Anai packed up his Bento Boxes and sighed.

Another long day, but it'd been successful.

He'd sold every one of his lunches.

Finally, he was starting to really feel like a part of the team.

Every so often, he'd still come close to blowing a fuse, but nothing like before.

"Hi, Ms. Kabae," he said, strolling back into the office and stopping by her desk.

The pink hippo looked up, a big smile on her face.

"Anai! So nice to see you!"

"I, had...saved these for you." Anai spoke, getting a little embarassed and holding out the last of his bento boxes.

"Oh! How thoughtful!" Kabae said, her ears wiggling. "But I already ate, you see."

"Yes! I know!" Anai continued, feeling more flustered. This was a change for him, showing his softer side.

"I thought maybe your kids would like it. They...really enjoyed the yakisoba at the festival."

"Aw, Anai! That's so sweet! Thank you so much!" Kabae said happily. "This helps out a whole lot! The kids really like you, you know!"

The badger smiled, a blush growing on his cheeks.

"In fact, I was thinking you could babysit them this weekend!"

"Wait, what-"