A/N: Hey guys here's the new chapter.

Knowledge Is Power

Chapter 5

February 27th, 1998

6:30 PM

Thosaka Manor


Tohsaka Rin was a magus. But not just of any kind, she was a genius magus, one of the few of her generation on top of being an average one. And she was the hair of the Tohsaka family, an ancient and respected magus family and the second owner of the Fuyuki City.

And she completely hated all of that.

And why wouldn't she? After all, being a magus had completely destroyed her family. Her parents had died during the Holy Grail war leaving her with a legal guardian whose only purpose seems to be gutting her family fortune and subtly making her life as miserable as possible. And even before that, they handed over Sakura, her beloved cute little sister to the Matous to avoid a potential succession crisis all the while signing a geas contract that now prevents her from even talking to her sister. And as if it couldn't get any worse, she heard some really disturbing rumors about the Matou mage-craft from Kirei, her father's former student, the (fake) priest of the local church, her said legal guardian/tormentor/mentor. And she had this sneaking suspicion that only reason he ever told her that rumor was to make her even more miserable.

And she has to admit, if making her miserable was his only purpose then he has succeeded with flying colors. After all, rumors or not, the very thought that some creepy old guy was shoving creepy worms in her sister's body in a very creepy way is enough to make her sick to the stomach and want nothing more than to just snatching away her sister from the Matous. But again, because of that damnable geas she couldn't even check up on her sister.

And that's why, she hated being a magus. Really, if being a magus means enduring so much misery and heartache, then it's not really worth it.

Anyway, she may hate being a magus, but she sure as hell doesn't hate mage-craft. To her mage-craft is just another form of power, one of the many tools in her arsenal. And that's why, despite hating being a magus she still practices her family mage-craft, not to reach the root or anything like that, but to be more powerful, so that one day she can safely break the geas and bring her sister back.

Anyway, it was evening. Rin was in her workshop charging her jewels with mana, which was as frustrating and boring as ever. Seriously, sometimes she really hated her family specialty. Jewel-craft is a magical art that can only be practiced by rich magi after all. And like it was said before, over the years Kirei, her legal guardian, had gutted her family fortune. Before her family had owned nearly a quarter of the businesses in Fuyuki, but after Kirei became her legal guardian, he lost all of them due to sheer mismanagement. So now, the only source of her income is some of the magical patents that were previously owned by her parents and now her, and her status as the second owner of Fuyuki. Now, the money she gets from those things are by no means inconsiderable, but they are still just BARELY enough to cover both her jewel-craft and personal living expenses which includes education.

Finished with charging one jewel, she was about to move on to another…

Ding! Dong!

However, the ringing of her doorbell stopped her in her tracks. Wandering who it could be, she put her jewel on the table went to open the door.

"Cute!" Was all she could think as she looked with wide eyes at the figure in front of her after opening the door. Even though it was getting dark outside she could still make out his features due to the light attached to her front door. It was a boy her age, he had a round face, bright red hair, bright golden-brown eyes, fair skin and was a bit taller than her. Furthermore, he was wearing a brown sweater, blue jeans and had a school bag on his shoulders.

All in all, he looked very cute and exotic. And the way he's carrying himself just seemed enhance that quality about him.

"…llo, are you alright?" Asked the boy with a concerned face which finally broke her out of her frozen state.

She quickly brought herself under control. She was Rin fucking Tohsaka damn it! She just doesn't get frozen at the mere sight of a boy, no matter how cute he looked!

"Y-Yes I-I'm fine," Way to go Rin, you just had to stutter, didn't you? "Um why don't you come inside?"

The boy looked momentarily surprised, but he came in anyway after taking off his shoes. And of course, he was surprised, after all, what idiot invites a stranger in their home without even knowing his name first!

"Uh, wait, who are you exactly? I forgot to ask you for your name," She finally said after regaining composer. Seriously Rin, stop acting like a lovesick fangirl.

"That's alright," He said with a nod. "My name is Emiya Shirou, and you're Tohsaka Rin, right?"

"Yeah, that's me," She nodded.

Wait, Emiya Shirou? He isn't THAT Emiya Shirou, is he? Well, he does have that similar shade of hair, and eyes.

"I'm sorry but, you won't happen to be the world-famous super-genius living in the Shinto town, would you?" She asked which caused the now named Shirou to merely raise an eyebrow.

"Well, I don't like to brag, but yes, I am that Emiya Shirou, the so-called genius," He said in a slightly bashful tone. "Can we go somewhere a bit more comfortable? I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yeah sure, follow me," Said Rin.

After that they went to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"Just wait, I'll get some tea for you," She said while getting up from the sofa. Magus or not, it's only polite of her.

"Please wait, there's no need for that. I'm a bit short on time, so I'll get right down to business," He said trying to sound a bit more serious, which honestly just made him look even cuter. "I'm here to talk to you in your capacity as the second owner of Fuyuki city."

That statement caused Rin's mind to practically reboot. So, it took her a few seconds for her to figure out that Shirou in front of her is a mage, and he's been living here without her knowledge for years.

"Wait! You're a mage!?" She practically yelled after that realization.

"Yes, I am," Shirou nodded. "And as you've probably guessed by now, I've been living in the city for four years, without your knowledge, which isn't exactly legal under the magi law, or what passes for it anyway."

"Well, that would be understating it," Rin deadpanned. And she was right, according to rules of the Mage's Association, every land rich with magical lay lines will have a magus family over-seeing it on behalf of the association itself, the head of the family in question will be known as second owner of that land. And if some other magi want to setup shop in such a land, then he'll have to get in contact with the second owner and give him a monthly tribute. Failing to comply with this regulation will result in immediate retaliation by the second owner himself, in fact it's the responsibility of the second owner to retaliate against such miscreants, and if the second owner fails to fulfill this duty for some reason (which can happen) then the association itself will send enforcers to execute the miscreant.

"Well, in my defense, I didn't know about any of this until a few days ago," He said closing his eyes.

Well, that can happen too she supposed.

"Wait, what about your mentor than? Didn't he tell you anything?" She asked.

"No, and as for why, well the old man kind of took his reasons to the grave," He said with a shrug.

"Wait, your father, right?"

"Yeah," He nodded. "And to be honest, he never wanted to teach me mage-craft to begin with and wanted to keep me as far away from the moonlit world as possible. And the only reason that I'm not completely a novice mage at the moment is because I have literally the highest recorded IQ."

Damn! So, he's super genius in mage-craft too?

"So, your father, he wasn't a proper mage, was he?" She asked after getting over her surprise.

"No, he wasn't," He shook his head. "Anyways, I'm not here to make excuses, but to rectify my mistake. So, how much do I owe you?"

What do you know? Aside from being a super genius he's also a decent kid. Though sadly, she'll have to take advantage of his decency, because at the moment she's seriously hurting for money. Man, she hopes this doesn't make him look negatively at her, good friends are hard to come by after all, especially if they are magi. And it's not like he can't pay, last time she checked, he had quite the number of patents to his name which was still earning him billions.

"The monthly tribute is 5000¥, and as you've been here for four years without paying, it'd be…"

"240000¥, right?" He said interrupting her.

Wow, he did the math in an instant, super genius indeed.

"Y-Yes, it's 240000¥," She said with a nod.

"Very well," saying that he opened his backpack and brought out quite a number of 1000¥ bundle, the fat ones, making her eyes go wide for a moment. "I believe these should cover all of it, and these…" Then he brought out 15000¥ more, "…are for January, February and March, I'm giving the tribute for March in advance as I may not be available for that month."

"T-Thank you E-Emiya-san, I honestly didn't expect you to get the money so early," Rin said with a bewildered smile.

"Yes, I had anticipated something like this, so I came prepared," Said Shirou. "By the way, just how many magi are currently living in this city? Because I felt a distinct lack of bounded-field as long as I've been here."

"Eh, not many, just four including me," She said with a shrug.

"What? Just four?" Shirou asked in surprise.

"Yes," She nodded while holding back a grimace.

"You know? One would think that, with tribute so cheap and such powerful and stable lay lines, this city would be teeming with magi," Shirou commented.

"Yeah, one would think that, wouldn't they?" She said with a weary smile. "But unfortunately, reality is quite harsh, there a are very few magi in Asia, Japan in particular, well the conventional ones at least. And aside from that, the magi from other countries looks down on the ones from Asia and Africa…"

"And not the Aozakis?" Shirou asked with amusement.

"Not the Aozakis, no," She answered with an amused smile of her own. "Their heads would be kind of on the chopping block if they did."

"Yes, yes, of course," Said Shirou in a mirthful tone. "So, who are the other mages living here?"

"Well there's me, obviously, then there's Kotomine Kirei the priest of the local church…"

"Wait, a priest? Who is also a mage?" He said with mirth.

"He-he! Yeah, I know, right!? Honestly, I think he's a phony priest," She said with a laugh. "Anyway, the other two magi are from the Matou family."

Hearing the word Matou, all hint of mirth left Shirou's face, "The Matou family?"

"Uh yeah," She said in an unsure voice seeing Shirou becoming so serious.

"Say, they wouldn't happen to live in the house down the street, would they? I felt some rather powerful bounded-fields surrounding it," He asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, that's the one," She nodded. "Do you, perhaps not like the Matous or something?"

"I never met them," He said with a shrug. "But I've heard some awfully disturbing rumors about them."

"Rumors!? What kind of rumors?" Rin asked in alarm.

"Oh, you know, rumors like how they use crest-worms, nothing sealing designation worthy, but still disgusting enough that even the most desperate magi won't touch those things with a sixty-foot pole."

The more Rin listened, the more she grew pale. The rumors maybe nothing new to her, but it was still a matter of her sister's well-being after all.

"Hey… you don't actually believe those rumors, do you?" She asked almost afraid of what the answer might be.

"Usually I don't, rumors have their uses, but you can't take them at face value. But when I saw a few awfully large worms of an unknown species and clearly of mystical origins in the one of the city sewers, I begin to wander just how false those rumors actually are and if there's any truth to them," Said Shirou with a thoughtful look. "Now, I don't want to throw around baseless accusations, but if you look at all the information, it really makes you wander, you know?"

"Matous, worms and sewers," Murmured Rin as things finally clicked in her mind. "Wait, what were you doing in the sewers?"

"Not me, one of my drones."

"Your drones? Wait, what are drones?" Asked Rin, brows creased in confusion at the unfamiliar term.

"Now, how to explain that…? Well, have you ever seen a remote-controlled toy helicopter before?" Asked Shirou.

"Yes, I did," Nodded Rin. She had seen plenty of them in school and the playgrounds. And what surprised her though, was the fact that those things could actually fly.

"Well, drones are like that, only more advanced and has small cameras attached to them," He explained.

"Wait, these drones, they are actually technology, and not mage-craft, right?" Said Rin.

"Yeah, your right. And before you ask, yes, just like my father I'm not a proper magus either," Said Shirou with a shrug.

"Okay, that's totally fine," Said Rin. "Then, what were your drones doing in the sewers?"

"Uh, I don't want to talk about it, it's embarrassing," Said Shirou while looking away with a blush.

"Alright I won't pray," Rin said with amusement. "But seriously though," Said Rin with a frown. "Did you really find worms like those in the sewers?"

"Yes, I did, and that's why I think that the rumors about the Matous have some truth to them," Said Shirou. Then standing up he said, "Anyway, it's getting late, I have to go now."

"Wait, Emiya-san," Said Rin standing up herself. "Your father, he wouldn't happen to be Emiya Kiritsugu, the infamous magus killer, would he?"

"Yes, he is," Said Shirou with a sigh. "That wouldn't create a problem between the two of us, would it?"

"Absolutely not," Rin shook her head with a smile. "However, I must warn you though, Emiya Kiritsugu, in his time as the magus killer had amassed a lot of enemies, enemies that would try to take their revenge out on you. And with your worldwide fame, it may be easier for them to find you. So, be careful, would you?"

And her concerns were valid. After all, just because most of the magi are technologically inept doesn't mean all of them are.

"Eh, don't worry, and besides I'm a super genius, I'm pretty sure that I can think of something," He said with a cheeky grin. "Oh, and you be careful too and try not find yourself in a room with a Matou, or you may just end up as worm food," He joked.

"Y-Yes I'll… keep that in mind," Said Rin with a frown.

"Alright, I'll be going then, and remember, I won't be available for March, so please try to contact me after that," Said Shirou.

Then he left through the front door, leaving Rin to her thoughts. She's wondering if her little sister really is in a worm pit and getting raped by crest-worms at this very moment. And as more and more scenarios like that went through her young mind, her face became more and more pale.

I let out a sigh of relief as I silently walked away from the Tohsaka residence. The meeting with Rin Tohsaka had gone better than expected, but that could've been because of the money.

And speaking of meeting Rin for the first time, I came to bit of a conclusion. The random genetic quirk that gives people unusual hair and eye color is only there to make the people of this world look more anime like rather than any actual purpose. And why do I get the feeling that a certain dimension hopping vampire has something to do with it? Anyway, the reason I came to this conclusion is that, this world's Rin Tohsaka looked exactly like the one from the anime, the Fate/Zero child version to be more exact. Because, just like the anime, she had that cute tsundere face, aqua blue eyes and black hair done in twin tails. Aside from that she was wearing a black short-skirt and a red sweater. Really, the only difference between this Rin and the one from the anime is that, that Rin was a 2D animation and this Rin is a living creature of the 3D world.

Anyway, more importantly, the seed of worm extermination has been planted, now all I have to do is wait. Now to be honest, I wasn't planning on revealing that bit of information to Rin. Originally, I was planning on just going after Sakura right after rescuing Illya. And the only reason I even went to meet Rin is to nip a potential big problem in the bud and to build an amicable relationship with her. However, my original plan had a drawback, if I just suddenly go ahead and rescue Sakura then I may have to face some uncomfortable questions, questions like 'how did I knew about all this, and how did I knew that Sakura was getting stuffed with creepy worms when her own sister, who lived in the same neighborhood as her didn't know'. Now make no mistake, uncomfortable questions or not, I still would've gone and rescued her the moment I became able. But who am I to deny the golden opportunity to avoid the questions that basically fell into my lap? The golden opportunity in question being none other than Rin Tohsaka herself.

As I've mentioned before, in my past life I was a clinical psychologist. And in my time as a psychologist, I've developed a certain skill, this skill allows me to gauge a person's personality very accurately. And I mostly used this skill to avoid crazy feminists, gold diggers and SJWs. Really, if you ever end up with one of them, then you might as well hang yourself, because the next fifty to sixty years of your life is going to be absolute hell, actual hell would be preferable than that.

Anyway, let's not get off topic. I was talking about that personality gauging skill of mine. Well, in this life it got boosted several thousand times when I spent my charges on psychology, body-language and detection a year ago. So, basically, I now have a very limited version of Tattletale's power that allows me to read even the most unreadable person in the world without using a mindreading spell. And because of that, when I saw Rin Tohsaka of this world for the first time, I instantly realized that she was different, very different from her cannon self.

Now this Rin is still a tsundere and a money grubber. And the only reason that she didn't go all tsundere missile on me the moment I told her that I was an unknown mage living in her territory without paying her, is because of the effects of Inspiration and Harem Protagonist. But the thing is, she isn't a proper mage. A proper mage is someone who prioritizes their mage-craft above all else, to a proper mage their mage-craft is basically their life-blood, and they all have the shared goal of reaching the Akashic Records or the Root of existence where all knowledge, past present and future (I'm not really sure about the future bit), is stored.

The cannon Rin was like that, she prioritized her family craft above all else, and wanted to fulfill her father's dream of reaching the Root through the Holy Grail. Now that doesn't mean that the cannon Rin didn't love her sister, because she obviously did, she just prioritized mage-craft and the magi tradition. and that's why in cannon, when Sakura was given away to the Matous, she didn't even put up any protest against it at all, instead she just steeled her heart saying to herself that 'as magi it was their duty'. But this Rin though, oh man, I can almost picture little Rin kicking her dad, Tokiomi Tohsaka in the nuts for even daring to send her cute little sister to that family of creeps. Because this Rin is a spell caster through and through.

A spell caster is someone who doesn't prioritize mage-craft above all else, to him mage-craft is nothing more than a convenient way to get more power or just one of the many tools in their arsenal. Kiritsugu thought like that, and that's why he was so disliked among the magi community, I think like this and so does the Rin of this world. She sees mage-craft as a convenient way to get power, and after her parent's death her only primary concern became her sister's wellbeing. So, the moment I mentioned the worm rumors about the Matous and the fact that there were strange worms of mystical origin swimming through the sewers, well she didn't believe what I said, but she definitely became worried. And at this very moment, she's probably wondering if her sister was in a worm pit right this very moment, getting violated by countless worms going through her vagina, while she herself was talking to a cute boy. Give it a month (I should be finished with rescuing Illya by then), and eventually she'll worry herself into a fever, after which she'll come to me to ask me to check up on her sister for her as she couldn't do so herself for some reason (I really don't know why, a geas contract perhaps?), and I'll use that pretext to conveniently check Sakura with a structural analysis spell and conveniently discover that she had parasitic worms in her body and that Zouken Matou was a lich that needed to be killed off as soon as possible. And after that, it's Rock n Roll babe! And if the plan doesn't work, well, there's always the original plan.

8:50 PM

Emiya Residence…

"Wow Shirou, are you okay? you're eating a lot today," Commented Fuji-nee in astonishment as I took my twentieth refill of meat, rice and veggies.

"Oh, I'm fine, I'm just really hungry today for some reason," I said after finishing my twentieth refill in seemingly a few seconds and moving onto the twenty-first.

"Ah, that can happen," Nodded Fuji-nee in understanding, actually buying my obvious lie. But then again, I've seen her eat more than what I'm eating right now when she gets like, REALLY hungry.

Seriously, where does she put all the food!? I mean, I'm reinforcing my metabolism and digestion, so the food practically disappears the moment it enters my stomach, but what's her secret?

And yes, I was lying about my hunger. It was satiated the moment I finished my first fill. The hunger isn't the real reason. The actual reason is that, I'm going to need a lot of energy tonight for what I'm going to do.

Fuji-nee finally went home. And after that, I still continued to eat till it was 10:30. But even after that there were some leftovers, so I packed them in bento boxes (five to be exact) and took them to the workshop.

"Hey Alice, is everything ready?" I asked putting the bag of bento boxes besides one of the computer terminals.

[Everything is ready, sir] Answered Alice.

"Yeah, do another system check, and scan the chemicals too while you're at it," I said looking around the workshop. It had definitely changed a lot. For example, the whole workshop had the space of five football fields and five floors. Every section of it was separated by highly reinforced and airtight glass walls. And the whole workshop is powered by two giant arc-reactors, one of them generates about a few several thousand terawatts of electricity, and the other one, well, that one too generates several thousand terawatts, which then gets converted into mana (with 99.1% efficiency) to power the magical aspects of the workshop.

[Sir, aren't you being a little overcautious?] Asked Alice.

"Alice, you can never be too cautious with this sort of things. Because if anything goes wrong, everything goes wrong," I said with a dead serious voice while looking at the two tube shaped glass containers, containing a blood red liquid and sickly yellow liquid respectively. "Now, get to it."

[Yes, sir]

The two liquids in the glass containers are enhancement or super-soldier serums. The red liquid is actually a mix of Spiderman and Hulk from the Avengers movies. Meaning, it'll give me Spiderman's ability to stick to vertical surface, strength, flexibility, equilibrium and heightened senses and reflexes (Aka spider sense) and the Hulks strength, durability and heightened regeneration, and I also designed the whole thing so that I don't Hulk up and remain in my relative size. And the yellow liquid, well, it's basically the more stable and yet powerful version of the Extremes serum from the Ironman 3. Meaning that once I get Extremed, I won't run the risk of blowing up like the Extremes enhanced lackeys of Aldrich Killian all the while being more powerful.

In other words, the both of these are very amazing and powerful serums designed by yours truly. But, as amazing as both of them are, I'd be only using the Spider-Hulk tonight, as using both will end up killing me.

And yes, tonight is the night I'm going to enhance myself to holy hell. After all, being just a fragile and easily breakable human will make busting Illya out of that damn castle guarded by superpowered homunculi more difficult.

[Sir, the systems are running on 100% efficiency, no abnormalities either in the system or the chemicals has been detected] Said Alice with that synthetic female voice of her, breaking me out of my thoughts. [It's safe to start with the procedure, sir]

"Alright, let's get started then," I said losing my cloths and stepping into the glass chamber in the middle of the room. "Oh, by the way, if I die then I'm blaming you."

[And I shall take full responsibility. But don't worry sir, the possibility of death during the procedure is so low that it's not even worth mentioning]

The glass of the glass chamber was specially made to contain all kinds of radiation (except light, and even then, the glass looked very dark). In the middle of the room was a metal operation bed, and attached to the bed were a few mechanical arms with syringes (A/N: imagine the operation bed from X-Men origin where Wolverine/Logan was given his adamantium skeleton, without the being submerged into cold blue water part) and metal restrains. And these restrains were made with special alloys and were specially designed to hold someone even more powerful than the Hulk.

I designed these things because as it turns out that during the procedure, I'll be experiencing some really extreme case of dizziness and hallucination, which may cause me to lose control of myself. Now, losing control while I'm still in my current unenhanced state won't be a big deal, however if I lost control AFTER being enhanced with the Spider-Hulk serum, well I seriously don't want to destroy my entire workshop so soon after modifying it, it almost took my entire bank account (the illegal overseas one) to make it.

Anyway, after that I laid on the metal bed which wasn't uncomfortable at all (I wasn't stupid enough to make the very bed that I was going to lay down on for the next six to seven hours uncomfortable).

[Sir, are you ready?]

"I was fucking born ready," I said with half lidded eyes and a cold tone, demonstrating just how calm I was. Though that's due to Invictus more than anything.

[Very well, placing the restrains, now]

As soon as she said that, the restrains slowly but surely closed around me, holding me tightly in place.

[Sir, brace yourself, it is going to sting]

After that the syringes were inserted into the designated spots on my body and started to inject the serum. After a minute or so, the syringes were removed leaving my entire body saturated with the serum to the smallest cell. It left me feeling quite bloated, which caused me to take deep breaths.

[Sir, are you alright?] Asked Alice in concern, as she noticed my deep breaths.

"Yeah, I'm fine…Ha… just feeling a little bloated," I said between breaths.

[Is that so? Very well then, I shall activate the radiation emitters]

The moment she said that, a very high pitch whining sound came out of some parts of the ceiling.

[The emitters are charging, firing the in T minus ten seconds…]

Then she started the countdown.











The moment she finished her count down, the whining sound got louder, and an almost invisible shimmer could be seen furiously raining down on my spot. This was the radiation, it wasn't harmful without a long-term exposer, but it was still needed to activate the serum.

However, even after few minutes of exposer, I felt absolutely nothing. I mean, where's the expected dizziness and hallucination? And… What the fuck!?

"Hey Alice?" I asked with incredulity.

[yEs sIR?]

Huh? Why's her voice sounding so distorted? Did her voice matrix get damaged or something? Looks like I'll have to fix that later.

"Uh, exactly why is there a sign-board saying, 'welcome to lala-land' in the chamber with me?"

An hour later…

Oh look! The Disney princess is about to lose her top to show off her delicious tits! Oh shit! She just turned into naked fat ugly dude! Oh god! Why didn't you kill me before showing me something so ugly!?

Another hour later…

Diiiiiizzzzy, Diiiiiizzzzy, Diiiiiizzzzy, Diiiiiizzzzy, Diiiiiizzzzy.

Another hour later…

Diiiiiizzzzy, Diiiiiizzzzy, Diiiiiizzzzy, Diiiiiizzzzy, Diiiiiizzzzy.

February 28th, 1998
4:00 AM


"Ugh… my head," I woke up with a groan as I felt a splitting headache going through my head. Actually, my entire body ached for some reason.

And then I opened my eyes. At first, I couldn't remember where I was. But then realization dawned on me as I remembered about last night.

"Alice, what's the verdict?" I asked in breathless tone.

[Scanning] She declared after folding out a scanner out of the ceiling. [Scan complete, the procedure was successful, no anomalies detected. Congratulations sir, you are now the strongest being in the world… well as far as the nonmagical side goes]

"Really? Well it Sure doesn't feel like it," I said as I felt like shit. Seriously, isn't getting superpowers supposed to feel good or something? I mean that's how it worked in the comics.

Aw shit! My head must be more messed up then I thought if I'm thinking about comics right now.

"Hey Alice, could you remove the… hey! what happened to the restrains?" I asked in surprise as it finally noticed the state of the restrains.

The restrains were still in place, but they were dented and bent in places. Damn, the fuck happened to them?

[Well sir, apparently the end results were better than expected] Said Alice while removing the restrains.

"Better?" I said as I got up from the bed and stretched a bit, noticing the new hard muscles as I did so. "Just how much are we talking about here?"

[About 20%, sir]

"Twenty percent! No wonder they are damaged," I said with astonishment. "The very fact that they're still intact and not off their hinges is a testament to their durability."

[You're right sir]

After that I got out of the chamber. And the moment I did, my eyes fell on the bag full of bento boxes, which made me aware of the painful little blackhole in my stomach. This is why I stuffed my stomach last night and brought the leftovers here, I knew I'd be hungry to all hell after the procedure. My enhanced senses are already picking up the delicious smell of the food, making the blackhole in my stomach bigger, and I was slowly attracted towards it.

[Sir don't!]

But Alice's voice stopped me.

"Hey! what's the big idea? I'm hungry," I said with annoyance.

[Sir think about it, at this very moment you have the strength to just casually crush diamonds in your hands, it's the kind of strength that you never had before and thus not yet used to…]

"Okay, okay I get it. I don't have much control over my strength at the moment, and I'll just ruin the food, good point," I said with as the realization dawned on me. "But that still doesn't solve my problem though."

[Don't worry sir, I have the perfect solution for it, just wait for a few moments]

"Alright, but don't make me wait for too long," I said, wondering what's the solution going to be.

After a few moments, the glass doors opened and a gray colored drone in the vague shape of a human torso came in. It was a general all-purpose drone; it was designed to do almost everything that a human with hands can do. It didn't have any legs and hovered with anti-gravity thrusters. But it did have mechanical arms with human shaped hands (five fingers and all).

"Oh, so you're going to use that drone to feed me, right? Good thinking Alice," I complimented.

[Thank you, sir]

I got the vague feeling that she was glowing with pride with the compliment.

After eating the food (I was very careful to not bite the chopsticks) I used the free time I had to get some semblance of control over my new powers. But things really became difficult when my new spider-sense started to act up. And let me say this, the movies seriously downplayed the heroes getting control over their super senses. Because for the next few hours I was having trouble just telling my head from my ass. But after a while I finally got enough of a handle that I wasn't a confused mess and didn't rip doors off their hinges.

And then there were my muscles. Yeah, I seriously didn't want to answer why my eleven-year-old body suddenly looked like it was curved out of the hardest material known to men, so I made a watch shaped holographic disguise to hide them

And as for Extremes serum. Yeah, I'll have to wait for a few days for my new powers to settle before I can enhance myself further with Extremes.

A/N: Many of you guys complained that the chapter 4 was poorly executed and felt forced. And honestly, I can't really blame you guys for thinking like that. I reread the chapter and it made me cringe.

Anyway, I'm sorry and I'll try to better, I promise.