Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to their respective owners.

AN: First of all, I have not abandoned any of my stories, I am just on a brief hiatus and will pick up where I left off. I saw this idea somewhere and it intrigued me so I was like, "why not".

So here, after his conversation with Luna and his bonding with the Hallows, Harry is sent to the marvel world without any instructions of re-establishing the magical world. His role here, not even Luna knows so it is up to him to find a purpose.



Dr. Strange is sitting cross-legged, floating slightly above the ground, his hands poised in a mystic gesture with the Time Stone glowing brightly in the Eye of Agamotto setting. Green vapor-like energy flows from the stone, and more intricate magical energy patterns circle Dr. Strange's forearms. The Cloak of Levitation flows behind him as if the Stone is creating a strong breeze. His eyes are closed, and his head is jerking rapidly from side to side, the motion blurring, but resembling looking for something.]

Tony Stark: Strange! We alright?

[Dr. Strange snaps out of his trance and falls forward, letting out a cry.]

Tony Stark: You're back. You're alright.

Peter Parker: Hey, what was that?

Dr. Stephen Strange: [Panting] I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.

Peter Quill: How many did you see?

Dr. Stephen Strange: [Pause] 14,000,605.

Tony Stark: How many did we win?

[Dr. Strange stares intently at Tony for a moment.]

Tony Stark: I don't think I like that look.

Dr. Stephen Strange: [Pause] One. I think.

Tony Stark: I most definitely don't like that look.

Peter Parker: Ok, completely ignoring how cool that was, what do you mean you Think.

Dr. Strange: I don't know, all I saw was Death.

Tony Stark: [Skeptically] Right, Death. And you say this is the only one we can win?

Dr. Strange: The second one, The Other Possibility.


AN: Ok this is not a play, it was simply an introduction. I have no idea how long this story will be. Probably less than thirty thousand words, just a fun read when you are tired of those long ones.