by this august body and a sovereign ruler chosen for life. An Empire ruled by the majority, ruled by a new constitution!"

The cameras picked up a roar of applause, and Nitsu felt half compelled to join them, despite the fact this was a recording.

This was a government almost perfectly based on the Pantoran system. A balance of elite nobles - or in this case, just one noble - with democracy handling the humdrum day to day business. But the military…

"By bringing the entire galaxy under one law, one language, and the enlightened guidance of one individual, the corruption that plagued the Republic in its later years will never take root. Regional governors will eliminate the bureaucracy that allowed the Separatist movement to grow unchecked. A strong and growing military will ensure the rule of law."

Nitsu could not help but smile.

A strong, and growing military. A strong, and growing military. As in, it will get bigger. There would no doubt be a chance for him to aid the Repub- Empire, if he - or his captain's ship - were added to this military.

"Under the Empire's New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms. We will give no ground to our enemies and will stand together against attacks from within or without. Let the enemies of the Empire take heed: those who challenge Imperial resolve will be crushed. We have taken on a task that will be difficult, but the people of the Empire are ready for the challenge. Because of our efforts, the galaxy has traded war for peace and anarchy for stability. Billions of beings now look forward to a secure future. The Empire will grow as more planets feel the call, from the Rim to the wilds of unknown space."

And here, Nitsu saw a perfect argument against whatever opposition might occur. Values will be preserved and order will be maintained. Better order and your traditions intact than war and traditions forced to bend.

"Imperial citizens must do their part. Join our grand star fleet. Become the eyes of the Empire by reporting suspected insurrectionists. Travel to the corners of the galaxy to spread the principles of the New Order to barbarians. Build monuments and technical wonders that will speak of our glory for generations to come. The Clone Troopers, now proudly wearing the name of Imperial Storm Troopers, have tackled the dangerous work of fighting our enemies on the front lines. Many have died in their devotion to the Empire. Imperial citizens would do well to remember their example. The New Order of peace has triumphed over the shadowy secrecy of shameful magicians. The direction of our course is clear. I will lead the Empire to glories beyond imagining. We have been tested, but we have emerged stronger. We move forward as one people: the Imperial citizens of the first Galactic Empire. We will prevail. Ten thousand years of peace begins today."


Right there.

As good as an invitation to join.

But, as much as he yearned to travel the stars, fighting grand battles against whatever dregs of the Separatists were left that refused to surrender, he had a duty. A duty to his homeworld and to his family name.

The news segment then switched over on analyzing the speech, and what it meant for the citizens of Coruscant, but he turned off the projector. He had seen enough.

The servant stood stoically by, but he could tell that something was wrong.

"Are you alright?"

"Certainly, sir. I must mention, I took a message on your behalf from Lord Yil. If you are up to it, he would like to see you in his office at the earliest convenience.

Nitsu sported a fresh Pantoran Navy uniform as he rode the elevator to his father's government office in the Pantoran capital of Stad in the early afternoon. The doors fluttered open, and he saw the normally deafeningly silent waiting room to Lord Yil's office with a small number of military personnel, not to mention the captain of his own sister ship, the PDS Colonizer.

He approached the secretary droid, when it addressed him

[Go right on in, Lord Yil is waiting for you, Isik Yil.] it chirped kindly.

The room was full of high ranking military personnel. The Lord Colonel of the Pantoran Guard, the General of the armed garrisons, and Admiral of the Pantoran Armada were all in the room, either pacing, sitting, or leaning against the wall. Other minor functionaries whom Nitsu knew to be hawks that survived the Assembly attack were quietly muttering and discussing things at the edge of the office, including the life sized holographic image of Chairman Papanoida speaking to his father.

"Nitsu! Get in here, we have a lot to discuss." Lord Yil replied in a bitter tone.

The moment the door closed, Baron Papanoida spoke.

"I presume you saw Ch-Emperor, Palpatine's declaration of the New Order?"

"Yes, your majesty. It sounds like much of it would benefit Pantora, and silence the doves."

There was silence around the room, with the Admiral looking down his nose to the young Pantoran.

"I am afraid there is… more to it than that. After his speech, he updated all planets to three rankings; a member of the Empire, a protectorate of the Empire, and those systems expelled from the Empire." The colonel replied gently.

"Pantora, is on that last list." Lord Yil said gravely.

Nitsu started.

"But, they can't! The Galactic Constitution clearly states -"

"The Galactic Constitution was almost entirely repealed last night. Any member of the Imperial High Command can decide on his or her own volition that a planet is either in revolt or too much of a depression of resources to be of any worth. In this case, the order came directly from the Office of the Emperor, as my daughter Senator Chi Eekway foolishly added her name to a political delegation who wished to see Palpatine return his powers to the Senate before the Clone War was over. We can't repeal it, and am sure that because of her rash actions we won't be able to have it repealed in some time. I am still worth something in high society however, I will see if I can rally together with my old friends to petition the Emperor on Pantora's behalf." The Chairman replied stiffly, clearly angered by his daughter's idealist streak dragging Pantora into crisis.

The general bowed.

"I wish you the best of luck, your majesty. We will see if we can contain the doves, the droid attack truly slaughtered much of our chances for military funding. Not to mention…"

He lowered his head, as did the other three officers.

"May Speaker Oukiau walk freely in the Summerland." Lord Yil said, resting his hand over his heart.

The other military men and Nitsu followed suit.

"But, we don't have time to grieve. The doves pitched the droid attack as a failure of the military, and are using it as grounds to scale back growth, even requesting that the PDS Sarlacc be converted into a mobile museum! Not to mention that with the Speaker dead, the doves have called an emergency vote for his replacement."

"Do we have a candidate, Sir?" Nitsu asked.

"Sadly, Isik, we do not. The best bet for Speaker would be Lord Yil's eldest, and…"

He shifted uncomfortably.

"That option is not on the table." Lord Yil said with a small edge of finality to it.

"Why not give this young man a chance at the position?" The Chairman offered, gesturing to Nitsu.

And ten yellow eyes then turned to me.

"M-me? Sir, father! I have no experience in the arena of politics -"

"Of course not, Isik, we can help you with the job, we just need to make sure you get your foot in the door." The general said, resting an arm around his shoulders as the Colonel stepped closer.

"Picture it: A strong, young, charismatic young military man who singlehandedly killed the four droids that eluded our forces! What a campaign! You will certainly beat whatever plump Noble they offer to the position - No offense, my Lord, your Majesty - and once we get back into the Repub- Empire, things will be right as rain again."

A small chime broke the spell they were trying to weave.

[Colonel? Guardsmen Shon is here to see you.] the chirping voice of the secretary droid said over the receiver.

"Well son, what do you say?" Lord Yil asked as the Colonel left the room.

Nitsu's father sat, beaming across the desk. His Chairman looked expectantly, one hand resting on his waistcoat.


The door opened again and the Colonel rushed in.

"Terrible news. The doves have announced their nomination for the Speaker's seat."

Lord Yil laughed.

"Who, Riyo Chuchi?"


The room went quiet.

Chuchi was a former Senator of Pantora - Dismissed for her voting with the madman Rush Clovis in the banking disaster - and was by now a veteran politician. She hardly older than Nitsu, but her political career already was longer than even the Chairman's list of achievements. If she had thrown in with the doves, and accepted their nomination…

Already she was a rallying point for many Pantorans in the capital. Members of both factions could not help but compliment her style and her quick wit when it comes to disarming illegal actions on the Republic Senate Broadcast.

"I offer… a strange solution." The Chairman said into the silence.

"We back her as well, go forward united. This could work out well for us in the future."

"A quid pro quo." the General offered.

"Exactly. Support her now, and she may give us the aid we need for our military budget."

"But the point remains; without the Empire, our navy will be nearly half gone. Just to finance it without trade we would need to raid the Svivreni sector to galactic west of our sector or chance an exploration into wild space. We could certainly make credits attacking the spice traders and trading the legal product to The Trade Federation -"

"No go for that I'm afraid." The Colonel said, interrupting the General.

"The Trade Federation was nationalized just after the Declaration went live. All major trade is now officially within the Empire. No chance of trading unless we are a member of the Empire."

Nitsu stepped away from the conversation, stroking his chin and trying to think.

It was clear that there was one large, glaring issue: Pantora was not in the Empire, and that caused a near endless font of issues with the Hawks. But how to get Pantora back in? Trade was off the table; The Trade Federation had just been nationalized, and all of the other large corporations - after the Clones took whatever Seperatist element was left - would no doubt be forcefully encouraged to join. That left only one option for trade: To go back to the old roots and delve into spice trading, the very people the Yil family made their name fighting to get them off world.

No. Never, under any Lord Yil would the spice traders return.

They needed to convince the Empire that trade - and by association, allowing Pantora to return to the fold - was worth the cost. But what would the planet have that would be of use to the Empire? The planet did not have very good land for any temperate crops; the tropical zone was generally cold enough to only cause frost to linger around noon instead of all day, but it was by no means a way to grow any large scale crops that would be valuable as a foodstuff.

Then, he had an idea.

"Father, you mentioned to me an idea for using the military to pay for itself. I have an idea along that vein of thinking."

The Admiral turned to Lord Yil.

"Why was I not notified of this possibility?"

"It was still in the planning phase Admiral, don't get your tunic in a bunch. Go ahead, Nitsu." his father said in a tired tone.

"You suggested we offer the military as guns for hire to outer-rim worlds. What if we did the same for the Empire."

"Offer ourselves as mercenaries?" The Colonel of the Pantoran Guard said dryly.

"Not quite. We send some of our best men to join their ranks. They have started open recruitment, and have announced new academies to be finished by the end of the standard week. If we got a platoons worth of troops to each new academy, and continued training our forces while sending them to join the Empire, we will begin to be noticed, and questions will be asked as to why one of the species making up the recruits is not in the Empire."

"Assuming the soldiers agree, and are willing to transfer their oath to Pantora's two year service to whatever amount of time this new Order is requesting, and they overcome the speciesism that is rampant in the High Command, what then? They just, graduate, and get swallowed into the sea of this new army?" the Chairman asked.

"Yes, your majesty. I feel this would be the perfect way to send out best and brightest to represent us to the wider galaxy. We cannot afford to be forgotten as just a strange people at the edge of the rim." Nitsu said in the way of a finisher.

The hawks looked at one another.

"Sounds fine to me." the Chairman replied, with most of the others - excluding the Admiral - agreeing.

"And I think I know the perfect young Pantoran to be put in charge of organizing this operation." Lord Yil said with a knowing smile to his son, who died inside.

A politicians life for him.

By the three faced moon goddess.

Even with the information regarding the best troops of both the Army, Navy, and Pantoran Guard Red Berets, finding a platoons worth of the best of each category was a nightmare.

His efforts stymied by the fact that the Empire cut HoloNet access the night before, so he only had the last deposited list of new Imperial troops.

And even after all that, he had an officer slot open, with no spare Isik or…

He looked back at his own requirements. Isik or below.

Nitsu looked sidelong at his father, tiredly working at his desk and almost nodding off.

He added the last name, added his signature, and stood to place the datapad in front of his father.

"I have that list of names you wanted. All it needs now is your signature and we can head home."

"Thank the Horned One…" He grumbled sleepily, lazily signing his name at the bottom and locking the datapad.

"I think you will have to drive, Nitsu. I am too tired to open the door."

Nitsu smiled, opening the door for his father and letting him pass through.

It was the least he could do.

"Speaker, if you just gave it the benefit of the doubt -"

"Certainly not" Speaker Chuchi said indignantly.

Wearing the long, dragging robes of the Speaker of the Assembly certainly gave the new speaker an imposing figure that would certainly intimidate most would-be petitioners.

And Nitsu was struggling to find a way to get through her stern resolve.

"If we go through with this plan, we will be able to increase trade and prosperity for our people. Independent trade systems have vanished, there are only Imperial trade companies now. With this idea, we would be bringing their eye to us, and with that attention, their merchants -"

"Or we could entice their navy, for seemingly infiltrating their ranks with such numbers. Besides, re-purposing the bulk of our defense fleet as merchant vessels would be an ideal action that I plan to suggest to the Assembly tomorrow."

Nitsu chewed the inside of his cheek, trying to level a response as she turned to walk away.

"To re-purpose the fleet, you would have to disband many of their crews!" He called, rushing to stand beside her.

"And if the crews were disbanded in such a manor, the soldiers might struggle to make a living for themselves."

Chuchi rolled her eyes.


She stopped herself, going pensive.

"You do have a point there, the laws on veterans affairs are no longer used on Pantora as we were expelled."

"And if a willing number of those troops, a drain on our economy, went to serve the Empire?"

Nitsu could tell he had gotten through, that look of calculations and just a serious amount of buzzing behind her eyes; she had swallowed the idea.

"I will suggest this idea alongside my own at the Assembly, and put them both to separate votes." She said neutrally.

"Thank you Madam Speaker." Nitsu replied, bowing.

She did not reply, only giving a minor nod before turning on her way.

It didn't matter if she liked the idea in whole or not; she had enough of an interest to suggest it to the Assembly.

And Nitsu would finally be through with playing diplomat if the proposal went through.

That very evening, he received the alert on his datapad.

New orders; to report to the PDS Velocity, en-route to Vardos.

Nitsu tried to suppress his grin, he really, really tried. But that small smile eventually grew into a full fledged toothy grin.

He had done it. He was now in the thick of it, while serving his people all at once.

Stowing the datapad, he collected his travel pack and prepared for the most difficult part of the journey.

The easy part had been deceiving his father. The hard part was informing his father what had happened.

"I was disappointed when I received word that you were on the list that I signed, Nitsu." He said with a sigh behind his desk in the estate's study.

"But at once, I am proud of your initiative. You used stealth and ingenuity to get me to sign your confirmation, and managed to track down and convince the champion of the opposition to pass our bill on your own. Not only have you helped yourself, but you have helped many of the other military families as well."

Lord Yil stood with a smile, walking around his desk to rest his hands on his shoulder.

"I am proud of you, my son. I wish you the best of luck; go make a name for the people of Pantora."

"I will, father."