Author's Note 1: Yes, it's growing darker. But hey, there's always light at the end of every tunnel.

VI: Break Time & Chaospart I


Yin Yang eyes cracked open slowly, blinking away the last remnants of a long night's sleep. To no avail, but it was worth the try; Susanoo still felt a little bit mentally exhausted after making sure that her boyfriend would go to sleep without torturing himself over the revelations he'd heard last night, but nothing she couldn't handle. Her training was ten thousand times worse, but tending to Karim proved to be... something. If anything, the kunoichi would do it again, should he call for her.

Susanoo idly looked down at the arm wrapped around her middle, then looked over her shoulder to find Karim still fast asleep right behind her. Contrary to last night, he now looked serene and had a good night's sleep. He was no longer frowning and the tears had stopped. She exhaled softly, stroking his cheek tenderly. Her priest's features softened even more and the ghost of a smile curved his inviting lips, making Susanoo smile in relief and sadness at the same time. Oh, how she wanted to kiss his anguish and fury away! Karim Flam didn't deserve such grief, as the betrayal he'll suffer at Rekka's hands will be much more cruel.

Rekka. Susanoo's feline features grew sombre as she closed her eyes and rest her head on the pillow, facing away. A long meditation session with Karim had been more than necessary to calm him down after Aoshi, Sasuke, Dai, Daichi and Hiroki had broken the news to him that his best friend was indeed a traitor; the priest had been freaking out, almost scaring the hell out of her, and his mind had been imbalanced for quite some time until she could reach her boyfriend and settle him. His intense pain and anger had made her cry herself to sleep moments after Karim had passed out, to which the bond had reacted to soothe her as well. Hoshimiya Rekka being a traitor will leave nasty scars in Karim's heart and faith, which would undoubtedly change him for either the best or the worse.

Susanoo tried to stifle a yawn, almost successfully, and stretched like a cat on her spot as much as she could with Karim glued to her back. Her boyfriend was nearly draped over her like covers, his hard body pressed tightly against hers, one arm wrapped around his waist and their position made it look as intimate as tricky to extricate herself from. She relaxed in his arm, pondering whether she should use her flexibility to slip out of his hold and go start on making breakfast or just stay in bed with him. The latter was such a better option, because it would mean waking up by his side and see to his needs.

So? What will it be? A quick look at the clock on the night table told her that it was still pretty early in the morning—barely seven o'clock and she was already awake. Usually, she'd be up at the crack of dawn to start training and Benimaru would swoop in for a good spar, which would then be interrupted because Hinata and Hikage were hungry. But with Karim hugging her so possessively and tenderly from behind, she felt... lazy.

Susanoo pondered for a long minute, all the while stroking the muscled arm wrapped around her stomach... then sank back against her boyfriend with a small blissful sigh and a grin.

A snort echoed behind her. "Good girl," Karim drawled in her ear before nibbling on it. "Feel free to be lazy on the lazying with me, Leafy."

She sighed in pleasure and relief that he seemed in a much better mood. He even sounded playful. "That's the plan, Frost," she whispered, melting in his touch as his hand stroked her toned stomach beneath his shirt. "That or you'd have your girl downstairs preparing breakfast and that would have been a very good idea as well."

Karim hummed pleasantly, his hot breath now tickling the base of her nape. "At this hour? Take the edge off a little and stay in bed with me, will ya? I'm getting a case of craving on my craving for your presence. It's too fucking early and I'm still tired, any way."

"Breakfast later, then," Susanoo purred with a grin.

She turned on the other side to face him, eyes opening to gaze up lovingly at a well-rested Karim Flam, whose dark eyes were now glinting maliciously. The difference between now and last night was so big that it made Susanoo's heart swell up with love and hope. The lazy smirk he gave her spoke for itself; it was so relaxed and playful that she just couldn't help her next action—she coaxed Karim closer and kissed him slowly and tenderly, cupping the nape of his neck to keep him there. He wasted no time in returning the affection, deepening the kiss until he was slightly hovering over her, hooking one long leg around his waist.

They parted very slowly, their lips still inches apart, and took shallow breaths to regain control of their lungs despite the lingering pleasure they were both feeling. Susanoo was entranced by Karim's glinting orbs, fully visible in those adorable sleepy eyes of his, because the playful light was kind and warm in this gaze. She'd seen his tears, she loathed it. But now that he was smiling so brightly again, Karim's light was shining a little. Even if it was for a moment, because he clearly wasn't over their predicament. That just meant more for Susanoo right now and she was going to enjoy all this with him.

He pressed another kiss against her mouth, without breaking eye contact, then rolled over to his side of the bed with Susanoo in his arms. He caged her in his hold by wrapping his arms around her back, making sure she wouldn't wriggle out.

"Sleep," he ordered her with a hoarse edge to his voice. "We're not going anywhere for now."

Without waiting for her reply, Karim cupped the nape of her neck to gently coax her face into his neck with a soft sigh, his body relaxing. How gentle of him, as the cold lieutenant was so bad-tempered that you'd wonder if he was ever taught proper manners, and here he was—being one hell of a gentleman towards his girlfriend. Her feline features softened, her Yin Yang eyes crinkled and a delighted smile curved her plump lips. Damn, I love this man, Susanoo thought as she kissed the skin of his neck long and slowly.

"See you soon, Frost."

When Karim woke up the second time around, he felt more... rested. Not really at peace, but peaceful enough for some time. A quick glance at the clock told him that it was well past eleven, which made him smile a little. The hellion I have as a girlfriend made me sleep more than I planned to, he thought as he turned his head to gaze down at the kunoichi and his eyes softened. Susanoo had rolled on her stomach in her sleep on her side of the bed, the covers now on her waist, and she had tucked her head under her pillow as if to block the small rays of sunlight filtering through. Only small blue curls at the nape of her neck stuck out. Karim snorted and shook his head, amusement warming his chest. So even a kunoichi from a clan of murderers could act this cute, huh.

Nevertheless, the fact that Susanoo was still asleep gave him plenty of opportunities right now—namely, admiring the magnificent details of her irezumi because he couldn't get enough of her full back piece and her arms. Taking a picture of that gigantic tattoo wasn't going to cut it, because he needed to see the whole thing as he just loved it. Biting his lower lip, Karim maneuvered himself to sit on Susanoo's ass, brought his hands to the shirt covering his girlfriend's back and slowly pulled it up. The details of the splendid irezumi revealed themselves to his eager gaze, who admired each one of them very attentively. All the shades of blue, white, gold and black looked harmonious and where they belonged. It was just breath-taking.

Karim let his fingers wander Susanoo's lower back, slowly going up towards her left hip. Her skin was smooth and warm to the touch, emitting a comforting warmth that was familiar to all Third Gens—his personal heater whenever his covers and sheets weren't enough. Her core always burnt more because of her blue flames, which were so rare among Fire Soldiers. It made him feel relaxed to touch his girlfriend so intimately, but oh so excited and honoured to touch an irezumi of such quality. The Fire Soldier bent forward to kiss her middle back softly, but lovingly. Susanoo hummed in her sleep and arched just a little, but nothing more, so he continued. Karim slowly kissed his way back up, worshipping the details of her tattoo with his lips. Damaging the irezumi would be so shameful, which was why he tried to avoid her back when having an intercourse.

"You should have woken me up if you wanted to see it again, love," Susanoo's soft voice mumbled under the pillow, amused and a bit sleepy.

Karim chuckled along her skin, throwing her pillow away. "You were sleeping so well that I refused to do you this honour, so I indulged myself," he whispered before kissing her right back shoulder. His fingers still grasped her shirt nonetheless. "But take this off now, I'm already too engaged to be disengaged."

"Cheeky priest."

"What about it? C'mon, Leaf." He made a show of draping himself over her body, his chest flush against her back, until his mouth was at her ear. "Play with me before lunch, then we can do something today. Anything you want, since it's your turn to choose." His hand cupped a full breast to fondle the heavy mound, his finger circling the nipple before he teased it with a swipe. Susanoo arched against him with a light hum, her ass grinding deliciously against his crotch, and Karim growled, tensing. "I need you. Want me to bite you even more? I can do that."

She finally turned her head towards him, flushed and smiling so sensually that he felt his primal instincts taking over his reason. Their lips met in a slow, but hard kiss in which Karim got gently slammed on his back with his girlfriend on top of him. He smirked lewdly, his hands finding Susanoo's bare hips when she finally got rid of that annoying shirt.

Karim hastily sat up to meet her mouth in a sinful kiss with their tongues clashing. "Ride me raw," he ordered urgently against her lips, his hands nearly ripping off her underwear to have access to her sex. "Please, I... fuck, I need you right the hell now, Susanoo..."

"Then use me. I'm here."

For all he knew, it wasn't just the lust and love talking but something else much stronger. It was raw and brewing inside him, so he needed to let it all out. That anger had to be purged somehow. The second he was fully sheathed inside Susanoo, he felt himself overwhelmed by a myriad of heavenly sensations that made him snap; instead of allowing his girlfriend to ride him like he ordered her to, Karim all but tackled her forward and firmly pinned her on the bed with one hand imprisoned in his above her head. He hooked one leg around his waist and immediately thrust his hips forward in a brutal movement.

Susanoo squealed in pleasure and arched beneath him, her Yin Yang eyes wide open in surprise, and the priest growled loudly. His eyes glowed and Karim snarled, devouring the sensual body of his woman with a ravenous gaze. He felt so hungry and anguished at the same time that he had to fuck Susanoo hard.

"Bear with me, doll," he groaned.

He swung his hips in brutal abandon, now gripping her hips in a bruising hold, and let his primal instincts do the work for him. Because for now, all Karim had in mind was Susanoo and the explosive emotions plaguing him and since he knew for sure that meditation wasn't going to do the trick, he had to find another way of venting. Listening to his girlfriend's moans and heated pants, watching her writhe beneath him while he was fucking her—and not making love, as he wasn't in the right mindset for that—would help immensely. And the eye contact she was making with Karim right now pleased him: he saw comprehension and trust, mixed with her lust for him and somehow visible for the priest to sense. 'I trust you. Use me. Be well, Karim.', was what her eyes were telling him.

Oh, how he wanted to thank her for her support... though she also needed his, she chose his needs and well-being first before hers. Selfless and selfish at the same time? Karim couldn't believe it. He'll have to cut that shit out, as her troubles were just as annoying and alarming as his.

Holding her fiery gaze with his own, he pistoned his hips against Susanoo as hard as he could and made the bed rock along with them. Large breasts bounced teasingly under his hungry eyes, calling to his touch and begging to be played with, but Karim had another focus right now. Susanoo was grabbing onto the bed sheets, writhing beneath him as she mewled loudly in pleasure and moaned his name like a mantra, but did her best to maintain eye contact with him. The priest was grateful for that, because he could feel their connection burn brightly from within—the bond let him feel how she felt towards him right now.

Love. Trust. Hope. And concern. So many beautiful emotions felt towards him that made him feel so... loved and light. Was that what she felt whenever he was in a bad mood and in need of meditation? It was so vivid that he wanted to cry in her arms again. His Matsumoto really was one of a kind. But not right now, not in the middle of an intercourse. So Karim shot forward to give her a bruising kiss, playing with her amazing flexibility by hooking her left leg onto his shoulder, and drove himself wild into her. He ground his hips as lewdly and as hard as possible, hoping that Susanoo would understand his need to fuck her raw. Luckily for him, she returned the kiss just as hard and let her body receive his assault, taking it all.

When Karim neared his climax, he swung his hips forward in three great thrusts so hard that the friction made him explode. He spilled himself into his woman with a vicious growl of pleasure that he thought his whole body was vibrating from the inside while Susanoo milked him hard with a loud cry of bliss that made his soul resonate in sweet harmony. Their bodies shook, remnants of the brutal fucking Karim had subjected them both to, and it took him a while longer than the shinobi to regain control of his breathing. Damn breathing techniques she'd been taught all her life. He nuzzled her neck with his lips, still wanting to be united with Susanoo a while longer than necessary, and littered soft kisses on every patch of skin he could touch.

Soft hands treaded in his mohawk, soothing and warm, and Karim finally sighed in relaxation in Susanoo's arms as she hugged him.

"Please tell me you're doing okay, Karim," she begged him in a sorrowful voice. "Please tell me. If not, let me in so I can help you."

He completely relaxed against her after a long silence, eyes no longer glowing and his expression growing sadder and sadder.

"I'm not," Karim admitted, his voice ashen. "I'm not okay..."

Susanoo gave out a shuddering sigh and choked on a sob. Her tears didn't take long to fall from her eyes, just as Karim's already were. Of course he wasn't. But she was here to help and the priest was immensely grateful for her presence here, as he was in no good condition to be doing anything else. They both had so much in mind—Rekka and his treason towards the Tokyo Empire and the entire Special Fire Force, the goddamn Matsumoto council having performed a mind wipe on one of their 'gold mines', and those missing memories that might actually jeopardize their relationship. If the feelings between them were real, then the bond should be as well... shouldn't it be? Was his friendship with Rekka even real? When did it start being fake for him to the point that he'd even consider killing both him and Huo Yan if they ever got in his way? What the hell was making sense in this goddamn world now?

To think that everything had been going so sweet for so many months, Karim thought with a twitch and a snarl, a few more tears falling from his eyes. When no one from Company 1 knew about his secret relationship with Susanoo, that was when it was so much better. Though the secrecy used to be a bit annoying because he was a priest and had therefore given his body and soul to the Holy Sol, Susanoo put up with it and him at the same time and constantly challenged the fate the Matsumoto had written down for her. Even when their relationship wasn't perfect, she and Karim seemed to fit perfectly. The hell was she thinking, refusing to tell him that she was supposed to be another breeding cow for her clan?

However, it would seem that she'd been the victim of retaliation from the Matsumoto council and she hadn't even been aware of it. Those missing memories must have something they absolutely wanted gone forever so they could mold Susanoo into their 'gold mine' and have one of their young males bonded to her and impregnate his girlfriend. That was straight brainwashing just to have your way. The burning hot fury was brewing under Karim like one of those Infernals going insane and burning away, which reinforced his intense hatred of the shinobi clan. And since a gut feeling told him there was more to the story, then the priest should brace himself for the results of the investigation and a visit to the compound to confront the bastards responsible for the bumps in his love life. The truth behind those missing memories had better be worth it.

Karim released Susanoo's leg on his shoulder and shifted against her soft body so that her legs were wrapped around his waist, sat up and brought her flush against him so they could cuddle in this position. A cold feeling pricked at his heart when he saw her tears running down her cheeks, but he couldn't do anything about it; the words were stuck in his throat and there was no remedy against his own pain. So soothing hers? He was powerless. The man he called a brother was a fucking traitor, turning innocent people into Infernals and his soul was too tainted to even feel the slightest regret. For all he knew, Rekka Hoshimiya was dead.

Rekka Hoshimiya was now a ghost. Maybe he'd been that way ever since Karim became friends with him and he never noticed the difference between the 'friend' and the ugly monster lying underneath that front. No one did, not even Huo Yan.

"Goddamnit," Karim cursed in a tired voice as he tucked his face into her plump chest. "How much did they take from you, Susa..? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Rekka, what the hell are you trying to do...?"

"Forgive me, Karim, I've been selfish with our relationship by keeping all this to myself," she choked, hugging her boyfriend.

She really had been, yeah. Maybe that thinking that she was protecting Karim from the bullshit tradition her clan made all their females go through could have fucked up their relationship; though she'd planned to tell her priest because he needed to know, the sudden revelation of the mind wipe she'd gone through and those missing memories now popping out of nowhere could probably destroy everything. Especially if said memories with Benimaru were of any value to the Matsumoto, because they wouldn't have gone the extra mile to seal them. Could they actually jeopardize her blissful relationship with Karim, even if they belonged to the past? Susanoo was almost scared to find out the truth, although it would put a satisfying end to the council and their manipulations, as it could have heartbreaking repercussions.

The council had always been furious and extremely demanding towards her, and their displeasure with her had intensified the second the disgruntled approval for her irezumi had passed. Was the Koi fish irezumi the reason they'd sealed a good portion of her memories? Because she, a 'gold mine' who should just obey orders like the precious and rare gem she was as a woman in the Matsumoto clan, wanted to ride on the winds of change, to decide and think for herself for once? Might as well take her eyes and she'd lose a lot of her spirit for good, as her will would crumble and she'd be branded 'used goods'.

"That was selfish of me to leave out all this horrible bullshit about the 'gold mine' tradition. I... I didn't say anything because I was naive enough to believe that the council might have actually backed off to let me live like a real woman." New tears fell from her empty gaze. "Did I screw up between us?"

"No," Karim said coldly. "But I need to clear my head for a while. Alone, so I'm gonna run. Can you manage on your own while I'm gone?"

He didn't wait for an answer and gently, but firmly disentangled himself from Susanoo to stand up from the bed and grab some clothes. He put them on with mechanical gestures, unable to face his beloved girlfriend for the time being and see her crushed expression and tears. He couldn't stand them and thoroughly loathed that look. When he took his headphones and phone, Karim heaved a great sigh and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"I'll be back soon, 'kay? Don't worry about me, Susa."

The only answer he got was a light 'Yeah'. and he left the room, his mind and heart overrun by so many emotions. Though all Karim wanted was to snuggle more with Susanoo in bed, he needed to have a clear mind before engaging any conversation with her. He'd never yelled at her before while angry, but that was now a possibility and the priest wasn't sure he could actually bear it if she yelled back while just as pissed off as he could be.

After getting dressed in Karim's T-Shirt and undergarment, the kunoichi stomped downstairs to head to the garden. She snatched some daifuku from the bag of sweets Konro had given her prior to her departure and got out in the garden from jumping out of the window in the kitchen. The sadness Susanoo was feeling was mixed with brewing anger that had been slowly building up ever since her brothers theorized that the council might be behind her lapses. Not only might this fuck up her love life, but it could also drive her boyfriend away, as he wasn't born in a shinobi clan and knew next to nothing about clan shenanigans. Just when everything was going so fine, it all goes to shit, Susanoo thought with clenched teeth and fists. Tears were already gathering in her Yin Yang eyes, but she refused to cry for now.

Since Karim had decided to drown their problems for now by going on a run, she might just do the same by training and meditating outside. It was sunny today as well, with a few clouds, and warm enough for her to stay outside and soak in the sunlight. The kunoichi put the plate on a lounging chair, then took three steps before getting into the defensive Matsumoto stance with the most aggravated face ever. It could put Benimaru's resting bitch face to shame, if he were there to see it. But the distance she suddenly felt from Karim was not just frustrating—it was scaring the hell out of her. When he walked out without looking at Susanoo, it felt like her soul was crying out to his and he just... ignored it.

She gritted her teeth as she started her training. Her movements were fluid and graceful, didn't lack confidence, but each was fueled by silent rage. Karim had never ignored her before, that had never happened. Did she screw up? It sounded like her fault, because she actually took her time telling her boyfriend about the predicament she was in as a 'gold mine' of the Matsumoto. Her soul reached out to his, tried to appease the discontent, sadness and turmoil if he could let her in, but it 'shut her down' and blocked her. On purpose. Karim shut her down.

Susanoo fucked up big time with him. And it was partly her own damn fault!

With a shrill cry of rage that was amplified by Kali's spirit, the kunoichi threw her head back and just screamed to the skies. Twice. The powerful strength behind them sent vibrations around her, with enough force to shake the glass of the windows, but not enough to break it. There was one crack that appeared right beneath Susanoo's feet, but that was all. Two long cries of anguish, reinforced by a familiar self-hatred she thought had been buried along with her past self, that exhausted her and Susanoo finally slumped on the ground. She sat Indian style, trying to regain her breath, and her expression crumbled to one of deep misery and devastation.

It was bad enough that she had to challenge the Matsumoto council for her future, but the consequences of their damn meddling shouldn't impact on her relationship with Karim. He already had enough difficulty dealing with Rekka's betrayal and the mind wipe Susanoo and her brothers were subjected to added more unnecessary problems no one absolutely asked for. Benimaru must be going bonkers back home, most certainly failing to remain calm now that he was aware that his mind had been messed with, and must be giving her brothers a hard time. The kunoichi couldn't blame her captain—those memories had to have a lot of value for them to be sealed by the council. Worse, they could be problematic for whatever goal they must have in mind. And she couldn't blame Karim either.

Sighing deeply, Susanoo raised empty eyes towards the sunny sky.

"If you were in my place, alive and born in a clan such as mine with the same predicament, how would you deal with this... Juvia?" she asked softly.

Judging from the memories Susanoo had from her previous lifetime, Juvia Lockser was nothing more than an orphan and didn't have any family anywhere else. Parents? Hell if she had any, since all she'd known was that orphanage where she was shunned by everyone because of her rain. Fairy Tail offered her another... 'rebirth', if one could say it this way. Then Alvarez happened and, though Juvia could have had another opportunity to better her life after she got over her obsession with Gray Fullbuster, she still didn't make it. All her chances at becoming a better person, to finally fall in love with the right person—all blown to pieces.

At least, the water mage had come to understand that the ice mage wasn't her destiny. Shame that she couldn't live on. In the end, Juvia Lockser got reborn and there came Matsumoto Susanoo, a coveted female shinobi whose fate was written down to pop out more Matsumoto babies. Was it better? Or was it even worse?

Was it a good thing that she was born?

"I don't believe it. The lapdog seems to be distancing himself from our Hime. She's crying... and she's angry." Toshiro scowled, his eyes observing the gorgeous kunoichi. "This isn't good, Ren..."

Next to Toshiro, Ren had reached for his katana and was slowly drawing his blade out. His intense Yin Yang eyes were focused on Susanoo—more particularly her long, toned legs—as he devoured the kunoichi. Undressing her with his eyes and seeing her naked in his mind was easily done, as he and Toshiro had assisted to the lovemaking. Her cries, moans and mewls of pleasure would haunt his dreams for many nights and the perspective of masturbating to her was so appealing. A boner had even started to itch.

Never had the Matsumoto felt such envy.

"If I could sever his head, take both of his eyes for laying them on Susanoo...," Ren muttered through clenched teeth.

Toshiro grabbed his shoulder with a warning glance.

"Control yourself, bro. That jealousy of yours is really unsettling, as you couldn't be matched to her," he reminded the seething shinobi.

"Neither could you," Ren hissed at him, snapping his narrowed eyes at him. "I'd make a good alpha for Susanoo, if only her constitution matched mine perfectly. I know I can be what and who she needs. That lapdog is a mistake for sure, but we need him."

Though he meant to remain calm and collected, Toshiro flinched at the harsh tone of his brother and ground his jaws. He had to take a breath to steady his nerves, as one misshap could alert Susanoo and the kunoichi was a master sensor. The truth was hard to handle sometimes as a Matsumoto, but even he couldn't help but agree with his brother; growing up at the compound, he and Ren had felt drawn to Susanoo's persona, as the clan head's only daughter always seemed to elude the council's machinations. It was as if she'd always been different from all the other Matsumoto females. She was... change. Change personified.

Ren wasn't shy and made his lust for Susanoo well-known—fuck being subtile, his wandering eyes and his lecherous smirk made sure to show everyone that he desired her. Aoshi and Sasuke had nearly beaten him to death when they'd caught wind of his infatuation over their sister, which was understandable. Toshiro couldn't lie to himself either: the idea of having Sasuke's twin sister gave birth to many fantasies in his head. And watching that damn priest make love to her had been a real challenge. Of course, killing Flam Karim had also crossed his mind..

When Susanoo shuffled back inside the house, Toshiro hummed and turned away with a dark look. "Let's go report to Father, the lapdog must be on his way back and I don't want to risk our position," he drawled. "Hime might actually sense us if we prolong our stay."

"Right," Ren drawled back.

The two shinobi vanished in the air.

Five seconds after the brothers left, Susanoo leaned on the wall with a conflicted expression and worried eyes.

"Aoshi was right," she whispered franctically. "There's something fishy going on at the compound..."

Although they'd managed to conceal their presence for most of the time they were here, the two clansmen that just left the neighbourhood had had trouble remaining undetected; Susanoo had sensed spikes in their auras, as if they'd felt raw anger or hatred, which allowed her to recognise their aura signatures.

Toshiro and Ren. Sons of Matsumoto Senri—one of the elders of the council. So the council really was onto her, just as Aoshi thought. As long as she was still running free and dating Karim, they wouldn't stop until she was back into the fold as a gold mine. Toshiro and Ren's presence at her boyfriend's older brother's home merely confirmed that the two were in on the council's mysterious plot, were most certainly aware of the mind-wipe she, Benimaru and her siblings had been subjected to and were now watching her every move. I bet they even spied on us in the bedroom, the kunoichi raged, her glowing eyes flashing in anger.

Susanoo remembered training and hanging around Toshiro and Ren, who were three years her seniors, back when they were children at the compound. The brothers were both reserved and a bit cold, but still nice to spend time with. Toshiro had been a shy kid, though he was older than her and Sasuke, and Ren was found to be arrogant at times and more outgoing than his twin. When the years passed and her body grew more curvaceous and appealing to the males, their gazes considerably changed towards her. Such change hadn't gone unnoticed by her parents, uncle and older brothers, who weren't pleased with this situation while Matsumoto Senri had been overjoyed.

Susanoo clenched her teeth, hung her head and closed her eyes. "There's no running away from them," she hissed. "No escape...I'm not safe."


Sasuke opened his eyes, staring at the ground with a conflicted expression, and clenched his teeth. He was tense and impossibly emotional right now, as he could feel his twin's torment with more strength and clarity than anyone else. Though she'd left Asakusa to have two days of respite with her priest, it would seem that trouble still followed her; Sasuke might not know Karim as much as Susanoo, but the reaction he had after being told of Hoshimiya Rekka's betrayal was only the prelude to a breakdown. The priest and Susanoo must have had a fight or something, judging by the intense turmoil he could feel from his spot and the connection with his sister. This actually confirmed his doubts about Flam Karim being the right fit for her—Susanoo would never feel unbalanced with him if he was her mate. Never. So what the fuck?

But she's in love with him, right? Sasuke wondered with a conflicted expression. How he wished to be by her side right now and ask the right questions, because nothing made sense. The siblings had been taught by their parents, uncles and aunts that their matches would not only complete them, but wouldn't turn them away even if they wanted to. Aoshi had found Yumi and the two were actually in love with each other, Sasuke and Touka were actually going out, and the latter's feelings were slowly growing stronger each day they spent together. All Matsumotos were wrapped in a pair, with a partner that completed them. Like the Yin and the Yang. But where the hell did that leave his precious twin?

The fact that Susanoo couldn't find a partner among their kinsmen growing up had thrown everyone off, which had concerned the members of the council. Though their age of bloodshed was over, the traditions must be honoured and every female of the clan should be matched and bonded with a male who completed her. Why the hell couldn't their mischievious, yet lovely Susanoo find her match? Not that Sasuke wanted her to be forever branded to the clan, but still...

"Hey, Konro?" Sasuke called out loud.

Small footsteps edged his way as the taller Fire Soldier joined him in the patio. Sasuke didn't look up when he sat down next to him, but nodded to greet him.

"Is everything okay, Sasuke?" the lieutenant asked, his dark eyes boring into the young Matsumoto.

'Translation: is Susanoo alright?'

"No," the twin admitted. "She's not okay. There's something amiss between her and Flam Karim—I can feel it in our connection. What's weirder is the fact that he seems to have... blocked her."

Konro frowned. "Please explain yourself, because I'm lost."

"Yeah, I can tell. See, all female Matsumotos are born to be bonded to a male from the clan in order to have balance in their souls and minds. Just like the Yin and the Yang. Everything needs to balanced with us," the shinobi said. "Once there's a pair, you become bonded to your significant other so that you feel his emotions. Your souls remain bare to each other so harmony can reign forever. The bond is so solid that the male can't be blocked from the female's soul and vice-versa, because it's created between two souls that complete each other. The male Matsumoto is the female's original and only alpha, the one she should always respond and be loyal to. Therefore, the love she nurtures for him is genuine and strong. But ever since these... 'memories' have started showing up out of nowhere, I can feel many incoherences between Susanoo and Karim."

He groaned and rubbed his forehead. A headache was creeping in in full force.

"I don't get it, Konro: it's like... they match but, at the same time, they don't. It didn't happen months ago when they first created the bond and everything just seemed normal. The way she's been behaving in his presence truly felt like she'd finally found her alpha in Flam Karim, which made sense at first. At first," he stressed, narrowing his Yin Yang eyes. "If he blocks Susanoo spontaneously and even distances himself from her, then something is amiss here... I may have just started dating Touka, but I have the feeling I'd be devastated if we were to lose our bond. We need to recover these memories to unravel the truth and kill the culprits. Fast. This way, we might also learn why Susanoo couldn't match with any male from the clan."

Konro was silent for a few moments, staring at Sasuke with a blank expression no one could read. He returned the stare, not even a slightest unnerved by such scrutiny. He had his eyes to unnerve everyone.

Finally, the Fire Soldier faced forward with a neutral expression.

"Is there any chance that this priest might not be Susanoo's alpha? Her original alpha? He's made her happy for months and one would be a fool to not return those strong feelings, but if any of what you're saying is true, then they're not a pair." He frowned heavily. "Which would make much more sense."

"But she's Karim's girlfriend, they love each other—I can feel it, Konro. The feelings are real because Susanoo can't fake them, we can't fake anything. We can't fake love and Susa clearly doesn't know how."

"You have doubts, Sasuke," Konro countered. "It's unlike any of you to have doubts: for someone who can discern the truth from the lie and tell the truth all the time, it's baffling to hear that you're doubting something about anything. Concerning Beni and Susanoo, somehow I shouldn't be surprised that your council decided to step in." His expression darkened. "They'd never liked him as a child whenever he'd come for training, despised him even more when he started hanging out with you and Susanoo. And..."

"'And'?" Sasuke pressed. "Was there more between them?"

But the older man shook his head, his eyes closed in silent seething.

"That alone should partly explain why your twin estranged herself from the clan, Sasuke. Like I said, the council utterly despised Benimaru for being too close to the princess of the clan. I can only imagine how pissed they must have been when they found out about their gold mine and the Dragon of Asakusa."

Sasuke opened his mouth to ask one more question, but found himself tongue-tied and staring stupidly at the Fire Soldier. The words implied something deeper between his twin and the captain of Company 7, hinting at a...No fucking way, he thought as he gaped. It couldn't be what Konro meant and what he thought, but what the hell else could it be? Sasuke had the feeling this could explain so many things.

Shinmon Benimaru and his twin sister. They were together, a couple. Used to be. And if the council went out of their way to seal their memories so they couldn't remember anything, then that meant that Flam Karim wasn't Susanoo's alpha. That Benimaru was her real and original alpha. That the council had severed their bond for an obscure purpose. That they committed treason against the clan head of the Matsumoto by using his children as pawns in an unknown plot.

They willingly separated a gold mine from her alpha.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he turned away from Konro, feeling faint and disgusted. The mind-wipe Susanoo had suffered had affected his memories as well, since he was her twin brother. Aoshi and the triplets had also been affected, though they hadn't followed Susanoo when she estranged herself from the clan to join the Hikeshi brigade with Benimaru, so the link between them all could only be one person.

Benimaru himself. Because he wasn't a Matsumoto, but all the siblings knew him and familiarized themselves with his aura. They all considered him a friend and family, so it would make sense if their memories of him being Susanoo's alpha had been altered and messed with. Meaning that even their parents must have felt the effects of the mind-wipe, because they allowed Susanoo to leave the compound and live with Benimaru in Asakusa when they were just teens.

Sasuke gulped loudly, a lump in his throat.

"Beni and Susa," he stammered, his eyes wide in disbelief and horror. "They... the two of them..."

Konro opened his eyes. "It threw them all off when they couldn't find a match for her among your relatives, didn't it?" he said coolly. "They didn't suspect a thing between Beni and Susa until it was too late—she'd already left the compound to live with us in Asakusa. At thirteen, they were inseparable. On your fourteenth birthday, Beni asked her to come live with us."

"She agreed. Of course she had to—they were a pair, she had to follow her alpha wherever he went. They were the perfect pair, so Beni wasn't going to take no for an answer." Sasuke covered his mouth. "I believe Father and Mother allowed Susa to leave the compound and then... then..."

"One elder of the council actually tried to stop them."

Sasuke abruptly turned towards the lieutenant, stunned. One of the elders had seriously attempted to stop Benimaru and Susanoo from leaving the compound? How the hell could he not remember any of that, since it really happened?

"I don't remember his name, as I could care less about that old geezer, but I sure can remember all the words and insults he hurled at Beni. It was raw anger and pure hatred, as one of the gold mines had finally escaped their hold by having an outsider as an alpha. And the more astounding fact about said gold mine is that she's the clan head's only daughter, so I guess that your sister must have been considered as the most precious prize to collect. She must still be, if the council acted behind your father and mother's back to get to her." Konro ground his jaws together, his eyes flashing. "But why? Is it really to punish Susanoo for rebelling against the clan and coming to Asakusa with us or isn't there something more we're missing out on?"

Sasuke wanted to say something when he felt a strong, familiar aura heading towards them and he turned, his Yin Yang eyes spinning. Benimaru was strolling in their direction, his irate gaze set on Sasuke. The shinobi barely flinched, but he felt his friend's anger—ever since the nature of their problem had been revealed, the Fire Soldier had started investigating on his own after Susanoo left. He'd been on edge most of the time, never allowing anyone to approach him because he'd been in a foul mood. And his aura being this disturbed and angry most certainly meant that he'd had some answers to his questions.

Sasuke's reflexes kicked in when his senses alerted him of the danger and his eyes glowed. Two long arms, made of bright blue flames and wearing golden ornaments, shot out from his back to catch the fireball thrown at him in their hands. They played with it, reducing the giant ball of flames into a small one as they compressed it. Not really surprised by this attack, the shinobi merely got up on his feet to face his friend while Konro had literally jumped away to avoid the stand-off.

"Beni!" the lieutenant exclaimed, disbelieving.

"It's alright, Konro," Sasuke placated him, one hand raised. His eyes never left Benimaru. "He has the right to be angry and we can't blame him."

And to be honest, he'd been expecting that kind of reaction from his childhood friend. That was just how he'd always been as a child and since some things never changed, Sasuke wasn't even that surprised to see him overreacting whenever Susanoo was concerned.

Once Benimaru reached him, the two friends faced each other in silence, observing one another. Though he wanted nothing more than placate the captain at the moment, Sasuke wasn't going to waste his time and would just handle him the old fashioned way—by letting him explode. The council had taken a lot from him and what was frightening was that Shinmon Benimaru was always up for a fight. That genius fighter could wreck many of his fellow clansmen if he put the effort into it and, at the moment, he'd make a lot of them bleed.

"Explain yourself," he ordered coldly.

Sasuke lifted a brow and cocked his head to the side, crossing his arms. "Be precise, Beni," he drawled. "We can't play mind games for the time being, as the ticking bomb is likely to explode."

"The townspeople and my Hikeshi soldiers are all asking me one single question. The same question I have no answer to. Do you know which one it is, Sasuke?"

He leaned in towards Sasuke, his eyes still glowing and reflecting his enraged state of mind. Still, the shinobi didn't flinch and stared.

"'Why did you and Aoba break up'?" he raged. "You got an answer for that one or you still want to play dumb until I decide to break into the Matsumoto compound and I beat those damn old geezers to a pulp?"

This time, Sasuke did flinch and his face fell. Kali's arms faded away from his back, the blue flames dying out as the shinobi stared at his childhood friend with a conflicted expression. Konro had the same face, but Benimaru paid him no mind as he was fixated on Susanoo's twin brother.

So Benimaru and Susanoo really used to be a couple, the people of Asakusa couldn't have imagined this if they'd seen them for years. Besides, Sasuke didn't need to use his eyes on the Hikeshi soldiers or ask Konro to confirm this—it was most likely to be the truth. The Matsumoto council did break them up...but why?

The shinobi slowly raised his hands, taking a breath to steal his nerves. "Beni, for the last time. Calm. Down! Don't get more pissed off, there's only so many I can focus on at the moment: Susanoo herself is just as lost as you are. It's impacting her at the moment." He closed his eyes, massaging his temples. "Damn it, she's almost panicking...why?"

"What? Is she alright?" Benimaru said. His voice had lost all its fire, now growing more concerned. He grabbed Sasuke's collar. "Is it because of that damn priest of hers?"

Konro approached the young men and put each hand on their shoulders, forcibly separating them. "Waka, don't stress him out," he warned firmly. "Remember: you stress Sasuke out, you also stress Susanoo out. Their bond is deep and sensible."

Benimaru ground his jaws, then groaned as he sent his childhood friend an apologetic look. "Sorry for nearly exploding on you, this situation is driving me insane," he grumbled sincerely. "But tell me: is Susanoo alright over there? Is it the priest?"

Sasuke frowned even more, his features now contorted in pain. "No, she's not okay. Maybe it's Karim, but there's something else; she's having doubts, she's frustrated, she's angry... and she's scared?"

"What do you—"

Something crashed behind the shinobi, whose eyes had opened in disbelief exactly at the same time, and all three turned to look at what had crashed near them. Or rather who, because random objects couldn't groan and curse in pain. The cerulean hair, previously slicked back and now messed up, was a dead giveaway as the Matsumoto struggled to push himself on his knees. Sasuke's eyes widened and stared when he recognized Shindo, a fellow kinsmen whom he got along with. One of his shoulders was dislocated as the arm was limp and useless on his side, he was sporting bruises on his face and he was spitting blood.

"I thought you and Akira had become more proficient at the iaido martial arts?" a familiar voice drawled coldly, chilling in the air. "And you thought you'd be able to take on Benimaru? Guess you two have been slacking off, Shindo..."

Just as the voice finished talking, Akira was violently thrown to the ground as well and landed on top of Shindo. The two brothers crumbled back down, unable to get back up. Matsumoto Satoshi landed gracefully in front of them and crouched, his smiling face and the murderous eyes a mere reflection of his killing intent now engulfing the whole area. Sasuke actually took a step back, his arms spread to prevent Benimaru or Konro from advancing any further, because he instantly identified that look on his uncle's face. He and Susanoo had seen it enough during their training, which had both traumatized and taught them the scent of fear and how to use it.

Uncle has found something, Sasuke thought with a gulp.

"The hell is going on?" Benimaru demanded hotly, slapping Sasuke's arm to stomp toward Satoshi.

"Why don't you ask them, Benimaru? As you and my daughter are the cornerstone of this mess we're all locked in."

At the sound of that gentle, unobtrusive yet authoritarian voice, Sasuke turned again to stare at his mother in muted disbelief, who was strolling behind Satoshi. Even with her white kimono and silks, she had the grace of a swan and was most certainly hiding kunai beneath her outfit. She looked ethereal as always and deadly at the same time, because the equally murderous look on her smiling face only added to the already crush killing intent floating in the air. Then, Sasuke sensed more auras surrounding them and he didn't have to look up to understand that the guardhouse was 'locked down' by their clansmen—most certainly bodyguards to protect his mother.

If his mother and uncle had both got out of the compound, then things were seriously going to shit and there would be hell to pay. Hatsue, even though she was a gold mine, had built herself a reputation among their clansmen and would happily spill blood to protect her family. The severity of the situation seemed to dawn on Sasuke like cold water, immediately shifting his thoughts onto Shindo and Akira; his face lost emotion and became blank as his eyes turned to the two Matsumoto struggling to sit. This was a questioning, a trial... and probably an execution.

"Mother," Sasuke greeted neutrally.

Lady Hatsue nodded, her elegant curls bouncing past her shoulders. Her smile softened just a little to greet her son. "My dear Sasuke, it's good that you're here to see this," she chimed, her voice as soothing as it was chilling at the same time.

"Lady Hatsue, do you mind letting us in on what the hell is happening at out doorstep?" Konro remarked darkly, his expression darkening.

"Yeah, and I want in on the fight too," Benimaru growled as he stood next to Sasuke, ready to jump in. "Anything to make those bastards talk."

"Then we're all in luck, as Shindo and Akira will be more than eager to confess after Ryū and Aoshi managed to wring out all the information we needed from Misaki and Ai," Satoshi said, his smile widening. "A seal had been used on the males involved in our predicament to prevent them from talking, but the elders have been too careless and had left out the wives." He chuckled darkly, his Yin Yang eyes glowing as they widened in glee. "Have those damn old geezers forgotten that kunoichi excel in seduction and can still find sneaky ways to go around seals of many kinds? They're taught this, because before being gold mines, they're still Matsumoto. So Misaki and Ai were very cooperative with us. We thought you'd like to hear it all, Benimaru. You're going to love it."

The looks of horror on Shindo and Akira's faces when Misaki and Ai were mentioned only served to add fuel to the terror they were both feeling. The Matsumoto may be a shinobi clan of extremely dangerous murderers, they were still murderers who cared about the gold mines they married and impregnated. Clearly, Shindo and Akira loved their partners. All of a sudden, they were bowing low to Lady Hatsue and Lord Satoshi, kneeling as best as they could on the ground despite their injuries.

Benimaru watched on eagerly, his eyes glowing in restrained anger.

"The elders did it."

Blood will be spilled again.

The Matsumoto compound

The east aisle of the Matsumoto compound was the place where the elders usually sat for afternoon tea and meditation. It was their personal haven, safe from the havoc the young and new generations of Matsumotos could wreak by awakening their pyrokinesis—Second Gens were rare among their blood, but nonetheless powerful when trained correctly and sufficiently hard enough to use the deadly 'Pressure of Death' mode.

And the east aisle was also a place where elders could either gossip... or plot.

"You claimed that the seal would lock those memories for good and as long as Princess Susanoo doesn't remember what was, we won't risk exposure!" one elder, Matsumoto Senri, hissed angrily at his companion. "If what my sons are telling me is correct, then our princess and the Imperial lapdog might be distancing themselves and are experiencing disturbances. This isn't good."

"Control your voice, you fool!" Matsumoto Yasue hissed as well, his eyes flashing. "Lord Ryū has eyes and ears everywhere in the compound. Speaking his daughter's name will warrant your death for sure, especially since we've committed treachery. If he and Lady Hatsue were to learn about this, the walls of the compound will be painted red with our blood. And we are all acquainted with Lord Satoshi's insane bloodlust..."

Senri snarled, but the sudden palor of his face contrasted with the enraged tone in which he'd expressed himself just a minute ago. Fear flashed in his Yin Yang gaze and expression, strong and chilling, and the old man settled back in his seat with a shuddering sigh. The third elder of the group huffed, reaching for his tea. His Yin Yang eyes were exhausted, lacking the bright light they always had.

"Calm yourselves, my friends," Matsumoto Ashura said serenely. "Falling into panic while our plan hasn't really taken off just yet would be our downfall, so please remain calm. Senri, what did Toshiro and Ren say after spying on Princess Susanoo undetected?"

Senri had to take a breath to calm his nerves, which should help him gather all of his senses, before answering.

"The bond between Princess Susanoo and the lapdog is subject to disturbances, as Flam Karim's soul can actually block hers subconsciously. He doesn't appear to be aware of doing it and therefore is distancing himself from her. While the bond is genuine, it's clearly weakening as Princess Susanoo has begun experiencing flashbacks of the memories we've sealed."

"Only after months of the priest enjoying our princess and believing to be her alpha, his soul is now yearning to be free from the bond that has been forced on it," Yasue growled, his eyes closing in a conflicted expression. "The mind-wipe jutsu isn't as efficient as it used to be, since Princess Susanoo's seal is slowly breaking. And what's more, the outsider must be onto us as we speak."

Three pairs of Yin Yang eyes instantly hardened in distaste, as if their mood had been switched.

"The 'Destroyer of Asakusa'," Ashura spat, contempt dripping from his tone. "A fitting name for a wild dragon that knows nothing else but destruction and lacks discipline."

"From the bottom of my heart, I knew it was a terrible mistake of allowing Shinmon Benimaru to be around Master Ryū and Lady Hatsue's children—especially Prince Sasuke and Princess Susanoo," Senri huffed. "He's influenced her, poisoned her mind and stole her from our grasp. He defiled her, as the princess had always been so pure. Had they not met, our sons could have had the opportunity to seduce her into considering them and we would just have had to persuade Lord Ryū and Lady Hatsue that—"

"Persuade me and my wife that what?"

If fear had a name, it would be Matsumoto Ryū, as the clan head had suddenly appeared out of nowhere completely undetected (despite the guards assigned to the east aisle, who should have alerted them of his arrival). The tall shinobi was bent right behind Senri, having spoken these words at his ear with a wide, uncharacteristic smile. His appearance made the elders shout in surprise and sent them scrambling off their cushions and away from him. It only made Ryū's falsely neutral Yin Yang eyes crinkle and his smile widen even more.

And that killing intent surrounding him was suffocating...

"M-Master Ryū!" Ashura croaked with difficulty. "We didn't hear you arrive..."

The clan head stood back on his feet, surveying the three elders with the same falsely kind expression and this frightening smile. Though they didn't mean to, their eyes still took in his appearance; instead of his robes, he was wearing ordinary clothes—a black shirt with no sleeves, black pants and black boots. What actually got their attention was the nodachi he was holding, one sword he was very adept at using as many had fallen to this blade. Cold sweat broke out on Ashura's temples and he took a very shaky breath.

Surely the clan head hadn't come all the way from the west aisle for tea and a chat with old men.

"One knows how to be as quiet as a spider when trying to catch victims that are unfortunate to find themselves entangled in the web," Ryū drawled. "And I've found the resilient mouses..."

All of a sudden, multiple shadows blurred in at top speed and blades were drawn around the elders' necks and close to slit their throats open. Three of these shadows turned out to be none other than Dai, Daichi and Hiroki, as the triplets were sneering angrily at the old men and holding them down firmly. The arms were twisted painfully, about to be snapped, and the bodies brutally shoved on the tatami without any mercy. Elders Ashura, Senri and Yasue froze, their eyes wide and their faces pale.

"My Lord!" Senri cried out, fear dripping from his voice.

"What's the meaning of this, Master Ryū?!" Ashura bellowed. "What have we done? This is treachery against the council!"

The clan head blinked and slightly cocked his head to the right. "Is it? Because the wives of your sons have all said the opposite when presented with the unique option of being freed from their marriage, should their husbands go forward with your plan."

He strolled towards Ashura and, with a hateful sneer, stomped on the old man's right leg as hard as possible. The horrible sound of a bone being snapped echoed loudly in the room, oddly satisfying to the clan head as Matsumoto Ashura yelled in pain. The old man writhed on the tatami, still restrained by Daichi as the young shinobi kept a firm hold on him. Senri and Yasue didn't dare looking up at their leader, whose monstrous killing intent seemed to increase with the screams of the old bastard.

Ryū used his thumb to unsheathe his nodachi slowly, increasing the weight of his foot on Ashura's leg. "A leg is a leg, Elder Ashura," he declared casually. "Why the screaming? I haven't cut your limb off, so settle down before my blade tastes your blood."

"M-Master," Senri attempted as a plea.

"Satoshi had been right all along: the council should have been abolished, the tradition nullified and you should have been executed a long time ago. This situation could have been avoided and I wouldn't have to spill our blood once again for treachery inside the clan."

He was silent for a moment, save for Ashura's wheezing sounds of pain. When he turned back towards the three elders, his eyes were as cold as ice and absolutely murderous.

"This wasn't just about my precious little girl, was it?" he asked neutrally, though this sounded like a rhetorical question. "This was never just about Susanoo and Benimaru. To think you'd plot not only against me to get to my daughter, but also the Tokyo need to be reminded of what happened to our kin centuries ago. You will make a perfect example to anyone who would be stupid enough to try this again."


Susanoo stood in the defensive Matsumoto stance, her eyes glowing and cold. Her expression, though it was focused and determined, still showed how hesitant she felt about fighting back. Behind her, Karim was kneeling on the ground and holding his right shoulder. It had been dislocated when he'd attempted to fend off his attacker.

Attacker who happened to be another Matsumoto and the bastard was looking down at them from his perch, crouched on the rooftop of his brother's home. As injured as he was, Karim could only glare at the other shinobi and suppress his urge to beat him down for staring at his girlfriend this way. That lecherous stare that looked her up and down was beyond revolting, making his skin crawl disgustingly.

"Susaaaaaaanooooooooooo...," Matsumoto Kuzan crowed in his deep voice, his eyes devouring her intently. "Let's talk, baby girl. Without the lapdog, if you please? I don't want to shock him when telling you of the promised plans I have just for you, my princess."