Hey everyone! Hope things are going good for you guys! This virus thing is insane, I won't lie. Scary. But...fear not, for I am here! (yes I meant to do that!) Indeed, I'm here with a new chapter to make you all feel much better! Since being on lock down since around...the 16th of March, I've been finding more time to write outside of working from home.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed, added me to their alerts and favorite lists, and of course messaged me! You guys have no idea how happy you guys make me when I see my alerts going off. Especially in this depressing time, it makes me a little happier than I am. So I wanted to say thank you :)

IMPORTANT! Okay, since a lot of people are doing questions online, let me pose a question to you guys out there! Let's make this fun! If you were on lock down in the My Hero universe, who would you like to be locked in with (can be more than one person)? And what would you do? If it were me, I would want to be with Kirishima, Bakugou, and Present Mic! We would play video games all day long and watch Present Mic attempt to sing karaoke! Oh and it would drive Bakugou insane haha! Your turn!

Enjoy the latest chapter! It was a little hard to write since I'm not used to doing battle scenes. There might be direct lines from the anime, just to letting you know. Now let's get creative with those lock down ideas! lol

Disclaimer: I do NOT own My Hero Academia. I only on my OC, Machiko/Machi.

Fear. Nothing but the feeling of fear slid down her spine while every hair stood on end. A lump rose in Machi's throat as she stared into Izuku's frightened eyes. She wanted to scream. Tell him to run. Escape this horrible situation. Help the students escape.

However, the hand that was currently wrapped around her neck was preventing her from speaking. Let alone, breathing.

"Hmm...a very stupid little hero, aren't you?" a raspy voice spoke, sending shivers down Machi's spine. "Trying to save the day and showing off? That sort of thing really pisses me off."

Machi was too scared to glance back at her captor. The image of him was now burned into her mind and would probably remain there for a long time. Why did she have to be so careless? Why?!

~ 2 Days Ago ~

Machi stood outside in the training field, taking a few deep breaths. "Come on...you can do it. Just a small one." she mumbled softly, clenching her hands a few times before lifting them up. "Just keep it under control."

This was test number seven...no eight. Or maybe twelve. Regardless, Machi was practicing her aim once again on the school grounds. Over the last week, Machi was trying her best to show off her Quirk. That is...without messing up.

The other day, pressure got to her and instead of shooting off a lightning bolt, she ended up making it rain a little when her anxiety got out of control. Shockingly, not that many of her classmates laughed or made fun of her. Some of them thought it was pretty awesome that she was able to create a storm cloud.

But either way, she had to find a way to use the right type of weather. Of course she had been able to use her lightning during the exam and the endurance test, but now it was time to use it freely without worry. Once she got this down, she would excel in her classes!

Holding her hand out, she attempted to focus a bolt into the palm of her hand. "That's right...just aim and let off one bolt." she whispered softly as she tried to focus her stress and anger. 'Think about the other day when Bakugou called you a loser. How he tried to humiliate you in class. Come on...'

"You know if you keep doing that, you're going to strike lightning on the school." a tired and grumpy voice spoke from the other side of the field, making her jolt.

Thankfully, nothing shot out of her hand when she turned around to find her teacher standing a few feet behind her, his arms folded across his chest.

"Oh...Mr. Aizawa...I didn't know you were...there..." Internally, she was beginning to panic.

He was the last person she wanted to see right now. Things were still tense between them because of what happened on the first day of class. Always giving her serious looks, almost judging her for how she acted or who she was? What was going on in that man's head?

And above all that...how the heck did her sister ever put up with him? Seriously, they were friends at one time?!

Shaking his head, her teacher moved closer to Machi, keeping his bloodshot eyes on hers. "What were you doing out here? You know you can't be using your Quirks on school property unless you're in a class."

Machi avoided his eyes, rubbing her hands together. "I...I'm sorry. I just wanted to practice alone..."

A heavy sigh escaped his lips while Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I just wanted to practice my Quirk where nobody could watch. I just...I'm still getting nervous to use it in front of the rest of the class." she tried to tell him. Of course she sounded like she was full of excuses, but that was the point of why she was so scared. Also, why was she admitting this to him?! Aizawa didn't care! Heck, he almost tried to expel one of her classmates on the first day!

Lowering his hand, he frowned. "You know, you're going to have to use it to stay in this school. I could fail you alone for not using it during class. You need to get over your stage fright."

She frowned, turning away from him. "I know...I know." Her arms folded across her chest, hugging herself tightly. "I just...I'm scared of hurting someone if I lose control."

There was a silence between them. A long arduous silence that hung in the air.

He sighed again. "Look...I get that you're nervous. Your Quirk can be dangerous, just like many other young teens and children like yourself. But you can't let fear and anxiety control you."

Before she could mummer another 'I know', her teacher cut her off again as he moved in front of her gaze.

"Remember what I said the other day. Do you remember?" he asked sternly, his hands shoved into his pockets.

Staring down at her shoes, Machi slowly nodded. "Don't hesitate."

"Right. You continue to hesitate and that's what's slowing you down. I understand you don't want to hurt anyone. That's normal." he explained, glancing up at the building behind him. "But like I said, if you hesitate...it could end a fight in the worst way. You can't allow that to happen."

Bowing her head, she sighed heavily. "You're right." Then she lifted her gaze to his bloodshot one. "But how do I learn to control it?"

He stared down at her for a little bit, studying the young student. "You know...someone once told me that you can't let your Quirk control you. If you let it control you, you'll never succeed in life. It'll bring you down and probably end up being your demise."

Blinking in surprise, Machi tilted her head to the side. "Then...what do you do?"

His head tipped back, staring up at the bright blue sky above. "Embrace it."

"Embrace it? But how..."

Meeting her gaze again, the side of his lips twitched, almost going into a smile. However, it didn't happen.

"You have to figure out a way to embrace your Quirk. Embrace the problems, fears, and conflicts. Try and find a way to make it better. Own your Quirk."

She still wasn't completely sure what he was talking about, but for some reason...she wanted to take it to heart and listen to his advice.

Slowly, he moved around her and stood by her side. "Try it again."

Confused, she turned her head to stare at her teacher with wide eyes. "What?"

He stood there casually, hands still in pockets. "Go on, try and hit that cement block over there. Cementoss can make more later for us."

Machi's lips parted softly as she realized what he said. Was he...trying to help her?

"What are you just standing there for? You're getting my help for ten minutes." His eyes narrowed. "Don't make me regret wasting my time."

Snapping back to face the blocks, she tried to get herself back on track. She would question his kindness later. Right now, she was getting help from someone other than Izuku. And a Pro, no doubt! She would definitely not waste his time.

Holding up her hands again, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 'Focus.' Then she felt a bolt beginning to build in her palm. Taking the chance, she fired it at the block. However, the bolt veered off and electrocuted the ground, creating a large circle of black dirt.

Machi frowned at this and covered her face in embarrassment. "Crap! I-I'm so sorry, Mr. Aizawa! I didn't mean to-"

"Try it again."

Lowering her hands, she stole a glance at her teacher, who never moved from his position. "What?"

"I said, try it again."

Facing forward, she recreated the bolt in her hand and fired once more. This time, it hit the ground on the opposite side of the block.


For the next hour, even if he offered ten minutes, Aizwawa stood at Machi's side, telling her to repeat her actions over and over again. It was much longer than ten minutes. By now, most of the ground was burned, a few bushes received a shock, and she even managed to hit the side of a tree. It was a shock nothing started a fire.

Her palms were aching by now. This was the most shots she had taken in awhile. What was her teacher trying to do for her?

"Mr. Aizawa...I think we should stop for now." she tried to tell him, feeling her body beginning to ache.

"You're going to keep going until you hit the block." he responded sternly. "Hit it again."



Feeling slightly scared by his tone, Machi turned back to face the battlefield she created. There were no marks even close to the block! What was she doing wrong?!

Holding her hand up, she fired another bolt. This time, it veered completely off the path and hit a tree that was clear over by building B.

Turning back, she held up her hands and felt anger and frustration beginning to build up inside. "Okay, I think we're done."

"I say when we're done. Now go again."

Machi clenched her hands tightly. "I want to stop."

"Hit it again."

Biting her lip she shook her head repeatedly.

"You want to be a hero right? Then hit it again."


"Hit it again!"

"No!" she shouted back.

"Do it!"

Suddenly she turned and with all her might, she fired a bolt. This time, it hit the block, causing it to burst into a dozen pieces.

She did it.

As the smoke began to clear, Machi panted as the anger disappeared. When she turned to see her teacher, all she could see was his back as he walked away.

"Hey! What are you-"

"I've got places to be."

"But what about my Quirk?" she yelled as she tried to follow him.

"Keep practicing."


He stopped walking and glanced over his shoulder. "Confidence."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Machi stared at the man. "Huh?"

"It's all about confidence. You lack it every single time you're faced with a challenge." he spoke slowly. "You fear your Quirk. That means you're letting it control you. You can't let that happen. Until when it comes down to the moment when it's needed, you actually use it."

"But that doesn't make sense..."

Aizawa sighed heavily. "Before you're about to face that challenge, anxiety gets to you. You think you're going to fail or hurt someone. But when the moment finally comes and you're pressured by an outside source, it drives you to prove that source wrong. Hence, on the first day, when I pressured you, you delivered. It takes time to perfect it, but you'll get there if you keep practicing on working through that anxiety. Got it?"

Machi took a moment to think over his words. It somewhat made sense.

When she glanced back up at him, she could see that he was already making his way back to the school.

What a strange guy.

~ Present Day- 3 Hours Before~

"Hey Machi, your outfit is really cute. Ribbit." croaked Asuyi, leaning over her seat on the bus to speak to the blunette.

Machi glanced down at her hero costume before a slight blush crept onto her cheeks. "Oh uh...thanks."

While everyone else went with normal costumes that had a lot of bells and whistles, Machi designed her a bit differently.

It was a dark blue knee-length dress that reminded someone of a 60's GoGo dress. There was a light blue stripe that curved around the collar and then went straight down between her breasts. A white belt wound around her waist with a circular clasp with a lightning bolt and a cloud insignia shone brightly. Her knee high boots were sleak and the zippers were tiny umbrellas. She also had white arm bands that matched that went to her elbows and tights underneath the skirt. And to top it all off, she had a small light blue strip of fabric over her eyes.

The umbrella zippers were Tomi's idea. Said they would be the cute detail to see whenever Machi had her own action figure.

"Yeah! It's really sweet! You look so cu-" Kirishima complimented excitedly. When everyone stared at him, he blushed and quickly rubbed the back of his head. "Uh...I mean, it definitely suits you."

Machi's blush darkened and grinned back. "Thanks Kirishima."

At the back of the bus, she could hear Bakugou growling. "Grrrrr...stupid girl..."

She winced slightly at his anger, but relaxed when everyone started talking about their costumes.

Today, Mr. Aizawa told the class that they were going on a mini field trip. He didn't really say where, just that they were going to work on rescue missions. Also, he never spoke to her about their weird training day, but she knew he was watching whenever she was practicing in class or during mini drills.

"You know, there's something I wanna say that's been on my mind lately..." Tsu spoke up before glancing at Izuku. "About you actually, Midoria."

A slight blush appeared on Izuku's cheeks. "About me?! What is it Asui?"

"I told you to call me Tsu."

Blinking in surprise, he glanced away, slightly embarrassed that he called her the wrong name. "Oh...yeah right."

"That power of yours...isn't it a lot like All Might?"

Izuku's body turned ridged. "What?! Really? You think so, huh? I never really thought about that." he babbled before turning his head towards the front of the bus. "I guess it's kind of similar."

Machi tilted her head to the side. Was his power like All Might's? Of course, he had super strength like All Might did, but there was no way he had the exact power. Izuku didn't really go into much detail about his Quirk. Just that he had super strength and he had to be careful with using it or else he'd shatter his entire body.

"Wait, hold on Tsu." Kirishima piped up. "You're forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference."

Izuku then let out a sigh, almost as if he was relived to hear Kirishima correct Tsu.

Kirishima shot a grin at everyone on the bus. "Still, I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting type of Quirk. You could do a lot of flashy stuff with it." Lifting his arm up, it suddenly turned into a sharp spear, making everyone gasp and awe at his power. "My hardening's super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive."

The green haired teen's eyes lit up. "Oh no way, I think it's really awesome looking. You're definitely Pro material with a Quirk like that."

Machi smiled as well, feeling excited to see another classmate's Quirk. "Yeah, you'd be a very awesome hero. Practically a moving spike!"

Kirishima locked eyes with Machi and grinned a slight blush creeping over his cheeks. "You guys really think so? Seems like it would be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier."

Ayoma, who was sitting next to Machi, had his head perched between her hands, sighing dreamily. "My naval lazer has got the perfect combination of panache and strength."

Mina, who sat on the other side, smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "But it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache, Sweetie."

As soon as she said this, Ayoma's face fell a little.

"I still think it's rather cool." Machi tried, causing Ayoma's face to light up again, his eyes twinkling with determination. He was always a little over the top with his excitement, but at least he got along with her.

"Magnifique! I have a fan after all!" he declared, making Mina sigh but laugh at his excitement before turning to Machi.

"Your Quirk is also pretty awesome as well, Machi."

Machi blushed before glancing down at her hands. "It's not that awesome."

Kirishima grinned a toothy grin. "Are you kidding me? If I had a Quirk like yours, I'd be zipping all over the place making it rain!" he laughed loudly, making everyone turn to stare at him. Realizing how loud he was, he quickly turned away, rubbing the back of his head. "I-I mean...I guess..." Then he turned to the back of the bus and cleared his throat. "W-well if any of our classmates have Pro Quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugou."

Todoroki didn't seem interest in their conversation as he stared out the window, distracted by something else. That guy was always so...odd. Of course his Quirk was amazing and blew away the competition in the class, but still. He wasn't...overly social.

Bakugou sneered at the class as they stared at him before turning his attention back outside.

"Sure, but Bakugou's always angry, so he'll never be that popular." Tsu piped up, making everyone stare at her in shock.

Did she have a death wish?! Was she insane?!

The spiky blonde shot up from his seat again, holding onto the bar in front of him in a tight grip. "What did you say?! I'll kick your ass!"

Tsu didn't seem to be phased as she went on. "See?"

While Bakugou growled in his throat, Kaminari piped up from the other side of the bus.

"You know we basically just met you. So it's kinda telling that we all know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage."

Steam practically was rolling off of the angered blonde as he turned his attention to the electric wielding teen.

It seemed like everyone was out to infuriate this guy today.

'Seriously, are we going to have a death in this class?' Machi asked herself.

"You're gonna regret the day you applied to his school you loser! I'll kill you!"

As the two began arguing, Machi glanced across the bus to see that Izuku was leaning down, his face between his hands.

"Izuku...are you okay?"

He didn't move as he began mumbling stuff under his breath. Something about how Kachan was getting teased instead of him.


Suddenly his head shot up, eyes wide with shock. "What?!"

Machi stared at him with worry. "Are you okay?"

"O-oh...yeah. I just..." he glanced at the back of the bus where Kaminari was busy egging on Bakugou while he threatened his life. "This is kind of...a surprise. Kaachan is the one usually teases me. And now...the whole class is teasing him. It's just weird."

Machi giggled as she watched Bakugou stand up and shake his fist over poor Jirou's head. "Yeah, this school is definitely...weird."

He smiled back before chuckling. At least they were mutual on the subject.

Momo groaned at the back of the bus, covering her mouth in annoyance. "This is such a disgusting conversation."

"Yeah, but it's kind of fun listening to them fight." Ururaka laughed, looking rather entertained by Bakugou and Kaminari's fight.

"Hey hey, we're here. Stop messing around." Aizawa yelled above the students, calming down the fight as they sunk back into their seats.

"Yes Sir."

Machi glanced out the window to see the bus pulling up to a huge building with a dome. Where were they going?

As the bus came to a stop, the students began unloading.

But as Machi made her way to the door, her teacher stopped her. "I expect you to be confident. Control your Quirk."

Nervously, she nodded. "O-okay."

He frowned, making her wince. Then she nodded and stood up straight. "Yes Sir."

Her teacher nodded before allowing her to join the rest of her class for a day full of training.

Machi panted heavily as she held onto the railing of the shipwrecked boat. Her long dark hair was dripping wet along with the rest of her costume. Her heart was pounding rapidly as she tried to catch her breath.

Next to her, Izuku was resting his back against the ship wall, checking his body for any injuries. Thankfully he didn't have any, but he definitely looked shaken up. Then again, wasn't everyone right now?

On her other side, Tsu was trying to wake up a very dazed Mineta, who was drooling and groaning in pain. They were both completely drenched like she was and didn't have any injuries either. Tsu had mentioned to them that Mineta had passed out when they landed in the water.

"Is...everyone okay?" Machi panted, checking on her fellow classmates.

"Yeah, I think so." Izuku responded as he got to his feet.

Tsu nodded as she continued to try to wake Mineta. "Yeah, he's still breathing. Ribbit."

Within the last hour, Machi and the rest of her class never saw what was coming once they came to the training center. No idea about the horrors they would face when they arrived at the USJ. No clue as to why...why was this happening.

When they arrived at USJ with Aizawa, and met the Space Hero, Thirteen, the students were ready for their rescue training session.

However, before things could even get started, a large...no...a massive black and purple cloud appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Within moments, there were at least fifty or more people standing there. But it only took a moment for Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen to realize that those beings were really villains.

Everything seemed to move so quick in that moment.

Mr. Aizawa literally jumped into action, attacking with several strikes from both his Quirk and his scarf. Meanwhile, as the class attempted to escape, the dark cloud materialized before them, blocking their way out. Bakugou and Kirishima went to attack, but failed when they barely put a scratch on the warping villain. Before anyone else could act, the villain phased over the students and suddenly everything went black.

Suddenly Machi found herself submerged in cold water and then she broke through the surface. For a few moments, Machi panicked when she realized that she was stuck in the shipwreck zone with more than a dozen villains surrounding her. But then she was thankfully saved by Tsu, who had both Izuku and Mineta with her.

By now, the four of them were aboard the mini ship in the water. Drenched and separated from the rest of the class.

Mineta woke up suddenly, gasping for air as his little head turned back and forth. "Where are we?! What are we doing here?! Where are the bad guys?!"

"Easy there, Mineta. We're okay." Izuku tried to calm the smaller hero. "We're in the shipwreck zone. We're safe."

"For now. Ribbet." Tsu croaked when she glanced over the side of the boat and everyone paled.

Everyone gasped when they spied over a dozen villains swimming towards the ship.

Tsu and Izuku were trying to stay calm in this situation, while Mineta was screaming and whining about fighting. As for Machi, she felt her knees buckle from under her and now was shaking. She sat on the floor and tried to do her breathing exercises.

It was taking everything in her soul to not act like Mineta. Her nerves were about at the edge of losing control and the anxiety over what might happen was beginning to weigh on her mind. If she lost that, then she could put everyone in danger. What if her lightning went off? What if she started crying and the rain cloud would appear? What if-

Machi squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to concentrate. 'Focus...you need to focus. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.'

A damp hand touched her bare arm, making her eyes shoot open. Izuku sat in front of her, worry etched across his face. "Machi...are you okay?"

She blinked a few times before slowly nodding. "I...I think so. I'm just trying to remain calm right now." Then she glanced out to the water, seeing the villains grow closer. Her eyes met Izuku's, hers were filled with fear. "Izuku...what are we going to do?"

"I don't know, but we'll figure out something." he told her softly before turning to Tsu and Mineta.

As the three of them began talking about a plan, Machi closed her eyes once more and tried to take deep breaths.

Why was she panicking like this? Yeah, she was afraid of losing control, but now they had villains to worry about! How was she going to get herself out of this mess?

'Calm down. You have to calm down.' she told herself sternly.

Something touched her hand, making Machi open her eyes again.

Tsu's frog-like face was in front of her. "Are you okay, Machi? You're shaking."

Machi big her lower lip and nodded. "Y-yeah. I'm okay."

She frowned, moving closer. "Machi, it's okay to admit that you're scared. We all are." Her slimy hand gripped hers. "But we need to figure out a way to get out of here and call for help. Can you help us?'

The blunette sat there for a moment. She couldn't just sit there and let the villains get them, that would solve absolutely nothing! After a few seconds passed, she slowly nodded. "Y-yeah, give me a second. I just don't want my emotions...losing control."

Tsu gave her a half smile before returning to check on Mineta. Leave it to Tsu to be the level headed one here.

Izuku moved back over to his friend and sighed. "Machi, can you use your Quirk at all?"

Holding up her hands, Machi stared at them and could see that they were shaking. "I...I'm not sure at the moment. I'm trying to calm down, I really am...I just..." she paused before bowing her head. "I just don't know if my aim will work."

A crease appeared on his brow. "If you can't use it-"

"Yeah, I can use it." she interrupted, turning her head towards him. "But I can't guarantee it'll work right. I'll give it a try though." Slowly, she stood up and walked over to the rest of her classmates.

"So what's the plan?"

Tsu took a quick glance over the side of the ship. "Well...Midoriya mentioned that the villains might not know what Quirks we possess. Because if they knew what my Quirk was, they would've thrown me into the fire area and not the water. Ribbit."

"Yeah, so they just wanted to split us up and take us out in smaller groups." Izuku cut in.

Mineta paced back and forth beside them as Tsu continued on.

"But...this whole plan, even if they didn't know our Quirks, this seems a bit more elaborate."

"How so?" Machi questioned, squeezing the water out of her hair.

"Well...think about it, if the villains spent so much time planning this attack, then they probably figured out a way to kill All Might."

That made Izuku turn pale and Machi's stomach drop.

She was right, the villains were really after All Might.

"And didn't you hear what the smoke guy said, maybe we should worry more about not getting tortured to death. Otherwise, we might not survive long enough to see All Might again. And even if he didn't show up who knows if you'll make it out in one piece." Tsu croaked with a sick look on her face.

Mineta stopped pacing and pointed at her, eyes wide with horror. "No! The Pros are gonna save us, right?! Tell Frog Boobs to shut up!"

But instead of getting mad at Mineta for the insult, Tsu turned to the edge of the ship, seeing several villains make their way to the ship. "Ribbet...we've got company."

Just the sight was enough to send Mineta into freak out mode. "Waaaaah! Bad guys!"

Machi whipped her head around to her friends. "What are we going to do?"

Izuku clenched his fists. "If they can beat him, then we have to stop whatever it is these bad guys are planning. We have to work together and keep All Might safe. No one at UA knows what's happening. This is up to us. Let's be heroes."

There was a long pause before Mineta began screaming again.

"Whadaya mean fight?! Are you crazy?! These guys are here to kill All Might and you think we can take them?! Did you hit your head when we warped here?! The best plan for us is to just wait for a real Pro to come and save us!"

But Izuku and Tsu kept talking about a plan while the shorter hero whined and began pacing frantically.

After a few moments of discussion, the teens all explained their Quirks. Of course they knew Izuku and Machi's powers, but neither of them knew about the others. Turns out that Tsu was just like a frog and had several parts to her Quirk. As for Mineta, he had sticky balls that grew on his head and whenever he took them off, they would stick to anything else, but not himself. Interesting.

But just when they were abut to come up with a true plan, one of the villains used their Quirk to smash the boat right down the middle.

As the boat began to shake and sin, Mineta screamed and proceeded to throw his sticky balls into the water.

When Izuku tried to stop him, suddenly he noticed that the villains seemed to fear them and tried to swim away.

"They're afraid?" Machi asked before turning to the others.

"Yeah, she's right." Izuku spoke before turning to the others. "Great job, Mineta."

But he was too busy screaming to even hear. But Tsu asked him if he was sure he wanted to be a hero, that's when he began screaming random things. Machi wished that she didn't hear how he wanted to touch Yaoyorozu's chest. Gross.

Suddenly Izuku moved to the end of the ship, clenching his fists. "Listen up." he interrupted Mineta's screaming. "An enemy that's certain of their victor is bound to make a mistake. All Might said something along those lines in an TV interview awhile back."

"What does that mean?" Mineta snapped, tears streaming down his face.

He went silent when Izuku's fists were shaking. "Now's our chance. We can beat them." When Izuku turned around to stare at his classmates, Machi felt a shiver run through her when she saw his eyes. Seriousness and determination.

Turning back, Izuku climbed onto the edge of the ship and jumped off, screaming loudly. Using his his finger, he was able to create a super blast that shot into the water and created a whirlpool that sucked in the villains.

As the ship was beginning to sink further, Tsu grabbed both Mineta and Machi before leaping into the air. Using her tongue, she managed to snag Izuku. The four of them fell back into the water, but it was far away from the ship wreck and the villains.

Once the ship began to sink, Tsu grabbed all of them and frog leaped away until they crashed into the water once again.

As they began making their way to the shore, Machi sighed. Guilt filled her chest as realization hit her. During the fight on the ship, she just stood there and watched. She never used her Quirk to help them. Was she that pathetic?

Noticing this, Tsu patted Machi on the shoulder. "Don't be upset, Machi. t's okay."

Machi frowned. "But I didn't help..."

"That's okay. Save your Quirk. Who knows if we'll need it when we finally make it to the door."

Izuku hissed suddenly, stopping right where he was.

"Are you okay, Midoriya?" Tsu asked glancing over at the green haired teen who yelped.

When the blunette moved closer to her friend, she gasped in shock. "Izuku, your fingers..." Machi began, staring at his now broken thumb and middle finger.

Moaning in pain, he held his hand close to his chest. "It's okay. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." he winced as he pulled his glove back on his injured hand.

"Well don't do it again on that hand. You need to keep your strength if we're going to get out of here. And if we make it out, you know my mom is going to give you a stern talking to." Machi tried to joke even if the situation was still dire.

"Right. Don't want that." Izuku managed a half smile before turning towards the others. "We should make getting help our top priority."

The blunette nodded. "He's right. We still don't know if anyone was able to make it out of here or not. Plus, our classmates could be anywhere around here fighting back."

Mineta sunk further into the water until the lower half of his face was covered up. "Not good..."

"If we follow the shore to the exit, then we can avoid the central plaza entirely." Izuku suggested, pointing in the direction where the main door was.

Tsu nodded, her ponytail bobbing. "Good idea, that way we don't run into the villains Mr. Aizawa's facing off with there."

A loud yell echoed from the plaza, making the teens turn to see several clouds of dust being picked up. Groans and grunts followed, making Izuku frown and fold his arms across his chest.

"If he doesn't get some back up, then he's just going to overexert himself. He'll end up defeated by those villains cause he was trying to keep us safe."

"Wait, don't tell us you're suggesting..." Mineta rose from the water, staring angrily at Izuku. "Are you trying to get us killed or something?"

"I'm not saying that we should jump into the middle of battle. But...maybe we can find a way to to take a few of those guys out and lighten his load."

Machi shared a concerning glance with Tsu and Mineta before turning back to her friend. "But...Izuku...don't you think that's still a huge risk?"

He frowned at the three of them. "Of course I know it's a risk but..." His eyes shifted to the fight that was going on. "Mr. Aizawa's Quirk. It's not suited for a group that big. He'll get hurt all by himself. And if Thirteen is still protecting everyone at the front...well they're going to need backup."

The blunette could see the worry in his eyes. She knew that look. And the from the looks of it, he wasn't backing down. He would go along if he had to.

Biting her lip, she glanced at Tsu. "He's right. We need to help."

Mineta huffed. "Great...she's just as crazy as he was. And I thought she was the hot and sensible one here."

Tsu smacked him over the back of the head and rolled her big eyes.

Izuku and Machi locked eyes.

"I'm coming with you, Izuku. This may be a crazy idea, but I'm right with you."

He managed a smile before glancing at Tsu and Mineta. "What about you guys?"

It took a few moments before Tsu spoke up. "Okay, I'm coming too. But we'll need to be extremely careful, got it?"

He nodded in response "Yeah."

Then all eyes went to Mineta.

His eyes widened and sweat began to mix with the water dripping down his face. "Wh-what are you all looking at me for?! You don't expect me to go in there and risk my life again, do you?!" They continued to stare, making him feel even more uncomfortable. "Awww come on guys! Don't give me that look!"

"You don't have to come, Mineta." Izuku assured him.

"Yeah, you can go all by yourself." she croaked before leaning over to Machi. "Though, I wouldn't mind if he left."

Machi suppressed a smile at her words.

Mineta's face turned white. "B-by myself?" Then his gaze shifted to all of us. "Aw why do you have to do this to me?! Why did I decide to become a hero?! Okay fine! Fine! I'll come too!"

Izuku faced us all, his lip formed into a thin line. "Then let's get going."

"Remember Midoriya, we're just here to see how things are going, alright?" Mineta harshly reminded him with a worried look.

"Ribbit, yeah."

"Yeah, I know, we'll get out of here the second it seems dangerous." he assured as the four of them began making their way to the plaza. Who knows what was going to happen next?

That's it for now. The chapter would have been longer, but I was almost at 8,000 words and it would've been more by the time I was done. So I had to split up chapters. I hated to cut it off before things got interesting, but I promise I'll try to have the next chapter out soon!

Thank you everyone for reading the latest chapter! I hope you're all doing okay out there. Things are bleak right now, but we'll make it through. Thank you for reading!

Also, don't forget to answer the question! Let's have some fun here! See ya next time!