*Disclaimer* I do not own Star Wars though I rly wish I did.
Switching between the POV's of Anakin & Ahsoka
Ahsoka's POV
*On board the Resolute*
Covered in dust and dirt, I bolt out of the gunship straight to my quarters as soon as it halted in the hanger. I hear Skyguy's laughter ringing in the background as I left. After such an exhausting mission and barely making it out in one piece due to my Master's 'well thought out' plan and Master Kenobi's 'great' negotiating, I literally cannot wait to get in a steaming hot shower. But first to the mirror, duh obviously.
Ughhh is it just me or do I look disgusting. I think to myself. I mean I usually look the horrendous after a mission with Anakin in charge but my features…. Staring at the mirror, I think to myself, my legs are too fat, short, stubby and all this extra weight I've gained. Eww I look bulky as hell. Just why don't I look good enough.
Maybe just this one meal was worth missing, after all I wasn't too hungry.
Anakin's POV
*Meanwhile in the mess hall*
"Where is she?" I can't help ask. Usually, that bubbly ball of energy would be in the mess hall before anyone else, especially me claiming that she was starving to death or dying of hunger.
"Dunno," replied Obi-wan.
"This is so unlike her," I continue, but my former master couldn't care less.
"Maybe she's eating in her room, though I do agree with you on the fact that it is unlike your Padawan to be skipping meals," answered Obi-Wan logically as always.
We go back to eating our food but something doesn't settle well with me. I make sure to check on Ahsoka afterwards. I drop some food off at her door, she thanks me as well as apologising for losing track of time.
Again 'losing track of time is so unlike her.'
Ahsoka's POV
*skip ahead a few months*
I guess skipping meals became a regular thing after that. I never really felt much about it. Then again, I often found myself battling hunger like it was my arch nemesis.
Anakin didn't exactly take much notice on my sudden change of behaviour or when I skipped meals. Though he always made sure to drop food off at my room whenever I wasn't there. I thank in and pretend to eat some. Once he's long gone and I no longer can hear him, I dump the food in the bin without a second thought.
This lifestyle then became a repetitive cycle, a habit. It's either pills, supplements, water or nothing.
Fatigue hits me harder and easier nowadays and I struggle to keep up with Anakin. Nevertheless, I didn't let it show when out on missions. Otherwise, Skyguy would throw a fit and realise what was really going on and I couldn't have that.
We walk out of briefing together after being assigned a new mission. A simple one this time. Take out a Seppie outpost and trash some clankers in the process. Hardly anything could possibly go wrong with that.
Short first chapter. Let me know what you guys think. First go at writing this fandom. Feel free to review! xoxo