Mommy's Good Girl

"Yay!" I exclaimed with a wide dimpled grin. I sat up with excitement and sat back on my knees, waiting for Regina to lay back on the bed. I bounced a little with my eagerness but didn't touch her until she said I could. I meant what I said. I wanted her to show me. I was hers, not the other way around. What I wanted, what I craved, was for her to take me, and use me for her pleasure. I want to be her good girl.

"Mommy?" I asked tentatively.

Regina rolled back and fluffed her pillow before laying back and getting comfortable. Her eyes were hooded, and her breathing was deep. She looked me over and licked her lips before answering me, "Yes, Emma?"

"May I take my hair down, pwease Mommy?" I cocked my head to the side and batted my eyelashes a little, which caused her to chuckle at my cutie-girl antics. "How can I say no to such a cutie pie?" she asked honestly.

"I don't think you can, Mommy!" I sing-songed and shook my head, slowly flicking my curly tails from side to side.

"Do you not like the pigtails, Emma?"

"No, Mommy, I like them!"

"How come you want to take them out then, baby? Mommy likes them a whole lot."

This new information made me wonder if I should push it. I have a perfect reason for wanting my hair down. I totally do! I want to feel her fingers against my scalp. I wanted her to grip my blonde curls while I sucked on her clit, so she can put me exactly how she wants me. However, if Mommy liked my pigtails, maybe I should just shut up and leave well enough alone. "It okay Mommy. Nebermine," I said shyly.

"Tell me, sweetheart," she coaxed with a soft demand.

"It okay. If you like em, I want you to like me," I replied with a shoulder shrug, and in my shyness, I looked away from her.

"I do like you Emma. Just because I like your hair one way doesn't mean I don't like it other ways." She sat up and lifted my chin to force me to look at her. "I am interested in what you want too, sweetpea. Now tell Mommy why you want them down?" she commanded.

I suddenly felt really shy and wasn't exactly sure how to explain what I wanted, or even why I wanted it anymore. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I shrugged my shoulders as I bit my bottom lip. I didn't want to make her angry. If I did, she might decide she doesn't want a cry-baby girlfriend after all. Almost as if she could see the upset written in my misty eyes, she pulled me into her and surrounded me with her arms. I took in a deep shuddering breath and relaxed a little.

"It's okay, baby girl. Mommy's not upset. I'd just like to know what you're thinking, sweetpea. Will you tell me?"

I nodded my head against her bare chest and wrapped one of my hands around her back. I cautiously pulled on the end of my hair with my free hand.

"Take your time, baby girl."

"When you let me suckies, Mommy I, um, liked it to feel you grab my hair, an-" I felt myself heat up and knew my blush encompassed my body at that moment.

"And what, sweetheart?"

"An I liked it… an I wan to feel Mommy's fiinderz in my hair while you teach me how to kiss your kitty." I felt like such an idiot right at that moment, and I didn't want her to be mad at me, so I added, "I sorry."

"That's a very good reason, Emma. There's no need for you to be sorry, sweetheart," she said, and then pulled the first piggie-tail out and gently scratched her fingers against my scalp. I pressed into her caress and whined in pleasure.

"Do you like that, sweetpea?"

I nodded silently loving every moment of it. She carefully removed the other side and ran both of her hands through my tangled, messy locks.

"Don't be afraid to tell me what you want, sweetheart," she said, then pulled me away from her. Holding my head between her hands, she gave me a look so I could feel the seriousness of her tone, then added, "That's one of Mommy's rules. Always tell me the truth about how you feel. Can you do that, baby?" I nodded sadly because I could do that; however, I wasn't entirely certain I would.

"What's with the face, sweetpea?" I shrugged my shoulders a little and tried unsuccessfully to break eye contact.

"Always tell Mommy the truth about how you feel," she repeated herself with a poignant look. I leaned back into her embrace, practically sitting on her lap, letting her run her fingers through my hair.

"I jus really like you, and I really like this game, and I scared if I make you mad, you.." my voice hiccuped, and my sentence got cut off before I could complete my thought.

"You think if you make me mad I won't want to play with you?" I nodded sadly, feeling the burn of tears prickling behind my eyes. I sniffled and rubbed my eyes and tried to keep myself from crying.

"That must be a really scary feeling pea, and I can't promise you that Mommy won't ever get mad, but I do promise you that I won't ever leave you alone because I am mad. I will always talk to you about things that make me feel anger or disappointment."

I pulled back and looked horrified.

Disappointment? I hadn't even considered disappointment! The idea of disappointing her was like the absolute worst thing that could ever happen!

"Not that I think you ever will, sweetie," Mommy said and smiled softly easing my mind some. It was like she always knew the right thing to say about everything, "I'm your Mommy now, pea, and you are all mine." She kissed my forehead lovingly, and I felt the weight of her sincerity.

"Now come here, baby girl, Mommy wants to show you something." She released me and laid back leaving me nude and kneeling next to her. She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. I wiggled, scooching myself until I was as close as I could get to her and she rested my hand on her soft tummy. I looked up into her dark pools seeking permission to explore her, "Go ahead, sweetpea. Do you like Mommy's body?"

I swallowed hard and nodded.

"Use your words, Emma."

I slid my hand up and down over her abdomen, enjoying her soft curves. My green eyes looked up at her, my body filled with lust and I felt closer to an adult than I had just moments before.

She's breathtaking. Exquisite. The perfect example of the female form. She had thick hips that pulled into a trim waist, and was not a skinny stick like most girls try to be. She had luscious plump thighs and a bubbly ass. Her abdomen was not defined or muscular, and she had a little tummy that was soft and felt so good under my caresses. She had an hourglass form, and it was miraculous. I still can't believe this perfect creature picked me up at the Kirby coffee shop!

With a shuddered breath I spoke. "You have a beautiful body, Mommy. It exactly how a woman should look."

"Do you want to kiss my tummy baby?"

I nodded my head, but also said, "Oh, yes Mommy! May I?"

She smiled and nodded her permission, "You may, my sweet girl. Just your lips, no biting. Be a good girl for Mommy."

I bent over and laid a wet kiss just under her breast. Making my way across her abdomen, I set my hands down flat astride her. I lifted myself up onto my knees, so I was on all fours hovering above her.

"That's it, my girl," she praised, and with that, I got excited and a little confident. When I kissed my way around her navel, I sucked on her soft skin, taking it into my mouth. I didn't bite her, but I sucked hard. The taste of her salty skin danced in my mouth. I wanted to bite down. I wanted to mark her. I wanted to make her mine. I could feel the capillaries break under the force of my mouth, and I was elated to see what my mark on Mommy's skin would look like against the rest of her pristine tummy.

Out of nowhere, a slap stung my bare bottom. I stopped what I was doing, sitting up on all fours with a jolt. It didn't hurt, by any stretch of the imagination, I was simply startled!

I looked up at Regina, and she had a smirk painted across her face. She asked sharply, "What did I say?"

I thought for a moment trying hard to remember her words. "Um… be a good girl?"

"Before that, baby."

"No biting?"

"Yes. And before that, Emma? What did Mommy say?"

"Um… you said for me to jus use my lips?" I replied in a cutesie voice. The place where she smacked my ass cheek was still stinging a little, and I really kind of wanted her to do it again. I felt my center pulse with the thought of being taken over Regina's knee. I was still frightened of making her mad and I really, really, REALLY didn't want to disappoint her, so I decided to comply, "No hickey's?"

"That's right, sweetheart," she said, and I felt pleasure at getting the right answer; pleasure that was quickly quelled, when she added, "That's your first warning."

I knew she could see the stark-cold fear on my face, and when I didn't move, she pushed her fingers into my hair. It hung down, tickling her olive skin. She fisted my hair tight, almost painfully so, and moved my face back down to her navel.

I kissed around the blemish I left on her skin and was secretly proud of it. It was worth it. She's my Mommy! Now. That my mark. I paid extra attention to it and kissed it lovingly.

Mommy noticed.

"You like to suck, do you baby girl?"

I nodded my head and answered, "Y-yes Mommy, but I sorry I was a bad girl."

"Sit up," she commanded. The words were sharp and jarred me into compliance. As I obeyed, I watched as she slipped her thumbs under the sides of her panties and slid them off, rolling them down her juicy thighs.

As she bent her knees, I saw the dark center of the crotch was glistening wet. I felt a tremble go through my body with anticipation. She opened her thighs and slid her fingers down to part herself. She coated her fingers abundantly with her desire. With her other hand, she reached up and grabbed my jaw and forced open my mouth.

I squealed with surprise at the move, because I was so enamored with what she was doing between her thighs, I didn't see her coming. She removed her hand from between her thighs and entered my mouth. I groaned and closed my lips around her and tasted her nectar for the first time.

It was her raw essence, and I wanted to cover myself in it. I fell hard for the second time that night, with the taste of her. She pumped into my warm mouth, and I sucked her fingers as they slid deeper and deeper into my throat. I felt myself gag when her fingertips grazed my uvula, so I relaxed my throat and gave myself over to her.

"That's it Emma, good girl. Mommy owns this mouth. You suck when I tell you to suck. You bite when I tell you to bite. You lick when I tell you to lick. You kiss when I tell you to kiss. Do you understand me, little girl?"

"Yesth Moammiee!" I said from around her intrusion.

"Now come here, since you are so eager to suck with that pretty little mouth of yours," She opened up her thighs and withdrew her newly cleaned fingers from my lips. She wrapped them in my hair and dragged me to where she wanted me and commanded, "Stick out your tongue."

I complied immediately sticking it out as far as I could, so far, in fact, the muscles in my throat started to burn with strain. "Listen good, Emma," she said looking me in the eye as she held my head, tongue out, on all fours between her knees. "You are only permitted to use your tongue. You made a terrible mess of Mommy, and as your punishment, you are going to clean it up." I nodded my head and hummed my emphatic agreement.

This is the best punishment I've ever received in my entire life.

"If you disobey, Mommy won't teach you how to kiss my kitty. Do you understand?"

I kinda did, just tongue. Just tongue and kissing will come after. I needed to clean up my mess first. Yeah, I got it. So I nodded.

She fisted my hair and guided me. I could smell her arousal which made me tremble in need. I laid down on my tummy and slid my tongue between her trimmed slit. I laid it flat to cover as much of her soft inner folds as I could. She let out a satisfied groan, and the fist in my hair tightened. She led me to her depths, and the tip of my tongue teased her entrance. I lapped up her juices as I worked my way up higher, or rather, as she pulled me higher.

I circled her clit and slid around each side of her hood. I dragged my stiff tongue up her center, pushed back her hood and rubbed my tongue roughly against her newly exposed nerve bundle. Regina exhaled my name and began to rock her hips, and man, I wanted to suck her tight little bundle into my mouth so badly, but I totally refrained. I refrained, but it was difficult because the sounds she made and the scent that enveloped me, combined, was intoxicating.

I strained against her grip and slid my tongue down plunging into her tight opening. I pushed my tongue as far out as it would go and rocked into her, curling it up to rub against the thick ridge just inside her opening. I flicked and firmed up my tongue and plunged into her until her knees were trembling. Her breath was shallow, and she occasionally praised me. She tilted her hips to allow me better access.

"Oh god Emma, that mouth is talented!" she groaned as I slid my rigid tongue back up her, scooping up every drop of her. I happily lapped up her fresh desire, swallowing it down greedily.

"Emma?" She panted trying desperately to control herself.

I stopped my exploration to answer her quickly, "Yes Mom-my?"

"I want you to do something special to help Mommy, can you do that?"

My dark desire filled eyes flicked up to meet her black hooded ones, and I nodded. She slipped her free hand down and parted herself with two of her fingers in the shape of a V, then pulled her hood back gently exposing her pink pearl to me.

"Kiss Mommy right here baby, be real gentle, Mommy is very sensitive, okay?"

"Your kitty is beautiful Mommy!" I exclaimed, overwhelmed at seeing her for the first time up close and personal.

"Thank you, pumpkin. Just your lips, I'll tell you when you can use your tongue again, okay?"

"Okay, Mommy!" I answered breathlessly, and with pursed lips, I kissed the back of the hand that held her open for me and worked my way down. I laid delicate little pecks to her inner folds and caressed her sensitive skin with my moist lips.

I felt her grip tighten in my hair and she pulled me higher once more. I shifted to the other side of her pussy and gently kissed my way up. Regina let out a low growl which made me giggle.

"Oh you think that's funny, do you pumpkin?"

"Yeah, Mommy, your kitty thinks it a tiger!" She joined me in a chuckle when I went back to my make-out session with her. My lips landed right on target this time, and I felt the smooth skin of her clit against my bottom lip, and I instinctively opened my mouth around it. Mommy let out a long groan as I closed my lips pinching her pearl gently between them and then pecked once more, not sucking it into my mouth like I wanted to. Like I almost had.

Regina scratched my scalp lovingly, and I took that as I pleased her. After a few more moments of dry kissing, Regina, between moans, permitted me to use my tongue in addition to my lips. I instantly french kissed her swollen pink pearl. This made Mommy exclaim in surprise, "Oh no, Emma! Mommy's far too sensitive for that!"

I knew that before I did it, but I was anxious to kiss her! I wanted more access to her, so I apologized quickly, "I sowwy Mommy." I hid my devilish smirk then asked, "May I touch your legs with my hands? Please?"

I was desperate to caress those thick caramel tinged thighs on either side of my head, and that desperation seemed to have colored the words I spoke. With permission granted, and without missing a beat, I raked my nails down the back of Regina's thighs. They are soft, smooth, and delicious. As I slid my hands back up, I pushed them open and tilted her hips up to give me better, more thorough access to her sex.

Fresh desire pulsed from her opening, and I dipped my tongue down and gathered it up. The tip of my tongue grazed over that sensitive space between her vaginal opening and her anus, and her body jerked unwillingly at the sensation.

Bold would be how I felt, and so I grazed it again, getting closer to her dark tight rosebud. I felt her pull my hair, dragging me back towards her bullseye. I was a little disappointed she silently disallowed my exploration but made a mental note that we would talk about exploring kisses to other places.

I stuck my tongue back out and entered Mommy's kitty, swiping the tip of my tongue against the roof of her opening. Regina grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face into her effectively burying my tongue deep inside of her. I stiffened up my tongue as she pushed and pulled me in and out of her, my fingers dug into the flesh of the back of her thighs when they started to tremble.

She looked down at me, her lip firmly tucked between her teeth in concentration. She occasionally praised my ability which made my desire coil within my tummy. Whenever the words, "good girl" passed over her lips I felt my center gush. I hummed when I noticed her fingers were stroking her clit, and my center pulsed when I felt her clench around my tongue.

She was panting pretty hard and rocking her hips against my mouth, and it's exactly what I wanted from her. She's totally using me to get herself off.

I was being her good girl. I'm her good girl.

"Kiss Mommy's kitty, sweetpea!" Regina exclaimed as she dragged me back to her swollen nub. I dutifully kissed and licked around her, careful not to over stimulate her. I knew what she wanted and avoided direct contact and did everything else.

I wanted her to permit me to suck her into my mouth. I tried to drive her to the point of demanding it from me.

It didn't take long before she ripped my face away and looked into my eyes. "Em-ma…" she scolded, and I couldn't help but smirk knowingly. She was breathing hard, and I saw the smallest fleeting lip curl of a smile before she did as I wanted.

"Use that pretty little mouth and suck Mommy off, baby."

With a triumphant smile, I dove into her, licking and kissing and sucking, until she was a quivering panting mess. She came on me over and over as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her until she was gasping for air and clamping her thighs tight around my head. I finally stopped to let her rest, and she coaxed me up from between her legs to rest in the crook of her arm.

My cheeks, and chin, were covered in the desire I'd pulled from her, and with a satisfied smile, I settled into her. She pulled the blankets over us and turned off the TV. It was the only light that illuminated the room, and when it was switched off, the room fell into darkness.

One of her hands rubbed my bare back, and the other ran her fingers through my hair. She kissed the crown of my head and lingered as she whispered to me, "I'm so happy I finally met you, sweetpea. You are everything I imagined, everything I've ever wanted. Now sleep my baby girl, tomorrow is a big day."

My heart welled up with the acceptance I felt, the care and truth of Regina's voice. Right here in her arms I decided, this was my new home and it was perfect.

A/N: That's it kids! For me, seeing Emma and Regina instead of Chrissy and Maria is all the super weird, but for the few of you who wanted it, I hope this is satisfactory :) Thank you for your support in making this little series happen, I treasure your input and support as I add to this small niche of a kink.

Till next time!