"What are my goals today? Oh, that's right, I must make my report to the Professor about my progress with the girls. And after that I'll have to write up new notebooks for them for the new topics that were introduced." Jaune mentally planned out his to-do list.

"JAUNEEEE!" A shrieking voice raced down the hallway.

"Oh no.." He said in a dreadful tone and could only brace for the inevitable.


"Heup!" He wheezed as a hand smacked his back, hopefully his kidneys were alright.

"Hey Vomit Boy, can you please lend me your notes?" The girl asked him in a cheery voice.

"Didn't I tell you to stop with the forcefully beating me up like a bitch greetings!" He growled at her.

"Sorry, sorry!" She bowed. "I'm in a rush you see, hence why I smashed into you by accident since I'm all fired up for practice later." Her grin matched her bright yellow hair in terms of expressing her energy. "So please Jaune! You're the only person I can rely on right now! Just let me borrow your notes and I'll copy em and give it back tomorrow!"

"You've been doing this since we started schooling together! Have you know consideration for me just a little bit?" He said internally with an annoyed face. "You're hopeless…" He told her.

"Ehhhhh?! I beg of you, please! You know how much I hate studying!" She pleaded.

"Sheesh, I guess I have no choice. You'd better not copy all of it Yang Xiao Long." H strictly said.

"Yahoo! As expected of my trusty partner Vomit Boy!" The girl beamed happily. "Right, I'll copy all of it and then return it! Thanks Jaune!" She yelled down the hall while taking off in cloud of dust.

"Did you just listen to any word I just said!?" He choked on his own saliva while saying so.

"God damn, she is such a handful at times." He groaned. "As if I don't already have my hands full already…" His thoughts immediately switched to Weiss and Ruby.


"I'd like to conclude that both Miss Schnee and Miss Rose have shown gradual improvement in their grades. That is all sir." Jaune said calmly towards Ozpin.

"Excellent, thank you for making this report Arc." The man nodded.

The blonde could finally let out a sigh of relief, at least the harder part of the day was finally over.

"There is one other thing I wanted to ask of you though Arc." Ozpin began. "I am aware you and Miss Xiao Long have an interesting relationship. Needless to say, you two are sort of close yes?"

Jaune's eyes widened at the unusual question. "Umm..what does this have to specifically-"

"Just answer the question Arc." Ozpin cut him off.

"Yes, we are sort of close." He answered.

"I have watched her carefully and no doubt she is an absolute prodigy when it comes to sports. Which is why she's a candidate for a scholarship. Seeing her gather awards and medals from various sports such as track and field, swimming, soccer and even MMA. She is an undeniable asset for this school. Ozpin explained. "However, her academic side is sort of 'lacking' to say the least. Since she's aiming for a sports scholarship, I doubt focusing on the sports field would be enough." His eyes carefully narrowed down on the blonde. "Which is why Arc, there is one more girl I'd like to entrust in your care." His smile was almost sinister like.

"I absolutely refuse."


"Like hell I'd tell him I'd refuse. If I wanted to get yeeted out of the tower and throw my application away I would've done so a long time ago." Jaune grumbled to himself as he entered the swimming pool area.

Thinking that Yang would've been here first was an obvious guess, but it rewarded him anyway as he spotted the blonde making laps in one of the lanes.

"Now all I have to do is get her attention for a bit and hopefully it'll be smooth sailing from there." He said softly as he let his bag down onto one of the seats. "Hey Yang! I wanna talk to you about something, it's important!" He waved and called out to her.

Garnering her full attention, the blonde stopped herself midway through a lap and dove under the lines to reach the edge. For Jaune to be calling her up at this hour meant he must have something really important to talk about. "Meh, it can't be that bad right?" She told herself.


In the event he hadn't noticed Yang in a swimsuit before, he sure did now. But seeing her like this really showed how tone her body was. From her curvy waist, a decent chest size and overall body shape. She could easily fit the bill of many guys out there, no wonder guys keep falling for her.

"Gee Jaune, if you could make yourself anymore of a creep, why don't you keep staring at her huh?!" He scolded himself. "Then again, she is kinda hot, I'll give her that."

"Tutoring? What for?" Yang cocked her head to one side with a curious look on her face.

"You're applying for a scholarship right at your desired university right?" Jaune asked her.

Yang's face lit up in joy. "Yeah, how did you know!? By scoring that scholarship I don't have to study at all!"

"Well, it looks like this time they want students to both excel at sports and their studies. You're well on track with the former, but with you're sort of…lacking…" He put it bluntly to her. "You do realise that the exams would cover everything from history, literature, math and so on right? Which means stealing my notes ain't gonna cut it anymore!" He put it straight.

"EHH?!" Yang's jaw hung wide open in shock. For a good few minutes she stared in disbelief. For a moment there she looked like she was about to faint. "No thanks, I quit. Death is a more preferable alternative than studying." She concluded in a bizarre manner.

"You sure decided your future quickly!" Jaune cried out in disbelief. "But you have no choice Yang, my Scholar Progenium application is on the line," He began slowly. "So like it or not you're going to be studying no matter what!" He exclaimed as the girl made a mad dash for it.

"NOOO, I DON'T WANNAAA!" She told him while running away.

"Hey wait! Settle down you fool!" He told her while chasing after her.

By now the duo had made a few laps around the pool. With Yang running away from her biggest fear, she slowly began to enjoy the activity, well, torturing poor Jaune by leading him around the pool that is.

"Heh, this is kinda fun!" She grinned happily as she glanced over her shoulder to see Jaune keeping up with her.

"W-Wait! You're really keeping this up?!" He asked her while continuing the chase. Truth be told, he was starting to tire himself out at this point. He could feel his lungs about to pop at any given chance now.

"Catch me if you can Vomit Boy!" She teased him while keeping up the pace.

Using every ounce of strength he had left, he pushed himself to the near breaking limit and ran even faster. Closing the gap between him and the fiery blonde, he managed to latch onto her without retaliation. "Gotcha!"

"Eh?!" Yang gasped.

"Huh?" Jaune wore a bemused look as he found himself flying forward, straight towards the water.

"Jaune!" Yang called out to him.



*Huff* *Huff* "I'm so sorry Jaune, now you're school uniform is all wet because of me." Yang apologised between breaths.

"It's alright, I should've watched where I was going anyways hehe." He chuckled while gasping for air. "But more importantly Yang."

"Hmm?" The girl wore a curious look on her face.

"I managed to catch you now!" He grinned triumphantly


"Jaune should be here right?" Weiss pointed to the doors leading to the swimming pool.

"According to what Cardin told us, yes he should be here." Ruby replied with her hand already on the door handle.

"Let's get him out of here already, I'm eager to begin studying since there isn't much time left for today. At best I'd like to squeeze out as much as I can." Weiss let out a tired yawn.

As Ruby yanked the door open, the Heiress was the first to walk in. As the smell of chlorine invaded her nostrils, she adjusted to the environment and looked around for any sign of Jaune. Letting her eyes fall onto an inappropriate scene unfolding before her, she froze for a few seconds as he face turned bright red.

"What's got you so spooked, and where's Jaune?" Ruby asked the girl as she came up next to her. Noticing the scene that unfolded before her eyes, she too couldn't help but stare.

"I-Is t-that Jaune?!" Weiss pointed a finger to one of the figures.

"Is he!?...Ruby gasped while trailing off her sentence.

"Don't try and run anyway now! I'm going to make sure you're never leaving my sight again!" He declared out loud.

"EEEEK! Noooo!" A feminine voice cried out in resistance.

Without thinking twice, Weiss ran over and yanked the fire extinguisher off the wall. Quickly approaching Jaune from behind, she concluded that what Jaune was performing to this poor girl was beyond sensible.

"Bad Jaune! Bad, bad Jaune!" Weiss screamed out loud as she wacked the blonde on the back with the fire extinguisher.

One swing was all it took to knock him off the girl and onto his back. Needless to say, the amount of curse words that were uttered in those 30 seconds would be comparable to that of a prisoner.



Seeing that Ruby was standing a few feet behind the Heiress, he leaned his head to one side and was only met with a killing gaze.

"You're sick…." Ruby mouthed quietly at him while glaring daggers.

"WHA?! Why are you looking at me in such a disgusted way?!" Jaune was speechless as he could only cower away in fear from Ruby.

"Hang on a second! Aren't you both misunderstanding something here!?" Jaune tried to reason out but was only met with hostile looks.

"Not at all! In fact, I wouldn't even associate a fraction of myself with this situation!" Ruby told him.

While the trio argued amongst themselves, Yang stood quietly to the side and wore a poker face as the situation dissolved even further.

"Wait a second, Weiss, Ruby?!" She butted in after recognizing the girls.

"Eh?! Yang!" Weiss said in bemused look.

"Big Sis?!" Ruby gasped in awe before showing even more hostility towards Jaune.

"What are you all doing here? Is something up?" Yang asked curiously.

"We were looking for Jaune, that is until we came across this situation." Weiss said sheepishly.

"Oh, you guys hang out now?" Yang cocked her head to one side.

"Ummm…it's a bit more than that you see…." Ruby began before choosing her next words.


"Huh?! Even geniuses like you suck at something? Ruby I thought you were great at everything!?" Yang wore a surprised look on her face.

"Please stop with the pampering sis." Ruby said in a deadpan manner with a smile.

"It's been no surprise but Jaune has been helping us a lot lately. We're really grateful for his help." Weiss said while brushing her hair.

"I see…" Yang said slowly while putting a finger to her chin. Clearly pondering on the thought about being tutored by Jaune. "You know what, I wouldn't mind getting taught by Vomit Boy. On top of that I'm kind of jealous he's getting all this attention from Weiss and Ruby. Maybe he might notice me some more…"

Without further notice, Yang wrapped her arms around Weiss and Ruby and pulled them together, with a big smile on her face, she said. "Alright, its settled! Starting today we'll be comrades in arms, I going to get tutored by Jaune as well!"

"Eh!?" Ruby wore a surprised look on her face.

"The more the merrier I say!" Weiss said happily.

"HUH!? Since when were you so eager on studying Yang Xiao Long?!" Jaune wore a baffled look on his face.

"Well, its alright now. Don't worry about it Jaune." She waved the doubt away.

"Eh? I still don't understand what's going on here." He told himself while staring blankly as the three girls laughed and talked to each other. "Why did she change her mind all of a sudden after talking to them?" He said quietly. "Ah well, I got what I wanted anyways."

Walking along the marked footpath, the blonde girl with a fiery heart stretched her arms out and let loose a tired yawn. Examining the notebook she had in her hand, she couldn't help but reflect back on the earlier days where she would constantly borrow his notes. As far as she could remember, this had been going since they first started schooling together.


"Hey Jaune, why'd you always let Yang use your notes? You gain absolutely nothing out of it you know?" A voice told the blonde.

"Well…its not like I'd just show them to anyone you know?" Jaune shot back. "Its because she's given up everything else in order to focus on refining the athletic skills, frankly speaking she's worked quite hard to get where she is now."

"Psssh! You say that but there's something else. Spit it out will ya? You know you wouldn't mind someone like her now would you?" His friend teased him.

"That's not it you idiot!" Jaune barked at him.

-end flashback-

"I still find it cute about the way he thinks about me. Maybe its just me but I sorta admire that side of him. Silly Jaune, you're always working hard for others. Maybe it's time I do something for you!" Yang silently said to herself as she continued walking, notebook now clutched to her chest tightly. "Don't worry Jaune, I'll work hard for you!"

Leaning over the engine bay with a socket wrench in hand, Jaune Arc busied himself as he loosened a few bolts here and there to access a few things. Hearing his phone chime in his pocket, he paused what he was doing and wondered who messaged him.

Unlocking the device, he was surprised at the name of the messenger. Deciding to dial the person, he waited patiently for the person to answer.

"Hello, Jaune?" A male voice came through.

"Azrael? What's up?" Jaune asked him.

"Did you get my message? There's a race happening tonight of 5th avenue. The event is hosted by GRID, so its somewhat legal hehe." He chuckled.

"You already know my answer bud, I told you I wouldn't go back into racing anymore. Especially not after that incident." Jaune said sternly.

"Hear me out bro, you don't have to race this time. Let's just go and spectate what sorta shit they're hosting and look at the cars. You know wouldn't mind looking at some nice tuners and exotics eyy?" Azrael nudged him.

"For crying out loud." Jaune rolled his eyes. While he did have a point of not racing, he had other plans to tend too for the night.

"Rynx is going to be there too. That new ghost racer that been hyping everyone up lately." Azrael added.

With a short pause, Jaune immediately made up his mind. "I'll be there in 10, see you soon." He finished before ending the call.

Throwing on his leather jacket, he made sure the engine bay was back in its normal state before closing the lid entirely. Jumping into the vehicle, he flicked the key into the ignition and fired the old girl up once more.

As the engine idled smoothly, he pulled out of the garage and made haste towards the city, leaving behind a noisy wake. Zipping through the neighbourhood and onto the highway, the night was just about to get started.

It didn't take long for the blonde to arrive at his destination due to his driving skills. Cruising down the quieter part of the CBD, it wasn't quiet for long as a portion of the area had been completely taken over.

Music blasted through the air while the sound of various engines being revved to max fused with it. People flocked to the area as car enthusiasts and party goers alike gathered to witness to main event.

It wasn't a surprise that this sort of activity was illegal but pay the right people the right amount and they'd be willing to look the other way for a good while. With the amount of money being generated by these types of activities, it was no wonder they kept going.

Pulling up at a set of gates, a guard standing watch casually approached the vehicle with a friendly smile.

"Here for the party lad, or for the race, maybe both?" He chuckled.

"Don't know if this still works, but name's Jaune. Used to be race occasionally." The blonde said.

"Oh shit?! The Jaune Arc? Drift Rookie? Man you've been out awhile, you know the drill pal, ex member or members are more than welcome to park their cars up inside. I'll let you through." He said with a grin.

As the thin metal gate was pushed open, he gently rolled the car forward and into the venue. Immediately people flocked to see the new comer, gazing in awe and pointing fingers as they tried to figure out what car it was.

"Dude, is that a lambo?!" A guy shouted from the crowd.

"Get your facts right man, it's clearly a Honda!" Another one said.

All Jaune could do was cringe at the poor attempts. An attempt was made alright, but it crashed and burned straight away.

Parking the car up into a bay, he got out and was greeted by a crowd of people who swarmed for a closer look at his car. Not walking more than five feet away from his car, a friendly face appeared in his view to greet him.

"Bro! It's good to see you!" Azrael greeted him with a large grin before enveloping him in a hug.

"Likewise, dude." Jaune patted his back.

"I found a spot not far from here, you don't have to worry about your car being damaged or anything. The race is going to start soon." He winked.

"Can't believe I'm at a gathering like this after so long." The blonde sighed.

"I know this is sudden and all, but you want to race on the track after this?" Azrael casually threw the question out.

"No, absolutely not." Jaune declared.

"I knew you were going to say that." He wore an amused look on his face which spelt trouble. "What if I told you that you could be racing Rynx again?"

Jaune stopped in his tracks, clearly taken aback by the statement. Just what had he gotten himself into again? To use that name as an intimidation tactic to get him back into racing, would his urge give in or would his rationality and logic triumph?

"Cunt." He cursed under his breath.

Azrael could only give him a shit eating grin as the sounds of engines roaring drowned out every other noise. Confetti and party poppers went off in celebration as the main event kicked off, throwing the crowd into a wild frenzy.