

Disclaimer I own nothing of My Hero Academia / BNHA */

NOTE: This is my first anime story so please no flames, also a heads up I don't do honorifics or the whole backward name thing. I just get confused trying to keep it straight. This is a response to Raizen1125's challenge for a MHA Plastic-man/Deku story. */

Chapter 1 */

In a world where 80% of people had quirks giving them super powers, there was a boy Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya who was quirkless. It seemed the boy was doomed to be a powerless nobody, all that changed the day his bully Katsuki Bakugo nearly killed him. Bakugo had caught Izuku writing in his hero journal and decided he and his two goons would beat the quirkless loser, however Izuku saw them coming and ran. By the time the three bullies had caught up to him Izuku was on a walkway over the old chemical plant. Katsuki yelled "I got you now shitty Deku!" */

Katsuki then charged setting off an explosion right in Izuku's face, the blast sent Izuku over the rail. The trio laughed as he fell crashing through a rotted wood top to a vat of unknown chemicals, that is until a worker yelled at them and fished Izuku out. Izuku fell into a coma for months and nearly died. Katsuki didn't seem to care as his mother stayed with Deku's mom Inko, she had become so depressed she had quit eating and everything else. Mitsuki did everything she could to help her friend. At the end of the second month Izuku woke up, the doctors were astounded he survived but he seemed fine so they sent him home to rest and recover. */

When Izuku returned to school he was mad nobody not even the teachers cared or noticed he had been gone, to make it worse the teacher had asked about highschool plans and that had Katsuki acting like an ass and the teacher praising him. That evening Bakugo and his goons tried to corner Deku however he jumped out the window and ran off, Bakugo shocked said "If that shitty Deku thinks he can get away like that, he has another thought coming." */

Izuku ran off easily losing the bullies, he headed down a dark tunnel when a slime villain appeared and attacked him. Izuku smirked knowing he would win this fight, see those chemicals changed Izuku transforming him into a plastic like being. While new at using his powers he was quite clever, waiting until the villain made contact Izuku stretched and bent freaking the living slime out. A few minutes later All-Might showed up with his trademark yell of "I AM HERE". Looking around the hero was confused he saw the villain he was chasing in a large plastic bottle with school clothes laying next to it, then all of a sudden he heard "Wow All-Might can I have your autograph?" */

All-Might looked around and saw the bottle top morph into a kids head, The hero said " OF COURSE YOUNG MAN, WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY ?" */

Izuku grinned and said "I'm Izuku Midoriya but most people call me Deku since I'm quirkless." */

All-Might was confused so Deku said "I'll explain later if you will grab me and my clothes there so we can turn this villain in." */

All-Might nodded and did as he was asked saying "SURE YOUNG MAN." */

At the police station they dumped the villain into a tank to hold him, then Izuku shifted into a large All-Might action figure and got dressed. Izuku explained the figure's costume was just his hair, otherwise he was naked and the lady officers would have seen him so he hid with his hair. The officer they talked to said he was glad he didn't get hurt and grateful for the capture but he had to arrest him for illegal use of his quirk. Izuku laughed and said "First off he attacked me and I defended myself, secondly I am quirkless. In fact this power killed a quirk a doctor thought I would have developed in a year or two." */

A phone call to Izuku's doctors confirmed he was indeed quirkless, by this time All-Might had left and a Mr. Yagi had showed up. Learning of the accident that gave Izuku his powers and that his body now rejects quirks, Toshinori Yagi silently cursed thinking 'Shame this young man would have been a great choice for One For All'. Toshinori offers to give Deku a lift home in his old pickup, and on the way he asks if he plans on going to UA. Deku says he does so Toshinori tells him he will help him train at Dagoba beach. Izuku starts laughing as he shifts to become Master Yoda and says "Accept I will, train with you in the ways of hero I must." */

Toshinori snorts and laughs as Izuku goes on to make Star Wars Yoda jokes. then he explains Dagoba beach Dagoba system where Yoda trained Luke. Toshinori laughed so hard he buffed up by accident. All Deku could do is say "Hero is strong in this one." Toshinori got nervous but Deku told him don't worry about it he won't say anything. When they got to Izuku's Mr Yagi even Explained what happen to Inko and told her he was going to help her son train. Toshinori was stunned by Inko and her attract quirk (Yes I know it's telekinetic but this is more fun), he nearly fell over his own tongue when he first saw her. He explained to both Midoriya that he was an aid to All-Might and filled in with his quirk Buff-Up from time to time, Izuku facepalmed because he thought Mr Yagi was All-Might's secret identity. */

On the next day on his way home Deku heard an explosion, thinking it was a hero battle he ran to find a garage opening with a cute pink haired girl walk out from the smoke filled building. Checking on her he learned her name was Mei Hatsume, and she wanted to create her own support company. When she learned he wanted to become a hero she asked if she could make his costume and support gear, Izuku not only agreed but showed off his power. Mei became excited asking for hair and skin samples to analyze and replicate to be his custom uniform and gear. Izuku gives her a large sample of hair saying it was the same as skin according to doctors, Mei squealed with glee as she began her work. */

Saturday morning Deku met Mr Yagi on the beach, Izuku was morphed into Danial-san from Karate Kid (Original movie) and said " I'm ready what do I do first , wax on wax off, paint the fence, paint the house or sand the floor? Wait too late floor already sandy." */

Toshinori laughs then coughs up some blood saying "Young man be serious, and stop making me laugh." */

Izuku takes his normal form and they start training Yagi tells him he needs to get stronger and gain experience with his quirk/power, in order to do that he needs to clean the beach. Izuku calls Mei asking if she would like some free junk to tinker with, five minutes later Mei rolls up in an old pickup. Izuku takes one look and asks "Does Sanford & Son know you have their truck?" */

Yagi snorts at the referenced classic show, while Mei gives him a confused look. The two sit and watch as Deku bends stretches and contorts himself loading the trucks Mei's got salvage while Yagi's got just junk. Once the trucks are loaded they take them and unload Mei's then head to a recycle center where it's sorted and recycled. They do this daily for a month until Izuku finds a car frame for a 1938 Phantom Corsair remake made in 21xx, Izuku liked the shape so much he copied it. To everyone's shock he could actually function like a real car without gas or battery pack, This lead to searching other things like boats and aircraft. The only problem was anytime he became something mechanical Mei wanted to take him apart or modify him, the girl was very handsy and didn't understand the word no. */

It was midway through the third month when Deku met Mina Asihdo in the park, during a run with the now Uncle Toshi. The skinny man suddenly said he had to run an errand and would be right back. The teens felt they had just been set up but still started to chat, turns out Mina was quite the kidder too and mentioned she wondered what she would look like if she had a more normal look. Izuku shifted into her form but still with his hair, eye, and skin coloring. Mina nearly cried seeing this but when he said he thought she looked better the way she was a smile spread on her face as did a light blush. Soon Toshinori returned smelling of smoke a little, he found the teens trading contact info. Then they headed on with their days. As they left the park Izuku saw a firetruck pulling out from a smoking building. He looked at Toshi and said quietly "Had an errand huh, filled in for somebody maybe?" */

Toshinori just chuckled as he sweatdropped. */

Note That's it for today I try to update my stories daily Monday-Friday that is why they have short chapters. As I said this is an answer to a challenge from Raizen1125. Please leave a comment or review and fave or follow to get notified of updates This is Kakerot Bardockson saying HAVE A NICE DAY PLUS ULTRA!