So I was looking though documents of the early Nodus Tollens drafts and found myself editing it some. Due to the fact that I have yet to post it on AO3, I figured the edited version could go there instead of me updating the one.

On a completely unrelated note, thank you so very much to all 42 people who sent me a review! I cherish each and every one even if it's only a few words. I had no idea people would actually want to read this so all the support is surprising. Extremely welcome, but surprising nonetheless. Looking at how many people favorited or are following my work makes my head spin. Like, people actually like what I write? So thank you all to the moon and back!

I also want to apologize for the long wait. It's likely I won't be picking this back up for a while as RL has gotten hectic. Thanks for understanding!

- Silvestial


Apparently I forgot to tell you all that I already have the first chapter up on AO3. I thought I implied it enough but going back over what I wrote... ugh. Sorry! It's still under the name Silvestial and named Nodus Tollens.